Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P77 (03-11-24)
The New Covenant is New For Everyone!
~ New is New for all. The New Covenant is here today. It is not some future day for Israel. It is for all. Otherwise, if it wasn’t new for all then God would be still counting sins against people today. And we know that is not happening, because “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19 Yet many do not believe the word of God. And by their very actions they show their unbelief. They confess for more forgiveness. Some even tell the lie that Israel is saved a different way than the Gentiles. This is a big FAT LIE. Don’t listen to those false prophets. Time is short at hand. None of us knows when our last breath shall be taken, and it’s important to make ourselves available if we are in Christ Jesus to allow him to use us as he sees fit. We respond to his truth when we abide in Him. Be who you are, a child of God. Don’t put any other label on yourself.
For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. But God found fault with the people and said: “The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they did not remain faithful to my covenant, and I turned away from them, declares the Lord. This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear. Hebrews 8:7-13
~ “Well we’re coming to a point in our study, that is, at the very crux of everything that we talk about. So let’s pick up in the ninth chapter, we have seen the author of the book of Hebrews. And again, the basic thrust of this book is to the Hebrew, it is to people who grew up in the Hebrew in the Hebrew religion with all of its tradition, and therefore had many preconceived notions and not right not wrongfully. Because these customs and things were given to them by God, what they didn’t come to understand is they were a preamble to the reality that was going to come in Christ, they were a shadow, and they never got away from the shadow. And so this book is there for that purpose, to be able to say, yes, there was Moses, thank God for him. But there’s someone that is greater than Moses, and that is Christ. Yes, there is Abraham, thank God for that. But there’s someone greater than Abraham, thank God for angels. But there’s someone greater than that. And that’s what this whole book all the way up through chapter eight is dealing with is the supremacy of Christ Jesus. Now to you, the to the majority of us probably in this room who never grew up with that type of heritage. Those that kind of presentation would not be that important, because we just kind of if especially we grew up in America and around in a Christian environment. Although we may not have been born again, we had heard about Jesus from the beginning. But we’ve got our own traditions, man came in and formed his own religions. And we have our own deals and our own ways of doing things. And we dress up in robes, and we have statues in some places, and other places don’t have statues, and you got all of our own rules and regulations and your own ways of taking the Lord’s Supper in your own ways of doing this. So we’ve come up and built our own religious system that quite frankly, in many respects, is stronger in many respects than the Hebrews were. And so although this book is pointed, basically to the Hebrew, the same principles apply to us today, because what it is doing is saying, religion of all kinds, I don’t care whether it’s the one that I gave you, or I don’t care whether it’s the Baptist religion, or the Presbyterian religion, or the Catholic religion, I did not come to form religion. I came to, to present me Christ Jesus, come unto me, he didn’t say come into a religion. He didn’t say, come and be a Baptist or a Presbyterian or a Methodist, he said, Come unto me and be a child of God.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Well we’re coming to a point in our study, that is, at the very crux of everything that we talk about. So let’s pick up in the ninth chapter, we have seen the author of the book of Hebrews. And again, the basic thrust of this book is to the Hebrew, it is to people who grew up in the Hebrew in the Hebrew religion with all of its tradition, and therefore had many preconceived notions and not right not wrongfully. Because these customs and things were given to them by God, what they didn’t come to understand is they were a preamble to the reality that was going to come in Christ, they were a shadow, and they never got away from the shadow. And so this book is there for that purpose, to be able to say, yes, there was Moses, thank God for him. But there’s someone that is greater than Moses, and that is Christ. Yes, there is Abraham, thank God for that. But there’s someone greater than Abraham, thank God for angels. But there’s someone greater than that. And that’s what this whole book all the way up through chapter eight is dealing with is the supremacy of Christ Jesus. Now to you, the to the majority of us probably in this room who never grew up with that type of heritage. Those that kind of presentation would not be that important, because we just kind of if especially we grew up in America and around in a Christian environment. Although we may not have been born again, we had heard about Jesus from the beginning. But we’ve got our own traditions, man came in and formed his own religions. And we have our own deals and our own ways of doing things. And we dress up in robes, and we have statues in some places, and other places don’t have statues, and you got all of our own rules and regulations and your own ways of taking the Lord’s Supper in your own ways of doing this. So we’ve come up and built our own religious system that quite frankly, in many respects, is stronger in many respects than the Hebrews were. And so although this book is pointed, basically to the Hebrew, the same principles apply to us today, because what it is doing is saying, religion of all kinds, I don’t care whether it’s the one that I gave you, or I don’t care whether it’s the Baptist religion, or the Presbyterian religion, or the Catholic religion, I did not come to form religion. I came to, to present me Christ Jesus, come unto me, he didn’t say come into a religion. He didn’t say, come and be a Baptist or a Presbyterian or a Methodist, he said, Come unto me and be a child of God.
