Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/19/2023

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P48 (12-19-23)

Are You Being Programmed by God or Satan and the World?

~ Most people think that they are being programmed by their own self. But here is the key, if a person is not in Christ they are actually constantly being programmed totally by Satan and the things of the world. For Satan uses the things of the world to brainwash people into believing the lies of his. For example, all television, news, sports, movies, television shows are programming a person’s mind to the lies of the world. And if you think television is bad, social media and the things people share are even worse. Because people are giving credibility to demons left and right and are in idolatry with people, places and things of the world. They love the teaching of men more than they love the truth of the word of God. People don’t notice it because that is what is normal to them. But until a person comes to Christ Jesus, their mind cannot be renewed by Truth. For only God is Truth.

In these last days, if you have begun to notice a difference of what is actually going on in the world, then the Holy Spirit is in the process of renewing your mind. Don’t fight against Him. For you may not understand all that He is teaching you, but understand this, He is not going to leave you out in the desert. For God’s discipline remains upon the child of God forever. Ask for wisdom and it shall be given in abundance. He will teach you ALL Truth.

~ because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? Hebrews 12:6-7

~ If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

~ “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Hebrews 4:12-13


~ “Now there’s two inputs into this mind of ours, you’re either going to have the input from the world, or you’re going to have the input from God. years ago, before FM came into existence, all we had was AM, that’s all, we had no radio. And if you had a radio, it was an am radio, someone came up with an FM, frequency. And then you used to have to have two radios, you’d have an am radio and then you’d have a FM radio. And so you could tune into either one of those if you wanted to. And not much programming on FM. But what was there was good and clear, then that began to develop and to broaden. And pretty soon why there are a lot of people wanting to listen to FM as well as AM. So somebody said, let’s put it all in the same box. And in the same box, you’ll be able to pull in AM, and you’ll be able to pull in FM. That is exactly what happened to us when we were born again. Before we were born again, all we had was an AM, we were an AM station, there was only one form of programming that you could understand. AM it was all from the world, people, places and things stimulated by the lies the deceit of the world. And the one who is the prince of this world, Satan. When you’re born again, it was like an FM station on FM receptor. Now the difference was they didn’t have two radios, they put it all in one deal. So when you and I are born again, we now have an FM living in us. And we don’t change or originate the programming in either one of those two. All we can do is listen to it. We don’t originate it, we don’t design it. I don’t tell Satan what to put out there and what to tell people and what to tell me and I don’t tell God what to tell me. Those are outside influences coming in to me, you and I are human beings. And as a human being, we were created by God to be receivers, He is God, the initiator. And so realizing that I now as a born again Christian, have the Spirit of God living in me. And as it says, Now natural man can understand cannot understand spiritual things. Am station cannot pick up a FM, excuse me, FM programming. That’s all there is to it. FM program, excuse me, you cannot do that. An AM radio dial cannot pick up. FM programming finally got it. Impossible. Now, once you have been born again, and the FM is there, now you can understand FM programming. Now you’re going to understand the things of God. And it says that we as Christians literally have the mind of Christ living in us. And that natural man cannot understand spiritual things. It sounds foolish to him but we who are in Christ spiritual, have the mind of Christ and we understand and discern all things. So now because Christ lives in me I have the ability to go to the Word of God that is truth and to discern that word. And to know truth that will then set me free but do I also have the option to continue to believe the lie and to be programmed by the lie do I? Well of course I’ve got my radio I got FM and AM both of them able to broadcast anytime they want to now as I said, my role is not to mess with the dial. My role as a Christian is determined whether I’m going to turn that little knob over to the am programming programming that I know full well that every station on it is from the world and it’s a lie or am I going to turn that little knob over to FM that is God station and listen to what God has to say there is your and my option not to change the programming but the dial. Am I going to listen to truth that will set me free or turn it over to a program that I know full well is a lie. That’s gonna put me in bondage. Now on this am dial over there, you can get new aid stations, you can get religious station, you can get prosperity gospel stations, if they’re not, they are not limited to just secular stuff. There is a bunch of good religious lies going on out there. And so you can pick up any station you want out there. There’s hundreds of broadcasting in on that am dial. And the subtlety of it is that a lot of it is religious stuff. So you can bury yourself by lies, clothed in religion, or you can bury yourself by lies clothed in New Age, or you can bury yourself in lies clothed by the world. Get this, get that and you’ll be happy. Or you can realize those are all lies and go over to truth. And listen to the truth of the Word of God. That is sharper than a two edged sword dividing, asunder the soul from the spirit and teaching you truth that will set you free.” ~ Bob George

Bible Study Booklets

Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.

Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.

Bob George 0:28
On the other hand, when you’re talking about bringing into your mind things through your eye gate and ear gate there we have the ability to create sounds and sights in our mind that are as real as reality to us. That’s called fantasy. And that’s how we get into fantasizing and into my mind. I that’s what we have to protect. I don’t have to protect necessarily what I touch, taste and smell. Oh, because I gotta be there to do that. But I have to protect what goes into my mind through my eye gate and ear gate, because that can engender an emotional response as real as the reality. You and I can sit can we not? And we talked about this, how you can sit back and you can think about old things, you know, I got song I saw you last night got that old feelings, that old feeling. And you can sit and think. And like I said last week, that’s one of the benefits of high school reunions is you can go back and see that old feeling and be glad that it isn’t there anymore. And so you but you can do all kinds of things with your mind, you can sit down the way songs are created, the way poetry is written literature is written is by creating sights and sounds in your mind through your eye gate and ear gate and merely putting it down on paper. If Terry and them write a song, it’s got to start in their head, and it starts in her head. And then pretty soon it gets down and pretty soon you can write it down. But it’s it’s all a part of creativity. It’s all a part of the way the mind functions. Now, the danger of that is that you and I therefore have the ability to paint pictures in our minds and sounds in our minds. And our emotions do not know whether it is reality, or whether it is sheer fantasy. When God designed man he designed man in such a way whereby our emotions predictably respond to whatever we’re putting into our minds. Were designed that way. We’re made that way. It isn’t unusual. You are going to feel angry, because you’re thinking angry thoughts. You’re going to feel lustful because you’re thinking lustful thoughts that makes you feel lustful, you’re going to feel jealousy, because you’re thinking jealous thoughts. And you cannot eliminate that if you’re thinking jealous thoughts, you’re going to experience jealousy. If you are thinking anxious, if you’re feeling anxiety, it’s because you are thinking anxious thoughts. What’s going to happen to you anymore? Am I going to get my job? Where am I going to go? I don’t have a job. I don’t have this. Those are anxious thoughts that create the emotion of anxiety. Now folks that is not complicated. Is it? And you and I all know that’s true? Don’t we? If you’re thinking angry thoughts, you’re going to be feeling angry. Is that true or not? Then if that is true, then the same thing is true as an example on things like depression. Have you ever felt depressed? What were you thinking? Depressing thoughts. That’s why you felt depressed. It is not a chemical imbalance. Although you’re thinking can create chemical imbalances. I have a chemical imbalance every time I’m mad, don’t you. And if you took a mental picture of my brain, when I’m mad, you would see a different brain picture than when I’m calm. And that’s what has taken place today is people have taken people who were already depressed out of their socks, took a picture, their brain took a picture of another person who in depressed brain said see there, it’s all physical. Well, of course, there’s chemicals changes. But what is brought about what brought about the change, stinkin thinking, not balancing chemistry. And the idea is if I can stick another chemistry, some chemical in there to balance that brain, I’ll get them undepressed. Not if you start thinking depressing thoughts again. And so when you’re dealing with the body is going to reflect what is going on inside. That’s exactly what James is talking about. When this church feud and fighting and fusing says some of you are sick, you can get all sorts from worry, can’t you? And I’ll guarantee you when you’re worried you’ll have a chemical imbalance well the solution to it in the budget chemists chemicals, that those things come from our minds. And as a man thinks, what? So is he. So is he. Now folks the entire educational system, the humanistic system of man and the way that we think through our brilliance and intelligence is in total opposition to that. Because we want to make everything physical, which is merely the manifestation of what’s going on in the soul as a result of either the emptiness of the spirit or not listening to the Spirit of God living in you. And so if you’re going to be feeling depressed, it’s because you’re thinking depressing thoughts. And that is exactly why the word of God says to you who are in Christ, so you are in Christ, I emphasize that. I therefore ask you beg you present your bodies now your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in the sight of God, which is your reasonable worship, and don’t be conformed to the world, but be transformed how? By the renewing of your emotions. So when it says, What’s it say? By the renewing of your mind, As a man thinks so is he.

