Radio Broadcast Monday 03/17/2025

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P64 (03-17-25)

Faith in Jesus Gives Eternal Life This Very Moment in Time

~ “I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.” James 5:13
Today, people read that verse and most see it as some future point in time. As though they have no clue that eternal life is in the here and NOW. They have believed the teaching of Man rather than God. Man tells them they can lose eternal life. God says nothing can separate us from His love. Man says, you need to keep on getting your sins forgiven. God says it is Finished! Man says, you have to do good works to be saved, God says, abide in Me. Man says, they are practicing law keeping, God calls them hypocrites, great pretenders. Man says, I have to do this and this in order to be saved. God Jesus says, believe on me to be saved. Do you see the pattern? Man’s ideas of salvation vs God’s truth of salvation are two different things. That’s why we have to constantly remind people that a person is not saved by the death of Jesus on the cross, but by His resurrected LIFE coming to live in them for Eternal life. And the devil even confuses this issue with people, because they think they can kick God out of their own life if they sin up a storm, while never telling you how much sinning would be required to kick God out of our bodies once He is in us, and we are in Him.

The devil constantly wants to take away the truth of the word of God. He seeks to destroy God’s words, because we have been so brainwashed by Satan’s lies that we refuse to come to God for ALL TRUTH. We would much rather run to a pastor or teacher to find out what they have to say, rather than asking God directly for wisdom, which He told us to do. Why is that? Why are we so reluctant to step out in faith? Maybe it is because we have been born in a season of deception, where Satan has come to destroy the meaning of God’s word. And there really is only one answer to the lies, and that is to depend on the Holy Spirit for everything to teach us ALL TRUTH in regards to the Word of God and what is going on in the world today. Don’t place your faith in any Man for anything, for we have all been deceived by the devil. And Satan has many times done it subtly by having Man teach us lies, and changes the meaning of God’s words. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.” John 10:10

Take that which is Truth, and throw away the teaching of lies that are being spread today. And make no mistake about it, we have all spread Satan’s lies. Many have a difficult time believing this, but if we are honest with ourselves, we know we have believed in Satan’s lies also. We have spread them to our children and taught the lies to others too. So we cannot change the past, all we can do is start Truth telling today. Don’t be afraid, for He is with you and in you at every moment of the day. He will guide you in ALL TRUTH. Through good times and through trials and tribulations, the Holy Spirit is alive living in you always, if indeed you are in Christ Jesus. And if you are not sure if the Holy Spirit is living in you, simply place faith in Jesus today, God in the flesh to have died on the cross, taking away all your sins from the sight of God, and He is no longer counting any of your sins against you. Now He offers you His life. Thank Him for all things, and thanking Him is agreeing with Him, that is the true confession of FAITH, and He will give you eternal life at this very moment in time. He will make you born again of the Spirit of God, and ALL things will become new.

“Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth.” John 17:17


And a certain ruler asked Him, saying, “Good Teacher, having done what, will I inherit eternal life?”
And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good, except God alone.

~ “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:12

~ Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one believing in Me, even if he should die, he will live. And everyone living and believing in Me shall never die, to the age. Do you believe this?” John 11:25,26

We who are strong ought to bear with the shortcomings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please Himself, but as it is written: “The insults of those who insult You have fallen on Me.” For everything that was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope.

Now may the God who gives endurance and encouragement grant you harmony with one another in Christ Jesus, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring glory to God. For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the circumcised on behalf of God’s truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs, so that the Gentiles may glorify God for His mercy. As it is written:

“Therefore I will praise You among the Gentiles;

I will sing hymns to Your name.”

Again, it says:

“Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people.”

And again:

“Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles,

and extol Him, all you peoples.”

And once more, Isaiah says:

“The Root of Jesse will appear,

One who will arise to rule over the Gentiles;

in Him the Gentiles will put their hope.”

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, brimming with knowledge, and able to instruct one another. However, I have written you a bold reminder on some points, because of the grace God has given me to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

Therefore I exult in Christ Jesus in my service to God. I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obedience by word and deed, by the power of signs and wonders, and by the power of the Spirit of God. So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ.

In this way I have aspired to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation. Rather, as it is written:

“Those who were not told about Him will see,

and those who have not heard will understand.”

