Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P111 (05-28-24)
God Always Gives us a Choice, In Everything
~ Jesus is our guide to All Truth. We are Not to depend on anyone else except the Spirit of God who lives in us, if indeed He lives in you. For all who are in Christ Jesus have the Holy Spirit living in them. And as such, we are children of God. And He is always disciplining us for our good. He points out the lies of the world. He points us to Truth. Everything that we thought was truth in the world is being shown to be Satan’s lies. For Satan has deceived all the nations, to the ends of the Earth. Once you come to understand the knowledge of Truth, then the lies are shown for what they really are, deceptions from truth. Satan has sold us a bill of goods. Most don’t have a clue about how bad and evil things really are. They watch the news on Tell-a-Vision and think that is evil of what is being shown there, but there is another level of evil, much more sinister that most have not seen, except those with eyes to see and ears to hear are able to discern what is happening right in front of everyone’s noses. Those that have been trained by God, through His discipline upon us, are beginning to see with His eyes, and hear with His ears the truth of the world we live in.
All Truth begins with Jesus. All truth is of God. Jesus is Truth. The opposite of that, is the lies of Satan are of the world. And the lies are found everywhere. Nothing in the world is what we have been told it is. Yet people still go to the world in search for answers to life’s questions. They rely on false science, and so-called “experts” to explain things that are in total opposition to the word of God. Yet people perish because they do not know what the word of God says about everything. They have discounted what has been told to them directly out of the word of God and refuse to come to the knowledge of TRUTH. The bottom line is the things of the world are not where the answers are to be found. Only in Christ Jesus are all our needs can be met. But here is the thing, everyone has been given a choice. You can either choose to believe the lies, or start believing TRUTH.
~ Hebrews 12:1-17 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises every son He receives.” Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you do not experience discipline like everyone else, then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Furthermore, we have all had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them. Should we not much more submit to the Father of our spirits and live? Our fathers disciplined us for a short time as they thought best, but God disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in His holiness. No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who have been trained by it. Therefore strengthen your limp hands and weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. Pursue peace with everyone, as well as holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God, and that no root of bitterness springs up to cause trouble and defile many. See to it that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected. He could find no ground for repentance, though he sought the blessing with tears.Hebrews 12:1-17
Pray to God:
“Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today and give me the wisdom to know the truth and identify the lies of the devil. Thank you God.”
~ “Now folks, that’s what this whole book is about. That’s what the Christian life’s about. It’s allowing the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the author of truth, to be able to constantly have access to your, and my minds, to teach us truth. Our flesh is always saying, No, I know better. My flesh is always always telling me, there’s a better way. Is that right or wrong? Always, always telling you there’s a better way. God, you just don’t know. You just don’t know how good this is gonna feel. And the discipline of God is always saying yes, I do. Yeah I do. And I know the repercussions. And therefore, I’m asking you to follow me. And let me lead you to truth that will set you free. Isn’t that rough everything that he does for us. God, it says disciplines us for our good so that we may share in His holiness. Do we resist discipline? No. welcome it. Well, it’s fun to be taught by a loving God.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:27
The fact of the matter is that in the final analysis, what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? What is the emphasis of the Christian it’s to go out and to proclaim who him is to be preoccupied with eternal life. Now when he’s talking there, and we’re talking about this idea of God is God bragging about these things and we’re talking about you know, God caused some little girl to get pregnant out of wedlock. No, God cause some guy to rape somebody No, no, who did that? Who’s to get the blame on that? If you’re gonna blame somebody? Satan. Who gets the blame for it? God. When we talk some of these days, oh, what a glorious day it’s gonna be absent from the body, to be present with the Lord, in order to go out and see this God, who’s absolutely put you through a wringer in order to get you to trust him, just hardly wait to see. Now folks, this is what this whole deal is talking about in the Scripture, it’s talking about, that there is a discipline. And it’s always for our good so that we may share in His holiness, in other words, in his being set apart, and we’re set apart by how we think in our hearts. And again, we have the right to choose that don’t we folks? Do you have a right do you choose right from wrong in your lives? I mean, how many of you choose sometimes right from wrong? Do we do that? Or don’t we? Yeah. And God gave us that choice. Now, if you’re talking about the last person, does he have a choice of being born into this world lost? No, that’s his condition. Does he have a choice to remain that way? Yes. Does he have a choice to change, change directions? Sure he has, and God gives to every person on the face of this earth, that opportunity. Every person on the face of this earth, there is not a soul on the face of this earth that has ever been without testimony of God concerning himself not a one. And man chooses whether I want to believe God or whether I don’t want to so when those questions come up, how could God why doesn’t God stop all is why doesn’t God Why didn’t God stop all of the the Germans and the Nazis rather from from from killing all the Jews? Why those are the Apple of his eye, them and tilted. Why didn’t they? Why didn’t? Why didn’t they why and you share that? And you play all that game say? Well, how again, how could he have stopped that? Flood? Fire? Destruction of the earth? Did man have a freewill? Did Hitler have one? Yes, he did what he choose? Chose to play God. And that choice to be God, instead of letting God be God, is what brought about the annihilation of not only the Jews, incidentally, but millions of other people.