Now there’s two inputs into this mind of ours, you’re either going to have the input from the world, or you’re going to have the input from God. years ago, before FM came into existence, all we had was AM, that’s all, we had no radio. And if you had a radio, it was an am radio, someone came up with an FM, frequency. And then you used to have to have two radios, you’d have an am radio and then you’d have a FM radio. And so you could tune into either one of those if you wanted to. And not much programming on FM. But what was there was good and clear, then that began to develop and to broaden. And pretty soon why there are a lot of people wanting to listen to FM as well as AM. So somebody said, let’s put it all in the same box. And in the same box, you’ll be able to pull in AM, and you’ll be able to pull in FM. That is exactly what happened to us when we were born again. Before we were born again, all we had was an AM, we were an AM station, there was only one form of programming that you could understand. AM it was all from the world, people, places and things stimulated by the lies the deceit of the world. And the one who is the prince of this world, Satan. When you’re born again, it was like an FM station on FM receptor. Now the difference was they didn’t have two radios, they put it all in one deal. So when you and I are born again, we now have an FM living in us. And we don’t change or originate the programming in either one of those two. All we can do is listen to it. We don’t originate it, we don’t design it. I don’t tell Satan what to put out there and what to tell people and what to tell me and I don’t tell God what to tell me. Those are outside influences coming in to me, you and I are human beings. And as a human being, we were created by God to be receivers, He is God, the initiator. And so realizing that I now as a born again Christian, have the Spirit of God living in me. And as it says, Now natural man can understand cannot understand spiritual things. Am station cannot pick up a FM, excuse me, FM programming. That’s all there is to it. FM program, excuse me, you cannot do that. An AM radio dial cannot pick up. FM programming finally got it. Impossible. Now, once you have been born again, and the FM is there, now you can understand FM programming. Now you’re going to understand the things of God. And it says that we as Christians literally have the mind of Christ living in us. And that natural man cannot understand spiritual things. It sounds foolish to him but we who are in Christ spiritual, have the mind of Christ and we understand and discern all things. So now because Christ lives in me I have the ability to go to the Word of God that is truth and to discern that word. And to know truth that will then set me free but do I also have the option to continue to believe the lie and to be programmed by the lie do I? Well of course I’ve got my radio I got FM and AM both of them able to broadcast anytime they want to now as I said, my role is not to mess with the dial. My role as a Christian is determined whether I’m going to turn that little knob over to the am programming programming that I know full well that every station on it is from the world and it’s a lie or am I going to turn that little knob over to FM that is God station and listen to what God has to say there is your and my option not to change the programming but the dial. Am I going to listen to truth that will set me free or turn it over to a program that I know full well is a lie. That’s gonna put me in bondage. Now on this am dial over there, you can get new aid stations, you can get religious station, you can get prosperity gospel stations, if they’re not, they are not limited to just secular stuff. There is a bunch of good religious lies going on out there. And so you can pick up any station you want out there. There’s hundreds of broadcasting in on that am dial. And the subtlety of it is that a lot of it is religious stuff. So you can bury yourself by lies, clothed in religion, or you can bury yourself by lies clothed in New Age, or you can bury yourself in lies clothed by the world. Get this, get that and you’ll be happy. Or you can realize those are all lies and go over to truth. And listen to the truth of the Word of God. That is sharper than a two edged sword dividing, asunder the soul from the spirit and teaching you truth that will set you free.

Now turn back with me for a moment to James to the book of James again, chapter one. Folks we talked about last week when you’re talking about these senses, you could just, it doesn’t take just a real little bit out of one of those senses to destroy an illusion. That’s all it takes. And I gave the illustration last week you can see this, this good looking girl. And you can hear her voice and voice nice voice sweet little thing. And you can touch her voice she feels good. And you could even reach over and kiss her on the cheek or wherever it might be. And boy that tasted good. And then she turns to you and says something. And brother she’s got yak breath. And all of that illusion just goes right out the door. I mean all here’s all this just these Gucci Gucci feeling gone. You can walk out in the kitchen say Oh, I tell you I just think about my wife. And I just just love her and let her see her. And boy, she’s so so nice. Smells good, too. He’s got good perfume on getting ready to fix some breakfast that can activate the taste to go over and touch her feels real good. And then she looks at you and said did you take out the garbage? What happens to you same step right down the tube just all as Gucci, Gucci stuff just gone. That’s how fleeting desires of the flesh are. That’s just how fleeting they are. They can come and go in a minute. And yet Satan convinces us to spend all of our life in fulfillment of our desires, instead of letting God meet your needs.