Amy was, we were talking the other day about the illustration that we give, and this will tie into to what you do when you can you ladies that have ever canned, the first thing you do is sterilize the jar. And the reason you sterilize the jar is because if that jar isn’t totally sterilized, you put food in it, it’ll spoil, won’t it. And so before you can put food in the jar, it has to be totally cleansed of all unrighteousness has to be cleansed of all disease and germs. Now the purpose of cleansing those jars isn’t to have a bunch of clean jars sitting around and to spend the rest of your life as a jar trying to keep yourself clean. And you say, what are you going to do today? I’m gonna keep these jars clean. Well, what do you mean? Well, I’m standing here and I got the hot water going every time a little thing gets when any time, some unconfessed germ gets in there, I’m gonna stick it in there and get it confessed, and I’m gonna keep them clean. Anytime I see a speck. I’m gonna keep it clean. And that’s my job is to keep jars clean. You say, Well, what are you gonna do with those jars? Oh, doesn’t matter. Just keep them clean. And say, well, that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Yeah, I know. But it’s my religion. Now the reason for the cleansing of the jar was to put something in it. Now let’s say you put applesauce in that jar, and then what do you do with it? You seal it. And now the value of that jar is in what’s in it. Before it was a jar, now it’s a jar of applesauce. When you and I come to Christ, I was a child. Now I’m a child of God. How did I get the of God in there? By God coming to live inside of me. Just like the jar of applesauce got to be on by applesauce coming to live inside of it. Now, the other thing is once that jar is cleansed of all unrighteousness forgiven of all sin, and then filled with the applesauce and sealed forever, God puts a label on that. And that label is applesauce. That’s the label applesauce, we say what kind? God’s kind. Who made it God, applesauce. So you go down, man comes along says, Then good enough. Thank goodness, that needs to be Presbyterian applesauce. And that needs to be Catholic applesauce. So I’ll tell you what we’ll do. We’ll put our own label on there. Oh, we’ll keep applesauce down. But we’ll put our label on there. And we’ll try to make that label better known than applesauce. And therefore we can put anything we want to in it, and people will buy it. I mean, after all, if a name like Smuckers it’s got to be good.
So we go out and advertise and promote Smuckers. And once you buy that in a name like Smuckers, it’s got to be good that it doesn’t make any difference what Smuckers sticks in that jar. Because you don’t really care what’s in the jar, all you care about is Smuckers made it right, that’s all you care about. And your dependency is now upon what, applesauce or Smuckers? Well, on smackers, that’s called denominationlism. That’s what we have done in Christianity. We’ve come along and said, Look, that applesauce stuff isn’t going to thrill anybody. What would be thrilling is it we can put some name on it that’s recognizable. And and then if we can get a plant someplace that everybody can come and see. And then we’ll get our advertising campaign going. And we’ll build everything around being a People to Peopler. And let’s build that name. And then everybody can say I belong to People to People. I will tell you, folks, the minute you buy that mentality, People to People can put anything they want in a jar, and poison you. With a name like Smuckers, that’s got to be good.
