Classic Christianity – Christmas P5 (12-23-22)
Faith is Drawing Proper Conclusions ~ Jesus Forgave My Sins ~ Thank You God!
~ Faith says, “Thank You” to God. Faith is Not asking over and over and over and over again to get your sins forgiven. Confession means saying thank you to God!
~ “Is Jesus going to shed his blood again? How many times did he shed his blood? And for how many people? How many people? For how long? You mean every person that’s ever been born and every person who will be born? You died for them? Okay, now, without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness and there’s no more shedding of blood. What do you have to conclude about the one time that he did shed his blood? What do you have to conclude about that? It’s finished. What did Jesus cry out from the cross? It’s finished. He didn’t mean guys, your crucifixion is about to work. He meant my work has completed. There he who knew no sin became sin for you and me, so that we, who are in Christ Jesus could become the righteousness of God. And when it’s finished, it’s done. Do you believe that? I know we do. But I want to tell you something, my friends, the average teaching in Christianity today does not know that. Here’s the irony of all this. We teach people that you’re saved by getting your sins forgiven, but we don’t believe we got our sins forgiven. Now, if you believe that you got your sins forgiven, why would you be asking for what you say, I believe already occurred? You, you answer that question? Did he finish it or didn’t he? If it is over and finished, and without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness and there’s no more shedding of blood. That means there’s no more forgiveness. Why isn’t there any more forgiveness? Because he’s already done it. And when he did it, he said, It is what? Finished! Now you want to walk by faith, you want to walk by presumption, or you want to walk by tradition? If you want to walk by tradition, keep going back to confession booth. If you want to walk by tradition, keep keeping short accounts with God. You know, that’s the only way that you’re going to be in fellowship. There’s only one problem with that statement. There is no such thing in the Bible is being in and out of fellowship. You’re either in the fellowship saved or out of the fellowship lost. Fellowship is two fellows in the same ship. There’s no such thing as in and out of fellowship. You’re either out of the fellowship lost or in the fellowship saved. And so every time you sin, well, you know, God can’t look on sins that means you can’t look on us. So he spins around. And then you confess it, he turns around, so he’s up there spinning. Can you imagine how much spinning he would have to do just in this room alone? And this isn’t that big of a room. Think what he’d be at Prestonwood.”
~ Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George. As we celebrate the Christmas season together, we are reminded of God’s greatest gift to you in Me, His Son, Jesus Christ, we are told in the scriptures for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. It is our prayer at Bob George Ministries that you would accept God’s gift of eternal life and know how much you were deeply loved by God. Go to online to find out how you can grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. We have many books, CDs, and other teaching materials available for your personal growth as you discover more about God’s unconditional love and forgiveness for you. Let’s now join Bob as he presents practical biblical insights as he helps people experience a life of faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.
Bob George 1:00
Is Jesus going to shed his blood again? How many times did he shed his blood? And for how many people? How many people? For how long? You mean every person that’s ever been born and every person who will be born? You died for them? Okay, now, without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness and there’s no more shedding of blood. What do you have to conclude about the one time that he did shed his blood? What do you have to conclude about that? It’s finished. What did Jesus cry out from the cross? It’s finished. He didn’t mean guys, your crucifixion is about to work. He meant my work has completed. There he who knew no sin became sin for you and me, so that we, who are in Christ Jesus could become the righteousness of God. And when it’s finished, it’s done. Do you believe that? I know we do. But I want to tell you something, my friends, the average teaching in Christianity today does not know that. Here’s the irony of all this. We teach people that you’re saved by getting your sins forgiven, but we don’t believe we got our sins forgiven. Now, if you believe that you got your sins forgiven, why would you be asking for what you say, I believe already occurred? You, you answer that question? Did he finish it or didn’t he? If it is over and finished, and without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness and there’s no more shedding of blood. That means there’s no more forgiveness. Why isn’t there any more forgiveness? Because he’s already done it. And when he did it, he said, It is what? Finished! Now you want to walk by faith, you want to walk by presumption, or you want to walk by tradition? If you want to walk by tradition, keep going back to confession booth. If you want to walk by tradition, keep keeping short accounts with God. You know, that’s the only way that you’re going to be in fellowship. There’s only one problem with that statement. There is no such thing in the Bible is being in and out of fellowship. You’re either in the fellowship saved or out of the fellowship lost. Fellowship is two fellows in the same ship. There’s no such thing as in and out of fellowship. You’re either out of the fellowship lost or in the fellowship saved. And so every time you sin, well, you know, God can’t look on sins that means you can’t look on us. So he spins around. And then you confess it, he turns around, so he’s up there spinning. Can you imagine how much spinning he would have to do just in this room alone? And this isn’t that big of a room. Think what he’d be at Prestonwood just having.
