Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P10 (09-19-23)
The Angel Gabriel Was And Is Instructed By God Himself to Be a Key Messenger
~ Angels are ministering spirits sent by God Himself to serve those who will inherit salvation. The angel Gabriel had lots of special duties to share very important messages to people that are recorded in the scriptures. We ought to pay attention to these details, because details matter. Details matter not only in our understanding of who Jesus is, and what He came to do, and what He did on the cross for the sins of the whole world (having taken away the sins of the whole world), but the details matter in creation too. We see in scripture that God (Jesus the Creator of All Things), created the EARTH with foundations. The EARTH still has foundations and cannot be moved. Many times we gloss over the details in the word of God. Time to start paying attention to ALL details. Because in these last days, the unsealing of the Truth of the word of God (spoken of by Daniel) is happening right before our very eyes. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear can see and hear what is going on today. And the Lord will provide you with much wisdom, simply by asking for it, and he will provide it with abundance.
~ Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews 1:14
~ “In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
They will perish, but you remain;
they will all wear out like a garment.
You will roll them up like a robe;
like a garment they will be changed.
But you remain the same,
and your years will never end.” Hebrews 1:10-12
~ He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. You covered it with the watery depths as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. Psalm 104:5-6
~ If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5
~ “Now, there are two angels that are mentioned very actively in the Bible besides that of Lucifer, that, of course, is today called Satan. One of those angels is Gabriel, and the other is Michael. And today, I’d like for us to take a look at this angel Gabriel. First of all, you’re going to see some of the activities of Gabriel, he explained in the Old Testament. First of all, he explained the vision of the ram and the goat that have a vision or a dream of Daniel’s, you will also see him explaining the 70 weeks of Daniel and we’re going to get into that for a moment, you will see this angel Gabriel that predicted the birth of John the Baptist as he appeared to Zacharias, you’ll see the angel predicted the birth did he not have Jesus to Mary. You’ll see that he assured Joseph of Mary’s condition and of her purity and that you’re safe to go ahead and to marry her. You will notice that Gabriel was the one who warned Joseph about the plot of Herod that was against them. You’ll also notice that he told Joseph about the death of Herod and that he could return from Egypt. He is the angel that announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds, rolled back the stone of His resurrection, who freed the apostles from prison. He’s the angel that set Phil up into the desert, if you’ll remember to meet the eunuch out there where he led him to Christ. As he was reading through the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. He instructed Cornelius to send for Peter, if you’ll remember, he freed Peter Peter from prison. Gabriel was the angel that opened up the doors and freed Peter from prison, he executed wicked Herod for blasphemy. And he reassured Paul, on the deck of the sinking ship that he was on, that everything was going to be just as it was stated. So the Bible is full of declarations about angel and angelic activity. That certainly takes place and took place in not only the Old Testament, but in the early days, today. Now it says that angels are ministering spirits. And it said they are sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. You’re going to see that if that is the case that these are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation, you’ll see two sides of that. I would see one side of a ministering spirit sent to serve those who will inherit salvation, as the protective activity that takes that takes place by an angel on the part of those who are going to come to Christ.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Let’s turn to the book of Hebrews we are picking up where we left off last week, where the emphasis from the writer of the book of Hebrews is to show the superiority of Christ. And the only reason that he would have to do that is because there is teaching and was teaching and in some extent, still is claiming that angels would be superior to Christ. Or if you were of a certain persuasion, where Moses was superior to Christ. If you came out of the Hebrew background at that time, and you will hear the Pharisees talking, that Moses is our Father, he is who we follow. And so through the book of Hebrews, the author is going through and showing this superiority over revelation, superiority over the angels, superiority over Moses, over the priesthood, over the sacrificial system, and realizing that Christ is all in all, and, and that’s what he is trying to address here.
