Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P87 (04-02-24)
And People Ask, “Well, What About 1 John 1:9?”
~ If a person is not being asked the question about the 1 John 1:9 passage of scripture, you can bet they are not preaching the gospel of Christ Jesus. And the reason people do indeed ask about that verse of scripture is because the overwhelming majority camp on a wrong interpretation of the word of God in regards to 1 John 1:9. The Greek word for Confess means to agree with God concerning your sins. What is it to agree with God? That God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting your sins against you or me, or anyone in the world. We rest in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. We are not to keep placing him back up there and calling God a liar, saying to him, “I don’t believe you died for all of my sins, and certainly you must not have really died for the sins of the whole world.” That is the mentality of people today. And those that have been to cemeteries (seminaries) are the worst offenders for teaching the lies of Satan. It’s time for everyone to recognize that. Satan has planted his agents of self righteousness everywhere today. He has deceived the whole world into believing his lies instead of the truth of the word of God. And those 1 John 1:9 false interpretation lies are just the tip of the iceberg. For Satan has deceived the whole world on EVERYTHING. That is what you come to find out when you begin to trust in the Holy Spirit to teach you ALL TRUTH. Details matter in everything. And the devil knows that too, that’s why the saying, “the devil is in the details.” If he can convince you of his lies, then you will not be standing on firm ground. The world is not what we were taught it is. And remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces in high places. They don’t want you preaching TRUTH. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
~ It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
~ “The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship. Otherwise, would they not have stopped being offered? For the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins. It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.” Hebrews 10:1-4
~ “So when you’re talking about this area of forgiveness, we have to understand that from God’s vantage point in order to free you and me to be free to LISTEN to the Spirit of God. Not to be programmed by my conscience, but by God’s Spirit. That we’re going to have to deal with this sin issue once and for all, because you cannot be listening to God’s Spirit when you’re on a guilt trip. Because God didn’t come to put you on a guilt trip. God came to free you from guilt, not put you on it. And until I am free, understanding my forgiveness and my freedom in Christ Jesus. And to realize that although my feelings might feel guilty from God’s vantage point, I am not. Because I was already guilty, that sin was judged 2000 years ago at a cross and the verdict was what? Guilty. And a punishment was what? Death. and who took it, Jesus, how much of it all of it, how much is left for you? None. So although I may feel something, it’s because of what I’m thinking because it is not a God. So God says if I’m going to enable you and me to draw nearer to imperfect worship, to know my God to be able to present my body as what he’s serve as a living sacrifice that totally been made holy and acceptable in the sight of God, which is my reasonable worship, it’s a reasonable thing to do, then I can’t present that body of mine to him on a moment by moment basis with guilt over my head, and so I said, I gotta I’m gonna deal with this sin issue once and for all. That’s what the New Covenant about the sacrifices are merely an annual reminder of sins because it’s impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to what? Take away sin. So the blood of bulls and goats, no sacrificial system, no confession booth, no First John one nines, no altar calls a can take away sin. Those things, cover it. But obviously, in your own mind, they haven’t been taken away, or you wouldn’t need to keep First John one nining and yourself today. So it doesn’t make any difference whether you’re going over to Israel and killing a lamb or whether you’re first John one nining and an altar call. The issue is you haven’t settled the issue of forgiveness. And as long as it’s something that has to keep being done over and over and over again, you’ll find you’ll never draw nearer to God and perfect worship. Because how can you enter into the grace of God, when you’re not sure your sins are all forgiven?” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
