Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P13 (09-26-23)
Pay The Most Careful Attention to The Things We Have Heard in the Word of God
~ We are told in the word of God to pay close attention to the details. We have been saying for weeks now, that details matter in everything, and now we actually see in the word of God itself, where it warns the readers to pay attention to the things you have heard. Why? So that we do NOT drift away. And that is indeed what has happened today. People have drifted away because they failed to pay attention to the details. They have allowed the wisdom of this world to guide them instead of the wisdom of God who lives inside them, if indeed they are really born again of the Spirit of God. For many today think they are born again, when in reality they are still lost and dead in their unbelief, for they have not exercised faith in Jesus, but have place faith in themselves, or faith in their religion and even placed faith in their own faith of faith. We can see it all around us, and people refuse to come to accept in the Truth of Jesus, what he did on the cross (forgave the sins of the whole world), and they give lip service to everything about the word of God. They stand in the energy of their flesh, and raise up to themselves, false preachers of righteousness based on what their itching ears want to hear. They have NOT built their faith on the proper foundation. Instead their faith is built on sinking sand. And the warning in the book of Hebrews, is eternal hell judgement apart from Christ Jesus.
~ “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For since the message spoken through angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.” Hebrews 2:1-4
~ “Well, let’s turn to the book of Hebrews. Second Chapter. The book of Hebrews, as we’ve mentioned before, is really a book of warning. It is a book of admonishments. It’s a book where the truth of God’s word is given, but it is given in such a way as to warn people, what to look out for, in regard to this life that we live and where we live it. The reason for the necessity of those kinds of warning back then is the same reason that we have the necessity for the warnings today, is because we have an adversary, Satan. And he is going to do everything in his power to try to pull us away from truth, if indeed it is truth that will set you free. And like with any enemy, as an example, if you were a Russian spy, why you would not be a good Russian spy, if you were over here, carrying a communist flag. And speaking with a Russian accent, and talking about the joys of communism, and so forth, and so on. The most effective Russian spy would be one who was over here dressed like an American, talking like an American, speaking the verbiage of an American but underneath was a Russian spy. The same is true in regard to the deception that is, in the world today. That the the enemy of Christ, quite frankly, is not the ones necessarily the dangerous ones are not necessarily the ones who are out in left field that we spend so much time talking about. And that being the cults, they’re easy to recognize, and you pretty well just pass them off for what they are. The subtleties and the danger comes in people who look like they’re one of you and act like they’re one of you. But in deep down and in their teaching, there is a subtlety there that keeps you off of knowing truth that will set you free. And so it looks good, looks religious, acts religious, the world perceives it as religious and yet deep down it is a total religion of something other than that of Christ Jesus. And so you’re gonna see the book of Hebrews talking about that type of thing.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Well, let’s turn to the book of Hebrews. Second Chapter. The book of Hebrews, as we’ve mentioned before, is really a book of warning. It is a book of admonishments. It’s a book where the truth of God’s word is given, but it is given in such a way as to warn people, what to look out for, in regard to this life that we live and where we live it. The reason for the necessity of those kinds of warning back then is the same reason that we have the necessity for the warnings today, is because we have an adversary, Satan. And he is going to do everything in his power to try to pull us away from truth, if indeed it is truth that will set you free. And like with any enemy, as an example, if you were a Russian spy, why you would not be a good Russian spy, if you were over here, carrying a communist flag. And speaking with a Russian accent, and talking about the joys of communism, and so forth, and so on. The most effective Russian spy would be one who was over here dressed like an American, talking like an American, speaking the verbiage of an American but underneath was a Russian spy. The same is true in regard to the deception that is, in the world today. That the the enemy of Christ, quite frankly, is not the ones necessarily the dangerous ones are not necessarily the ones who are out in left field that we spend so much time talking about. And that being the cults, they’re easy to recognize, and you pretty well just pass them off for what they are. The subtleties and the danger comes in people who look like they’re one of you and act like they’re one of you. But in deep down and in their teaching, there is a subtlety there that keeps you off of knowing truth that will set you free. And so it looks good, looks religious, acts religious, the world perceives it as religious and yet deep down it is a total religion of something other than that of Christ Jesus. And so you’re gonna see the book of Hebrews talking about that type of thing.