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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.

If you’re enjoying the book of Hebrews, check out our website There you will find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Bob George dot net. Let’s join Bob now as he continues the radio program.

Bob George 14:32
When we have these desires, whatever they start coming, the first thing we have to do is to take a look, is this a desire that I’m after? Or is this a need? If it’s a need, only God can provide it. If it’s just a desire, it’s fleeting, it can come and go in a minute. It’s a desire of the flesh. And that’s why folks that the happiest people on the face of the earth are not ones and that’s one of the problems with a fluency is a fluency gets you to the point where you no longer live thanking God for the needs that are met. All you’re doing is looking to get desires. And it’s insatiable. You get one dress you want two you get a car you want a bigger one, you get a house you want more you get furniture than all the rest of it looks bad and you got to get new furniture all away. And after the time you get the house furnish, the thing you bought first is old looking and you got to start all over again. It is insatiable the desires of the flesh are in satiable. And when we began to Learn to give in to, and concentrate our minds and our efforts and our activities on fulfilling desires of the flesh. You’re in an exercise in futility, because it will never, ever be satisfied. So only when we realize that we live on this earth with needs, and God said, I’ll meet those needs, I will supply your needs. He didn’t say I will supply your desires. He said, I’ll supply your needs. And when we live graciously, with our minds, on the gratefulness that we are for the needs that are met in Christ, to be able to wake up in the morning, say, Lord Jesus, thank you. Not for what kind of a home is over my head, but the fact there’s a roof over my head, I have shelter. Thank you. To be able to realize that I’ve got food to eat, thank you came from God, to be able to realize that I have air to breathe. And I’ve got lungs that could receive it. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, that I have water that I can drink. Thank you. It’s meeting, not greed, not desires, that needs things God alone can meet.

Now what happens to us? Well, let’s turn to chapter one, verse 12, and James, see if we can shed a little light there. Bless it is the man who perseveres under trial. Folks, what that means is blessed is the man who doesn’t waver from his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ under trial. In other words, it’s not going to waver from it. We’re going to have trials and tribulation didn’t he say that in this world, you are going to have what? Tribulation, that he said don’t waver, Fear not. I’ve overcome the world. I’m bigger than that. And so it’s faithful. Its Blessed is the man who perseveres doesn’t waver under that in what believing truth, believing truth, when he stood the test, who received the crown of life that God has promised for those who love Him. And now when tempted, it says, No one should say God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone. Now, who is Jesus? Who is he? Well, he’s God turned back with me for a moment to the fourth chapter of Matthew.

