Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P31 (11-07-23)
If You Are in Christ Jesus, You Are a Child of God
~ Jesus, wants you to know you are a brother and sister of Christ Jesus if you are in the body of Christ because the Holy Spirit lives in every true born again believer in Jesus. We are the body of Christ Himself down here on earth. However, Satan wants you to think your identity is in something else. He doesn’t want you to know your true identity as a child of God. He would much rather have your identity be in some religion, or some follower of some man. Because if your identity is in Christ Jesus, your walk with the Lord will be as bold as the Apostle Paul was in proclaiming the truth of the word of God. The Holy Spirit will be using you to proclaim truth. And Truth always divides. Jesus even said, he did not come into the world to bring peace, but came to bring a sword. And if you cannot tell that is going on today, then you might want to consider that you might not be sharing Truth with people today to begin with.
If you are in love with the world today, the love of the Father is Not in you. If the world loves you, the love of the Father is Not in you. Judge yourself and see where you stand. And the child of God judges all things. For there are many ministries that are loved with millions of viewers and the people bring to themselves what their itching ears want to hear, rather than the truth of the word of God. Many ignore the truth of the word of God and dismiss the details in the word of God. And remember, details matter in everything.
~ “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn“‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ Matthew 10:34-36
~ “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”John 15:19
~ Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 John 2:15-17
~ “Satan’s goal is to pull you in every way shape and form away from that. He is as clever as you can get. He’ll use every technique, every blitz technique that there might be to try to pull you and me away away from truth that will set us free. He’ll do everything in his power to try to make things look as reasonable as possible. But that’s how you and I were set apart. Now that is the one who made men holy is Christ, he’s the one who made you that way. And then if you are in Christ, you have already been set apart. So the one who made you holy, and the ones who are made holy, He says, are now the same family. And that gets back to what we talked about, about our identity, being that of a child of the living God. That’s the only identity I want. It’s the one God gave me. And I don’t need any others. A child of the living God, that’s who God says, You are the very moment you came into a saving relationship with the Living God, that you stepped out of Adam into Christ, Christ stepped out of heaven into you, Christ in you, your hope of glory, that he said, You are now a child of the living God, a part of the family of God. And Christ Himself, God Himself referring to you and me, has no problem, as I said, not ashamed to call us brothers. And that amazing. Now, folks, that is God’s identity. That’s who God said, you and I are. Because man does not understand that or in many instances, you’ll say, Well, I just I just, I just couldn’t say that. I mean, how in the world because that’s just presumptuous. For me to say, I’m a child of God. Well, it may sound presumptions, but it’s true. And truth will set you free. That’s who you are, if you are in Christ, and Christ is in you. from his vantage point, he’s called you a child of the living God, and he calls you, brother. That’s who you are. Now, because we don’t understand that, or maybe have not been taught it or don’t comprehend it, or whatever it might be. We are absolute sitting ducks, to try to latch on and willing to latch on, grateful to latch on any identity that the world wants to throw upon you. And we are sitting because of indwelling sin living in us and all indwelling sin is, is that propensity that was put into us to believe a lie. It’s exactly what took place in the Garden of Eden, a lie entered into Adam and Eve, and that we were born out of Adam in Adam. And that propensity is in us to believe a lie, we have been set free from that, by truth coming to live in us, I am therefore not in bondage to have to believe the lie, I now can bounce that lie off of truth, and discount it if it doesn’t match up to the Word of God” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:27
Satan’s goal is to pull you in every way shape and form away from that. He is as clever as you can get. He’ll use every technique, every blitz technique that there might be to try to pull you and me away away from truth that will set us free. He’ll do everything in his power to try to make things look as reasonable as possible. But that’s how you and I were set apart. Now that is the one who made men holy is Christ, he’s the one who made you that way. And then if you are in Christ, you have already been set apart. So the one who made you holy, and the ones who are made holy, He says, are now the same family. And that gets back to what we talked about, about our identity, being that of a child of the living God. That’s the only identity I want. It’s the one God gave me. And I don’t need any others. A child of the living God, that’s who God says, You are the very moment you came