Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P83 (03-25-24)
Jesus Said it is Finished, Walk in HIS Forgiveness Today
~ To this day, people refuse to come to the knowledge of TRUTH. Oh, they say they believe in Jesus, and add the word BUT to their arsenal. Oh, I believe my sins have been forgiven, BUT I’ve got to ask Jesus to forgive me. Oh, I believe I am righteous in the sight of God, but I’ve got to please him by doing good things. Oh, I believe that God saved me forever, BUT you can lose your salvation. Oh, I believe that God saves without having do do any good works, BUT you need to do good works. And on and on it goes, with the lies of Satan. Satan and the demons are saying, “Did Jesus really say it is finished? Maybe God only meant that it was only finished for Him what He did, now you better toe the line, or else God is going to zap you.” Many people will even get mad as a disturbed hornet’s nest when you point out the truth to them. They will constantly say, “You’ve got to repent of all your sins,” as though they really believe they have repented of ALL of their sins, instead of changing their mind about what Jesus did on the cross for them. Oh they will say, you’ve got to confess your sins (meaning ask God for forgiveness in their mind), instead of AGREEING with God their sins have been forgiven at the cross. How many times do we have to say, “that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness?” Yet they still don’t even understand that, because they will always come back with the word “but.” It’s important to understand that many of these people that claim to be saved are not saved. For by their fruits it is evident they don’t believe the word of God. Sure they can repeat scripture back to you, but they don’t have a clue what it means. That is evident that they don’t have the Holy Spirit living in them. They hardly listen to the calling of the Holy Spirit anymore. They would rather believe ALL the lies than listen to the truth taught by the word of God and the Holy Spirit testifying to the fact they are forgiven. Why is that? Why are they so adamant about not accepting the Truth? Because they know in their heart that if they are wrong in that key foundational area of their theology that they are most likely wrong in a number of other areas of scripture. And no one likes to admit they are wrong.
And for heavens sake, quite promoting Satan’s transformed messengers of righteousness. Quit listening to the devil and the demons today. Turn off the music, turn off the television, quit listening to the news, quit listening to the lies of the world. Focus on Jesus and you will begin to see the TRUTH of Everything. Nothing is as it seems in the world today. We were ALL taught a bunch of lies. Our parents didn’t know any better either. If you can’t see what is really going on, then ask God to show you. And he will. A simple prayer is, “God show me what is truly going on in the world today.” And he will give you the knowledge and wisdom to understand ALL things happening.
The bottom line is never compromise on the TRUTH. Tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may. Don’t back down either. And when people get upset at you (and they will), remember they are just acting out what is really going on inside them. The Holy Spirit will supply the arguments for you to share with them. The Holy Spirit will show you the scriptures that they need to hear. Trust in Him to do the work in and through you. God is a God of perfect logic and love. He is the one that knows it all, not us. Simply make yourself available to be used by Him each and every moment of the day. That is faith that pleases God.
The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First he says: “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary. Hebrews 10:17-18
~ “It’s something new now in chapter 10. He says What have you been under what was a part of the old stuff that you were under of the old will that you were under? Well, he said the law, the law that was put into effect by God until the reality came, the law was merely a foreshadowing a shadow of the good things that are coming, but they are not realities themselves. You know, folks, it’s funny, isn’t it? That how we seem to be bent as human beings of living in fantasy, and enjoying fantasy, more than reality. That’s why we spend the millions of dollars I think, to escape into the movie industry and into the television industry. And the whole world is sitting around talking about fantasy, what is your fantasy? And let’s live out your fantasy. And let’s fantasize and you can fantasize to the point where you cannot tolerate reality. Fantasy doesn’t have bad breath. Fantasy doesn’t live in reality. Fantasy is fantasy. And the more that we buy what the world is telling us, fantasize, fantasize, fantasize, you keep in that type of a deal, and it isn’t going to be very long, or you cannot tolerate reality. I had a young girl Her name was Sherry, that I had the privilege of leading to Christ a number of years ago. Today she’s married with children, and a normal girl. When I met her, she was going at home at home every night after work, cooking dinner for two setting to place mats out a dish on both sides, a candle in the middle and putting food on two plates when there was only one in the house, and fantasizing that she was sitting there with a boyfriend Well, what was wrong with her? Well, she began to get involved in fantasy. And then you get more involved in fantasy and more involved with fantasy. And before long you’ve lost touch with reality. Now that’s all in the world what in a world do we think pornography is? I mean just how many people you know that look like that. And if you did how many of you seen them. What in the world does all that stuff do if it isn’t create fantasy. Well, is that healthy? Is that reality? I mean you look enough of that how you gonna tolerate your wife unless she looks like that. If she did she probably wouldn’t be married to you” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
I’m convinced what I’m seeing around the country is that people are sick to death, of being beaten to death with legalism. I think that the average Christian world is sitting there and realizing there’s got to be something more than what we’re experiencing. And I think there’s a brand new openness in the hearts of man all across this country, to receive the message of the grace of God. And so we’re very privileged aren’t we to, to be a part, I believe, of what God’s about. And this isn’t something that we’ve come up with or someone else has come up with. But it’s something God is about. And to think that he lets me and you in on his plan is beyond comprehension to me. But it’s fun. It’s fun to realize that this is something that God is doing. And he’s allowed us to be a part of it. And we’re so grateful for that.
