Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P59 (01-29-24)
Without The Shedding of Blood There is No Forgiveness by God
~ Most people that you talk to today, think that they get their sins forgiven when they ask God to forgive them of this sin or that sin. That is walking around in unbelief and a lie from Satan, for without the shedding of blood by God there is no forgiveness. And God isn’t going to go to the cross ever again. Yet people would rather believe the lies of Satan than to believe the Truth of the Word of God. And when you tell a person, they are making a mockery of the cross, they get mad as a hornet. Folks, we have all been deceived from birth. And to this day, Satan, god of this world, controls the main narrative. But if a person wants to know the Truth, God will reveal it to them. But to the person that thinks they know it all, that person’s pride gets in the way of understanding all truth. They would much rather lean on their own understanding of things and what they have been taught from childhood days, instead of trusting in the Holy Spirit to show them ALL truth.
Note, that the wisdom of this world, is but foolishness to God. And the person who has True wisdom from God, sounds foolish to the world. A true child of God will be mocked at, and ridiculed for their beliefs. They will be kicked out of churches for teaching truth. They will be scorned by family and friends for believing in the truth of the word of God. And folks, we are not just talking about believing in Jesus, we are talking about the Truth of everything. When a person’s eyes are open to what is happening in the world, by the Holy Spirit, the world will look at you as if you are crazy. And that is how the world looked at Jesus. They thought Jesus was out of his mind too. As for us, if it seems that we are crazy it is for your benefit. Why? Because we want the body of Christ to be built up. We want you to know your identity in Christ Jesus. We want you to stand in His righteousness, not your own. Faith is responding properly to Truth.
~ In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. Hebrews 9:22
~ For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness.” 1 Corinthians 3:19
~ When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” Mark 3:21
~ If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit.” 2 Corinthians 5:13
~ “And in this, Jesus, He is the total source of eternal salvation. Now, when we don’t believe that, and we keep thinking that there’s more forgiveness to be executed, what are we doing? Well, we’re crucifying him all over again, in our own hearts. What else could you be doing? Without the shedding of blood there’s what? Well, there’s no forgiveness is there without the shedding of blood? Is there any forgiveness? No, there’s no forgiveness. So all we have to do, if there was more forgiveness, we did have to come and die again. Is he going to do that? No. That’s what we’re asking them to. That’s exactly what we’re dealing with folks. In this whole matter, is the fact we’re saying the Lord wants you to come and die again. I want you to shed your blood again, because I don’t think you got that one. I think you missed that one. I think your memory went a little dull up there on the cross, and you missed that one. And that’s all we’re doing, subjecting him to the public disgrace of having to hang on a cross again, because of our unbelief. Now, this is what he was saying to the Hebrew is folks, you’ve been through the sacrificial systems, you’ve been through all of that I gave it to you. But there’s something greater than the blood of bulls and goats that’s here. And that’s Jesus. And I went to that cross one time, and I went for all people. And by that one offering He made forever perfect in the sight of God each and every one of you that he made holy. It’s all me. He said, It’s none of you. It’s all me. What does that tell you you’re gonna have to do with your sacrificial system? Let go of it. Did they? No. When did finally end? 70 AD. How that happen? When they finally decided, hey, we’ve been wrong with our faith, no Titus had to come in destroy the city. So when in Jerusalem is destroyed the temple and the sacrificial system and everything in it. And there has never been another one since. There will be. It’ll come back again. Why? Because of unbelief. Still don’t believe. Don’t look down on the Hebrew for that we Gentiles are in the same boat. An unbelieving heart is not exclusive to the Pharisee or the Hebrew. It’s to the whole world. The world lives in unbelief.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:27
Now under the Old Covenant, and under the sacrificial systems, and under the practice of Hebrewism, it was a practice of here’s what you do you do this, I God will respond. That’s true. It was there. They weren’t making that up, it was there. But it was all changed at the cross. Because man couldn’t do it. In his heart. He could do it with his body, but he couldn’t do with his heart. He couldn’t come sincerely and do anything with his heart, just with his outward body. And so therefore, all of the attention is on me and what I’m doing or me and what I’m not doing. I heard a guy on the radio today on the thing of we have a new see this practice holiness, if I am practicing holiness, and I get holy, guess who’s gonna get the credit? Why me? Man, I made it I got myself holy, how am I practicing it? I just took care that. The attention comes on you and what you’re doing instead of him, and what he’s doing. And we have to understand folks that Christianity is Christ. In all, it’s all him. It’s none of us. Our only thing that God called us to do is to walk by faith in Him, the just, that’s you and me the ones who have been justified, shall walk by faith, in the one who justified.
