Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P51 (01-09-24)
Beware of Actors and Hypocrites That Have a Form of Godliness
~ The world is filled with christian hypocrites that can easily fool the world into thinking they must be a child of God, because after all, they say the name of Jesus. Or they talk about the bible left and right and know Scripture inside and out and can repeat verses to you, so they must be a child of God. Or they do all these so called good works, so they must be a child of God. And then remember that Satan’s agents are transformed into ministers of righteousness also. And then people can pretend they are righteous too, based on what they do or don’t do. People will say, “I pray everyday to God” as though that makes them a child of God. People will say, “I go to church on Sundays and Christmas and Easter” as though going to a building makes them a child of God. People will say, “I love Jesus” yet will still refuse to enter the sabbath rest, because they think they are attempting to obey the Law of God and then ask God to forgive them when they don’t. All of those things are from ACTORS and are evil in the sight of God. Only faith in Jesus will do. And without TRUE faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.
~ “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
~ But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6
~ And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites (actors) are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. Matthew 6:5
~ “You see, we keep thinking there. It’s a performance to be performed. Something to do with this God that is up there instead of realizing that this God that is up there, through a MIRACLE OF NEW BIRTH came to live in here. And so that it’s a it’s a different it’s not a practice of religion, and that God is not a priority. We got this other idea, have you heard this God first family second business third. You hear people say that it’s a lie, just saying that. I mean, but we put God in a priority list. But God is not a priority, folks. He’s not number one and family number two, and your business number three, Christ is your life. He’s not on a list on a priority sheet. When Christ who is your life appears you will appear with him. That’s not a priority. It’s a life. So as Christ who is my life, now I’ve got a family, I’ve got business, I’ve got all these type of things. And Christ and I who are together in oneness are going to be dealing with these things, but not with him on a priority list. And so all of these kinds of things sound good, but they distort God. In other words, it’s not that God and family and business are that much different, but I just kind of put them a little different priority. Well, God, isn’t a priority, He is your life. And so saying, I’m going to block out this time for God, that’s okay. If you want to do that. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not discouraging, taking time to read the Bible and pray whatever you want to do. But don’t ever think that’s it. In other words, I’ve done my thing now I’m gonna go to the world. Christ is your life, you ought to be talking to him all day long. I don’t need to call him up at five in the morning. I’m talking to him all day. He’s my best friend. It isn’t the kind of thing of saying, Well, I’m gonna have to discipline myself to read this love letter from my fiance. Can you imagine that what are you gonna do? I’m gonna get out and read that letter. Who’s it from? A girl love, gotta read the dumb thing. Probably got to do something for me. With a love letter, you don’t have to be told to read it. Can’t wait to get to it. Think about all the time meditate, put it in your heart, memorize it, read into it, what’s not there. All kinds of things, do all kinds of things with those kinds of letters. Why? Well because you’re in love with the author.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
And it’s interesting in some of these biblical plays that come out and and the the story of the Bible and the movies that are made and you see these actors given these unbelievably convincing presentations, and then you hear interviews they don’t know the Lord. But boy actors good ones make you cry. bring you to an emotional pitch, Lord. So can you share a Born Free book or or for law book or somebody to be lost? Oh, of course, you’re gonna be saved. So all of these things that we have put on man, what are you saying now quiet time not. How could you be lost and want a quiet time? Real easy. Real easy. You get up have your quiet time because that’s what a good Christian does. And we teach people that to that if you get up and have your quiet time, why, boy, you’re going to be super saint. And so you got to get up early. And then then person said, Well, how early? Should you get up early? Maybe six. Okay. So I’ll get up, be spiritual, and I get up at six. And then I’m doing pretty good. I’m feeling good about myself. And then I run into Otto and he says, I got mine 5:30. Okay, well, maybe I’ll try 5am and before long while you’re getting up earlier in the Austin crowd to get up here. And to have your quiet time, see, because I can make your holy. And because I gotta block out some time today in order to get with God. See that God that’s up there. See, I got to spend some time to get together that God that’s up there. I’ve said so many times, if my son ever came up to me and said, Dad, I’m just so busy, ooh I’m busy. Now, I really don’t have much time to ever think about you. But I’ll tell you what I want to do, because I know we really should touch base. I’ll call you every morning 5:30. And, and we’ll have a little quiet time together. You know what I’d tell him, forget it.