Well, let’s, let’s pick up in the book of Hebrews, because it kind of ties in to what we’re talking about here. Beginning in chapter 10, last two weeks ago, when I was here, we were talking about the finality of the cross. In other words, the totality of the forgiveness of sin that is ours through Christ Jesus and how that came about. It is not a billy goat forgiveness where you’re forgiven, but. And but, but, but it is you’re forgiven period. And this is what God is trying to get across. Because folks until we come to that understanding of the finality of forgiveness, then you’re keeping alive what Christ finalized. And how can you walk by faith? With and without faith it’s impossible to please God, how can you walk by faith in the fact that Christ did it, and then put a but on it that has the but on it proves you don’t believe he did it. So if I say Christ forgave me, but I don’t believe he forgave me. Now I can verbalize that. And I can say that, and I can go through the motions. But in essence, in the depths of our hearts, we do not believe it. It would be like me saying, I believe Amy and I are married. But I asked her everyday just in case, and why she’d think I was an idiot. Now, if we’re married, you’re married. And if I believe that I’m married, and I can have some glimpse of remembering as long as it’s been, that we we’re married, and she knows we’re married, what in the world benefit? Would there be to asking her to marry me every day? And the answer that is there isn’t. We’re married, settle it, live in it. You don’t have to activate what’s already occurred. And if I’m still and she’s still wondering, the more I keep asking her to marry him already say, I thought we did. It seems to I remember that day. But it’s getting more vague every time he asks, maybe that was a dream. Maybe I was only thinking that we were married. And before long, you begin doubting the fact that you have literally changed your identity from a two single people to two people who are married together and identity. And we’re sitting back and wondering, did that really occur? Because I keep asking her all the time. And it’s the same thing in our forgiveness. It’s the same thing in our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ that if we’re going to walk by faith, then we’re gonna have to walk by faith and what he said when he said it’s finished. That’s exactly what he meant. And if I do not settle that issue, then I will spend the rest of my life again, like Amy and I wondering, does it real? Did that really occur? Instead of getting on with how to get along as two married people? Not dealing with are we are aren’t we? But yes, we are. Now how do you get along? And there’s some adjustment in that in case you haven’t noticed. I’ve talked about our it’s been about yours.
Now, this is what the book of Hebrews is trying to get across. You’re dealing with people back then as the Hebrew as well as you’re dealing with people to us who have created our own form of legalism. And that’s why even though the book was was designed to the Hebrew it is as applicable to us as Christians today as to the Hebrew back then, because we’ve done the same thing created our own religious system. And so he explained to us that in case of a will, that is impossible for a will to go into a force until the one who made it died. This book is a will and a testament, it’s why they call a New Testament and an Old Testament, it is a will and a testament. If you and I want to get a will and a testament, I hope you have one because if you don’t, the government has one for you. But if you have a will, and in that will, you’re going to be stating as to what is going to happen to your possessions to your interest when the event occurs, that you die. And it is what enables someone to receive the inheritance that you have willed to them. And that will does not go into effect until the day you die. You have written that while you’re living, but it does not go into effect until the day you die. But the day you do die, that will goes into effect, and to the recipients of your inheritance that you’re giving to them. They can refuse what you have given them. They can accept what you have given him, but they cannot alter what you have given them. And so it is once and done. And now he’s saying with this brand new will that God brought into effect.