That’s how we walk. You don’t walk by sight. You walk by Faith. You don’t walk by self effort. You walk by faith. And that’s what this whole book of Hebrews is about teaching us to walk my faith not in yourself. Not in your tradition. But an Him Who alone is faithful. Now it says let’s leave these elementary teachings then. Folks, let’s move on about Christ and go on to maturity. These elementary teachings about Christ, we shouldn’t have to keep going over these things over and over again. We shouldn’t have to keep going over the finality of the cross. You shouldn’t have to keep talking about that. It ought to be so much part of your life that it’s not even worth talking about. It’s just there. It is the case you have settled an issue. It’s finished, and I’m gonna walk in that fact that it’s finished. I’m not gonna be wondering anymore. Am I forgiven? Or aren’t I forgiven? I’m not gonna walk anymore with this thought, oh, God’s gonna get you for that. That’s impossible. I’m not gonna walk anymore when that thing bangs in your mind, boy, oh, God, you got this bony finger, it’s 40 feet long going around the corners pointing at you, you’re not gonna buy that anymore. That’s not there. It’s not truth, folks. Everybody likes to do that. Because I put you on a guilt trip and you feel bad, then when you feel bad, there’s only one thing to do. And that’s either get feeling worse, or say I’ll do better God. And so off we go other self effort to do better. That’s not it. It’s be able to realize, I don’t get forgiven, I am forgiven. I am forgiven forever. I live in forgiveness. And so to you, and that was not brought about by anything that you and I did. It was brought about totally by everything that he did. It’s all him. We had nothing to do with that. It’s all him. And we walk in this newness of life. That’s what is new about that life. there anything new about life, of getting forgiven yesterday and getting forgiven again tomorrow and getting forgiven again, tomorrow. There’s nothing new about that you could have gone back to the Old Testament days and got that. The newness of life is living knowing in the depths of your own heart knowing it. It’s finished. It’s done. It’s over. And you and I can walk in a newness of life as forgiven saints that have been created in the image of God for good works. Why do we deny that? Because we haven’t believed it. I think it’s the same thing John said they went out from among us because they were never a part of us. We don’t believe it. We don’t believe the finished work of the cross we look at the cross as something to cry over a man dying on it’s worthy of that and never get beyond it. We would like to see him and that’s what he’s talking about here. You’re making a public disgrace. We’d like to crucify him all over again, subjecting to public disgrace. That’s what we would like is it make us feel better. And we don’t see that in many instances, we’ve never come to saving faith. We’ve just played games we’ve we’ve done no more than an intellectual assent. I saw man dying on a cross he said he forgave my sins, praise God, thank hallelujah, I’m saved all over again. We never see beyond that. We keep streaming people down aisles to recommit your life and recommit your life and recommit your life. Why? Why do you keep coming? Because you’ve never believed to begin with. And that’s exactly what he’s talking about leaving these elementary teachings, it’s time to leave them or settle them or get off of them. Either believe Christ, go be a Buddhist or something else if you’re not gonna believe Christ. Go worship something else if we’re not going to believe him. So he said, It’s time to grow up and leave these elementary teachings about the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, of faith in God. To leave this stuff about instruction and baptisms. We don’t need that anymore. Laying on our hands totally irrelevant. resurrection of the dead, eternal judgment. It’s over. It’s been finished by Christ. It’s time to move on grow up.
Announcer 7:00
Let’s conclude side one. Now please stop your cassette, turn it over and continue with side two.
Bob George 7:10
Quit acting like babies. And he said it’s impossible for those who once been enlightened. Who have tasted the heavenly gift. Every one of these things are tasting, enlightened, shared, but never consumed. What I’m talking about, tasted the goodness of the Word of God. The powers of the cutting edge says impossible if they fall away to be brought back to repentance. How come you can’t be brought back to repentance? You’ve never repented. Never change your mind to begin with. When playing games, spiritual games, chasing toys, books, that’s what you’re seeing all over. And the more I see See it, the more evidence it is. You see these ministries falling one after another after another after another. And that’s exactly what the Bible says if you don’t judge yourself with your own actions, I’ll guarantee you Barbara Wawa will or somebody like her. The world is now having to judge the Christian world because the Christian world was too stupid to judge themselves. And we’ve latched on to all kinds of teaching. And we’ve latched on to this name it and claim it junk and prosperity gospel which is out of the pit of hell, by men as it says of perverted minds. And we follow them, like dumb sheep. By the 1000s. Stand up and tell somebody about the finality of the cross. Kick you out of the church. Tell somebody I got some Jordan water. In this little vial, you send some money in, millions of dollars sent, for some water out of Dallas tap. And what if it was from Jordan? I mean, is that something that’s supposed to do something for you, man, you could go and drink the Jordan River? No, the only thing that it will do for you is drown you.
