Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/22/2024

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P109 (05-22-24)

It is Faith in Jesus for Your Righteousness, Not Faith in Your Church of Self Righteousness

~ The subtly of what one believes is key to either believing God or what man says. The sin that so easily entangles people today is the sin of unbelief. People will talk about God in general, but when it comes to saying the name of Jesus, God in the flesh, people generally will not even go there and even have difficulty saying the name of Jesus. They are afraid of people thinking they are some Jesus freak. Or they are afraid of making people upset. Or they simply refuse to even think about Jesus. They will say, “don’t bring up religion with me.” And for the child of God, Jesus is NOT a religion, He is our everything. People don’t get it. Many of us have gone through great struggles over our lifetime, of even being kicked out of churches for preaching the TRUE word of God to people. We who are allowing the Holy Spirit to direct us, are living on the edge of the battlefield. We are being used by God for His good purpose. Yet people will discount the True child of God, because they don’t go to a church building, or they don’t sit in a Sunday pew, or say the Our Father’s and Hail Mary’s, as though that is praying to God. Most people don’t have a clue what praying to God really is. Yet in all of this, the discipline of God remains on the true child of God always. We always are being taught by him. And folks, if you think there is nothing more to be taught to you about the word of God, or the exposing the lies of the world in which we live, you are deceiving yourself.

And Bob even mentioned if they ever created a law that would force someone to do something, he would be picketing in the street about that. Well folks, they tried that in 2020 and many many people lost their jobs because they refused to be pushed into getting something that the government had no right to push on people. And everyone knows what this is talking about. And those of us who were listening to the Holy Spirit saying, “don’t do it” we know first hand how that persecution felt, and to this day, many are viewed as leapers and outcasts for not doing it by family, friends and even coworkers. This is what the book of Hebrews is all about. Trusting only in God, Not in man. If you didn’t hear the Holy Spirit talking to you, then maybe you didn’t have the Holy Spirit living in you. It’s not too late to change your mind. Jesus is calling everyone to Himself. If you hear His voice today, don’t close your ears.

And furthermore, everyone is going to physically die someday, even the child of God’s body is headed toward the grave. Sure Satan causes it to happen sooner than it should, but never-the-less, it is still heading toward the grave because the world and all of nature is in a state of decay. And Satan took advantage of the situation, and in essence sped things up. Yet it says in scripture, the child of God will never die. When a person is in Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit is alive living in them, giving them eternal life right then and there. Jesus even said, that though our bodies die, we will never die. The child of God goes from one body of flesh and blood, to a body of flesh and bone, that will never die. We get clothed with our new bodies immediately when we are absent from this body of flesh and blood, and present with the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26

~ Hebrews 12:1-12

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons:

“My son, do not take lightly the discipline of the Lord,
and do not lose heart when He rebukes you.

For the Lord disciplines the one He loves,
and He chastises every son He receives.”

Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you do not experience discipline like everyone else, then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Furthermore, we have all had earthly fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them. Should we not much more submit to the Father of our spirits and live?

Our fathers disciplined us for a short time as they thought best, but God disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in His holiness. No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who have been trained by it.

Therefore strengthen your limp hands and weak knees. Make straight paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. Hebrews 12:1-12

Pray to God:

“Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today and give me the wisdom to know the truth and identify the lies of the devil. Thank you God.”