Guys, that is nonsensical teaching. Jesus took away the sins of the world from the eyes of God. And so we’re taught every time you sin, then you got to clear the deck. So you’re taught keep short accounts with God. And so we desperately I did that. keep short accounts with God. Don’t let any unconfessed sin remember, remain in your life, okay to sin, just not unconfessed. And so what are we thinking about every day of your life? If you’re like me, sin, any of you in here sinless? Any of you been sinless just today? You see, folks, when you’re preoccupied with sin, you’re preoccupied with it all day long, if you’re normal. And so what he’s saying to us is I took away that issue, and until you deal with that truth, you’re not ready to deal with what I came to give you and that’s life, you’re not ready for it. That’s why people remain immature babies, babies in Christ, all of their life, just keeping their sins confessed. You ever experienced life? You ever experienced Jesus living in you and guide? You know, no, but I got my sins confessed. Well, good for you. Good for you. So did the Hebrews have their sins confess we went back the Day of Atonement. Folks until we finalize the cross in your heart, you are never going to realize the resurrection. Peter said, if you want to grow and mature, he said the reason people aren’t growing and maturing, is because they’re blind indeed and have forgotten that they have been cleansed of all of their past sins. That’s why you don’t grow. You can’t grow when I’m denying what Jesus said is true. If you cannot agree with him in regard to what he accomplished at the cross, you can’t agree with him about anything. So you never get to know him. You never get that vital relationship with Him. You never get to experience his love because fear casts out love just like perfect love casts away all fear. What is fear castaway? Love, I will tell you something. If I don’t know I am a forgiving person. I’d be one fearful person. How about you? Why because we’re the wages of sin is death. I figured that one out. And that means when I sin, God probably zap me. You see, I don’t care whether you think you’re out of fellowship or out of relationship. In either case, you got to figure out how to get back. Fear. Perfect love castaway. All fear. Why? Because fear has to do with punishment. What was God’s punishment for sin? Death, and a man who fears cannot be what perfected in what? Love. You can’t be perfected love when you’re still fearful. And so this legalistic teaching doesn’t do anything except create fear in the hearts of man. That keeps them from growing Satan’s plan for your life. keep you from ever growing. We sit here day and week after weekend teach the depths of the Word of God. And you got some oh well. Folks, I’ll tell you something. If you’re not interested in growing in the depths of the Word of God, there’s something wrong with you. There is something deeply wrong. This whole idea Well, I’ll be here today and next week, well, maybe Oh, listen, that ain’t gonna happen. You got too much bombarding you and so do I all week long. If you don’t come to get refreshed in some way, or someplace where the where the truth is going to refresh you. You’re gonna get wiped out. Am I right or wrong? Don’t take this for granted. This is not something to be taken for granted, it isn’t something you have to do. It’s something that if you want to grow, and if you don’t want to live a defeated life, you must keep learning and learning and learning about the depth of the Word of God. It’s not the shallowness, it’s the depth every day of your life that you learn more about Jesus, it just keeps getting deeper and deeper and deeper. People asked me some time, Don’t you get tired of teaching the same thing all the time? Uh uh. No, because it’s never the same thing. Maybe the same thing to you. It’s not to me, it’s always new. It’s always fresh. Why? Because it’s Jesus, and he never gets old.
