Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P82 (03-20-24)
Forgiveness is Final
~ Your sins have been forgiven. Most of you that are reading and listening to this message know the Truth of that. However, over 99% of the world doesn’t believe in total forgiveness by God. They believe in ongoing forgiveness. They believe that if they ask for forgiveness from God he will extend forgiveness to them. Forgiveness is not something you get from God. It’s something he did for the sins of the whole world. Your forgiveness is not dependent on whether you ask God or not. Forgiveness has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with what Jesus did at the cross. For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. So what are we to do with people today. Tell them the Truth. Tell them their sins have been forgiven because God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, NOT counting man’s sins against him. That truly is the good news of the gospel. Be bold in your proclamation of the Truth of the word of God. For that is the starting point of everything that is important today. Oh, we have been sold a bill of goods by Satan, and he didn’t want us to know the truth of the cross, so he created his minions to sell the lie. People to this day still fall back on the teaching of man instead of the TRUTH of the word of God. Break away from listening to the lies. Toss the false agents of righteousness from your ears. Stop reading commentaries that are all twisted by fakesters. Quit tolerating people calling Jesus a liar when they keep asking for more forgiveness from God. Set the record straight. Oh, most will probably not listen to you, and many will toss you out of their lives, because they too would rather listen to what their itching ears want to hear. But God wants the truth out there. He wants to use you for his will. Don’t fall for the false idea of keeping the peace by staying quiet and not telling the Truth, for Jesus did not come to keep the peace but to bring a sword. His word is the sword we have today. And the Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth simply by being available to him. That is our perfect worship today, for each of us is the TRUE temple of God, and if you are in Christ and He is in you, then you are his body right now in this world.
The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First he says: “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary. Hebrews 10:17-18
~ “God living in you, leading you back to the old life that used to live that made just a miserable, it’s your turn to him to begin with, forget it. That’s an insult of the living God. But because the majority of people we never get beyond the cross in regard to what salvation is, all we see salvation is I got my sins forgiven. Now I’m that same old person, but I am forgiven. But if I keep for confessing, I’ll keep getting forgiven. And we’re no more than these jars that I was talking about. And we’ve never progressed beyond sterilizing jars, somebody said, you’re going to sterilize jars in order to canned food, we forget the in order to canned food, and we just keep sterilizing jars, keeping them clean, keep them clean, keeping them clean. And our whole life is spent trying to keep the jar clean, trying to keep the jar clean. We walk aisles and rededicate. I’ll keep it clean, Lord, if it kills me. And we were out the carpeting and churches coming forward to rededicate our lives to do what? Do better. I realized and been dipping it in that hot water enough Lord, and been keeping short enough accounts with God but I will. We don’t realize that God already cleansed your jar. He already forgave you of all unrighteousness not to stop there but to dwell you with his life and then seal that whole transaction never to be broken again. That’s a good News of the Gospel. And what he implores us and in essence said, for goodness sakes, folks, you could have seen me hanging on that cross. It’s what Paul said in the third chapter of Galatians. You foolish, idiotic, moronic, Galatians, who has hypnotized you said and cast an evil spell on you. You used to see the meaning of Christ’s death, as clearly as nod waved a place card in front of you. He said, Have you gone mad? And he said, let me ask you a question. Did you receive the Spirit of God by obeying the law? Or by believing what you heard? Which was it? Well, after beginning in the spirit, believing Why are you now trying to perfect yourself a human effort? You used to understand the meaning of Christ’s death on the cross you used to see it was done, you used to see it was finished. Now you’re back with your own sacrificial systems. And the Hebrews were running back to rebuild the altar. And then we come back to rebuild or confession booths. And then we come back to rebuild our altar calls. There was only one altar and that was over in Jerusalem, not here. Not any altar in New Testament Church. There’s only one altar, the one Christ was sacrificed on. And we come up with our own man made deals on how to get forgiven and keep forgiven, and keep getting forgiven and more forgiveness. And we never get on with what Christ came to give us and that’s LIFE.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
