Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P69 (02-20-24)
No One Keeps The Law ~ No One is Good ~ Only Jesus is GOOD!
~ There aren’t any law keepers today. There never were any law keepers. There are simply hypocrites that pretend they are keeping the law of God. The law pretenders are out there in droves. They try to practice “law keeping” and think they are righteous in the sight of God based on their “good works” as though they have good works in and of themselves. You can spot these liars a mile a way. They lie to themselves and others about their ability to keep the law of God. They even put down the teaching of grace because in their mind, they look on that as a license to sin, as though someone needs a license to sin. They don’t have a clue about the resurrected life of God, and the Holy Spirit living in the life of a believer. They go through the motions of great pretenders. Oh, they can repeat verses of scripture backwards and forwards, but they don’t have a clue what the word of God means. These folks that are under law, are cursed. And they don’t even have a clue what that curse is. Death. They are dead, and under the wrath of God.
Don’t allow anyone to put you under a guilt trip. For Satan wants to place you under a guilt trip and he will send people your way if he thinks he can convince you that God is disappointed with you for not obeying the LAW. Quit listening to your would be jailers. Jesus came to set you free from religion. Quit paying your local jailers to build stronger cells. Quit visiting your local Sunday jails, and sitting there listening to the lies of the doctrines of men. And instead, start exercising faith. Start listening to the Holy Spirit today teach you all truth. Pay attention to the details. Faith says, “Thank you Jesus you did it ALL for me.” Only FAITH in Him will do.
All who rely on works of the law are under a curse. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.” Galatians 3:10
~ “And so he’s saying to them, that there is someone that has come not on regulation not according to his ancestry, but on the power of an indestructible life. Moses is in his grave. David is in his grave. Abraham is in his grave. The only grave that’s famous for who isn’t in it is Jesus. He isn’t in it. He was raised from the dead. Folks, that is not up for grabs, either. The only speculation was in how the grave got empty, but there was no speculation on the fact that it was empty. The speculation came as to how it got that way. But anybody could have gone and seen that there wasn’t anybody in there. So the issue is how to get out. And there’s all kinds of harebrained ideas that people come up with that way. But the fact of the matter is that Christ was raised from the dead. And as Paul said, if he were not raised from the dead, our faith is futile, and were to be pitied of all people. Because if he were not raised from the dead, we have no resurrected life, he is not alive, he is dead and he’s just another priest on the order of any other Levite. So we’re talking about a person Christ Jesus different than Moses, different from Abraham, different from anybody else who’s ever walked on the face of the earth, because of an indestructible life, he was raised from the dead, indicating who he was God in the flesh. Now it says before it is declared, This is by God, you are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. The former regulation, therefore it’s talking about was set aside because it was weak and useless, for the law made nothing perfect. And a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God. Folks, I don’t know how much clearer you can get it than that the law made nothing perfect. And we have people today are saying, whereas Oh, yeah, I believe you’re saved, but great, but you gotta obey the law. Well, lot’s of luck. You can’t even obey the first one. That’s something all of us know deep down our hearts to love your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul. Man, we’ve we can’t even hit that one. Let’s be realistic. And yet people walk around saying, Oh, you got to obey the law. Try it. But you realize what the law was given for. It says that anyone who is under the law is under a curse, because cursed is everyone who does not do what? Everything written in the Book of law, you want to be under the law, you’re under a curse.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
And so he’s saying to them, that there is someone that has come not on regulation not according to his ancestry, but on the power of an indestructible life. Moses is in his grave. David is in his grave. Abraham is in his grave. The only grave that’s famous for who isn’t in it is Jesus. He isn’t in it. He was raised from the dead. Folks, that is not up for grabs, either. The only speculation was in how the grave got empty, but there was no speculation on the fact that it was empty. The speculation came as to how it got that way. But anybody could have gone and seen that there wasn’t anybody in there. So the issue is how to get out. And there’s all kinds of harebrained ideas that people come up with that way. But the fact of the matter is that Christ was raised from the dead. And as Paul said, if he were not raised from the dead, our faith is futile, and were to be pitied of all people. Because if he were not raised from the dead, we have no resurrected life, he is not alive, he is dead and he’s just another priest on the order of any other Levite. So we’re talking about a person Christ Jesus different than Moses, different from Abraham, different from anybody else who’s ever walked on the face of the earth, because of an indestructible life, he was raised from the dead, indicating who he was God in the flesh. Now it says before it is declared, This is by God, you are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. The former regulation, therefore it’s talking about was set aside because it was weak and useless, for the law made nothing perfect. And a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God. Folks, I don’t know how much clearer you can get it than that the law made nothing perfect. And we have people today are saying, whereas Oh, yeah, I believe you’re saved, but great, but you gotta obey the law. Well, lot’s of luck. You can’t even obey the first one. That’s something all of us know deep down our hearts to love your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul. Man, we’ve