There’s a lot of comments, and a lot of conversation going around as a result of 2020. Friday, and regard to exorcist three. And I just might comment very briefly on that type of thing. Is there such a thing as demon possession? Yes, there is. What’s the solution to getting the wrong man out? Getting the right man in. A true exorcist is when a person comes to Christ. It does you no good at all, if there was such a thing of getting rid of a demon, as Jesus said, and there’s nothing the house is empty, seven more come in. It does, you know, good to have ever performed an exorcist on somebody if they were demon possessed, and then tie them into a religion that has no truth to it. And so to think that God is in charge of that type of thing of getting something out so that a person can be duped with another form of error is ludicrous. And so the solution to getting the wrong man out is getting the right man in. So quite frankly, every time that you and I ever have anything at all to do with introducing someone to the right man, we perform, we have performed an exorcist on somebody. The wrong man goes out when the right man comes in. And so if you want to truly deal with demon possession, lead a person to Christ. When Jesus encountered the demonic, he led him unto himself. And that was the solution to the demonic, not Hocus Pocus, Domin-ocus. And so, what that does do, and I believe cleverly is get the world preoccupied with the demonic, instead of preoccupied with Jesus. And anything that Satan can do to get and draw attention to himself rather than to Jesus, he’s more than happy to do that.
I saw that when I was living in California, that there were churches out there quite evangelical churches that got all infatuated with this type of thing. And before long, on Sundays, the entire church was talking about the demonic and Satan, instead of Jesus. And finally, after months of that, and watching the slow deterioration among these people, the pastor got up and said, This is the end of this conversation, we have given enough time and enough credit to Satan and his demons, I don’t want to hear about it anymore. We’re here to proclaim Jesus, not to proclaim demons. And that was the end of it. I’ve been in ministry for 22 years. And I can honestly say that I have never encountered, I have encountered people that you could certainly equate in that. And I’ve never, ever one time ever done anything and spotting are seeing that, except to proclaim Him to that person. And to those who received it. They were saved, just like human, and there is absolutely no need and a preoccupation with something that God never intended us to be preoccupied with.
So those are warnings, there are warnings and they’re warnings out of the Word of God, they’re warnings from people who have been around long enough to see the damage that these things can do. And I pass that on to you from the bottom of my heart, as don’t get preoccupied with that type of thing. God never called us for a preoccupied with the underworld. We are to be preoccupied with him who is the solution. It’s the same thing in your own personal life to be preoccupied with your problem is ludicrous. To be preoccupied with the solution is the solution. That’s the solution to your problem. So what do you want to do sit around thinking about the flesh, or do you want to sit around and thinking about the solution to the flesh? So I said, Walk in the Spirit, when you do, you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh, he didn’t say clean up the flesh. Because when you’re trying to clean up the flesh, you’ve got your mind on the flesh and a a mind that is on the flesh is going to go to it. And so he said, to be preoccupied with him. And when you are the result of that he will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. So our preoccupation is always to be with him, and not with anything else. So that’s what the book of Hebrews is about. It’s a warning against a preoccupation on the minors, and therefore ignoring the majors.
So let’s pick up with chapter two. He said, We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, what we’ve heard, so that we don’t drift away. For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation of disobedience received, it’s just punishment, how should we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? The salvation that was first announced by the Lord was confirmed to us by those who heard Him. And God also testified to it by signs, wonders, various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will.
Now, we want to camp on this for a little bit, because this is another area that the Christian world has gotten into. And it is rampid. And it is televised, and as I said, it is a major on a minor, and a minor, instead of majoring on a major. God testified to the truth of His Word. And the reason for a sign and a wonder, and a miracle and a gift that he said was distributed, according to the will of God, not according to your desire, or according to my desire, but according to the will of God distributing as he saw fit to distribute something, that the only reason for any of those things was to verify and to solidify the truth of the Word of God to an unbeliever. And so when Jesus came and spoke truth, he verified that to the unbelieving heart through a sign and a wonder. He himself did not do it, the father did it. Jesus said that you will see me do nothing except what the Father does through me. Didn’t he? Christ never healed anyone on his own. Only when the father told him to do it. There was never a sign or a wonder that Jesus ever did that the Father did. not tell him to do it. And every single incident it was to verify the truth of the Word of God. When he said I am the bread of life, in other words, if you’re looking for daily sustenance, I’m it. I’m your bread. And that’s what bread and water is it you can’t live without it. He said, I meant. And he sat down, and he fed the 5000. In order to do want? To show people through that miracle that when he said, I am the bread, that’s what he meant. Now first can say I think he meant what he said, I think he said what he meant. When he said, I am the resurrection and the life. And whosoever believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. He raised Lazarus from the day. And people got the clue. This man means what he says. And he says when he needs, he taught truth, when he said I am the resurrection and life. He just proved it to me. There was never a miracle that Jesus did never a sign that any Paul did or any of the other apostles did that was not to verify the truth of the Word of God, to an unbelieving heart. That was the only purpose for signs and wonders.
