Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P27 (10-30-23)
The Cross of Jesus is the Dividing Line of Human History
~ The significance of Jesus and the cross cannot be overstated. For people miss the details as to what the cross actually did, and because of the teaching of lies by most pastors today, people don’t understand the old and new covenants. For they are still teaching the lie of ongoing forgiveness by God, as though there is more work required by God. They are spokespersons for Satan, the father of ALL lies, because they keep repeating the lie of Satan. People refuse to place faith in the word of God. Oh sure, they say they do, but when it really comes down to it, they are not very good at basic math. With most today, 1 + 1 does not equal 2. For if it did equal really equal 2 in their minds, then they would be shouting from the rooftops that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself and is no longer counting sins against people today. Instead, most people are making a mockery of the cross. It’s a public disgrace. They call God a liar. Everything is inverted today, including the very meaning of the words of God.
Jesus said it is Finished! Do you believe it?
~ that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:19
~ “Now it says after he provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. And that’s another thing that we need to understand that that was an act that had to be done on behalf of God for you and me. This was the time in history which later on in Hebrews will cover in more detail. But as we’ve talked about before, the cross was the dividing point of all human history. And it is at the cross where this New Covenant came into effect in which we live today. And we’re going to see that delineation in just a moment. But be even history recognizes that. It’s amazing to me how history recognize that to be realized. It’s amazing to me how we still have in our own calendars BC before Christ and AD Anno Domini the year of our Lord, it’s still amazing to me how that’s even recognized, isn’t it to you? And especially when you consider that the vast majority of the world is not so called Christian in nature. We think it is because we live in America. But when you take a look at the population of the world, we are not in the minority or the majority. And yet the calendars even recognize the BC before Christ. Now from God’s vantage point, I think it even delineates it’s further than just before Christ. We kind of have the idea before Christ before he was born don’t we? We kind of looked at the calendar in that fashion before he was born. But from God’s vantage point that b c is before the cross and then AD is I said that Italian word meaning after the cross and so if you’ll look at that before the cross and after the cross while you’ll understand how God divides history now we divide it a little differently than that but that’s how God divides it.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Well, let’s turn to the book of Hebrews. It’s a great day today is we’re having the opportunity to celebrate Memorial Day and Bob your birthday. Being alive that long is a memorial and we thank you. And to be able to be back with you, as Chuck said, we’ve been on kind of a whirlwind tour recently, traveling all across the country and meeting people. And as Chuck said, a great deal of encouragement as we run into people across the country. And we’ve known for two and three years and heard on the radio and talked to and then to see them still being faithful in their walk with the Lord. Not free of problems, but still faithful. I couldn’t help from thinking as Chuck was mentioning, of running into Ken there, and in Boise, Idaho, and remember very clearly his call that came in a couple of years ago. And his opening remark is, I’m about to pull the plug. And he was. To run around to go out in in Eugene, Oregon, and to see a guy that a couple of years ago had called in on the radio who was living out of his car, and to see today, employed, married, restored back to his marriage, and walking in the newness of life. Those are terrifically encouraging things, to see the faithfulness of God, because that’s all you can attribute to that because all we were privileged to do was to introduce him to that Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And that’s the beauty of the Christian life, folks, is the fact that when a person comes to a saving knowledge of Christ, and Christ comes to live within us, then that living Christ living in us has the ability to begin to renew our minds and to teach us and has the ability now to guide us into all truth. And that’s the beauty of that type of thing is we don’t have to be there hounding people to death. And we don’t have to be on the spot to do that. God will lead them to people who will minister to them, and also to the Word of God that will teach them truth that is setting them free. So it’s terrifically encouraging for us to, to go out and to be able to meet people from all over the country like that. And let it’s always good to get back home to believe me.