into a saving relationship with the Living God, that you stepped out of Adam into Christ, Christ stepped out of heaven into you, Christ in you, your hope of glory, that he said, You are now a child of the living God, a part of the family of God. And Christ Himself, God Himself referring to you and me, has no problem, as I said, not ashamed to call us brothers. And that amazing. Now, folks, that is God’s identity. That’s who God said, you and I are. Because man does not understand that or in many instances, you’ll say, Well, I just I just, I just couldn’t say that. I mean, how in the world because that’s just presumptuous. For me to say, I’m a child of God. Well, it may sound presumptions, but it’s true. And truth will set you free. That’s who you are, if you are in Christ, and Christ is in you. from his vantage point, he’s called you a child of the living God, and he calls you, brother. That’s who you are. Now, because we don’t understand that, or maybe have not been taught it or don’t comprehend it, or whatever it might be. We are absolute sitting ducks, to try to latch on and willing to latch on, grateful to latch on any identity that the world wants to throw upon you. And we are sitting because of indwelling sin living in us and all indwelling sin is, is that propensity that was put into us to believe a lie. It’s exactly what took place in the Garden of Eden, a lie entered into Adam and Eve, and that we were born out of Adam in Adam. And that propensity is in us to believe a lie, we have been set free from that, by truth coming to live in us, I am therefore not in bondage to have to believe the lie, I now can bounce that lie off of truth, and discount it if it doesn’t match up to the Word of God.
Now, when we don’t realize again, that then we’re sitting ducks for any identity that anyone wants to throw on us. And, folks, if we don’t have our identity in Christ, you’re going to have your identity in something. Because man can’t live without identity. The age old questions that you’ve heard before you ever even thought of God, who am I? What am I here for? Where am I going? Those are questions that you could ask in New York City, or in the deserts of the most desolate desert or jungle in the world. Those questions are asked by all man who am I? How to get here? Where am I going? And what you’re saying is, do I have an identity? Or don’t I? As we mentioned before, if you were standing out in the middle of the desert, and all of a sudden found yourself there, and a voice came out of heaven and said, Who are you I’d look around, I wouldn’t have a clue. You look around. I don’t know, some jerk with a suit on I guess. It’s I don’t know. I don’t know who I am. We have no identity in and of ourselves. We are a created being. He is the Creator. We are the created being. So however, the creator decided to make a created being is his prerogative to do so. He created. He is God. He is the initiator of all things. He’s the cause of his own effect and the dynamic of his own action, not us. We’re the responders. And he designed man and made man in such a way whereby God in the creation is totally indispensable to his humanity. If that is your identity is much as that light bulbs cannot function without electricity in it. That light bulb is a light bulb that is totally worthless if you don’t have electricity in it. It’s a nice instrument, it’s got the capability of producing light, but only if electricity is in it. Man is totally incapable of being man from God’s vantage point, without God in him. Electricity in the light, God and the man indispensable to the function of the man. Now God designed us that way where our identity is in him. In other words, for me to know who I am, I must know who he is. And so when we come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and Christ comes to live in us, He restores in us what we had lost in Adam, that being the Spirit of God living in us, and makes us complete whereby I am now alive bodily, which always was soullessly, which always was and now spiritually which I was not. And so we are born into this world alive, bodily soullessly dead, spiritually dead to the Spirit of God, very much alive to the world. And Christ came to bring life to our Spirit, born again how? Of the Spirit and brought life to us making us a total person that is as God created us to be. And therefore Jesus can call us, his brothers. Now, that’s our identity, a child of God. Now, we like all kinds of other identities. And because we don’t have our identity in him, why will latch on to any old thing will do why? We can’t live without it. And I’ve, I’ve mentioned that to you before, that’s why some people will go in and we’ll, we’ll go to anybody who will try to give us an identity. And somebody come up and say, well, you’re an old paranoid schizophrenia of schizophrenic and see that’s an identity. Let’s say, Boy, sure glad to know that at least now know who I am. You know, you’re you’re, I’ll tell you who you are. You’re, you’re an adult child of an alcoholic. Oh, boy, sure glad know who I am now. Why you’re an anorexic boy, I didn’t know that. Now I know who I am. And you’re an alcoholic? Well, not the best, but that’s better no identity, rather had that with none. And so we’ll latch onto that and go from that point on with ima, who are you will ima and you will have people who will identify themselves that way.