That is why I have often been hindered from coming to you.

But now that there are no further opportunities for me in these regions, and since I have longed for many years to visit you, I hope to see you on my way to Spain. And after I have enjoyed your company for a while, you can equip me for my journey.

Now, however, I am on my way to Jerusalem to serve the saints there. For Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem. They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual blessings, they are obligated to minister to them with material blessings.

So after I have completed this service and have safely delivered this bounty to them, I will set off to Spain by way of you. I know that when I come to you, I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ.

Now I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. Pray that I may be delivered from the unbelievers in Judea, and that my service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints there, so that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed.

The God of peace be with all of you. Amen. Romans 15:1-33

Pray to God:

Do you really want to know the WHOLE Truth of what is going on today?

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today and give me the wisdom to know the truth and identify the lies of the devil. Thank you God.”

~ “Now you could not be saved eternally by the life of Christ apart from the cross. The fact is, the cross is what took away the cause of spiritual death. Are we together? Death has a consequence. Sin has a consequence. What’s the consequence of sin? Death. It’s not a paddling, it’s not a woodshed, it’s death. The wages of sin. The consequence of sin is death. We were born in Adam, dead, and when you’re dead, you need what? Life. Forgiveness does not bring life. Resurrection brings life. But before he could resurrect us from our state of spiritual death, because we’re a new creation. People say, Well, we’re all created an image of God. You’ve heard that we’re all God’s children. We’re all created in the image of God. No, we’re not. Adam was created in the image of God, but in the fifth chapter of Genesis, it said, When Adam had Seth, he was born in the image of Adam. So you and I were born in the image of Adam, not created in the image of God. Adam fell, and we were born into that fallen state. Now, when are we created in the image of God? When you’re born again. If any man be in Christ, he’s what a new what? Creation, a new creation. Old things have passed away, and behold, all things have become new. So we weren’t born in the image of Christ. We had to be born again in the image of God, and that’s what happens to us when we come to Christ by faith. And when we see this testimony of Paul’s, we’re going to see that what Paul encountered was Jesus. He came face to face with Jesus, and His life was changed, born again to the Spirit of God.” ~ Bob George

Bible Study Booklets

Jesus Gives His Life To Us

Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the letter to the Romans. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Romans. Romans has been described as the most dynamic, life changing document ever penned. It is a study in systematic theology, a defense of the Gospel, and a practical guide to Christian living all in one.

Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.

Bob George 0:27
Now you could not be saved eternally by the life of Christ apart from the cross. The fact is, the cross is what took away the cause of spiritual death. Are we together? Death has a consequence. Sin has a consequence. What’s the consequence of sin? Death. It’s not a paddling, it’s not a woodshed, it’s death. The wages of sin. The consequence of sin is death. We were born in Adam, dead, and when you’re dead, you need what? Life. Forgiveness does not bring life. Resurrection brings life. But before he could resurrect us from our state of spiritual death, because we’re a new creation. People say, Well, we’re all created an image of God. You’ve heard that we’re all God’s children. We’re all created in the image of God. No, we’re not. Adam was created in the image of God, but in the fifth chapter of Genesis, it said, When Adam had Seth, he was born in the image of Adam. So you and I were born in the image of Adam, not created in the image of God. Adam fell, and we were born into that fallen state. Now, when are we created in the image of God? When you’re born again. If any man be in Christ, he’s what a new what? Creation, a new creation. Old things have passed away, and behold, all things have become new. So we weren’t born in the image of Christ. We had to be born again in the image of God, and that’s what happens to us when we come to Christ by faith. And when we see this testimony of Paul’s, we’re going to see that what Paul encountered was Jesus. He came face to face with Jesus, and His life was changed, born again to the Spirit of God.

