Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P39 (01-09-23)
Grace is The Plan of God of Salvation For You and Me
~ “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ “So when I see the grace of God, I see the grace of God more than just God’s unmerited favor. I believe that, obviously that is a part of what grace is all about. But I see, Bob that as I get above that, that I see grace as the ultimate plan of God. The law, there was a plan for the law, there was a reason for it. There’s a purpose for it. Paul explained all of that. And we’ve dealt with those issues. In our prior chapters. They’re everything that God does, he has a plan for it. The world is not heading helter skelter into nowhere. So like someone said, that if you don’t plan for something, you’ll hit it every time. And so but God has a plan for everything. We are headed toward a countdown. I kind of believe when when we’re born, it’s kind of like winding up a clock. Each one has a little different wind to it, and then it’s going to stop at a certain point. Sure. Everything has a plan to it. And so when I see the grace of God, I see the largeness of that the ultimate of that is the plan of God. Now the plan of God in grace, the plan of God’s grace plan encompasses the total forgiveness that were under it encompassed, of course the New Covenant that we are under today. That’s God’s plan. The new covenant was a plan of God. It encompasses the Eternal life that he has extended to us who do not deserve it, didn’t earn it, but can receive it have the option to receive it. The plan of redemption that had to take place, by the shed blood of God Himself, man could not die for man, you can’t buy back, you can’t redeem, a man can’t redeem another man’s life. So all of those things are all a part of this master plan that God had for you and me, that was ultimately ushered in, from our standpoint of it at the cross. But it was a plan that was developed before the foundation of the earth. So it’s kind of like God has this huge plan that covers all of eternity. And then the cross was kind of in that plan at the middle of it, if you’d want to look at it in that way. I don’t know where it’s the middle or the end, but the middle of it, let’s say, and so the New Covenant that we stand in is a New Covenant to us, but to God, it’s been in his plans since day one.”
Listen in to today’s lesson with more in-depth teaching, from the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Law & Grace, available for purchase from our online Bob George Ministries ecommerce store.
Jesus asked how does God love and accept us? And how does he expect us to live the Christian life? To answer those questions, this insightful study explores a vital issue at the heart of the Christian experience, the biblical relationship between law and grace, understanding their role in our relationship to God will bring joy, freedom and spontaneity to your Christian life. Now, let’s take A Closer Look at Law & Grace.
Bob George 0:38
As we have approached this chapter 11. But that’s entitled, The grace of God, and we will be picking up on page 74 In just a moment. But I think once again, as we talked about a little bit last week, that when we get into the examination of grace and trying to define the grace of God, we almost find that to be an impossibility because God’s grace is so large, it’s of such a magnitude, that it’s how you describe it. It’s like the universe, how do you describe the universe? How do you describe light years, I guess, we can do that, because we’re limited by time and space. So therefore we can attribute time to those things. But when you think of the space itself, it just has no end. It’s indescribable. And so the very best that we can do in our feeble minds and in our finite condition that we are in, we can do the best that we can do as a human being. But the best doesn’t even touch the hem of the garment, of the magnitude of Christ Jesus, and therefore, his grace, and what it what that is. But as I look at, as I look at God, and I see that, that God is the ultimate of of intelligence, all intelligence, all thought, all creativity came from God. And you don’t have to be very wise to look at the, the diversity that is in this world today. And Bob, when Amy and I were in Australia, and had a chance to go snorkeling for the first time at the barrier reef out there, which was an experience that we’ll never forget. And one of the highlights of a lifetime, is to see that underworld in that condition, and to see the world that is underneath this ocean. And the beauty of it and the vividness of the colors, and the diversity of the of the fish and of the life that is down there in so many forms that we can’t even comprehend things that look like a rock that are living a living creation. We look at the we look at the elements that fly in the air, the birds that world that that they live in. The diversity is beyond comprehension, we realize God was the creator of all of that. And before you can create something, you have to think it. Sure.