I went through an entire lecture in in Boise on this subject of identity, of being a child of God, and walked right out. And this lady came up to me and said, hi and introduce yourself. She said, I’m a charismatic. I just finished talking about who we are in Christ. But you see, that is her identity. And now and you will do the same thing. I’m a Baptist, I’m a Presbyterian and I’m a Methodist I’m I’m a I’m a something because we don’t know who we are. I don’t want to be a People to People or, or a Baptist or Methodist, or that I don’t belong to those. I’m a child of God, I belong to Christ alone. Now I can certainly be a child of God, which I am in which you are if you’re in Christ, and go to a Baptist church, or go to a Presbyterian Church or go to this church. That’s that’s not issue you you can be a child of God and go anyplace you want to. But where you go that make you who you are. Your if you go to Neiman Marcus, that doesn’t make you a store. So you have to understand that where you go or what you’ve joined, doesn’t make you that that’s not who you are, who you are as who God made you. And that’s a child of God.
So you’re talking about either who God made you’re who Satan made you. Satan made you a child of his that’s how you and I are born, it says your father is that of the devil, your destiny is hell. And that’s who we are, we’re lost. That’s why we’re called Lost dead in our sins. That’s what Satan made us. And God says, I want to make you a child of God with your father now, the God of the universe, your destiny, eternal life. And right now a child of the living God. That’s identity. It’s brand new identity. That’s who you are. Now when you understand that as a as a Christian as a person who is now in Christ, and we can latch on to the truth of who we are in Christ. Now, the saint just say, Well, I just lost him. I just lost him, let them go while over there and all that truth. Does he do that? No. Does ever leave you alone? Well, of course not. And the only thing that he is interested, see, he can’t get you on that on anything else except identity. Satan will never point out to you, you’ve been drinking too much. Your child God drinks too much. He’ll never say that. Never, ever, ever. He’ll just say you’re alive. You’re an alcoholic. That’s that that’s an identity. He will never say that you are a child of God with some real strange eating habits. He’ll say you’re an anorexic. You’re a boulemic. Now, who does he have helping him with that stuff? Well, anybody that wants to put names on people. And so he will use whatever he can, whatever profession he can, or anything else in order to try to amplify and bring credibility to those identities. Folks, we live in a day and age where we have to understand the authority that we live under. That there is the Christ Jesus, who is God and if he is God than he is truth of Christ said I am truth than he is truth. You say to the average, evangelical today we’re sitting around and and if I were to quiz a person who is an evangelical today in Christ, and take the verbage with the words of Jesus, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through me.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:19
Now Christ said that. Now if Christ is God, then He is the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE and no one comes to the Father except through him if he’s God. If he isn’t God, who cares what he said? Would it make any difference? He’d just be a philosopher on the par with any other religionist. Buddha certainly never claimed to be God, Mohammed would have laughed himself to death if anyone said he was God. No religious founder claimed himself to be God. Christ said, I’m God. The prophecies testified to the fact that He was God. The whole Old Testament is a prophecy to the fact that he has God. Over 300 of those prophecies fulfilled in Christ alone, almost a mathematical improbability. And yet Christ claimed to be that. Now he said, I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the life. Now what we’ve done is this, we’ve latched on what I call the bookends. We’ll latch on to the fact that I am the way and the life. And you say Do you believe to the any evangelical Christian you want to talk to you. Do you believe Christ the only way to God? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely no other way to God except through Christ. He’s the WAY and the TRUTH in life. He is the way there’s no other way. Billy Graham said it, That settles it. Sure. Here’s a guy the other night that said was schooled in theology, the Battle Hymn the Republic. Yeah. And so I don’t know where he is. But he’s using Battle Hymn of the Republic for his theology. But at any rate, he is the way no other way. Well, you mean you can’t get there? No, no other way. Now you see, religion will come along and say no, he’s not The way there’s many ways. In other words, there’s many ways to God and you can get there through religion you can get there through being good. You can get there through Buddha, you can get there through Muhammad, you get through all kinds of ways. You get to get there through Joseph Smith idea of who Jesus was, and all kinds of things. And