Radio Broadcast Monday 06/19/2023

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P58 (06-19-23)

Are You Heeding The Warnings of The Holy Spirit, Especially in These Last Days?

~ If you are in Christ and Christ is in you, we are told that we have the Holy Spirit alive living in us. We are also told that the Holy Spirit is our guide and our teacher of truth, all Truth. The Holy Spirit also warns us of the things to come and reminds us of the teaching of Jesus. The Holy Spirit has issued many warnings for today. Have you heard His warnings? And if you are not in Christ, then Christ is not in you, but he is calling you to himself. Have you heard his calling today? If so, respond to him and listen to the Spirit of God, for he is the Spirit of all Truth. For the time is short.

~ “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” John 16:13

Go to the High Ground!

~ “And so we come to Christ, and we’re born again, the Spirit of God comes to live inside of us, literally. And the Spirit of God, when He comes to live within us, we’re told we literally have the mind of Christ living in us. We talked about that last week. How the mind of Christ lives inside of you and me. How the Spirit of God lives inside of me. And he said, I came to guide your paths to direct you, I came to give you information I came to guide you in all truth. I came to take the things of the Lord Jesus and make them known to you. And so you say, well, here’s a voice, in essence, a person living inside of me and he has a voice. And he’s speaking to me. We’re told he speaks to us. And we say, why don’t I here? Why don’t I hear all this? Why am I not hearing? I’m always hearing, because I don’t have any trouble at all hearing the flesh, do you? Not my flesh, but yours. Don’t have any trouble at all here and that. And I gave the illustration about how over in Indonesia and in those parts of the world, this tsunami that took place and and how every animal over there escaped, not one animal was killed in that huge event that took place. Over 200 and some thousand people, people killed. Not one animal not a rabbit, not a frog, not an elephant, or a horse or a dog. They all headed toward the Highland. Why? Instinct. Who gave them instinct? God. Jim told me, which was amazing story, Jim have used it since you told me, your son, right? Or Mary’s son, was a missionary over that part of the world. He was out on the beach that day. And he said when that thing came in, all of the water went out as it did and everyone ran out to see what was going on. And as a born again, believer, God said to him, head to the high ground. And he headed to the high ground and watched those people all drown. Why? God told him. Who else was God telling? We don’t know. We know he listened. I don’t know if there’s other born again people there who didn’t listen. Well, whether the ones who did but the ones who did are alive and the ones who didn’t are dead. Instinct to the animal kingdom. Strong is can be. Fish go back and spawn. The swallows come back to Capistrano every year at the same time. And how in the world do we think that God could give instinct to the animal kingdom with a stronger voice than what he gives us when He gives us His Holy Spirit?

And so I have to say there’s nothing wrong with God and your voice. There’s got to be something wrong with me. There’s got to be something wrong that’s keeping me many times from listening intently to this voice of God that lives within me because he’s there, and we know he’s there. I know indwelling sin has something to do with that the fact that our flesh is indwelt by indwelling sin that sometimes keeps us from listening to the truth of the Word of God. But guys, one way that we’re going to know what God is saying, and whether it’s God, or whether it’s flesh is by this word, that we have the privilege of studying. Because the Spirit of God is never going to be leading you contrary to the teaching of the Word of God, that’s not going to happen. And that’s why it is so vitally important for you and for me to study the Word of God, but not just to study the Word of God, but to do so with an attitude, that God if your spirit that lives in me does not reveal the meaning of this to me, I’m not going to know what it means. Why? Because the Bible says, No, eye have seen, no ear has heard, nor mind is conceived of those things that God has prepared for those who love Him. But it must be revealed by the Spirit. It must be revealed by the Spirit. The Spirit of God must reveal what the Bible means.” ~ Bob George

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Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the gospel of John. Available for download the complete series on the Book of John. Realize why Christ, Himself, is REAL LIFE and how He personally offers hope in daily living that you may:


  • Discover an abundant and meaningful life as a Christian.
  • Overcome fear with His assurance that you have His eternal life.
  • Experience joy during adversity.
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  • Experience freedom as you walk by faith in His love and acceptance. 


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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.