Now, he goes ahead then to say in past, God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets that many times and in various ways, but in these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory, and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. And after he had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. And so he became as superior to the angels as the name He has inherited, is superior to theirs. And now he is going forth with his argument in regard to his superiority over angels. And again, I would see no need for anyone doing that unless there were people who were claiming that there was superiority in angels over that of Christ. And he goes ahead to say, for which of the angels did God ever say you are my son? Today I become your father. For again, I will be his father and he will be my son. And again, when God brings forth is first born into the world, he says, Let all God’s angels worship Him. In speaking of the angels, he says, he makes the angels winds and the servants flames of fire, but about the Son, he says, Your throne, oh God, talking about Jesus will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of Your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore, God your God has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. He also says in the beginning of the Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hand, they will perish but you will remain, they will all wear out like a garment you will roll them back like a robe like a garment, they will be changed but you will remain the same. And your years will never end. To which of the angels did he ever say, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool will pour your feet? Are not all angels, ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
We talked about the fact that in God’s creation that he created not only man, Adam and Eve, but at the time of his creation was the creation of angels. He they were made by God. They were not like man that comes through natural birth, every angel was created by God himself. The angel world there’s no male nor female. There is no marriage in heaven. That’s, and there’s an Angels do not marry. So as I’ve said, sometimes some people think that’s why they call that heaven. I’m not sure about that. But at any rate, there is no marriage in heaven. Angels do not have children. So every angel is a created being of God. We’re told there are millions upon millions of them. Now, a couple of things that I’d like to do is last week we talked about the angel world as it related to the fallen angel. Lucifer was the angel that fell. Lucifer was the number one angel. We talked about that last week, beautiful in all ways, pride entered in covetousness entered in. We talked about last week that sin of coveting. And I don’t think we could talk long enough about that we’re going to kind of put a little bit of a pause in there. We’ll hit that at a later time. But I believe it’s so important for us to see that out of the heart of this angelic being the one that was God’s pride and joy, so to speak in the angelic creation, that he was not satisfied to serve God. He wanted what he didn’t own, what he didn’t have. That’s what coveting is, where we desire and want What does not belong to us. And even before pride was this sin of coveting. We talked about it last week, how Paul in Romans seven when he went through his dissertation of the nothing wrong with the law, he said, but when it flows through me, sin, seizing the opportunity, creates all kinds of sinful desires in me and it killed me. He said, I would not even have known what coveting was, had the law said, Do not covet. But when the law said, Don’t covet sin, seizing that opportunity stirred up of all kinds of coveting desires in me, and he said, I died. So, you see, we have to understand that covetousness is an unbelievable sin. It is the root of what plagues most of us. It’s that continual desire to want something and want what you don’t have what what other people have. And that’s exactly what happened to Lucifer. He wanted what God had. We talked about how that will spell itself out in the spiritual world as well. We do not realize how much coveting is in us. Man says, God, I want righteousness. Don’t we? I want to be righteous, but I don’t want you. So we go out and try to create our own righteousness. What are we doing? We’re coveting a characteristic of God that we do not have that he does have saying, I want what you’ve got. But I don’t want you who gives it to me. We want righteousness. But I don’t want the God who gives it to us. We come down and say, God, you are forgiveness, I want your forgiveness. But I don’t want you who provides it for me, I want to create my own. And so we come up with every harebrained idea in the world as to how to keep ourselves forgiven. Instead of realizing it’s a gift of God, it comes from God. If you and I are in Christ, today, we don’t get forgiven, we live in a state of forgiveness. That is our estate, it’s part of our inheritance, we are forgiven people period, you don’t get what you already have.
And so we covet many times, even characteristics of people, we covet sometimes talents of people, I would like to have their talent, I don’t have it, but I’d like to have it. And if I can’t have what they have, then I’ll try to destroy them. So it looks bad. And all kinds of things stir up inside of us do they not as a result of this sin of covetousness that is talked about in the Scriptures wanting what belongs to others that we cannot have. And it’s insatiable. And my friends, the problem with this type of thing is, it never ends. Sin never goes backwards. It always goes forwards. You never think of sinning less only of sinning more. That’s why you and I cannot afford to hate an enemy because the minute you start hating hate does not care who it falls on. And the minute you start hating an enemy before long, you’ll start hating your friends. Because hate itself is the sin not the object. And before long, it goes over here and over here and over here and over here. And before long, you just find yourself a hateful person. So you can’t afford the luxury of hating someone. That’s the problem with coveting. I want I want it doesn’t stop with there. Have you noticed that? You think boy, if I could just get that how content I would be. What happens to you when you get it? What you’re looking for something else to get. And then if you get that what do you do? Well, you’re looking for something else. And all of a sudden, you’re in a state where nothing is ever enough to you. It just wanting more and more and more and more. The very opposite of what the Bible says to learn to be content in whatever state that you’re in. And if you’ve got a roof over your head, you’ve got some food to eat. Consider yourself a blessed person. Like a person said one time until you’re at I complained about not having any shoes until I saw a man with no feet. And we have that tendency Do we not to always look at what we don’t have instead of being thankful for what we do have and we become ungrateful thankless people, because we all have our eyes on what we don’t have, instead of what we do have.