you’ll say, No, that is not true. Christ, the Christ that you and I give our hearts to is the Christ of the Bible, that Christ that was born of a virgin, that Jesus is the one who saves, that Jesus that was prophesied in the Old Testament, as the coming Messiah, that Jesus is the one who saves you that Jesus who was nailed on a cross of Calvary, and who died and was buried, and on the third day raised from the dead, that Jesus is the one who saved you’re the one who is sitting at the right hand of God today, interceding on our behalf, that Jesus is the one who saves you, not one you’ve made up through your own imagination, to believe on the way and then you get over there the life do you believe that he is the life? Oh, yes, absolutely. Is the only life available to us. He is eternal life. And if you didn’t have him, how could you have eternal life? After all, all evangelicals know that he you as the Son has life, and he does not have a Son of God does not have life. And these things I’ve written unto You who believe in the name of the Son of God, know that you may what? Know that you have what? Eternal life. Whose life is that? Christ, so he is the life. Well come on there. It’s kind of dogmatic. There’s a lot of life there. There ought to be a lot of ways to God and there ought to be a lot of different lifes. No, there ought to be a lot of ways of getting life. No, that’s it. That’s it. And that right? Now, if you if you as an evangelical said, there’s other ways to God, what would you be called? A heretic. What have you said, there’s other life. There’s other ways of, of obtaining eternal life except through Jesus, what would you say, ah, heretic is could be, but what do you do when you get into truth, when he also identified himself as I am the truth? You see, it’s the book ends. We latch on to the way in the life, but the truth is up for grabs. And we think nothing of saying and then we’ll come out and say, well, all truths, God, truth. All ways are God’s ways. Then the way to God through Buddha, that’s all ways God’s ways. All kind of life, or you can get there by going out there and howling at the moon, get involved in little, little New Age stuff. That’s, that’s a way to life. Heretic, heretic heretic. But when you come into truth, and we want to add to the truth of Christ Jesus, and we want to bring in philosophy and psychology and everything else. Everybody sits there and says, Oh, well, all truth is God’s truth.
Jesus came down and said, I am the truth. Of Christ said, I am the truth. That means something, folks, we got to bring it down to where we live, that means there isn’t a truth beyond that, he is the truth. There isn’t any other life, there isn’t any other way to God, and there isn’t any other truth that will set you free. So if you’re talking about truth that will set you free. There isn’t any except through Him.
Now, if that’s true, then, and Christ is truly who he claims to be, and that is God. And if he is God, and He is truth, then we have the privilege of walking in that truth. If he hidden God, why then quite frankly, as I said, we just put him in the list of of anyone else who’s out there. But if he is truth, then we as Christians have the ability to be set apart from the world, again, not by how we dress, or how we look. But in what we believe. Now the thing of it is, is will that belief and does what we believe affect the way we think and the way we act? Well, of course it does. But you see that acting can manifest itself in many, many ways. And that is not what you observe. You see, the only thing that I want to be concerned with with a person is not whether you’ve been able to put what you know into practice yet because sometimes you can’t or you haven’t. But do you know what truth is? You see, I can put up with when you’re talking in our lives, folks, you can win when you have an attitude, Lord Jesus, I know what truth is. And I know this is the way and I know this is a truth and I know this is a lie, but I tell you, I’m having trouble putting this into practice. God has said, That’s okay. I’m not through with you. And you keep it by Writing in my word, and you keep abiding, and may I will keep showing you truth and that truth will keep setting you free. So trust me, I will accomplish that. But if you’re going up with him and said, Lord, you know, this is just, you know, absolutely, this thing is just got a hold of me. And I know that you say in your in your in your word there that just so homosexuality is a sin. But but but I’m really struggling with this. And the reason I’m struggled with it, I think I was born that way. And and I think it’s a disease or I think it’s normal. Did you see where the laws are now passing where that’s now a legitimate minority group. So that’ll ultimately prohibit anyone from ever teaching from the pulpit, that homosexuality is sin. Now, isn’t it strange how we’ve come to that point in our lives where we have wandered so far away from the Word of God, that instead of looking to him for what he says, is truth, we have become smarter than God on our rationalizing every single thing that comes down the pike. And that’s the day and age in which we are living today.
