Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/29/2024

Understanding What The Bible Means

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P964 (08-29-24)

Be Taught By God, NOT by Man

~ Most today do not understand what the word of God means. Oh, many can repeat what the word of God says, but they do not have a clue what the word of God means. The reason they do not understand, is because they do not have the Spirit of Truth living in them. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and He will share with you ALL Truth if you are willing to listen to Him. However, there are many times, even as a true child of God, that we either lean on our own understanding of things, or go to some commentary (regardless of who is actually doing the commenting), even if it is someone that we trust, to try and get some insight on the Truth of the word of God. Scripture tells us that we who are in Christ, and Christ is in us, then we have the mind of God living in us. And He is the one that we ought to trust for ALL Truth. Don’t trust anyone, not even yourself, to think that you know Truth … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/11/2024

Jesus Reveals The Word of God Meaning

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P949 (07-11-24)

The Holy Spirit Teaches us ALL Truth

~ Here is a key point to understanding Truth, and that is to depend on the Holy Spirit to teach you ALL TRUTH. Man, any man could be wrong in one area of the scripture and not even realize it. As Bob has said in the past, “I could be wrong, you could be wrong, we both could be wrong, but we both cannot be right.” Those are some good words of wisdom to remember. We are NOT to lean on our own understanding of anything today. We are not to even depend on what others say about the word of God (regardless of how much we respect them). We are to read the word of God for ourselves, and ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom in our understanding of everything.

For example, most people today, regardless of denomination, teach ongoing forgiveness by God, as though if you ask God to forgive you on an ongoing basis, or even at the very first time basis, that God is going to forgive you, all the while ignoring the fact, that without the shedding … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/05/2024

Jesus Promised the Holy Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P948 (07-05-24)

Baptism Today is By The Holy Spirit Not by Water

~ When a person accepts Jesus, God in flesh, for having taken away their sins on the cross, the Holy Spirit comes to live in that person. They are baptized (placed into) the body of Christ at that very moment in time by the Holy Spirit Himself. When John baptized, he baptized with water for those that were looking forward to Jesus. John compares the difference between his baptism of water for repentance (believing that the Christ was indeed coming), with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They are two different things. And John even pointed to Jesus as being the one who takes away the sins of the world. Yet people today have equated water baptism with getting saved, as though a person needs to be water baptized in order to be saved. That is a lie, spread by those that have been taught by seminaries that spread the lies of Satan. And that is what they indeed are, lies of Satan. And you can hear it in people’s testimonies that the lies have been passed on down to those … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/05/2024

Jesus is Our Wisdom

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P115 (06-05-24)

Quit Listening to the Teaching of Man, and Start Listening to The Holy Spirit Teach You ALL Truth

~ Today, we are to be taught directly by God. We are NOT to listen to the teaching of Man. Don’t trust any man for anything, but in everything go to the word of God in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit if it is so. Don’t place faith in your own understanding of anything today either. Satan has placed false ministers of righteousness everywhere, and even those that were not false ministers who were teaching foundational Truth, they too had been born into a world of deception. And we all were born into this world of deception, which is why we are NOT to lean on our own understanding of anything today. Furthermore, unlike the Israelites with Moses, at Mount Sinai, we have a direct line of communication with God. He lives IN every believer. Satan doesn’t want you to depend on the Holy Spirit in you for anything, he would rather have you listen to the teaching of man, instead of God. For Satan has corrupted the things of this world beyond … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/04/2024

Faith is Standing in Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P114 (06-04-24)

Listen to The Holy Spirit For Teaching Truth and Exposing Satan’s Lies

~ Today, we as a children of God (for all those in Christ Jesus are children of God), have the Holy Spirit living in us. He wants to teach you ALL Truth today. We live in a world that is upside down. Everything is directly against God. Even the teaching of most church pastors today are teaching the lies of Satan. And one of the biggest lies is that of ongoing forgiveness by God. Satan loves to make you think that you can get more forgiveness today from God simply by asking for it. And of course, it doesn’t stop there, it continues on with more lies on top of that big one. Anyone sitting in a building today, listening to a pastor teach lies, when they themselves know the TRUTH of the word of God on the finality of the cross, are being taught and brainwashed by Man instead of being taught by God on a weekly basis. They should get up and leave, or at the very least, call the pastor out on his false teaching of self … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/20/2024

Jesus Forgave You on The Cross Forgiveness is Finished

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P107 (05-20-24)

Understanding Law and Grace Truth and The Lies of Satan

~ Today, many many folks have believed the lies of Satan, even within the body of believers. For many of us have camped out on the lies of Satan for law keeping, or ongoing forgiveness, or getting your sins forgiven to begin with, that it is difficult to break free of the brainwashing. We have been sold a bill of goods by many of Satan’s false teachers of righteousness. And think not that you yourself can’t be deceived into believing certain lies of Satan, even within the true church itself. For all of us have trusted in the teaching of man rather than God in various areas. And no one is immune to the deceptions of Satan. We have heard testimonials from people that when having heard (many times for the first time), that all their sins were forgiven at the cross, they discount it as it can’t be, because they would say things like “that would mean everyone is saved” or even thought of people that teach this TRUTH from the word of God, and thought of them as heretics. They … Listen to Broadcast & Read More