~ “Well the last two Sundays have been dealing with this subject of discipline. And it’s been a very rewarding subject for us, because people are, I would say, as confused on that i\s as anything that is in Christendom today. And, again, as, as we wade through this, we want to see that, in this 12 chapter of Hebrews is where discipline is mentioned. And we have taken that, and made it to mean everything, except I believe what the Lord intended it to mean, when it was written by the author and the writer of Hebrews. We’ve talked about as as it mentioned, at the beginning of chapter 12, we’re surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, throw off everything that hinders us in the sin that so easily entangles us. And let us run with perseverance, the race marked out for us. Now, again, we’re always looking at that because of the preoccupation that we have, with sin being the filthy five and the Dirty Dozen. That it never enters our mind, that the root of all sin is unbelief. So it isn’t talking about things that you do. It’s attitudes of the heart that cause you to do what you do. And there’s two basic attitudes in regard to this thing of faith. One is an attitude of faith in Christ, and His provision for you. And another, is an attitude that God is out there trying to get you. And so when we’re talking about faith, and you’re talking about throwing off the sin that so easily entangles you, you’re talking about that sin of unbelief, that when we run into the trials and tribulations of life, we are so anxious to give up on God, or to blame God, aren’t we? And that’s why we that’s why we have this perverted concept of who God is. And that perverted concept is what enables us or causes us to respond to God in a perverted way. Because we literally in most of our minds have a perverted God, in our own minds. So when it’s talking about the sin that so easily entangles us it is not talking about one of the filthy five, or the Dirty Dozen, or the nasty nine. It’s talking about the sin of unbelief, which is what the whole book of Hebrews is talking about. Now. Otherwise, if that was not the case, it would be a little difficult to justify how the he had a Rahab, the prostitute in the lineup of faith, wouldn’t it? If you were talking about the filthy five or the nasty nine. But it’s talking about that, even though her behavior was certainly not consistent with either who she was or who she proclaimed to be. But she believed God, and it was credited to her as righteousness. And so the whole issue that we’re dealing here in regard to the discipline of God has nothing to do with him whacking you up, and beaten you up. It has everything to do with the discipline upon your mind, to get you to constantly return to the truth of the love of God, in the midst of the trials and tribulations that we may be going through. And so the discipline of God is the very Word of God that we’re studying when he’s saying, Look, you guys were surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. We just got through talking about them, witnesses of people who believed God, and it was credited to them as righteousness. Not perfect people, just people. Were talking about some people who walked by faith and were administered justice, some people who walk by faith and were made king’s, some people who walk by faith and shut the mouths of lions. And we’re also talking about some people who walk by faith, and were put in prison and jeers and flogging, and the world was not worthy of them. And people who are sawed in two and mistreated, deserted, insulted, injured, rejected, all kinds of things. And yet these same people walked by faith, every one of them were walking by faith, and they were all commended for their faith. Now, the problem that we run into is that the world comes down, and God gets blamed for everything. And so what we think is, when we see that, well, I guess God brought about them sawn in two, he was kind of testing their faith. And many people hesitate to come to God, because they’ve been taught that he’s going to test you, you come to God, I want to say he’s gonna test you real good. And to some people is like Amy was talking about when she was a little kid. And one of the reasons that she didn’t want to give all of her heart to God was because she had heard that God was really going to test her into her the biggest test that could have would be taken her mom away, that her mom would die. And she didn’t want that to happen. And we have all of these perverted ideas that God caused, somebody just saw somebody in two.” ~ Bob George

Bible Study Booklets

Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.

Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.