God living in you, leading you back to the old life that used to live that made just a miserable, it’s your turn to him to begin with, forget it. That’s an insult of the living God. But because the majority of people we never get beyond the cross in regard to what salvation is, all we see salvation is I got my sins forgiven. Now I’m that same old person, but I am forgiven. But if I keep for confessing, I’ll keep getting forgiven. And we’re no more than these jars that I was talking about. And we’ve never progressed beyond sterilizing jars, somebody said, you’re going to sterilize jars in order to canned food, we forget the in order to canned food, and we just keep sterilizing jars, keeping them clean, keep them clean, keeping them clean. And our whole life is spent trying to keep the jar clean, trying to keep the jar clean. We walk aisles and rededicate. I’ll keep it clean, Lord, if it kills me. And we were out the carpeting and churches coming forward to rededicate our lives to do what? Do better. I realized and been dipping it in that hot water enough Lord, and been keeping short enough accounts with God but I will. We don’t realize that God already cleansed your jar. He already forgave you of all unrighteousness not to stop there but to dwell you with his life and then seal that whole transaction never to be broken again. That’s a good News of the Gospel. And what he implores us and in essence said, for goodness sakes, folks, you could have seen me hanging on that cross. It’s what Paul said in the third chapter of Galatians. You foolish, idiotic, moronic, Galatians, who has hypnotized you said and cast an evil spell on you. You used to see the meaning of Christ’s death, as clearly as nod waved a place card in front of you. He said, Have you gone mad? And he said, let me ask you a question. Did you receive the Spirit of God by obeying the law? Or by believing what you heard? Which was it? Well, after beginning in the spirit, believing Why are you now trying to perfect yourself a human effort? You used to understand the meaning of Christ’s death on the cross you used to see it was done, you used to see it was finished. Now you’re back with your own sacrificial systems. And the Hebrews were running back to rebuild the altar. And then we come back to rebuild or confession booths. And then we come back to rebuild our altar calls. There was only one altar and that was over in Jerusalem, not here. Not any altar in New Testament Church. There’s only one altar, the one Christ was sacrificed on. And we come up with our own man made deals on how to get forgiven and keep forgiven, and keep getting forgiven and more forgiveness. And we never get on with what Christ came to give us and that’s LIFE.
So the whole teaching of the New Testament is about the finality of the cross. It’s over, it’s been done. And that’s what he’s begging you to be reconciled to God, I reconciled you how do he do it? By not counting your sins against you, believe it, walk in it, leave it it’s all it’s saying. Believe it. It goes ahead to tell you why you ought to believe it, because God made him Jesus, who knew no sin to be sin for you. So that in Him and in His life and your identification with him, you could become the righteousness of God, believe it. So the reconciliation that God provided for you and me required total forgiveness, not partial forgiveness, not a covering for sin, but a taking away of sin. First Peter 3:18 We’re gonna go through some of these passages, you’ll have time to look them up, but I’ll put them up here. For Christ died for sins, how many times? Once and for how many people? For all the righteous who was that? Jesus. For the unrighteous. Who’s that? Us. In order to do what? Bring us to God, to bring us to God, He died for us then, so that he could live in us now. That cross was provided, then permanent, done, finished, so that from that point forth, the Holy Spirit of God could go to the uttermost parts of the world appealing to every man and woman, boy and girl on the face of this earth, come unto me, come unto me, there’s nothing left to do except come unto me. There is no more sins to be forgiven, Come unto me. There is no more altar to go to, there’s no more confession booth to go to, there’s no more sacrifices to go to. It’s been done, Come unto me. The wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is life. Your dead, come unto me and receive life. That’s the whole thing. No, what’s what’s there left to do? Nothing. Nothing. Come unto me. It’s the appeal of God. He died for sins once to bring you to God, to come unto me. He was put to death in a body, but made alive in the Spirit.
