Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P76 (03-06-24)
Faith is Responding to God’s Love For Us ~ “Thank You Jesus”
~ Jesus did it ALL for us. We are to rest in him. When we respond by faith in what Jesus did for us, and continues to do in and through us, the only thing we can do is say, “THANK YOU GOD!” Thanksgiving in your heart is the key. A person who has thanksgiving in their heart is agreeing with God about first and foremost, Jesus and what he did on the cross for all of our sins. Confession in Greek means thanksgiving. Because when a person says “thank you” to God, they are in agreement with what God’s Love did for them on the cross. A person that is not thankful, but instead is asking for what God has already done is showing disrespect to God. They are calling God a liar. So if you want to please God, start walking in Faith. For it is Faith from first to last. For Jesus is the Faithful ONE who has done it all. THANK YOU JESUS!
This is what the book of Hebrews is all about. Teaching us about the New Covenant that we are ALL under. If we don’t understand the New Covenant, that he is no longer counting our sins against us, then how can we respond by faith? And that is what these chapters are here for in the word of God. To teach us TRUTH… Don’t discount the word of God. Pay attention to the details. Allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind, and lean not on your own understanding of anything today. Stand firm in Christ Jesus and abide in His Spirit alive living in you if you are in Christ Jesus.
For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. But God found fault with the people and said: “The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord. This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear. Hebrews 8:7-13
~ “Man comes up and says, look what I’m doing for you God. Jesus says, Bob, look what I did for you. Man comes up says, Look, God, how I went to church. Jesus said, Look, I went to the Calvary. Man comes along, says, look how I was raised in the church. Jesus said, I was raised from the dead. Man comes along, says I gave my money. Jesus said, I gave my life. Man comes along and says, look how I confess my sins. Jesus said, Look, how I took away your sins. Man comes along, says look how I stood strong against sin. And Jesus said, look how I saved the world from sin. Look, I went out and marched and picketed all the evildoers. Jesus said, Look, I suffered for the evildoers. Man comes along and says, look how I bow so humbly down to you. And Jesus said, look how I came and became one of you. Man says, look how I heal the sick. Jesus says, look how I raised the dead. Man comes along and says, look how I worked in the church. And Jesus says, Look, I made my home in you the church. Man comes along and says, look how I spoke in all the tongues of the world. He said, Look, I spoke the language of love. Man says look how successful my life was. Jesus says, look how successful my death was. It’s a total opposite.
When you’re dealing with law and grace and trying to mingle, Law and Grace, you rob the law of its terror you rob grace of its freedom. The law was God’s prohibiting and requiring man to perform. Grace is God besieging and bestowing grace upon man who couldn’t perform. The law is a ministry of condemnation. Grace is a ministry of forgiveness. The law curses. Grace redeems us from that curse. The law kills. Grace makes us alive. The law shuts every mouth before God. Grace opens every mouth to praise God. The law puts a great guilty distance between man and God. Grace made guilty man reconciled to God. The law says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Jesus said, resist not evil. Someone hit you on the right cheek turn the other also. The law says hate your enemies. The law says Love your enemies and bless them that despitefully use you. The law says do this and live. Grace says believe this and live. The law and ever had a missionary God is to be preached throughout the world to every creature. The law utterly condemns the best man. Grace truly saved the worst man. The law is a system of probation. Grace is a system of favor. The law stones the adulterous. Grace says neither do I condemn you get up and sin no more. Under the law, sheep die for the shepherd. under grace, the shepherd died for the sheep.