It’s something new now in chapter 10. He says What have you been under what was a part of the old stuff that you were under of the old will that you were under? Well, he said the law, the law that was put into effect by God until the reality came, the law was merely a foreshadowing a shadow of the good things that are coming, but they are not realities themselves. You know, folks, it’s funny, isn’t it? That how we seem to be bent as human beings of living in fantasy, and enjoying fantasy, more than reality. That’s why we spend the millions of dollars I think, to escape into the movie industry and into the television industry. And the whole world is sitting around talking about fantasy, what is your fantasy? And let’s live out your fantasy. And let’s fantasize and you can fantasize to the point where you cannot tolerate reality. Fantasy doesn’t have bad breath. Fantasy doesn’t live in reality. Fantasy is fantasy. And the more that we buy what the world is telling us, fantasize, fantasize, fantasize, you keep in that type of a deal, and it isn’t going to be very long, or you cannot tolerate reality. I had a young girl Her name was Sherry, that I had the privilege of leading to Christ a number of years ago. Today she’s married with children, and a normal girl. When I met her, she was going at home at home every night after work, cooking dinner for two setting to place mats out a dish on both sides, a candle in the middle and putting food on two plates when there was only one in the house, and fantasizing that she was sitting there with a boyfriend Well, what was wrong with her? Well, she began to get involved in fantasy. And then you get more involved in fantasy and more involved with fantasy. And before long you’ve lost touch with reality. Now that’s all in the world what in a world do we think pornography is? I mean just how many people you know that look like that. And if you did how many of you seen them. What in the world does all that stuff do if it isn’t create fantasy. Well, is that healthy? Is that reality? I mean you look enough of that how you gonna tolerate your wife unless she looks like that. If she did she probably wouldn’t be married to you.
We live in a generation today by friends were fantasy is killing people. It is absolutely keeping us away from reality. Well, the Bible is saying the law was that way. It was not a reality. It was a foreshadowing. And what it was saying is there is only one reality that you and I are ever going to be able to grab a hold of in his life. It’s strange isn’t it says that is real, those things you can’t see. And the things you can see are gonna disappear. But he said, there’s one reality and that is Christ Jesus. And he didn’t leave us to fantasize about him, he came to this earth so we could see him. So you didn’t have to sit around fantasizing about what’s God’s like and wondering what God’s like, and coming in and saying, Oh, the spirit was so thick, you could have cut it with a knife. Well, it was so thick it cut it with a knife, you could have seen it. But your fantasy what the Spirit is like and what this is like, and what’s that, and so we bring that same fantasizing mentality over into the Christian world that we have out there. Because we refuse to live in reality. Reality is reality. And I can deal with reality, but I can’t deal with fantasy. And so we bring that over into the Christian world. And we fantasize when God says, I don’t want you to fantasize, I don’t want you to have to sit around wondering what God is like, I’m going to show you what God is like. And so God became a man. And he took upon himself our flesh and blood, and took upon himself our humanity, because I can identify with another human being God is Spirit. You must worship Him in spirit and truth. How can I relate to spirit, I can’t see it. It’s like air. I can’t see it, I can breathe it, I can’t see it. Unless you live in LA. We had an advantage out there, we got to see the air we breathe here in Texas, we have to breathe by faith. But But But normally, you can’t see it. And so God said, I don’t want you to have to fantasize, because if you begin fantasizing in the spirit world, your mind is unlimited. And it’ll go all over the place. And before long, you’re out here chasing demons and all the refrigerators. And yet God demon activity over here and you got demon activity over here. And before long way you’re trying to cast out this demon and cast out that demon and all of a sudden you’re preoccupied with demons. Instead of the reality of Christ, Jesus our Lord. And we have one institution after another and deliverance ministries and everything else, everyone’s out trying to get you delivered from demons. The only one deliverance from demons that’s get the right man in the wrong man goes out. Christ Jesus is not a fantasy. He was a total reality. It was God that came to this earth. He was born in human form. And likeness as a man that you could walk with and talk with, and interact with, and love and be loved.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:43
