Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P30 (11-06-23)
All True Believers in Christ Jesus Will Reign With Jesus on Earth
~ Jesus, wants you to know the truth of what is going on in the world today. It is not a secret, that all true born again believers (children of God) will reign with Christ Jesus here on earth. Satan doesn’t want you to know that, because right now Satan is god of this earth. Everything you see in the news and and the media, and big business is controlled by Satan himself. That too is spelled out in the word of God. Yet we give lip service to it, and ignore it, because we ourselves have been deceived by Satan himself. He raised up heroes for us, that we watched in the movies, listened to their music, and watched on television, believing the lies of Satan. We held up people, and many still do today, that are nothing but liars and deceivers and controlled opposition for Satan. And Satan’s job is that of a deceiver, and he is an expert at it.
Many people who should know the truth of the word of God, still promote false prophets and liars of the word of God. They have been bamboozled into thinking they should not share certain scripture verses or not to call out certain errors in teaching. But the time is short and as we are in these last days it is important to tell Truth and tell it clearly, just as John the Baptist did. Forget what your flesh is feeling, because your flesh has been programmed by the world. Instead trust in the Holy Spirit to teach you All truth and lean not on your own understanding of anything. For we have all been taught lies that we need to stop passing on to others. And these lies come in many forms today. Most don’t have a clue of the lifetime of lies they themselves have been passing on to others. Only through the Holy Spirit teaching a person Truth can a person have His eyes to see and His ears to hear, and understand ALL truth.
~ And there will be no night there, and they have no need of the light of a lamp and of the light of the sun, because the Lord God will enlighten upon them, and they will reign to the ages of the ages. Revelation 22:5
~ The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. John 6:63
~ Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! 1 Corinthians 6:3
~ The spiritual man judges all things, but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgment. 1 Corinthians 2:15
~ “Now folks, this is kind of an unbelievable, isn’t it when you start to think about the God of this universe, who created us, and then decided to call us brothers. He’s the one who makes men holy, and the ones who are made holy are of the same family. Now, there is another thing that we have to understand. In Hebrews 10:14, where it says, by that one offering, he made forever perfect in the sight of God, all of you whom he has made holy. He is the one who has to make you and me holy, we could never make ourselves holy. The word holy, as we talked about last week is the same root word for sanctified. And we take that and we make all kinds of things out of it, all it means is set apart. It is not acting a certain way, it is not dressing a certain way, it’s not behaving even a certain way. It is the fact that you have been set apart by God from the world for the intelligent purpose for which God created you. That’s why you and I are in the world, but we are not of the world, a ship is in the water. But if it ever becomes on the water, it’s going to be in the water. And so a ship’s goal is to be in the water, but not of the water. And that’s the same with us. We are in the world, but we are not of the world. And all that is talking about is not to differentiate yourself from the world by dressing funny or looking funny or or that type of thing. You are going to separate yourself from the world by what you believe. And your holiness or your sanctification, you are set apart by your belief system. If you are in Christ, your belief system is totally different, isn’t it and totally contrary to the world. And Satan and his forces are doing everything in their power to pull you back to where you came from. Before you and I were saved, we were in bondage to the world we did not know truth. You can’t know truth until truth comes to live within you. The natural man cannot understand spiritual things. It sounds foolish to him. Because spiritual things have to be discerned spiritually. And if you don’t have the Spirit of God living in you, you cannot discern spiritual things. And that’s why we are told that we who are in Christ today literally have the mind of Christ. That means Christ lives in you and the person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person who has a mind he can think he has emotions he can feel and a will that he can will. And that mind that person of Christ lives in you therefore we have his mind living in us. We have his emotions living in us, we have his will living in us. And that person living in us now is there to teach us truth that will do what? Set us free. That’s why we’re not to be conformed to the world but transformed how, by the renewing of whose mind? Our mind. And it is Christ living in us that is dedicated to completing the work that he began at us and he does that through the renewing of our minds. Teaching us truth that will do what set us free, free from what? The garbage of the world. set you free from having to live believing a bunch of lies. set you free from the error that keeps you in bondage by teaching you truth that will set you free. And that’s his job.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Let’s turn to the book of Hebrews. The author of the book of Hebrews is just a matter of review was a second generation at least writer. Many people have attributed this book to the Apostle Paul. But I believe the statement in chapter two where he says that salvation which was first announced by the Lord was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, that would have been the apostles, certainly testifies to the fact that it was a second generation author of the book. The book was geared toward the Hebrew it was the the people that have certainly been steeped in the scriptures. People who certainly knew about Jehovah God, people who knew about the prophecies, and that tradition that they had held on to and been exposed to, is a gripping thing. And, and there’s nothing new under the sun, it’s still the same today. If you were to take the tradition, many times that you and I came out of, we would find that that tradition is equally as gripping, that what we were taught many times and the traditions, the ways you do things, even through the way the pastor looks or doesn’t look. And if he doesn’t have a collar on or a rob why just looks a little strange, or if he has one on he looks a little strange. And, and all of that is tempered and geared by many times the way we have been raised in the way we’ve been brought up what we’re comfortable with. And this was certainly true in regard to the people who were the object of the writing of the book of Hebrews. And so the author of the book of Hebrews is talking about the superiority of Christ over what the tradition of the Hebrew tradition thought was superior. And today, many times when you look at the book of Hebrews, it kind of sometimes sounds strange to us, because we haven’t been brought up with those type of things. We, we haven’t been brought up or taught that angels were superior to all things and it wasn’t in our teaching, but it was in theirs. And that that Moses is, it was the authority for all things.
One of our guys that is in the, in our ministry at volunteer in our ministry out in California, as a pastor of a church out there, Jeff Title, and Jeff came out of a Jewish background. And he said his aunt that from New York that calls him from New York, and she said, I’m going to send a bumper sticker to you it says, smile if you love Moses. And she’s so proud he’s in the ministry. But at a rate that’s hard for us to understand, but it isn’t hard for them to others to understand because that’s that’s what that’s the way they were taught.
Now, here was Christ that came to totally out of seem like out of nowhere, they were looking for the Messiah. And yet, in essence, they weren’t looking for the Messiah, they were looking for the Messiah, they were looking for someone who was going to free Israel, someone who was going to come and reign not the suffering Messiah, but the reigning Messiah. And so obviously, when this was written, Christ had already had already been on this earth, he had already died, he had already been raised from the dead. And yet they were still looking for this return of the Messiah. This book was written somewhere a little before 70 ad before the destruction of Jerusalem that took place in 70 ad. And I believe it was written not too many years prior to that and Jerusalem was in a terrific and Israel as as such was in total bondage. And then again with on the approaching destruction of the temple. So, so the writer is is emphasizing don’t lose what you have received. Now some of them were followers of Christ, because professors of Christ but not possessors of Christ just like we’d have people today there was a number that would be in that category. There were those that were truly in Christ, but very much tempted because of the the pressures of the world in regard to Hebrewism to go back to the old Hebrew customs, rather than moving forward in the newness of life. So there’s all kinds of circumstances that would have been taken place here when the author was writing about this.