So all of those things you could never say what you hear and is in my heart every week if it wasn’t for the New Covenant. So this new agreement between God and man took place because under the old agreement under the law of forcing the flesh to behave and flesh cannot behave. Therefore, you had to go back for forgiveness over and over and over and over and over again. You could never make perfect those who draw near to worship. If it could, as it says it goes ahead to explain this guys. And it’s the same thing with today. If that kind of forgiveness, or that kind of a theology where you have to keep going back and getting forgiven and getting forgiven and forgiven, if that could make perfect, anyone, you would do it once, and that’d be the end of it. That’s what it says, if it could have made perfect those who draw near to worship, it could have stopped being offered for the worshipper could have been cleansed once and for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for our sins. Now, that is the goal for God for you and me is to be cleansed once and for all and no longer feeling guilty for our sins. If you are going to feel guilty, what should be the only reason you should ever feel guilty? If you what? If you are. Isn’t that complicated? Now, if there is no law to accuse you that how guilty Are you violating a law? I mean, if there weren’t a signs out there saying, Dr. 55, how guilty would you feel if you weren’t 65? And if you didn’t feel guilty going 65 When there were no signs, what kind of guilt? Would it be? It’d be a false guilt. You see, I can program your conscience to make you feel guilty over anything. I mean, I can teach you that it’s really bad to eat meat on Friday. I don’t know whoever came up with that. But if I told you bad stuff, meat it’ll kill you on Friday. It’s okay on Sunday, but not Friday, Bear NOT eat that on Friday. Why you left out a hamburger on Friday, you’ll be so guilty, you’ll have stomach pains, you’ll need Tums for the tummy. Is a true guilt? Of course not. Did it come from God? Well of course not. But I can program your conscience to feel guilty over anything, I want to have you by it, you’re going to feel guilty. You come down and in my little group down here says that if you really want to be spiritual, you need to go to prayer meeting on Wednesday. And so if I’m gonna belong to that group, well, then I need to be at the prayer meeting on Wednesday. Because if I’m not why I’m obviously not one of God’s guys. Or we can do what what we used to do that the real spirit of the people who are just kind of there. I mean, they’re they’re there. They may be a Christian may not but just kind of mamby pamby. They come Sunday morning. Now, if you’re a lot more spiritual, that whether you’ll be there Sunday night, and I want to tell you, then, when you really start getting spiritual, you come Wednesday. And when you’re just about to make your ascension, you show up on Monday for visitation and Brother, you’ve just got it. Now you see if a won’t ever use their mind, if I was feeling guilty, because I didn’t go to prayer meeting on Wednesday, all you’d have to do is just join the Presbyterian Church, they don’t have one on Wednesday. And so you could alleviate all that. But you see, I can program your conscience to make you feel guilty, if you don’t show up for something that we’re having on Wednesday. And from God, God didn’t say that. But your conscience is programmed. And many times we can’t differentiate between our conscience and the Holy Spirit of God living in you.
So when you’re talking about this area of forgiveness, we have to understand that from God’s vantage point in order to free you and me to be free to LISTEN to the Spirit of God. Not to be programmed by my conscience, but by God’s Spirit. That we’re going to have to deal with this sin issue once and for all, because you cannot be listening to God’s Spirit when you’re on a guilt trip. Because God didn’t come to put you on a guilt trip. God came to free you from guilt, not put you on it. And until I am free, understanding my forgiveness and my freedom in Christ Jesus. And to realize that although my feelings might feel guilty from God’s vantage point, I am not. Because I was already guilty, that sin was judged 2000 years ago at a cross and the verdict was what? Guilty. And a punishment was what? Death. and who took it, Jesus, how much of it all of it, how much is left for you? None. So although I may feel something, it’s because of what I’m thinking because it is not a God. So God says if I’m going to enable you and me to draw nearer to imperfect worship, to know my God to be able to present my body as what he’s serve as a living sacrifice that totally been made holy and acceptable in the sight of God, which is my reasonable worship, it’s a reasonable thing to do, then I can’t present that body of mine to him on a moment by moment basis with guilt over my head, and so I said, I gotta I’m gonna deal with this sin issue once and for all. That’s what the New Covenant about the sacrifices are merely an annual reminder of sins because it’s impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to what? Take away sin. So the blood of bulls and goats, no sacrificial system, no confession booth, no First John one nines, no altar calls a can take away sin. Those things, cover it. But obviously, in your own mind, they haven’t been taken away, or you wouldn’t need to keep First John one nining and yourself today. So it doesn’t make any difference whether you’re going over to Israel and killing a lamb or whether you’re first John one nining and an altar call. The issue is you haven’t settled the issue of forgiveness. And as long as it’s something that has to keep being done over and over and over again, you’ll find you’ll never draw nearer to God and perfect worship. Because how can you enter into the grace of God, when you’re not sure your sins are all forgiven?