Are we under law or under grace? The Bible says put the law word belongs in the grave. And don’t dig it up again. Unless you’re smarter than God. And walk in this newness of life that has been given to you in Christ Jesus whereby it frees you and me to praise and to love a God who said I didn’t come to be served, but to serve and to realize that you and I are the recipients of not only the love of God but the servitude of God everyday of our lives. I do not understand how God could do that outside of unbelievable love. But that’s what the Bible is all about. God so loved that he gave. Let’s Let’s pray.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
When someone’s trying to put you on some element of emotional trip all the time you become an emotional cripple where all you do is think about getting goosebumps all the time. Life is not full of goosebumps. Life is the stuff you were singing about. It’s stuff of trials and tribulations that come your way heartaches, disappointments, rejection from people. That’s what life’s about. In this world, you’re gonna have tribulation, but he said Fear not have overcome the world. But don’t try to overcome tribulation. The reason people are talking about those kinds of stuff is because they’re in love with the world. The Bible says a man is in love with the world the love of the Father is not any and yet we sit there and worship, give millions of dollars to people the love of the Father is not in them. Because all we’re interested in is making money and more money and more money and more money. The reason for going after and exposing those things is not because I want my doctrine to be right and yours is wrong. It’s because of knowing what that stuff does to people, and the most unstable people I know are the ones whose emphasis is on emotion. Instead of getting their mind renewed on truth, don’t confuse me with truth. My mind’s made up. I don’t need facts. I feel this way. And that brother that does it if you’re feeling that way, bro, that’s, that’s it. That’s the criteria for truth. I feel some way. You can jack your feelings all over the place. You can get your feelings jacked up in a secular concert. You can get all hyped up at a rock concert, and jump up and down and leap. And everything else you want to do at a rock concert. You don’t need God for that. I’m planning a kind of a upbeat music and get you all tapping your feet. You don’t need God for that just rhythm. You’re talking about getting your mind renewed coming to truth and getting your mind renewed so that you can think with your heads. And let the truth of that sink into your hearts. So that that truth can do exactly what God said it would do. And that’s set you free. To be free to do what? Free to be yourself. Just like the little kid free to be the kid. What pleases the father? Seeing the kid be himself. Cute little thing.
Now folks, this New Covenant that had to be brought into effect by God was brought in motivated by love. It was brought in so that you and I could be free. You cannot be free under the law. Period. So by calling verse 13, this covenant new he’s made the first one obsolete. Now again, the Bible says the law is obsolete. We say, boy keep hanging on to it. In other words, I don’t care what the Bible says I want to hang on to it. How come? I like my bondage. I like it live in that East Germany over there. It’s fun. Doesn’t matter to me the walls torn down. I like my bondage used to it. He said it’s been torn down.
Now verse chapter nine. The first covenant had its regulations for worship, and also an earthly sanctuary. So it had an earthly place and it had regulations for worship. If you want to worship here’s how you do it. A tabernacle was set up, it said in its first room where the lamp stand the table and the consecrated bread, which was called the holy place. And behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place, which had a golden altar of incense and the gold covered Ark of the covenant. The Ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron staff that had butted and the stone tablets of the covenant. That’s the 10 commandments. Above the ark were the cherubim of the glory overshadowing the Atonement Cover. But we cannot discuss these things in detail. Now. Neither mine when everything had been arranged like this, the priest entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest entered the inner room. Now, why is why is the author going through all of this? Well, he’s going to because he’s people very familiar. They’re talking about I read this and so what is all this? But it’s it’s like, what he’s saying here is this is what you’ve been doing. And I understand what you’ve been doing. It’s not like I’m some neophytes that know what’s going on. I know what this whole temple things about and this is what you’ve been doing. But I want to show you something better. This is what this whole thing is about. But only the high priests entered the inner room and then only once a year and never without blood which he offered for himself, and the sins of the people that have people have committed an ignorance. Now, he said that’s what you were doing with all of these regulations of worship. But he said the Holy Spirit was showing, by this that the way into the most holy place, not yet been disclosed as long as the first tabernacle was still standing. This is an illustration for the present time indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered, were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper. They are only a matter of food, drink and various ceremonial washings external regulations, applying until the time of the new order. All of these external. You see folks what we don’t understand is, again, we have brought over into so called Christian religion, our own external things. In other words, God had given a whole bunch of external things to the people of Israel in order to have a visual aid of the reality that was going to come in Christ. And so there were things so that we can see. So he gave the temple he showed the inner, the Holy of Holies, and all of those things. And they were visuals that a person could look at and say, yeah, and they said, but that’s a picture of their reality that is going to come in Christ. So Here Christ is come, and we come up and develop our own externals. We have our own stuff. And he said, there’s a new order that has come in, why are you bringing new stuff in, when there’s a new order that’s come in a New Covenant that’s that has come in. Now it goes ahead to say when Christ came as a High Priest, of the good things that are already there, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not man made, that is to say, not a part of this creation. He didn’t enter by the means of the blood of goats and calves. But he entered the Most Holy Place once and for all, by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption. He did it.
