Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P94 (04-17-24)
And Without Faith it is Impossible to Please God
~ If we don’t understand what Faith means, we will never be able to please God. Faith is NOT asking for forgiveness from God. Faith is NOT asking over and over again, what God has plainly said was finished at the cross. Forgiveness is once and done. So let’s get past that and on to the real meat and potatoes in the word of God. First off, 99.99% of all Christian teaching is a LIE from Satan himself. Most don’t like to hear that, because they are so fond of their church attendance and/or their favorite ministers. Catholics love being Catholic and Protestants love being protestants. And 99.99% of both of them are dead lost. They don’t have a clue about the word of God. They simply want to believe what their itching ears want to hear. They will not verify anything for themselves in the word of God. They will trust in the teaching of man rather that the teaching of God. Though the Holy Spirit is showing us all truth. And folks, the Holy Spirit is in every believer to teach Truth directly to you. We don’t need a man telling us anything today. Think about it, what ministry is out there that is saying, “don’t believe what we say, but check out the word of God for yourself?” What ministry is pointing you to the Holy Spirit to teach you ALL Truth? What ministry is out there that teaches that ALL the world’s sins were forgiven at the cross? What ministry is telling you the Truth of the word of God? Hardly anyone out there. And the other ones that you might think they do, who have thousands and thousands of followers, they will say things like, “Jesus died only for the elect.” Or, “Jesus didn’t forgive everyone’s sins on the cross only those that come to him by faith.” There is that word again, Faith. The wrong meaning is attributed to the word even there. With people like that, it’s not faith in the Faithful one, Jesus, who did indeed die for the sins of the whole world, but it is faith in their own faith (based solely on what they believe and not faith in TRUTH). It’s a very subtle lie that Satan would have you believe. And he has his fake ministers of righteousness planted everywhere. We see it everywhere for ourselves. You can take a look at people’s social media posts and see the fake agents of righteousness that are promoted on their own pages. And if you do from time to time point out the Truth to them, they get mad as a hornet, and unfriend you. You can see the lies that are being shared with everyone today. And hardly anyone calls them out on it. Heck, some don’t even believe we are under a New Covenant (a New Agreement between God and Man) today. For they promote different salvation methods for different groups of people. Why is that? Because just maybe they too have never repented and do NOT have the Holy Spirit living in them. They never changed their mind and never placed faith in Jesus the only Righteous One of God. They place faith in their own understanding of things, and promote doctrines of demons today. It’s time to call a spade a spade and get down to TRUTH. Quit saying, “don’t judge” for the spiritual person judges ALL things.
In today’s program, Bob George emphasizes the importance of sharing Christ with all nations (people), regardless of their geographical location or cultural background. He recounts a personal experience of meeting a person from Africa, and this person met a missionary in Africa who shared the Gospel with him and his village, leading to their conversion. Bob stresses the significance of heeding parental advice, prioritizing family relationships, serving one’s spouse, and depending on God to foster unity within families. He encourages listeners to submit to God and one another, trusting in God’s ability to fix broken relationships and situations.
Pray to God:
“Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today. Thank you God.”
~ "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead. By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith." Hebrews 11:1-7
~ “And so it says that, without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists, and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. So what is believing? God, you’re there, I believe you. And that is pleasing to Him because of what the results are going to be. Does God love you and me as far as his creation? Does he want the best for you and me? Guys, do you realize that any parent and I realize there’s some bad parents, I realize some of you have probably grown up with some bad ones, I’m talking about the norm. There is not a father or mother that at least has the heart of God in that, that ever wants the worst for their kids. Whenever we give advice to our children, it’s not because I want to cramp their style or to try to make them miserable, but it’s experience has to mean something. And if you’ve been down the pike, and you’ve gained some years of experience, why ignore that, and recreate the wheel in your own life. And we try to spare many times are our own kids of some of the mistakes that we ourselves have made. Because we knew what it did to us. We knew the destruction and it did. So you try to warn. And a child can either take advice of that, and to say my dad and mom have been through this thing, let’s listen to them. Or again, rebelliously say I’m going to do it my way and say fine, you will get the repercussions of it. And the reason you want your children to listen to you is because you know the repercussions that you’ve seen in your