Now, John the Baptist introduced Jesus as Behold the Lamb of God. Who does what with your sin? Well he takes it away. He didn’t come to cover it. He came to take it away. Old Testament, under the law, atonement covered sin. Jesus came to what? Take away sin. And that’s why he was able to cry from the cross. What? It’s finished. Now, guys, it’s the same deal. The person says, Well, do you believe it’s finished? Oh, yeah, I believe it’s finished. But let me ask you a question. Bob, I really believe it’s finished. But let me ask you a question. If you really want to do something bad, don’t you? Don’t you didn’t ask God to forgive you? And that, have you ever heard that one? All right. Now, why do you ask that question? Because you don’t believe it’s finished? The reason for the question is because faith that has to have an object has not been placed totally on what Jesus said it is based on what I’m doing instead of what he did. And my faith is on me and what I’m doing in response to him and what he’s doing instead of just plain faith on him period. So when Jesus says it is what finished guess what he meant? It is finished. That’s what it means it is finished, it has been done. Unlike the sacrifice of the blood of bulls and goats that can never take away sin. Unlike the sacrifice of the blood of bulls and goats that had to be done being done, being done over and over and over and over again, which could never take away sins, unlike all of that. It says I God came to this earth and went on that cross once and for all. And by that one offering I made forever perfect in the sight of God you Kevin whom I have made, holy, it’s finished. There isn’t anything else for you to do, it’s finish. Now do you believe that? Well, if we believe that then why would we ask the question what if we really went out and did a biggie? And so Christ, so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him unless they did a biggie would not perish but have everlasting life you see.
Folks when Christ hung on the cross. As we said before, these spikes did not hold him on a cross. Love held him on the cross. God could have melted those spikes in a New York minute. It was the love of God that held him on to Christ. God so loved that he gave God’s who demonstrated His love toward us and while we were yet sinners, Christ willfully volitionally hung on a cross. Spike’s didn’t hold Him to a cross love held him there. How did that love manifest itself? In saying I love you guys so much. And I want to tell you something. There’s no way in the world for you to have a relationship with me under this religious system. You can never draw near and perfect worship under this religious system. You can never draw near to me in perfect worship, when you’re still dealing with what I’m going To deal with once and for all, at that cross, I didn’t come to form a religion, I came to form a relationship with you. And I so desire for you and me to fellowship with each other, and to know each other, and to love each other, and to interact with each other that I God, I’m going to do anything necessary to bring that about. And the only thing that can be done to bring that about is an ultimate sacrifice for sin whereby the shed blood of God himself is more precious than all the vilest of the sin of the world. The blood of bulls and goats can’t cover that. Can’t take that away, but by blood can. And I’m willing to die and shed it on your behalf. So that you and I can have a relationship with each other. Now that’s love. You don’t you wonder sometimes why did God want to do that? And the only explanation for that as a kind of love that you and I cannot even enter into. But it’s total love. How can we ever deny the love of God for you and me, when we realize that when God so demonstrated His love that He gave His Son for you and me, so that we can have that relationship? Now, so spike’s did not hold Jesus love held them. Now when he said it was finished, there is now no more judgement for your in my sins. John 3:17. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through who? Through him. Whoever believes in Him Jesus is not condemned. But whoever does not believe stands condemned already. How come? Because he hasn’t believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. Now what is believing in God’s one and only Son give you and me? Life. What is the wages of sin? Death.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:30
How are we born into this world dead or alive, spiritually? Dead. So we are born under the wages of sin which is death. And we remain under that death sentence until we do what? Choose what? Life and that’s why Christ said I came at you might have life what do we need life for? Because we’re dead. the resurrection and the life whosoever believes in me though he were dead, yet shall he what? Live and whosoever lives and believes in me will never what? Die. So the whole issue is life and death. So does God send somebody to hell? You send yourself. In other words by refusing life, how do you remain? Dead. That’s all. So you just remain in your state when you refuse to receive life. Now Christ said I didn’t come into the world to condemn it but to save it now, isn’t it interesting that we who are Christians, who claim to be indwelled by the living Christ, spend so much of our time condemning the world and so we’re out condemning the world and trying to make the world moral. So you got the Moral Majority, which is neither, neither moral nor