Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P67 (02-14-24)
Jesus Did Not Atone For Sin, He Took Sin Away Forever
~ Jesus introduced a better Hope, by which we draw near to God. Faith says thank you for what God did on the cross. It does not ask for it repeatedly over and over again to do what He has already done. Forgiveness is Finished. It was finished at the cross, one time, and ONLY one time for the sins of the entire world.
Yet people today believe the lies of ongoing forgiveness by God. Satan has the whole world deceived and religion (all religion) is one of the key areas that Satan spreads the lie of ongoing forgiveness. People equate Jesus as though he atoned for sin. Yet scripture is clear, Jesus did not atone for sin, He took sin away from the eyes of God, and our sins are no longer counted against us by God. We are forgiven. Place faith in Him and what He and He alone did at the cross. And receive His LIFE. A person asking God for more forgiveness is in complete denial of the cross. And the majority of people that are asking God to do what he has already done are still DEAD, for they do not have the Holy Spirit living in them and are still believing the lie. For if they did have the Holy Spirit of God living in them, He, the Holy Spirit would show them TRUTH, and they would realize the error of their ways.
Time is short at hand folks when Jesus returns. Jesus asked the question, “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8b
Will he find faith in your heart? Details matter in everything.
~ The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God.
And it was not without an oath! Others became priests without any oath, but he became a priest with an oath when God said to him:
“The Lord has sworn
and will not change his mind:
‘You are a priest forever.’”
Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant.
Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. For the law appoints as high priests men in all their weakness; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.Hebrews 7:18-28
~ “As we continue on, in his book of Hebrews, you’re going to see Paul get more stringent in regard to his irritation over people who will not believe Jesus when He said, it’s finished. And you’re going to hear him say that I’m sick and tired of You’re insulting the spirit of grace and making a mockery of this cross of Jesus Christ. Because that’s exactly what you’re doing. When you and I are continuing to practice this kind of religion that we’re practicing, we’re making a mockery out of the cross of Christ. And that’s where we have to come down to the point folks of realizing that we have to do something with this. We’re not here to just hear something and walk away and send a nice message I heard something or heard something, it’s action. When we think of what Christ did, there’s a demand on our lives to say if this is truth, give your life to it. If I am a forgiven saint, then walk in that forgiveness from this day forward. To be able to say it’s finished. It’s over a period, forever.
Have you accepted the finality of Christ in your life, the finality of his forgiveness, to be able to realize there is no more forgiveness. It’s been done once and for all. This priest who lives forever was not like the priests that had to offer sacrifices over and over. He sacrificed for their sins once and for all. offered himself once and for all, and from the cross. cried out. It is what? Finished. Well, let’s pray together.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
So the way that the Levites lived was through the tithe of the other 11 tribes of Israel. So I say to people today, if you’re going to teach people that you are demanded by God to give like an Israelite, why don’t you live like a Levite. And unless you’re willing to live like a leave, I don’t tell people to be giving like an Israelite. Tithing is not New Testament giving. Never has been, never will be. It was a means to support a priesthood whose job was to devote themselves totally 100% to taking care of the tent meetings, taking care of the priestly activities, and they could not support themselves by being in the business, owning homes, owning cars and everything else. Oh folks, that’s a far cry from what we see today, isn’t it? And people going out and teaching it you give God’s gonna make you rich, the only one getting rich out that’s the one is getting the givens. And it’s another form of total deception that has swept and taking over. In so called Christian teaching, which is no Christian teaching at all, it’s a, it is a commingling of what’s beneficial. I’ll teach a little grace if it can help me and I’ll teach a little law if it can help me. And I’ve got a building program coming on. I’m going to teach little tithing. In fact, I’ll teach a lot tithing during a building program, and then I’ll kind of ease off a little grace after it’s paid for, until we get the next building, then we’ll have another tithing. And it is used as a manipulation from the pulpits across this country, to manipulate people to get my desires filled. And again, it comes from a collection, attitude of denial of the sufficiency of Christ who said, I, Jesus will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And if Jesus is going to build the church, what am I trying to build it for? What do I need to go out and try to build it if he said, I’ll build it? What do I need to go out with 10,000 visitation programs in order to drag you out of your houses and put you on 10,000 committees so that you can be busy and be a big dog in the church? What I need to do that for if Jesus said, I’ll build my church, and all Jesus said, a pastor to do, he said, If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto myself, our role is one thing and one thing only it’s to lift up Jesus. And whoever comes are the whosoever wills. And when you come, you come to learn, you don’t come to be manipulated. You don’t come to be coerced. You don’t need to come to be committeeized. You don’t need to come in order to find out who’s got the money and put them up and pray on Sunday. Do you want to know who’s got the money in churches? Listen, radio broadcasts and whoever’s praying they’re the ones have the money. I’m sorry to say that, but that is a true thing that many times is going on.