So when I see the grace of God, I see the grace of God more than just God’s unmerited favor. I believe that, obviously that is a part of what grace is all about. But I see, Bob that as I get above that, that I see grace as the ultimate plan of God. The law, there was a plan for the law, there was a reason for it. There’s a purpose for it. Paul explained all of that. And we’ve dealt with those issues. In our prior chapters. They’re everything that God does, he has a plan for it. The world is not heading helter skelter into nowhere. So like someone said, that if you don’t plan for something, you’ll hit it every time. And so but God has a plan for everything. We are headed toward a countdown. I kind of believe when when we’re born, it’s kind of like winding up a clock. Each one has a little different wind to it, and then it’s going to stop at a certain point. Sure. Everything has a plan to it. And so when I see the grace of God, I see the largeness of that the ultimate of that is the plan of God. Now the plan of God in grace, the plan of God’s grace plan encompasses the total forgiveness that were under it encompassed, of course the New Covenant that we are under today. That’s God’s plan. The new covenant was a plan of God. It encompasses the Eternal life that he has extended to us who do not deserve it, didn’t earn it, but can receive it have the option to receive it. The plan of redemption that had to take place, by the shed blood of God Himself, man could not die for man, you can’t buy back, you can’t redeem, a man can’t redeem another man’s life. So all of those things are all a part of this master plan that God had for you and me, that was ultimately ushered in, from our standpoint of it at the cross. But it was a plan that was developed before the foundation of the earth. So it’s kind of like God has this huge plan that covers all of eternity. And then the cross was kind of in that plan at the middle of it, if you’d want to look at it in that way. I don’t know where it’s the middle or the end, but the middle of it, let’s say, and so the New Covenant that we stand in is a New Covenant to us, but to God, it’s been in his plans since day one.
And so when I look at passages of Scripture, that talk about the grace of God, I just want to I want you to think this through with me it like in Second Corinthians eight nine. If we look at that, for you know that the plan of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ultimate plan of our Lord Jesus Christ, now I’m substituting that for the word grace. You know that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake became poor, so that through his poverty, we might become rich. Now, if we substitute that not to substitute a word, but to realize what just in its vast meaning, what does it mean? It means in accordance with this vast plan of God, that is, that includes unconditional love and acceptance, that includes an ability for you and me to be saved totally apart from ourselves. But that’s his plan. Now, let’s read that for you know that the plan called let’s call it the master plan, of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes, he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. What brought that about? Why the plan of God? Now did he consult us in any of that? You see, salvation is like creation. It’s all of God. And none of us. When God created the world, he didn’t look down and say, Hey, man, do you think this would be okay? If we did it this way? We weren’t here. So salvation is the same way he didn’t consult with us. He didn’t say, Do you think this would be a good plan for you? He didn’t even ask whether we wanted it or not. He just said, I know you and I know what your needs are. And I’m going to provide a master plan a way by which you as man can be redeemed back to your Lord Jesus, that you can have a new relationship with Christ Jesus, that you could be brought into fellowship with God through my Son, Christ Jesus. That’s a plan. Now, last week, we studied as we picked up in our lesson in Ephesians, 2:8 and 9, I’m going to substitute again that master plan for the word grace, for it is by God’s master plan that you have been saved through faith, and it’s not from yourself, it’s a gift of God, not by works so that no man can boast. You see how that kind of ties in? So Grace is a part of the master plan of God. Yes. And so grace is what we receive. But we have to realize that grace is just a part of a bigger plan. And that came right out of the heart of God.
A part of this master plan of God for you and me, obviously, is Jesus, Jesus is the one who carried out the plan of the Triune God, who in essence, from the day of the fall of man, quite frankly, even before that, but again, we are limited by time and space. So we have to communicate in that realm. But at the fall of man, a decision was made by the Triune God, God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit, that there has to be some way to restore man to true humanity, a plan whereby man will never be able to die again, once he has been given life, such as he was when man was created. When God created man, He gave him his body. He made it, he gave him his soul, he made it, he gave him his spirit. He made all of that, and he joined himself to that man. God did every bit of that there was no man to consult in that transaction. That’s why I say creation and salvation are alike. In both cases, God didn’t consult us one iota.
Now in that master plan on the day that they had to withdraw the Spirit from Adam for on the day that you decide man, that you are greater than your Creator, and you do not need your Creator to determine right from wrong and good from evil, on the day that you determined that I’m going to withdraw my Spirit from you, and you’re going to be on your own, if that’s what you choose to do is to live your life determining right from wrong in the energy of your own humanity, then I will allow you to do that. And I will allow you to fall flat on your face to the point of coming to see that apart from me, you can do nothing, you can know nothing, you can do nothing. You are nothing apart from me, because God in you, as a man is indispensable to the humanity of a man. And you separate me God from you, man, and you’ve got two thirds of a man on your hands, you are not whole, you are not complete. And you will never be complete by anything that you do or don’t do. You’re incomplete because you’re incomplete. And the only thing that will complete you is God, restoring life back to you, by me, God giving my life back to you. And that’s what salvation is all about.
So Jesus coming to this earth, the one who is full of grace and truth, he came as a part of a master plan, a plan that was in the heart of the Triune God from day one, to come and restore man back to humanity to true humanity. So when we’re reading this word of grace, to realize that it is it is a part of a plan that is even bigger than the unconditional love and acceptance, which Grace represents. Some people use the acrostic that it is God’s riches at Christ’s expense. And you can say, Yeah, that’s great. But it’s bigger than that. It’s bigger than that it is a part of this huge master plan of God, to restore man back to true humanity.