And so that sin of coveting entered into the heart of Satan. And pride began to well up inside of him. And through that pride, he fell from heaven and took a third of the angels with him. So angels are real, and they’re real beings, and they are influencing the world. Now, there are two angels that are mentioned very actively in the Bible besides that of Lucifer, that, of course, is today called Satan. One of those angels is Gabriel, and the other is Michael. And today, I’d like for us to take a look at this angel Gabriel. First of all, you’re going to see some of the activities of Gabriel, he explained in the Old Testament. First of all, he explained the vision of the ram and the goat that have a vision or a dream of Daniel’s, you will also see him explaining the 70 weeks of Daniel and we’re going to get into that for a moment, you will see this angel Gabriel that predicted the birth of John the Baptist as he appeared to Zacharias, you’ll see the angel predicted the birth did he not have Jesus to Mary. You’ll see that he assured Joseph of Mary’s condition and of her purity and that you’re safe to go ahead and to marry her. You will notice that Gabriel was the one who warned Joseph about the plot of Herod that was against them. You’ll also notice that he told Joseph about the death of Herod and that he could return from Egypt. He is the angel that announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds, rolled back the stone of His resurrection, who freed the apostles from prison. He’s the angel that set Phil up into the desert, if you’ll remember to meet the eunuch out there where he led him to Christ. As he was reading through the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. He instructed Cornelius to send for Peter, if you’ll remember, he freed Peter Peter from prison. Gabriel was the angel that opened up the doors and freed Peter from prison, he executed wicked Herod for blasphemy. And he reassured Paul, on the deck of the sinking ship that he was on, that everything was going to be just as it was stated. So the Bible is full of declarations about angel and angelic activity. That certainly takes place and took place in not only the Old Testament, but in the early days, today. Now it says that angels are ministering spirits. And it said they are sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. You’re going to see that if that is the case that these are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation, you’ll see two sides of that. I would see one side of a ministering spirit sent to serve those who will inherit salvation, as the protective activity that takes that takes place by an angel on the part of those who are going to come to Christ.
Now as an example of that, I was 36 years of age before I ever came to Christ. I can give you example, after example of times in my life, when I know full well that I was saved from death. Now, again, you’re back to this old deal of predestination and freewill, the Bible teaches both of them. Did God and His foreknowledge know that I was going to come to him at age 36? Absolutely. Those whom he bore knew He predestined to become conformed into the image of Christ. Predestination is not around salvation, it’s around our being conformed to the image of Christ. The foreknowledge of God know, knows and does know and always didn’t know who was going to come to him. By their own will. He knew that he gave man a will.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:33
If you didn’t have a will today, then you would be a robot. God refuse to make robots aren’t you glad of that? He created us in such a way whereby we could be the recipient of God’s love and we can also love him back, which is different than a robot can do. You can have a television set that is functionally pleasing to me as the owner, it’s functionally pleasing but it is not morally pleasing at all, it can’t talk back to me. You can even have a dog that is functionally pleasing to you. But the dog is certainly not morally pleasing to you. And you can only have a partial relationship there. But when God created man, He gave man a will. That means that a man has the choice as to whether he’s going to choose God or not choose God, there was a gamble with that. But the alternative to the gamble is a robot. He gave the same thing to angels. So in God’s foreknowledge, he knew full well that at age 36, I was going to come to know him as my personal Lord and Savior. Now, that means that until that time, there had to be some protection on you and me, because as dumb as we are, we get in all kinds of things we shouldn’t, shouldn’t we? And I can remember one time driving down to Florida at Spring Break, when I was in school, we were kind of the forerunner of some of these movies that you saw. And all of that took place during my college days, we were some of the first ones to ever go down there, the big 10 Swimming teams brought that about, so we got to go down and terrorize the beaches. And so I was on my way down there, and rolled over three times in a convertible, the convertible landed on my right shoulder. I lifted up the car, in order to get out. Now I don’t know how to lift up cars. And, and believe me, I’m just not that strong. But I lifted up a car to get my shoulder out from under it and walked out without a scratch on me. I can tell you other examples in my life where I know full well that I was saved from death. Now I did not know why. Today, I do know why. And I believe with all my heart that in the foreknowledge of God knowing not only what he had in mind, for me at salvation, but for me beyond salvation, that there was a protection that had to be on your in my life in order to keep us alive until that event occurred. And that’s the job of ministering angels. And so I did not see a glimmer of light. Nor did I hear a trumpet sound and said, This is Gabriel. But I do know full well of supernatural events that take place in your life and in mine, that there’s no explanation for them outside of the fact that God is preserving something. So that is a function of angels. You’re also going to see in this Archangel Gabriel, that other functions that they have been given is in being able to, from the mind of God, obviously God relating to them, what is going to be occurring in the future, if there is such a thing to them as future and past to God, we live in an element of time, we will have been created with that limitation where we have time limitation we have a future and a and a past and, and the 1990 and 1992, God doesn’t have that it just all one big deal to him. He doesn’t live limited by time and space. But at any rate, to minister to us who live in this realm of time and space, he certainly gave angels the ability to know what prophetically was going to be occurring. And to create that and to interpret that and to pass it on as God wanted it passed on.