You see, we keep thinking there. It’s a performance to be performed. Something to do with this God that is up there instead of realizing that this God that is up there, through a MIRACLE OF NEW BIRTH came to live in here. And so that it’s a it’s a different it’s not a practice of religion, and that God is not a priority. We got this other idea, have you heard this God first family second business third. You hear people say that it’s a lie, just saying that. I mean, but we put God in a priority list. But God is not a priority, folks. He’s not number one and family number two, and your business number three, Christ is your life. He’s not on a list on a priority sheet. When Christ who is your life appears you will appear with him. That’s not a priority. It’s a life. So as Christ who is my life, now I’ve got a family, I’ve got business, I’ve got all these type of things. And Christ and I who are together in oneness are going to be dealing with these things, but not with him on a priority list. And so all of these kinds of things sound good, but they distort God. In other words, it’s not that God and family and business are that much different, but I just kind of put them a little different priority. Well, God, isn’t a priority, He is your life. And so saying, I’m going to block out this time for God, that’s okay. If you want to do that. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not discouraging, taking time to read the Bible and pray whatever you want to do. But don’t ever think that’s it. In other words, I’ve done my thing now I’m gonna go to the world. Christ is your life, you ought to be talking to him all day long. I don’t need to call him up at five in the morning. I’m talking to him all day. He’s my best friend. It isn’t the kind of thing of saying, Well, I’m gonna have to discipline myself to read this love letter from my fiance. Can you imagine that what are you gonna do? I’m gonna get out and read that letter. Who’s it from? A girl love, gotta read the dumb thing. Probably got to do something for me. With a love letter, you don’t have to be told to read it. Can’t wait to get to it. Think about all the time meditate, put it in your heart, memorize it, read into it, what’s not there. All kinds of things, do all kinds of things with those kinds of letters. Why? Well because you’re in love with the author.
So all of these things, what I’m trying to say, folks is all of these things that we come up with, that we say is what spirituality is what makes you spiritual can all be done and duplicated by a man as lost as can be. Those are works that can be created in the flesh by any man who has a disposition toward that, any man. So when it’s talking about resting, entering into a Sabbath rest, it’s saying rest from those kind of works. They are not the issue The issue in the Christian life is on love. And there’s only one thing that he left us with and that was to love one another. And he told us about love. And in the book of Ephesians and Paul’s prayer, that was his prayer for you and me. And this is another thing that we come up with and and we come up if not all these works are an FYI. We say, well, these gifts they’ll do it these gifts and so I got this special gift and and that proves I’m spiritual. Oh really? Well, Paul said that if you could speak in the tongues of men or angels, and didn’t have love you’re a gong and noisy gong. So it’s kind of difficult to think about calling a spirit filled Christian and noisy gong. So can you exercise gifts? In the flesh? Oh, sure. Can you mimic duplicate things? Oh, sure. You see that see all of those kinds of things, folks, all of it that make a difference, what we’ve been involved in, we’ve all been involved in one form or another have kind of latching on to what I thought I could do a little better than you and then setting that up as the criteria for spirituality. And in my case, it was witnessing because that was easy for me to do. And so somebody over there say, well, the quiet times where I do quiet timing, but I do that witness and so anything that I did had to be the best, see. You do realize that don’t you and and anything you do is the best that’s why when you think a certain way and no one thinks different you say oh they’re wonderful that person thinks differently and I didn’t there’s a smartest people I know you’re not the way we feel no all I’m are idiots Anybody that doesn’t think when you do something wrong with in that in that the way it is? Why well because man I got direct from God. And that’s an excuse for us to Don’t argue with me I got from God. And so we get all of this kind of stuff that goes on in life. And and and all of it looks good. And all of it sounds good. And all of it sounds holy and all of that type of thing. But it is flesh trips is man produced stuff. And the only thing that man cannot produce, impossible to produce is what if referred to in the Bible as the fruit of the Spirit. fruit that comes from the Spirit alone. Gifts can come from man, fruit has to come from the Spirit. Fruit of the Spirit is why well, it’s love. It’s joy. It’s peace. Don’t need to go any further. Have you ever tried to get to get and find peace on your own? That’s lasting? Well, we try all kinds of things don’t wait. You can jog, go to the mountains, drink booze. Get some drugs, all kinds of stuff. What are you looking for some peace, temporary peace. And that’s all it is. It’s temporary. Because Jesus said Peace I leave with you not like the world gives you in other words the world there is a peace that the world will give to you. But it’s temporary. Not like the world gives you give I you. The kind of peace I give you is eternal the kind of water that I give you when you drink of it you will never thirst again. Any other kind of water you’re gonna have to keep going back and back and back for refreshment you drink of this water you will never thirst again if you’re still thirsting it’s because you haven’t drunk in the water the food that I offer you you’ll never hunger again any other kind of food you’re gonna get hungry in two three hours with the my food you’re not gonna hungry again. You still seeking it’s because you haven’t found, when you found you stop seeking.