And so guys, as we come to understand these truths, and we understand that had God not taken away, which he did forever the sins of the entire world. If there would been one sin that he forgot and he came and gave you life the next time you sinned that sin, you would what? Die, because the wages of sin is what? Death. The reason that I and you have eternal life is because of the eternal consequence of the cross. The only thing that could cause life to depart from you is sin. What caused the life of God to depart from Adam? Sin. What caused the life of God to depart from the physical Jesus? Sin, whose sin? Ours. What’s the only thing could cause life to depart from you? Sin, why can’t it? Not why won’t it? Why can’t it? Because of the cross, if you believe that Jesus meant what he said when he cried out from the cross, it is what? Finished. If you believe that, then there’s no sin that can cause this life to depart from you. And that’s why the issue of where you re name something and you can redefine it. Say, do you believe in eternal security? No, I believe in eternal life. You believe it’s once saved, always saved? No, I believe in eternal life. I believe that salvation is very clear, what it is, it’s life. I came that you might have what? Life I am, the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. Who has the Son has life. He who does not have the Son does not have what? Life. The whole issue of salvation is bringing life to the dead. And the kind of life that he wanted to bring to the dead was called eternal life, not temporal life. And so when we come to Christ by faith and we are saved, and what are we saved from? What are we saved from guys? The consequence of sin. So what do we save from? Death by what? Life when you were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God did, what? Made you alive. With Christ, He forgave, what? All your sins now, that forgiveness that was provided 2000 years ago at the cross for how many people? The entire world now, see, that’s where people got into theology of saying, hey, that can’t be because if, what if, when you’re saved, just getting your sins forgiven. Why he died for the sins of the whole world? And that’d be universal salvation. We can’t have that. So he must just died for the elect. And that’s where that theology came from, out of a misunderstanding as to what salvation is, because salvation didn’t get your sins forgiven. That’s a part of it, but in and of itself, it’s not salvation. Salvation. He had to clear the deck for the divine action of bringing life to the dead. And in order to bring eternal life to the dead, he had to eternally deal with what caused death, and that was sin, and that’s why he didn’t leave one left. He took away the sins of the entire world, and not only died for our sins, but the sins of the entire what? World. Were Hitler’s sins all forgiven? Yeah, was he saved? Hope not don’t want to live with Heaven with Him.

But the issue is, were his sins taken away? Guys like I’ll be biting their elbows. The only thing that you had to do was to have brains enough to realize you were spiritually dead and accept me as life, and you were too pride and arrogant to do so. And you don’t have to be a Hitler to be pride and arrogant. You’d be sitting right in this room full of pride and arrogance, too prideful to recognize that the Bible says you’re dead and I came to give you life, and you say, I don’t want your life, you know what? If you don’t want it, he won’t give it to you. Part of the sovereignty of God was giving man a free choice. We talk about sovereignty. That’s a part of the sovereignty of God was I gave you a free will. I chose man not to be a robot. I don’t want you, Paul to love me because you have to. I want you to love me because you want to. And the Bible says that, does it not? It’s not that we love about God, but that He loved us first. God is the initiator of all things. No one initiated our salvation to God. He initiated it to me, there’s not a man alive that God did not come and try to draw him unto himself. He initiated salvation to all people. The nature testifies about it, everything testifies about it, and we respond. We’re not initiators. We’re responders. God did not make me to be an initiator. He made me to be a responder to God. And so he initiated salvation to me, and at age 36 I responded to that call of salvation and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. And was a new creation, not just born from mom and dad, but born again by God. And so were you, each and every one of you in this room today who are in Christ, Jesus honored, above all people, to be children of the living God. Talk about blessed. And that was the plan that God had. That was the plan that he put into their minds and carried out through Jesus Christ, here on this earth.

