Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/23/2024

Jesus Brought in The New Covenant

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P135 (07-23-24)

We Are Under a New Covenant Forever and Ever

~ The covenant of Life Eternal is for everyone who places faith in Jesus. Eternal life happens the very moment a person places faith in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit comes to live in them to give them Eternal Life forever and ever. Eternal life is not some future event after a person physically dies. For we are housed in a body of flesh that is headed to the grave no matter what, and when this body of flesh and blood perishes, we get our new body of flesh and bone that never perishes. The new covenant is for everyone. It is freely offered to everyone, yet not everyone receives the offer, and are still in the mode of self sufficiency in all aspects of their lives. Many will even preach that a person can lose eternal life if they do some sin, or some amount sinning, of which they will never tell you how much sinning, or specifically what sin that is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. For they believe they are righteous in the sight of God based … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/17/2024

Jesus Wants to Make You a Child of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P133 (07-17-24)

The Discipline of The Lord Remains On His Children For Our Good

~ As children of God (all those born again of the Spirit of God are His children), he is constantly teaching us about everything. And as we go through the tribulations of life, that is where the Holy Spirit is really teaching us to Trust in Jesus, the Faithful One of God. And there are other times, when the Lord has to correct each of us, for believing in the lies of Satan and the world. And it doesn’t seem very pleasant at the time, when God is rebuking us (training us) on our wrong thinking, and correcting us towards the TRUTH with His wisdom and understanding. That is all part of Him renewing our mind. And today, there is lots of wrong thinking going on, in regards to what Jesus did on the cross, and what He is doing in our lives today, that Satan doesn’t want you to know the Truth about any of that. So, Satan places a lot of roadblocks up, yet God promises if you seek, you will find TRUTH. “In your struggle against sin, Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/29/2024

Jesus Sets You Apart as The Temple of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P112 (05-29-24)

God Makes You Holy and Sets You Apart, Not You

~ We live in a world of Satan’s lies, even within the church. Those lies get passed on from one generation to another, and it is time to break the cycle. First off, begin with having a proper foundation and that Foundation is only found in Christ Jesus. Once a person is in Christ Jesus, and He is in them, then the Holy Spirit begins the process of renewing your mind. It is a continual renewal of the mind, for we have tons of lies built up in our heads by the world in which we were born into. And as the Holy Spirit begins the process of renewing your mind, He set you apart at the very beginning of your Life in Christ Jesus. God made you holy (set apart) for His good purpose for life. And as a reminder, we could not make ourselves holy even if we wanted to. Only God could and did that for each of us on the very day we accepted Him as our Lord and Savior. God set us apart. He made us holy. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/28/2024

Jesus Wants You to be Truth Telling

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P111 (05-28-24)

God Always Gives us a Choice, In Everything

~ Jesus is our guide to All Truth. We are Not to depend on anyone else except the Spirit of God who lives in us, if indeed He lives in you. For all who are in Christ Jesus have the Holy Spirit living in them. And as such, we are children of God. And He is always disciplining us for our good. He points out the lies of the world. He points us to Truth. Everything that we thought was truth in the world is being shown to be Satan’s lies. For Satan has deceived all the nations, to the ends of the Earth. Once you come to understand the knowledge of Truth, then the lies are shown for what they really are, deceptions from truth. Satan has sold us a bill of goods. Most don’t have a clue about how bad and evil things really are. They watch the news on Tell-a-Vision and think that is evil of what is being shown there, but there is another level of evil, much more sinister that most have not seen, except those with eyes to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/27/2024

Jesus Sent His Holy Spirit to Teach Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P110 (05-27-24)

Discipline Your Mind as to What is God’s WAY, and What is Man’s way.

~ People would rather be taught by Man rather than God. We have seen that for ourselves. Most people would rather watch a movie, or watch Tell-a-Vision programming, or listen to music, anything else but reading the word of God and allowing the Holy Spirit to renew your mind with TRUTH. And here is the thing, only the true child of God has the Holy Spirit living in them. Only the Holy Spirit can teach you Truth, ALL TRUTH. And Jesus is the Truth. He is God in the flesh. He is the One who sent the Holy Spirit to draw all people to Himself. So today, when you hear the call of the Holy Spirit, open your heart up to Truth, do not close off your ears. There is only One way to God, and that is through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer to everything. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And allow the Spirit of God to renew your mind in all Truth. The world is not what we have been told … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/22/2024

Jesus is The Resurrection and The Life - Believe in Him

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P109 (05-22-24)

It is Faith in Jesus for Your Righteousness, Not Faith in Your Church of Self Righteousness

~ The subtly of what one believes is key to either believing God or what man says. The sin that so easily entangles people today is the sin of unbelief. People will talk about God in general, but when it comes to saying the name of Jesus, God in the flesh, people generally will not even go there and even have difficulty saying the name of Jesus. They are afraid of people thinking they are some Jesus freak. Or they are afraid of making people upset. Or they simply refuse to even think about Jesus. They will say, “don’t bring up religion with me.” And for the child of God, Jesus is NOT a religion, He is our everything. People don’t get it. Many of us have gone through great struggles over our lifetime, of even being kicked out of churches for preaching the TRUE word of God to people. We who are allowing the Holy Spirit to direct us, are living on the edge of the battlefield. We are being used by God for His … Listen to Broadcast & Read More