Classic Christianity – The Book of John P61 (06-26-23)
The Same Sun That Melts Wax Also Hardens Clay
~ Most people in the world today have hardened their hearts to the word of God. They don’t want to hear the truth, because they are very comfortable believing the lies of Satan. And make no mistake about it, the lies of Satan are everywhere, more so than most people realize. We have all been brainwashed by the lies of the world. The heart of man for the most part is being hardened by the word of God, because it is falling on an already hardened piece of clay. Most dismiss what the word of God says, and lean on their own understanding of ALL things in the world. They don’t trust what the word of God says. Instead they run to false teachers and false prophets to determine what the word of God means, and also follow science liars instead of trusting in the Holy Spirit to show them ALL truth and explain what the word of God means in All things, including the things of the world. So today, do not harden your heart and instead allow the Holy Spirit to teach you truth. When you hear something from the word of God, submit to God and ask God to explain to you what it means. Do not lean on your own understanding of things, for we have been taught many many lies in the world, and the Holy Spirit needs to renew our minds on Truth, ALL Truth.
~ “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5,6
Do NOT Harden Your Heart Today to The Word of God!
~ “Folks, the same sun that melts wax also hardens clay. It’s not the fault of the clay or the wax. It’s not the fault of the sun. It depends on what it falls on. The message of Christ Jesus and salvation by grace alone, that message either it’s either going to melt your heart, or it’s going to harden your heart, it’s going to do one of the two, it cannot do anything but. The more you hear it, and the more you resist, the harder your heart becomes. But when that message comes on a piece of wax, and it melts that old hard heart, that’s when you’re going to be born again. You can’t see. Why? Because you don’t want to see. I can take you out to one of the most phenomenal sites in the world. Huge in scope called the Grand Canyon. How many of you ever been to the Grand Canyon? How many you think I could take you there and you wouldn’t see it? I’ll tell you how. Turn your back on it. That’s all you have to do. Turn your back on and you’ll never see the Grand Canyon. Your eyes are blinded. Your hearts are dead. Why? You don’t want to hear. You think I’m gonna have to give up something. Yeah, you’re gonna have to give up hangovers, disappointments, misery, all kinds of good stuff, in order to have the joy of the Lord, as Christ Jesus. Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus glory and he spoke about him. Yet at the same time, many, even among the leaders believed in him. So you’ve got one group over there that says, I’ve seen the miracles, and all of this. And then you got another group. It says, I believe like Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and Lord, you know, what is this? And God, Jesus said, You got to be born again. His response is probably very much like yours or mine. If you’re kind of a wise guy when he means you got to be born again and expect me to climb back in the womb, my mother be born again, thinking physically. He said, No, Nicodemus, unless you’re born in the water naturally, and born of the Spirit, spiritually, you’ll never see the kingdom of God. There’s two births that have to take place one natural, and the other spiritual. And I believe without question, Nicodemus was a silent believer. But I think he was a believer. And so the same thing was true there that even among the leaders of the Hebrews, many of them believed in him. But because again of the Pharisees, they would not confess their faith for fear that he would be put out of the synagogue. For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. How many of us are in that boat, where we love the praise of men more than the praise of God? And you know what, folks, the praise of men is very shallow. And the acceptance of men is very shallow. You can see total acceptance one day and total rejection the next. And the only unconditional acceptance that you and I will ever experience in our life is the unconditional love of God. Probably the closest thing we’ll come to it here on the earth as we have a dog and you’ll kind of get a glimpse of unconditional love. They love the praise of men more than the praise of God.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
I was teaching a Sunday school class one time of some youth, young people and one of the kids in there was saying, I just don’t understand how anybody could be so full of agony and everything that they would sweat as it were a great drops of blood? And a little girl asked that question, oh, teenager, I said, let me let me ask you a question. I said, Do you think that if you were sentenced to die, I’m saying the electric chair with an injection of some kind, do you think you’d sweat as it were great drops of blood? Said no, there’s there’s been lesser men then Jesus that have gone to their death and never done that. I said, let me ask you another question. What have you had to go out tomorrow and you knew that you were going to go out in a bar and be in a field and stripped of all your clothes and be molested and raped by 200 or 300 guys? You think you could sweat great drops of blood? Yeah, yeah. See that’s what Jesus did, it wasn’t death that bothered Jesus. It was taking upon himself all of the vile sin of the entire world, all of the things that you and I have ever done or thought in our lives, and one of us alone would be enough to put Him to a cross and take all of that upon himself. And that’s what he was agonizing over. But he said, should I say, save me from this hour? No, God saved me. He couldn’t save you. Because our salvation is tied up only in one man, and that’s Christ Jesus. So if God saved him, we wouldn’t be saved today. But it’s for this very hour. The reason I came to this hour is to bring salvation for mankind. So Father, glorify Your name, make, make this plan now known.
