Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/13/2024

Jesus Gives Life to the Dead

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P969 (09-13-24)

The Law Was Given to Lead us to Christ Jesus

~ The reason we have an old testament and a now the New Testament, is because God needed the New Agreement, New testament, New Will, New Covenant is because God found fault with the people in that they could not live under the old Covenant and a New Covenant was needed to bring LIFE to a person. No one was alive as God intended Man to be in the old Covenant. They were dead without the Spirit of God living in them. That is key to understanding both the old covenant and the New Covenant, is that people were NOT indwelt by the Holy Spirit by default. In the Old Testament we see instances where the Holy Spirit would come upon a person temporarily, but then would leave that person as they were prior to having the Holy Spirit coming up on them for some particular service. In the New Covenant, when the day of Pentecost arrived, the Holy Spirit came not only on people, but indwelt people, to give them Life in Christ Jesus at that very moment in time. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/12/2024

Jesus is Eternal Life Giver

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P968 (09-12-24)

All Your Sins Have Been Taken Away From the Eyes of God

~ “that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men’s trespasses against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19 This is the very foundation of the gospel message. Jesus, God in flesh, went to the cross, in order to take away the sins of the world. Then He was raised from the dead, so that same life that raised Him from the dead could also raise each of us from the dead. The very moment we place Faith in Jesus we are given the Holy Spirit, who is our Life for ALL Eternity. Once the Holy Spirit is in a person, they are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

So today, we live on this side of the cross, which is the New Covenant that we live under today. Prior to the cross, Man was under a death sentence. After the cross, Man now has a choice to accept the gift of Eternal Life. Many today refuse LIFE. The issue of today is in regards to salvation as … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/02/2024

Trust in Jesus by Faith Not Law

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P957 (08-02-24)

If a Person is Living Under Law, They Are NOT Being Led by the Spirit of God

~ If someone is trying to obey the law of God, they are Not being lead by the Spirit of God. And there is a good chance they do not have the Spirit of God living in them for life. Now that may seem to some people to be harsh to say that, but that is the Truth according to the word of God. Let’s not beat around the bush on this. For is it not better to make sure a person is saved, rather than to assume they are saved, when we have indicators from the word of God that in all likelihood they are not saved? And it doesn’t matter who we are talking about, Catholic or Protestant, it doesn’t matter, for many Protestants who think they are saved, are just as dead lost as the Catholic who follows the teachings of the Catholic church. And it makes no difference if they are a pastor or not, if a person is living under law, they are NOT being led by the Spirit … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/02/2024

Jesus is Truth and the Way

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P929 (05-02-24)

Jesus is TRUTH

~ All Truth is found in Jesus. His name is TRUTH. His word is Truth. The Holy Spirit will point out TRUTH to you. And a person who doesn’t have TRUTH living in them can’t understand Truth. When someone wants to argue over the word of God not being God’s Truth, they are arguing with God Himself. For Jesus declares that He is TRUTH. And if Jesus speaks on something, you can rest assured that it is True. There is a cult today, a big one of many, that throws away or discounts the actual words of God and places authority on what man says and man’s traditions instead of the word of God actually declares to be TRUTH. Most don’t realize the very cult that they are in, but nevertheless, they are brainwashed into believing the lies of Satan through this cult. It takes the Holy Spirit to renew your mind in ALL matters of Truth today. And we were all taken in by the lies of Satan. And before you think that you could never be taken in by the lies of Satan, you are naive … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/26/2024

Only What is of Faith in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P928 (04-26-24)

Without Faith, it is Impossible to Please God

~ Many people came to Jesus thinking they were getting their sins forgiven. It’s placing the wrong emphasis on themselves (and asking for forgiveness of God) instead of placing trust in Jesus and what he did on the cross for them. They don’t understand that they were physically born forgiven by God, but in need of life through the Holy Spirit coming to live in them when they place faith in Jesus. So what happens many times, is a person thinks in their mind that something is a sin (whether it really is or not), but they think it is a sin, that God is somehow up there with a clipboard keeping track of everyone’s sins and is going to cause them to lose their salvation. Yet even there, they don’t understand that salvation is Eternal life. Once a person has the Holy Spirit living in them, there is nothing that can kick out the Holy Spirit. They have the Holy Spirit forever for eternal life. Our faith needs to be in Jesus, NOT ourselves.

~ “But without faith it is impossible to Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/15/2024

Worlds Sin is Unbelief in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P92 (04-15-24)

Sinning is Unbelief in Jesus

~ We are getting to the point where the rubber meets the road in the book of Hebrews. Learn what the real sin of the world is today. It is unbelief in Jesus. That is the sin that needs repented of. And repentance is a change of mind. A person needs to change their mind on who Jesus is, God, and understand what Jesus did on the cross for them, took away their sins for all time, and God is no longer counting anyone’s sins against them. This is the HUGE sin that without a change of mind, a person will remain dead. They will not have the Holy Spirit alive living in them, because they refuse to come to Jesus by faith. Faith is responding to God, and Truth. Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus.

Bob George challenged common misconceptions about faith in the Christian life, emphasizing that it’s not about bossing God around or manipulating Him, but responding to His initiative. He warned against sin and false teachings, encouraging listeners to align with … Listen to Broadcast & Read More