If your heart is still seeking it’s because you haven’t found so people are always looking for well I’m a I’m a Christian, but I’m seeking for a new experience. I’m seeking for something else I’m seeking for to get know more about prophecy. I’m thinking about this. I’m thinking about this. Friend you haven’t found. He is complete. He is your life. He is your everything. There’s nothing else to seek except him. If you want to seek to get to know him better. That’s good seeking. But there’s nothing more to be found outside of him. There is no magical experience outside of him. Peace comes from Him. The Spirit of God living in you love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long suffering and all of these things he said against these thinks there is no law. Folks, this is not something we do. It’s the kind of person you become. And it’s an interesting thing that when it talks about the fruit of the Spirit in the book of Ephesians, that it’s, it says the fruit of the Spirit doesn’t say fruits. It says fruit, singular, what it means is, this is the kind of person that Christ is. And if you will let him this is the kind of person that Christ is that will produce his life in and through you, you will be it’s not a patient, occasionally, you will be a patient person, he will make you into a person that is patient, loving, kind, long suffering, that’s the kind of person he is. And circumstances out here and life folks do not create your in my nature, they reveal our nature. Your wife does that put mad in you, she just draws it out of you. That’s disgusting to think of isn’t it. That eliminates doesn’t that you made me do that. Which is, incidentally, what the entire world of psychology and philosophy is about is trying to get people to rationalize why you’re doing something you made me do it. You caused me, you made me I’m a victim. You made me You made me You made me, which is the very opposite of the Bible says, no, no, it’s not what a man puts in his mouth that defiles a man, it’s what proceeds out of your heart that defiles a man, it’s what’s in you, that has to be taken care of not what’s outside of you. So it doesn’t do you any good to be playing the blame game blaming somebody else for your own behavior. All that did was reveal what’s in you. That’s all. You cannot put in somebody or draw us out of somebody what’s not in them. So when I get angry, Amy doesn’t put anger in me. Somebody else doesn’t put ANGER It makes you to draw us out of it. If it wasn’t in me, she couldn’t get to me. You couldn’t get to me man couldn’t get to me. So who’s to blame out here? Or what’s in here?
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
If you’re enjoying the book of Hebrews, check out our website There you will find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Bob George dot net. Let’s join Bob now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:10
Now when the circumstances of life reveal my nature, and there it’s out there splattered all over the place. Ever seen that happen? Just lay an egg. You know, it’s just there. I say Step back and admire it. That’s all you can do. It’s out there and not anything you can do but it’s there and how many times would you like to catch your words you know, and stuff and back but you can well, instead of looking at it that way we’ve got to get down to the point in our lives where we realize that circumstances merely revealed what’s there. And Lord Jesus thank you that you’re not finished with me yet. And thank you for the fact that all that was an indicator of that I was walking over here in the flesh instead of walking allowing your Spirit to control my life. I know you were not disappointed in what I just did because disappointment has to come from unrealistic expectations and you never expected anything out of me in the flesh anyway. Everybody you know who people come up and say, Oh, God is so disappointed with us. Not unless he had unrealistic expectations. God said I never expected you do anything worthwhile anything. Never thought you could never said you would. Only I can produce love. Only I can produce joy. Only I can produce peace. Only I can produce patience only I can produce long suffering, you can’t produce it. Just me. And so Paul, where love is the first of the fruit of the Spirit and everything hinges on that because literally if you are a loving becoming more of a loving person you are going to be love produces. Patient says, kindness, long suffering, willing to hang in there with people, produces all those kinds of things. Pride produces the very opposite. And it’s the pride of man. That is the very opposite of the love of God. Christ gave to give us love, man produces pride. Pride is what keeps me from loving. Pride is what keeps me judgemental. Pride is what makes me believe that I could never do something wrong. Pride is the very thing that says I don’t know how somebody does. That’s pride. Because what you’re saying is I couldn’t. So therefore I can understand why by asking because little make good and not wonderful May. very obstinate love.
