Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P98 (04-29-24)
Jesus Forgave ALL Your Sins on the Cross ~ Faith Says Thank You!
~ The opposite of faith is asking for God to do something that he already did. Unbelief says, please forgive me God. Unbelief says I’m no longer in the fellowship with God when I do sinning (as though they believe they can stop their sinning). They right there are lying to themselves and others, which is is also a sin. Of course they don’t see it that way. They simply pretend (hypocrites) that they can live up to the righteous requirements of the law, and of course when they don’t do it, they say to God sorry God that I failed you, please forgive me. Over and over again this same pattern is repeated day after day. They are all living under the religion of Christianity, which is taught to both Catholics and Protestants. Catholics go to their confession booths, and Protestants go to their virtual confession booths to get forgiveness from God. Both are trusting in man to forgive them of their sins. One believes this man made priest they tell their sins to can forgive sins, and the other believes that asking for their own forgiveness (man/woman directly asking God), that is what they believe causes God to forgive them their sins. They ALL believe in vending machine forgiveness by God. But if you forget one, they believe grace must cover that one. How ridiculous is that? They can’t even work it out logically, because they will go through all types of theology gyrations to justify their unbelief actions of asking for forgiveness. They will even tell you that it makes them feel good to ask for forgiveness to God. After all, if it feels good, then do it. SMH. Most people walk in the energy of their flesh. They refuse to walk by Faith. They refuse to accept the finished work on the cross. They refuse to apply faith to what the word of God even says “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” They instead will now say that they are out of fellowship with God. And then they will go to their Sunday morning services where they will hear more lies of Satan, because after all, they feel good when they get all dressed up and hear their favorite preacher preach the lies of Satan. And they don’t care what the preacher preaches as long as it makes them feel good. And if anyone calls them out on it, how dare you judge, because after all, that doesn’t make them feel good. We live in a feel good world. People listen to their feel good songs, played by their feel good singers they place on their idol pedestal, and who cares about what the lyrics say, the tune makes them feel good. All of this is trusting in man (even themselves), rather than trusting in God and what the word of God has to say about all things.
Pray to God:
“Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today. Thank you God.”
~ "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead. By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith." Hebrews 11:1-7
~ “What is walking by faith? Believing God and what happens? It is a credit to you as what? Righteousness, right standing with God. Why are you right standing? The same reason Enoch was right standing he walked habitually with God. What’s that mean? I believe it. When Jesus said it’s finished, I believe Him. I’m not gonna get off of that I believe Him. Well, then some people come up and they say, Well, yes, okay, I believe that but that but this but this fellowship Now, Bob, you don’t understand. Because now, let me give you an illustration and boy incomes it now if you’ve I’m a parent, you see, and my child does something to offend me. They need to come and tell me they’re sorry. Now what is a person done with that mentality? Well, you brought God down to whose level? Yours. And therefore God is no bigger than you are. After all, if that’s the way I forgive, how could God be anything different than me? In other words, instead of my trying to prove knowledge of Him, elevate my forgiveness, up to him, we bring him down to us. Now, if a person is talking about being out of fellowship, and in and out of fellowship with God, that then is a doctrine that is based on a variable, not a constant, because who is responsible then for staying in fellowship with God? And you will hear people say, Oh, I know God is now as Bob, I know God has forgiven, I know that, but see the billy goat. But you and you do something, why you’re out of fellowship. I said, who said, you’re out of fellowship? Who said you were? Did God say you were? Does God say any place in the Bible, You’re out of fellowship when you sin? Does it or doesn’t it folks? No, you’re not going to find that in the Bible. When you hear fellowship in the Bible, you’re either in the fellowship saved or out of the fellowship lost. As I’ve said, it’s two fellows in the same ship. You’re not talking about cookies and Cokes. You’re not talking about someone being hacked at you. You’re talking about it’s not in the Bible. Now, if I’m going to walk by faith, then what am I going to have to walk by faith in? In the fact that in the midst of my screwing up, I’m not out of fellowship, that’s what faith says, Is that God has never stopped loving me. God has never stopped loving me one bit. That’s what faith says. The offering out of the land says, No, I’m gonna do it myself. The Cain offering says no, I’m going to get back in fellowship with God. Abel says, fat. Rest. Now, if fellowship, again, is a theology, and that’s what we’ve made it, you cannot have a theology based on a variable. Theology has to be based on a constant. And theology in order to be theology, it has to be constant, and only God is constant. So a fellowship, theology is based upon me who is a variable.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