we can’t even hit that one. Let’s be realistic. And yet people walk around saying, Oh, you got to obey the law. Try it. But you realize what the law was given for. It says that anyone who is under the law is under a curse, because cursed is everyone who does not do what? Everything written in the Book of law, you want to be under the law, you’re under a curse. Unless you think you can do it all. And it says if you have violated the least of these, my commandments, you violated how many of them? Well, all of them. Now what is the wages of that violation? It’s called death. So your dad is a hammer, if you think you’re under the law. The righteous requirements of the one who gave the Law is perfection. It is total obedience to the law from the time you were born till the time you die. It’s not one of those things we’ll learn. I’m trying. Tell that to a policeman when you’re speeding. I was trying to I know you were trying, you were trying to get there faster, and you should have been, you see, the law doesn’t have mercy. Let’s talk to a brother just a minute ago, got a little ticket, they don’t have any mercy. Guilty. You’re speeding, guilty. That’s it. That’s the law doesn’t have any mercy to it at all. Just cut and dry. And the difference between the law that we have is, well, I can get a ticket today and go pay it and then go speed again, that wasn’t the case with the law of God. He said if you sped once and your whole lifetime, that’s it. You violated all of them. Now that’s the stringency of the law of God. Now try to be under that. And so he’s saying that the law could make nothing perfect, how come? Because we can obey it. It’s what Paul said there’s nothing wrong with the law. It’s wholly in good but when it flows through me what to do, it kills me. Nothing wrong with it. It’s okay but I’m not, and we know that folks and again, the thing of it is is we like to talk about those laws that don’t commit adultery and all that and of course, you know, you can manage that and stick somebody in jail not do that. Or just be real ugly. Rattled, I shouldn’t have said that I guess but at any rate, that was things aren’t hard. You can do all kinds of stuff with that. But try that first one on for size, love your God with all your heart and with all your mind with all your soul. Try that one on. Which we have seen when you love someone like that, rather they’re your priority. And we look just to see how much God is really a priority all the time their lives.
So he’s saying there had to be something new introduced. And he said, the law made nothing perfect and a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God and answers the question we’re talking about. How do you draw new to this God? I said, I’m going to show you. Man comes out and said, Well you’ll draw near to God because God is boy he demands perfect righteousness. So a lot get out there and I’ll get perfect righteousness that will make me draw nearer to God. And so we give that a try. And and God, boy, he had demand me to get dunked in some water so if I get dunked in some water without your drama near to God, so I’ll get dunked in water I’ll look like a prune after while I’ve been dunked so much. And now that’ll get me in there. And then God loves faithful civil boy if I go to church on Sunday morning and Sunday evening and then visitation on Monday and prayer meeting on Wednesday and everything else boy that’ll do it gotta be pleased to that how could he not be pleased with it? It’s exhausting me. So man is coming up with all kinds of ideas and ways and means of doing what? Drawing nearer to God, that’s all your that’s all religion is trying to do, folks is find a way to draw near to God to please this reluctant God that really doesn’t like me. But if I work hard enough, try hard enough, try hard enough, maybe I can draw near to Him. Probably not gonna get real close to him if I can just ease up on him.
God solved that. Is that a problem to man? Of course it is. If there’s a God, I want to know him. I mean, if there’s a God that’s big enough to call his universe into existence, that He’s big enough to annihilate me. And if that’s the case, I’d like to find out how to get in good with this God. I want to know, how can I draw nearer to God? How can I draw nearer to God? That tells us, there is a new and a better hope that was introduced by which we can draw near to God, there’s a new hope. We’re gonna say, well, let’s read on then.
And his hope that it talks about was not without an oath. Others became priests without any oath. But he Christ became a priest with a nose when God said to Him, the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, you are a priest forever. Now, because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant. A guarantee of a better covenant. Folks who determines the worth of a guarantee? The guarantor is the one who does it mean you can get all kinds of guarantees, but the business is gonna go out of business in the year What good’s the guarantee? So the guarantee is only good if the one who does the guaranteeing is good. Now how long do you think God’s gonna be around? I think quite a while hopefully now. So and again, because of the oath that was made by God, then Jesus is the guarantee of a better covenant of a better covenant. Folks, this is the crux of the entire Christian faith, that I was a Christian for years and years and years and never heard about New Covenant. And it is preparing us for these next chapters, the most exciting chapters in the Bible, about this brand New Covenant that has been made between God and man, whereby through the act of Jesus Christ, he said, their sins and their lawless acts, I will remember no more. That’s it. I’m gonna deal with sin once and for all, and that’s gonna be the end of it. And all that religion. And the majority of the Christian religion today, unfortunately, has done is look into the face of God and call Him a liar. And act as if that New Covenant never has been in existence. Now this is an oath that was made by God, to Jesus, Jesus, you are a priest forever. So because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee now have a better covenant. That’s our hope. Was there any hope under the Old Covenant? Do this and you shall die if you if you if you disobey any of the laws, you’re going to die. Was there any hope in there, and if you’d like to run away, and still live under that?