Now let’s look at Ephesians two, four, and five, we just finished with two eight and nine were talks about For by grace that you have been saved. And I said substitute just with me for a moment it is by God’s master plan, which is the grace of God, extending grace to the undeserving that it’s a part it is for by that master plan that you have been saved through faith in that master plan. It’s not from yourself, you didn’t originate it, you’d had nothing to do with it. It’s a gift of God. So not by works so that no man can boast. Now in Ephesians, two, four and five it says but because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ. Even when we were dead in transgressions. It is by we use the word grace go along with me for a moment it is by God’s master plan that you have been saved. Now, you see, as it talks to us there, but it is because of His great love toward us. It was God’s love toward us. The one who is rich in mercy. Don’t you wish that man was rich in mercy? We are not merciful to anyone except ourselves.
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Classic Christianity Radio thanks you for your support of our online and radio ministry. Bob, George Ministries offers nine in-depth Bible study guides, please visit to find the Bible study books, along with many helpful materials to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Let’s continue now, with our Classic Christianity Radio program.
Bob George 13:48
I always say that when someone else disobeys the law, I want justice. When I disobey it. I want mercy. Mercy. Yeah. And we want mercy and God is the God of mercy. And yet we are in many instances, the most unmerciful people on the face of the earth, we have no compassion for each other. We will absolutely slander each other demoralize each other, knocked the daylights out of each other. It’s an amazing thing, how if a person goes out and murderers are one on one, you put him in prison for life. But if you murder with a whole bunch of people, like in war you make heroes out of people. It’s strange, but that’s how we are as man. It’s how inconsistent we are as men. And so because of His great love for us, God who is rich and mercy, a part of this plan because of his love for us because of His mercy. He said I’m gonna develop a plan in order to restore these people. Bob That is unbelievable. When you think about that. It seems like that God who is so rich in mercy, but we think so much about many of his other characteristics. He is absolutely holy, absolutely righteous, absolutely pure. Absolutely power. He has power to do anything that he wants to do. And yet he said He’s big enough to create the world and yet small enough to live in your in your in my heart. And you say, like the psalmist, Lord, who are we that you should be mindful of us? And that is an unbelievable question. Why would God want to mess with us? I say before, it’s a good thing, I’m not God, I’d wipe half the population off the earth, you know, because it’s not gonna mess with those people, you know, not worth it. And that’s how we are. And we have people who play God in other people’s life and make determinations, this person isn’t worth living. He’s not worth you know, this guy isn’t worth having a ministry, this guy isn’t worth existing, this guy isn’t worth this, let’s eradicate it, let’s get rid of him. Is that the mind of God? Well, of course it isn’t. It’s a mind of the very opposite of God, which is Satan. God is rich in mercy. He’s loving, he’s kind. And so because of this love for us, he developed this plan. And this plan was to make us alive with Christ, even when we were dead in transgression. So it’s not just looking down with mercy on us, but who wants to be around a bunch of corpse. Of course, you know, say, I’m gonna go and take those dead bodies and do something with them. But that’s what God wanted to do. So a part of his plan was these people are dead in their transgressions, they are spiritually dead. And I’m going to develop a plan in order to make them alive. Now there’s the problem of man, is not how sinful we are. And that’s what religion does. It concentrates on the fruit instead of the root. All religion does.
Religion is always concentrating on outward behavior, whereby God deals with your inward condition. God is not concerned with your outward behavior, because he knows that that outward behavior is as a result of your inward condition. And so until you change the condition, what good is it? Do you need to change the behavior until a man’s heart is changed, why would you need to change his actions? Because all you do have is a nice acting hard hearted human being. But he can learn to act nice, just like an actor can learn to act. And so God is dealing with our conditions, not our behavior, but our condition, our heart condition. And so God who is rich and mercy sees beyond the outward and goes to the inward and says, Those people are not worth that their condition that they are in is not worth trying to preserve, they need something new. I can’t make anything good out of that person. As they are, I’m gonna give them something new. I’m gonna give them new heart, that old heart isn’t worth saving, gonna give them a new one. And that’s what new birth is all about. Now, it’s my his plan. That is the grace of God, God’s master plan is grace. It’s all gift. It’s a gift of God. And it’s by this plan that you have been saved.