So one of these events was in this 70 weeks of Daniel, it’s a prophecy possibly some of you are aware of it and some of you are not. But hopefully today after we get through, at least you’ll be more aware of it. And so let’s turn to the book of Daniel. That’s about halfway in your Bible. If you have an NIV it’s around page two and 1230 There’s an index in the front of your Bible that you know where that is. Don’t feel embarrassed to look it up. Found it in Daniel, that’s in the Old Testament it was written by God. Okay, I’ve narrowed it down. This is a prophecy. The meaning of which was revealed by this angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel is It is probably, in my opinion, one of the most amazing prophecies in the Scripture. If you have a pencil or a pen, or some paper on there and desire to take some notes, it will be helpful to you as you go along as we study this together. This prophecy to me, is probably one of the most ideal examples of the inerrancy of the Word of God and a biblical prophecy. And it’s an unbelievably fascinating study on the validity of the Word of God. You’re going to see in this prophecy that the prophet Daniel predicted the restoration of the city of Jerusalem that had been totally decimated about 170 years prior to the event occurring. He also prophesied at that particular point, the absolute and specific time of the coming of the Messiah, the promised Savior, and that was done over 600 years before it happened. The detailed accuracy of this prophecy makes it therefore in my mind, one of the most remarkable passages in the Word of God. It is a prophecy that many times people will use to go to people who have been raised in Judaism who have not yet received Christ as their Messiah, and yet certainly believe, in the veracity and the validity of the Old Testament scriptures, to be able to take a person to this prophecy, and to show them how that it would be impossible for the Messiah to come after 70 AD. And if that is true, why then you’re going to have to conclude that the Messiah, that Orthodox Judaism, as an example is still looking for, would be impossible for the Messiah to come prior to 70 AD. You’re also going to see in this prophecy that when the temple and Jerusalem was destroyed, which this prophecy brings out in 70 ad, that all of the genealogies that were kept in unbelievable detail, and they were kept and stored in the temple, because the Messiah had to come out of the Davidic bloodline. And the only way you would ever know whether someone came out of a bloodline is through the intricate keeping of the genealogies, and so they were kept in depth in the temple. Therefore, when the temple was destroyed, all of the genealogies were destroyed. And therefore, because there are no genealogies beyond that point, they’re all gone, they were destroyed. If someone came today, and claimed to be the Messiah, you would have no proof of his lineage, and therefore no proof of his claims. And so the Messiah had to come in order to be proven that he was the Messiah prior to 70 AD. Now in the 70, you’re going to see this referred to as the 70 weeks of Daniel. And you’re going to see the last week, the 70th week as it relates to end times.
We’re going to deal at the beginning of this lesson with the first 69 weeks. These 69 weeks are going to be broken up and we’ll see that as we get into it. I’m kind of kind of forewarning you as to what to look for here. You’re gonna see as we read this, that in the Bible, the weeks when it refers to as a week refers to a week of sevens. In other words, seven times seven it is a week is years, years of sevens. So a week was referred to as seven years. If you will remember in the scripture that when when you had the when you had Jacob that was working for Rachel and Leah, that it said he worked for a week he worked for seven years. It was very clear in that so a week of sevens means a week is seven years. So you’re going to see in this prophecy, two breakdowns you’re going to see a seven weeks. It says that when the Messiah, there will be seven weeks, and then there’s going to be 62 weeks, that seven is seven times seven, that’s 49 years. And the 62 weeks is 434 years. You’re going to see those two broken down. And you say, Well, what is the significance of that? Well, I’ll show you what the significance is. But keep in mind when it says seven weeks and 62 weeks, you’re talking about 49 years and 434 years.
Now let’s go to the prophecy itself in Daniel nine. And we’ll start in verse 20. Chapter Nine, verse 20. While I was speaking and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people, Israel, and making my request to the Lord my God for His holy hill, and while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, there’s the angel, the man I had seen in an earlier vision, came to me in swift flight, about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore consider the message and understand the vision. 70 sevens are decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy One 70 sevens.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