life and you don’t want it in theirs, and you’re trying to spare them. So the advice comes from love. When you’re telling your kids about the dangers that are out there, you’re not telling them that to try to cramp their style. It’s because you love them. And Debbie was in high school as a teenage kid. I told her I don’t want you out necking in a car. They didn’t even know what that term meant. How come, because it isn’t fun? Well of course not can’t think of anything any funner that’s why I don’t want you doing it. It can lead to other things that are also fun that destroy you. So it isn’t the case of wanting to cramp somebody’s style you’re very much aware of human nature. You’re very much aware of your human weaknesses of your frailties. And to realize there there I could be and it kid says Don’t you trust me? Well, of course. No, I don’t trust you. Wouldn’t trust me out there. Why would I trust you? We have said oh yes I just trust Yes, I trust you. Well, can we got the light on then? Of course we don’t. How to where do you gotta trust sinful man? How are you gonna say you’re gonna trust this flesh of mine? Of course you don’t trust this flesh of ours, I hope you don’t. It’s why it says to flee. And we have to flee from things why? The temptations are there. What’s it mean? I can get drug into them, so can you. There’s not a sin alive that you’re incapable of committing. There’s not a sin alive, I’m incapable of committing. We have to understand that. And so when we’re talking about it, giving advice to your children it isn’t to try to cramp their style, it’s for their good, it’s because what can occur? A wise child it says obeys their parents, why? Well it’s good for them. It’s good. You know, what says about the opposite? Says a rebel is what? Well it’s a fool. Why are you a fool when you’re a rebel? Because you’re willfully going out and doing something is going to destroy you. I mean, if you saw a fork in the road, and there’s a sign down here that says, caution quicksand and a cliff. And another path over here that said, this is a good road, and you intentionally said, I’m taking the quicksand road. Well, what would you have to say about that person? Yeah. So you’re a fool. How come? Man, there’s a sign there telling you where you’re gonna go, and you still want to go into it. We’re fools.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
I always remember the time I was at a conference with a little guy named Joshua. He is from Biafra, little tiny, bitty guy. And I was a brand new Christian and I had heard this, what about the heathen in Africa? What about the what if they haven’t heard? And so I thought, well, you know, here’s the guy would Biafra I asked him. So I pulled him aside, and I said, Joshua, tell me about that. Tell me, what do you think when people come out and say, What about the heathen in Africa? You lived over there. You were born over there. What do you think about that? He said, I’ll tell you what I think about the heathen in Africa. He said, I used to as a little boy, we worshipped an idol. We used to have this idol that was cut out and carved out of a tree that was in our hut. And we’d sit around in that hut and we would worship that, that little idol. And he said, when I started getting around 9, 10 years of age, he said, I used to look at that little idol in there and say, God, that isn’t you that was made out of a tree. I know who made you I don’t know who made the tree. I know who carved that idol. I saw that done. It could chop down a tree and carved an idol and that’s it. What I want to know is who made the tree and I want to know you, because I’ll guarantee you. We didn’t make that one. And he said I kept growing in that he said I’d look up at this Sky and say, God, we didn’t make that up there either. Who are you? And he said, while I was sitting in my little village, saying, God, I want to know you, I want to know you. God was putting on a heart as a missionary in New York, to come into my little village. And tell me about Jesus. And he said, One day when I was about 15, or 16 years of age, a missionary came in our little village was sitting in there worshiping our little idol. But my heart was saying, God, I want to know you. And he said, This guy came in told me about Jesus in the first time, he told me, I gave my heart to him, and was converted. And he said, I went back in with my mom and dad, my family, and we told them about Jesus, and all of them came to Christ. And he said, Before long, we had gathered the village around, and we were telling the entire village about the Lord Jesus Christ, and they started coming to Christ. So he said, Now I’m over in America, trying to share Christ with the heathen in Los Angeles. We worry about the heathen and Africa, there’s plenty of us over here. It doesn’t make any difference whether you’re in Africa could Biafra, Afghanistan, Iran, Dallas, Texas, it doesn’t make an ounce of difference. Anyone who sincerely wants to know the will of God, Jesus said, well know what I say about myself is true. There’s not a person on the face of this earth since creation began that did not sincerely want to know God that he did not get the message of grace to him. That’s a promise of God, we never have to worry about someone not hearing if they haven’t heard, it’s because they didn’t want to. And we have that promise of God. And anyone who wants to know, the will of God will know what I say about myself is true. And I’ll get someone to tell them, we’d never have to worry about that when that’s a smokescreen.