Bob George 0:29
And we have to understand the truth of that, that you do not come to Christ to get forgiveness you come to Christ because you’ve already got forgiveness, but that forgiveness that was provided is only received in his resurrection. It would be like my saying to Richard, Richard, I put a billion dollars in your bank. And I’ve also provided a replenishing deal that every time you spend it it just keep I just keep putting it back in. Says thank you, Bob. where’s the where’s that money? Well, it’s in the First National Bank of little L. I like it bank like Bank One. Well, I’m All right, it isn’t in bank one. It’s in the bank and little L. I don’t I can’t stand that. I like other banks. Well, Richard until you go to the bank, in little L, you’re not gonna get your money. I’m not going. So what will he do? Die in poverty. Why? Because the money isn’t there? No, because he doesn’t go there doesn’t like it. Same thing. I like Jesus. I like Buddha. I like religion. Don’t get me a relationship. Don’t tell me about these banks, where money is I just liked I liked the whole idea of banking institution. And there’s millions of people in that boat. But folks I want to tell you, there’s only one way that you and I are ever going to be made alive spiritually. And you know that and so do I. And that is when you and I accept the fact that first of all, we were and are sinners. But by the grace of God, Jesus went to a cross 2000 years ago. And we’re told that there He who knew no sin became sin for you and me. So that in his resurrected life, we could become the righteousness of God. I do not have any righteousness on my own. I’m only clothed in his. But I do stand clothed in his not because I deserve it, not because I earn it, not because I even act like it. But because that’s what he made me. And that’s what he made you. He made you children are living God. He gave you a new identity. We love to put labels on our true identity. So we call ourselves Baptists and Presbyterians and Methodists and Catholics and all that type, that’s a label on a on a jar. The issue isn’t what’s not on the label, what’s in the jar, that’s what counts not what’s on the label, but what’s in the jar.

And so we come to Christ, and we’re born again, the Spirit of God comes to live inside of us, literally. And the Spirit of God, when He comes to live within us, we’re told we literally have the mind of Christ living in us. We talked about that last week. How the mind of Christ lives inside of you and me. How the Spirit of God lives inside of me. And he said, I came to guide your paths to direct you, I came to give you information I came to guide you in all truth. I came to take the things of the Lord Jesus and make them known to you. And so you say, well, here’s a voice, in essence, a person living inside of me and he has a voice. And he’s speaking to me. We’re told he speaks to us. And we say, why don’t I here? Why don’t I hear all this? Why am I not hearing? I’m always hearing, because I don’t have any trouble at all hearing the flesh, do you? Not my flesh, but yours. Don’t have any trouble at all here and that. And I gave the illustration about how over in Indonesia and in those parts of the world, this tsunami that took place and and how every animal over there escaped, not one animal was killed in that huge event that took place. Over 200 and some thousand people, people killed. Not one animal not a rabbit, not a frog, not an elephant, or a horse or a dog. They all headed toward the Highland. Why? Instinct. Who gave them instinct? God. Jim told me, which was amazing story, Jim have used it since you told me, your son, right? Or Mary’s son, was a missionary over that part of the world. He was out on the beach that day. And he said when that thing came in, all of the water went out as it did and everyone ran out to see what was going on. And as a born again, believer, God said to him, head to the high ground. And he headed to the high ground and watched those people all drown. Why? God told him. Who else was God telling? We don’t know. We know he listened. I don’t know if there’s other born again people there who didn’t listen. Well, whether the ones who did but the ones who did are alive and the ones who didn’t are dead. Instinct to the animal kingdom. Strong is can be. Fish go back and spawn. The swallows come back to Capistrano every year at the same time. And how in the world do we think that God could give instinct to the animal kingdom with a stronger voice than what he gives us when He gives us His Holy Spirit?

And so I have to say there’s nothing wrong with God and your voice. There’s got to be something wrong with me. There’s got to be something wrong that’s keeping me many times from listening intently to this voice of God that lives within me because he’s there, and we know he’s there. I know indwelling sin has something to do with that the fact that our flesh is indwelt by indwelling sin that sometimes keeps us from listening to the truth of the Word of God. But guys, one way that we’re going to know what God is saying, and whether it’s God, or whether it’s flesh is by this word, that we have the privilege of studying. Because the Spirit of God is never going to be leading you contrary to the teaching of the Word of God, that’s not going to happen. And that’s why it is so vitally important for you and for me to study the Word of God, but not just to study the Word of God, but to do so with an attitude, that God if your spirit that lives in me does not reveal the meaning of this to me, I’m not going to know what it means. Why? Because the Bible says, No, eye have seen, no ear has heard, nor mind is conceived of those things that God has prepared for those who love Him. But it must be revealed by the Spirit. It must be revealed by the Spirit. The Spirit of God must reveal what the Bible means.