Well, let’s, again, let’s look at the book of Hebrews. I’m gonna pick up in verse five, chapter two. Before we do we’ve been, we’ve taken a little side trip here, as we talked about, we’ve been talking about signs wonders, very various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit that God distributed according to His will. And we spent a few weeks talking about that. And now I want to back back up again to the flow of the book of Hebrews. In the first chapter, as it starts out that in the past, God spoke to her forefathers through the prophets, and many times and in various ways, but and that’s the contrast in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son whom He has afforded appointed air of all things and through whom he made the universe. And the days passed before Christ, he spoke to our people, he spoke to his people in many different ways to your forefathers, in many ways. He spoke through prophets. He spoke through dreams, he spoke through visions, he spoke to people in many in many various ways. But it says in these last days, he has spoken to us through His Son. And therefore I believe that’s an important thing for us to continue to keep in mind because there are people who are still looking for God to speak to them through visions and dreams, and you have people who seen all kinds of things and, and so they assume this is from God, and so people are out worshipping their visions and their dreams. God today spoke to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. He isn’t speaking to us through dreams and visions, and all this type of thing. He’s speaking to us through His Son. And that contrast is there. I think it needs to be noted so that you and I will not be deceived. Every cult is in existence today came as a result of somebody thinking they saw a vision from God, every single cult started that way. And so we need to understand that when we are depending upon those type of things, we are literally depending upon nothing because there’s nothing to ground yourself in. It is Christ Jesus and His word that we have today to go by. And that is the wisdom of God. And so he goes ahead to say, then the Son, Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. He is the exact representation of his being sustaining all things by his powerful word. We’ve talked about before that you cannot separate the Word of God from Christ Himself, there is no delineation there. There is with us. In other words, many times, in fact, most of the time, what we literally say is not exactly a reflection of what’s going on inside is it. And that’s why we’ve talked about before you can go home and see your wife kind of in the pits and say, What’s wrong, honey, and every time the word comes back, what? Nothing. Exactly. And that is totally wrong. That is not truth. It’s just what we say. So what we say is very seldom a real reflection of what’s going on inside. Somebody comes along, says How you doing? I’m just doing fine, it just kind of a natural thing. You know, very few of us say I’m so glad you asked, let me tell you, and, and and if anyone does, you leave in a hurry. And so, and in the midst of that, I’d have probably said, glad to see you when in fact when they start that and say no, I’m not glad I saw you let me get out of here. So. But when God says something, it is a total reflection of who he is, there’s none of that contrast. That’s why it’s so difficult for us many times, to have the confidence in the Word of God that we do is because we equate it with us. And you can’t do that God is not us. And God is God. And he is a total reflection of his word is a total reflection of what’s going on inside.
Now it says after he provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. And that’s another thing that we need to understand that that was an act that had to be done on behalf of God for you and me. This was the time in history which later on in Hebrews will cover in more detail. But as we’ve talked about before, the cross was the dividing point of all human history. And it is at the cross where this New Covenant came into effect in which we live today. And we’re going to see that delineation in just a moment. But be even history recognizes that. It’s amazing to me how history recognize that to be realized. It’s amazing to me how we still have in our own calendars BC before Christ and AD Anno Domini the year of our Lord, it’s still amazing to me how that’s even recognized, isn’t it to you? And especially when you consider that the vast majority of the world is not so called Christian in nature. We think it is because we live in America. But when you take a look at the population of the world, we are not in the minority or the majority. And yet the calendars even recognize the BC before Christ. Now from God’s vantage point, I think it even delineates it’s further than just before Christ. We kind of have the idea before Christ before he was born don’t we? We kind of looked at the calendar in that fashion before he was born. But from God’s vantage point that b c is before the cross and then AD is I said that Italian word meaning after the cross and so if you’ll look at that before the cross and after the cross while you’ll understand how God divides history now we divide it a little differently than that but that’s how God divides it. And so before the cross you were. That’s closing prayer I’m getting out of here. That blew this day, would you.
Now, it was God’s way of saying this is true. This is true. Where was I? Before the piano. Yes. Okay. Okay, well at any rate before the interruption, so you’ve got it You have where God in the delineation of human history came. And the Old Covenant was, again the law. And now the New Covenant is where the grace of God was, was ushered in. So in times past, he spoke through the prophets, he spoke through various ways through various means through dreams, visions, but in these last days, he spoke through Jesus Christ, His Son. Now, the book of Hebrews will also say to you and tell you that in the case of a will, it’s impossible for a will to go into effect until the one who made it died. And that is exactly what is taking place, if you have a will, it will not go into effect until you die. But when you do, it will go into effect, and only the last one you wrote is what is applicable. Well, the same thing is true. So the New Covenant had to go into effect, and a person had to die before it could go into effect. Before a New Covenant, a new agreement between God and man could go into effect, the Old Covenant had to be fulfilled. Well, the only way that the Old Covenant could be fulfilled is through a perfect life. In other words, the law demands perfection. And that’s why under the law, you would see things and even Jesus teaching under the law, you would see things like Christ saying, be ye perfect. And we look at that and say, Lord, what, just how perfect do you mean? And he says, as perfect as God, and that’s all it will do. So if you’re going to live under the law, only perfection will do. The law, the is not in the righteous requirements of the law is not do better. The righteous requirements of the law is the wages of sin is death. And as Jesus said, If you have violated the least of these my commandments, you have violated all of them. And if you violate all of them, you’re in pretty pitiful shape, aren’t you? And that’s all of us. And that’s why it says, By the law, no one will ever be declared