So there’s this brand new agreement that has been made and it was made with an oath from God, a guarantee of a better covenant, now it goes ahead keep explaining. Now there have been many of those priests since death prohibit them from continuing in office. That is one way to get a guy at office is death and death prohibited these priests from remaining in office. Most of us kind of live on the 200 year plan, like we’re gonna be around forever, but we’re not. And neither were the priests gonna be around forever. But, because Jesus lives forever, because he lives forever he has a permanent priesthood. Not one is going to come today and go tomorrow because he lives forever a permanent priesthood. Any of you know any physical priests that are gonna live forever? Anyone know like that? I don’t either only Christ with the permanent priesthood that is going to live forever that’s why he is a guarantee of a better covenant. Therefore now when you see a therefore you ask what is it therefore? Okay, therefore because he is a permanent priest, gonna be there forever introduced a brand New Covenant. In as much as there is no way for you and meet even began to live under the law. There is no way for you and me to draw near to God under the law period. I hear people sometimes say Oh, this this legalistic pastor or that he loves God. Said, No, he doesn’t. You love God because He loves you first and you can’t not understand the love of God under the law. So a person who is a legalist who says I love God is a liar. You can’t love God under the law. You can’t love someone that’s going to zap you every time you do something wrong. You can’t love your wife that way. You can’t love your husband that way.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:12
So a person saying oh I love God but is a billy goat Christian the but but but. No they’re aren’t any buts connected to it. You cannot love God we loved him. Because what he loved us first, you can experience his love for you under the law. The law condemns. What does it say the law does? Kills. But the Spirit does what? Gives life. How can you love someone’s going to kill you? So it’s verbiage, which is what much of this stuff is anyway verbiage. There’s no depth of understanding. It’s just verbiage. I say so just after a while, it just gets as easy to say Praise the Lord. As it does today, how’re you doing? Praise the Lord hallelujah, Jesus, Jesus. Praise God, hallelujah. That has no meaning to it at all, just just verbiage. Folks, God wants us to grow up. And that’s what this book of Hebrews is about saying quit remaining babies like that I want you to grow. I want you to grow in the grace of God. I want you to understand why you believe what you believe. I want you to understand the depth of why you believe what you believe. This Jesus Is it because he lives forever we have a permanent priesthood. Therefore, therefore, because of that, he is able to save what? Completely completely. What does it mean when something has been saved completely? Kind of means he’s been saved completely. In the Greek that means he has been saved completely. It’s the same deal and and completeness can now can you add to completeness? Can you subtract from completeness? Remember when the scripture where it says you have been made? What? Complete in Christ. What does that mean? That you have been saved completely. Now, if you’ve been saved completely, could you lose what you’ve just been saved completely with? No, because the salvation that you received is dependent upon the one who made the oath not upon you who received it, is that correct or not? In other words, if you got a guarantee on a car, five year unconditional guarantee, and the transmission went out, would you really have to worry if the manufacturer was credible about getting it fixed? Well, you said, Well, you didn’t drive it very well, that’s not the issue. They guaranteed fix it. So you’ve gotten been guaranteed, based upon the qualification of the guarantor. And the guarantor saved you completely. So if you’re saved completely, then how could you lose your completeness? You see, when people say about the totality of salvation, and isn’t just verbiage, well, I’ve just come up with that, or that’s what we Baptist believe. Well, that’s what we charismatic. So that’s what we are into that kind of stuff. That’s a flimsy reason to believe anything. There’s reasons why you believe. And the reason apart, among many reasons, that I don’t believe, I know in the depths of my of my soul. And I know, you do too. I hope you do. That you have been saved completely is because the word says so it is there. And it’ll say so again, and another way and again and another way. And you say when we believe even they say Why that’s just a minor doctrine. No, it isn’t. When we believe we can lose their salvation, we are looking into the face of Christ and calling him a liar who says I’ve saved you completely. If you could lose your salvation, then your salvation is predicated upon you and what you’re doing, not me and what I’m doing, which is quite frankly, what all religion is anyway. And of course, then you get the people said, Oh, well, you teach people that there’s got to live like a devil said, I have noticed that not doing that anyway. I mean, I haven’t seen much sinless perfection in a legalistic church, have you? And that’s not the issue anyway. The issue is not what would you do? If. That’s not the issue anyway. And as much as I’m not God, I shouldn’t be concerned, what you do and what you don’t do. What I want to be concerned with is communicating truth. And what you do with that truth that’s between you and God. But it doesn’t negate the truth. When Christ says, You’ve been saved completely, he means you’ve been saved completely. And he is the one who did it. He is the only one with the indestructible life, he is the only one who has been raised from the dead, He is God, he always has been, he always is and always will be. And God promised something. And he said, believe it. It’s an indestructible life. So it says we have it he therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them. Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through Christ.
