Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/18/2024

Reconciliation Jesus Took Away Your Sins on the Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P925 (04-18-24)

Without the Shedding of Blood There is NO Forgiveness

~ To understand how the completed forgiveness by God has been a done deal, a person needs to understand that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness by God. And Jesus is never ever going to shed his blood ever again for the sins of the whole world. And folks, it’s important to understand that you were born forgiven. That is Truth. God was in Christ Jesus, reconciling the whole world to Himself, not counting anyone’s sins against them. Faith says, I believe that. Faith says, no one gets their sins forgiven today by God, for they were ALL forgiven at the cross, when Jesus went to the cross and became sin for us. So that anyone who places faith in Him, could become the righteousness of God. A person needs to be filled with God’s righteousness, not their own. That’s where the Holy Spirit comes to give a person eternal Life when they place in Jesus, and what He alone did for them.

There are people still today that make a mockery of the cross, even though they say … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/18/2024

Sins of the World Have Been Forgiven

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P80 (03-18-24)

Your Sins Have Been Forgiven (Past Tense)

~ It’s so important that we understand the timeline that we live in right now. We live after the cross. So when we read the word of God, we are talking about a future event that has already come to pass. That event was the cross that Jesus went to, where he who knew no sin, became the perfect sacrifice for us, and bore the sins of the entire world. And by the way, each of us is part of the world. And you have to ask the question, If Jesus didn’t forgive the sins of the entire world, then what makes any person sure that God forgave them their own sins? You can’t have it both ways. Either your sins were forgiven at the cross or they weren’t. Jesus didn’t forgive some sins and not others. And by the way, people that think their sins were forgiven the moment they placed faith in Jesus, then it becomes your faith that causes God to forgive you instead of what Jesus did on the cross, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. So … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/14/2024

Be Born of The Spirit for Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P915 (03-14-24)

We Receive The Holy Spirit for Life

~ We need to be saved from the consequences of sin which is death. No one is saved by having their sins forgiven. We allow ourselves to overlook the truth of the word of God, because after all, most people are asking for forgiveness from God instead of placing faith in His forgiveness from the cross. We are all given the truth today. Most people refuse to place faith in Him for what he really did for them. They still are living the life of a lie. They listen to man instead of listening to God. People are still going to their religious buildings on Sunday or Saturday and other days of the week, built by man, and are filled with lost people, being taught by lost people, and think that is what pleases God. Fellowshipping with other true believers is key. That today can be done in numerous ways today. Seek out someone that understands and truly teaches Grace. Start a Bible study yourself. Share truth with others. Talk on the phone with others that are like minded. But don’t go to a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/06/2023

You Will Reign With Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P30 (11-06-23)

All True Believers in Christ Jesus Will Reign With Jesus on Earth

~ Jesus, wants you to know the truth of what is going on in the world today. It is not a secret, that all true born again believers (children of God) will reign with Christ Jesus here on earth. Satan doesn’t want you to know that, because right now Satan is god of this earth. Everything you see in the news and and the media, and big business is controlled by Satan himself. That too is spelled out in the word of God. Yet we give lip service to it, and ignore it, because we ourselves have been deceived by Satan himself. He raised up heroes for us, that we watched in the movies, listened to their music, and watched on television, believing the lies of Satan. We held up people, and many still do today, that are nothing but liars and deceivers and controlled opposition for Satan. And Satan’s job is that of a deceiver, and he is an expert at it.

Many people who should know the truth of the word of God, still promote false prophets and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/01/2023

Jesus Wants to Give You His Spirit

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P29 (11-01-23)

True Man Was Always to Be Indwelt By God

~ Jesus, God in the flesh, arrived on the scene to correct the problem of man. For all men are born spiritually dead and are in need of Life. When Adam and Eve sinned, the Spirit of God departed from their bodies. And all men are born in the image of Adam today. They do not have the spirit of God living in them to begin with. When a person becomes born again of the Spirit of God, they become a new creation, and are then born again in the image of God. For God’s Holy Spirit lives in every born again believer in Christ Jesus. And the Holy Spirit will never ever leave a person, no matter what. And don’t be deceived, for someday (soon) we who are in Christ Jesus will once again rule with Christ and we will even judge angels. So understand this, the person who is in Christ Jesus judges all things today, and we are told that directly in the word of God. And don’t let anyone use something out of context in the word of God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More