And so it says that, without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists, and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. So what is believing? God, you’re there, I believe you. And that is pleasing to Him because of what the results are going to be. Does God love you and me as far as his creation? Does he want the best for you and me? Guys, do you realize that any parent and I realize there’s some bad parents, I realize some of you have probably grown up with some bad ones, I’m talking about the norm. There is not a father or mother that at least has the heart of God in that, that ever wants the worst for their kids. Whenever we give advice to our children, it’s not because I want to cramp their style or to try to make them miserable, but it’s experience has to mean something. And if you’ve been down the pike, and you’ve gained some years of experience, why ignore that, and recreate the wheel in your own life. And we try to spare many times are our own kids of some of the mistakes that we ourselves have made. Because we knew what it did to us. We knew the destruction and it did. So you try to warn. And a child can either take advice of that, and to say my dad and mom have been through this thing, let’s listen to them. Or again, rebelliously say I’m going to do it my way and say fine, you will get the repercussions of it. And the reason you want your children to listen to you is because you know the repercussions that you’ve seen in your life and you don’t want it in theirs, and you’re trying to spare them. So the advice comes from love. When you’re telling your kids about the dangers that are out there, you’re not telling them that to try to cramp their style. It’s because you love them. And Debbie was in high school as a teenage kid. I told her I don’t want you out necking in a car. They didn’t even know what that term meant. How come, because it isn’t fun? Well of course not can’t think of anything any funner that’s why I don’t want you doing it. It can lead to other things that are also fun that destroy you. So it isn’t the case of wanting to cramp somebody’s style you’re very much aware of human nature. You’re very much aware of your human weaknesses of your frailties. And to realize there there I could be and it kid says Don’t you trust me? Well, of course. No, I don’t trust you. Wouldn’t trust me out there. Why would I trust you? We have said oh yes I just trust Yes, I trust you. Well, can we got the light on then? Of course we don’t. How to where do you gotta trust sinful man? How are you gonna say you’re gonna trust this flesh of mine? Of course you don’t trust this flesh of ours, I hope you don’t. It’s why it says to flee. And we have to flee from things why? The temptations are there. What’s it mean? I can get drug into them, so can you. There’s not a sin alive that you’re incapable of committing. There’s not a sin alive, I’m incapable of committing. We have to understand that. And so when we’re talking about it, giving advice to your children it isn’t to try to cramp their style, it’s for their good, it’s because what can occur? A wise child it says obeys their parents, why? Well it’s good for them. It’s good. You know, what says about the opposite? Says a rebel is what? Well it’s a fool. Why are you a fool when you’re a rebel? Because you’re willfully going out and doing something is going to destroy you. I mean, if you saw a fork in the road, and there’s a sign down here that says, caution quicksand and a cliff. And another path over here that said, this is a good road, and you intentionally said, I’m taking the quicksand road. Well, what would you have to say about that person? Yeah. So you’re a fool. How come? Man, there’s a sign there telling you where you’re gonna go, and you still want to go into it. We’re fools.
Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church, who said, I’m not going to do that. Well, then we’re fools. Wives, submit yourself to your husband. I don’t want to do that. It’s because you’re a fool. She said, I’m gonna do it my way. That’s old time stuff. Submission. Come on. We live in a 19th century. We’re liberated. You look like you are. And so we go out and how we can get successful and also ruin our families. And so you see, when the Bible is talking to us, it is not talking to us. In order to cramp or style, the Bible is the most practical thing on the face of the earth. He said, You want a family to run in harmony just like you want. You want to have all four cylinders to be working so your car will run effectively. Here’s how it’s done. Wives submit yourself to your husbands. Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church. Children obey your parents, fathers don’t exasperate your kids and anger hidden. That’s um, just four little things that he says. If you will enter into that. You’ll have harmony in your home. No, that’s that’s not that’s not good. It says, Okay, go do it your way. And when your tongues hanging down to your knees, and you’re scrambling around looking for advice from one counselor to another, well, you might decide to come back to what I said. Because it’s truth. I said that truth will set you free. Free to be all that God makes you and me to be. Free to be what God intended us to be.