For he rescued us in Colossians, from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son he loves in whom we have redemption. What else do we have? Forgiveness of sins. How many of you ask God to redeem you every day? How come? How many times he’s gonna buy you back? Once. How many times your sins forgiven? Once. If you were under a teaching where you had to get bought back every day, what do you think it do for you in your relationship with God? When you’re under a teaching, teaching, you have to get forgiven every day. What do you think it does to you? The same thing as it would with redemption. What’s the only thing you could conclude if he kept after if you had to keep going back and getting redeemed? It’s not finished. What’s the only thing you can conclude you have to keep going back and getting forgiven? It’s not finished. How could you conclude anything else? Except it’s not finished. And Jesus said, It is finished. People are talking about their sins. I’ll tell you something, folks, there is no sin, in my opinion today that is any greater or more severe, severe or disgusting, then looking into the face of God who bled and died view and say, I don’t think it’s finished. I don’t believe you. I don’t believe that the wages of sin is death. I think it’s out of fellowship. I assume by at a conference that we had the other day in Atlanta, where do you find that in the Bible, and someone in the front row said, in the footnotes. It’s the only place you’re gonna find it in the footnotes, you’re not gonna find it in the Bible.
I personally am up to here in religion, and seeing people being continually dumped and put under bondage through this teaching that has permeated through the entire Christian world, that in essence is clearly designed and calculated by Satan, to keep calling God a liar directly in his face in the name of Jesus. When Christ said, it’s finished, he meant it’s finished. And if something’s finished, there’s nothing else to do. When he said, You’ve been made complete, it means you’ve been made complete, you can’t get any completer, or any less complete. When he said, You’ve been made holy, it means you’re not gonna get any holier than that. Nor are you gonna get unholy. When you’ve been made by God, perfect in the sight of God, it means you’re as perfect as you’re gonna get so you don’t need to strive anymore to try to be the special kid. And that plagues the Christian world, where we’re not satisfied to just be one of dad’s kids, I won’t be his special one. I want to be the one he likes best, dad, he likes me best. And we try to do that with Jesus, oh, God, I want to try to be special. When I first came to Christ as a little babe, I wasn’t satisfied just being saved I want to be special. I was special alright, fall flat on your face as a special one. God doesn’t have any special kids, just got kids. Quit trying you make yourself obnoxious, trying to be special. Just be happy to be a child of the living God totally loved as a child of God.
Where do we have forgiveness? In Him. We have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Are you in him? Then what do you have? If you’re in him, do you get forgiven? Or are you forgiven? You are. Well, what do you need to keep short accounts with God for? Where does First John one nine fit into all that? If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness, when he just got through telling you’ve already been cleansed of all unrighteousness all your sins have already been forgiven. Now, where does that fit in? Well, it doesn’t, not to a believer. Fits in quite well in context. If you’ll look at verse eight, that if you claim to be without sin, you deceive yourself and the truth not in you who’s the truth? Christ who isn’t in you? Christ. That’s why you’re claiming to be of that sin. How could you have the Spirit of God living in you claim to be without sin, when Truth’s living in you? You couldn’t. On the other hand, he’s saying to that last person whose truth not in you, you’re lost. You’re claiming something but you’re lost. On the other hand, if you agree with God concerning your sins, He’s faithful and just to literal translation have forgiven your sins, and have cleansed you of ALL unrighteousness. So you don’t have to fear agreeing with God concerning your sins.
