Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P42 (12-05-23)
Jesus, God is Going to Say to Lots of People, “Away From Me, You Evildoers!”
~ All these people that are going around, making it look like they are working for Jesus, God is going to tell them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” For there are many many people today that look all good from the outside, but God is looking at the heart. They are proud of what they are doing for God. They think that is what God is pleased with. They don’t have a clue what faith is, nor do they even understand what abiding in the Spirit is all about. And the reason they don’t understand it, is because they are not saved. They do not have the Holy Spirit living in them.
Now people get all defensive about the spiritual person judging all things, as if they think Matthew 7:1,2 is talking about God judging us if we judge others. That is the furthest thing from the truth. The word of God is simply saying that if you judge others, people too will judge you with the same measure. So what in the world would someone judge a child of God for if we say that Jesus has forgiven them of ALL their sins? The true child of God does not condemn anyone for their sins. There is only one sin that needs repented of (a change of mind) and that is the sin of unbelief in Jesus. So don’t let anyone place you on a guilt trip for judging anything, because we are told that we, the spiritual person, the child of God, judges ALL things, for the child of God has the mind of Christ Jesus living in them.
So today, if you are a child of God, the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, and he is telling you that this is going to happen to many many people. And you know in your heart this is true. So don’t be afraid to declare it so. And don’t let Satan or his spokespeople tell you otherwise either. For the whole of the word of God is important, not just those things that are sweet smelling. For the time is short at hand and truth is important to be declared. So tell it like it is, when being instructed by the Holy Spirit of God.
~ “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:1,2
~ These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16
~ “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ Matthew 7:21-23
~ “He said, I will tell them plainly. I never knew you. Away from Me. You evil doers. evil doers, evil doers. Or don’t you know, I was trying to be a good testimony for you? Why would you think I’d need your testimony for me? If Peter couldn’t blow it, neither can you. Why do we get the idea that somehow that we’ve got to go around and pretend in order to be a good testimony for God? I mean, do we think that our testimony is going to be more outstanding than a tree or a calf giving birth? Or a person giving birth to a baby? Or the sky? Or the uniqueness of the universe? Do you think our little testimony is going to be more impressive than that? And if people can look at that, and not come to Christ, why do you think they’re gonna look at you or me? And come to it? It’s the word of God that draws people to the Lord. Not my neat smile. He said, you’re an evil doer. Well, Lord, I was driving out demons in your name. I was performing miracles in your name evil doer. As hard as prophesied in your name, I was trying to get people to believe that in God because of you know, thinking that I can prophesy. Evil doer. Evil doer. Folks, do we realize that there are things going on? Do we understand that there are things going on today in the name of Christ in the multitudes that Christ is saying evil doer, do we understand that? Just because someone and we got that idea well, they’re doing some good.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
And we walk around as the Bible says and hear people acting like they’re just ow man Satan is just scared death of me. No. Not at all. He’s scared to death of the one who redeemed me. But he isn’t fearful at all of me. I mean, I know a lot of guys that aren’t afraid of me, let alone Satan probably some girls too. So you see we’ve got a perversion. Why? Well, because we don’t know the word of God. That’s what he’s saying the word of God is sharper than a two edged sword. It divides truth from error. It says let your roots grow deeply into the Word of God so that you’re not tossed to and fro by every wave of doctrine. Because if you don’t have your foundation in the Word of God, then every hair brained idea that comes along is up for grabs. If someone came up to you right now and said, Hey, Jesus is out there in the field, came in there and made an announcement. Jesus is over across the street. How many of you would go? Good. Good. Anybody said that go you know why you’d go because you don’t have your roots in the Word of God. The Word of God very clearly says, If someone comes up and says Jesus is over here, Jesus is over there. Don’t go he isn’t there. Next time Jesus comes, everybody will see. It’s what’s called a zeal for God but not in accordance with knowledge.
We emphasize miracles and gifts, that excitement and negate the Word of God, so that you have no foundation. It’s what causes people to be unstable in all ways. And I don’t blame the people. I blame the teachers because teachers intentionally keep people spiritually ignorant, so that you can manipulate them with emotionalism. It’s the same thing I don’t know why we are so critical of denominations that told people don’t bother to bring your Bible you can’t read it anyway. It’s in Latin. Gotta read a Latin to hear by says I don’t know what that says, Guess he does. Nobody knows her Bible. Just do what I say. And we criticize that. What’s the difference between that and just sprinkling in some nice little Christian verbiage and then putting people on emotionalism trips, till there’s no route? I’m glad that no hands went up. When I said if somebody walked in the door and said, Jesus, what would a person do? Who walked to the door and said Jesus across the street? What would he be? It’d be a liar. It’d be an imposter. How do I know that? The Word of God, the Word of God, I don’t have a prejudice against somebody walking in there yelling that. But the Bible already speaks to the issue. If someone does that don’t go. He isn’t out there. Next time Jesus comes, We’ll, all see him. So he’s saying, well, board we prophesied your name, we drove out demons in your name. We perform miracles in your name, didn’t you see the miracles we performed? Man I waved my hands 16 people fell on the stage. Didn’t you see that? No God no one hope no one else did either. Then you see all these miracles?
