Radio Broadcast Tuesday 08/03/2021

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 08/03/2021

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P31 (08-03-21)

What Does it Mean to Enter God’s Rest?

All of us will face burdens or go weary in this fallen world we live in. Entering God’s rest does not mean we will not face hardships or difficulties in life. It does not mean we will live a completely sinless life, for we still have this struggle with our sin-indwelling flesh that is in conflict with the Spirit, who lives in us now. But it does mean that we have someone to go to, who loves and accepts us unconditionally and wants to give us abundant life. Jesus says He will never leave me nor forsake me and that He remembers my sins no more. That means, as a child of God, I am no longer under the law, under an Old Covenant, but under a New Covenant of grace, and I can boldly go to the throne of grace for help in time of need.

The curtain to the Holy of Holies, where, under an Old Covenant, only the high priest could enter, and that without the shedding of blood, has been torn in two, and that not … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 08/02/2021

Jesus is The Mediator of the New Covenant

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P30 (08-02-21)

Be Sure to Enter God’s Rest Today!

As we ponder over Hebrews 3 and Hebrews 4, what is this “Sabbath rest that still remains“? What does it mean to “enter God’s rest” and “rest from their works just as God rested from His”? As we read these passages in Hebrews, it is referring back to a time in the history of the Israelites, in Numbers 13-14, where God instructed them to enter the promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey. God had promised this land to them. Everything is prepared and ready. They do not have to do any work to enjoy the fruit of the land. God also said He would destroy the enemies before them.

As we read the story, you may recall that only Joshua and Caleb later entered the promised land because they believed God. Everyone else wandered in a wilderness for forty years until all of that generation died off, for God had sworn that they shall never enter His rest because of their unbelief. Recall their many sins were already atoned for by the temporary sacrificial system in existence at … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/28/2021

Jesus Made us Competent Ministers

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P29 (07-28-21)

Growing to Maturity in Christ

What does it mean to mature in Christ? Do we become more holy? Do we sin less? Is it about what we do? Or is it about coming to grasp what God alone accomplished for us, understanding the finality of the cross and letting Christ live His life in you and through you? Certainly it is not about trying to obey the letter of the law, for the law is what put us to death. Certainly we are to sin less, but to stop sinning completely, as if that is the goal of the Christian life, is not possible for us in our sin-indwelling flesh, where the desires of the flesh are in conflict with the desires of the Spirit. We are told in scripture to walk by the Spirit so we will not carry out the desires of the flesh. That is why we are under a New Covenant of grace now. What we could not do in the energy of our flesh, God did for us by who He is, perfect love. What we could never do, God did for us. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/27/2021

Freed From The Law of Sin and Death

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P28 (07-27-21)

What was Wrong With the Old Covenant?

Since we have a New Covenant that replaced the Old Covenant, what was wrong with the Old Covenant? We read that the law was holy, righteous and good (Romans 7:12), so the problem was not really with the law, or the Old Covenant. The problem is with us, the people. No one can keep the law. As Paul recognized in his own life and described for us in Romans 7, that the things I want to do I do not do and the things I hate to do I do anyways. He once thought he could obey the law and described his life as far as legalistic righteousness is concerned, faultless (Philippians 3:4-6). At one time Paul thought he could keep the law, that in his mind, the law was intended to bring life. He discovered that when the law said, “Do not covet”, instead of not coveting, he coveted all the more.

He came to understand that the power of sin is in the law, that there is something wrong with him. The law put him to death so he … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/26/2021

Knowing Jesus is Eternal Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P27 (07-26-21)

You Have Been Made Competent as a Minister of the New Covenant

What is your competence? Is it your ability to obtain a job? Your intellect? Your abilities? Your ability to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, to make yourself holy? Or is the competence that you have from God, the competence to proclaim that He has done it all for you, to proclaim the message of God’s grace? Do you realize you are made competent as a minister of the New Covenant (2 Corinthians 3:5-6)?

Listen now as Bob George explains scriptures of how we are made competent as ministers of a New Covenant (2 Corinthians 3:5-11, 2 Corinthians 3:17-18). He contrasts the ministry of the Old Covenant, under the ten commandments, under the law, through scripture passages, as in Exodus 24:12, Exodus 31:18, Exodus 32:15-16, Exodus 34:1, and Exodus 34:29-35, in contrast to the New Covenant we are living under today. We enter into the New Covenant through faith in Christ, who has completed the work to make the New Covenant a reality. That reality is experienced in the lives of those who come to faith … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/21/2021

Faith Says Thank You to God Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P26 (07-21-21)

What Is Faith?

Faith sounds like a churchy word, but have you ever pondered what that means? Is it faith in the mystical, the mystical body of Christ? Is it faith that God exists? What exactly is faith? A better question is in whom should you place your faith in for what really matters. If I know I am a sinner, and that sin is what caused my death, then not only do I need forgiveness of sins, but I need life, for sin is what caused my death. Who is the only person who can and did accomplish that for me? Who alone has already forgiven my sins and has offered me life?

Forgiveness cannot give eternal life. It can only be a necessary preparation for eternal life to be given. For if Jesus did not eternally take away the sins of the world, then eternal life could not be given, because the next time man sins he would die again. Only LIFE can give life, and the only person with life in His name, who has no sin of His own and who was raised from … Listen to Broadcast & Read More