Now, I’d like for us to take a look, because the author, we talked about the author of the book of Hebrews was probably not Paul. And we covered that before by what we just read here that salvation, which was first announced by the Lord was confirmed to us by those who heard Him. So the writer of the book of Hebrews was a second generation Christian. In other words, someone else had heard the message and passed it on to the writer of Hebrews, which alleviates Paul in that particular score. But what I want us to do is as we’re now I want us to camp a little bit on these things of wonders and signs and gifts, tying in a little bit to what we talked about earlier, because we have such a tendency to be infatuated with those kinds of things, that we need to take a look to see what the whole counsel of God says in regard to these things. So we have the author and of the book of Hebrews, that very clearly verify the fact that any signs and wonders are miracles or gifts, or whatever it might be, were distributed, and today are distributed by God as he sees fit. So you don’t go around, teach somebody to have a gift. Or you don’t go out and teach somebody to do wonders or signs. If God decides to do that he served perfectly free to do that. But it isn’t something that we desire on our own. If we did, it ceases to be a gift. If I go to God and beg him for something that he wants to give me it ceases to be a gift when he gives it to me. If I could earn it, it ceases to be a gift doesn’t it? If I asked for it ceases to be a gift. A gift is something initiated by the giver, has nothing at all to do with the receiver except to receive what he gives to you.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:30
Now let’s see what Paul has to say in regard to the truth that we can also believe the author of Hebrews, but let’s take a look at Paul. Turn with me to Galatians for a moment. Look of Galatians chapter one. Another author, the apostle Paul, chapter one, verse six, I’m astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and returning to a different gospel, which is really no gospel at all. Evidently, some people are throwing you into confusion and they’re trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you. Let him be eternally condemned. That’s pretty severe, isn’t it. As we have already said, and I say again, if anybody and when he said, anybody, he said, me included, Paul, if I or an angel, I don’t care who it is, comes along and preaches a gospel different than the one we preached to you let them forever be accursed. And if anyone is preaching to you a gospel other than than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned. Said, am I trying to win the approval of men?
No, the approval man says, what’s a little bit hurt? You know, there’s many ways to God, folks. I mean, just a lot of ways. And that gospel is a little little narrowminded over there. Let’s, let’s expand on a little bit. That’s what man says, Let’s compromise, because it sounds so narrow that Jesus is the only way to God. That sounds awfully narrow. After all, there’s a lot of neat, Buddhaist’s around. There’s a lot of funny people that worship Mohammed. And there’s a lot of people who worship Moses. And you know, after all law, nice people around good people. We talked about that. Jesus said, None of us are good. We say they’re good people. And so let’s not be narrow about this thing. Now, you just don’t get much criticism with that. I mean, that everybody’s all good isn’t that wonderful, broad minded man. Bless his little heart. He’s so sweet and loving. It’s just unbelievable. He just so loving, you’re just loving people riding the hell Am I trying to please man, Paul said, if I still tried to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. Because Christ himself didn’t please man. Christ didn’t come to please man. He came to get men, not only out of hell into heaven, but to get himself out of heaven back into man. He didn’t come to please the religions, because the religious can’t be pleased with a message that I am the only way to God. That is totally contrary to religion. Religious is not going to accept the fact that we are all sinful. And that until we die to self sufficiency, we cannot come alive to God. Religion likes positive confession. Religion likes positive thinking, religion likes robes, and cathedrals, and positive faith. All I do is just think positive faith. Doesn’t make any difference what the object of your faith is. Just your faith is going to get you there. Faith in what? Faith in yourself. Faith in your faith, faith in your religion. Faith must have an object and the object of a Christian faith is Christ Jesus and him alone. Not in how big my faith is. But in how big the object of my faith is. Who is Christ Jesus. Now religion loves that other kinds of stuff.
Now, Paul said, I’m not trying to win the approval of man. Folks, when Paul’s talking about it’s interesting, isn’t it, that if I or an angel from heaven should come and preach a different gospel. I can’t help from hearing as a listen of the radio sometime these phenomenal commercials that come on, about this loving father sitting down having breakfast with his boy, and helping him to get through the hard times of life. And how, how that we went to this little restaurant, and it seemed like we were confused at home, but we went to this restaurant and talk everything was okay. And finally, everything’s okay. And this message is brought to you by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And everybody sit there and says, Boy, that sounds good. That sounds so family oriented. It sounds so neat. Do you know what the basis for the Church of Latter Day Saints is? Where an angel of light came and preached a different gospel than the one that Paul preached. That’s what the whole thing is about. A man who thought he saw an angel of light, who wrote down out of his little binoculars. And looked at some Egyptian hieroglyphics that happened to be written in King James. Unbelievable 1000s of years before King James came along with they were interpreted in King James and are duped people by the 1000s and maybe the millions into a different gospel than that in which Paul preached. And Paul’s admonition to that is let them forever be accursed. That’s a hard condemnation. But it’s a true one. And the reason that it is so true, is because you’re dealing with internal life. You’re not dealing with something that can make me feel good for these brief years here on this earth. You’re dealing with where you and I are going to spend eternity, whether we’re going to spend eternity in the presence of the true God, or spend eternity separated from that God. But the fact of the matter is, is error can sound good, closed in neat stuff. But it absolutely, it will doom you to a life separated from God. And that is not a narrow God, folks.