Now you had great opposition to this man, Jesus. And as I talked about a few weeks ago, about the Jewish guy, was talking about anti semitism with it, with the film, the passion. And I said, How could it be anti semitic? You’re talking about all Jews. How could that thing be? How could you even talk about anti semitism? Jesus was a HEBREW. His followers were a HEBREW. Everybody that was converted was a HEBREW, and he was hated by a bunch of Jews. So how could that be anti semitic? It wasn’t anti semitic at all. It’s either anti high priest or anti Jesus. It wasn’t anti semitic at all. It was just which Hebrew you’re going to, which Hebrew you’re going to believe, you’re going to believe the high priest all full of legalism and pomp, or you’re going to believe this man called Jesus, who came to walk on this earth in perfect love to take away the sins of the world so that we could walk in freedom. Which one are you going to accept has nothing to do with anti semitism. It has to do with which HEBREW Are you going to pick. And so this anti semitic deal is ridiculous. People just haven’t gone back to thinking through that you’re not talking about Jew and Gentile. You’re talking about in the gospels, all Hebrew, all Hebrew. And so this little this Hebrew man, born of a virgin, came to this earth and walked on this earth, and in so doing, showed you and me what pure righteousness is, because we had a perverted idea of righteousness. We had righteousness is what I am doing for God. And Jesus came down and said, No, you’re going to watch my life and see that I walk in total dependency upon Christ, Jesus. And you’re going to see righteousness as walking by faith. And the only thing that matters is faith expressing itself through love. And you’re going to see love personified when you look into the face of Christ, Jesus, and he came to this earth, and He died on a cross to take away our sins. He died for us then so that raised from the dead, He can live in us now, and we’re alive in Christ. Paul was dead, and he’s going to give his testimony about what happened to him, because he was absolutely adamant about these Christian people following this Jesus who thought he was greater than our high priests and greater than our traditions and greater than all the laws that we keep. What kind of a man is this that has the audacity of thinking He’s greater than these people? He ain’t even out of the priestly line. He’s no Levite. He’s out of another HEBREW line. Who in the world does this guy think he is, and who in the world do these followers of his think that they are going around telling people to come to Christ, Jesus and be saved. That was the attitude of the Hebrew leadership. That was the attitude of the Apostle Paul.

And now the Apostle Paul has fallen into the hands of the Judaites people and the Romans. And so he came into Jerusalem, and they saw him in there, and they accused him of things that were false. He brought Gentiles into our temple, and they came up with all kinds of accusations about him. And we’ve seen pictures of how those people can riot in that part of the country. We’ve seen that through these wars that we’ve been able to observe, and that’s the kind of of riot, type of people that were rioting against Paul and reveling against him and crying out to get rid of him. Anger mean wanting to tear him apart, if possible. And so he, he came up and said they were getting ready to beat him. Said, what are you doing beating a Roman citizen?

So let’s pick up in Acts 22 and just pick up Paul’s testimony. He said, brothers and fathers, listen to my defense. And when they heard him speak in Aramaic, they became quiet. Paul spoke in Aramaic. Prior to that time, was speaking in Greek. So Paul was not a intellectual midget. He spoke in numerous languages, and they became quiet when they heard him speaking in the language of Jerusalem. He said, I’m a HEBREW. I was born in Tarsus, in Cilicia, but I was brought up in this city. I was brought up here in Jerusalem. I was born in Tarsus, but I was brought up in Jerusalem under Gamali, who was the leading teacher of the day. And I was thoroughly trained in the law of our fathers, and was just as zealous for God as any of you are today. I persecuted the followers of this Way. That’s what they used to call the followers of Jesus. The Way, I persecuted these people to their death, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison, as also the high priest and all the council can testify. They know that I did this. I even obtained letters from them to their brothers in Damascus, and went there to bring these people as prisoners to Jerusalem to be punished. Now here’s going to tell his testimony. About noon, as I came near Damascus, suddenly, a bright light from Heaven flashed around me, and I fell to the ground, and I heard a voice say to me, Saul. Saul, why do you persecute me? His answer was, Who are you Lord? And the voice said, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting, He replied.

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If you’re enjoying the Book of Galatians, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Galatians, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.

Bob George 14:15
My companions had saw the light, but they didn’t understand the voice of him who was speaking to me. What shall I do Lord, I ask? isn’t that the case? What do you want me to do? Get up, the Lord said, and go to Damascus, and there you’ll be told about told all that you have been assigned to do. My companions led me by the hand into Damascus because the brilliance of the light had blinded me, and a man named Ananias came to see me, and he was a devout observer of the law and highly respected by all the Hebrews living there. And he stood beside me and said, Brother Saul, receive your sight. And at that moment, I was able to see him. And then he said, The God of our fathers has chosen you to know His will. And to see the righteous one, and to hear words from his mouth, and you will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and what you have heard. And now what are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name. And when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying at the temple, I fell into a trance, and I saw the Lord speaking, Quick He said to me, leave Jerusalem immediately, because they will not accept your testimony about me. Lord. I replied, these men know that I went out from one synagogue to another to imprison and to beat those who believe in you, and when the blood of your martyr Stephen was shed. I stood there giving my approval and guarding the clothes of those who were killing him. And then the Lord said to me, go. I will send you far away to the Gentiles. Now the crowd listened to Paul until he said, I will send you to the Gentiles. And they raised their voices and shouted, rid the earth of him. He’s not fit to live.

