Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P56 (01-22-24)
Quit Crucifying Jesus Over and Over Again!
~ The religion of “Christianity” is constantly crucifying Jesus over and over again. Both Catholics and Protestants keep on nailing Jesus to the cross. They don’t believe Jesus finished the work of forgiveness, for if they had believed God, they would not be making a mockery of the cross, and bringing to open shame what Jesus did on the cross. They count it as no value. If a person truly believes their sins have been forgiven (past tense), which is TRUTH, then they would be praising Him for the forgiveness that is theirs in Christ Jesus. But no, they say they believe in what Jesus did on the cross, but then by their fruits they bring to open shame the Truth. They deny the Truth of the word of God. And folks, we have said repeatedly that details matter. Most today are no different than the Hebrews of yesteryear. They make a public spectacle of asking for more forgiveness from God. They say how wonderful is the forgiveness of God, and then they say, “Lord please forgive me.” They have tasted the goodness of God’s word and the power of the coming age, yet they deny the bottom line. They have never truly repented. Oh, they say they have repented, or they fool themselves into thinking they have repented of ALL of their sins (News Alert: no one has ever repented of ALL of their sins), and yet by their actions they show that they have not repented of their unbelief. And hence, they cannot be brought back to a place where they have never been. They have fallen away from Truth. They were never saved to begin with folks. They would much rather listen to the lies of Satan than to obey the Truth, the Word of God, Jesus. It is finished! Do you believe it?
~ “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. For it is impossible for those once having been enlightened, and having tasted of the heavenly gift, and having become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and having tasted the goodness of God’s word and the power of the coming age— and then having fallen away—to restore them again to repentance, crucifying in themselves the Son of God and subjecting Him to open shame.” Hebrews 6:4-6
~ “He said, folks, it’s impossible for those of you who have been enlightened, who’ve tasted the heavenly gift, shared the Holy Spirit tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the powers of the coming age to fall away, to be brought back to repentance. Now why can’t you be brought back to repentance? Because you’ve never repented to begin with, you’ve never changed your mind. You can’t be brought back from where you haven’t been. You’ve tasted something, you’ve shared in it. But you’ve never believed it. A person coming and saying I believe Christ died for my sins. say great. Where you going? No, I’m going to Jerusalem. What for when going back the Day of Atonement. What for? What to kill a lamb. What for? Why to get my sins forgiven. Well, I thought you just got through saying that Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins. Oh yeah, I do. Well, let’s go with that again. Where are you going? Go back to Jerusalem. What are you going to do back there? kill a lamb what for? Get my sins forgiven? Where are you going? I’m going to confession booth. What for? What to get my sins forgiven. I thought you just got through saying you believe Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins. Oh, I did. Well were you going? Back to confession. What for? Get my sins forgiven. I believe Jesus died for all my sins. Good, where you going? Gonna go to the altar call. What for? What to get my sins forgiven. I just thought you just said that you believe Jesus died for all your sins? Well I did. Well were you going? To have the altar call. What for? Get my sins forgiven What are you doing? Well I’m confessing my sins for forgiveness. I thought you just said that you believe Jesus died for all your sins. I do past, present and future. What are you doing? Well, I’m confessing my sins to get forgiven. I thought you said that you believe Jesus just died for all your sins? Yeah, I did. What are you doing? Confessing my sins for forgiveness. Does any of that make sense? Does it? How come? Because you’ve never repented. You see, Repentance is a change of mind. And there are many people who have tasted, touched, professed, but never possessed. We’ve given lip service to what we said Jesus did. But it’s never been converted into our heart. To the point of being able to say, Lord Jesus, I’m tired of playing religious games. When you hung on that cross and said, it’s finished, you meant it’s finished. And as long as I keep resisting that message, I will never ever, ever be able to plug into the very thing you want me to know. And that is I love you. And I accept you, just as you are.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:30
In your the depths of your in my heart is is a cry that says Is there anyone out there who will just accept me for who I am? And a loud voice comes there is it’s Christ Jesus, your Lord. To realize that Christ accepts you in your pits, in your bad moods, in PMS. Just accepts you just where you are. Where you are. Isn’t an unbelievable thing to know. Now, there’s no way for you and me to ever experience that folks if we do not come to grips with the cross. And that’s why you see the people rebelling against this message of the finality of the cross. Is because if that cross is final, then all the things that I’ve been doing to try to find acceptance, I’m gonna have to say that was stupid. And God forbid anyone ever think I’m stupid. mean I’d rather be wrong than dumb. And so here’s these people try to jerk this security blanket away from me and made me look dumb. Well, Paul didn’t have a problem that he said, all the stuff that I got involved in man, I was the Pharisee of the Pharisees. You couldn’t improve upon me. If you were talking about legalistic form, I was it. I consider all that stuff dung compared to knowing Christ, he wasn’t afraid to let go above it. He in essence is saying that is stupid, sincere, but sincerely stupid. It doesn’t have any meaning to it, the only they’re gonna ask meaning is my relationship with the Lord Jesus.