Now, let’s go over to Ephesians, one, seven and eight. In Him, in Jesus, who was a part of this master plan, in Jesus, we have redemption through his blood. We have been redeemed, bought back, redeemed through his blood. You note it does not say that we have been redeemed through our actions, but it’s through his action through his blood. In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of man’s confession? Is that what it says? No, no, no, that was not a part of God’s plan. We are redeemed and forgiven, in accordance with the riches of God’s plan, not ours. His. Now egotistical man says I don’t like your plan. I like mine better. I don’t want to be redeemed and I don’t want to be a forgiven person in accordance with the riches of your plan. I want to be redeemed and be forgiven in accordance with the riches of my plan. Now when we look at it this way, we it gets everything in proper perspective, because grace is one of those nebulous terms that it could mean anything you want to. But if you see what grace is, it came to us as a result of God’s master plan, then what we’re saying is I don’t like your plan. I’m not gonna say I don’t like Grace, because nobody knows for sure what it means. So I’m just gonna say, Well, yeah, grace is fine. But grace means that, that I need to confess to get forgiven. And God said, that is not only not what grace means, but that it was not my plan from the beginning, you had nothing to do with my plan. My plan is my plan. It’s by my plan that you’re saved through faith, not that of yourselves. It’s a gift, not as a result of any works that you do, so that you won’t be boasting, because the minute that you do have ways that you enter into this equation, you will be boasting. So it tells us something about what God knows about us. In him, we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, and that is in accordance with the riches of God’s grace or in accordance with the riches of God’s master plan that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
We’re studying for a moment in Ephesians one, verse seven and eight. In Him, we have redemption through his blood. Now, I want to ask you a question. Those of you that are listening to me right now, are you in him? And I say, Well, what does that mean? It means are you in him? As a result of him being in you? Have you come to a point in your life, where you recognized your absolute condition, and have received his absolute provision? In other words, have you seen the absolute depravity of your ability to ever achieve righteousness through your own works? Have you come to a point in your life of realizing what Paul did that the things that you want to do you can’t do? And the things that you don’t want to do? You do them anyway. Have you come to a point in your life where you recognize that all of my deeds and all of my activities, I’m still bouncing prayers off of the ceiling, that I have no personal relationship with the Living God. I know about him, just like I might know about the President of the United States. But I don’t know him. I realized that he existed on this earth, I believe that just like I believed that Abraham Lincoln and George Washington existed on this earth. But I didn’t know them. I’ve read about them, but I don’t know them. And so we realized that I have a need, I realized that I’m a sinner, I realized that if I am a sinner, and if I am under the law of sin and death, than I am also what God said, was dead, dead in my sins and the uncircumcision of my sinful nature. If that is true, that I am dead spiritually, then now I see the true essence of my condition. And that is spiritual death. Before I was only looking at what I was doing, and as the scripture says, once you are alienated in your own minds, not in God’s minds, but in your minds, once you’re alienated in your own minds, by your behavior, but now you have been reconciled to God through Christ, physical death, in order to bring you to God.
So in other words, we have camped upon our behavior. And God has to show us that there’s something more drastic than our behavior. And that’s our condition. And that our behavior is because of our condition, that you cannot expect living things out of a dead spirit. And so we come to grips with our true spiritual condition. And folks, I want to say to you that the joining of a local congregational church, local church, whether it be a Protestant church, a Catholic church, a Buddhist temple, a Muslim temple, or a Jewish synagogue cannot give you a relationship with a living God. You don’t come in contact with spirit by joining a physical organization. No man is ever born into God by being born from mom and dad. Your ancestry has nothing to do with your relationship with God. There is no church that can bring you salvation, no synagogue that can bring you salvation, no temple that can bring you salvation. Those are man made organizations. And so we have to come to grips with the with that fact. So no one is being anti Catholic, anti Protestant, anti Buddhist, anti Muslim, all of us are dead, regardless of where we place our bodies on Saturday or Sunday. All of us are spiritually dead, born into this world spiritually dead until such time that we recognize what God said about us. Not what Buddha said about us, not what Mohammed said about us, not what the Pope says about us, or not what a Protestant preacher says about us, including myself. But what does God say about you? And God says, All have sinned, all have fallen short of the glory of God. There is none righteous, no, not one. We are all dead in our sins. So he’s let us see our condition, because apart from that, we cannot see our spiritual condition anymore, then we can see our physical condition until an x-ray many times is put on us. We can be sitting there possibly not feeling too well. But we do not know that we may have cancer inside of us until someone takes an x-ray and discovers that you have cancer growing inside of you. You didn’t know it. You just know you didn’t feel quite right. Well, it’s the same thing with religion. We can sit there and say, Well, I’m practicing all this religion but there’s I just don’t feel real right? And so God shines his spiritual x-ray on you and let you know why you’re not feeling too well. It’s because you have spiritual cancer. It’s called death.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity, with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord, find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs, and bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith, be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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