Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P72 (02-27-24)
You Are the Temple of God
~ People have forgotten the word of God. They have forgotten that they are the temple of God themselves. Most people are waiting around for someone to build a physical temple, when the Truth is, God lives in every believer who is in Christ Jesus. God has built his temple today, and it is a Holy Temple, set apart by God to do His good works in and through the believer of God. Likewise, Satan has also built his temple, where there are those that are controlled by Satan and the demons of the world. Today what is going on is a separation of the wheat and the tares. The harvest is near. And the tares are all headed to the lake of fire. Some folks don’t want to hear that, because they think that we are all God’s children. That is a lie of Satan, for not everyone has the Holy Spirit for Life. And a reminder, not everyone who says, “Lord Lord” is a child of God. For there are many deceivers in the world today. If you are in Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit is testifying to your spirit that that is the case. And in these last days it is becoming more and more apparent what is happening. Those with eyes to see can see. Those without the Holy Spirit cannot see the truth of what is happening right in front of their eyes. Reminder, there is a world that is more real than what the physical eyes can see.
Do you not know that you yourselves are God’s temple, and the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16
~ “So something new is happening. A person wants to hang on to that temple. He said, wait a minute, that’s not the house of God. That’s not the house of God. You’re the house of God. All of these things, folks are a change in mindset. See what it says Don’t be conformed to the world, but be transformed how? By the renewing of your mind. We’re not born into this world with wisdom. We’re born in this world with human stupidity. And the only thing stupidity needs is corrected. And if we’re going to look toward wisdom, we’re going to have to find our wisdom from God because there certainly isn’t any in the world. All the world is is total deception. If you don’t believe that, just watch the advertising campaigns. And we realize as we’ve said before, this great when it’s out there that a lure is based on the principle of deception. That’s what a lure is. You’re lured into something I said there’s no fish that ever bit into one of those thinking that it was a lure. They bit into it thinking it was the real thing and was deceived by the lure and ended up in the skillet. That’s what happens you and me. We bite into the lures. There’s not a one of us that bite into a lure thinking we’re going to end up in the frying pan. But we’re deceived. And that’s what the world does. It’s a deceiver. It’s a deception. That always makes things look better than they are. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
So something new is happening. A person wants to hang on to that temple. He said, wait a minute, that’s not the house of God. That’s not the house of God. You’re the house of God. All of these things, folks are a change in mindset. See what it says Don’t be conformed to the world, but be transformed how? By the renewing of your mind. We’re not born into this world with wisdom. We’re born in this world with human stupidity. And the only thing stupidity needs is corrected. And if we’re going to look toward wisdom, we’re going to have to find our wisdom from God because there certainly isn’t any in the world. All the world is is total deception. If you don’t believe that, just watch the advertising campaigns. And we realize as we’ve said before, this great when it’s out there that a lure is based on the principle of deception. That’s what a lure is. You’re lured into something I said there’s no fish that ever bit into one of those thinking that it was a lure. They bit into it thinking it was the real thing and was deceived by the lure and ended up in the skillet. That’s what happens you and me. We bite into the lures. There’s not a one of us that bite into a lure thinking we’re going to end up in the frying pan. But we’re deceived. And that’s what the world does. It’s a deceiver. It’s a deception. That always makes things look better than they are. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
I was this morning talking to a young guy that we just were briefly there, and he was talking about his wife have a new baby. And he said, man, every time that baby cry, she’s up like that. And he said, I keep telling Hey, hold on, we don’t have to go. And I told her, you don’t have a wife. You just got a woman. They all do that. He Oh, really. He said, mine is on you knew they’re all same way. And he was a great relief to him to realize that he didn’t have a weird one on his hands. That’s just just wait things go. Now you’ll see the world go out. And so that’s if you’ve got a weird one that other one over there wouldn’t do that. You just stay in bed snuggle with you all day while the baby’s crying. There are none like that. Unless they’re deaf and dumb. The lures of the world. They’re all out there aren’t they? And religiously, well, they’re also lures. And the lure is the Tinseltown the lure is the the big mega church idea and make it big and programs. If I can get the kids Oh, if I get the kids, I have people sometimes I sit down, say why do you keep? Why do you keep supporting what you’re supporting? And I’m not talking about dollars? I’m just talking about in? Oh, well it’s good for the kids. Well, where were your kids? Oh, they were all they’re one of them is a drug addicts. One of them’s lost as a goose and yet it was good for him. It was good for him good to be in church. Folks, we’ve got some kind of a mentality around where we totally ignore what is being taught all we care about is something is being taught. If like I mentioned last week with the with the books, this school teacher was up on top of the building because their students had read 1500 books, no one asked what were in those books. What was contained in those books is that good literature is that bad literature is a truthful literature isn’t lie, it doesn’t make it there. We just read 1500 books. That’s all it matters. And we don’t care what’s being taught as long as something’s being taught it as long as the atmosphere is there, and as long as there’s some recreation. And as long as there’s some programs, and all that. That’s all it matters. I cannot tell you the number of kids that I know today that today are my daughter’s were my daughter’s age who are dead today of AIDS. Who were in all the choir tours. And singing in the choir. And praising the Lord with their lips with the best who are dead. I know at least 10 of them. Dead today with AIDS.