And that Christ Jesus, he said, If you want to see me, if you want to see the Father, you look at me. If you’ve seen me, he said, you’ve seen the Father. So don’t be speculating anymore about what the Father’s like are sitting there. Gee, I wonder what God’s like, he said, Look at me, and you’ll know. Why? Well, because you start looking at the spirit end of it, and it goes all over the place. So the Spirit of God lives in me. So if you want to know what the Spirit of God is, like, look at Me (Jesus) and you’ll know. You won’t know what God’s love is about. Look at Me, you’ll know. You want to know what God’s forgiveness is all about. Take a look at what I did on the cross. You’ll know, a man physical man that I could look at and see came to this earth not so that I can fantasize but so that I could walk in reality. Reality my friends is part of truth that sets you free. Reality is truth, fantasy, is error. And so he came to this earth. And he said, this law, these things over here, these performances, all of these ordinances, all of that type of stuff, they’re merely foreshadowings, they’re not real, real at all. The reality of all of that is going to come in Christ. I said, until the reality comes, I’m going to give you some of those things not so that you can be speculating and fantasy, but they are something you can see, you can see an animal has to die for your sins. So you can see the wages of sin is death. So you don’t have to fantasize, what that means you can see an animal will be killed, and that is a foreshadowing of the one who will die on the cross once and for all for all of you. So he gave us these things not to fantasize even back then but realities, but they weren’t the realities. The blood of bulls and goats could never what? Take away sin. But he said the blood of bulls and goats could cover sin. That’ll be a foreshadowing. But the blood of bulls and goats can’t take away sin. And is coming to this earth at a point in time, when God taking upon himself, you’re in my flesh and blood is going to go to that cross that he’s going to sacrifice not to cover sin, already had a system for that, but to take it away.
And that’s what he’s talking about. It is impossible. He says for the blood of bulls and goes to take away sin. Therefore, when Christ not a fantasy A man came into this world. He said sacrifice and offerings you didn’t desire, but a body you prepared for me. With burnt offerings and sin offerings, you are not pleased. Then he said, Here I am, it is written about me in the scroll I have come to do Your will, oh, Lord. First, he said sacrifices and burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire nor were you pleased with them, although the law required them to be made. Because the law required them to be made as a foreshadowing of the reality that was coming. And had we not had those foreshadowings we wouldn’t have understood what he did. But he wasn’t pleased with them. Why wasn’t he pleased with them? Because it says it no one could ever draw nearer to God and perfect worship with a blood of bulls and goats. No one could ever draw on deer in a perfect relationship with a living God, when you had to keep dealing with sin over and over and over and over and over again, because of that searching question that would always be hitting in your mind. Have I done enough? Did I go to the confession booth enough? Have I walked enough aisles? I’ll say my first John one nine enough. What have I forgot one? I mean, after all, if I’m if, if I confess my sins, he’ll forgive. I gotta say, If I don’t, he won’t. And what if I forget one? And so it’s oh, well, Grace will cover that. Amazing wouldn’t cover the, in other words, Grace just covers your memory. And so your in to all of those type of questions that you guys have to ask. And I want to tell you something, it leads you into a point when you and I get ready to go to our deathbed. And we know that in a minute of moments or hours or whatever it might be that we’re going to be absent this body present with the Lord. It’s a thing that enables you to look forward to going instead of sitting in fear, wondering, did I do enough? Did I confess that? When he realized it’s all him, and none of me so the law required these things, but God could not be pleased with them because they would not accomplish and could not accomplish the ultimate purpose that God had for you and me. And that is a perfect relationship.