We celebrated last week, what God had to do, in order to save man, man doesn’t need religion. He doesn’t need a nice home life. He needs Christ. He needs to be made complete. And we are born into this world. dead spiritually. We are born without the Spirit of God living in us and man was designed by God to be alive bodily, soulisly and spiritually. And when there is no life, spiritually, you are two thirds whole. And you’re missing something that’s the emptiness that you and I find within our own hearts. And flesh and blood will never inherit the kingdom of God any more than you would put a pack of garbage into a refrigerator. It’s not hard to understand. And we come down to say, Well, God is narrow on all that. No, he is not narrow on all this type of thing. All men, all of us have sinned fall short of the glory of God, all of us, all of us are dead as a hammer born into this world dead as a hammer spiritually. And life is offered to each and every one of us, but not some kind of artificial life out there not some kind of life that we make up, or a straw God that we create. Or some harebrained idea, if that’s the case, Jesus could have stayed in heaven and not had to suffer and die on a cross for forgiveness of our sins, and be raised from the dead on the third day, he could have stayed in heaven and say, Guys, develop your own system down there. And any old way will do. Well, any old way made due to kind of get you and me doing okay down here, but any old way will do to give you life. And the problem with man is the fact we’re dead and we need life. It’s not that we need, as I said to get along better with our family. That’s nice thing. But that’s not the that’s not the major issue. It’s not the major issue that we walk around looking nice and acting nice. The major issue is do you want to remain dead, separated from God? Or do you want life? Now if you want life, Jesus said, I am that life. Not some Jesus that I make up in my own mind. That’s some Jesus that comes along. But the real Jesus, you’re talking about a physical, real, objective man who walked on the face of this earth, who claimed himself to be God Himself. And who was raised from the dead, and that moment began to raise other people from the dead. And that has been testified by literally millions of people down through the ages to this very day. And if he were not God, then He was the biggest liar or imposter who ever walked on the face of this earth, because he claimed himself to be God. Mohammed never claimed himself to be God. Buddha never claimed he had laughed to death. Had anyone ever said, are you God? No founder of any religion claimed, Moses didn’t claim himself to be God. Jesus claimed himself to be God. And either he was or he was the biggest liar or imposter who ever walked on the face of this earth or he was a Looney Tunes. But you can’t come up with any as CS Lewis said, patronizing nonsense about him being a good moral teacher, he didn’t leave that option open to us, never intended to. He was who He claimed to be God who came with a mission to do what? Restore in us life. Life eternal. Not to make us need people, but to give us life so that we could live. Now everyone can’t do that. Only God could do that. Buddha couldn’t die for somebody’s sins, or be raised from the dead. Mohammed couldn’t die for someone said they were prophets. Moses couldn’t die for anyone’s sins. You couldn’t die for anyone’s sins. God had to and that’s what God did God came to this earth, that Jesus that we’re talking about, that one who was born of a virgin, not talking about some Jesus that you’ve made up but the one who was born of a virgin, prophesied for 1000s of years over 300 prophecies he fulfilled in and of himself almost a mathematical improbability. And that Jesus that was died on a cross was buried raised from the dead that empty tomb is a known fact. Been all kinds of speculation we talked about last week as to how a got empty but there is no denial at all that it was empty. Seated today at the right hand of God interceding on our behalf. The one who came and said it’s good for you that I’m going away for when I do I’m going to send my Spirit into your heart. And that life that raised me from the dead I’m gonna raise you from the dead. To any man and woman boy and girl on the face of this earth who has sense enough to see their condition. But our pride keeps it from that pride of man it says I’ll do it my way. No, yes, you will. And you’ll end up exactly we’re doing it your way leads you and me, down a path of destruction. And our oh, pride in our hearts is what keeps us from receiving grace. God gives grace to the humble but he resists the proud. Why do you resist the proud? Because the proud won’t receive. Proud’s got it all together. Proud’s got all the answers. Proud knows everything. Proud’s, smart, smarter than anybody. Proud says I’ll do it my way, mother. Well, it says Keep at it. And that’s how God works with us. Keep at it till you come to the end of yourself. The world the interceptors that are in the world today are rampid are doing everything in there power to keep man from ever coming to the end of it.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”