When God labeled that jar, he only put one label on it. And that is a child of God. Period. What’s inside your jar? Child of God. That’s the only label God ever intended to ever be on your jar is a child of the living God. And we have come along and said that isn’t good enough, I want a manmade label that’s more recognizable by the world, and has more prestige to it. After all, just a jar of applesauce, people don’t know who made it, and so it doesn’t matter too much. See the subtlety. Now, that is exactly what religion has done. It is put a label and named the jar something that God never intended it to be labeled. And that is, if you are in Christ, and Christ is in you, you are a child of a living God, period. Now, don’t stick any other label on yourself. The world may want other labels. But you don’t need another label. The only label that you need is what God gave you. Who made that applesauce? God. Who made you a child of God? God. That ought to be good enough, don’t you think?
Now, that’s what this whole book of Hebrews is about pointing us toward the fact that our dependency is not on being a Hebrew anymore. Our dependency is not on being a Baptist or a Presbyterian or whatever you want to call it is not anymore, that your dependency is totally upon being a child of the living God. And in order for you to enjoy this new dependency, you’re going to have to cut bait with this other one. You’re not going to be walking around, being proud of being a Hebrew or being proud of being a Gentile because in Christ, there is no Hebrew or Gentile. There is no slave nor free. There’s just a child of the living God. That’s it. Now we have tried to delineate those things. And even though God in the last days is certainly and through history is going to be dealing with a nation over there of Israel. That’s his business over there in the meantime, he is dealing with people alone. And anyone today who is in Christ is not a Hebrew are not a Gentile, they are a child of the living God. And don’t let any man tell you differently. That is the only identity that God has ever put on us. As a child of the living God. He treats all people the same. I was reading something the other day of somebody coming down like there’s two different gospels, there’s not two different gospels, a Hebrew is not saved differently than a gentile or a Gentile differently than a Hebrew. Everyone is saved the same way by the same God and identically the same way. And that is by faith in Jesus Christ and none other. There is no other gospel, you’re not saved because you’re a Hebrew, you’re not saved because you’re a Gentile, you’re not saved, because you’re a Baptist, you’re not saved. Because you’re a Catholic or a Presbyterian, you’re safe. Because you have been made a child of the living God by Christ Jesus alone, who comes to live with in any heart, who will open up his heart to them and receiving by faith. And there’s no exception to that. Now, people can play spiritual hopscotch through the Bible, if they want to, and try to come up with all kinds of stuff. But in the final analysis, it falls flat on its face, because there is no other there’s no other name under heaven given among men whereby you must be saved, whether Hebrew, Gentile, slave, or free. There’s only one name that is Christ, Jesus, our Lord. And we all come to him the same way. And so I could have my identity as strong as horseradish, in being a Baptist, or I could have my identity as hard as strong as horseradish, and being a Hebrew. And in both of those cases, it says, You better get rid of that identity and get it in where it belongs, and that is a child of the living God. Because that’s who you are. And why would I want to settle for a secondary identity? When God has labeled my jar, Child of God. Now that’s what the book of Hebrews is about.