I looked for acceptance in religion. And folks, I did too. I came out of the business world where I got my acceptance in my business success. And I became a Christian and I didn’t merely carry that baggage right over into the religious world. And I desperately looked for acceptance in the religious world. And I worked like crazy. When I think back on what my mind was, my mentality was, It’s almost scary. Because I was so desperately wanting someone to pat me on the head and say, good job Bob. I found out that I could get some pets on the head by witnessing and, and doing all the things that the Christian world told you that you’d be a good little Christian, if you did, and I am man, I set out to do it. And I was in bondage. And you put everybody else in bondage around you too, because you expect them to perform like you do. What was wrong? Well, a subtlety. I grew up in Christ, with this mentality that every time you sinned, you were out of fellowship with God. You see there is another group that teach if you sin bad enough, you will be out of relationship with God. In other words, he’ll just walk away from you or that you can walk away from him. And so that’s that’s totally broken relationship. Well my group didn’t teach that they just go be out of fellowship with God and kind of God can’t look on sin, you know. And so if he can’t look on sin, and I sin, guess what he has to do? So here he was on a swivel chair and heaven. There and see what so you say, Well, how do I get him face to the well you ask God to forgive you? So I asked him, so he’s back again. And now it’s then and back again. Pretty soon I had him twirling up there. Oh, man, and alright, what what’s going on in here? Why? Well, because you see, folks that cuts at the very core of your acceptance. You see teaching someone you can lose your salvation cuts at the very core core of the love of God. Because you can’t believe God loves me if he’s going to throw me out if ultimately, I behave badly enough. And like I said, we perceive salvation, like the guy bobbing up and down in the water, you know, and you see him bobbing up and down, and you come up in your motorboat, and he’s about ready to go down. And so you say, I need to save that guy. Now, there’s a group says, Well, you know, you’re gonna save him Bob by your good example. Oh, okay. So I jump out of the boat and say, Watch me. And all of a sudden, the guy’s gone. As I’m trying to be a good example to him. Now I want to save you but I’m gonna reach down to water and jerk him out of the water and put him in a boat aren’t you? Let’s say boy, that guy loved me. Saved me. Thank God, He loves me. He saved me. But on the way back to the shore where the guy did act very nice. In fact he says a couple bad words. And, and he just said one bad word too often. I just pitched him back in the water again. Have I saved him. No, he’s a reprieve. I haven’t saved him. Saving him, jerking him out of the water pick up in a boat heading back to the shore. But you see when I jerked out of the boat. The guy says Oh, Bob, thank you so much. I say brother. I love you. I saw you bobbing up down out there and I loved you. I felt so sorry for you pull you out of the boat. I really love you. Well, on the way back to the shore. Why again? That guy is saying those bad words and he says Bob thanks again. I didn’t even speak to him. How come well my back is turned to him, I don’t like him anymore. How come? We he says bad bad words cusses probably drinks to. Probably put some music on this boat, he might even dance. So I saw, I don’t like him. So he thought that I words I loved him enough to put him in a boat the dang slob no option had to stick him in there don’t want to see him drown. But But I don’t accept him. Well, you can get to shore that way. Now I’ll tell you the rides a rough one. And it’s a long one.