I was reading a book the other day, with Amy working on her book, statistics that there were 20 million Ukrainians killed during that period of time. 20 million, 6 million Jews 20 million Ukrainians. Europeans. Say why wouldn’t Why wouldn’t it stop? Well, if God wanted to make a bunch of robots, he could have stopped that. Will be stopped someday? When? When he returns, when he returns. In the meantime, he said to man that I’ve given you because I love you a choice to come to me and to follow me. Or to follow your own instincts, your own desires of the flesh, to follow your own ego, or to follow me. Are there repercussions to deciding to follow your own ego and your own flesh and your own pride? You better believe it. It not only destroys nations, it destroys families, and it destroys individuals as well. So are there repercussions to our choices? Yes. Is God bringing those about? No. Just natural repercussions. Mean if you decided to take to fly back, take a trip on some of these cheap airlines and you’re about 20000 feet up in the air and decide to what take a little walk on those clouds. Do you think God’s gonna zap you to the ground? No gravity is gravity is gonna get you. God didn’t zap you, you made a real dumb choice.
Now folks, when you’re going through trials and tribulations and so many of the trials and tribulations that we go through in life we bring on ourselves, don’t we, just their own choices. Is that fun to hear that words of discipline the admonishment from God when He rebukes you, what’s your rebuke? He is telling you’re stupid. I mean, we don’t get up in the morning said, Oh, here I am God, I could hardly wait for those words. Come unto me and let me tell you how dumb you are, you know, do you like to be rebuked? You know, I can hardly wait to get up and can hardly wait to see Amy so she’ll rebuke me. We don’t like rebuke. So it never seems pleasant at the time. But it says, Don’t lose heart, I’m teaching you something. I’m teaching you something. If Christians spent more time out trying to influence people to Christ, instead of stopping their behavior, you wouldn’t be seeing the problems we have today. Would we? And so the discipline of God is coming down saying to us some times, what are you wasting your energy on? Well, I’m trying to get a president elected. I asked you again, what are you wasting your energy on? I was watching very briefly yesterday, they talked about the Democratic Convention, and they showed the one from 1962. And the speech that McGovern was making doesn’t sound any different in wonder making today, same garbage, same stuff, how we’re going to take America just make it wonderful. And I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do this. I like I say, I’ve lived through 10 presidents, I think I haven’t seen any difference in any of them. And we’ll find the Christian world getting a meshed in that stuff. And out trying to get all these people elected and how wonderful it’s going to be if we can get Perot in or how wonderful it’s going to be if we can get Bush back, or how wonderful it’s going to be it just so wonderful. Is that the solution to this problem and this world? No. Here today, gone tomorrow, lie today, lie Come on. No difference. The only thing that’s going to impact and change the world is the only thing can impact and change you. How much you think your life is going to be changed. If Perot gets elected, or bush gets reelected, or Clinton gets elected, just how much you think it’s gonna change your personal life? Well, that how much thing is gonna change America. The only thing that’s going to change you is a relationship with the living God, and the only thing that’s going to change this country is your relationship with a living God. And you and I have an unbelievable privilege of sitting in this room, and leaving this room and going into the marketplaces of life where we work and play and, and everything else. And to be able to be available to the living God to proclaim the truth that God was in Christ reconciling you unto himself, and not counting your sins against you. That’s what causes people to get screwed up, is a perverted concept of God. Now with this, he’s saying to us therefore, and again, we see in verse 12, therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and your weak knees, and make level paths for your feet so that the lane may not be disabled. In other words, man, we get knocked down, we’re lame but not disabled, and rather healed. And that is not talking about getting your leg extended.