You see a plan proclaimed is proclaimed, but a plan that is proclaimed and then demonstrated, you’ve made the plan known, haven’t you? And so it’s a kind of putting the action into the words. It says, a voice from heaven came out and said, I have glorified it. I’ve glorified my name, and I’ll glorify it again. And the crowd was there and heard it said and heard it said it had thundered. Others said an angel had spoken to him. And Jesus said, this voice was for your benefit, not mine. I didn’t, I didn’t need to hear that you did. But now is the time for judgment on this world. Now the prince of the world will be driven out. Now guys, you’re dealing with the prince of the world. And who is that? That’s Jesus, no wait. I’ve heard that of Satan. But it’s Jesus who was driven out of the world? Who was driven out of here?Jesus, right. If you can mark these Isaiah 9:6 are Acts 5:31. You will see that Jesus is identified as the prince.
And so it says now’s the time for judgment on this world. I believe that ought to be a period. Now the prince of this world will be driven out but I don’t think that should be a period but a comma. And again, guys, let me tell you, there is nothing in Aaron about punctuation in the Bible, the Greek language and it was written and had no periods it had no nothing. It just constant words, we put the periods and the commas in, not the writers of the New Testament. So the prince of this world will be driven out, now of Jesus, who was driven out of this world? What is the condition? Who is the church today? Come on guys. Who’s the church today? Born again believers, are we together, the Spirit of God came to live within you and then baptized or placed you into the body of Christ, right. That’s the church is the body of Jesus, it isn’t our body, it’s his body. Now that church is in mystery form. Where’s our King? This is the kingdom. Where’s our king? He’s in exile. How come he was driven out who drove him who drove him out? He came into his own his own received Him not, but to as many as received him to what? He gave the right to become a child of God. We crucified him. That’s why he’s saying that the prince of this world would be driven out. But I, when I’m lifted up from the earth, we’ll draw all men to myself. So I’m going to be, I’m going to die. But I’m going to be raised. I’m in this world, I’m going to be killed by the people of this world, but I’m going to be raised and when I am lifted up, I will draw all men unto myself. And so it says, We elevate the resurrected Christ, is where we draw all men unto Christ. Not just He died for us, but that he was raised for us, he’d be lifted up, that’s resurrection guys. The dynamic of the Christian life is the resurrection. That’s why Paul said without the resurrection were to be pitied of all people, and are still in our sins knowing full well that a cross had occurred.
He said this to show the kind of death he was gonna die. The crowd spoke up. We’ve heard from the law that the Christ will remain forever. And you’re claiming to be the Christ, and you’re but you’re claiming you’re gonna die. So how can you say The Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man, still not understanding. And Jesus told them, you’re gonna have the light just a little longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. The man who walks in the dark, does not know where he’s going. Put your trust in the light, while you have it. So that you may become sons of light, sons of the living God, representatives of the light of the world, Christ Jesus. And when he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.