Then he said, Here I am, I’ve come to do Your will. He said it again. He sets aside the first the Old Covenant in order to establish the second the brand New Covenant. And by this will by this brand new will the last will went into effect on the day that Christ died. By that will brand new agreement. Christ died. It’s already out there. Now the issue is do you want to accept it? Or do you want to wallow in it? By this brand new will we who are in Christ have been made holy, through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all. Oh, what’s being holy mean? That walk around with a nice kind of nutty grin on my face and glassy eyed and kind of walk around like this is that what being holy is? What is holy? Well it means to be set apart. What do you mean set apart? We are set apart from the world. How do you born into this world as a believer or an unbeliever? As an unbeliever. The minute you become a believer, what are you what are you? Well you’re set apart from the world. Because of why? Your relationship with Christ. When you come into this world And born in this room, do you have a relationship with Christ? Or don’t you? No. All of a sudden you come to Christ Jesus, you have a relationship with him, what are you? Well, you’re set apart. By what? Your relationship with God. And so the very moment that you and I stepped out of Adam into Christ, Christ stepped out of heaven into you and me, we became born again of the Spirit of God, he set you apart. It doesn’t mean it’s right now, it’s not talking about how you act or how you look. It’s talking about who you are. We’re talking here folks about identity as to who you are. I used to be single, now I’m married, that’s who I am a married man. And incidentally, bounce off of that for a minute. I was married for many years before I’d ever died to singleness. And you can be married to your wife and not die to singleness and not be alive to your marriage, you’re married, but you’re not alive to it. When you finally come to the point of realizing that I am married, and there’s a responsibility with that, and I’m glad that I’m going to stop thinking like a single person. When I’m single, I go where I want to do it I want to when I’m married, that’s not the case. Now we do what we want to now I got to cooperate. Now there’s an attitude of cooperation that has to take place because there’s no longer two but they’re one and the two have become one flesh and therefore we move in harmony with one another instead of independent from one another. But that takes a while to learn. And even though I was married, I thought like a single man so if I wanted to go to the bar go to the bar did when I was single. Well yeah she won’t like it that’s all right she’ll learn. After all I’m not going to be hen pecked. That was my attitude for years. Any woman going to dominate me. Well I want to go the bar, I’ll be at the bar. She didn’t like it. why tough. Kind, sweet attitude. Did a lot for a marriage too it was worser.
Now folks until Christ Jesus came to live with in my heart, that was my mindset. And I want to tell you some there when they think unnatural about that. That was as natural mindset is I can ever imagine. I saw no contradiction to that mindset at all. It made all the sense in the world to me. And if anyone want to sit down, argue with me on that mindset, I thought you were an idiot to argue with me on it. That was my mindset. Natural. When Christ comes to live within you, he begins peeling away that mindset. And you begin to understand, hold on a minute, I am not by myself. The two of us have been made one. And I am not there to do my thing. We are there to do our thing. And our thing is God’s thing. And he has set us apart for that purpose. Now folks, when we look at here, when Jesus said, Here I am I have come to do Your will. I’ve come to do Your will oh God. On the cross or prior to the cross in the Garden of Gethsemane, then that the Lord said, Lord, if there’s any way to take care of this thing, if there is any way to save humanity if there is any way to provide a forgiveness system whereby sins can be taken away rather than covered. If there’s a way to do that, do it. However not my will, but Thine be done. In other words, we know there isn’t. So let’s do it. Folks when you’re talking about not my will but thine be done not mine Lord but yours be done. When you start to think about it, the bottom line as to where God is heading us toward the mindset, the attitude your attitude should be like that of Christ Jesus, who though he were God did not consider equality with God, something we grasp but he humbled himself. What was the humbling of himself even to the point of death, not my will but Yours be done, Lord. It In other words, even though Christ Jesus was living in this body, his human body, never ceasing to be God could have behaved as God anytime he wanted to. But he chose not to. And even though Jesus never ever, ever was anything less than God, he behaved as if you were never anything more than a man in comparison to us who will never be anything more than a man strutting around here as if we’re nothing less than God. And Christ Jesus, although he was God behaved as a man and the way he did. So as you said, anything you see me do, it’s the Father telling me to do it. Anything you hear me say, it’s the Father telling me to say and incidentally as the Father sent me. So send I you, he taught us how to live.
Now, Christ Jesus didn’t have to struggle with that we do. Not my will, but yours be done. But folks, if we are in a situation of saying, I am indwelt, by the living Christ, I have been set apart I’m a new creation Christ Jesus is alive living in you and me which is our only hope of glory. Then he is pointing us toward an attitude of a continual attitude to the Lord, not my will, but yours be done. That’s where he’s pointing us. Not my will. but yours be done. We have temptations in life, don’t we? How many? Bunches tons of them constantly bombarding into your will, constantly attacking. Why? Well, because it says in the scripture that we have desires of the flesh, and we have desires of the Spirit. That means there’s two sets of desires in you and me. One is God’s desires. The other is flesh desires. And it says they are in total what? Conflict with one another.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