Why do we have so many denominations in his world today? Why do we have one group over here believes this another group of believes this another group of believers says another group of believes this all over the place? Don’t we? I’ll tell you why. It’s because of leaning on your own understanding. Instead of acknowledging him and allowing him to direct your path and to reveal the meaning of the word of God, we lean on our own understanding. That’s why you have people adding to the things of the Bible. Is there anything in the Bible about baby baptism? Anything in there know where to come from? Somebody says, what happens to a baby, if they die before they heard. No, no, we better do something to prepare them. What are we gonna do? Let’s dunk them with some water. Baptize them, maybe that’ll preserve them. And so what do you have? Baby baptism. is it biblical? What is biblical? I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t know what happens to a baby who hasn’t heard. But one thing I do know is that decision goes into the hands of a God who is perfectly love. And perfectly just, and I cannot believe he will not make the right decision concerning that baby. That’s what I do know. I don’t need to dunk them or sprinkle them. I’ll trust God with them. You understand that? Anything the Scripture about slaying people in the Spirit? The Spirit came to give you a life not to knock you over. I mean, did Jesus walk around blowing people, knocking people over who maybe had bad breath but it doesn’t happen. It’s not there. So why do people do it? You got me. Come up and lean on your own understanding, come up with some harebrained idea about knocking people over and go knock people over and say God Pentecost all over again. That’s why you got different denominations. Leaning on your own understanding, leaning on your own understanding in regard to what does the Bible mean instead of trusting the Spirit of God who lives in you to reveal what it means. And so guys, we are so privileged as people, because we can know that one thing that I can know when I do hear the voice of God is I’ve got a plumb line in my life as to whether this could be of God or whether it isn’t because of its of God, it’s going to be not contrary to the scripture. That I do know. And so we can start trusting that because I quite frankly believe that one of the reasons that we don’t trust the Spirit of God, that voice you know, you almost wish you were an animal so you could go with instinct because they for some reason listen to that voice. And I want to hear that voice and I want to I want to act upon it. There’s many many times in our lives that God tells us something. You’ll have situations where animals were someone’s getting ready to die and animals will be out there howling they know something’s gonna happen. I don’t understand all that. But I can observe it. So as with you’re dealing with a Spirit of God living in us, we we do have a plumb line. But there are many times God speaks to us as an example to go to the high land said, I’m not gonna find it in the Bible. That’s how he guides us as we’re walking through this life. How many times have we ever thought I’m gonna pick up the phone and call somebody? And you do, and they say, how do you know I need to talk to you? And how many times have we not called? And so what I’m, what is on my heart right now is the fact that if I’m indwelt, which indeed I am, and you are too, if you’re a born again, believer, if you’re in dwelled for the Spirit of God, then you’ve got someone living inside of you, who promises to guide you into how much truth? All of it, all of it. And again, why don’t we trust this? Well, many times, we just don’t trust it. It’s kind of supernatural. And you know, I’m more familiar with a natural, but it’s a supernatural way of living, to be guided by a spirit by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, that’s supernatural way of living. But isn’t that what God came to do is to give us a supernatural. And so he says, Guys, do not lean on your own understanding. acknowledge me in all your ways, and I will guide and I will direct your paths. Your son is alive because of that anymore. Is that true or not? He’s alive because of that. There’s no other no other explanation for that. How in the world did he know to get up in the hills? Except God told him to go, and he was smart enough intelligent or dependent enough to go. And so folks, we have to realize that God is interested in your day to day activities. We live in this world we’re told we’re going to have tribulation. That way. If you didn’t believe the Bible for any other verse, believe it for that one. In this world, you are going to have tribulation, but he said Fear not, I have overcome the world. So it’s not if we’re going to have tribulation, it’s just when.

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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.