Christ alone is the truth. He has made us brothers, set us apart in this world that is full of humanistic philosophy. And said, stand up against it. Be in it, don’t try to escape from it, be in it. But don’t be of it. And folks, the warning to be in the world but not of the world is a warning from God because it’s very easy for the world and it’s philosophies that grab a hold of us. And that’s why we have to be strong in the faith. And that’s why we have to know what the word of God is. And that’s what it says, Let your roots grow deeply into the Word of God so that you won’t be tossed to and fro by every wave of doctrine, everything that’s coming down the pike, that someone has to offer for a solution to something except our relationship with the one who is the solution. And that’s Christ Jesus.
Now folks, you and I have been set apart for that purpose. He says, again, I’ll declare your name to my brothers. In the presence of the congregation, I’ll sing your praises. And again, I’ll put my trust in Him. And again, he says, Here I am, am I the children that God has given me. Now since children have flesh and blood, since we are in our humanity, he to shared in their humanity, so that by his death, he might destroy him, who holds the power of death, that is the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery, by their fear of death. Folks, you know, people will come down and say, Well, I don’t fear death. Is that true? No, that’s true as a Christian. But is it true, if you didn’t know the Lord? If you you can sit there and say, Oh, I don’t have fear, go over there. And go over there and get in the ward and let them win shoot at you and see what happens. See how fearful you are, we will hang on to life for dear life. Won’t we? And I believe that what the Bible very clearly teaches until a man is prepared to die. He’s really not prepared to live. If I don’t know where I’m going, when I die, how in the world do I know how I’m going when I’m alive? And Christ freed us from that. That’s another thing where that sets us apart from the world. And because the world doesn’t understand that type of peace, in the midst of death. You and I will never understand that kind of peace when we are facing death. If we do not understand the fullness of the gospel. There isn’t any way until we understand under the New Covenant, how our sins were taken away, not covered in atonement, taken away from the sight of God, so that you and I with Paul not because of what we’ve done or haven’t done are able to say absent from the body present with the Lord. For me to live Christ for me to die that’s gain.
I wanted to read with you an article I read Tuesday. That was in that was in one of the magazines. Certainly not a Christian magazine. People magazine. This is unusual article to be published in People Magazine, but it was published and it talks about a pair of says a pairs inspiring Final Hours, quote so beautiful. Cannoneda Jean Cheney of California couple had been trapped for 19 days inside their snow covered 1984 Ford Thunderbird. Kids, Jean Cheney wrote that day. I can’t find the dome light writing by glove compartment like dad went to the Lord at 730 This evening, march 18. It was so peaceful. I didn’t even know he left. The last thing I heard him say was, thank the Lord. The Cheney’s bodies and a diary were found in their car stuck in 10 feet of snow. May one two months after they’d taken a wrong turn in the Sahara, Nevada, while returning to their Palmdale home from Fresno. Now excerpts from the diary published in this week’s People Magazine reveal a couple calm in the face of death. Jean was 68 Ken was 75. She wrote the diary on envelopes and paper scraps. The third day she wrote, When I feel hysteria rising up in me, I just start praising him and talking to him. And the serenity comes. What a loving and kind Savior we have. Your dad and I are having such a good time in the Lord. They used the blanket and the car heater for five minutes every two hours. The car ran out of gas on the seventh day. Snow provided water. They had two packets of jelly, gum tick tacks and Rolaids. Quite a feast. She quipped. The couple expressed joy, not self pity. We sing, we laugh, we pray, and our love for Him and for one another swells until I can hardly contain it.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”