Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P92 (04-15-24)
Sinning is Unbelief in Jesus
~ We are getting to the point where the rubber meets the road in the book of Hebrews. Learn what the real sin of the world is today. It is unbelief in Jesus. That is the sin that needs repented of. And repentance is a change of mind. A person needs to change their mind on who Jesus is, God, and understand what Jesus did on the cross for them, took away their sins for all time, and God is no longer counting anyone’s sins against them. This is the HUGE sin that without a change of mind, a person will remain dead. They will not have the Holy Spirit alive living in them, because they refuse to come to Jesus by faith. Faith is responding to God, and Truth. Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus.
Bob George challenged common misconceptions about faith in the Christian life, emphasizing that it’s not about bossing God around or manipulating Him, but responding to His initiative. He warned against sin and false teachings, encouraging listeners to align with the truth of God’s Word and grasp the concept of grace in Hebrews. Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit teach you Truth. Yes, a person can lead you to Truth, but it is the Holy Spirit that will teach you ALL Truth. And once a person is taught by the Holy Spirit, they are taught by God Himself. And don’t trust any of Man’s teachings, for we were all taught error and lies of Satan from birth. Yes, even you and me have taught and believed the lies of the world and have passed those lies on to our children and those around us. And yes, even Bob George did that too. And Bob told us repeatedly that we are not to believe even him, but go to the word of God for ourselves, and see if things are so. Because Bob knew that he had taught some things wrong in the past, and had indeed changed his mind on some key points in the word of God. So lean not on your own understanding of anything today. Nothing is as it seems. And as we have said repeatedly, simply ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom, and He will provide it with great abundance. And remember, as God renews your mind, it is okay to repent on those lies you have been carrying with you your whole life, because if you haven’t repented of anything (changed your mind) in the past four years, then you haven’t learned anything.
Pray to God:
“Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today. Thank you God.”
~ "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10:26-31
~ “Let’s turn together to the 11th chapter, the book of Hebrews. As we’ve taught through this book of Hebrews, were going we’ve seen for the first 10 chapters, the emphasis that the writer of Hebrews was putting upon the object of our faith, which is Christ Jesus. As we talked about, the book of Hebrews is pointed, and was basically pointed to the Hebrew. But the application is as valid today, as it was back then. And the reason that you see as as the book opened up, talking about Christ being superior to angels, is because people had angels in a superior position. And the author of Hebrews was not saying there aren’t any angels and that stupid to believe that way. It was just always, let me show you a better way. Let me show you something different and more powerful than angels. And that was the one who created them. You will see people who followed Moses, who were followers of Moses, you will still see that today. In New York, you can ride along and on a bumper sticker, you’ll see Honk if you love Moses. And so you’ll still see followers of Moses. And he’s saying, there’s someone greater than Moses, that is here. Moses was in charge of the house, but Jesus was over the house. You’ll see it talked about Joshua, you’ll see you’re talking about all of the Old Testament saints, the the people of Abraham, and in every one of the cases, as he’s going back to show the superiority of Christ, and to be able to show it is all Christ and none of us. It talks about the priesthood, and and and how that the priests came to represent man here on Earth. But it says, those priests die. And that’s why they have to keep going over and over and more priests and more priests, but he said, This priest is eternal, and therefore forever interceding on our behalf. And so the whole book of Hebrews is pointing toward the object of our faith, the purpose of the book of Hebrews is not to try to get us with big faith, it’s to teach us about our big God. And what we have to understand, as we approach now into the eleventh chapter, the book of Hebrews is that he’s going to now be talking about this thing called faith. And there is very little in the Christian life, especially today, that perverts what faith is, any more than you will see today. And the object is, once again has gotten shifted upon me and my faith, instead of the object of my faith. And so we have the blab it and grab it, and you’ve got the, if you have got big enough faith, God just gonna do all kinds of things. And we place God in a position of being a responder to you and me, rather than the initiator to you and me. And we put God the Creator responding to his creation, instead of as God intended, and that is that the creation is responding to the Creator. And that we’re not down here to boss God around and that God isn’t up there with his heavenly AT and T numbers where we push the right buttons. And he’ll answer. And we have the idea of this reluctant God that really doesn’t give a flip about any of us doesn’t care about any of us that in particular, have a love for us doesn’t particularly want to do anything for us. But if your faith is strong enough, and you beg him enough, and you encourage him enough, or you can get enough Christians together enough, why God will listen to you, and then maybe reluctantly, he may reach down do something for you.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