And those kinds of spirits are the kind of things that turn people away from the living Christ. And they call in the name of religion. And many of our young people and people today that I’ve seen in the state of rebellion I say you’re a good rebel Keep at it because what you’re rebelling against needs to be rebelled against its religion but for goodness sakes don’t rebel against Christ there isn’t anything to rebel against him with he loves you. Christ the one who came said I didn’t come to judge I came to save you. I came to love you. I came to extend my acceptance to you I came to extend everything to you what is there to rebel against that? I’m gonna rebel against that person who loves me perfectly never judges me? He accepts me where I am, has put all my sins behind his back never to see it again. I’m gonna rebel against that? So you really are an idiot. I mean, or anything to rebel against somebody loves you perfectly now religion worthy of rebellion, but not Christ. And so Paul is saying to us in his prayer in Ephesians, he’s the only the main prayer that Paul ever prayed was for the saints to learn about the love of God. And he prayed in his prayer that I pray that out of these glorious riches, that he’ll strengthen you and me with power through his Spirit in your inner being. Because it takes the power of God to teach this message. It takes the power of God for you to hang on to the grace of God, doesn’t it? The wrestling match the struggle that you and I have, is to hang on to the truth of the grace of God. Because Satan and his entire army of demonic influence is there to try to pull you away from the love of God. Because the love of God resting in it walking in it is the only thing God ever called you and me to do. And that’s why the entire enemy of God is constantly actively engaged in trying to get you away from the love of God. And that’s why he wants to get your identity changed all the time. That’s why he’s constantly plugging at your identity, to try to get you to believe you’re somebody except who God said you are. Because if he can get you convinced on that he can get you convinced on anything. And that’s why Paul prays again, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by the power of the Spirit of God to dwell be at home in your hearts. Why? Not on a priority list. He’s your life he’s your best friend. When you’re gonna look at prayer you’re not gonna look at prayer as something you go do it’s something you look at it you do you go in somewhere like go talk to God, I talked to God all day long. That witnessing again, isn’t something you go do, it’s a something, it’s a part of you. You’re talking about the your life. You’re not talking about somebody out there, you’re talking about your life. Talking about something as close to your heart beat. It isn’t a performance to be performed. It’s a life to be lived. So he says, I pray that you will be rooted and established in the love of God may have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. And then to know this love that surpasses knowledge. In other words, it’s experiential. It’s not something you got in your head. It’s something That is a reality to the love of Christ. So live every day knowing, I am loved, I’m loved, to be able to wake up knowing I am loved. Have you ever stopped to think about that, folks, how few experiences, if I were to ask you right now to just think for a minute, about a time where you were aware, just aware of the love of somebody, of how few experiences that would be, if any, just to be able to know that I was loved and accepted, not just for a little bit, just kind of a total experience of somebody that I just knew, loved me and accepted me. It’d be far and few between, to be able to come up with who that would be. And in the midst of that, there is a God who revealed Himself to us in Christ Jesus, who said, I have given you the opportunity for me and my love to be totally at home in your heart. And I want to be at home in your heart. I want you to be so aware of the height, the depth and breadth and the width of the love of God, and to be able to know that love that surpasses knowledge, so that you can be controlled to the measure with the fullness of God to know that you are loved, and that you are accepted in the Beloved. And whenever that voice comes down, it says I bet Gods hacked at me discount it. Don’t ever buy that lie again. You are loved.
You say Lord, You just didn’t see what I just did. Oh yes, I did I saw it before the foundation of the earth. It’s one of those things that died on the cross for. Yeah, But Lord, I did it again. Did what again? Well, thank you just told you about. Now remember what you said, behind her back, never see it again. Well, Lord, You mean I’m loved and accepted? Yes, I said that. But Lord, you no, but no but, you are loved and accepted by God, I went to a cross in order to take away your sins. So that raised from the dead, I could come live in you. And my acceptance of you is not based upon what you are doing. It’s based upon what I did. And I am not through with you yet. I’m going to complete the work I began in you. Rest. And let me do it. That’s love. It’s being aware of being loved. It’s resting from having to do something, to get love. And to just rest in the fact that I am. You are loved and accepted by God. A wonderful thing to know. And folks, that’s what you and I exchanged. The world. It says As Paul said, the world may disown us. The world may give up on us. Your mates may give up on you. Your kids may give up on you. Your parents may give up on you. But Christ will never give up on you. You are totally basked in the love of God. The one who so demonstrated that love toward you in a while you and I were sinners he came to die for us. He didn’t say Clean yourself up and then a love and accept you said I’ve accepted you. And to realize that there is a God willing to complete the work he began in you. A God who was totally willing to pick you up every time you fall down every time and to pick you up and continue to renew your mind. Continue to teach you truth. Continue to display to you his unconditional love and acceptance. Folks, that’s the Sabbath rest. That’s the rest that we can enter into. It’s entering into the rest of the unconditional love and grace of God that is yours in mind through Christ Jesus our Lord. That’s the big news of the gospel. Well, let’s pray together.
Father we thank you for the love of God has been extended to us in Christ Jesus. It’s a world of exchange, we exchange ourselves for you. We give you all of the rejection and the pain of the world. In exchange for the acceptance of God Himself. We realize that the most precious relationship that we’ll ever enter into, is with you. And as you continue then to reveal yourself to other people, and teach them about your unconditional love and acceptance all over the world, all colors, all creed, all backgrounds. There is a bond and a unity that is developed there that is unspeakable. It passes all understanding. It enables us to walk into groups of people that don’t know us from Adam. And a sense of the love and acceptance that is there through Christ Jesus immediately. It’s a bond. It’s a family relationship that has been established by you. And Father, I thank you for it. Thank you for the love and acceptance that I personally feel by this group, and to realize that, that is mutual. And do not take for granted the greatest gift that you’ve given us, and that’s yourself and one another. And to live each day as if it were our last. And to allow you to teach us to be kind to one another. And to love one another and to be patient with one another. long suffering. Allow your life to flow through us. And I thank you for this in Christ’s name. Amen.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”