Now, let’s pick up there then under the for and the first covenant. Now, once we began, we talked about that, to the Hebrew, there was an old cabinet. And there is a New Covenant to the Gentile that was not under the Old Covenant, he just gets the New Covenant. That doesn’t make a difference whether I got something new, whether you’ve, whether you’ve had an old one, and now been replaced with a new and I’ve gotten the new that you got, it’s new to me. So it doesn’t make a difference. Again, whether you’re Hebrew or Gentile is not the issue. The issue is, there’s a New Covenant that God made between man through the Hebrew, it was the cancellation of the old in order to bring in the new to the Gentile, it’s new. Now again, what the Gentile do? Go back in and kind of do the same thing that you did. And instead of coming up with the Hebrew religion, we came over and made up made our own. So if you’re in that, you’re going to have to go to something new. So don’t get confused with those kinds of words. In regard to old and new, it’s new to me if it’s new. It’s new to you, if you had some old and got something new, it’s new if I never had anything, it’s new.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:52
It wouldn’t make any difference if I had on a pair. If I added on some clothes that were following off of me falling off me and you were standing there naked, and you needed clothes, it wouldn’t make a difference if I said to you take off those rags and here’s a new coat and came over to you and said here’s a new suit. One of you never had any suit the other one had one took it off and put on a new one. What do you both have? New clothes. People want to make those delineations and distinction on those there isn’t a distinction on it. New is New means something new has been added. Now the first covenant had regulations for worship and also an earthly sense sanctuary said a tabernacle was set up. And verse three behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place which had a golden altar of incense and the golden covered Ark of the covenant. The ark was contained in the gold jar of manna Aaron staff that had butted and stone tablets of the covenant. And above the ark was the cherubim of him of glory overshadowing the Atonement Cover but we cannot discuss things in detail now said last week near their way right now. When everything had been arranged like this and said the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself, for the sins of the people had committed in ignorance. The Holy Spirit was showing by this, that the way into the most holy place had not yet been disclosed. As long as the first tabernacle was still standing, be another way we could say today that all of these traditions, think you’re saved by taking communion, all of those things were foreshadowings you’re still under an old rule and old regulation, you’re under a religious system. It’s not real. It says this chapter, verse nine is an illusion. An illustration procured me for the present time, indicating that the gifts and sacrifices being offered, were not able to clear the conscience of the worshiper, you can go through all that rigmarole but isn’t going to clear your conscience. They’re only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings external regulations applying until the time of the what? New Order.
Now when Christ came as high priest of the good things that are already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not manmade, that is to say, not part of this creation. He didn’t enter by means of the blood of goats and calves, but he entered the most holy place, once and for all, by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption, the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of heifers sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean, set them apart, Sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. We do the same thing and religion don’t do things that make you outwardly clean. Got people down there and teach you can lose your salvation. You got salvation? How’d you get saved? By being baptized. And now I lost it. Well, how do you get resaved? Well I get baptized again. Well, then, hey, you get to wait to lose it again. Welcome back and get baptized again. What is that? External cleansing. How in the world do you think getting dunked in water is going to cleanse your insides. That’s manmade stuff that stuff man has come up with how much more than say all those things made you outwardly clean how much more then will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our conscience, from Acts that lead to death so that we may serve a living God.
Verse 15. For this reason, Christ is a mediator of a New Covenant, that those who are called might receive the promise eternal inheritance now that he has died as a ransom and set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant. Verse 16, in case of a will it’s necessary to prove of the death of the one who made it because a will is enforced only when someone has died. It never takes effect while the one who made it is living.
Now folks, you and I know that I hope you have a will as I said, if you don’t the state does as one for you. A will is for the purpose of passing on to those that are going to inherit whatever you’re going to leave them and that inheritance cannot be claimed until the one who made it what? Dies. So you may have a will but that will does not go into effect until you die. Now is it possible for a man to have a number of wills until he dies? Can he have a number of wills in other words, can you change his mind a long the way? Well of course he can. Which will goes into effect the day he dies? The last one that is made now if you went into the attorney and sat down and said Now attorney in this last will that dad made didn’t include the Cadillac and and I really think I want that Cadillac. And I’m gonna I want to produce little evidence for you and I want to pull out a will that was made 10 years earlier that it said that Cadillac belongs to me. Now what do you think the attorney would say? Say what? Tough luck. Yeah. Attorney perfectly rightfully so it said Sir, I don’t care what was in that well, 10 years ago. The will that goes into effect your inheritance is determined by the last will nothing else. Yeah, but there aren’t a But No buts to it. The last will is your inheritance period Ya but Dad meant for, I don’t care what dad meant. The Last Will is your inheritance period. Nothing before it Nothing after it, you can refuse it or you can accept it, but you cannot alter it. It has been made, finalized, and the one who made it is dead, and therefore a little tough for him to change it. And impossible for you to change it. You can accept it, or you can reject it. But you cannot alter it.