He said, I will tell them plainly. I never knew you. Away from Me. You evil doers. evil doers, evil doers. Or don’t you know, I was trying to be a good testimony for you? Why would you think I’d need your testimony for me? If Peter couldn’t blow it, neither can you. Why do we get the idea that somehow that we’ve got to go around and pretend in order to be a good testimony for God? I mean, do we think that our testimony is going to be more outstanding than a tree or a calf giving birth? Or a person giving birth to a baby? Or the sky? Or the uniqueness of the universe? Do you think our little testimony is going to be more impressive than that? And if people can look at that, and not come to Christ, why do you think they’re gonna look at you or me? And come to it? It’s the word of God that draws people to the Lord. Not my neat smile. He said, you’re an evil doer. Well, Lord, I was driving out demons in your name. I was performing miracles in your name evil doer. As hard as prophesied in your name, I was trying to get people to believe that in God because of you know, thinking that I can prophesy. Evil doer. Evil doer. Folks, do we realize that there are things going on? Do we understand that there are things going on today in the name of Christ in the multitudes that Christ is saying evil doer, do we understand that? Just because someone and we got that idea well, they’re doing some good.
Saw a fellow the other day talking about financing these ministries said, Well, you tell Yeah, this, this ministry is legalistic and, and boy, yeah, they are. They sure are. They’re legalistic. But they’re doing some good. They’re they’re doing good evangelism. I thought to myself about that, you know what that’d be like it but really like going into a slave plantation slave place. And saying, man, we’re going on a campaign we want all you people have all the babies you can. I mean, we’re going on a baby campaign, we want birth place. And boy, I tell you, we’re gonna have romantic movies, and we’re gonna do everything, we’re gonna get this place essential. You just can’t believe it. Because we want babies to be produced. We’re either we’re even going to have the four spiritual principles for producing babies. We’ll read it to you or whatever else it might be, well, we want babies produced. Babies. If, let’s say Would that make a sense go in and perpetuate babies to be what? Slaves. Oh, in other words, I want more slaves. So let’s go in and perpetuate birth. So we’d have more slaves. That’s what is taking place many times in evangelism today. We’re going out trying to produce more slave babies for Jesus to get more people into the slave kingdom. So we can keep more people in bondage. The Lord Jesus Christ is saying evildoer. I didn’t call you to do those things. I wasn’t a miracle worker. I didn’t do one miracle unless the Father told me to do it. That’s what Jesus says, I didn’t for tell one word unless the Father told me to say it. I didn’t drive out one demon. I just replaced him with me. How do you exercise somebody? Get the right man in the wrong one goes out. That’s an exorcism. Get Christ in and the other one goes out. We’re out trying to do all of this showmanship stuff for God in order to impress people, all you’re doing is producing more people to stay in bondage. And he says you’re an evil doer. How do we know that folks? We got a prejudice against these things? Are we sitting there saying to ourselves, well, these people they just got prejudiced. You know, these Baptists and these Methodists that just the way that… Folks it doesn’t make a difference whether it’s Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, what it is, if it doesn’t match up to the Word of God discount it. Do we understand that? Throw it out.
And how are you going to know what the pitch if you don’t know the word of God? How are we going to know that God considers prophecy, demon casting out, miracles as an evildoer? If he’s not the one initiating, it’s evil. Anything done in the flesh is what? Flesh. Now, folks, we’d never know that because our minds will not pick up on that my mind says, that’s good. Some goods come to that in that right. Don’t we say? Well, some goods come into that. Hey, you didn’t Jesus didn’t say that. He said evildoer. You’re an evildoer. Remember, I said I don’t know who you are. I don’t know you. You never in my mind. You didn’t come to me for me. You came to me for miracles. You didn’t come unto me when you were laborious, heavy, ladden. You came for forgiveness. Here’s why your sins forgiven. You just wanted food to eat. You just wanted this. You just wanted miracles. You wanted a show deal. You didn’t come to me for me. I don’t know who you are. Like getting married. You get married for money? So you’re evil doer. I know it’s gonna be a shock to some people but you Marriage really should be because two people love each other. Isn’t that a shock? Love should be there. I love the person want to spend the rest of my life together, not that person do something for me. And yet there are many marriages today that start in volume and you see this type of thing going on. As I said, I never saw an old 60, 70 year old guy with a 25 year old girl on his arm out in Las Vegas when I used to go out there. I never saw one of those guys. He was a garbage collector. You’ll never see a good look and well built 25 year old on the arm of a 70 year old garbage collector. I’ll guarantee it. A millionaire but not a garbage collector. What I want him for? Money. What’s he want her for? Sex. Love, forget it, it’s not an issue. Do something for me. You can get in that relationship. But you won’t stay in that relationship. And that’ll come tumbling down sooner or later. Because where there’s not love, you don’t have anything. And love is not an ooshy gushy feeling. Love is an action given to us and correct First Corinthians. Love is patient. Love is kind it thinks of other people’s feelings. It’s long suffering. It doesn’t keep records of wrongs. It hopes the best trust the best. It’s those kind of actions that hold families and marriages together. Not what can they do for me?