Bob George 0:27
Well, let’s turn to the book of Hebrews we, well the last two Sundays have been dealing with this subject of discipline. And it’s been a very rewarding subject for us, because people are, I would say, as confused on that i\s as anything that is in Christendom today. And, again, as, as we wade through this, we want to see that, in this 12 chapter of Hebrews is where discipline is mentioned. And we have taken that, and made it to mean everything, except I believe what the Lord intended it to mean, when it was written by the author and the writer of Hebrews. We’ve talked about as as it mentioned, at the beginning of chapter 12, we’re surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, throw off everything that hinders us in the sin that so easily entangles us. And let us run with perseverance, the race marked out for us. Now, again, we’re always looking at that because of the preoccupation that we have, with sin being the filthy five and the Dirty Dozen. That it never enters our mind, that the root of all sin is unbelief. So it isn’t talking about things that you do. It’s attitudes of the heart that cause you to do what you do. And there’s two basic attitudes in regard to this thing of faith. One is an attitude of faith in Christ, and His provision for you. And another, is an attitude that God is out there trying to get you. And so when we’re talking about faith, and you’re talking about throwing off the sin that so easily entangles you, you’re talking about that sin of unbelief, that when we run into the trials and tribulations of life, we are so anxious to give up on God, or to blame God, aren’t we? And that’s why we that’s why we have this perverted concept of who God is. And that perverted concept is what enables us or causes us to respond to God in a perverted way. Because we literally in most of our minds have a perverted God, in our own minds. So when it’s talking about the sin that so easily entangles us it is not talking about one of the filthy five, or the Dirty Dozen, or the nasty nine. It’s talking about the sin of unbelief, which is what the whole book of Hebrews is talking about. Now. Otherwise, if that was not the case, it would be a little difficult to justify how the he had a Rahab, the prostitute in the lineup of faith, wouldn’t it? If you were talking about the filthy five or the nasty nine. But it’s talking about that, even though her behavior was certainly not consistent with either who she was or who she proclaimed to be. But she believed God, and it was credited to her as righteousness. And so the whole issue that we’re dealing here in regard to the discipline of God has nothing to do with him whacking you up, and beaten you up. It has everything to do with the discipline upon your mind, to get you to constantly return to the truth of the love of God, in the midst of the trials and tribulations that we may be going through. And so the discipline of God is the very Word of God that we’re studying when he’s saying, Look, you guys were surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. We just got through talking about them, witnesses of people who believed God, and it was credited to them as righteousness. Not perfect people, just people. Were talking about some people who walked by faith and were administered justice, some people who walk by faith and were made king’s, some people who walk by faith and shut the mouths of lions. And we’re also talking about some people who walk by faith, and were put in prison and jeers and flogging, and the world was not worthy of them. And people who are sawed in two and mistreated, deserted, insulted, injured, rejected, all kinds of things. And yet these same people walked by faith, every one of them were walking by faith, and they were all commended for their faith. Now, the problem that we run into is that the world comes down, and God gets blamed for everything. And so what we think is, when we see that, well, I guess God brought about them sawn in two, he was kind of testing their faith. And many people hesitate to come to God, because they’ve been taught that he’s going to test you, you come to God, I want to say he’s gonna test you real good. And to some people is like Amy was talking about when she was a little kid. And one of the reasons that she didn’t want to give all of her heart to God was because she had heard that God was really going to test her into her the biggest test that could have would be taken her mom away, that her mom would die. And she didn’t want that to happen. And we have all of these perverted ideas that God caused, somebody just saw somebody in two.

And as I said, it’s kind of like our concept of God is kind of like a father who’s saying, Well, I really want my kids to trust me. I want them to know that I’m really there when they need me. So what can I do to really teach them that? Well, I’ll tell you what I think I’ll do I think I’ll pipe in some scary music into their bedroom. And then I’ve got this little deal that I can put in there, that’ll kind of push a button, it’ll kind of look like a ghost coming up in there. And this white lightness ghosts like figure will come in. And so I’ll stand outside their door, and I’ll make the scary, the scary music inside there. And then I’ll push this little button and get that ghost to appear. And then when I scare the daylights out of my kids, I’ll open the door and say, Here I am kids, you’re loving dad, run into my arms. I’ve just I’m teaching you how to have faith in me. What kind of a pervert would that be? And how perverted is our concept of God, when we think the same things about God.

We had one of the gals in our small group last week was talking about that, that her husband at that particular time was not a Christian. And so her baby had a very severe type of a disease. And in the church that she was going, they told her, Well, the reason that God gave that baby that disease was in order to buckle your husband’s who had come to Jesus. And she said, I could think of a lot of ways to get him to Jesus besides that. And can’t you imagine sitting there thinking, this slob can get to Jesus some other way, and I want my kid to be healthy. But see, we’ve got that perverted concept that God caused my kid to have a disease so that somebody could come to Jesus, I got news for you. Christ can get you to Jesus a lot easier ways than getting your kids diseased. We have all of these perverted concepts of God. God comes along and and get somebody in an accident. How could God cause that?