So folks if we’re going to think about our youth, then we’re gonna have to quit thinking about entertaining them. And think about what’s being taught to them. Because only truth sets a child free. The same way that truth sets you and me free. And error will put you in bondage. I don’t care what kind of an entertainment section you’ve got for them. So children need to be taught truth, not error. And you can have a Christian lure Just like you can have a porno lure. It doesn’t make an ounce of difference. Any thing that can get you away from truth is truth. A fisherman doesn’t care whether he catches a fish with a worm, or a good look and lure as long as he catches the fish. And it doesn’t make a difference whether you get people into error through religion or you get them into error through porno. You’ve got them in the error. And folks, we have got to realize that this whole Bible, this whole book of Hebrews is a book that is saying get your eyes off of outward performance and get it on to Jesus. He is the author and perfecter of our faith. He is the one that we are to keep our eyes on.
Now to the Hebrew there was Moses and He said, There’s someone greater than Moses. He then talks about Joshua, Moses got him out of Egypt. That is the equivalent today of us being lost. And getting into the desert, Moses put them there. But Moses didn’t get them into the Promised Land, and there is another lure. That Manna is okay. God said, I want you to go to the Promised Land, I want you to go into the Promised Land. I want you to go be able to eat from trees that you didn’t plant and drink from wells that you didn’t dig. I want you to go in and enter into that Sabbath rest where you rest from your works, and walk by faith in him. That’s a Sabbath rest. Moses didn’t take them into their. Joshua had to take them into there. So the one that got them out of Egypt didn’t take them into the Promised Land. And somebody else had to do that. And that was Joshua. That he said, and this is in chapter four. In verse eight, for if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. There remains then a Sabbath rest for his people of God, for anyone who enters God’s rest, also rests from his own work just as God did from us. And then it says, Let us make their for every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following the example of disobedience and all that is, is unbelief in God. For the word of God is active and it’s sharper. It says that a two edged sword, it penetrates the dividing between the soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and it judges, the thoughts and the attitude of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him, whom you must give an account. Give an account for what? Did I trust him for this. Was I depending upon my synagogue, was I depending upon my temple was I, depending upon being a follower of Moses, was iOpener, upon being a member of the Baptist Church was I remember, depending on being a member of the Presbyterian Church, or whatever else it is, or did you come to Christ for him and him alone? Did we come to Christ so that I could have some kind of a manifestation that make me all happy and give me goosebumps? Did I come to Christ, so that my leg would get shorter or longer? Did I come to Christ for him? Did I come to Christ so that I could walk around and say, Look at me, how, holy I am? Or did I come to Christ? Because I came to the realize how wretched I am? Why did we come to Christ for gain? Or did we come to Christ, because we saw our condition, lost, wretched and understood his provision and accepted him, not ceremony, not form, not the temple, not a follower of Moses, as great as those men were not a follower of Joshua as great as those men were. But of Jesus. We say, Well, wait a minute, well, what about Abraham? Because Abraham was even before Moses, no leaven, boy, all of us the father. Okay, let’s talk about Abraham, the book of Hebrews talks about Abraham. And he talks about the fact that someone greater than Abraham is there. And he gave the proof of that, in the fact that Abraham himself when he conquered, and went back in and saved his nephew Lot, and defeated the Kings, that on his way back gave a 10th of his plunder to this priest called Melchizedek. And said, a person gives to someone greater than you. So there was a priest called Melchizedek greater than Abraham. And why did he say that? Because the Hebrew couldn’t understand a person who was all tied up and Abraham couldn’t understand they’re gonna ever be someone greater than Abraham. And they said, Well, wait a minute, that makes sense. Isn’t it strange that the Bible is supposed to make sense? It’s supposed to be logical to most logical book on the face of the earth. And people need their minds renewed with these things. I mean, you just can’t go through folks like we’ve been doing and put our brains on the shelf and say, Well, I just believe because I just believe. God said it. I believe it that does it.