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:57
So many things that look good on the outside folks, Jesus says evildoer. We’d never know that again, if it wasn’t for the Word of God. When people call me sometimes and ask me questions about things, I don’t have a prejudice. I really don’t. I don’t have anything against some by Well, I take it back. Yeah, I do have some against people walk around. Have you seen that guy on TV walked around with his hands like this, physicial people fall all down and supposed to be slayng people in the Spirit? That is a phony baloney. Yeah, he is totally heretical human being. He is not doing that. Those are actors falling down. And I say that publicly and I’ll back it up. If you want to know something, folks, you got to have a whole bunch of people believe in that. It doesn’t surprise me that someone would want to get up and con folks you can make a lot of money that stuff. I can understand that brother knowing what I know today, if I was lost, I’d get into religious business. I’d made my million some other way except what I was trying to do. You just con the socks off of dumb people don’t understand the word of God. What do I have against that? Just don’t like it guys looks because it looks funny? No, because it’s totally contrary to the Word of God. There isn’t anything in the Bible about slaying people in the Spirit. That’s what I got against it. It’s not in the Bible. And if it isn’t in the Bible, what should you do with it? Pitch it. What is it? Con stuff. emotionalism, a means of conning people, if it isn’t in the Bible, taught as if it were.
I don’t have anything against Mormons. Why don’t I believe that? Joseph Smith looked into a pair of binoculars and saw some Egyptian hieroglyphics and interpreted what they said? Outside of the fact that, you know, the Book of Mormon was translated in King James. And these Egyptian hieroglyphic plates are supposed to be about 3000 years old. So I guess King James was back then. You know that, the the translation of the Book of Mormon is King James. And the the plates that they were being translated on were about supposed to be 2000 years old. So King James, I guess was back in 2000 years, years old writing these books. Now there’s, there’s many things. Why don’t I like that is because you don’t like the people didn’t maybe didn’t like, oh, Joseph? No, it’s because it’s a lie. If the word of God is truth, it’s not in the Word of God, do we understand that? It’s not in the Word of God. It’s contrary to the Word of God. What’s wrong with Jehovah’s Witnesses, people nothing? Why don’t I bring them in here? Because they’re liars. According to the Word of God. The Word of God declares, without any exception, Jesus is God. They go door to door, spend their lives trying to convince people that he isn’t. That’s a lie. It’s called an antichrist. It’s nothing wrong with the people that can be saved like anyone else can, but the doctrine that they are teaching is contrary to the Word of God. How do I know that? I know the Word of God. And if I didn’t know the Word of God, I could be tossed to and fro by every wave of doctrine. Is that not true or not? And we can be sucked into any harebrained idea that comes down the pike if we don’t have a plumb line on which to gauge our life. So Jesus is talking about this word, the one we’re studying about in Hebrews that is sharper than a two edged sword, dividing the soul from the Spirit. This word of God that Paul and Timothy said is God breathed and it’s profitable for teaching and rebuking and correcting and training and righteousness. Jesus talked about it, said, know the word you’re going to spoke, you’re going to be able to identify phoniness and prophecy, you’re going to be able to identify phoniness and people casting out demons and performing miracles in my name, you’re going to be able to know the difference between what’s true and what’s not.