It was interesting the other night on Ted Koppels program where he had one of his lady newscasters who went into a prison women’s prison for 10 or 12 days, I forget what it was and lived in that prison just as if she was incarcerated. The only thing they asked her to do was she had to wear a different type of uniform different color uniform than the rest of the of the prisoners. Took a camera and talked to people, experienced the isolation. And in one area that some people literally tried to get into, because there was no privacy at all. There’s no privacy in a prison. But these were isolation cells. And so some people really tried to get in there just to get some privacy. And of course, when they got in there, they realized that wasn’t what it was cracked up to be either. But interestingly enough, here is Koppel that as far as I know, is probably not a Christian. And here was the announcer that certainly gave no indicator at all of being a Christian. And when he asked it have what are what’s the longest that people can stay in there? And they said well some for 60 days in that isolation thing. And he asked the question, what do they do? What what happens to most of them? And she said most of them become Christians. Because the only thing was in that cell is a Bible and said most of them the only thing to do except read the Bible. And most of them read the Bible, and most of them become Christians. And I was kind of dropped. I mean, it wasn’t Oh, really? Oh, wait, it just it just one of those statements. Probably very true.

Now somebody sit along and say, Well, God put him in prison, bless his heart. Such a good God just stuck in that isolation ward. So they’d come to Jesus. God didn’t put them in an isolation ward. Sin put them in there. You see, what we, what we don’t understand is this world that we live in, belongs to Satan. That’s why we’re called an ambassador. We’re in the world. But we’re not all of it. Well, are you gonna tell me that I’m in Christ, but I’m not of Christ? Of course, not. Christ is in me, I’m in Christ. But in Christ, I’m in the world, but I’m not of it. Well, if this was God’s, I’d be all of it.

I had a laugh at one of our guys, I’d never thought about this before. He said, Have you ever read the insurance forms said even even the insurance people get on God, they say that we will insure this and this and this or won’t insure this or any other act of God. So everything that happens is an act of God. Come in just wipe out a whole slew the hurricane act of God. And we wonder why we have such a perverted concept of God. And so when we run through trials and tribulation, the discipline that God is talking about is don’t be conned by the fact that I God am bringing about that sawing in two. And then we have people come along, say, Well, why didn’t God do something? You ever heard that one here? You ever ask that one? How could God let this happen to me? I don’t care what happens to him, but has happened to me. Especially, as wonderful as I am. And as diligent as I’ve been in serving Him, How in the world? Could anything like that happened to me? I’ve heard recently that Billy Graham has Parkinson’s disease. Imagine him sitting around saying, Lord, how could this happen to me after all people have presented the gospel, How could you let this happen to me? Well, folks, think about that for a minute. Doesn’t it say in the Scripture, that when sin entered into the world that even all of nature groans for its final redemption? Even nature failed, everything failed. Did God create disease? Did God initiate and create cancer? No, he didn’t create it. Did God create death? Now what brought about death in this world? Sin. who initiated that? Where disease come from? Sin. Who initiated that? Satan. Now you see, God gets blamed for all this. They he gets blamed for all of it. How can I get that disease? Because you’re in the world, and diseases in the world. And just because you’re in Christ does not mean that your body cannot get diseased.

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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.

Bob George 14:20
You see, again, the opposite of that is all we as Christians all we got to do is have enough faith and everything will just be taken care of why this body of mind will never be diseased whatever you ever wondered, how do you think you’re gonna die? And then the people teaching that are all wearing glasses like I am. You say in your face big enough to make you see give you a little 2020 All I gotta do is move the retina about that far. So that’s all you have to do. What’s wrong with your faith? You see all of this comes from this preconceived notion that everything’s supposed to be okay. How can everything be okay in a fallen world? You tell me how everything’s gonna be okay in a world that is totally fallen? I had people say and I came from a dysfunctional family so who didn’t I mean, who didn’t? I’ll tell you who didn’t Adam and Eve, they blamed the snake.