Now the law requires that everything be cleansed with blood, remember that grab a hold of it. If you’ve never finalized that guys do it today. There is no more forgiveness for your sins. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness, there is no more shedding of blood. There’s no more forgiveness. Therefore, if you’re in Christ, Who are you? A forgiven person. Oh, you teach that and people go out and sin, their sinning pretty well without teaching that. That’s not the issue. The issue is that truth. What I do with that truth is between me and God, but that doesn’t negate the truth. It was necessary then it says for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with the sacrifices. But the heavenly things themselves are better sacrifices than these. For Jesus did not enter a man made sanctuary. He didn’t enter in the one we built. That was only a copy of the true one which is the one in heaven. He entered heaven itself now to appear for us in God’s presence. Nor did he enter Heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priests enters the most holy place every year with blood that’s not his own. In other words, he wasn’t going in with someone else’s blood. Pretty easy to go in sacrifice. by somebody else’s blood, he went in with a sacrifice of his own. He didn’t go into a man made sanctuary, where it talks about every priest has to stand and perform his religious duties over and over and over and over and over again, which can never do what? take away sin. He entered once. And he offered himself one time. He said, if, if Jesus entered into heaven, the heavenly sanctuary to offer himself again and again and again, then Christ in order to do that would have to suffer many times since the creation of the world. What does that mean? He had to die again. Because without the shedding of blood, there’s what? No forgiveness of sins. But now, he has appeared how many times guys? once for all, at the end of the ages to do what? do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. Now, did that mean that he came to do away with your sin? Is your sin done away with? In whose eyes? How about your eyes? Anybody’s sin been done away with? I just don’t know what sin is anymore. I used to remember what sin was before I was born again. But but I’m just a holy now, I can hardly remember what sin was. What does it mean, to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself? It means that he took away the sins of the world from the eyes of God for eternity. Period. Isn’t that right or wrong? That sacrifice what was a priest for to represent man to God? Here’s the sacrifice God, God says, Okay. What it is priests do, offered himself and said, This is for those sins of the whole world. throughout all eternity, and God says, propitiation has taken place, I am satisfied. So he appeared once for the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice himself. Now, just as a man is destined to die once and after that, to face the judgment, what is the judgment? What is the only judgment that is left? What did you do with my Son? There will never be judgment for anybody except just what did you do with my Son is your name in the book of life? There it is. Enter and if your book isn’t there, you’re going to enter into another place. It’s going to be worse in Texas, it will be hot. Christ was sacrificed wants to take away sins for many people. And he’ll appear a second time not to bear sin. And why isn’t he going to bear sin when he comes back? He’s already done it. How many of you believe Jesus is coming back? And when he comes back? Is he coming to bear sin? No. What what is he coming to do? to bring salvation for those who are waiting for him. Why? sin has already been taken care of. All you need now is salvation. What is salvation? If forgiveness was salvation? Could you make that statement? Could you make that statement if salvation was getting your sins forgiven? No, no bearing sin would be important. He’d have to come and do it again. He’s done it. Now he’s coming back to offer his resurrected life, just like the Holy Spirit is doing today.
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Classic Christianity Radio is a listener funded program. And because of your generous donations, we are able to be on the air during this Christmas season. Remember to go to to find many gift ideas to give to your family and friends. The best selling book Classic Christianity by Bob George and his newest book, Jesus changes everything are perfect gifts to give to people. The greatest gift we can give to others is to share the good news of God’s forgiveness and love for them. Bob George Ministries has many other books and teaching materials available for you to share the gift of Jesus with the people you love and care about today. You can also visit For additional information on how you can join us financially to help support the radio ministry. With your prayers in support, we can continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Let’s continue now with our Classic Christianity Radio program.