Now when Christ saves you and me, he pulls us out of the water and puts us in the boat that’s love. And on the way to the shore, he turns and has total fellowship with you, even in your misery, that’s acceptance. Christ accepts you just exactly the way you are. Your faults and all warts and all. He accepts you exactly where you are, and is able to say you’re not all that you will be, but I’m not through with you. And there will come a day that you will continually learn the depth of my love and acceptance for you. And when you do, it’s gonna change your life. And I’ll stick with you to the very end. I’ll never leave you I’ll never forsake you. I will always be your friend. I love you, and I accept you.
Now, we’ll never get to that folks until we have come to grips with the finality of his cross. And that’s what the author of Hebrews is trying to tell us. We need to go on to maturity, but you can’t go on to maturity if you haven’t finalized this thing. And so you were dealing with people who had been steeped in Hebrew tradition, that the way you got your sins forgiven was going back to the Day of Atonement and getting your sins forgiven getting your sins covered. But you see, that’s forgiveness. And you can say, well, that’s love, but God provided something like that for me. But then I turn around and sin on the way back from the altar. And I gotta wait till next year in any interim period. I got sin there. And then well, we’ve carried that over we said it’s unconfessed sin your life and boy, you got that that’s terrible. Just terrible. NOT SIN just unconfessed just haven’t fessed up to it. And so what does that say about God and you? What does that attack? Well his acceptance. How can he accept me when, you know I got unconfessed sin there? Now we say, Well, he can’t. That’s what you need to get it get it cleared, get that debt clear. So if you buy that, what do you spend the rest of your life trying to do? Well keep your debt cleared, so that you will be what? Accepted by God. As the same thing with a Hebrew. He said, folks, it’s impossible for those of you who have been enlightened, who’ve tasted the heavenly gift, shared the Holy Spirit tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the powers of the coming age to fall away, to be brought back to repentance. Now why can’t you be brought back to repentance? Because you’ve never repented to begin with, you’ve never changed your mind. You can’t be brought back from where you haven’t been. You’ve tasted something, you’ve shared in it. But you’ve never believed it. A person coming and saying I believe Christ died for my sins. say great. Where you going? No, I’m going to Jerusalem. What for when going back the Day of Atonement. What for? What to kill a lamb. What for? Why to get my sins forgiven. Well, I thought you just got through saying that Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins. Oh yeah, I do. Well, let’s go with that again. Where are you going? Go back to Jerusalem. What are you going to do back there? kill a lamb what for? Get my sins forgiven? Where are you going? I’m going to confession booth. What for? What to get my sins forgiven. I thought you just got through saying you believe Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins. Oh, I did. Well were you going? Back to confession. What for? Get my sins forgiven. I believe Jesus died for all my sins. Good, where you going? Gonna go to the altar call. What for? What to get my sins forgiven. I just thought you just said that you believe Jesus died for all your sins? Well I did. Well were you going? To have the altar call. What for? Get my sins forgiven What are you doing? Well I’m confessing my sins for forgiveness. I thought you just said that you believe Jesus died for all your sins. I do past, present and future. What are you doing? Well, I’m confessing my sins to get forgiven. I thought you said that you believe Jesus just died for all your sins? Yeah, I did. What are you doing? Confessing my sins for forgiveness. Does any of that make sense? Does it? How come? Because you’ve never repented. You see, Repentance is a change of mind. And there are many people who have tasted, touched, professed, but never possessed. We’ve given lip service to what we said Jesus did. But it’s never been converted into our heart. To the point of being able to say, Lord Jesus, I’m tired of playing religious games. When you hung on that cross and said, it’s finished, you meant it’s finished. And as long as I keep resisting that message, I will never ever, ever be able to plug into the very thing you want me to know. And that is I love you. And I accept you, just as you are.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
If you’re enjoying the book of Hebrews, check out our website There you will find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Bob George dot net. Let’s join Bob now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:13