You’re talking about the fact that in the midst of the trials and tribulations that are brought on by the world, by the choices of man, by disease that entered into this world which Satan brought into effect, by all of the things that are taking place in this world, they’re bombarding against our humanity itself, and has made a perversion of what God meant humanity to be against all of those things. It says, strengthen yourself, strengthen those arms, and your weak knees and make a path level path for your feet. So the lame may not be disabled, but rather, to be healed. is always talking about strengthening yourself by being strong in the Lord, keeping your eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith, not getting off and all the harebrained solutions of the world. But to be able to realize there’s only one solution to the world and that is Christ Jesus our Lord. And there is no other. We’ve tried and tried and tried. I thought to myself, and I don’t get me wrong, I love America. I’m privileged that I was brought up in a country where I am free to a degree. But I look at all the countries of the world and you don’t have to travel very long around the world until when you come home. You’re anxious to kiss the ground of this country, you don’t have to live in too many or go to too many places in the world to realize that as far as the world is concerned, this is the best. And this is the best. And you got to say, Brother I know who’s in control this place. If this is the best you can do, Satan, it isn’t much.
Now is there for saying in the midst of a world that is in turmoil, make every effort to live in peace with all men. Do all men want to live in peace with you? No, not even women. No, don’t want to live in peace. Want to get my way. All we like sheep have gone astray. Each and every one of us want to do what? Well our own thing. So how to word you got to live in peace even in your own home and you got two people and do their own thing? Mean that’s civil war, isn’t it. So you see there is an attitude that God has to pour into us that as far as I personally am concerned, I want to be a peacemaker. I’m not there to create turmoil. I’m there to create peace. I want to be a peace maker. Now I can’t be a peacemaker if all I want is my own way. If the only thing I’m living for is to get what I want, when I want it, and at what time I want it. There is no such thing as a peacemaker, who all they’re thinking about is themselves. That’s not a peacemaker.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:33
And to be holy. Without holiness, no one will see the Lord. Turn back to 10:14 just for a minute because we’ve done a number on that one too. But remember, we’re talking about the New Covenant. And beginning in chapter 10, verse eight First he said sacrifice and burn offerings and sin offerings you did not desire nor were you pleased with them, although the law required them to be made. And then he that’s Jesus said, Here I am, I’ve come to do Your will not my will but yours Lord. He set aside the first covenant to establish the second and by that will this brand New Covenant that we have entered into through our relationship with Christ Jesus, we have been made what? Holy, through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus, how many times? Once, and for how long? Forever. Now, it goes ahead day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties again and again he offers the same sacrifices which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for how long? All time. How many sacrifices? One sacrifice for sin. He sat down at the right hand of God, Why did he sit down? His work was finished. And since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his foot footstool. In other words, it’s finished. It’s done. And he says why? Why is he waiting? Well, because by that one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. Now we just got through saying up and in verse 10, that we have been made holy, right? So have you been made holy? Okay, then that means set apart. Now by one sacrifice, he has made perfect forever, all of those who are being made holy, who is being made holy? Those who are being saved. So there are people being saved into the ones after they are saved, they are made holy and perfect in the sight of God. They’re already set apart. So you’ve already been set apart by God. So are you going to try to set yourself apart more? You don’t have to, you’re already set apart and what is it that sets you apart? How you dress? How many times you go to church during the week? You’re set apart by who you are, by your identity with the Lord Jesus Christ, you are a child and living God that sets you apart, apart from the entire world. If you say I’m a doctor, I’m a lawyer. I’m a Baptist and Presbyterian that didn’t set you apart from any thing and just to set you apart from the religious community that out of the religious community there’s some Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Plymouth Brethren, Catholics, and all of that, you’re not set apart at all you just are a member of a different club. But when you’re talking about being set apart for the Lord Jesus Christ, you’re being set apart from the entire world that is lost. And when you’re translated out of darkness, into the light into the kingdom of His Son called a child, a living God, that is the only identity God ever gave you. And that sets you apart. What sets you apart from the rest of the world? I am a child of the living God. And those in this room that are children of the living God have already been set apart by God. And then we gather together for the admonition and for the teaching of the Word of God. But we’re already been set apart. So when it’s talking about making every effort to live at peace with all men and to be holy, without holiness, no one has seen the Lord. What that means is, without being made holy, no one will ever see the Lord. What’s being made holy? Being saved. Without being in Christ without being set apart by Christ, people who are not set apart, will never see the Lord. It’s not walking around with your Bible under your arm with your head tilted looking holy. Just walking around so holy looking. That’s how it’s talking about. It’s talking about you have been made holy, you have been set apart by God from the world. So quit trying to act like a Christian. Quit trying to act like a Baptist, or a Catholic or anything. And do you know folks, we take on those actions don’t we? We join a club, join a sorority, Bureau, theta Wrangler act like one of those. If you remember a little wilder sorority, we learned how act like them because if you don’t, you’re not gonna be accepted. And if you’re in a fraternity and you’re a member of the EDA by the PI’s, why you need to need to learn to act like them.