Folks, the reason that it is Jesus only is because that’s how God had to arrange that. You see, when you’re dealing with this area of salvation, you have to see God and all of his fullness and you have to see man and his condition. And the wages of sin is death. And the gift of God is life. And so the issue with man and God is an issue of life and death. And if the wages of sin is death, and all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, then that means all are dead. And if all are dead, what’s the only solution to death, life and life cannot be generated in a corpse. If a corpse is going to come to life, something called Life’s going to have to get into that thing, because death can’t produce life. And so the condition of mankind is a condition of spiritual death. And the reason that Christ is not a way or a truth or any life, but the Way, the Truth and the Life is because he’s the only one who had life. God looked at man and said, Man needs life. And the only life that they need is God’s life. And so I will send my Son God to this earth to give them life. He’s the only one that couldn’t give us life. Buddha couldn’t give you life Confucius couldn’t give you life. Mohammed couldn’t give you life. A Baptist can’t give you life. Presbyterian couldn’t give you life. Catholic priests can give you a life. I couldn’t give you a life. You can’t give each other life. If spiritual life is not there the only way you could get life as if it was given to you. So we didn’t have life. That’s what salvation is folks life. What are you saved from? For the wages of sin. What’s the wages of sin? What’s the solution to death? Life. You see religion twist that, as it always does, and it makes the issue sin. And so all we think about is sin, and sin and sin. That’s what the Old Testament that’s all I had to think with because they were living under the law, the law demands you think about sin all the time. What else can the law demand, that’s what the law is talking about isn’t it. It forces you to think about you. There’s no option except to think about you. That’s what the law demands of you. There isn’t anything to do with life. It has to do with performance. Christ said there’s something beyond this behavior that everyone’s so concerned with. And there’s a reason for that behavior. Folks, it’s like looking down at a, at a corpse and sitting there saying, I wonder why it’s stinketh. Let’s see, if we can figure this out. I wonder if he had a background? I wonder if his mother didn’t treat him nice. He didn’t sit there. Why does he stinketh? He’s dead. And folks, that’s the way it is. Why do we behave this way? Let’s sit down and sit down and figure out why you behave this way. Your dead that’s why you behave that way. You’re behaving like a dead corpse. That’s what you are. We’re sitting around trying to figure that out, as if I could get it figured out, would that make you alive?
And so the whole world is sitting around trying to figure out a corpse wandering was acting like a dead person. It’s because it is dead. That’s why it’s acting like a dead person. Life is the issue of salvation. That’s why Jesus is not just something Well, I just kind of got this guy out of the blue. And if you believe in him, that’s it. That’s not it. Christ was God. God was solving a problem. He saw man in his pitiful condition and said I’m gonna go solve it for them. How come? Because I love them. Now it goes ahead to say that he lives then he saves completely those who come to God through Him. Well, what is again the world want to do? They want to try to come to God now the way you see again. And so what are we doing? Well, I’m coming to God, I’m coming to God, I’m coming to God. What are you doing? Well, I’m praising, I’m praying. I’m having meetings. You know, I’m sitting over there and clap my hands to Buddha. I’m praying seven times a day, and everybody’s gonna pray and pray and pray and pray that. Say what are you doing? Trying to get nearer to God praying and praying and praying. If I just talk long enough, he’s gonna hear me after a while. After all my husband does. And so we got all that data. It’s all religious stuff. You come to God, not just to come to God, you come to God for what He alone can give you. What alone can he give you? Life. What’s your problem in Why do you want to come to God? Because you’re dead. I want to come to God and work Under God who want to come to Goddess, well, there’s something missing, you obviously haven’t experienced him coming to you. And so we have to realize there’s something beyond just Jesus. Jesus just didn’t come on the scene and say, Okay, now if you believe in me, that’s it. Jesus was sent by God, God Himself coming to this earth to provide for you and me what we don’t have. LIFE. And that’s why when Jesus says, I am the resurrection, and the life and whosoever believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever lives and believes in me, will never die. What happens when we believe that we come to God through who? Jesus, the only one who could give you life. Now it says, such a high priest meets our need. Who’s the only one could meet that need? One who is holy, blameles. Holy, set apart by God. Holy means exactly what he was. Holy. Blameless is his relationship down here. Nothing we can even blame him for. People came to Jesus to crucify him. He said, For what sin are you accusing me of? And the only reply they could have is not for any sin. We can’t find a sin. Well, that’s getting pretty good when we can’t find a sin in somebody. We could even find a sin in him. And his arch enemies, were able to say I don’t find any fault with you. I can’t find a sin that you’ve done.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