Now, folks, I’m talking about forgiveness. I’m not talking about this ongoing process, where a child of God walks by faith. And when I walk by faith and my attitudes and my behavior is totally inconsistent with who I am, I will continually be agreeing with God, if I’m in Christ, His Spirit will bring that to me. And if I’ve got a junkie attitude towards somebody, God’s Spirit brings that to me and says, Bob, that attitude is not consistent with mine. Is it? No Lord it isn’t. What do you want me to do? Well, give me a chance to change it. Let me renew your mind. Have I agreed with God? Well, of course, in order to get forgiven? Of course not. It’s an insult to God. But in order to walk in the newness of life that has been given to you in Christ Jesus, whereby you don’t serve God with stones, laws written on stone, you’re free to serve a living God, who is constantly in the process of renewing our minds, teaching us truth that sets us free. Folks, as we’ve said before, just amplify it again, if this pen is forgiveness, and this Bible is Jesus, what do you do with a pen, put it in Jesus and said, Here’s Jesus. He didn’t say, Here’s forgiveness. You don’t come to Christ to get forgiven. He didn’t say, Here’s healing. You don’t come to Christ to get healed. You don’t come to Christ for miracles. You come to Christ for Christ. What do you get when you get Christ? You get the pen. They kind of get the pen out here without this now it’s a two for sale. How are we presenting Christ a lot of times in our evangelistic activity. I used to teach it this way. Come down, get forgiven. Come get the pen, come get the pen. You’ll walk away from that experience, the same guy that went to the altar, you’ll walk away from it. Still have forgiven sinner.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:11
Christ put that forgiveness in himself his appeal and come get forgiven. The message of the cross is I’ve already forgiven you, I was God was in Christ reconciling you unto myself when you were yet a sinner. I reconciled you unto myself through the death of his Son. That’s truth. Now it says, come and receive the resurrected life of Jesus Christ. And in that life, you have forgiveness. It’s all around him. He doesn’t want you to come to Him for what He did for you any more than somebody wants you to marry me because of what I can do for you. I married Amy, because I loved her not because what she could do for me. It’s the same thing we come to Christ, for who he is, Jesus.
When you were dead, and your sins and the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, what God do? Made you alive salvation. He forgave all of our sins, how many of them? All of them. Having been canceled the written code with its regulations that was against us. What was that written code that was against us? The law? How much of the law? All of it. As Paul said, nothing wrong with the law. It’s holy and good but when it flows through me, it kills me. He said, I would have known what coveting was if the law said Don’t covet. But when I read don’t covet, sin seizing its opportunity stirred up every kind of covenantness desire in me, he said, I died. He took it away, nailing it to the cross. Why did he nail the law to the cross because you just fulfilled it. Not a dot or a tittle will come to pass until he fulfilled all the law is fulfilled. Christ fulfilled it. How do you fulfill it by his life. The life that he lived is what qualifying for the death that he died the death that he dies what qualifies you and me for the life that we can live. He did it all. He walked in perfect love and love is the fulfillment of the law. And in so doing fulfilled the law, therefore he could nail it on the cross in order to usher in a brand New Covenant, no longer dealing with man under the law, but dealing with him now under the what? The grace of God that was brought about through His resurrection. Peter said, he came to open their eyes, turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God so they may receive what? Forgiveness of sins, and a place among those who are set apart how? By faith in who? Christ Jesus. And Lord Jesus said, Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing. You think God answered that prayer? What do you think God did? Well he forgave them. Again in him, what do we have? Redemption through the blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of our confession. Is that what it says? What’s it say? In accordance with the riches of what? God’s grace. Poor He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Sun he loves in whom what we have redemption, what else do we have? Forgiveness of sins.
Folks, turn back with me to the seventh chapter, the book of Hebrews, verse 23. Aren’t you glad folks, when God’s gonna complete the work that he began in you, and he doesn’t do it like we do. There’s a little time left over, I’ll complet it. Jobs around the house left dangling for years. uncompleted said I’m going to complete it. And I’m going to complete it on my time schedule. Look what he did up here in verse 23, I want us to see something as we close together. And there again to realize it’s all him. Now there have been many of these priests. Since death prevented them from continuing in office, there’ll be a lot of priests, there’s gonna be a lot of preachers, but they’re going to not be able to remain in office forever, because we’re all gonna die. But because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest, not a man made one meets our need. And if the high priest meets our needs, and I don’t need a lower one. That’s why I say I can’t meet your needs. Only Christ can. One who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he doesn’t need to offer sacrifices day after day first for his own sins. And then for the sins of His people. He sacrificed for their sins once and for all. When He offered Himself that was it, no more blood of bulls and goats. He offered Himself one time and for all people. For the law appoints high priest men that are week. But the oath which came after the law after the law appointed the Son who has been made perfect forever.