Bob George 14:26
They’ll do it again in person. The law guys, the law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming not the realities themselves. Turn with me for just a moment back to Colossians, book of Colossians second chapter and look at what Paul says in verse 16. You all got it collations to say 16 Galatians, Ephesians, General Electric Power Company that’s how you remember that. Verse 16. Therefore, don’t let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a new moon celebration or a Sabbath day. What is he saying here? Don’t let anyone judge you by what you eat and drink meaning with all those dietary laws that were evident in Israel, and in many cases still today. As an example, you can’t have eat meat and milk at the same time. Don’t let anyone judge you for that. That is only only a shadow of the things that were to come the reality is found in Christ. Don’t let anyone judge you by a religious festival. You got people saying though you shouldn’t celebrate Christmas and you shouldn’t celebrate Easter and, don’t let people judge you by that. It was early shadows. They’re not the reality, are they when we’re celebrating Christmas this year. Is that a reality or a shadow? It’s not a reality. It’s a shadow of a reality. It’s not only a by judge you but whether you do that or not, it’s ridiculous. New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. Does God care what day you park your body? Does he care or if you park your body? You see folks the Sabbath day was a foreshadowing. He gave us the day in order to show a reality in Christ where we’re to rest every day. Wouldn’t it’d be ridiculous to think that the only time I rested and Jesus was on Saturday or Sunday. If that’s the case, were to be pitied of all people because we’re tired when we get here. If we’ve only been resting one day a week, but it was a foreshadowing of the Sabbath rest that God called us to resting from our works were told, just as he did from his. When Jesus finished his work, he said it’s finished. He said, When you are in me, it’s also finished. So quit working at what I have accomplished. I have forgiven you quit working at being forgiven. I have given your life quit trying to improve on what I’ve given you. I have made you holy quit trying to improve upon what I made you. I made you complete quit trying to improve upon what I made you rest in it. That’s, that’s tough for us Americans. We don’t like to rest/ I wanna work. I want to have something to do with this has little bit to do with our pride to doesn’t it? We are such prideful people. Say God, you just don’t understand how important I don’t let anyone judge you. But those things folks, they are a shadow of the things to come. The reality, however, is found in Christ Jesus, the same type of statement made in Colossians, by Paul that’s made here in this chapter, in Hebrews chapter 10. The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming not the realities themselves. And for this reason, it can never be the same sacrifices, which is what was taking care of sin, repeated endlessly, year after year make perfect those who draw near to worship it couldn’t make you perfect couldn’t make you complete, if it could would they not have been stopped being offered. In other words, if any sacrifice such as that could have made you complete you don’t need one. And that’s why the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ was of such value that took away the sins of the world. But the blood of bulls and goats couldn’t do it for worshipers could have been cleansed once and for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. But those sacrifices, those animal sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins. Because it’s impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to do what? take away sins. Could the bull, could the blood of bulls and goats cover sins? What was that called? Atonement. What did Jesus come to do? If Jesus came to atone for sins, his bloods on the same part with a bull and goat, kind of an insult to me to Jesus. You’re in a place in the Bible where Jesus came to atone for sins. He came to do something far greater than atonement he came to do what? Take them away from the eyes of God never to see them again, once and for all. Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said sacrifice and offering you did not desire but a body you prepared For me with burnt offerings and sin offerings, you were not pleased. And then he said, Here I am. Here I am. It’s written about me in the scroll, I have come to do Your will, oh God. First of all, he said, sacrifices and offerings and burn offerings and sin offerings, you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them. Although until Jesus came, the priesthood was in existence, and the law required them to be made, day after day, every priest stands, why does this Why does a priest stand, his work is never finished. chair was a prohibited piece of furniture in the temple. Because there was there you could never sit down and rest. Every priest stands and performs his religious duties again. And again, he offers the same sacrifices, which could never take away sin. Covered it but could never take it away. It could never be final. Same thing with you trying to keep short accounts with God. I’m all clean. But the minute I sin, I’m dirty again. And then I confess it, and I got clean. And now I’m dirty again. You’re going back dirty and clean, dirty and clean. But when this priest had offered for all time, one sacrifice for sins, what did he do? He sat down. And why did he sit down folks? Because his work was finished.