What is walking by faith? Believing God and what happens? It is a credit to you as what? Righteousness, right standing with God. Why are you right standing? The same reason Enoch was right standing he walked habitually with God. What’s that mean? I believe it. When Jesus said it’s finished, I believe Him. I’m not gonna get off of that I believe Him. Well, then some people come up and they say, Well, yes, okay, I believe that but that but this but this fellowship Now, Bob, you don’t understand. Because now, let me give you an illustration and boy incomes it now if you’ve I’m a parent, you see, and my child does something to offend me. They need to come and tell me they’re sorry. Now what is a person done with that mentality? Well, you brought God down to whose level? Yours. And therefore God is no bigger than you are. After all, if that’s the way I forgive, how could God be anything different than me? In other words, instead of my trying to prove knowledge of Him, elevate my forgiveness, up to him, we bring him down to us. Now, if a person is talking about being out of fellowship, and in and out of fellowship with God, that then is a doctrine that is based on a variable, not a constant, because who is responsible then for staying in fellowship with God? And you will hear people say, Oh, I know God is now as Bob, I know God has forgiven, I know that, but see the billy goat. But you and you do something, why you’re out of fellowship. I said, who said, you’re out of fellowship? Who said you were? Did God say you were? Does God say any place in the Bible, You’re out of fellowship when you sin? Does it or doesn’t it folks? No, you’re not going to find that in the Bible. When you hear fellowship in the Bible, you’re either in the fellowship saved or out of the fellowship lost. As I’ve said, it’s two fellows in the same ship. You’re not talking about cookies and Cokes. You’re not talking about someone being hacked at you. You’re talking about it’s not in the Bible. Now, if I’m going to walk by faith, then what am I going to have to walk by faith in? In the fact that in the midst of my screwing up, I’m not out of fellowship, that’s what faith says, Is that God has never stopped loving me. God has never stopped loving me one bit. That’s what faith says. The offering out of the land says, No, I’m gonna do it myself. The Cain offering says no, I’m going to get back in fellowship with God. Abel says, fat. Rest. Now, if fellowship, again, is a theology, and that’s what we’ve made it, you cannot have a theology based on a variable. Theology has to be based on a constant. And theology in order to be theology, it has to be constant, and only God is constant. So a fellowship, theology is based upon me who is a variable.
So again, if I’m out of fellowship, how do you act when you’re out of fellowship? Have you ever seen a dog when he thinks Have you ever seen a dog when he he hadn’t done anything but he thinks you think he has? Have you ever seen them? How do they come up to you, man that their tail between their legs and now they’re creeping up to you, you know, and just kind of crawling all around make you say, you look down, say, What did you do? Because they look guilty. A dog that has been beaten, and abused and misused. That’s how a dog approaches an owner one who’s been beaten, approaches you with his tail between his legs. He wants your love. He wants your pet to pet he wants you to pat him on the head. He wants you to fluff him up, but he’s afraid to come to you because he’s been beaten to death. That’s what religion does to us. It beats us to death. I still want God. I still love God. I still want him to pat me on the head. But I just kind of got a cringe up to him. In case he wants to hit me, so that I can turn around and go get away before he does. And that’s what religion does. That’s what this in and out of fellowship stuff does. If out of fellowship is a theology that’s based on a variable, as I say, then how do you approach God when you’re out of fellowship? One person, when he siins, says, I don’t think about fellowship, he just walks by faith. Another person says, Oh, I’m out of fellowship. Well, how do you act? Well, he acts one way, another person says, Well, yeah, I’m out of fellowship, how’s he I? Well, he acts another way. And so you get one person who thinks he’s out