God didn’t stop there. Said I gave you a mind, I want you to think with it. He said, Come, let’s reason together. Why do we need to reason together? Because my mind needs to be able to reason there’s a logic behind all of this. So the person who is a follower of Abraham, he’s saying, wait a minute, let’s take a look in the very scriptures that you believe in. Did Abraham or did he not give a 10th of his plunder? Which was customed to someone greater than themselves? Did he? Or did he not do that? Said, Yes, he did. Well, then there was someone greater than him. Of course, what he gave was what was called a 10th of their plunder. So what have we done? Take that and tell everybody I’ll be tithing. Missed the whole point of what it was, this whole thing was about, was there someone greater than Abraham, and that’s Christ, and we make a tithing deal out of it. That’s what religion always does. Because religion is more interested in me and what I’m doing than him and what he’s doing. So every time the building campaign comes along, and every time somebody gets the idea to go build a new building, then we have a season of tithing. And we teach tithing. There isn’t tithing in the New Testament. And a church that’s teaching tithing isn’t teaching truth, and a little bit of leaven spoils the whole thing. If you teach the leaven of tithing, you’re gonna teach the leaven of everything else, you show me a church teaching tithing, and I’ll show you teaching legalism all over the place. That’s not the only part of the problem. Tithing is not in the New Testament never has been never will be. If you’re talking about giving in the New Testament, you’re talking about giving joyfully freely and without compulsion, you’re not talking about tithing. Tithing was to support the Levitical priesthood. Again, what are we talking about? Someone greater than the Levites are here, and that’s Christ Jesus. And he doesn’t need supported by us. His work needs carried on. But tithing was bringing foodstuffs.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:24
And then we come down and come in and say bring all your tithes to the storehouse if you heard that and if you don’t you’re robbing God no rob God says so right there Malachi. Well, what are you doing over there? Thought you were under New Covenant. Gonna bring tithes to a storehouse up below. Just bring all kinds of food stuff in here and dump it ao high you couldn’t even see this thing in here. Call this the storehouse. It’s in the storehouse, the building.
And so, again, religion comes in, does with it what they want to do with it. You can make scripture being a thing you want to if you take it out of context, and made this passage that is a phenomenal passage to show the supremacy of Christ and get off of the major, and major on a minor. It’s not talking about it at all, it’s talking about this fact that there was a king called Melchizedek, who was a king of Salem and a priest of God, Most High, no one knows where it came from. No one’s know where he was going didn’t have a genealogy that anyone could trace, no one ever heard of him before. But he was out of sync as far as what the Levitical priesthood was all about. And he was greater than Abraham. And someone on the order of Melchizedek is here, and he’s talking about Christ.
Now, let’s go down to the seventh chapter in verse 11. And we’ll pick up there. Now, after talking about all of these things that are greater, are greater. Christ is greater than this Christ is greater than his Christ is greater than this. It’s for the purpose of getting your dependency off of all these other things. I don’t want your dependency upon a ministry. I don’t want you to dependency on People to People. I don’t want you to dependency upon the Baptist denomination or the Catholic denomination or the Presbyterian denomination or the Plymouth Brethren. And I’ll miss some and thereby glad to do I mean, I get people get mad will mention those names. Oh, why they get mad when we mentioned there name. I don’t get mad when I mention our name. But if you get mad because I’m mentioning your name or something wrong with you, and you better deal with it. And what’s wrong with you is you’ve got a misplaced dependency. You got to pride problem that I’m a member of the Presbyterian Church, well, bully for you. That’s your identity. Folks, if my identity is in being I’m a Baptist or I’m a Presbyterian, I’m a Methodist, I have a misplaced dependency. The only dependency that God ever wanted us to have is on him. And the only identity that ever wanted us to have is that of being a child of the living God. Who are you? I’m a child of God. Now I can be a child of God, it happens to go over to a Presbyterian Church and be a child of God, it goes to Baptist Church. Don’t ever call me a Baptist or Presbyterian or People People. I’m not, that is not my identity. I am not a Baptist, I’m not a Presbyterian, I’m not a Methodist. I’m not a Catholic, I’m a child of living God, please don’t insult me by calling me one of those things. They’re man made. And God didn’t even have anything with making them. Now, at least God had something to do with making the temple. So I understand these people’s false identity, their identity, I can understand that God made that he didn’t have a thing to do if these things were about. That’s all man made.
