Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/27/2024

Jesus Made You The Temple of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P945 (06-27-24)

For Those in Christ Jesus, Do You Not Know You Are the Temple of God?

~ Once you understand the Truth of Jesus in you, it’s easy to identify the lies of Satan and Man. How much sense does it make to do cannibalism, in a literal belief of drinking blood and eating flesh? Because that’s what is being taught today, and if that’s what a person believes, they are NOT saved. They are believing in another Jesus. Jesus made it crystal clear that the Lord’s supper was a picture of Christ in you, not a cannibalistic ritual to be repeated daily, as in what many many churches teach today. Furthermore, if somehow that wine and bread are turned into blood and human flesh, and a person eats it, then it’s going to go through a person’s digestive system and be eliminated from the body. Now maybe that is why religion keeps on the lie going on and on, that of teaching they need to keep getting Jesus. Additionally, to remain involved with this type of teaching is NOT faith. Faith is responding properly to Truth. And these people need to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/19/2024

A Closer Look at The Truth About Prayer

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P900 (01-19-24)

According to the Will of God

~ Jesus replied, β€œThe work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” John 6:9 The will of God is first and foremost we believe in Jesus. That’s the main thing that counts with everything. And once a person believes and places faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit enters into a person and brings eternal life to them immediately. From there, we are to abide in the the Holy Spirit. We are to listen to the Holy Spirit teach us all truth. And folks, there is much much truth that needs to be taught to all of us. Don’t ever think you know it all, because that is the flesh talking. The Holy Spirit will also show you the meaning of everything if you study and pay attention to the details. Jesus gave an example of a woman who never stopped pleading for justice to an UNJUST judge. The judge finally relented and essentially was tired of her pleadings, and so he granted her justice against her adversary. The judge didn’t fear God, nor did he care what the people thought … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/16/2024

Only by Faith in Jesus Not by Works

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P54 (01-16-24)

The Just Shall Live By Faith

~ When we receive Christ it is by faith. We place faith that Jesus took away our sins on the cross, and that he was raised from the dead so that he could place his Spirit into us, and raise us from the dead also. So once you are in Christ, and He is in you, Scripture tells us to live the same way, by Faith. God will do in and through you what you cannot do yourself. He begins to renew your mind immediately, because he makes you a new creature in Christ. The old is gone, and the new has come. Don’t let Satan or anyone else place you on the treadmill of grunting and groaning for Christ. It’s a lie. We learned yesterday that we can do NOTHING for Christ, Nothing. Faith is believing Truth and properly responding to Truth. Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. We are to be the same way today. And furthermore, because we live on this side of the cross, and the Holy Spirit indwells every believer, He will strengthen your faith. Trust … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/15/2024

Vine and Branches

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P53 (01-15-24)

Apart From Jesus You Can Do Nothing!

~ A simple statement in the word of God, yet most discount it. Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” Yet we pass over those words of God so quickly, because we want to do things our way. The word “Nothing” is very encompassing, yet people think they can do a little something for God. They think that they are basically okay, but every now and then when they sin, then they need God to take care of that sin. Or they think that once they are in Christ Jesus, that now they can begin to work for God as though they are some kind of “big deal” because of all the “good” things they do for God. Folks, when are we going to get it into our heads, that we can’t do anything good apart from Christ Jesus living in us and through us? All we can do is offer our bodies as a perfect sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1), to allow him to live his life in and through us. There is nothing else we can do for God. NOTHING. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/10/2024

The Will of God is Believe in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P52 (01-10-24)

Placing Faith in Jesus is Obedience to the Word of God

~ There are many many people today that say they have to be obedient to the word of God, yet they show by their actions that they are NOT obedient to the Word of God. For they have NEVER placed faith in the actual Word of God, Jesus. People are out there grunting and growning for Christ instead of resting in Jesus and His finished work on the cross. They are deceived by Satan, thinking that they are pleasing to God based on what they do or they don’t do. Those that practice law keeping, and by the way, they can only practice law keeping, for no one keeps the law. No one obeys the law of God. These folks will try to judge a true child of God that has found their freedom in Christ Jesus. They will question you, Where do you go to church on Sundays? They think they are better than you because they go to prayer meetings or go to their confession booth for a priest to hear their sins, or the person that goes to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/09/2024

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/09/2024

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P51 (01-09-24)

Beware of Actors and Hypocrites That Have a Form of Godliness

~ The world is filled with christian hypocrites that can easily fool the world into thinking they must be a child of God, because after all, they say the name of Jesus. Or they talk about the bible left and right and know Scripture inside and out and can repeat verses to you, so they must be a child of God. Or they do all these so called good works, so they must be a child of God. And then remember that Satan’s agents are transformed into ministers of righteousness also. And then people can pretend they are righteous too, based on what they do or don’t do. People will say, “I pray everyday to God” as though that makes them a child of God. People will say, “I go to church on Sundays and Christmas and Easter” as though going to a building makes them a child of God. People will say, “I love Jesus” yet will still refuse to enter the sabbath rest, because they think they are attempting to obey the Law of God and then ask God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More