of fellowship, and just goes and begs God to please forgive him and never do it. Again, the other person thinks he’s out of fellowship says, God, you know, here I am, again, another person, in other words, all over the place in your response to a god in regard to being out of fellowship. And that right, depending upon whether you’re a dog that likes to put his tail between his legs or walk with an app. So if that is true, then I’m going to have to come up with not only a theology of it and out of fellowship, but I’m gonna have to come up with a performance orientation is how you act when you are out of fellowship. And what you need to do to get back into fellowship, I’m going to have to come up with a system of how you should look how you should act, and what you should do. Now we develop all kinds of systems on that one is come forward, rededicate your life. And there’s some denominations, that’s their system, that that’s what you do when you’re out of fellowship, obviously, you are. And if you’ve sinned, for sure, you have you’re out of fellowship. And so how do you get back into fellowship, why you come forward, and you come to this altar, as if there was one. The only altar, again, from a biblical standpoint, is the cross of Jesus Christ, not a kneeler in front of a pulpit, there is no Altar in New Testament Christianity, there was only one altar. And that’s a cross on whom the Lamb of God was slain. And so we come up with that you come forward down here to the altar and rededicate your life and tell God, you’ll never do it again. Have any of you ever done that? How many of you have ever done that? How many of you when you went down tooling, you’ll never do it again? Never did it again? No hands. No hands, well isn’t that amazing. What does that tell you about your offering to God? Well it’s a Cain offering. Didn’t come to God to rest you came to and to produce. And so if you come forward to tell God, you’ll never do it again. And you did it again. What do you do? Again? How many of you have ever gone twice for the same thing? See your hands on a whole bunch of you? Okay? How many times does that ever work? You see what I’m getting at. So we’ve got to come forward in order to get back in fellowship with God.
And so, with that, I’ve got to develop all kinds of systems to get back into fellowship. Now the system that I grew up with was a system that every time you sin, you are out of fellowship with God. So you first John one nine that you confess that sin. How many have you ever been into that one? And then then what would he do? Why he he had forgive it, but you see, you say, in a way, man, you know, not not not a flippant little deal. Because you gotta mean it. Right? And then yeah, then you gotta be sorry, I’m really sorry. And the best way to show your sorry if you can shed some tears, because God ain’t gonna look on you. Unless you’re really sorry. I mean, you gotta be real sorry. Well, I’m sorry. All right. That’s why I do things because I’m sorry. What does that do? So you go back to God and you say, oh, Lord, please forgive me. Now, where’s your slate? Well now it’s clean. Now, guys, if there was a mark up there on your slate, what does that tell you about God? They what? He doesn’t do not well, there’s a mark on he doesn’t forgive. But what’s even worse than that? He didn’t forgive. What does that do to the cross when He said I, what he said if your sins? Took them away, right? Well, then if there’s a mark up there, how could it be taken away? Now what was Satan’s tactic in the Garden of Eden did he deny God said anything to Adam? No, he didn’t deny God said anything. I would have been stupid to have said, Adam. God didn’t say anything. Well, of course, he said, there’s no I heard him. So what do you do? He said, Surely you don’t think that’s what God meant? You know what it was? Surely you don’t think that’s what he meant. And of course, when you take a look at that story, what happened on that is that Adam, when God told Adam not to eat at the tree of the knowledge of good, and good and evil, Adam was very anxious for Eve, after she came along. And he looked at her and said, Wow, and certainly didn’t want to lose her. He wanted to make real sure she didn’t eat of that tree. So he did something that we do in Christianity, and we call it faith. He added to what God said. Because when Adam told Eve, He didn’t say, God said to me, don’t eat of that tree. He said, and not only that, he said, Don’t even touch that sucker. Isn’t that what he said? Don’t even not not sucker he didn’t say, don’t touch that thing. He added what God said, don’t not only do you not eat this, you don’t even touch it. Now, that’s when he passed on to me. That God said to me, Eve, don’t eat of that tree and don’t touch it. So can you imagine Satan tempting Eve guess what he probably was leaning on when he was talking to her? Surely did Eve, surely Eve did he say Don’t touch the thing? Is that what he said? And what would happen if you touched it? You’d what? You’d die. Is that right? You mean the tree that I’m touching? That’s how you get deceived is by adding to what God said.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:24