righteous through obedience to the law, because no one could ever live in obedience to the law. Now the legalist and and when you’re under legalism, the legalist. And the religionist, would say, well, we’re going to try, well, I’m sorry, trying isn’t enough. That’s like a person leaping over a huge golf, like we saw out in that part of the country. And it doesn’t make a difference, whether you miss the other side by two feet, or 100 feet, you’re going to hit bottom. So trying is not enough, you can try to jump across that and just be as sincere as a heart attack, and so doing, but you’re going to miss the other side. And when you do, you’re going to hit bottom. So sincerity doesn’t do it. And, and effort doesn’t do it. It is for by grace that we have been saved through faith and not that of ourselves, we can’t do it, we cannot, we could never in and of ourselves fulfill the righteous requirements of the law, that required a perfect life to be led from the time of birth till the time of death that would do. And so there was only one person who ever did that. And that’s the only person who had the life to do that. And that was Christ Jesus. When God created Adam, He created Adam, in perfect righteousness, and He created him as a created being alive bodily, soullessly, and spiritually. And until the fall, Adam walked in a totally dependent relationship upon his father totally alive in all aspects. But on the day that he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, literally saying to God, I don’t need you any longer to determine right from wrong good from evil, I’ll determine that myself which man is totally incapable of doing. And on the day that they ate there have they died, and they did not die physically, and they did not die soullessly, slowly, they died spiritually. And death is the absence of life and life left him, leaving his human spirit dead to God very much alive to the world. And so he died spiritually on that day, and walked from that point on and you and I are born from the loins of Adam as he became dead. So all men are born into this world, not alive spiritually, but dead spiritually. Now, that is in contradiction to the verbiage that you and I have been brought up with many times where we say, We’re all God’s children and all men are made in the image of God, that is not true.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:47
Adam was created in the image of God. But in the fifth chapter of Genesis it says when Adam and Eve had Seth, Seth was born in the image of Adam. So God created Adam in the image of God. But we were born in the image of Adam in his fallen state. So all men are born into this world that spiritually, the only man who was ever born alive spiritually is called the last Adam, Jesus Christ. And that’s why the virgin birth was not up for grabs. Had Christ not been born of a virgin, he would have been born out of the loins of Adam, just like you and me. And he would have been dead spiritually, just like you and me. And so God looking at man from that day forth, saw a man in a fallen condition. And in that fallen condition, it was the plan of God from that day forth to provide a way whereby he could restore in us what we had lost in Adam, that being the Spirit of God living in us, in other words, to restore spiritual life to a man. And when you and I are born again, we are now born again in the image of God, God is Spirit, and you must worship him how? In spirit and in truth. So when you are born in the image of God, you are born again, spiritually. And that is how God intended man to be born or to for true man to be alive spiritually, soullessly and bodily. So the cross was what enabled at before the cross Christ life is what qualified him for the death that he died. In other words, he lived a perfect life, thus fulfilling the law. And remember, again, and many people misinterpret this type of thing, when he talks about that I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it, and so everybody says, see you’re still are the law. No, he didn’t come to abolish it, he came to fulfill it. And he did. And he fulfilled the law, by his life, incidentally, did not fulfill the law because he did not commit adultery and did not steal and did not did not, although he did not do any of those things, he fulfilled the law because he walked in perfect love, and love is the fulfillment of the law. So Christ walked on the face of this earth in perfect love, thus fulfilling the law, thus fulfilling the Old Covenant, the old agreement, therefore qualifying him, having fulfilled the old agreement, to usher in a New Covenant, a new agreement between God and man called the New Covenant in which we stand today. And that is a New Covenant where he says, their sins and their lawless acts, I will remember, no more, no more. And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins, it’s over, it’s finished. Sin has been dealt with by God once and for all period. And without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. So if there was any further forgiveness to be executed by God, on behalf of you and me, what would he have to do? Well he’d have to come and die again. Is he going to do that? No, he is not. What’s the only thing you can conclude about what he did then at the cross? What he said from the cross, It is finished, he dealt with sin once and for all, for all people, all men sins were reconciled to God at the cross, all people, while we were yet enemies that’s lost, we were reconciled. Reconciliation is the balancing of the books. Any of you who are in accounting will know that’s what you do. When you reconcile your books, you balance them. If a person owes you a debt, and they cannot pay it, you write them off your books, that’s balancing reconciling your books. Well, when you do that, in essence, what you have done is you paid a debt that you didn’t owe for someone who owed a debt that they could not pay. And so in essence, at the cross was where God paid a debt he did not owe for you and me owed a debt that we could not pay, the books were balanced, and that was for all men, all of you. While we were yet enemies that’s lost, we were past tense, reconciled to God through the death of his Son. That’s the sin issue. How much more having been reconciled? In other words, how much more now that that deal has been done once and for all, shall we be saved by his what? His life. So we’re not saved by the death of Christ, we’re saved by the life of Christ, we could not have been saved into eternal life without the cross. We would have just gotten temporal life had he chosen to do that. And God could have chosen to have given us any kind of life that he wanted to. It’s all his doing, not ours. Salvation is like creation, He did not consult us, would it be okay if it made the grass green? Or would you like it blue, he did not consult us on any of those things he created, He is the initiator of his own activity, the dynamic of his own activity, the cause of his own effect. That’s what God is. So it didn’t consult us in it. And he could have given us any kind of life he wanted. But he chose to give us eternal life, and in order to give a man eternal life, and that’s kind of long lasting if he chose to do so he had to take care of what killed man to begin with sin. And he had to do more than what the Old Covenant did. The Old Covenant merely covered sin that’s called atonement. Christ came to take away sin, that’s called justification.