Folks, all of this is getting people back to Christ. So I said before, we do not realize how subtle religion is. And I’m not saying that, to set ourselves up. I’m saying it because it’s true. And it’s a reality, the subtlety of religion. We build our churches. And we say, Look at this. Look what we’ve done. And this is our regulation of worship, we got a baptistry back here, or we’ve got a sprinkling bowl. Or we’ve got this and we’ve got that that’s those are, those are all our regulations for worship. This is what we do in our earthly sanctuary. And if you want to belong, you come and join in with that. Let’s see Christ came to destroy all of that. We rebuilt, what he destroyed. The subtleties, folks. I don’t have anything against a person who wants to go to a Baptist church or Presbyterian Church, how can I have anything against that if that’s where a person wants to go? I don’t care where a person goes, and where he lives his life anyway. your Christian life isn’t lived here on Sunday morning, just an hour out of the week. I mean, if this is what you call the Christian life is what you do here you to be pitied of all people. You live your Christian life when you go home. It’s how do you behave at home with your kids. How do you how do you face things. What is your attitude toward things. That’s where you live your Christian life not in a service someplace. People come down you say what what? Whoa, well, what is this? Well, when you’ve rebuilt the structures, you’ve got an identity crisis folks that we’re dealing with constantly. It’s an identity do. I know people take that wrong sometimes, but I want to tell you, it is a sad commentary for someone to think that they’re a Baptist or a Presbyterian or a Methodist or a Nazarene or a Catholic. That is some dumb identity. It’s a real dumb identity. It in one God gave you God died on a cross and was raised from the dead in order to give you identity that is indestructible and eternal. A child of the living God you’ll be one of those forever. A child of the living God I want to want to rock around calling myself a People to Peopler or a Baptist or, or something when I’m a child of God. Why would I want to settle for a secondary identity your child a god you come and meet with some people, the people that’s fine But this is where you live your life anyway. You’re a child of God, you go meet for some people who go in this, you know, place down this building on the corner of walk and don’t walk down there they have this church office trying to make a difference what names aren’t just a building. Man’s named it, God doesn’t even know what it is. And we put our identities there. The very thing God came to destroy, we built up again. Say why the concern, Bob? Because what it does the people.
