Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/26/2024

God Transforms You Into a Child of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P955 (07-26-24)

Be Sure of Your Salvation: Become a New Creature in Christ Jesus Today

~ No matter what sin you have done in your life, or do in your life, Jesus took that sin away at the cross and is NOT counting those sins against people today. “that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19 When a person accepts that for themselves, then the Holy Spirit comes to bring eternal life to that person. He is made a new creation in Christ Jesus, one that has the Spirit of God Himself living in them. The old person (the one without the Holy Spirit of God) is no longer there, and NOW they are a new person, a CHILD of GOD (one WITH the Holy Spirit of God living in them) is what they are for ever and ever. They will always be a child of God no matter what, for the Holy Spirit seals them with His Spirit. And God cannot deny Himself.

Salvation is Life, not getting ones sin’s forgiven. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/11/2024

Jesus Reveals The Word of God Meaning

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P949 (07-11-24)

The Holy Spirit Teaches us ALL Truth

~ Here is a key point to understanding Truth, and that is to depend on the Holy Spirit to teach you ALL TRUTH. Man, any man could be wrong in one area of the scripture and not even realize it. As Bob has said in the past, “I could be wrong, you could be wrong, we both could be wrong, but we both cannot be right.” Those are some good words of wisdom to remember. We are NOT to lean on our own understanding of anything today. We are not to even depend on what others say about the word of God (regardless of how much we respect them). We are to read the word of God for ourselves, and ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom in our understanding of everything.

For example, most people today, regardless of denomination, teach ongoing forgiveness by God, as though if you ask God to forgive you on an ongoing basis, or even at the very first time basis, that God is going to forgive you, all the while ignoring the fact, that without the shedding … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/07/2024

Worlds Sin is Unbelief in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P913 (03-07-24)

Jesus Said, the World’s Sin is Unbelief in Me.

~ The deception of the world, through Satan and the fallen angels and through Satan’s minions, is such that people do not want to believe the word of God today. They would much rather trust in their own understanding of things, lean on what others say, than to listen to the TRUTH of the Holy Spirit who wants to reveal ALL truth to each and everyone of us, if only we would receive it. Many start on the path of accepting the word of God in their heart, but they never exercise faith. The foundation begins with Jesus and ends with Jesus. It is Faith from first to last. Jesus is the Faithful one to complete the work that he began in you. Today you will find lots and lots of people that are being used by Satan as controlled opposition. And history repeats itself. Just like the first century lies were being brought against the Apostles, we too are having the lies levied against the true church of God today. And his church is NOT a physical building built by human … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 12/04/2023

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest for Today

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P41 (12-04-23)

Come Let Us Reason Together, The Sabbath Rest is For Today!

~ There are people that don’t believe the Sabbath rest is for them, and believe that only certain parts of the bible are written for the church. They think there are two different messages today. One message was for Hebrews, and another message was for Gentiles, as though there are two different means of salvation. Folks, it’s important to understand that there is only one means of salvation for both the Hebrews and the Gentiles, through faith in Jesus and Him alone. The Holy Spirit is telling us to enter a Sabbath rest for today. That is for today folks, not tomorrow, not for one group of people, vs another group of people, but for all the children of God. If a person thinks there are two different messages to two different groups of people, they will in effect throw away half the word of God, because they will say to themselves, “I’m not a Hebrew, therefore this must not apply to me.” And furthermore, they will not listen to the Holy Spirit today telling them to rest from their works. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/29/2023

Jesus is The Righteousness of God - Have Faith in Him

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P40 (11-29-23)

Stand Firm in The Faith of Jesus From First to Last

~ Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 15:50 Do we really believe that? Most give lip service to those very words of God that tell us that. For most are all too willing to listen to agents of Satan tell lies of cleaning up your flesh. Oh, and when you start cleaning up your flesh, you will feel so good about yourself. Because Satan wants you to focus on self, after all, that is what Satan himself does. And Satan knows how man responds. He has had thousands of years to observe man, and we are all too willing to listen to him, instead of listening to the Holy Spirit teach us truth. For we are out there trying to pull up the weeds when we should be learning on how to grow grass. And folks, we can’t even grow the grass ourselves. We can’t but He can. When we learn to abide in him, then we will see the work he began in us and he will bring it to completion. So don’t let anyone … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 08/28/2023

Jesus Says Feed My Sheep

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P88 (08-28-23)

Jesus says, “Feed My Sheep”

We are at the end in our study of the book of John. We will be going into our next study of the book of Hebrews, which actually explains in great detail the New Covenant that we now live under. How appropriate that is, when we consider the instructions that Jesus gave to Peter and quite frankly the other disciples were there also. Jesus said the things directly to Peter to heal him. To make sure that Peter was aware that Jesus wanted him to be comforted by the fact that Jesus wanted him for service in the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ instructs, “Feed My lambs,” for those who are just arriving and or new in the body of Christ. Jesus instructs, “Shepherd My sheep,” for those that are in the flock, and have been in the flock for a while, guide them, instruct them, help them along the way. Jesus instructs, “Feed My sheep,” for feeding on the word of God. Yes we can all be used by the Holy Spirit to do the work of the ministry. We are one with the Lord Jesus … Listen to Broadcast & Read More