We prefer to believe lies than to believe Truth. The human heart would rather be deceived. We like magic better than we do reality. Stand up and worship actors. As all your actors, actors, actors, what are you doing when you’re acting? Playing a part. Is it real? No, no. It’s an act. And we worship at their feet. We would rather worship at the feet of someone acting a part, than to worship at the feet of the one who did the part. That’s Jesus. Jesus didn’t come to act. He came to finalize.
And that’s what he’s saying here. We’ve tasted, you can’t fall away and urban repented to you’d never change your mind. To your loss. It says there crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. In other words, bring him back. Folks, if you’re not totally forgiven, if you are in Christ to die, if you’re in Christ, Christ is in you. There’s only one way that occurred. And that was by faith. There’s only one way that you and I were saved, one way only. And that was a point in time. And I don’t know when that was in your life, I happen to know what it was in mine. But that is not important if I’m if I didn’t know, I didn’t I didn’t know when I was born the first time. But I do know I was. But there was a point in time in history in your life, from the time you were born to this very moment. When you reached out by faith and said, Lord Jesus, I believe you. I believe that you died for my sins. I believe you were raised from the dead. And I believe that you want to give your life to me. I’m a mess. I can’t do it. I can’t live up to the righteous requirements of the law. I cannot make myself holy in your sight. I cannot make myself good enough to one of these days, die and come into Your presence. I can’t do that. I can’t stop these stupid habits that I’ve got. I don’t know how to cut out this pride of mine that is inside of me. I don’t know how to do that. And the Lord says come unto me Bob, if you labor and are heavy laden come unto me and I’ll give you rest and peace for your soul. I am the source of eternal salvation. There is no other source. If you want salvation, come to me. And by faith we reach out and say, Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Thank you for forgiving my sins, come into my heart, and be my Lord and my Savior. And to any person on the face of this earth, black or white, slave or free, Hebrew or Gentile. The Lord Jesus Christ, in answer to his promise comes to live inside of us, giving us his life forever, as the source of eternal salvation, and we’re saved. Now to any person who is in Christ today. You are a forgiven, saint. Forgiven saved. As I said, not something you’re going to get. You have now received the source of eternal salvation that included total forgiveness. Now, if you’re not going to believe that, then what are you going to believe about Jesus? If I can’t believe that he forgave me totally how in the world can I believe he rose from the dead? I mean, how you gonna believe that? If I cannot come to grips with the finality of the cross, how in the world could I ever come to grips with the reality of the resurrection? And issue is in many instances we haven’t. We’ve just been given lip service to an event that occurred an intellectual assent to a belief. Yes, I believe a guy named Jesus died on a cross. But do we know why? And we had come to grips with the why and the wherefore that Christ came not to save a group of people, not just to save a nation, that’s byproducts. He came to give us a Son. He came to give us, Jesus.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
If you’re enjoying the book of Hebrews, check out our website There you will find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Bob George dot net. Let’s join Bob now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 15:22
And in this, Jesus, He is the total source of eternal salvation. Now, when we don’t believe that, and we keep thinking that there’s more forgiveness to be executed, what are we doing? Well, we’re crucifying him all over again, in our own hearts. What else could you be doing? Without the shedding of blood there’s what? Well, there’s no forgiveness is there without the shedding of blood? Is there any forgiveness? No, there’s no forgiveness. So all we have to do, if there was more forgiveness, we did have to come and die again. Is he going to do that? No. That’s what we’re asking them to. That’s exactly what we’re dealing with folks. In this whole matter, is the fact we’re saying the Lord wants you to come and die again. I want you to shed your blood again, because I don’t think you got that one. I think you missed that one. I think your memory went a little dull up there on the cross, and you missed that one. And that’s all we’re doing, subjecting him to the public disgrace of having to hang on a cross again, because of our unbelief. Now, this is what he was saying to the Hebrew is folks, you’ve been through the sacrificial systems, you’ve been through all of that I gave it to you. But there’s something greater than the blood of bulls and goats that’s here. And that’s Jesus. And I went to that cross one time, and I went for all people. And by that one offering He made forever perfect in the sight of God each and every one of you that he made holy. It’s all me. He said, It’s none of you. It’s all me. What does that tell you you’re gonna have to do with your sacrificial system? Let go of it. Did they? No. When did finally end? 70 AD. How that happen? When they finally decided, hey, we’ve been wrong with our faith, no Titus had to come in destroy the city. So when in Jerusalem is destroyed the temple and the sacrificial system and everything in it. And there has never been another one since. There will be. It’ll come back again. Why? Because of unbelief. Still don’t believe. Don’t look down on the Hebrew for that we Gentiles are in the same boat. an unbelieving heart is not exclusive to the Pharisee or the Hebrew. It’s to the whole world. The world lives in unbelief.