Tithing is, Jesus said a speck of levan will spoil the whole thing. You cannot teach the grace of God out of one side of your mouth and go over and teach tithing out of the other. Jesus said it very clearly you cannot put new wine into old wineskins. When you put wine into a wine skin, and the wine ferments, it stretches the skin to its ultimate capacity. You pour that wine out and you put new wine into those already expanded wine skins. And the wine ferments and it expands the already expanded wine skins and adverts the skins and you lose the skins and the wine, you’re either have to get on one side or the other. You either gonna have to get on the side of grace or get on the side of law, but quit trying to commingle them because it’s like mixing oil and water, they don’t mix. You have pure milk, and you have pure chocolate and you mix them and you got a hybrid breed of something called chocolate milk. It is neither chocolate, nor is it milk. It’s a breed of the two. And that, quite frankly, is what modern day Christianity has become a chocolate milk religion. It’s watered down. It’s neither hot nor cold. And it’s like Jesus said to the church, not to the people, but to the leadership in revelation. And I’d like to spew you out of my mouth. You’re neither hot nor cold. You’re neither for me nor against you. You’re a bunch of chocolate milkers. I said either get on one side or the other. If you’re going to be a legless go be a good one. Till it eats your lunch. If you want to be a grazer. Be a grace, all the way. Not halfway all the way. But don’t try to commingle the two.
Now he goes ahead to say then that when he’s talking about this that just think how it was even the patriarch Abraham gave him a 10th of the plunder. Now the law requires the descendants of Levi who become priests to collect a 10th for the people that is their brothers, even though their brothers are a descendant of Abraham. Verse six. This man, however, did not trace his descendant from Levi. Yet he collected a 10th from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises. He wasn’t even the Levitical the priesthood what even existed yet And yet he did this. And without a doubt, the lesser person as great as blessed by the Greater. In one case, the 10th is collected by men who die. That’s Levites. In the other case, by him who had declared to be living as Melchizedek. One might even say that Levi who collects a 10th paid a 10th to Abraham, they were all the same descendants. And when Melchizedek met Abraham Levi was still in the body of his ancestor. In other words, if your inheritance if you had put it in this way, if what I have, let’s say that the law required or that’s what I required that everything I have when I die would go to my son. And I took part of what I have and paid it to the Levites. In essence that if I paid 10% of the Levites, that means 10% That young Bob isn’t gonna get. So in essence, he paid the tithe through me. And that’s all it’s talking about.
Now, it says, If perfection now could be attained through the Levitical priesthood, in other words, through this priesthood that God ordained, called the Levitical priesthood, if perfection could be gained through that, and it says, For on the basis of the law was given to the people, why was there still a need for another priest to come? In other words, if perfection could be gained through this priesthood that God initiated? Why would there need for another priest to come? Why was there a need for a Melchizedek? Back then why is there a need for Christ today? One in the order of Melchizedek, not in the order of Aaron. Now, folks, here’s what this whole deal is pushing toward, for when there is a change of priesthood, there must also be a change in the law. And that’s what he’s trying to get them to see, folks, you’ve been under the law, it was God given. But there’s something new that’s taken place. It’s called the New Covenant. And it was brought back not by Levitical priesthood, who was designed by God to handle the affairs of man, but by a priest on the order of Melchizedek. Without genealogy, not out of the normal realm of things, not out of Hebrewism, but direct by God. And when you have a new priest, there’s a change in the law, there’s a change in your custom. There’s a change, it’s not the same anymore. And why he saying that is because people come to Christ, and then they keep wanting to go back to their old traditions. And they keep wanting to go back because it’s familiar to them. And we love that familiarity. And, and, and that’s not hard to understand, we become engrossed in tradition, we, we become comfortable in doing things the way we do it. And that’s what was taking place. But he’s saying, Guys, we’ve got to flee from this, we have fled, we said, to take hold of this new hope. And this hope is in Christ, it isn’t in my tradition. It’s in Christ.