John 12:37, even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in Him. This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet, we’re gonna go to that in a moment. Now, folks, is that amazing or not? And you know, guys, we have that today. You can have people. And every person that is sitting in this world, in this world in this room today, who has been born again of the Spirit has a testimony, don’t you? And what is your testimony? Your testimony is that you went through life for so many years. And you were lost, bouncing prayers off the ceiling. nothing made sense. Had no meaning had no purpose to life, just existing. And one day, somebody came and told me about Jesus. And I put my faith in what I was told, I put my faith in the fact that God said I was a sinner. And God also said that Jesus came to die for the forgiveness of that sin. And I believed that, and I put my faith in that. He said, I was dead spiritually. And Jesus was raised from the dead in order to raise me from the dead spiritually. And I understood that and I, I believe that. I put my faith in that. And I was born again, something happened. All of a sudden, my mind was different. I started thinking differently, my attitudes toward things were totally different. Everything began to change. And I’ve, although they may not became perfect overnight, it just meant that everything was new. The way I thought, my attitudes toward life were totally changed. And there’s no explanation for it. One moment, I was in the bar with my buddies, and the next day, I had no business in a bar with my buddies. Nobody told me not to go I just didn’t belong there anymore. One day is the last person your language is that of the last person came to Christ your language started clear, that doesn’t mean you can’t slip when someone pulls in front of you on the freeway. But your language cleared up. I used to want to go to the bars now want to go home? My life changed. Now how do you explain that guys? All of a sudden you have some kind of a psychological thing, there isn’t anything psychological about it to me. All I did was pray a prayer to the God that I could have prayed at any time in my life, to come into my heart and to make me into the kind of person that he wanted me to be. And if Jesus was not alive, that would not have occurred.
I say to people sometimes what do you have to lose? If Jesus isn’t there? If this is a big farce that I’m telling you about the worst thing that’s gonna happen to us, you’re gonna pray to air. Now, just how big of a deal is that a friend air? But on the other hand, if Jesus is true, and Jesus is alive, your whole life is gonna change. And when you die, you’re gonna go to heaven according to the Word of God, what kind of a gamble is that? Guys, you gotta be a net wit, not to understand it. It’s either praying to air getting saved. If Christ Jesus is who he claimed to be, God, and He said to you and me that you’re lost, then brother, I’m lost if he’s God. If he isn’t God, who cares and I’m lost? But do you realize that not only is the testimony about Jesus as the what he came in claiming himself to be God, that if that’s not true, then he was either an impostor or a liar, or a maniac. Or he was God. Because any man claiming himself to be God is either a Zulu, or he’s an impostor, or he’s God. And every one of those apostles that got Paul flogged, he got flogged so many times, it’s unbelievable, only taken one for me, got flogged, died, everyone of them a martyr’s death, Peter hung upside down. Now, they don’t do that for a lie, folks, you don’t do that for a little game, you’re playing with people. They did it because they knew that Christ was raised from the dead and that he was alive living in them. And on the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to live and indwell believers, that was an experience that they cannot deny. So to deny that is to call all of them liars, to call Jesus a liar, to call all of the apostles a liar, and folks to call every single person for 2000 and some years who have claimed to be born again to the spirit, including you in this room are a bunch of pack of liars. Or else you’re deceived, you got a mental problem, or else you’ve had an encounter with Christ Jesus, you’re gonna have to make your choice about me and you, I’m either a mental problem, and that probably could be a little bit easy to look into, or total imposter. Or you’ve had an encounter with Christ. And my life changed. To go from a businessman who didn’t care about anything, to have business to go to somebody, could of cared less about business, and I want to do is tell people about Jesus. That’s a miracle. That wasn’t me. It was not you. So but after you’ve done all of these miraculous signs, they still would not believe in him. That’s amazing in that they still wouldn’t leave any. But Isaiah, the prophet wrote about that he said, Lord, who is believed our message, and to whom is the arm of the Lord been revealed? For this reason, they could not believe because as Isaiah says, elsewhere, He’s blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so that they can never see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn, and I would heal them.