Now, it goes ahead to say by faith, Noah was warned about not yet seeing things. In holy fear. He built an ark to save his family. Why did he build the ark when God said Build the ark? To save his family. Wives, why should you be submissive to your husband? To save your family. Why husbands, why should you love your wife as Christ loved the church? To save your family. For the sake of your family. Children, why should you obey your parents? For the sake of the family. God forbid, but there’s something more important than you. And I had disgusting thought that there might be some more important than me, and what I want to do and how I feel it had disgusting thought. But there’s something more important called a family. There’s something more important many times and as a body. In the body of Christ, there’s something more important than me and my desires. We have people who grumble and mumble just like we did in the desert, chowing down on manna and loving every bit of it in griping because fellowship isn’t good enough. When you’re dealing with a family, or you’re dealing with an assembly, or you’re dealing with a country, John Kennedy had that right and said don’t Ask what the country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. It’s the same thing in assembly, don’t be asking what this church can do for you ask what you can do for it. It’s the same thing in a family, don’t ask what the family can do for B, I’m gonna get married. So somebody, do something for me ask what you can do for it. And it’s the same thing in any relationship. It’s a servant, an attitude of servitude. Christ said I didn’t come to be served. I didn’t come to sit here and say, Here I am God, now serve me, get my way, get my way, get my way. He said, I came to serve you. And there’s something that that attitude of servitude does. Whether it’s in an assembly, whether it’s in a family or where it is, it creates unity. The spirit of giving is the same type of a thing, Larry Pinker I think hit it on the head, he said, when you’re thinking about giving, you’re not thinking about buying all the time. And if you’re not giving over here, the things the Lord, you’re going to be out there buying something for yourself. But when you’re thinking about giving, you’re thinking about serving others and helping others and you’re not thinking about what can I buy? What can I buy what’s gonna make me happy, what’s gonna make me happy? And what’s gonna make me happy? You’re thinking, how can I serve others. And it’s an attitude of servitude, my friends that comes from a God that we can trust. And so when you’re talking about family relations, or whatever else it might be, you got to check ourselves out, I gotta check myself out. Am I loving my wife as Christ loved the church? How would he love the church? He came to serve her. Do I have an attitude of servitude toward my wife wives? Am I being submissive to my husband? Or I’m trying to run things? Am I trying to be the boss? Am I the one who’s trying to run things? Am I telling you what to do? Am I saying this what we’re going to do and we’re going to do it we’re gonna do it right now. Because I want to. Is that your attitude? Or is there an attitude of servitude that is their one attitude creates harmony in the home, the other is attitude of rebellion, and it’ll destroy a home as surely as I’m talking, your home will get destroyed by it. And brother, there’s homes that are being destroyed all over this country. Not just out there by those who don’t know Christ, but by people who do.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:23
Now folks, if this truth of the Word of God was designed to set us free, then it says, Let it do. So. If you know the truth, the truth will set you free. And if the Son sets you free, and it says you shall be free indeed. Now that’s why James then said don’t be merely a hearer of the word. In other words, respond. You deceive yourself by merely being a hearer. I’m studying the Word to get to know the word. I’m starting to get the word we’re trying to be a worder. We’ve got to study to get the word so I can tell everybody about how much I know about the word. That No, you’re gonna deceive yourself for that. You study about him in order to respond to him. In other words, put it into practice. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but doesn’t do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and looking at himself goes away and forgets what it looks like. Sometimes that’s a blessing. But if your face was dirty, and you looked in the mirror and saw your face dirty, and walked away, after a while, you’d forget what you saw. And you’d be walking around the dirty face, said Now the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and that’s the law of love, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he’s heard and doing it he’ll be blessed by what he does. Now, folks, when we’re talking then about the Word of God, I want us to see and what we’ve tried to do is to establish the foundation that the whole dependency that we have on the Word of God is totally around the person of Jesus. Everything we do is around that. Everything. As I said, that’s not an argument on creationism. It’s an argument on Who do you say that I am about? Jesus? Who do you say he is? That’s the issue. And don’t let anyone get you off of it. That is the issue, isn’t it? And the reason our country schools and everything else are into what they’re doing is not because they’re not religious, who would care where they were not. Because we’re not in Christ. We haven’t focused in the Christian world hasn’t focused, we’ve allowed ourselves to be into every issue that comes down the pike. The Word of God told you and me that we are ambassadors. And he said, as an ambassador, the job of an ambassador is to what? Represent your country where? So yeah, someplace else.