Now he of whom these things are said belong to a different tribe, it says, For no one from this tribe has ever served at the altar. For it’s clear that our Lord descended from Judah, he didn’t come from Levites came from Judah. And in regard to that Dr. Moses said nothing about priests, there wasn’t anything Moses talked about priest in the line of Judah. And what we have said, is even more clear, if another priest like Melchizedek appears, one who has become a priest not on the basis of regulation as to his ancestry, but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life. Where it is declared you are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. So he says the former regulation was set aside, because it was weak, and it was useless. What regulation what among it? Tithe the 10% to the Levites. Do we have Levitical priests anymore, folks? Do we do we have Levite priests anymore? And as a matter of fact, didn’t it say in the Scripture Don’t call anyone a priest except Christ. We don’t have Levitical priesthood anymore. So that systems gone. But we carry it over so that we can manipulate as I said, there’s a better hope that’s introduced. The former regulation was set aside because it was weak and it was useless. For the law made nothing perfect. You Oh, you could obey it. That didn’t make you perfect. You can go down and give your time I’ll give it for I don’t God’s gonna zap me. I’ll give them a tide. Your hearts cold. See, folks, religion can get you involved in all kinds of exterior activity. But God said we don’t have mercy. We don’t have anything. The issue is not what I’m doing out there. The issue is what’s going on in their hearts? Are we finding ourselves to be more loving? Are we finding ourselves to have an attitude of mercy toward people? Or do we still have that judgmental spirit? I wouldn’t do that. How could anyone ever do such a thing? Just hang around, you’ll see. Or is their attitude getting softened? You see, folks as we talked about before it says the law is a shadow. And if I want to sit and look at the law, I’m going to have to look at a shadow. And the only way that I can see a shadow is if the sun is at my back. And if the sun’s at my back, then I can see the shadow because I’ve got my back turned to the sun, from the sun. And when we want to be under the law, it’s because our back is turned from God and God is way out there someplace. Way out there. When we turn the shadows behind us and I’m looking at the sun and being warmed by the sun. And I’m drawing nearer to the Son. The closer that you and I come to Christ Jesus, not religion, to the presence of God, understanding Christ Jesus, understanding and knowing he’s our best friend. Christ Jesus is closer than our own breath. He’s our best friend. I’ve been in Christ 22 years and I love him more today than I ever did. He’s become my best friend. What do you think about? Well you think about being who you are. Christ is living in you. He’s living in you. He’s living in me. He’s our life. It’s no longer I who lives as Paul said, It’s Christ. I understand that.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:16
I talked about before the physical example that came to me just like a shot out of the blue when my daughter had her first grandchild, happened to be her child. That baby in her mother’s womb. could have said for me to live is mom. Bob Christopher was talking about going to the doctor Regina and they said to her that little baby’s heartbeat said no, you didn’t, hear the mother’s heartbeat. If the mother was dead, that heart of that baby be dead. That baby lives because the mom lives. That baby is alive in that womb because the mother is alive. And if you’ve been talked to that baby, that baby would have to say for me to live is mom. I’m crucified nevertheless I live yet not I but mom lives in me and the life that I live in this womb I live by faith and mom would love me and gave herself for me. That baby lives on a different support system than its own. And we’re told as Christians that we live on a different support system than our own. It’s no longer I who lives, I can’t live the Christian life. Only Christ can live the Christian life. And our role just like the baby is is to quit trying to get in the womb and be a baby, and try to be a baby and try to act like a baby. Just relax in there and be who you are. And receive the life that is given to you freely and grow according to the design of God for you to grow.
Now this is what is talking about something new has taken place, something different has taken place. The former regulation was set aside because it was weak and useless for the law made nothing perfect, perfect, and a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God. And it was not an oath others became priests without any oath. But he became a priest by an oath when God said to Him, the Lord is sworn and will not change his mind you are a priest forever. And because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant, a new one. Now, there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office, you got all kinds of earthly priests, they’re gonna die, you’re gonna die, I’m gonna die. But Jesus lives forever. He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely, not worried about being saved by some priest over here that’s going to die. But you’re talking about a priest who lives forever and because he lives I live. To those who come to God through Him because He always lived intercede for them. Therefore it says he is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, through him, because he always lives to intercede for us.