So in the first chapter we talked about, he was talking about how the fact that Christ is much superior to angels. And last week, we picked up on that and in the second chapter, at the end of chapter one, I’m going to pick up there it says, are not all angels, ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation. And then in verse five of chapter two, is it not to angels that he has subjected the world to come about which we are speaking, but there is a place where someone has testified. What is man that you’re mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him, You made him a little lower than the angels, you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet? As we talked about last week, that when in God’s economy, and how God formed things, that the angelic being was formed, as far as we know, the first creation, as we know it today that would be alive like we are. And then he formed man, the fact that he was going to form man and make man in his image, and then predetermined that man was going to rule over ultimately over all of creation, is what caused Satan, who was the leading angel to go into rebellion. The cause of the rebellion of Satan was how could you take this secondary people called humanity down there we can frail, and have in your plan of things to someday have them ruling over us. And the very thought of being ruled by by by us some day, in God’s timing, and that will occur someday, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back, we will rule with Him and we will rule over all creation with him. That’s a strange thing for us to imagine. I mean, if you think the angels are confused, I’m confused too, and why he had ever do that. But the fact of the matter is, that was his plan. And with that Lucifer was, who was the head Angel rebelled out of heaven. And from that point on, has dedicated his life with the spiritual forces that are in this universe today, the demonic forces that are literally under his control, this world is under his control, the media is under his control, everything we see is, belongs to somebody else except God. God has granted them the ability to do that, until the day comes when he will come and take back over the control of his Earth. And so in the meantime, Satan’s job, through the demonic influence in his Earth is to literally make us as foolish as he could make us. And he’s done a great job, and, and literally, to do everything in his power, to discredit the decision of God that someday, you and I will be ruling with Christ over all things. And so in Hebrews when it says is not to the angels, that he subjected the world to come, in other words, they’re going to be under this under the subject of Christ and us about which we’re speaking.
Now it says, what is man that was back in Job that you’re mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? And that’s what Job was asking, Why would you be caring for us? You made him a little lower than the angels, you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet. In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him yet at present, we do not see everything subject to him. But we see Jesus. And you’re going to see through that the importance of that who Jesus then we see him. And Christ then is the assurance as to what God promised is going to occur he is the first born from among the dead. And we’re gonna see that in a moment we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels. Now crowned, he’s already crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death. So that by the grace of God He may taste death for everyone. Now in bringing many sons to glory, that that’s us, it was fitting that God for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering, both the one who makes men holy, and those who are made holy, are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.
Now folks, this is kind of an unbelievable, isn’t it when you start to think about the God of this universe, who created us, and then decided to call us brothers. He’s the one who makes men holy, and the ones who are made holy are of the same family. Now, there is another thing that we have to understand. In Hebrews 10:14, where it says, by that one offering, he made forever perfect in the sight of God, all of you whom he has made holy. He is the one who has to make you and me holy, we could never make ourselves holy. The word holy, as we talked about last week is the same root word for sanctified. And we take that and we make all kinds of things out of it, all it means is set apart. It is not acting a certain way, it is not dressing a certain way, it’s not behaving even a certain way. It is the fact that you have been set apart by God from the world for the intelligent purpose for which God created you. That’s why you and I are in the world, but we are not of the world, a ship is in the water. But if it ever becomes on the water, it’s going to be in the water. And so a ship’s goal is to be in the water, but not of the water. And that’s the same with us. We are in the world, but we are not of the world. And all that is talking about is not to differentiate yourself from the world by dressing funny or looking funny or or that type of thing. You are going to separate yourself from the world by what you believe. And your holiness or your sanctification, you are set apart by your belief system. If you are in Christ, your belief system is totally different, isn’t it and totally contrary to the world. And Satan and his forces are doing everything in their power to pull you back to where you came from. Before you and I were saved, we were in bondage to the world we did not know truth. You can’t know truth until truth comes to live within you. The natural man cannot understand spiritual things. It sounds foolish to him. Because spiritual things have to be discerned spiritually. And if you don’t have the Spirit of God living in you, you cannot discern spiritual things. And that’s why we are told that we who are in Christ today literally have the mind of Christ. That means Christ lives in you and the person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person who has a mind he can think he has emotions he can feel and a will that he can will. And that mind that person of Christ lives in you therefore we have his mind living in us. We have his emotions living in us, we have his will living in us. And that person living in us now is there to teach us truth that will do what? Set us free. That’s why we’re not to be conformed to the world but transformed how, by the renewing of whose mind? Our mind. And it is Christ living in us that is dedicated to completing the work that he began at us and he does that through the renewing of our minds. Teaching us truth that will do what set us free, free from what? The garbage of the world. set you free from having to live believing a bunch of lies. set you free from the error that keeps you in bondage by teaching you truth that will set you free. And that’s his job.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:44