Now all of a sudden now all of us, I guess, people apart 20 years ago didn’t have dysfunctional families. We just heard about those lately. And all of the other stuff that we come up with because there is this preconceived notion that everything’s supposed to be okay, in a fallen world that God says you’re gonna have tribulation. And so we have this concept of God, don’t we, that God’s brought about and so when we read all his stuff in his 11th chapter about facing jeers and flogging, why God brought that around just to just to strengthen you, he has tested these kids loving God that He is. Chained and put in prison, all loving God just stuck your out in there to build your faith in him. Is that true guys? Is that the God that you and I worship? I don’t think so. That’s the God that religion produces. But it’s not the God that created this universe. And so when we begin to believe that all the trials and tribulations that come your way, that’s God, and then we can’t rationalize that any other way, except to say, Well, yeah, but he’s gonna cause it to work together for good. He brought it about He broke my leg, but but he’s gonna fix it. It’s that kind of an attitude that gives us a perverted concept of who this God is, is to demonstrate His love toward you and me. And while we were yet sinners, he came to die for us. Quite a contrast. And so when you and I are facing trials and tribulations of life, where are they coming from? Well, sometimes they come from our own stupid desires, don’t they? You get down and and you say, Why doesn’t God stop something? Why didn’t God’s some Christian woman or girl, whoever it might be it in any you know, whether it’s a person who’s a Christian or non Christian gets raped, Rape is rape, doesn’t make a difference whether you’re Christian or non Christian. So how did God allow that to happen? Good question isn’t it. I saw on TV the other day, that baseball player that lost his arm, his whole shoulder and everything else, Barbara, Barbara Wawa asked him, You know, you believe in God and everything? How did God allow that to happen? He didn’t have an answer. And the best you can come up with, well, I guess it just strengthens my faith. In other words, God wacked it off. He didn’t want me play baseball anymore. Just whack that sucker off. That’s good. And play with all my face just getting straight, while his wife was having nervous breakdowns. Nervous breakdown over the fact what happened to her husband? I’ll guarantee you not but a nervous breakdown, overthinking the conflict between thinking God did that and why did he do it, but I’m gonna get it out for Jesus, that’ll give you a nervous breakdown. That’ll put you in a mental ward. Trying to figure that one out. As to how we talk about a God of love. We just whacked my arm off in order to get me to trust him more. And so I just love you so much, God. You got to be kidding.

And so people are constantly asking that question, aren’t they? Well, you say, how do these other kinds of things happen? How do the trials and tribulations of life happen? I’ll tell you say, Why didn’t God stop it? Well, there’s a way he could stop it, you have another flood. So if you’d like to start building your boat, and ask him to start another flood, so he could annihilate the entire world as he did one time, why that’s one way that he could stop sin in the world, except for the ones he saved. So you say, Do you want him to do something? Okay, he can do that one. Now, how many of you would say I want to vote for that? I’m not sure who’s going to be getting the ark. But I want to take my chance. And especially I want to take my chance because I think I’m pretty righteous. And I’m sure God would pick me. Any of you like to gamble with that one? That’s worse than a lottery. You see, when God gave man a free will. And folks, when we’re talking about this thing of free will, it’s not some stupid theological issue that people want to debate over. Free will, is free will. And when God gave man a will, which he did, with a total capacity of exercising it, that is the only way that he could ever stop sin in this world is to take away the free will of man and make robots out of us, then you’d never see one ounce of sin in this world. Had he not given Adam and Eve a Free Will had he just said to Adam and Eve, you’re just a little robot sitting down there, do you think Adam would have eaten the the fruit off of the tree? Well, of course not, he would have been a robot, he wouldn’t have eaten off of it at all. And we would have never had sin entered in the world, we would also never have had the capacity as a human being of loving God. You see, my television set can be functionally pleasing to me. In other words, I can turn it on a nice color picture comes out and you can be entertained by it. So it could be functionally pleasing. But there’s no moral pleasing to it at all. In other words, I can’t say Oh, I love the TV that loves me back. We just gotta love relationship with each other. My car when it’s functioning, and has gas in it, can be functionally pleasing to me. But it’s not morally pleasing. I’m not in love with it, and for sure, it’s not in love with me. And so when God gave man which he gave man a will to choose, there was a gamble with that. And the gamble was, as Adam made, that, he will choose not to believe God. When God said, do not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, in other words, you cannot determine man right from wrong, good from evil. That is my job as God now all the rest of the trees in his garden, you need another you talk about freedom, folks, that is a ton of freedom. But the one thing you can’t do is to choose right from wrong, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t mean you can’t choose right from wrong, I’ve given you that option to do so. But it means when you do, you’re not going to make any decisions that are worth anything. In other words, I created you MAN to be in dependency upon the Father. And when you’re in dependency upon me for your life, just like that fine $20,000 automobile or whatever it is, is totally dependent upon just you know, $1.20 Gasoline a gallon in it to function. So man that has finally made is totally dependent upon God living in him to function according to the intelligent purpose which I created you. And so it isn’t that you don’t have the right to choose to be without gasoline, or to choose to be a light bulb, but I don’t want to electricity in me, it’s not that you don’t have the right to do that. But you’re never gonna see the light coming out of that thing until you plug into the electricity and you’re not going to see your car run until you put gasoline in it. But I do give you the right to choose, a very, very important part of God and to deny that is to deny God’s creation.