To the Gentiles, you have got to be kidding if you came to talk to us, okay, but not to those heathenistic Gentiles. You see the hatred that was there, away with Him. That’s all they could think of. Away with him. He’s not fit to live on this earth. And as they were shouting and throwing off their clothes and flinging dust into the air, the commander ordered Paul to be taken into the barracks, and he directed that he be flogged and questioned in order to find out why the people were shouting at him like this, and as they stretched him out to flog him, Paul said to the centurion standing there, is it illegal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty? Paul was so smart. When the centurion heard this, he went to the commander and reported it. What are you going to do? He said, This man’s a Roman citizen. So the commander, it says, went to Paul and asked, Tell me, are you a Roman citizen? Yes, I am. He answered. The commander said, you could see very smugly, I had to pay big price for my citizenship. In other words, yeah, you just paid for your citizenship. Paul said, No, I didn’t pay for it. I was born a citizen. But you know, back in those days, if you hadn’t have money, you could just pay and be a citizen. Paul said, no, no paying. I was born a citizen. Now those who are about to question him withdrew immediately, and the commander himself was alarmed when he realized that he had put Paul, a Roman citizen, into chains. That was a law that he could have been killed for. The next daym since the commander wanted to find out exactly why Paul was being accused by the Judeans. He released him and ordered the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin to assemble. And then he brought Paul and had him stand before them. Now Paul looked straight at the Sanhedrin and said, my brothers, I have fulfilled my duty to God and all good conscience to this day. At this the high priest Ananias, ordered those standing near Paul to strike him on the mouth, and Paul said to him, God will strike you. You white washed wall. Isn’t that what Jesus called them, bunch of white washed sepulchers. He said, Woe to you.

You’re all a bunch of hypocrites. You’re clean on the outside, but you’re dirty on the inside. You put up this front, this phony front of how good you are, but I look on your heart, I know how good you are. And my friends, if we would ever come to understand and to realize the truth of that, because we can stand so proud of what we haven’t done and pay no attention at all to what we never do, and that’s love people and don’t keep records of their wrongs and all of the other things connected in First Corinthians with love. We’re not patient with people. We’re not kind to people. We do keep records of their wrongs. We’re easily angered. Now, that’s okay. That’s just being human. And so we got all this outward veneer, and especially do we get this in church settings many times where we’re scared to death to ever let somebody know that maybe we’ve got a weakness, or that maybe we got some problems that you’re not supposed to have as a Christian. Whoever told us that? I don’t know, some of you may have walked into this room today after just fighting on the way to get here, and I hope you settle up before you go home. But the issue we don’t know does that, can that happen? Oh, absolutely. I’ve seen people driving to church all dressed up, just charing on each other. Just, do we do that? Sure, sure, we got that capability, and yet we have the hypocrisy to sit and say, look how wonderful I am because I’m smiling. And, Say hi everybody. So good to see you got the kids in the back door. Knock your heads in the room. But guys, you know that’s what life’s all about. And we have to come to realize that what he’s saying here, what he’s saying to these people, you bunch of white wash walls, anybody who’s up acting like they’re a somebody, somebody is a white washed wall, there aren’t any big deals among any of us. Are there? I’m no big deal. You’re no big deal, am I right? Yeah, you are talking about me. Okay? We just think we are, and then we put people in positions where we try to make them that way. Don’t let people do that to you. We’re just human beings with human frailties. We got good points and we got bad points. Tell people if you’re going to love me, you’re going to have to love me warts and all, because that’s who I am. I got some good points. Got some bad points. God isn’t through with me yet. He’s not through with you yet. Thank God is true.