Satan’s goal is to pull you in every way shape and form away from that. He is as clever as you can get. He’ll use every technique, every blitz technique that there might be to try to pull you and me away away from truth that will set us free. He’ll do everything in his power to try to make things look as reasonable as possible. But that’s how you and I were set apart. Now that is the one who made men holy is Christ, he’s the one who made you that way. And then if you are in Christ, you have already been set apart. So the one who made you holy, and the ones who are made holy, He says, are now the same family. And that gets back to what we talked about, about our identity, being that of a child of the living God. That’s the only identity I want. It’s the one God gave me. And I don’t need any others. A child of the living God, that’s who God says, You are the very moment you came into a saving relationship with the Living God, that you stepped out of Adam into Christ, Christ stepped out of heaven into you, Christ in you, your hope of glory, that he said, You are now a child of the living God, a part of the family of God. And Christ Himself, God Himself referring to you and me, has no problem, as I said, not ashamed to call us brothers. And that amazing. Now, folks, that is God’s identity. That’s who God said, you and I are. Because man does not understand that or in many instances, you’ll say, Well, I just I just, I just couldn’t say that. I mean, how in the world because that’s just presumptuous. For me to say, I’m a child of God. Well, it may sound presumptions, but it’s true. And truth will set you free. That’s who you are, if you are in Christ, and Christ is in you. from his vantage point, he’s called you a child of the living God, and he calls you, brother. That’s who you are. Now, because we don’t understand that, or maybe have not been taught it or don’t comprehend it, or whatever it might be. We are absolute sitting ducks, to try to latch on and willing to latch on, grateful to latch on any identity that the world wants to throw upon you. And we are sitting because of indwelling sin living in us and all indwelling sin is, is that propensity that was put into us to believe a lie. It’s exactly what took place in the Garden of Eden, a lie entered into Adam and Eve, and that we were born out of Adam in Adam. And that propensity is in us to believe a lie, we have been set free from that, by truth coming to live in us, I am therefore not in bondage to have to believe the lie, I now can bounce that lie off of truth, and discount it if it doesn’t match up to the Word of God.
Now, when we don’t realize again, that then we’re sitting ducks for any identity that anyone wants to throw on us. And, folks, if we don’t have our identity in Christ, you’re going to have your identity in something. Because man can’t live without identity. The age old questions that you’ve heard before you ever even thought of God, who am I? What am I here for? Where am I going? Those are questions that you could ask in New York City, or in the deserts of the most desolate desert or jungle in the world. Those questions are asked by all man who am I? How to get here? Where am I going? And what you’re saying is, do I have an identity? Or don’t I? As we mentioned before, if you were standing out in the middle of the desert, and all of a sudden found yourself there, and a voice came out of heaven and said, Who are you I’d look around, I wouldn’t have a clue. You look around. I don’t know, some jerk with a suit on I guess. It’s I don’t know. I don’t know who I am. We have no identity in and of ourselves. We are a created being. He is the Creator. We are the created being. So however, the creator decided to make a created being is his prerogative to do so. He created. He is God. He is the initiator of all things. He’s the cause of his own effect and the dynamic of his own action, not us. We’re the responders. And he designed man and made man in such a way whereby God in the creation is totally indispensable to his humanity. If that is your identity is much as that light bulbs cannot function without electricity in it. That light bulb is a light bulb that is totally worthless if you don’t have electricity in it. It’s a nice instrument, it’s got the capability of producing light, but only if electricity is in it. Man is totally incapable of being man from God’s vantage point, without God in him. Electricity in the light, God and the man indispensable to the function of the man. Now God designed us that way where our identity is in him. In other words, for me to know who I am, I must know who he is. And so when we come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and Christ comes to live in us, He restores in us what we had lost in Adam, that being the Spirit of God living in us, and makes us complete whereby I am now alive bodily, which always was soullessly, which always was and now spiritually which I was not. And so we are born into this world alive, bodily soullessly dead, spiritually dead to the Spirit of God, very much alive to the world. And Christ came to bring life to our Spirit, born again how? Of the Spirit and brought life to us making us a total person that is as God created us to be. And therefore Jesus can call us, his brothers. Now, that’s our identity, a child of God.