Now, I’ll give you another thing isn’t going to hack off some people. But I’m used to that. People come in, we got this big deal going on today. Are you pro choice? Are you pro life? No I’m both. How in a world could you be a Christian and not be pro choice? When God gave you a choice? To say I’m not pro choice is to say I’m against God. God gave you a choice. Did he not? I’m also pro life. We have counseled I don’t know how many hundreds of girls pregnant out of wedlock and everything else never had a one get an abortion. Never told one they couldn’t. How come? I’m not God. God didn’t even tell them they couldn’t. Is it permissible? Yes. Is it profitable? Probably not. That’s a choice. Now with the law comes along and passes a law and says something is illegal. What is our choice? To obey it or not to obey it. When I choose not to obey the law of the land where I’m going to end up? Well in that in that isolation deal in there reading the Bible again. I’ll probably be telling me to obey the government. If the government ever came along and passed a law that you had to have an abortion, or you had to do this, you’d see me on the street. You see we get all full of self righteousness. And we get all full of causes. And we forget the truth of the Word of God that says, I created you man with a choice. And it doesn’t make any difference what the law says. You’re as a child of God going to look at something, is profitable? Is it profitable? In case people haven’t figured out if they’d like to get to the root of that problem ought to be picketing, adultery, and fornication. In case you haven’t figured out, that’s what causes pregnancy in and out of wedlock.

It’s strange how the 10 commandments deal isn’t it with Thou shalt not kill, and also Thou shalt not commit adultery. And we don’t do anything with adultery. But we sure are anxious on that killing. To God, is there any difference between one commandment and the other? Sin have a numerical value on it, does it or doesn’t it? No, it does not As a matter of fact, did you not say that looking at a woman’s lust in your heart is the same as adultery? And did he not say that anger is the same as murder? And the people out there representing God beating up people angry, mean and saying I’m doing God’s will come on, folks. The best thing that I’ve seen on that subject, I didn’t mean to get off on it. But it needs to be talked about, are the commercials that are coming out put out by the Arthur DeMoss Foundation. They are phenomenal commercials because they’re using persuasion. And that’s what needs to be done as a Christian to persuade. What is that? The discipline of God. That’s what discipline is all about. discipline your mind as to what is God’s way, and what is man’s way.

Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.

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Jesus Came to Save Sinners

Listen to the Salvation message today!

Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.

Let’s pray together:

  • Lord Jesus,
  • I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
  • never ever to see them again.
  • Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
  • through your resurrection.
  • I now receive that life.
  • And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
  • In Jesus Holy name I pray.
  • Amen

All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.

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3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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