Bob George 13:42
One of the hard things of being a pastor, it’s great when we’re here, but it’s hard with the people that you love the depths of your heart, leave, and go to be with the Lord, it’s not hard because I know where they are, but you miss them. And we’ve got Paula here today, and I thank God for you, Paula and your family. I thank God for the strength that I’ve seen in your lives to the death of Paul, because you’ve been an example to us, of trusting the Lord in the midst of that type of thing. And we really do I praise the Lord for you. It’s not easy. I’ve said to people and Paula mentioned that the other day what I’d said came true. And if you’re married, and unless you get into some kind of an accident where both of you are killed at the same time one of you are going to be looking at your mate in a coffin someday. And the issue Are you prepared? Are we prepared for that event to take place? If you have parents, one of these days, you’re probably going to be looking at your parent in a casket someday. And even worse than that, if you’re a parent you may be looking at one of your kids. In this world, you got tribulation, it’s part of life, we’re born to die. That’s a part of life. It’s got to be so there’s no one that has escape that. And the issue, are you prepared for death? Because if you’re not prepared for death, you’re not prepared for life. Because one of these days, we’re gonna have to face what’s going to happen to me when I go, is it all over? Well, if it is, eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow, you may die. I mean, just go have a ball, if that’s the way it is, because there’s no afterlife. But if there is an afterlife, which God says, there’s an afterlife, and Jesus who was God said, there’s an afterlife, and I’m gonna go with him. And if there’s an afterlife, just as there is darkness, you have to have light. If there’s an up you have to have down, if there’s a heaven, there must be a hell. And that means that there’s two places that we’re gonna live, two places, potentially. One is eternally separated from God. And don’t ask me to explain all of that. If we’re spirit, I don’t know how spirit burns. So I don’t know anything about that. All I do know is separated from God. Or you’re gonna live eternally in the presence of God, which one do you want to live in? And there’s our choices, do what do I want to take a chance on the fact that if indeed, there is a place called hell do I want to take a chance on going there? Now some people say, yeah, that’s where I want to go. That’s where all my friends are. And got a lot of that. But the issue is, guys think about it to go into the glory of God. That’s the thing that brings peace to the heart when you lose a loved one where it says, oh, Death, where is your sting? Is the fact that you know where they are. I know where Paul so do you. He’s in the presence of Jesus. He’s up there having a ball. We’re the sad ones. If anyone’s to be pitied, it’s us, not him. He’s having a ball up there. In the presence of Jesus, never to see sin again, never to see death again. Never to have disease, never to have crippled, none of that type of all of it gone. And to live eternally in the presence of God. That’s a pretty good deal to me. That’s a pretty good deal to me. You say Well, yeah, but I’m going to miss out on all this fun down here. What kind of fun? Yeah, what kind of fun we’re going to miss out on? New Year’s Eve? Where we sit around a little deal twin or no saying get drunk out of our minds? There was a hangover the next day. You can’t even think, oh, that’s fun. I don’t know about you guys. I do know about you. Because we’re all alike. I’ve never had so much fun in my life was when I became a Christian. Because I don’t have to hang around with all the people that I used to hang around with trying to conjure up fun. It’s just fun to be alive. It’s just fun to be in Christ. It’s fun to be around believers. The group that I was with in Baton Rouge, that group of men, some of them were having a little bit too much fun, but they were having fun. It’s fun to be around each other. Don’t have to have your head full of booze and all that stuff, just fun being around each other. So when I came to Christ, and well, I’m gonna have to give up stuff. Yeah, you’re gonna have to give up hangovers. Give up arguments with your wife. Give up all that good stuff.