And so he was looking at people and saying, You got all this exterior veneer, but underneath is where God’s looking at Man looks on the outside. God looks where? On the heart. He said, You sit there and look at this and judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck. Those who were standing near Paul said, I dare you to insult God’s High Priest. Paul replied, brothers, I didn’t realize that he was a high priest, for it’s written, do not speak evil about the ruler of your people. He had just spoken evil about him. So he said, You may call him a high priest, but God doesn’t call him one. Then Paul knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others, Pharisees. Now you had the Sadducees who did not believe in miracles. They did not believe in resurrection. Vehemently. Did not believe in those things. The Pharisees did. So Paul, I think, figured out a way where I must get them fighting with each other, and I’m going to walk out of here don’t ever know I’m gone. And that’s what he did. So he called out to the Sanhedrin, the governing body my brothers. I’m a Pharisee. I’m a son of a Pharisee, and I stand on trial because, because of my hope in the resurrection of the dead, he hit them right between the eyes, and when he said this, a dispute broke out between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided, and the Sadducees say that there’s no resurrection and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but all the Pharisees acknowledge them all.

Now, there was a great uproar. You can imagine this uproar in this room, and some of the teachers of the law who are Pharisees stood up and argued vigorously. We find nothing wrong with this man. Now, all of a sudden, there’s anything wrong with him. He’s on our side, and what of a spirit or an angel has spoken to him. You can imagine what that would have done to the other group. Well, it says that the dispute came so violent that the commander was afraid that Paul would be torn to pieces by them, and so he ordered the troops to go down and to take him away from them by force and bring him back into the barracks. The following night, Paul stood the Lord stood near Paul and said, Take courage, as you’ve testified about Me in Jerusalem, so must you also testify about Me in Rome.

Well, guys, all of this passage of Scripture is about what a testimony can do. And every single person sitting in this room has a testimony. We all have a testimony as to what was going on in our minds and when our hearts and prior to the time that somebody told us about Jesus, and about how the message of Christ, Jesus came to us, and how we came to Christ, and how our lives began the process of changing, not to become perfect, because none of us will be perfect until the day that we walk face to face with the perfect one.

But I also want to point out what we have been talking about so strongly in regard to the fullness of the gospel of following Jesus to where he was going, to the cross and to the empty tomb. And so many times in our evangelical circles, we bring people to the cross, and we stop there, and we never go to the empty tomb. We acknowledge that the tomb was empty, but we don’t know what it means to me. When I know that Jesus went to a cross, I know that he did something for me. He died for my sins. When you say, what did the resurrection do for you? Nothing. Oh, yes, it did. It was the way that you got life. It’s the way that you really got saved from the consequence of sin, which is death, by the gift of God, which is life. And when Paul had his encounter with Jesus. Jesus. He didn’t have any encounter with Him in regard to the forgiveness of sins. Did you say any thing of that testimony about Paul’s testimony about I asked God to forgive my sins, and did you see that? No, he had a confrontation with Jesus, didn’t he? He came face to face with Jesus, and just merely ask, who are you? And he said, I’m Jesus, and His life was changed. And guys, that’s what salvation is all about, and that’s what our testimony is about when we’re with people, is to be able to communicate to people, not in some forceful way, or some way that’s going to badger people, but to just let people know that you’ve had an encounter with Christ, Jesus, you’ve met Christ. That sounds funny to some people, but natural man can’t understand spiritual things. It’s foolish to them, but they can understand a testimony. Because guys, you can’t argue with a personal experience like that, can you? You can, but what good is it going to do you? And as we’ve said, If Jesus is not God, when He claimed himself to be God, he would either be an imposter, or he would be a liar, or he would be God. And the person that you’re looking at right now would be in the same boat that if I had not had an encounter with Christ Jesus back in 1969 and my life was not changed by Christ Jesus back in 1969 I would be either a total liar. I’d be just sitting there telling you the biggest lie in the world, or I’d be a fruitcake, a nut cake of some kind that thought that I had some kind of a spiritual experience with Jesus, so that’s why I’m here, or else I had an encounter with God. And the same so true with each and everyone of you who are in Christ, Jesus today, you’re either a liar or you’re an imposter or a nut case, or you had an encounter with God. Now, if you had an encounter with God, is that not worthy of talking to people about it, not to badger people, just to be able to say, this is what happened to me, and to be able to share the emptiness in our hearts.

Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.

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Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.

Let’s pray together:

  • Lord Jesus,
  • I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
  • never ever to see them again.
  • Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
  • through your resurrection.
  • I now receive that life.
  • And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
  • In Jesus Holy name I pray.
  • Amen

All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.

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