Now he says land that drinks in rain falling on it and it produces a crop useful for for whom it is farmed. In other words, if you farm the land, the rain can be useful to you. You will receive a blessing from God if you farm the land. Keep the weeds out of it. Keep the tares out of the farm it That rain that God gives you will produce a crop if you farm it. But the land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless. Don’t do anything with it. You’re in danger of being cursed in the end it will be burned won’t be worth anything. What’s its saying? Put it in practice. Use it. Rejoice in it. Don’t sit around saying well this is the way it used to be in longingly long for the days it used to be. It’s saying Christ is it. Now believe it and folk sometimes when you believe Christ is it and you’ve been bogged down in tradition you got to let go your tradition. You see, I’ll tell you something about these things here. A Gentile doesn’t walk around saying I’m a Gentile. I have some pride that, I’m Gentile have you? Did any of you Gentiles ever do that? I never did I don’t ever walk around thinking of myself as a Gentile. But I will tell you a Hebrew does, because they had a unique place, and that is hard for a Hebrew to let go of that identity they still there’s some things that I don’t want to let go of that and yet in the Bible says there is no Hebrew or Gentile, slave or free you’re one in him and there’s a letting go. It’s easier for the Gentile to let go of that because we now know via Gentile is never a big deal to begin with as far as I am concerned. So what do you think let go, but that is not the case.
You can get the same thing with a Muslim, a Muslim boy let go, oh no, I want to be a Christian Muslim. Well, I’m sorry there is no such thing. Oh, it’d be a Christian Buddhist. I’m sorry there is no such thing. There comes to a point when you come to Christ and you gotta let go of that stuff. It forces you to let go of it. And in Christ, you got to forget about being a Hebrew. You got to forget about being a Gentile you got to forget about whether you’re a Buddhist or whether you can’t think about your now what? What is your identity now? A child of God. You know there’s a lot of Christians run around ready to be Jews then they would Christians. Really go and go back man, it just that’s all we think about preoccupied with what God’s doing with the Hebrew instead of what he’s doing to the world. The Lord Jesus Christ came to live in our hearts, to make us new creations. And that new creation is a child of living God. Isn’t it wonderful all of a sudden God provide a way whereby all people can be in one family. That is, that is unbelievable. That’s exactly what he did.
Now it says even though we speak like this, dear friends, where confidence of better things, in your case, things that accompany salvation, He said to him, man I’ve given you this morning. But he’s coming back and saying, but I’m confident that these things aren’t going on your heart. And I could say the same things. I hope they’re not going on in your heart. I hope you’re not holding on to these things. But if you are, what he’s saying is listen to what’s being said. God’s not unjust he will not forget the work and the love. You’ve shown him as you’ve helped people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show the same diligence to the very end in order to make your hope sure. We don’t want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience, inherit what has been promised.
Now I want to turn back again, just for a minute to uh, to amplify to Genesis 22. If you’ll turn back with me to Genesis 22 beginning in verse 15. Angel, the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time and he said, I swear by myself declares the Lord, that because you have done this and not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you, and make your descendants as numerous as the stars of the sky. And as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring or seed. Who is that? Jesus, all the nations of the earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me. Your bloodline is security. Who is the blessing? Jesus, the seed. He is the one that will bless the earth.
So he says I don’t want you to be lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience, inherit what has been promised. What has been promised? Jesus. To who? And he wanted to believe. And what he’s saying to the Hebrews here is I understand what you’ve been through. I understand your traditions. I understand your dedication. I understand you’re wanting to hold on to your identity, I understand all those things. But Christ came to give you something better than that. And that’s His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, the one who is and was and always will be.
Well let’s pray together. Free us from ever becoming professional. Free us from that mentality of if I study enough I’ll really be spiritual. Kind of eliminates people never had a Bible. That’s an attitude of the Pharisees. They studied. They searched, the scriptures all pointed to Jesus and they missed him and refused to come to Him for life. Free us from hanging on to tradition, from false identities, free us from hanging on to teaching that is contrary the Word of God. Free us from hanging on to experiences that are contrary to the Word of God. Enable us to see a fresh at this life that we live is not a performance to be performed but truly a life to be lived. And it’s your life. It’s all you none of us. Pointing our focus back upon you the living God where this life is a reality to us. It’s no longer something that we think of as something we go do. That every place we are you’re with us your anus. And your life is ours and our life is yours. And we can walk afresh on the newness in this newness of life by faith and patience, realizing you’re not through with us yet, but you have promised to complete the work. And if you’ve promised to complete the work that you began in us, then I can quit trying and trust you to do it in your time, in your way. And I thank You Father for that promise. And you’re ever presence in our lives. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”