Know folks, God provided for us a life of abundance. And he said that life of abundance is in Christ Jesus alone. And again, we’re not natural. We are not total until we have been joined to Christ Jesus any more than that light bulb is not total until it’s been plugged in to electricity. If that light bulb up there, it’s not plugged into electricity, you may as well have a potato hanging out of it for all the lights you’re gonna get out of it. Even though it’s a finely made instrument. It won’t function apart from electricity. If you drove your car in here today and you’re out of gas, it may be a $60,000 car but someone’s gonna have to push it in order for it to function because it won’t function. And it’s the same thing with man. We were made just as a car was made. function was gas in it, a light bulb with electricity in it, you and I were made by God to function with God living in you. And you take God out of the man, you got a man on your hands, but you can’t behave like one. Because God and the man is indispensable to the humanity of the man as God intended us to be made. It is only accomplished when we are complete in Christ, and we have Jesus living in us. And so this whole area of understanding becomes clear once you understand that it’s the Spirit of God living in you that’s going to make things clear to you. It allows you to see life from a totally different attitude, doesn’t it? You look at life totally different. As a born again, believer, that’s what sets you and me apart is not the way we act or the way we wear our hair, the way we wear dresses, and all that kind of nonsense. But it’s how we think, what kind of an attitude has God given to us because it tells us that our attitude should be like that of Christ Jesus. And folks, you function from your attitude, quite frankly, I think the attitude is where our heart is the attitude of our heart. It’s where we form policies. And I’ve known people that never form attitudes, they never form conclusions and never put their fors to anything, it just information. And that’s it. But you don’t say, wait a minute, how does that apply to me? What does that mean to me? How is that going to affect my life? That’s the heart. And when you’re lost, your heart is wicked, deceitful, above all things. And who can know it? When you become a new Christian, you get a new heart, I’ll put a new heart in you. And you have opportunities start forming different attitudes based upon truth that will set you free. And your whole life changes. It does when you know Christ, and doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. That doesn’t mean you never have problems. That doesn’t mean you may not cuss on the freeways some days. No, it doesn’t mean all that stuff. It means that you’re in the process of growing in grace, you’re in a process of learning, you’re a learner, you’re a learner, you’re a disciple, you’re learning from Christ every day of your life. And that’s the excitement. And he’s not through with any of us yet. Thank God. Especially, Bob, thank God for that. I praise Jesus for that every day. He’s not through with us. And that’s also good to know. So we don’t have to sit around beating ourselves to death when we fall on our face. As a little child, when he’s learning to walk, he falls down, you pick him up, you pat him on the fan and send him on his way again. And that’s what God does with us. He picks us up and starts us on our way again. We’re in a constant growth pattern. That’s the most exciting thing, I think on the face of this earth.

So guys, when you read passages like this, that the disciples didn’t understand, we understand that we’re in the process of understanding every day of our lives more and more about who Christ is and about His love and His mercy and His grace and His tenderness and his kindness to you and me. You say, Why would you want to reject that? In my life, I didn’t reject Jesus, I didn’t know anything about him, except a superficial, I was a half inch thick and quarter mile or five miles wide, very shallow. But when I came to know him, I began to deepen my understanding. And that’s a continual thing. But if you’re sitting here today, and you’ve never made that understanding, maybe it’s never hit before because it doesn’t hit everybody at the same time. You just never understood for sure maybe how dead dead is. And how much Jesus had to go through in order to take away your sins that caused death, to suffer and die on a cross, humiliated for us for you. And he would have done that if you had been the only person on the face of the earth in order to enter into your spiritual death with you so that you could enter into His spiritual life with him. And if that has not been an awareness in your life, whether sitting in this room or in the sound of my voice through the internet, make this a day of decision in your life. Am I going to continue just going through the motions? Am I ready today to become a new creature? We’re tired of playing church, trying of playing Christian and I’m ready for some reality. I’m ready for a reality in my life. For something that I know what I know what I know. And something that I can truly count on, and one that I can count on for the rest of my life. So when my turn comes, and we never know we got a time to be born, the time to die, we don’t know when that is. But when that time comes, that I can go into the face of Jesus saying, Lord, I come into Your presence with nothing that I’ve done, but everything that you’ve done. And I thank you for your grace. Are you ready for that? And if you’re not, and if you’re not sure 100% that when you leave this body, that you will go immediately into the presence of God, and see Him as He is and become like him. You can settle that issue this very day. It’s an act of your will. It’s sitting there and being able to say, Lord Jesus in the event that I have not fully understood this truth, and in the event that I have not as yet fully accepted you for your life in me, and thank you for your death for me. Today, I want to do that. today. I want to become a child of God. If that occurs, if you got a Bible, write it in your Bible today. I became a child of God, because Satan will always be attacking you to try to convince you that you didn’t. And you can just tell him to get lost. And today, I became a child of God.

Announcer 27:16
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.

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Jesus Came to Save Sinners

Listen to the Salvation message today!

Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.

Let’s pray together:

  • Lord Jesus,
  • I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
  • never ever to see them again.
  • Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
  • through your resurrection.
  • I now receive that life.
  • And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
  • In Jesus Holy name I pray.
  • Amen

All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.

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A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love


Jesus is God and The Word of God

Born Free

John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

A Closer Look at the Reality of the Resurrection

A Closer Look_at The Finality of The Cross

A Closer Look at the Word of GodA Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love

Born Free

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