Now, we like all kinds of other identities. And because we don’t have our identity in him, why will latch on to any old thing will do why? We can’t live without it. And I’ve, I’ve mentioned that to you before, that’s why some people will go in and we’ll, we’ll go to anybody who will try to give us an identity. And somebody come up and say, well, you’re an old paranoid schizophrenia of schizophrenic and see that’s an identity. Let’s say, Boy, sure glad to know that at least now know who I am. You know, you’re you’re, I’ll tell you who you are. You’re, you’re an adult child of an alcoholic. Oh, boy, sure glad know who I am now. Why you’re an anorexic boy, I didn’t know that. Now I know who I am. And you’re an alcoholic? Well, not the best, but that’s better no identity, rather had that with none. And so we’ll latch onto that and go from that point on with ima, who are you will ima and you will have people who will identify themselves that way.
I went through an entire lecture in in Boise on this subject of identity, of being a child of God, and walked right out. And this lady came up to me and said, hi and introduce yourself. She said, I’m a charismatic. I just finished talking about who we are in Christ. But you see, that is her identity. And now and you will do the same thing. I’m a Baptist, I’m a Presbyterian and I’m a Methodist I’m I’m a I’m a something because we don’t know who we are. I don’t want to be a People to People or, or a Baptist or Methodist, or that I don’t belong to those. I’m a child of God, I belong to Christ alone. Now I can certainly be a child of God, which I am in which you are if you’re in Christ, and go to a Baptist church, or go to a Presbyterian Church or go to this church. That’s that’s not issue you you can be a child of God and go anyplace you want to. But where you go that make you who you are. Your if you go to Neiman Marcus, that doesn’t make you a store. So you have to understand that where you go or what you’ve joined, doesn’t make you that that’s not who you are, who you are as who God made you. And that’s a child of God.
So you’re talking about either who God made you’re who Satan made you. Satan made you a child of his that’s how you and I are born, it says your father is that of the devil, your destiny is hell. And that’s who we are, we’re lost. That’s why we’re called Lost dead in our sins. That’s what Satan made us. And God says, I want to make you a child of God with your father now, the God of the universe, your destiny, eternal life. And right now a child of the living God. That’s identity. It’s brand new identity. That’s who you are. Now when you understand that as a as a Christian as a person who is now in Christ, and we can latch on to the truth of who we are in Christ. Now, the saint just say, Well, I just lost him. I just lost him, let them go while over there and all that truth. Does he do that? No. Does ever leave you alone? Well, of course not. And the only thing that he is interested, see, he can’t get you on that on anything else except identity. Satan will never point out to you, you’ve been drinking too much. Your child God drinks too much. He’ll never say that. Never, ever, ever. He’ll just say you’re alive. You’re an alcoholic. That’s that that’s an identity. He will never say that you are a child of God with some real strange eating habits. He’ll say you’re an anorexic. You’re a boulemic. Now, who does he have helping him with that stuff? Well, anybody that wants to put names on people. And so he will use whatever he can, whatever profession he can, or anything else in order to try to amplify and bring credibility to those identities. Folks, we live in a day and age where we have to understand the authority that we live under. That there is the Christ Jesus, who is God and if he is God than he is truth of Christ said I am truth than he is truth. You say to the average, evangelical today we’re sitting around and and if I were to quiz a person who is an evangelical today in Christ, and take the verbage with the words of Jesus, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through me.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”