Folks, the same sun that melts wax also hardens clay. It’s not the fault of the clay or the wax. It’s not the fault of the sun. It depends on what it falls on. The message of Christ Jesus and salvation by grace alone, that message either it’s either going to melt your heart, or it’s going to harden your heart, it’s going to do one of the two, it cannot do anything but. The more you hear it, and the more you resist, the harder your heart becomes. But when that message comes on a piece of wax, and it melts that old hard heart, that’s when you’re going to be born again. You can’t see. Why? Because you don’t want to see. I can take you out to one of the most phenomenal sites in the world. Huge in scope called the Grand Canyon. How many of you ever been to the Grand Canyon? How many you think I could take you there and you wouldn’t see it? I’ll tell you how. Turn your back on it. That’s all you have to do. Turn your back on and you’ll never see the Grand Canyon. Your eyes are blinded. Your hearts are dead. Why? You don’t want to hear. You think I’m gonna have to give up something. Yeah, you’re gonna have to give up hangovers, disappointments, misery, all kinds of good stuff, in order to have the joy of the Lord, as Christ Jesus. Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus glory and he spoke about him. Yet at the same time, many, even among the leaders believed in him. So you’ve got one group over there that says, I’ve seen the miracles, and all of this. And then you got another group. It says, I believe like Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and Lord, you know, what is this? And God, Jesus said, You got to be born again. His response is probably very much like yours or mine. If you’re kind of a wise guy when he means you got to be born again and expect me to climb back in the womb, my mother be born again, thinking physically. He said, No, Nicodemus, unless you’re born in the water naturally, and born of the Spirit, spiritually, you’ll never see the kingdom of God. There’s two births that have to take place one natural, and the other spiritual. And I believe without question, Nicodemus was a silent believer. But I think he was a believer. And so the same thing was true there that even among the leaders of the Hebrews, many of them believed in him. But because again of the Pharisees, they would not confess their faith for fear that he would be put out of the synagogue. For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. How many of us are in that boat, where we love the praise of men more than the praise of God? And you know what, folks, the praise of men is very shallow. And the acceptance of men is very shallow. You can see total acceptance one day and total rejection the next. And the only unconditional acceptance that you and I will ever experience in our life is the unconditional love of God. Probably the closest thing we’ll come to it here on the earth as we have a dog and you’ll kind of get a glimpse of unconditional love. They love the praise of men more than the praise of God.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 17:13
I can remember after I came to Christ, and I was in my own business at that time, I had worked prior to that time for a large wholesale distributorship in Los Angeles. The owner of that was a guy named Bernie Susanne, a Jewish fella. And it was a huge distributorship. And I was sales manager of the floorcovering aspect of it. And Bernie was a tough guy to try to get to know very, very cold and, and everything wasn’t very well liked among employees, but he paid us well. And, but I can, I can remember that, I used to think he was about the dumbest thing in the world, because if he just let me run this thing, I could do a lot better. And so I got an opportunity later on to go into bone business, where I’d now was the president of the business. And I found out Bernie wasn’t as dumb as I thought he was, which happens doesn’t it? You find out that there’s a lot of decisions to make, except just going out and selling. But while I was with Bernie, he distributed appliances, all kinds of things, and they had a storeroom down in the basement where they kept a lot of different things and, and there was a promotion that was taking place where they were giving away these new Teflon pots and pans to anyone who would buy a certain amount of appliances. And I was down there at one time, and that store room getting some samples or something. And I saw these, these giveaways, they weren’t costing anybody. They were giveaways, of pots and pans. So I took them. I think the word is stolen, but it sounds very sad. I took them and I took those pots and pans. And so here I am now probably a year later, got my own business now now president of my own company, and became a Christian. And one day I was praying, Lord, anything you want me to do, I will do. And the Lord as clear as a bell said, Go tell Bernie about those pots and pans. And I said, Lord, is there anything else that you’d like for me to do? I fought that for six solid months and I’m not kidding you. Every time I tried to pray it was the Lord said Go tell Bernie about the pots and pans. And I was saying, Lord, you got to be kidding. I mean, if I had a stone a television, I’d much rather gone back and said I stole a television but not pots and pans. And he kept after me and kept after me. One day I called Bernie and said, Bernie, would you like to go to lunch? And sure, Bob, let’s go. He came over and picked me up in his big old Cadillac. We drove out and sat down have lunch. I never realized what a good conversationalist I was. I talk continually about everything