How do you come to God? Through him. It’s not some kind of a narrow way, folks, it isn’t a religion. You see people arguing over this type of thing. Well, you people say one way, one way, one way it is the case if well, that’s a theology that I’ve hold holding on to or philosophy that I’m holding on to. It all comes down to the point of Jesus, did Buddha die for your sins did Mohammed die for your sins, that Joseph Smith die for your sins? God gave us a Son. God so loved you and me that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever then believes in him, why believing in Him, He’s the only one that could do what he did. It isn’t a case of just oh, I just believe he gave the Son, good. Let’s that at the manger and praise God celebrate Christmas all over again. That’s not the issue. That Son came to do something. It’s the only it was God in the flesh. Only God’s blood only God’s life shed for you and me, could pay for the vileness of the sins of the world. Sin had to be dealt with and had to be paid for we deserve the punishment, he took it. So God came to this earth and paid a debt that he didn’t owe for you and me that owed a debt that we could not pay. God did that. It isn’t the case of some religious thing that I’m hanging on to. Somebody had to come and pay for the sins of the world, and only God’s blood was worthy of that. There’s no religious founder on the face of this earth that could make that kind of a claim they could claim to be a religious founder, but who in a world said, I died for the sins of the world to take them away, no one, raised from the dead so that that life that raised Him from the dead could come and raise us from the dead. Who could do that? Budda isn’t living inside of you and me. Mohammed had lived inside of you and me. Other religions isn’t lived, Moses isn’t living in there, Abraham isn’t living in there. Christ is, only Christ. So it’s not just a narrow way of thinking. It’s God’s provision, it’s the only provision that God made and he said, I’m going to do it once. I’m going to usher in his new covenant. Anything else was temporary.
Now it said, since such a high priest meets our needs one who is wholly blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins and then for the sins of His people. He sacrificed for their sins once and for all when he offered himself. for the law appoints a high priests, men who are weak. But the oath, which came after the law, appointed his Son, who has been made perfect, forever. New Covenant, new agreement. The priest had represent the people to God, a priest had to go in and offer sacrifices over and over and over again. They’re still doing it today. We have priests today who are offering sacrifices, listening to confessions listening to sins. We got the same thing in Protestantism or the world instead of stepping back and singing we have a high priests Christ Jesus came to this earth once and for all, not a kind of a human priests, it’s gonna die, but one who lives forever. And the law appoints a high priest, men who are weak, but the oath which came after the law appointed his Son. He doesn’t need it says like other high priests, he doesn’t need to offer sacrifices day after day first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people, no need to do that. He sacrificed for their sins once and for all. When He offered Himself. Folks, you believe that? If Christ offered himself once, and for all, he sacrifice for the sins once and for all. Is there any other sacrifice? If he if he offered himself for sins, unlike the priests that had to offer a sacrifice over and over and over and over and over again, that means then that you had to get forgiven over and over and over and over and over again, didn’t it? And the reason that you had to offer over and over and over again, was because you needed to get forgiven over and over and over again. Now if someone says, I’ve done it once, what does that tell you about your need for forgiveness? Oh, what Christ felt cried out of the cross, it’s finished. Paid in full, one time. Our issue, folks, is this. Are we going to believe that are we going to live like these people were, never have fled, to take hold of this hope. Where are you in your Christian experience? Have you fled to take hold of this hope that is in Christ Jesus? Or are you still hanging on to your hope in your first John one nines? Are we still hanging on to our hope of going to the priests for confession? Are we still hanging on to our hopes when we make an altar calls and begging God to do what he’s already done?
As we continue on, in his book of Hebrews, you’re going to see Paul get more stringent in regard to his irritation over people who will not believe Jesus when He said, it’s finished. And you’re going to hear him say that I’m sick and tired of You’re insulting the spirit of grace and making a mockery of this cross of Jesus Christ. Because that’s exactly what you’re doing. When you and I are continuing to practice this kind of religion that we’re practicing, we’re making a mockery out of the cross of Christ. And that’s where we have to come down to the point folks of realizing that we have to do something with this. We’re not here to just hear something and walk away and send a nice message I heard something or heard something, it’s action. When we think of what Christ did, there’s a demand on our lives to say if this is truth, give your life to it. If I am a forgiven saint, then walk in that forgiveness from this day forward. To be able to say it’s finished. It’s over a period, forever.
Have you accepted the finality of Christ in your life, the finality of his forgiveness, to be able to realize there is no more forgiveness. It’s been done once and for all. This priest who lives forever was not like the priests that had to offer sacrifices over and over. He sacrificed for their sins once and for all. offered himself once and for all, and from the cross. cried out. It is what? Finished. Well, let’s pray together.
Father, thank you for allowing us to look into the Word of God. It is a necessary thing because of what we’ve been through to peel off one layer after another of this legalism. Legalism being anything that we’re taught, that we have to do to please God, whereas the grace of God is a total teaching of what God did through Christ, that is pleasing to Him alone. It’s not what we’ve done, it’s what you’ve done. You began the work and you promised to complete it, in us. It says, we draw near to the heart of God to understand him and see him and all of his holiness and purity. That we see our continual need. And therefore a spirit of Thanksgiving thanking him for that, the finality of the cross and the reality of His resurrection in our lives. So I thank You, Father, for what you’ve taught us today. And I pray that you’ll take these things and endear them to our hearts. And I pray these things in Christ’s Holy name. Amen.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”