And he said, Therefore, everyone who hears this word of mine and puts them into practice, applies, it relies on it counts on it. And it goes right back to what we were talking about at the beginning as far as reconciliation, God was in Christ reconciling you unto Himself, not counting your sins against you, therefore what? Put it into practice, be reconciled. That’s all it means, believe it, be reconciled. Quit spending the rest of your life asking God to do what he’s already done, be reconciled to God. Why? Because God was in Christ reconciling the world to you to himself, put it into practice. Now he says to a person who does that is like a wise man who built his house, on a rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house and yet it did not fall. Why didn’t it fall? Well because its foundation was on the Rock on the Word of God. But everyone who hears these words of Mine of Jesus, not hears the words of mine or Here’s the words of some evangelist or preacher, whoever else it might be. Here’s the word of Jesus, here’s the Word of God. And if the Spirit of God lives in you do you have the ability to understand what it means? What’s the Bible say about that? Natural man cannot understand what? Spiritual things. What does it sound to him? Sounds foolish to him, to a natural man, but it says, you as a Christian indwelt by Christ literally have what? The mind of Christ. Had somebody on the radio last night said, some people think I lost my mind. I said, I did. I lost mine. And I hope you’ve lost yours. In order to get a new one, it’s called the mind of Christ. We need to lose ours in order to get his. It’s like onne of the gals that is in our metro here years ago, at a banquet she said I had attempted suicide seven times. In my life, I said I finally made it. I died so that he could live.
Now it says your foundation was on a rock, but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who builds his house on the sand, in other words, believes it acts upon it. He built his house on the sand, the rain came down, the streams rose, the winds blew and beat against the house and it fell with a great crash. When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at His teaching because he taught us one who had authority and not as their teachers of the law merely quoting the opinions of others, but he taught with total authority. Now folks what’s happening in your house? Is it tumbling down or is it standing firm? You see, folks we can we can understand something we can build that beautiful house. And in order to build on the sand, there’s somebody’s got to sell you that lot. And so there’s some people out there telling you great foundation. No problem with this foundation it is a good foundation build your life on this one. Somebody had to sell you that lot. So you’ve been sold a bill of goods. And you build a fine house, fine materials, fine wood, fine brick, fine roof, fine plumbing, fine everything. But if that house is built on sand, and this storm comes what’s going to happen to it? Gone wiped out. Why? Foundation, foundation. Now folks, the foundation is Christ Jesus. Christ, Jesus says is the cornerstone. He is the foundation of all that we are. And he then said My Word is truth. And if you can’t build on that word, you do not have a plumb line on which to gauge your life. Now I’m gonna go through some scriptures.
First of all, does everyone in here. How many of you in here, believe and know that Christ Jesus is who he claims he is God? Okay, you believe. I think that’s most all of us. That he is who he claimed to be God. Do you know that? And not just a know it but know why you know it out of the Word of God, he claimed himself to be God didn’t he? The apostles claimed him to be God, if if he were not God, him claiming himself to be God, he had been a liar or an imposter or else he was God, His apostles would have been liars or imposters, in claiming he was God. And you sitting in here claiming that you are born again would also be a liar or an imposter or you’ve had an encounter with God, one of the three. So if Christ is God, then we need to say what then does God have to say about his word? Because if we don’t understand what Christ says about the Word of God, then we believe well, the word is true because a preacher said it’s true or the word is true, because we Baptists believe Word is true. We’ve word is true, because we’re conservative, and I believe it’s true. Those are very flimsy reasons for believing anything. And so we have to go back to who the Bible is written about, Christ Jesus himself to say, who did Christ claim himself to be? Did Buddha claimed himself to be God? No, of course not. He had laughed at you it is claimed that he was still searching. Mohammed claimed to be God? No, of course not. Of course not. Are they still in their grave? Of course they are. Is Jesus? No. It’s the only grade that’s famous for who isn’t in it. There is no religious leader that claimed himself to be God. That’s where Jesus is unique from all people on this earth. He’s not a religious leader, he didn’t even come to bring in religion. He was God who came to this earth and the person of Jesus Christ and walked on this earth in order to show us what God was like. And also what man was to be like, the only one person who could have ever died for the forgiveness of your sins, all of them, taking them away, God Himself, the life of God laid down for you so that he could give it to you. That’s where he’s the evidence, the evidence of the Old Testament prophecies over 300 of them proclaiming him to be who he is the Messiah coming. That’s what we talked about a couple of weeks ago, John the Baptist, why did he come baptizing? To point out the Messiah to Israel, this is him. This is the one that’s been written about for 1000s of years prophesied, God among us with us. They shall call his name Immanuel meaning God with us. He’s here. And Jesus came to this earth and he walked on this earth, proclaiming himself proving it by the miracles that He did to the doubters. And then in his final act, through his life, fulfilling the law going to the cross, taking upon himself the sins of the world, dying a death exactly like ours. So that raised from the dead, we could experience the resurrection exactly like his and raised from the dead with a promise that the Holy Spirit of God that raised me from the dead, I’m going to raise you from the dead, and to you apostles that are raised from the dead. That Spirit of God is going to bring back everything I’ve ever said to you, and you’re going to put it in a book, it’s going to be called the Bible so that men for generations can know exactly what I taught out of the word.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”