except pots and pans. And I went on and on and on. And at the end of the lunch says, nice having lunch with you drove me back to the business. I still was sitting there sweating bullets, guys. And finally, I opened the door to get out of the car. And finally I shut it back. I said, Bernie, I got to tell you something. I said, since I was with you, I’ve come to know your Messiah is my Lord and Savior. And he’s totally changed my life. And I said, I gotta tell you, when I was with you remember those pots and pans deal, that promotion we had down there? He said, Yeah, I said, I took those, I stole those. And I want to give you a check for them. And Bernie said, Okay, told me how much to write the checkout for. And I said, Bernie, the only reason I said, I’ll tell you this, the most humbling thing I’ve ever had to do is to tell you something like that. But I said, I cannot leave this without telling you what I said, I want you to know I love you. And I want you to know that my savior is your Messiah. And the deepest desire in my heart would be for you to come to know him. And he sat there and looked at me and looked at me and looked at me, I gave him information. And I don’t know where Bernie is today. But I pray that somewhere the seed was sown that day in his heart, that maybe when I die, I’ll see Him in heaven. But that’s just the way God changes you. Like I say, I’d rather said I stole a television set, but not pots and pans. But now was got interested in pots and pans. Do you think Bernie missed those pots and pans? What was God interested in my life? My pride. He was interested in seeing if I would swallow my pride. And to have more concern as to what God thought of me than what Bernie thought of me. And that’s what caused it. I told that story to a guy in Louisville, Kentucky one time if you need to tell the truth, and God had set you free. You said I told the truth of God five years. I’m not telling you what to do.
But guys, there’s really something to this of loving the praise of man more than the praise of God. And I think as born again believers, we have to have some compassion to realize that a person out there that we work with or a neighbor of or anything else there, if they don’t know the Lord, they’re lost. They may be religious, but so was I. But they’re lost if you don’t know Jesus. And I’m not talking about knowing about Jesus, I know about Abraham Lincoln, and I know about George Bush, but I don’t know George Bush, I’ve never met him. You and I know about him for sure. But we never met him. I know a lot about President Reagan. And there are many. So we can know a lot about somebody but we never have known them personally, because we’ve never met them. And that’s the way it is with Jesus, we can hear the words about him I knew about him. But I didn’t know him personally. Until I heard those words of the Bible that said, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. And if any man hear my voice and opens the door, I will come into it. And the day I heard the knock of Jesus saying Bob, I want to come to live in your heart, and I opened up the door. Jesus came to live in my heart with the promise I will never ever leave you nor forsake you. If that isn’t a good deal, I don’t know what a good deal is. But Christ Jesus is alive. Some believe and some don’t. And what I’m asking today is if you are in that situation, and you’ve been considering, as a lot of people do. Well, you make today the final decision to say, Lord Jesus, if this is true, and I believe it is. And if you say that I am dead spiritually, and that’s why I’ve been bouncing prayers off the ceiling and that’s why I don’t really have any concern for you. And you came to give me life, and you are the resurrection and the life and whosoever believes in Him, though they are dead, yet shall he live and whosoever lives and believes in him will never die. And if that’s true, then I want you to come into my heart today and to be my Lord and Savior. I want to thank you for taking away my sins at the cross, never to see them again. And for your resurrected life to come to live in me. If you will do that today, you will be born again to the Spirit of God and begin with the greatest adventure that you’ve ever encountered in your life, you’ll know first of all, who you are. I went for 36 years of my life not knowing who I was. But today, I know who I am, I’m a child of God, redeemed by the blood of the lamb with eternal destiny, of being with Jesus eternally. Let’s pray together.
Father, if there’s anyone here and the sound of my voice, either via the Internet, radio, or in this room, and today, they want to make that final decision to say, Jesus, I’m ready for you to come to live within my heart. You can do so right now just where you’re sitting in a chair, at a table, in your living room, in your car, and to merely say, in the silence of your own heart, Lord Jesus, I really need you. And I thank you that you took away my sins at the Cross never to see them again. I now ask you to come to live within me, that your resurrected life comes to resurrect me and to give me new life in you. Now according to your promise, you have come to indwell me eternally. And I thank you for that.
For those of us that know Christ, we thank him every day of our lives, for the mercy that he extended to us in Christ Jesus, and for the love that he gave us, to pass on to others, so that the world may know that we are His disciples, by his love, by our love one toward another. We thank you for these things in Jesus name, and for his sake. Amen.
Announcer 27:16
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”