Let’s turn together to the 11th chapter, the book of Hebrews. As we’ve taught through this book of Hebrews, were going we’ve seen for the first 10 chapters, the emphasis that the writer of Hebrews was putting upon the object of our faith, which is Christ Jesus. As we talked about, the book of Hebrews is pointed, and was basically pointed to the Hebrew. But the application is as valid today, as it was back then. And the reason that you see as as the book opened up, talking about Christ being superior to angels, is because people had angels in a superior position. And the author of Hebrews was not saying there aren’t any angels and that stupid to believe that way. It was just always, let me show you a better way. Let me show you something different and more powerful than angels. And that was the one who created them. You will see people who followed Moses, who were followers of Moses, you will still see that today. In New York, you can ride along and on a bumper sticker, you’ll see Honk if you love Moses. And so you’ll still see followers of Moses. And he’s saying, there’s someone greater than Moses, that is here. Moses was in charge of the house, but Jesus was over the house. You’ll see it talked about Joshua, you’ll see you’re talking about all of the Old Testament saints, the the people of Abraham, and in every one of the cases, as he’s going back to show the superiority of Christ, and to be able to show it is all Christ and none of us. It talks about the priesthood, and and and how that the priests came to represent man here on Earth. But it says, those priests die. And that’s why they have to keep going over and over and more priests and more priests, but he said, This priest is eternal, and therefore forever interceding on our behalf. And so the whole book of Hebrews is pointing toward the object of our faith, the purpose of the book of Hebrews is not to try to get us with big faith, it’s to teach us about our big God. And what we have to understand, as we approach now into the eleventh chapter, the book of Hebrews is that he’s going to now be talking about this thing called faith. And there is very little in the Christian life, especially today, that perverts what faith is, any more than you will see today. And the object is, once again has gotten shifted upon me and my faith, instead of the object of my faith. And so we have the blab it and grab it, and you’ve got the, if you have got big enough faith, God just gonna do all kinds of things. And we place God in a position of being a responder to you and me, rather than the initiator to you and me. And we put God the Creator responding to his creation, instead of as God intended, and that is that the creation is responding to the Creator. And that we’re not down here to boss God around and that God isn’t up there with his heavenly AT and T numbers where we push the right buttons. And he’ll answer. And we have the idea of this reluctant God that really doesn’t give a flip about any of us doesn’t care about any of us that in particular, have a love for us doesn’t particularly want to do anything for us. But if your faith is strong enough, and you beg him enough, and you encourage him enough, or you can get enough Christians together enough, why God will listen to you, and then maybe reluctantly, he may reach down do something for you.
And we begin to use prayer as an example of a means of getting something from God instead of a means of communicating with God, which is our best friend. And we’ve lost our relationship to the living God. And we’ve made this into a religion instead of once again, the relationship that God called us to. And so there is no place in the Christian faith that gets off what God is intended for us to know. Then when it deals with his area of what faith is all about. And so the book of Hebrews is spent 10 chapters explaining once again, the object of our faith is Christ Jesus period. It is all him. And it is none of us. And so and he’s warning us about this fact of, if we deliberately and we talked about that last week, keep on sinning. And and you see, again, we brought that in that sinning is the filthy five and the Dirty Dozen. Now again, the whole book of Hebrews is talking about the finality of what Christ did. And it just got through talking about the fact that there there lawless acts, I will remember no more, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not counting your sins against you, that we are into a New Covenant, a brand new agreement between God and man, that God gave man the law, in order to show him his own self sufficiency, he gave man no ability to carry out that law, and therefore they fell flat on their face, so that they would turn to Him and to Him alone, who ushered in a brand new agreement between God and man whereby he said, I will do what you cannot do. And he therefore had to do for man, what man could never do for himself, first of all, to provide forgiveness and to take away his sins, so that he could give a life called eternal life, which is the only solution to the wages of sin, which is death. And that is exactly what God had to do for you and me, he first of all, had to provide forgiveness for sins, and then he had to provide life to the dead. And he did both of those. And there’s no way that man could have done for himself, either one of those. And so, Christ Jesus is the object of our faith. I’ve said before, faith is like swallowing. And somebody could say you have to swallow to live. And you can say that makes some sense until you realize you can also swallow a poison and die. And incidentally, when you’re thinking about that, using the same mechanism that you swallow a food to live, you can swallow a poison to die. So it’s not faith that enables you to live, it’s the object of your faith that enables you to live, you swallow food, you will live, you swallow poison, you will die using the same mechanism. It’s just swallowed poisons or food to live. And