Now folks, is as far as God is concerned that the dividing line of human history, from God’s vantage point is at the cross of Jesus Christ. That’s where the will was put into effect at the cross of Jesus Christ, it is the total dividing line of human history. It is interesting, isn’t it that even in this world, that is so anti Christ, or all kinds of religion, Christianity, even as it stands, even with all of its apostasy is a very minor religion in the world. And yet our calendars are divided BC and AD isn’t that amazing. And so someone said that history is really his story. That’s what history is his story. And that even our calendars divided history, into half BC before Christ, and AD and Anno Domini and I in the year of our Lord. From God’s vantage point, that’s the way man did it now in our minds we normally think of before Christ is before Christ was born. Don’t wait that’s kind of in our minds that the BC is before the birth of Christ. But from God’s vantage point, the BC is before cross. That’s how he divided time before the cross. And then just said, AD is that Italian word meaning after the cross. And so you’ve got before the cross and after the cross, and from God’s vantage point, that is how he divided human history, before the cross, and after the cross. Now again, there for backing up in case of a will it’s necessary to prove the death of the one who made it because of wills and force only when someone has died, it never takes effect, while the one who made it is living. Now that is why it says even under the first covenant, it was not put into effect without blood. In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood. And without the shedding of blood, there is how much forgiveness? No forgiveness. Now folks has that ever changed? Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. There was a sacrifice made in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve couldn’t keep themselves warm with fig leaves. And so an innocent animal that had never sinned had to be sacrificed in order to provide the skins to clothe them that’s a picture of today are being clothed in the righteousness of Christ. We have to be close by His provision, not ours. See, we’re walking around with Christian fig leaves on try to close ourselves and our own manmade fig leaves instead of being clothed in what God provided for us. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.
Now, folks, we’ve mentioned this before, but it’s worthy of mention again. That’s where all of this confusion has come about in regard to baptism and everything else. John the Baptist came on the scene. Now again, was John the Baptist teaching in the under the old covenant or the new? Which one? Old. Yeah, but he’s in the Gospels. When did the new cabinet take place before the Gospels? I mean, as far as our writing is concerned, how did Christ teach under the Old Covenant or the new? Under the old. When did the new go into effect? When he died. So he taught under the teachings of the Old Covenant, proclaiming the new which was later explained by Paul, Jesus proclaimed it Paul explained it but they taught under the Old Covenant. John the Baptist taught under the Old Covenant. Now all of a sudden, here’s this John the Baptist coming on the scene kind of a weird guy anyway. And, and to people and he came on the scene. He started baptizing people out there for the remission of sins right? Isn’t that right? Repent and be baptized for what? The remission of sins. Can you can you see somebody, the old rabbis walking around there and saying, baptized for the remission of sins? Since when did God change his plan? Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. How can you get your sins forgiven? By getting dunked in water? God hasn’t changed anything. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. Never has been, never is never will be and here’s you’re out there saying, Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. It was like John the Baptist said. No, he said, the one who sent me to baptize told me that the one on whom when I am baptizing you see the dove descend. That’s the Messiah, called the Lamb of God, that will take away the sins of the world. Baptism doesn’t cause remission of sins, I baptized to point out the Messiah, who would be the remission of sins. And the only thing that John’s baptism did was to point people to Jesus, whom he identified as the Messiah based upon what God told him the one you’re baptizing that the dove descends, that is the Messiah. How to John the Baptist identify the Lamb of God, who does what was sins, takes them away, remission of sins, the shedding of His blood, that Messiah, that lamb that you see, right there is the Lamb of God, that’s going to take away the sins of the world. All he was doing was pointing people to the Messiah. There is no dunking in water that could ever forgive your sin. None. Just the blood of Jesus can forgive sins.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”