And what we have done is tried to bring atonement over into the New Testament and atonement is not a New Testament word. Atonement was what the Israelites did with a blood of bulls and goats, in order to cover your sin. The very type of thing that we’ll talk about later on in Hebrews that is totally incomplete. And what makes it incomplete is you had to keep doing it over and over, and over and over and over again. And so although there was a release of your conscience to go to the Day of Atonement, get all of your sins forgiven and go, boy, that’s off the back. The problem is, as you were walking away from the altar, there was some good luck and Israelite girl girl can do the altar and you lost it, and I had to wait next year to get them forgiven again. And so you, so as it never ended, and there is no sacrifice, and no way as it says that you will ever be able to draw nearer in perfect worship to God when there you got when your sin issue is still active, over and over and over again, you can’t do it, you cannot draw nearer to God in perfect worship, when you’re still worried about your sins, period, there is no way to do that. In fact, it’ll cause you to run away from God not to draw near to him. It’s only when you understand that God came to do something brand new, something nothing had no one had ever done before, no one of could have done it before. There was only one person who could have ever laid down his life for you. And that’s a person who had a life to lay down for you. And the only person ever born alive spiritually we on the face of this earth was Jesus Christ, and therefore the only one who had a life to lay down for you. So the only person that could ever go to the cross, having fulfilled the law, by His perfect life, go to a cross take upon himself the sins of the world, not to cover them as Old Testament atonement, but to take them away. New Testament justification was the Lord Jesus Christ period. And that’s why he is the beginning, the end, the alpha, the omega, he is the totality of the object of the faith of us here on this earth today. He did it all.
Now after he provided then this purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the majesty and heaven. Now why did he sit down? Well, because his work was over. In the temple, there were the chairs were a prohibited piece of furniture. And the reason they were prohibited was because the the work of the priest was never done. And it says day after day, every priest stands and performs his religious duties over and over, over and over again, which can never what? Take away sin. But when this priests for all time, provided purification for sins once and for all, he sat down at the right hand of God and said their sins and all his deeds, I will remember no more. That’s good news isn’t it, and that’s why they call it good news, the gospel good news. And he sat down after he provided this purification for sins, He sat down because the work was over. And when he sat down because I can now rest in regard to the dealing with this issue. Now what is the wages of sin? Well death. now that has to be correcte. You see, folks, no one will ever go to hell because of his sins. Contrary to what has so many times been taught that God’s going to get you if you don’t shape those sins up God’s gonna absolutely zap you. Have you ever heard that? Gonna go right to hail. What we say here hail. And well, no, you’re not gonna go to hail because of your sins. Christ forgave all men since at the cross, all of them and took them all away at the cross. I took the Cross did But the wages of sin is what? Death. Death doesn’t need forgiven, Death needs corrected. You go down and forgive a corpse, what do you got? Well, you got to forgive and corpse on your hands, I guess that’s better that being an unforgiving corpse, but you’re still a corpse. And so he forgave the sins of the entire world. So that having provided that purification for sins, he could be raised from the dead, so that that life that raised Him from the dead, could be offered to those of us who are dead. And from that point on from his resurrection, which Paul said, If Christ not be raised from the dead, our faith is futile. And we are to be pitied of all people. Because, you see, why didn’t he say without the cross? Because you see, without the resurrection, all we are is forgiven corpses. But the resurrection is what provides forgiven saints, life to people who are dead. And so the cross was provided so that there’s not one person on the face of this earth. You see, the law condemned the best of men. Nobody can live under it. Grace saves the worst of men. And so at the cross, all men’s sins were taken away so that there is nothing left for any person on the face of this earth, Hebrew, Gentile, slave free. Nationality doesn’t make an ounce of difference, to realize his condition dead and to receive God’s provision, life.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”