so it is getting from what is out there into our hearts. And that is all that faith is is responding to the truth that this is food and it’ll enable you to live instead of this is poison that will kill you. Now one of the problems with poison, it’s like arsenic, the best way to poison someone is just give him a little bit of poison every day. And you can’t detect it. And that is the problem with sin. And it’s a problem with lies. And it’s the problem with much of the stuff that goes on today in the name of Christ that everybody says, well, it doesn’t hurting me, it’s not hurting me, it won’t hurt you. And that’s the Satan from day one. That’s exactly what he’s been doing. Why take a look at this, surely God didn’t mean that. And so we take, we take a little bit of this error, and then you take a little bit of this error, and then you take a little bit of this error and a little bit of this error and all along you’re feeling pretty good. Don’t tell me that’s error, why it’s doing pretty good for me and all of a sudden, you’re dead. And so poison is something that you just give a little bit of, and you just can do it a little bit of a time and ultimately, it’ll kill you. It’s the same thing in life you go off you say I’m gonna do things my way. Like ole Sinatra did it my way said he looks like he did. And he acts like he did. And you and I said I’m gonna do things my way and and I’ll do this my way. And I’ll do this my way. And pretty soon you got a family crumbled out from underneath you because you’re trying to do things your way instead of God’s way. And for a while, why it’s working, okay, I’m doing okay, things are working, okay. And all of a sudden, they’re gone. We’ve got people in this very fellowship. And there’s not a church in the United States today teaching truth or air, that people are not sitting there and gobbling up the truth, and going right back home and applying every principle that is the very opposite of the truth of Word of God getting along, getting along, getting along, showing up looking happy with each other next thing you know, they’re getting divorced. And it’s strictly because man refuses to put into practice what God says is true. And we refuse to do that, and say, I’ll do it my way. And God joins two people together and man starts tearing it apart with his tongue, or whatever it might be to destroy those things that God has put together because of her own pride and ego that says I’ll do it my way. Now, Faith therefore, is not faith in what I can do. It is not faith and what I believe is true. Faith is faith in what is true. Whether you believe it or whether you don’t. You sell a bumper sticker. God said it I believe it that settles it. No, it doesn’t have an ounce at all to do with whether you believe it or not. God said it, that settles it, whether you believe it or whether you don’t, then we put our again our emphasis on the fact I believe it. And that settles it that just settles if I believe it. Don’t confuse me with facts My mind’s made up.
And therefore, that’s why we use expression expression and like, well, I believe in my beliefs, and here’s what we believe. And here’s what we believe. And here’s what we believe, as if that was important what we believe. And people booked our doctrinal statements, here’s what we believe, who cares? That is not the issue, what we believe the issue is what is truth out of the Word of God. And so we are looking once again, as we approach this book of Hebrews, with the author led by the Spirit of God stating to us that God has done it all. And as I was mentioning earlier, with a New Covenant that went in when he said his, we’ve deliberately keep on sinning, not talking about the violation of the filthy five and Dirty Dozen, because the filthy, find the Dirty Dozen had already been nailed to the cross. It’s talking about unbelief. So it can’t be talking about violating the 10 commandments, because God said the 10 Commandments were nailed to the cross in order that you and I could be led by something internal instead of external. And so it certainly isn’t talking about that what it is talking about, after he just got through saying their sins and all this acts, I will remember no more. And where these been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins is if you keep on an unbelief, and you keep on relying upon. And you could name one thing after another after another. If you keep relying upon your good work, stop, do your bad, and therefore God grading on the curve will still get you there. And like you’re saying, maybe that’s the Frisbee that you’re talking about up there, the up on the roof, and won’t come down. I don’t know. But if you’re depending on that, if you’re depending upon your church affiliation instead of Christ Jesus. He said, I’m sorry, that is a continual sin that is a continual living in unbelief rather than trusting and believing what Christ Jesus did, and said that he did. If you’re depending upon your forgiveness, in order to go back to the confession booths, I’m sorry, the confession booths cannot forgive sin. There’s no priests that can forgive sin. Then the Protestant say, Oh, we don’t believe that. So we just walk out and believe First John one nine, and we put all of that into effect and say, Well, my confession is what activates forgiveness. Your confession has nothing to do with forgiveness. Forgiveness is by Christ Jesus and him alone. And you keep on believing that you’re keeping on believing a lie. If you believe that there is any other way of forgiveness, ever entered in except what Christ Jesus did it across we are believing a lie. It’s just that simple. And so that’s what this book of Hebrews is talking about, that we are making an insult of the grace of God that sanctified us making an insult treating as an unholy thing, the blood of this covenant, the New Covenant whereby said their sins and lawless acts, remember no more, making a mockery of that, and has insulted the Spirit of grace, the Spirit of grace that says it’s all Jesus, and none of you. Now it ties right into that, then he’s saying, don’t throw away your confidence. Because my friends, Legalism is always banging up against the grace of God. Every time Paul went into an area to teach the grace of God, the Judaizers, were right in behind them trying to put people back into the law. And that is and the establishment that is much more popular, it is much easier to receive, that I can get my flesh strong, and get this self confidence, of my doing something for God, I will attract 1000s of people with that message and only a handful with the message that you can’t do anything apart from Christ. It is not difficult to draw crowds with legalism.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:21