Do you know the majority of people today that I know who are teaching in one form or another, the fullness of the grace of God, that teaching began out of ministries that were dealing in some form of counseling or discipleship? You know why? Because when you’re dealing with those things, you got to deal with people. You can’t stand up at the pulpit and just let it out and say, Well, what effect did it have on anybody who cares? I don’t know. And I don’t see him. I separate I got my robot. I don’t know where the people’s guts are hanging out or not. I don’t know whether you’re hurting or not. I don’t know whether you’re going through divorce. I don’t know whether you’re going through trials and tribulations. What do I care, I deliver my message worked on all week, and had three points on a poem. You heard it. They all wrapped, they all rhymed together. Wonderful. took a week to prepare it. And so we get all of those type of things going and it’s impersonal. When you’re down, dealing with people on one on one basis and you’re dealing with people, I want to tell you what you’re learning had better work. And if it didn’t work, and you better take a look at what you’re being taught.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:37
If Christ Jesus is not real to you. There is nothing wrong with Jesus. But there sure is something wrong with you. And the only thing that keeps Christ Jesus from being real to you, is when you have bought the idea that I am there to serve him. Instead of realizing he is there to serve me. And I am there to respond to him. I am there to be a receiver of His love. And the result of receiving that love is I’m going to respond back to him. Folks we end up treating each other the way we think God treats us if Christ Jesus love as it says Then keep records of wrongs. Do we believe that in regard to God and you? Do you believe that God didn’t keep records of your wrongs? I mean, rarely do you believe that? When you ask yourself a question, how can you keep records of others? As God forgave you so forgive one another. How dod God forgive you? Totally. Totallu, its behind his back. How should you forgive one another? The same way. We sit around and hold resentments in our hearts sit around holding resentments about the way I was raised as a kid sometimes 20, 30, 40 years ago, still worried about how your parents treated you. And it’s over. The issue isn’t how my parents treated me 20 years ago, it’s how am I gonna live a life today. What are we gonna do with that? I’m gonna sit around with it, have a pity party. Invite people to it. No one wants to come so I can have a bigger pity party. And think about your own life, how quick we dig up those old things, dig up the past, dig things up constantly digging up these corpses in order to lay it on somebody. Bring it up, bring it up, bring it up, find the ole albatross, bring that thing up. Go out there in a corpse and dig that sucker up. Just like psycho. Just take your mom, put them up there and dress them up. That old corpse. Paul says, Forget what was passed.
I want to, ask you a question. You have kids? Have you ever made mistakes with your kids? When you have what do you want them to do to you? Well forgive you. Do you think your folks ever made any mistakes with you? You know, the psychiatrists come with this thing. It came out of a dysfunctional family, said who in a world didn’t? How could you have two sinful parents that aren’t dysfunctional? I mean, again, it’s what we talked about last week walking around as if the world’s supposed to be functional. The world’s a mess. How can a world be functional with sinful people running around in it like you and me? I can’t even say I’ve been functional. You realize my friends that in this life in which we live, the reason that this experiment of life does not work is because you cannot conduct an experiment without a constant. If you’ve ever studied chemistry, or anything else, you will find out even in that subject, without a constant, there is no experiment, you cannot conduct an experiment with variables, only bouncing it off of a constant. And you and I are nothing but a big walking bunch of variables. We don’t have one thing constant in us, we’re one way one day and the next day, we’re something else, I’d be happy as could be one day and absolutely like a whale on the bottom of the ocean the next Can’t you? I just be so loving feeling toward somebody one minute and they say something wrong and I’d like to wring their neck. There is nothing consistent in us at all, we are a walking bundle of variables. And my friends, that experiment alone will never work until we have a constant in our life on which to bounce off that variable. And the only constant that you and I will ever have in our lives ever have had or ever will have is the constant of Jesus Christ, alive living in you, your only hope of glory, the only truth that you and I will ever have in our life, the only truth that we’ll ever be able to bounce the inconsistencies of life off of is the truth of the Word of God. And if we don’t have the word of God and the truth of the Word of God in our hearts, we’d have no option except to try to make this experiment work with a bunch of variables and you cannot do it. And that’s why we have to take the inconsistencies of life and bounce them off of the consistency of Christ Jesus. And when we do he says that truth that fact will set you me free. That’s why I came to usher in a New Covenant, a new agreement between God and man where he says their sins and lawless acts, I’ll remember no more. And that issue is over so that you don’t have to function in fear anymore. The law is gone. Leave it where it is in the grave. If you’re in Christ, if you’re not let the law do its work. But if you’re in Christ, leave it in the grave raised from the dead in the newness of life no longer to be in the bondage of the law, but to be led by the Spirit of God live us. It is another subtlety of people said I follow Christ. I follow Christ. Oh no, you don’t follow Christ. If you’re in him. You follow Christ when you’re lost to where he went to the cross and to the resurrection. That’s where you follow him to. Only to be indwelt then by the Spirit no longer to follow when you’re following somebody, where are they? While they’re out there, and what are you doing? Walking behind them. Is that how you live your Christian life? Christ out there walking behind him imitating footprints in the sand? I don’t think so. You’re not following Christ today. You’re being led by His Spirit living within you. The Spirit of God came to They have within you in order to motivate you internally, not imitate externally.