Turn with me just for a minute back to second Corinthians, verse, chapter five. Let’s begin in verse 11. Since then, we know what it is to fear the Lord. And what that is it just to be until in awe of him, that doesn’t mean to sit around, you know, dodging him, just realizing he’s the Lord. We try to persuade men. What we are, is plain to God. And I hope it’s playing to your conscience. We’re not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you the opportunity to take pride in us so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen, rather than what is in the heart. If we’re out of our mind, it’s for the sake of God. And if we’re in a right mind, it’s for you. For Christ’s love compels us because we’re convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves. But for him, who died for them and was raised again. So from now on, we regard no one, from a worldly point of view. I don’t want to regard anyone again, from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in that way. We do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come, all of this, all of it is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us this ministry of reconciliation. That God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ in Christ, not counting men sins against him. And he is committed to us this message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors. as though God were making his appeal through us, we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. How come? Because God made Him who knew no sin, to be sin, for us, for you, for me, so that in him, we might become the righteousness of God. Folks, as he said to us here, we are Christ’s ambassador, we live in a political age. If you were an ambassador, to Russia, or to France, let’s say who would you be representing over there in France? The United States of America as an ambassador to the United States of America, living in France. Now, first of all, if you’re an ambassador someplace, your citizenship is someplace else, isn’t it? In other words, I’d have my citizenship here in America, but I’m serving living as an ambassador over in France. I’m living there, but my residence over there. But I’m an ambassador, my citizenships back over here. But I’m in France, but I’m not of France. Now, where did he say your citizenship is? Where does it say in heaven. It says you are citizens of heaven. Now if your citizenship is in heaven, what are you doing here? Well, you’re an ambassador in a foreign land. Isn’t that what he says? It says you are in the world. But what does it say? Don’t be of it. You’re in it. But you’re not all of it. Go to France as an ambassador, but don’t fall in love with it. Because if you fall in love with France, you’re not going to be in love with America, and you can’t serve two masters. If your citizenship and isn’t heaven, are we in love with the world? You’re not supposed to be. But if you don’t know where your citizenship is, and that’s the only place you are, that’s where you live, and we may as well get in love with it, it’s only when you understand where your true citizenship is. That is what enables you to respond again to that citizenship instead of this one down here that, quite frankly, is just temporary, in where you belong. It says you and I are ambassadors, which means we are representatives of the kingdom of God here on this earth. We’re Christ ambassadors. We implore you as Christ ambassadors, he says, Be reconciled to God quit walking around like you’re not reconciled, be reconciled to Him, understand something God was in Christ reconciling you unto Himself, not counting your sins against you walk in that walk in it. Now, if you are an ambassador to France, is it your job to go over and picket Moulin Rouge? Is it your job to go over and tell all the Frenchman of the evils of wine drinking? Is it your job to go over to France and to and to march and to and to all that kind of stuff and try to let’s let’s see if we can get the French government to change their policies? Is it your job to do that, as an ambassador? Whose job is that to try to do that? But it’s a French people’s job. They’re in it and of it. So they want to get laws changed. Let the French people get that stuff done. That’s their world. They’re in it there of it let them handle that. It’s not my job to do. Can I have an opinion? Why sure, I can have an opinion. But it’s not my job to change their laws. Is it my job to go over there and say, let’s see if we can organize a bunch of these Frenchmen. And we’ll march on France will march on Paris over there. And we’ll show how strong we are. And how many people agree with me in regard to this issue, because what they’re doing is evil. Not evil, evil.
Folks, when do are we as Christians? When are we going to believe this man called Jesus? Who said that being angry in the sight of God is the same as murder. Do you see anybody marching on being angry? No, I just see a bunch of angry marchers. When are we going to believe that inside of God adultery as an example, is as much of a sin as murder. In it all in the same lineup. And that looking at a woman with lust in your heart is the same as being angry both of them one is murder. If you’re mad, that same as murder, if you’re lusting, it’s the same as adultery. When are we going to learn from God’s standpoint? They’re one of the same. And if you’re going to pick it on something, why don’t you pick it on adultery? That’s where abortion comes from. I mean, you wouldn’t have abortion if you didn’t I believe I’m correct on that. I think my facts are right on that. I believe I still know where babies come from. Why is one sin worse than another? It isn’t in God’s standpoint. It sure is in a self righteous. The self righteous they’re going to always get mad at the sin that they are not committing. But we’re so dumb. We don’t even know what sin we are committing. Because lust is the same as murder. When we gotta learn that or do we ever want to? Well, we really don’t want to because it see I can’t get involved in a movement that way. And I have these firm convictions. Where’s our firm convictions about him?I’m not saying one way or the other. I’m saying that we had counseled I personally have counseled with hundreds of girls who were pregnant out of wedlock. I don’t know one of them that had ever gotten an abortion and I’ve never told her what not to do. People say are you pro choice? Are you pro life? I’m both. How could you not be pro choice and be a Christian when God gave you a free will? You tell me how that could be. I’m not talking about laws. The laws there brother obey it. I’m also pro life.
But I’m an ambassador and this earth. I’m not a citizen. And I’m gonna let someone else fight out that issue. And I would spend my time doing what God told me to do and what God told you to do and that’s proclaim Him and be an ambassador here on the face of this earth telling people that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not counting your sins against you. That’s our job. France’s job and their citizens is to change their laws. The ambassador’s job is to represent his country. That right or wrong? You see, Don’t you wonder why we get so excited over issues and are so blase over the issue. Christ there is only one issue. Christ. That’s all.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