Now, even with the things he was about, he says in the 11th, verse, If perfection, could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood, for on the basis of the law, it was given to the people. In other words, the Levitical priesthood wasn’t something we made up, God initiated that. But he said, For on the basis of the law, it was given to the people. But if it could, if the law that was given by God to the people could enable you to be to gain perfection, then why is there still a need for another priest to come? One on the order of Melchizedek, not on the order of Aaron for when there is a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change in the law. If you’re going to change the priesthood, then you’re going to have to change the law. And there has been a change of priesthood it’s talking about, no longer the Levites no longer Levitical priesthood, but one on the order of Melchizedek. In other words, Christ. He of whom these things are said belong to a different tribe. In other words, Jesus and no one from that tribe ever serve at the altar. Jesus came out broad on a Judah no one from there ever served at the altar. For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah and in regard to that tribe, Moses said nothing about priests. And what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek occurs, one who has become a priest not on the basis of regulation or of ancestry, but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life. He lives forever. For it is declared you’re a priest forever on the order of Melchizedek. Now he said the former, that regulation was set aside, because it was weak and useless. And then again says, For the law made nothing perfect, but who gave the Law? God. But did it make anyone perfect? Of course not that why that’s why it was weak and useless. It’s the same thing. Paul said, there’s nothing wrong with the law. It’s holy, and it’s good. But when it flows through me, it kills me. So it’s useless to me. What was intended to bring righteousness brings death to me, it’s useless to be. So the former regulation was set aside, it says it was weak and useless. And a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God. Want to draw near to God, you never got to do it through the law, you can’t. So God introduced something brand new, whereby the result of that is we can draw nearer to God, why do you do all of this? Why did Christ come to the earth? Why was the temple destroyed? Why did all of these happen? So that he could provide a way for you and for me, to draw nearer to God. That’s the reason so that we can know our God. Now is that love? That’s love. God looked down at his creations that I want you to draw near to me, I want you to be my friend. I don’t want you be scared of me. I want you draw near to me. I don’t want you to be walking around with a guilty conscience, I’ll provide forgiveness total, take them away. So that’s what? You can draw near to me. What do you think that I’m going to become a man and walk on this earth and, and take your sins upon myself and take them away at the Cross once and for ALL, so that you can draw nearer to me, so that you can walk boldly into the throne of grace, calling him Daddy, Father. That’s why I’m doing all these things, so that you can draw near to me, I’ve drawn near to you so that you can draw near to me. How come? That’s my desire for you to draw near to Him. That’s my desire. He says, I want to be your friend. I want a relationship with you. I want to love you.
Now it says this new hope that was introduced was not without an oath, others became priests without any oath. But he became a priest with an oath when God said to Him, the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind you are a priest forever. Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant. Now, there had been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office. That cracks me up. They said, a death kind of prevented this guy from going on. He had been a priest forever, but death prevented it. But because Jesus lives forever, an indestructible life. He has a permanent priesthood, not a priest, it’s going to come and go, permanent. Therefore, he is able to save completely. Folks, that word completely there translated in the NIV means forever. He is able to save forever. How long is your salvation? Forever, from the day that you came to the Son. And if you have the Son, you have what? Life. The very day that you came to the Son and received life and were saved, how long were you saved? Forever. That’s why you’re called you are complete in Christ. It’s the same as saying you are forever in Christ. You are completed and that means you’re not going to add to it or subtract to it. It means, it’s forever. That kind of blows the idea that you can be saved and then lose your salvation doesn’t it. A person who believes you can lose your salvation that know what salvation is to begin with. It’s not because you’re stupid. It’s because many times we’ve been taught that way. Salvation is life. To be saved is to be saved by the life of Christ. Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven. Everyone’s sins were forgiven at the cross all the world sins were forgiven. When we were yet enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son. That’s the whole world when we were enemies that’s lost. The whole world sins were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, and how much more having been reconciled shall we be saved by his what? His life You’re not saved to the death of Christ, we’re saved for the life of Christ. Sins were forgiven for the whole world. So that raised from the dead, he can cure the wages of sin, which is what? Death. And the only solution to death is life. And that’s why I said, I came at You Might Have Life. So we come to Christ for life. Thanking him for what he did at the cross and receiving life, whose life? Christ’s life, living in you, your only hope of glory. Now, when that occurs, you have been saved completely. He’s the one who saves completely, all of those who come to God through Him. Again, folks, we talked about this last week, this isn’t one of those things where God just said, I’m just gonna find some guy down there and call him Jesus, and then say, there’s no other name under heaven whereby you must be saved. I mean, if you don’t come to this guy over here, that’s it. And we talk around, say, well come to Jesus come to Jesus. And we don’t know what Jesus is who he is what he did, or anything else. God doesn’t work that way. We come to God through his Son because his Son is the only one who paved the way for us to come to God. Christ Jesus did something, he came to this earth to do something for you and me, that no other man on the face of this earth could do. He came to this earth to do what a Mohammed could not do, what a Buddha could not do, any religious founder could not do, no denomination can do, no priests can do. No prophet can do. He came to do something, no one could do but God and that is to provide a sacrifice of such a quality, that it was greater than all of the vileness of the sin of the entire world. And only the blood of God was more precious than the vileness of the sins of the world. No one else could do that.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