Man comes up and says, look what I’m doing for you God. Jesus says, Bob, look what I did for you. Man comes up says, Look, God, how I went to church. Jesus said, Look, I went to the Calvary. Man comes along, says, look how I was raised in the church. Jesus said, I was raised from the dead. Man comes along, says I gave my money. Jesus said, I gave my life. Man comes along and says, look how I confess my sins. Jesus said, Look, how I took away your sins. Man comes along, says look how I stood strong against sin. And Jesus said, look how I saved the world from sin. Look, I went out and marched and picketed all the evildoers. Jesus said, Look, I suffered for the evildoers. Man comes along and says, look how I bow so humbly down to you. And Jesus said, look how I came and became one of you. Man says, look how I heal the sick. Jesus says, look how I raised the dead. Man comes along and says, look how I worked in the church. And Jesus says, Look, I made my home in you the church. Man comes along and says, look how I spoke in all the tongues of the world. He said, Look, I spoke the language of love. Man says look how successful my life was. Jesus says, look how successful my death was. It’s a total opposite.
When you’re dealing with law and grace and trying to mingle, Law and Grace, you rob the law of its terror you rob grace of its freedom. The law was God’s prohibiting and requiring man to perform. Grace is God besieging and bestowing grace upon man who couldn’t perform. The law is a ministry of condemnation. Grace is a ministry of forgiveness. The law curses. Grace redeems us from that curse. The law kills. Grace makes us alive. The law shuts every mouth before God. Grace opens every mouth to praise God. The law puts a great guilty distance between man and God. Grace made guilty man reconciled to God. The law says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Jesus said, resist not evil. Someone hit you on the right cheek turn the other also. The law says hate your enemies. The law says Love your enemies and bless them that despitefully use you. The law says do this and live. Grace says believe this and live. The law and ever had a missionary God is to be preached throughout the world to every creature. The law utterly condemns the best man. Grace truly saved the worst man. The law is a system of probation. Grace is a system of favor. The law stones the adulterous. Grace says neither do I condemn you get up and sin no more. Under the law, sheep die for the shepherd. under grace, the shepherd died for the sheep
Are we under law or under grace? The Bible says put the law word belongs in the grave. And don’t dig it up again. Unless you’re smarter than God. And walk in this newness of life that has been given to you in Christ Jesus whereby it frees you and me to praise and to love a God who said I didn’t come to be served, but to serve and to realize that you and I are the recipients of not only the love of God but the servitude of God everyday of our lives. I do not understand how God could do that outside of unbelievable love. But that’s what the Bible is all about. God so loved that he gave. Let’s Let’s pray.
Father, as Paul said, We preach Christ and Christ crucified, crucified, a stumbling block to Hebrews and foolishness to Gentiles. But to those whom God has called both Hebrews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God, and the wisdom of God. I pray Father, that as we continue to walk on this earth, that we will realize that we are totally loved by you, as your children that you came to provide, teach us truth, not to give us all of our greeds. But to allow us to grow in our knowledge view. And you told us that there’s only many times through the trials and tribulations of life that we grow in that knowledge of you. That’s why we’re so dumb we really don’t even know what a blessing is. The blessings of life are the hard times the trials and tribulations that caused us to come to a point where we have no one to look to except you. And I thank You, Father for those times. I thank you for your love and your grace that has been manifested to us. And I thank you for these things, and the one who brought it about Christ Jesus, our Lord, and it’s in his name we pray, amen.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”