And so man comes along and says, Well, surely or Satan comes along, says Surely you don’t think that God said all your sins behind his back? That’s what He said. Well, now surely, you don’t mean that if you do something wrong, you don’t need to go back and tell God how sorry you are. Because, after all, that’s what you expect someone to do if they do something to you? Yeah, that’s what I expect. Well, surely, you don’t think God would be different than you? Well come think about it. I guess not. Why? Because God isn’t any bigger than you are. We have brought him down to us. And said, if it’s good enough for me, that it has to be good enough for God. What is that? Making ourselves as God. Now when God didn’t speak anything about being in and out of fellowship. He didn’t speak about that. You can’t find that in the New Testament. But man added to it. And the rationale behind it is the very thing I’m talking about. If it’s good enough for man, it’s got to be good enough for God, it just doesn’t make sense. And so we’ve got people believing Just like I did, that there’s some kind of a mark up there. I’m in some kind of out of fellowship with God some way, how are you? I don’t know. Again, what’s that based on? A writer out there saying that God isn’t out of fellowship with you, Bob, he loves you. If God isn’t out of fellowship, fellowship with me, how can I be out of fellowship with you? Have you ever thought that? If all of my sins are behind the back of God never see him again? Then? Why am I down here so preoccupied with my sins? Oh, because if you’re not, you’ll just go live like the devil, Bob. What have we done? While we’ve added to what God said. How easy is it then for Satan to deceive us when we add to what God said? Just as easy as it was in the Garden of Eden. Very simple. Surely, you don’t think God said that, do you?
Folks, when you’re dealing with faith, you can’t have faith in what man has come up with you can. It’ll send you down a primrose path to Nowhere. Our faith has to be in what God said. See, it is so difficult for us to understand that in the midst of all of the stuff that we can do and think, and sometimes be, that God has taken that away, never to see it again. Isn’t that hard? Because we can’t do that. We can’t do that our memories as good as an elephant. Let me we remember forever. And so when it says God puts your sins behind your back, never think about him again. You think, Oh, my God, a lot smarter than me. And if I can not forget, how could he not forget? Because He’s God. And His ways are not our ways. And that’s why the Scripture says, Don’t lean on your own understanding. But in all things, acknowledge him, he then will direct your paths. Faith isn’t based upon how I perceive it. Faith is based upon what God said. Did God say it’s finished? Yes, then what do you conclude? How do you walk by faith if it’s finished? By walking by faith in what? That it’s finished. Is there anything about being in out of fellowship in the Scripture? Well, then why talk about it? Why discuss it? What is the relevance of it? Because again, that concept is based on you who is a variable. Not him, who is the constant. God is constantly in fellowship with you. God is constantly in relationship with you. If that’s true, what does faith say? Does faith ever say I’m out of fellowship with you God? When God says, I’m always in fellowship with you? Does it or doesn’t? What’s the only thing faith can say? When God says I’m always in fellowship with you? What’s the only thing faith can do? Say what? Thank you. Now, can you and I, as a person who is a child of the living God, totally redeemed, totally forgiven, can you and I walk in unbelief? Now that’s what the Bible deals with, is unbelief. One of the commending these people? For their faith. What’s the opposite of that? Unbelief. So can we as Christians walk in unbelief? Well, then why don’t we just say, I’m not trusting the Lord instead of talking about this stupid out of fellowship myth? Because out of fellowship means all kinds of things to all kinds of people. Doesn’t it? To one person, you being out fellowship may be one thing you may be another you might be another, not walking by faith, I’ll guarantee it’s the same with you as it is with him. You know, when you’re not trusting the Lord, when we’re not trusting, we’re not trusting him. It isn’t hard to figure out is it? It’s not nebulous. It’s true. Just I’m just not trusting you. And that’s what the Bible deals with. That’s the verbiage that the Bible deals with. That’s the verbiage that says, don’t eat of the tree of the other A Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, not the verbiage don’t even touch the thing. That’s man’s additive. God’s word was don’t eat it. God’s word is walk by faith or you walk in unbelief. Man comes along, and you walk in this and you’re walking in and out of fellowship. That’s man’s verbiage. But it isn’t God’s.