Now guys again, is that just kind of yawn stuff? Is that just kind of Oh, ho hum. What have you done for me lately? Or is that something to be excited about? But see, if I don’t think I’m a sinner, then it’s not much to get excited about. If I think I’m basically a good guy. There isn’t much to get excited about No wonder he did that. I’ve done it for me too, as good as I am. No wonder God loves me. Kiss, kiss, kiss, I love me too. But when I see what we’re capable of doing, you see we’re all sitting here, kind of in American nice things. We say Oh, well just get put in a certain circumstance sometime in life. In a circumstance where maybe you’re out on an island you have any food to eat, and there’s a brother over there that looking pretty good. You don’t know what you’re capable of doing. Don’t have any food, don’t have any money going to the grocery store didn’t seem to pay by looking to be a thief. Could I sit here and think I don’t need to be a thief. I got money I know. But are you capable of being one?
And so guys, in the final analysis, God had to come to this earth in order to redeem us and to save us from ourselves. And that’s exactly what he did. He did so out of love and mercy. He’s a merciful God. And through all the ages, all of the teaching of the Old Testament was the faithfulness of God in the midst of the rebellion of man is rebellious as we get. He’s still faithful faithful as he who called us who will also do it. So guys, don’t ever give up on God he hadn’t given up on you. Doesn’t matter what you’ve done. He took it away at the cross, so that you can start into a new life. There are many people that have done things are very ashamed of in your past or even many your present. God has taken that away. He says, I want to start a new day with you. That’s why he said to the lady get up and sin no more. I don’t condemn you. I knew what you were going to do before the foundation of the earth, didn’t shock me get up and sin no more. And so we’re all given that opportunity Aren’t we? just started other day to start a new that’s the beauty of this life. We can always start another day. Now we who very quite frankly, we have difficulty with mercy, and kindness and goodness, we hang on and we just keep condemning people forever. If you ever do anything I don’t like I’m gonna bring it up, make you feel bad. Makes me feel good make you feel bad. The issue is that maybe man but it isn’t God. And folks, if we’re good enough for God, why shouldn’t we be good enough for each other? Do you ever stopped to think about that? That if God has seen fit to love you, then why shouldn’t we love you? And that’s what he said, Love one another how? As I have loved you.
Let’s pray together. Father, we want to thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank goodness, His mercy exceeds all things that we could ever dream or imagine. His goodness, His kindness is everlasting to everlasting. We’ve seen your patience through the Old Testament. We saw your patience with the apostles in the New gospels, that in the midst many times if you’re standing there and telling people, you still had Peter with his foot in his mouth, you still had Thomas doubting and he loved us in the midst of it, never stopping. Let’s internalize that mercy to other people, and to learn to be merciful, kind, loving people. We can’t do it in our own energy of our flesh. We can only do it as we allow the Spirit of God who lives in us to produce in and through us. Love and joy, peace and patience and kindness. So Father, we thank You for this life that you’ve given us. To teach us to listen to it, to you, not to it. But to you. You’re always there guiding us into all truth and letting that truth set us free. Let us keep listening to you to learn to have our ear bent towards your voice, instead of the voice of this world. And we’re going to thank you for it in Christ’s name. And for his sake. Amen.
Thank you for listening to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George. We are a listener funded program and your financial support is greatly appreciated. Your generous gifts keep us on the air and they help so many people find hope in Jesus Christ. Go to online for more information about how to purchase helpful books and Bible study materials to guide you as you grow in your relationship with Jesus. Thank you again for listening. We look forward to our next Classic Christianity Radio broadcast with you. In the meantime, remember to always put Jesus first in your life.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”