So the author of Hebrews is saying, to your loss, you’re crucifying the Son of God all over again, and subjecting him to public disgrace. What did Christ have to do in order to provide unconditional love and acceptance to you and me? He had to clear the sin issue. Sin had to be dealt with it had to be judged. He did it one time. And as it says, by that one offering, he made forever perfect in the sight of God, every one of you whom he has made holy. What did he have to do then in order to accomplish that for you, which was the whole motivation of looking down at you and me seeing our condition? See, seeing our hopelessness and providing totally for us. Well he had to go and he knew no sin become sin for you and me. So that in him we could become the righteousness of God. He had to go pay for the sins of the world once and for all period. Now he had to suffer public disgrace for that, didn’t he folks? I mean, do you know how embarrassing it is to be beat up in front of somebody. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be? For you and me, let alone God, someone who knew no sin to be stripped of all your clothes. I mean, he isn’t that nice looking Jesus hanging on the cross with his nice beard, no bruises on this little thing over him. They stripped him naked, plucked out his beard, crammed a crown of thorns down on his head beat on his head, beat him it says as no man, sin was paid for punished. And all that punishment went upon him. And we talk about sin. Folks, there’s no sin, vile enough. I couldn’t commit adultery enough, steal enough. That would be worse to me today, than looking into the face of Jesus and saying, I believe you did it all. Without faith, it’s impossible to please God, I can’t. Today, I can’t see a worse sin today than saying to Jesus, you didn’t do it all, I believe. Without the forgiveness of sin. Without the shedding of blood. There’s what? No forgiveness of sin if there was any further forgiveness to be executed on your behalf, what would Christ have to do? Come to die again, subject to public disgrace, crucify the Son of God all over again. And yet we sit in our stupid religious form, making a mockery out of a person in order to worship at the foot of a religion, calling a Christian religion and look up into the face of a bleeding, dying Jesus and say, so what, you didn’t do at all. There’s more forgiveness to be executed. I’ll keep I’ll take care of this. I’ll keep short accounts with God. I’ll keep my sins confessed so that I can keep my slate clean. You watch my smoke to see how diligent I am in keeping up with all my sins. And so we’ve developed confession booths, we’ve developed altars, we’ve camped on First John one nines. And every other harebrained idea to come down the pike, cleverly designed to look into the face of Jesus and say, You’re a liar. There is no sin, in my opinion, on the face of this earth to compare with calling, Jesus a liar in regard to the cross, you couldn’t sin enough to top that one. It was only the blood of Christ himself. That was more precious than the entirety of the vileness of sin. The vileness of sin as big as it is, and as vile as it is, was still able to be covered by the preciousness of the blood of Jesus. And that’s why Paul was able to write where sin abounds, what? Grace, more abounds. You cannot out sin the grace of God. We’ve tried, we can’t do it.
And so the book of Hebrews is saying to us, folks, we’ve got to move on. If you’re still struggling with this sin issue, if you’re still sitting around thinking, I don’t understand, I don’t understand I don’t understand then you don’t understand anything then. I don’t know why you can’t understand what you could have stood and seen. Jesus of Nazareth was he God or wasn’t he? He claimed himself to be God. I and the Father are one. It is the grace of God that teaches us to say no to unrighteousness and to live self controlled, upright lives at this present generation while we wait for the glorious appearing of what? God and Savior Jesus Christ, He’s God, Is God gonna lie to you? Now if Christ is who he claims to be, and that is God, and God came to this earth, taking upon himself our human form, in order to take that body to the cross, so that he who knew no sin could take the sins of the entire world upon himself, judged at the cross, what was the verdict? Guilty. What was the punishment? Death. Who took it all? Christ. How much is left for you? None. We could have stood and looked at that. Now, if you could stand and look at something and listen to what God was saying, from the cross, it’s finished. I died for the forgiveness of sin, tetelestai, it’s over and not believing how in the world we got to believe he’s alive living in us? How we’re going to believe he wants to lead us over here over there? Whatever he wants to do. How are we going to live a Christian life, except began practicing religion to keep alive what he said was finished. And every major Christian religion on the face of this earth has a system developed, for keeping alive, what he said was finished. And we in the Christian world today are practicing Christianity and don’t have a clue about the person who is Christianity, that’s Christ. The author of Hebrews is saying to us, you can’t be brought back to repentance, because you’ve never changed your mind.