And I’ll tell you, something folks, you join the average Baptist Church and you start acting like a Baptist. And you join a Methodist Church, you start acting like the Methodist acting and then you act like the Episcopalians and you act. Have you ever noticed that? And you’ll watch to see how these people acting and I guess I act the same way you get into a charismatic church you look around, see, I guess mine would be accepted by act like them. And everybody’s acting. Acting. Acting. Told people for I know this amazement to you, but Charlton Heston is not Moses. Learned to act like we think he is. But he is not Moses, he can do a good job acting like it. God didn’t call us to become a bunch of actors. He just called us to set us apart as his own kids. We do that in the family. Don’t I? I want everybody to act like I want them to act. So we’ve got a little bunch of robots sitting around. We’re gonna get them behaving exactly the way I want them to behave. So they can tell that’s my family. The only problem is you got more than one kid. And they’re all different. You notice that? I mean, really different. And each of them have different needs. And each of them have different desires. And each of them have all kinds of things and you began to try to cram them into a robot mentality and you’re going to be in trouble. And he, we don’t have time. We’ll talk about that next week. But that’s exactly what happened to Esau that he’s going to mention down here in a minute. Where you had to rather’s totally difference. And you had parental favoritism. And you’ll see the effect of that as we talk about that more next week. So folks, when it’s talking again, about this area of discipline, discipline involves truth. You can’t have God without truth. You can’t have Christ without truth. You can’t abide in Christ without truth. And truth is constantly in opposition to error. And therefore, the discipline of God is the constant bombardment of truth up against the error, that is in our heads. Are our heads filled full of error? You know, they call air heads, the air, they all call us air heads, we are all Airheads. And our heads are full of error. And it is like a continual process of God, of pushing out, pushing out, pushing out error and replacing it with truth. That is a continual discipline of God.
Discipline folks is not something that comes upon you when you’re naughty. It is something that remains upon you like eternal life. It is a part of God’s continual teaching of his children. And it is not for punishment. It may not seem pleasant at the time, because you’ve got to think and God forbid, we’ve got to use our heads. And that’s what the grace of God frees you to do is to use your head. You see, the law it said was for children don’t have to think under the law, you just have disobey and punishment. But under grace, you’re out on your own. See why you’re at home, you’re under the law, when you get to college, you’re on your own folks. And you gotta learn to think. And most of the time the kids screw up in college, like a giant, because they never been taught to think at home. So if you don’t teach your kids to make some decisions, while you’re around there to pick them up at home, who’s going to pick him up when he get out there to college? And so it’s the same thing, the Law, God will keep us under the law. But only until we can come to him so that we are guided within by his mind teaching our mind. And it forces us to think. Now in that process, are we going to make some stupid decisions? Oh, my bunches of them. Now when we made them to God cause that? I mean, did God sit there and say, I’m gonna help you that dumb decision? I’m gonna help you so to really mess up so that I can be there waiting on you. Is that right? He doesn’t need to, God doesn’t need to encouraging you and me to make dumb decisions. We do real well on our own. But what he says is in the midst of that, if you’ll let me I will, through my discipline of teaching, I will teach you truth that will then do what? Set you free. And he said, when the Son has set you free, then you’ll be free indeed.
Now folks, that’s what this whole book is about. That’s what the Christian life’s about. It’s allowing the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the author of truth, to be able to constantly have access to your, and my minds, to teach us truth. Our flesh is always saying, No, I know better. My flesh is always always telling me, there’s a better way. Is that right or wrong? Always, always telling you there’s a better way. God, you just don’t know. You just don’t know how good this is gonna feel. And the discipline of God is always saying yes, I do. Yeah I do. And I know the repercussions. And therefore, I’m asking you to follow me. And let me lead you to truth that will set you free. Isn’t that rough everything that he does for us. God, it says disciplines us for our good so that we may share in His holiness. Do we resist discipline? No. welcome it. Well, it’s fun to be taught by a loving God.
Well let’s pray together. Father, we thank you for the caring for us it says that you Your eyes are on us 24 hours a day you always are hoping the best for us trusting the best in us. Leading us guiding us in the midst of our dumb decisions that we make. There’s something inside of us that is always screaming out, I know best. You just don’t understand. There’s always that gentle voice that says yes, I do Bob. Yes, I do. And my decision is the same. This is the best for you.
We’ve been conned so much by the world that tells us we deserve this. We deserve that. There’s happiness outside of the home. We get conned. And we go our own way. And when we do why we stumble and we fall. And every time we do this, you are there to pick us up, and to assure us of your love your acceptance. But you are too relentless in your desire for our good to ever compromise your truthfulness. You love us while we’re living in a lie. But you never compromise your truth. And Father, I thank you for that. For the loving voice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Always saying come unto me and I’ll give you peace. In Christ’s name we pray amen.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”