And so we have to realize that the author of the book of Hebrews is saying hang in there don’t give up on what you know to be true, persevere, and you’re going to know that what he promised that He is faithful to deliver. And now it’s picking up with with chapter 11. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Well, let me ask you a question. Do you see? I mean, when you look in a mirror do you look back and see what staring back at you and say Oh, hello there perfect? Do you? I do, I’m just wondering if you did? I don’t think so. Do you look in there and say, Oh, good morning, you holy one? Why hello, they’re righteous. Do you see that? No. But is that true? Yes. God, by that one offering, it says made forever perfect in the sight of God you who he has made holy, He made you holy. He made you perfect. It says that we have been clothed in his righteousness. How folks, if God said that you are clothed in his righteousness, if God said, Bob, there is no way that you’re ever going to walk into the presence of a holy God, unless I make you holy, because an unholy person, how in the world they’re going to go in the presence of a holy God, there is no way that an imperfect person is going to go into the presence of a perfect God. So I’m going to make you perfect, I’m going to make you holy. And I’m going to make you righteous in the sight of God whereby you are clothed in the righteousness of Christ, I’m going to close with my righteousness just as in the Garden of Eden, I had to close Adam who was standing there, and he’s stupid fig leaves that he had made himself that could never clothe anybody. Now, guys, I may not look in a mirror, and look back and say, That’s what I see. But I know full well, that that is true. And looking in the mirror is to be able to look back and say, Lord Jesus, I don’t know how or why you ever chose to do that to me. But I want to tell you one thing, I thank God from the bottom of my heart that you made me holy, because there in any way that I could set myself apart. I thank God that you made me perfect in your sight, because there was no way I could ever make myself perfect in your sight. And I thank God that you clothed me with your righteousness, because I’ll guarantee I don’t have one ounce of righteous on my own. And I thank you for that.
Now I What that is doing is I am sure of what I hoped for. And I am certain of what I don’t see. Now, how did we get sure of what we hope for and certain of what we don’t see? Well, it’s by believing what God said. That’s what’s called faith. Now, it says, By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command. So that what is seen is not made out of what was visible. Now, guys, I don’t care whether you believe in evolution, if you want to believe you came from a monkey or an ape, that’s okay. You can believe that if you want to, I have to go back to say what my little son said, when he was a little kid one time, if we came from monkeys, how come they’re still monkeys? And that would certainly make you wonder about that, wouldn’t it? But you see if what we’re doing, if a person wants to believe that you could go back to the point point of saying, We came from monkey, and then you came from this, and then you came back to say, well, we finally came from this little tiny atom and the, I don’t care how far back you go, you’re gonna have to ask the question where the atom come from? You’re gonna have to answer that question one way or the other, I don’t care how far back you want to go and evolutionary thought you’re gonna have to come back to the fact that where did that first little cell come from? Who made that one? And you’re gonna have to take us a step of faith. You see, science is the science of observing observable data, not unobservable data. And so the very act of a scientist saying that talking about things as to how they are created violates its own definition of what science is, science doesn’t deal with creation, it deals with what is created. And it deals with the observation of what is created not dealt dealing at all, with how things were created. So the mere fact of a scientist talking about evolution violates his own scientific profession. Because science doesn’t deal with unobservable data, it deals with observable data. And so you’re gonna have to go back to say, well, this universe was formed at God’s command. And there’s just like, you’d have to take a step of faith and where did the atom come from? You’re going to have to take a step of faith in that, that I believe that. In other words, this place had to come from someplace, didn’t it? You imagine the intricacies of our human body that we have just the intricacies of that. The intricacies of the universe, the absolute timing of the universe and how the sun comes up and goes down and how the world is spinning at the same speed and everything else and say Big Bang Theory, just hammer the Big Bang. I don’t know how anybody could even enter that into their minds. But people do that there were just some planets floating around out there and they just bang together and all of a sudden, here we are. And they say