Bob George 17:53
I hear it said that when tempted, no one should say God is tempting me. Said God can’t be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone. He’s not tempting you with evil in tempting you to believe a lie, which is really what evil is the opposite of truth in doing that, now, look over here where it says Jesus was led by the Spirit in the desert. And of course, you have the the little things if you put the man rights in temptations of Jesus, quite frankly, to me, that should be the temptations of Satan. So it’s showing, what Satan’s trying to do to be tempted by the devil. Now, can you be tempted by the devil? Yeah, and what is a God cannot be tempted by evil? Can you be tempted by evil? But God can’t be tempted by evil? You see, you see what’s going on there? You’re talking about the fact that nor does He tempt anyone. Everybody wants say, oh, Jesus was tempted at all point just as we are. Well, yeah, but he wasn’t tempted. God can’t be tempted. He wasn’t sitting there struggling with these things that that he was being tempted by. And for some reason, we we want to relate to that because when we go through our temp tastes a well Jesus went through him too and he understands. No you got it all wrong. That is not hope the fact that Jesus understands he is tempted just like me let’s like I was man he he you know he wanted to go get drunk too. And he wanted to go and he was man he had his lesson all over the place but he didn’t do it. Know that in the God that you have you have a God said that doesn’t bother me at all. You tempt me all you want, but I’m not gonna be tempted God cannot be tempted. And it shows that attitude here Satan came to him, said he had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and was hungry. That’s an understatement. The tempter who’s the tempter God can tempt anyone? So who’s the tempter? Satan tempter came to him said, If and that word if means in light of the fact that there’s two words. And if, if that’s a conditional if and then the one in light of the fact and as much as, in as much as you’re the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread. And in other words, if you’re who you say you are, I know you’re who you are, I’d say you are. But if you’re who you say you are, go turn these things into bread. You’re hungry. Jesus said, man, don’t live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God, quoted right back to him, what was Satan doing? quoting scripture, quoting scripture at God out of contact and you believe the audacity of him? Here you’re quoting scripture to God out of context? How did Jesus answer that? Put a crown of thorns around the hedge of thorns. Binding I bind you, Satan, name of God, he do that? Bind him up time up with something. What do you do? What do you do? Well, I quoted Scripture to him. How come? Because scripture is sharper than any two edged sword. It’s truth. Satan is the author of what? Lies what can an author of lies cannot be around? Truth So what’s he do when you tell him truth? Well, he flees from you. That’s what resisting the devil is. Resist the devil. What is it? Stand in truth and he what? Well, he will flee from you. How come he can’t stand you and either gonna get to you that people are trying to bind Satan said You sure got some poor spread? As he says, Be pretty active to me if you’re binding him up. I don’t know what happened. He didn’t stay tied very long. That is, that sounds good. See, it’s I got power. You don’t have anything. It’s all Christ. Satan isn’t scared of you at all. He’s petrified of Jesus. So the whole issue is Christ gave you His Spirit living in you. And that is the spirit of what? Truth. What do you say do use it. Why? Because Satan can’t stand it. You’re tying him up in a bind any is just telling the truth and he has to flee from you. How come because he can’t stand to be around you. That’s what Jesus did. Took him out of the holy city and had him stand on the highest point the tempo if you’re the Son of God, he said there and then as much as you throw yourself down. Don’t you remember where it’s written there? Jesus, he’ll command his angels concerning you. They’ll lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike a foot against a stone. What Jesus do, bind him up? No, he said, It’s also written don’t put the Lord your God to the test. You notice he said the Lord your your God. Satan, don’t put me I’m your God to the test. You don’t even know it. Again, the devil took him to a high mountain and showed him the kingdom of the world and their splendor. And they said, I’ll give all of this to you. If you’ll bow down and worship me. What do you say? Wow, to hear Satan. Cast you way, mind you that a pray? Quoted truth. Away from me Satan. Worship the Lord your God and serve him on your God. The devil left him and angels came and attended him. How come the devil left him? Cause he told truth. Certainly didn’t leave him because he had suddenly become strong and body been fast and 40 days and 40 nights he was weak physically, so weak that the angels had to do what? Come and attend him, but he was strong and spirit because He was God and God is truth. Now, folks, what did he do with that truth? What do you do with that truth? Is that truth available to you today? Who indwells you? Christ Jesus who is he was truth. I am the way I am what? The truth and the Spirit of God truth lives inside of you. Therefore you and I have the ability not to just be out commanding Satan all over the place and all that stuff that’s that is not in the Bible. But we have the ability to know truth and to quote truth and to stand on truth. And when we do Satan flees.

Now look what it says so back to back to James. When tempted, then no one should say God is tempting me For God cannot be tempted by evil, just impossible couldn’t have been tempted by it. Do you understand what I’m talking about? He could be tempted but he didn’t tempted you understand the tempter comes and tempts you, but he couldn’t be tempted. Because we’re tempted, it says, By evil. Nor does He tempt anyone with evil. Well, what happens to us each one of us is tempted, tempted, when by our own his own evil desire. What’s wrong with us? Evil desires live in us. Is that true? Do you have any evil desires? Or oh, well, perfect. evil desires are in us, folks. It’s in our am station. If they’re people come in, say, How can I be a Christian? Do these? I don’t even understand that. You could ask that question. You’re a Christian, aren’t you and you’re doing it. I’ll take care of that question. We are tempted by who? Who’s the originator of all temptation? Satan. We had a call the only a day when you worry are you being tempted? If you’re thought of that, what are you being tempted to do? Worry. Is what is the opposite of worry? Faith. What is it that pleases God? Faith, then who originates worry? Satan outside of you, tempting you so suddenly that you don’t even know you’re being tempted. Because worries so natural to us that couldn’t be God doing that. That’s just me. No, it isn’t. That’s Satan tempting you not to worry, but to stop trusting God.

Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.

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Jesus Came to Save Sinners

Listen to the Salvation message today!

Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.

Let’s pray together:

  • Lord Jesus,
  • I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
  • never ever to see them again.
  • Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
  • through your resurrection.
  • I now receive that life.
  • And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
  • In Jesus Holy name I pray.
  • Amen

All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.

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3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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