Folks, I was looking at that the other day, like it blew my mind. I want you to back up with me for a minute. And I want you to see the importance of this identification. I see that again. So clearly. In my little grandbaby and I see little Robert’s parents, and I see because of the profession that John is in, financially, he keeps able to live a secure type of deal. See a nice home probably see nice bank account. And I look at that little kid that doesn’t know anything. And I say all that belongs to him because of his sonship everything they have belongs to him. I love that and so you know as a fortunate little kid in my mind race back Bob. That’s the same with you. Because of your identification with Christ Jesus being made what? A son of the living God. Everything belongs to Christ, he said belongs to you.
Now look at this, verse 24, because Jesus lives forever. Who lives forever? Jesus. What did he give you? Eternal life. How long you gonna live? Forever. Because Jesus lives forever. You’re gonna live forever. He is able to save completely. He saved completely how saved are we? Completely because he always lives to intercede for them. In other words, there’ll be no time in your life that Jesus is not interceding saying it’s finished every time the accuser it’s finished, it’s finished. It’s finished. That high priests meets our true need, folks. We’re out trying to get our greeds met. He said, No, there’s a need. You only know about that meeting. And you ever come to grips with that, you’re gonna find out that your desires are far few then when these needs are met. So he said he meets our need one who is holy, who is holy? Christ, what do you make us? We just talked about it holy, by that one offering he made forever perfect call those whom he made what? Holy. He’s holy, you made you holy, blameless. Before God. Paul, there’s now no condemnation waiting those who belong to Christ Jesus. Why? Because the law, the Spirit of life, set me free from the law of sin and death. He made you blameless in the sight of God, nothing he can ever blame you for who made you that way? Jesus, Jesus is blameless. He said, I made you blameless through identification with me. He made you pure. What is the pure? It means purified from your sins, if you’re in the light as He is in the light, you have fellowship with him and the blood of Jesus continually what? Purifies you from every sin imaginable. He said, I’m pure, I made you pure. You’ve been set apart from sinners, what set apart? Sanctified, holy set apart. He said, You and I have been set apart through what? Our identification with Christ Jesus, exalted above the heavens, what do you do with us? He exalted us above the heavens. It says in Ephesians, two, and God raised us up with Christ and seated him, seated us with him in the heavenly realms, in Christ Jesus. He said, I’ve been exalted above the heavens, I’ve seeded you up there. He said, he was made perfect forever. What’d he do? Made us perfect forever. I don’t know about you, that blows my mind. Here was God, who was all of these things, and he said, When you come to me, I’ll make you all those things.
Folks. Is that a God you can trust? Is that a God given respond to and love? Is that a God that you can rely upon? To complete the work that he began in you? Is it a God that we can trust with our habits that are not the best in the world? Is it a God that we can trust with our problems? With our trials with our tribulations? It’s a God that said, I’ve given you everything. Now trust me. Be reconciled to me. Trust me. What is all this an indicator of? His love. And that’s why Paul was able to come to his life when they said, If God is for me, who can be against me. I’m convinced nothing can separate you from the love of God. It’s that love of God that draws you to the heart of God folks. That’s why he says the grace of God that teaches us to say no to unrighteousness.
Well let’s pray together. Father, thank you for the love of God that has been given to us in Christ Jesus. I thank you Father that if we really want to be reconciled to you, we walk out of this room today. Never ever again thinking that we have to be forgiven again for anything that you did at all once and you did it for all. And we can spend the rest of our lives thanking you for that event. But you didn’t leave us there. You were raised from the dead so that that life that raised you from the dead could raise us from the dead, giving us new life, Christ Jesus alive living in us, our only hope of glory to be indwelt by the living God. And then that brand new identity and inheritance to have been given which you did. Holiness in your sight, perfect in your sight, purification of all of our sins. It’s nothing we do. It’s everything you do. Allow us, Father to understand that. To be able to stand and walk responsibly among one another, to realize that we’ve been joined together as a body. We belong to each other. We don’t neglect one another. And to be able to walk in that newness of life that’s been given to us in Christ Jesus. And I thank you for that, for what you’ve taught us.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