Well, let’s go on. So when Noah came along, he was warned about these things. To save his family certainly wanted to do that. And by faith, he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith. In other words, he said, if you’re going to destroy the world, I’m not going to be in it. If you got a way for me to be out of the world, I’m going to be out of it, they put him in an ark was he’s a picture of being in the world, but not of the world. When you’re in the ark, you’re in the ocean, but you’re not on the ocean. Because if you ever become of the ocean, you’re in trouble unless you’re a fish. And so it is a picture of how you and I walk in this earth. We’re in the world, but we’re in the ark. And that ark is Jesus.
By faith, Abraham devotes a pretty long time to Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive his inheritance. He obeyed and went even though he did not know where he was going. Now again, we get in this obedience and everybody talk about obedience, it is like we are and you got to be obedient, to be obedient. Who in this room is obedient? You tell me one person, you know Jesus said He without sin. Cast the first stone. I said he without sin, get up and say I’m obedient. What is obedience? Believe in God faith. Isn’t that what faith is the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through what? Love. What’s obedience? Believe in God. What did Jesus say the world sin was? Unbelief in him. So what is disobedience? Not believing. What’s obedience? Believe in him. It isn’t something you’ve gut out. If I’m gonna just whoa, I’m gonna be obiedient if it kills me. Why you got the wrong idea? Because if it’s killing you forget it. I mean, if God says to you, hey, I’m gonna destroy the world. I want you to build an ark. So I can save your family. We’d say Oh, well, okay, I’ll build one. I’ll be obedient to God and I’ll build me an ark. Man if you want your family saved, you go get some nails. When God says something to it whose benefit is it for? Ours. Obedience, legalistic obedience, forget it. God doesn’t care about that. But God is saying, I’ve said this. Do you trust me or not? Because if you trust me, you’ll go do it. The going and doing it is irrelevant. It’s a byproduct of do I trust you? Now if you’re going and doing it and still not trusting the Lord what good is that to you? Well say it’s like coming out and saying, Well, you gotta marry that girl. You love her? No, I don’t love her. Well, I want you to marry well, okay, I’ll go marry that will be obedient to Dad. So I’m gonna create a love for you in your heart, then you’re gonna want to marry her. God didn’t care anything about legalistic obedience. He wants a heart that has been molded into a realization that God is bigger than you and me. Bigger, you can trust him and rely upon him. He loves you. He cares for you. He’s the one who said cast your cares upon me how come? Because I love you. That’s why not Oh, okay. I’ll cast my cares on you. Thoroughly mon baggot stuff. I’ll be obedient to God. how come he obeyed God? Well he believed him, he is bigger him. And even though he didn’t know where he is going, boy I relate to that one. You don’t always have to know where you’re going. Do you folks? That’s how God works with us. He gives us a little light and says Bob walk through it. But I don’t know where I’m going, Lord. Well, you probably wouldn’t know if you knew
By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country. That’s what we are. For the Bible says we are we’re foreigners in an alien land, who’ve made or pitched our tents here. We lived in tents, as does Isaac and Jacob, who were their heirs with him with the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundation whose architects and builders God, not man. They realize their citizenship, as Jesus tells us is where? It’s in heaven. That’s why it calls us ambassadors here on this earth is because we don’t belong here. This is not our home, this is just, we’re sojourning here. This is just a little vacation land that we’re having here. Our home is in heaven. That’s what Abraham saw. By faith even though he was past age, Sara herself was barren, was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who made the promise. That’s faith. And so from this one man, and he was as good as dead came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand of the seashore. And Abraham became the father of Isaac, and Ishmael. All of these people were still living by faith when they died. They didn’t receive the things that promised. In other words, they never saw the Messiah. They only saw and welcomed him from a distance.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”