it’s like a couple of Cadillacs having a head on collision and making a bunch of Volkswagens, it just, it just does not make an ounce of sense. And yet people get degrees in order to perpetuate that. So we understand the universe was formed at God’s command. So that what was seen what we see today was made out of something that was not seen. And that was always God to this very day, he calls into existence things that are not as if they were, that was always God. Only God could do that. It says, By faith, Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. In other words, what did he do? Well, we believe what God told him to offer, he just believed him and did it. Cain said, I’m gonna put my own I’m gonna do my own, just like we do today. And by faith, he, Abel was commanded, as being a righteous man. When God spoke well of his offering, by faith, he still speaks even though he’s dead. By faith Enoch was taken from his life so did did not experience death, he could not be found because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commanded is one who commended for one who please God, Enoch walked habitually with God. And without faith, it says it’s impossible to please God for anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek him. How are you going to come to God if you don’t believe he is? You say, Well, how you gonna believe he is? You know, it says, quite frankly, in the universe, that anybody can look around until there is God. Guys, little kids can understand that type of thing. You can go to a little kid and say, Who made that chair? And say, Daddy for somebody, man, some kind who made this podium? Man. Who made that car? Man. Who made that tree? God. Who made the sky? God. A kid with a minute awareness, knows that man didn’t make the clouds. He knows man didn’t make a tree. Everything that God made, including you and me, man spends the rest of his life trying to figure it out. That’s why today people are still practicing medicine. They’re practicing on you and me. And the reason is, is because we still haven’t figured out man we’re trying but you know, they’ve never figured him out. They haven’t even figured out why trees, why palm trees grow in the south and don’t grow in the north. We haven’t even figured out trees let alone man. And then people come along with authority and say I got your mind figured out they mean they don’t get your body figured out yet. If it was totally figured out, it worked the same way at all times. That would be scientific. Give an aspirin was scientific it would give relieve your headache every single time every single person. Nothing wrong with that, thank God for the medical profession, thank God for those things, they because those things have to be done, you’re doing the best you can. But please don’t worship at the foot as God. It seems strange to be anyway, how we sometimes do that is to worship at the feet of people who are trying to figure out the Creator instead of worshipping at the foot of the Creator. It’s like worshipping at the foot of the auto mechanic instead of the manufacturer, we made the car. And so with we are what we have to realize is that everything God made man will forever be trying to figure out.
So we know it says to know that God is anyone who comes to Him was believed he exists and he rewards those who earnestly seek Him. It should not be difficult for a person to just look around and say there’s a God it shouldn’t be difficult for a person who has ever seen a child born. For those of you who are mothers today that have had that experience, and to see a child born in the intricacies that are there. As we talked about with that little kid living inside of his mother’s womb, totally emeshed in water surrounded by water. As I said when Debbie had her baby fish live in water, not people. Hopefully she didn’t gotta have a fish. And sure enough, she didn’t. How’s the baby breathe? Whoa, because a mother breathes How’s the baby get fed? Because the mother is fed How’s the baby live? Because the mother lives and that baby could say for me to live his mom. How’s all that work? How’s all that work together? You go out and see an animal. And they have a little baby. They come out of that womb, and they head for the milk bar, who told them it was there? You see, and you say, Oh, well, a big bang.
If anyone opened up their eyes and see, they will know there’s a God. But as I’ve mentioned to you before, I can take you to the largest, and one of the most unbelievable spectacles on the side of this world of this world, in this world, and that’s the Grand Canyon, and I can stand you within 10 feet of it, and you’ll never see it. All you got to do is just turn your back on it, and you’ll never see it. And it’s the same thing with God, we can sit there and turn her back and never see that there’s a God. Now, there’s one thing that God promised to you and me, he says that if anyone comes to him, they must believe that He exists. And that he’s the rewarder of those who diligently seek him. That’s why you will see people who will say in their utter desperation, all they did was say, Oh, God, help. That’s all just help. Who are they doing acknowledge there was a God. And it just possibly he might reward those who diligently seek Him. And Jesus eca and amplify that and said, Anyone who wants to know the will of the Father, I will make myself known to them. Anyone who comes to Jesus has been drawn by the Father, but anyone drawn by the Father is someone who has acknowledged God that is and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. And if they are truly seeking God, not one of their own fabrication, God, as revealed right here, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Triune God, and truly seeking Him, He said, I’ll get you to Jesus every single time. There’s not a person on the face of the earth that there’s an exception to that.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