Now, the very religionists that I’m talking about here are the ones who teach this passage of Scripture say you lose your salvation, so you better start working harder. And the verse is right to them. And to the heresy of that teaching, you want to bring Christ back, you want to beat him to death again, you want to pluck out his beard again, or cram another crown of thorns down on his head, knock him in the head with a club. You want him to bleed half to death for you, so that you can feel good? People all the time and say, well, just makes me feel good to ask God to forgive me. Are you willing to hanging back on a cross in order for you to feel good? How much greater Could you feel than realizing it’s over? I don’t know how you could get a better feeling that no, it’s over. Be like somebody said, Well, I asked my wife to marry me every day because it feels good. I’ll tell you something else and feel a lot better. And so if you knew you were. Folks, this is what this whole area of the book of Hebrews is trying to point put that tradition behind you. It has no meaning at all, put your religion behind you. Consider it the same way Paul did as dung compared to that of having this personal, vital relationship with the Living God. Put behind you the idea that I’m a charismatic, or I’m a Baptist drama, Presbyterian or a Catholic, all of these manmade things, put them behind you grow up. And to see there’s only one identity that God ever intended for you to be to have, and that is being called a child of the living God. That’s who you are. Why would you want to settle for a secondary second rate, man made identity? When I can have a primary identity, that of being a child of God, I don’t ever want to be called a Baptist, again, are People to People or are a Catholic, or a Methodist never, ever again. My identity isn’t one thing and one thing only. And that’s being a child of the living God. I was made that by Jesus Christ, the one who loved me and gave himself for me, me and all that religious stuff was crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live yet not I but it’s Christ that lives in you and me. And therefore the life that we live, we walk by faith in Him, who loved us and gave himself for us. That’s a Christian life. Folks, until we settle that sin issue, once and for all you will never ever, ever experience God’s acceptance in your life. Never. You will walk around for the rest of your life and bondage to try and to work for his acceptance. Instead of resting in the fact that it’s already been given to you. Now go be who you are. You don’t go do to be be and let him do. Responsibility, my response to his ability. Let’s pray together.
For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit. When you were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave all of our sins. I’m sending you to open up their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from power of Satan to God so that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and a place among those who are set apart by faith in me. He rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us in the kingdom of His Son in whom he loves in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. In him Christ, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. Lord Jesus cried from the cross Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do. He took a cup and he gave thanks and he offered it to them saying drink from it all of it, this blood, this represents the blood of the brand New Covenant, which was poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. The New Covenant that says their sins and lawless acts, I will remember no more. And where these have passed has been forgiven. There’s no longer any sacrifice for sins. Father, allow us by your Spirit working in as to finalize that event. To realize it’s done once and for all. To be able to walk in the newness of life. Not just a forgiven sinner, but a set apart saint. Brought to life by Christ Himself, who lives in us. We walk now in total love and total acceptance. Realizing that God has not finished with us yet, but he promised to complete the work, he began in us. And if we’ll just get out of the way, he’ll do it. Faithful is he who called us who will also do it. I thank you for that marvelous promise, Lord, for the privilege that we have been able to call you, our Father, and to be able to fellowship with other believers, other of your children in a true love and being able to pass on the acceptance that you’ve given to us to one another. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”