the majority. And you got people out trying to preach morality when they themselves are not. And we’re not trying to clean up the world. Trying to get the world all cleaned up. Why? Because we’re in love with it. Well they think like get the world cleaned up, then I got a neater place to live. He said, We are Christ’s ambassadors. Isn’t that what he said? We are Christ’s ambassadors, and as though God we’re here we are there for Christ’s ambassadors. What’s an ambassador? Somebody represents another country than your own. Whereas our citizenship, it says our citizenship is in heaven. It says, We are aliens here, we’re in the world, but we’re not all of it. Right? If I was an ambassador to France, I’d be in France, but I wouldn’t be off France. If I if I took on their citizenship and renounce mine. I’d be in it and of it. But I’m in it. But I’m not of it. I’m an ambassador over there. My citizenship is the United States of America. I’m an ambassador in France. I’m in France, but I’m not all France. Now. is it my job as an ambassador in France to go out and pick up Moulin Rouge? To go down and try to get all the French quit drinking wine? To try to close down all the strip joints in France? Is that my job as an ambassador? No, what is my job as an ambassador? To represent the United States of America. Because of I don’t represent the United States of America, I will begin getting into the affairs of France. And before long, I won’t know whether I’m a citizen, there or here. And instead of being in France, but not up France, I’ve suddenly find myself in France and of France. And a man who tries to serve two masters at the same time is going to be a double minded man in all ways.
And if we who are ambassadors here on the face of this earth, represent the kingdom of God are all involved in trying to bring morality to the dead, who in the world is going to proclaim Christ to people because you don’t have time to do both of them. The reason the church in England today is in the shape that it is in it started out through the Wesley movement, another flame, a flame for God, preaching the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. After a while they got bored with Jesus and started to social issues one social issue after another social issue, after another socio issue, you can hardly find the gospel proclaimed over there today. And the same thing is gonna happen in this country is evangelicals forget what our goal is, and what our job isn’t. Try getting involved in brain morality, to the dead when they alive aren’t even moral. If you don’t believe that, see what’s going on television. If you want to clean up some brother, we better go to our own churches. There’s plenty to clean up in there. We keep pointing our bony fingers at the world and before long the world says brother, I’m going to point my bony finger back at you buster. We say Oh, no separation from church and state. Well, what are you doing over there in our state? Friends, when the Lord Jesus Christ said that we’re ambassadors, he told us there’s one thing we’re here to do. And that’s to go out and tell people the good news that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not counting your sins against you. And then as he said, I implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God, be reconciled. Christ is reconciled you unto himself, be reconciled to God. Why? Because God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us. So that in him in Christ, we might become the righteousness of God. It’s a good news of the gospel. Well, there’s no judgment for our sins. Our sins have already been judged. There’s no condemnation for the believer. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are there it is again in Christ Jesus. How come? Well, because through Christ Jesus, not because of you, but him, the law of the Spirit of Life, see the Spirit of Life, certainly free from the law of sin and death. What’s the law of sin and death? A man who sins will surely what? Die. What’s the law of life? The man who believes will surely what? Live the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is what? Life that’s why who has the Son has what? Life he does not have the Son does not have what? Life these things are written into you believe in the name of Son of God, know that you may what? Hope that you have, know that you have, what life what kind of life eternal life was that to be found in him. So you and I have been set free from the law of sin and death by the law of life. The very moment that we step out of Adam into Christ, Christ steps out of heaven into you, and you become born again of the Spirit of God. Christ comes to live within you. The in him you have forgiveness, redemption, the forgiveness of sins. The forgiveness provided for you at the cross is received in his life. And in Him we are now free from all condemnation. The reason that we are free from condemnation is nothing there to accuse you. Because all of your sins were already judged the verdict, guilty punishment, death, Christ took it all. There’s nothing else to accuse you of. It’s all been done. You’ve already been accused, you already been declared guilty. You’ve already experienced death, he took it for you and raised again to give life back to you. So there’s no condemnation. Now what the law was powerless to do, and it was weakened by this sinful nature of ours God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so He condemned sin in sinful man. So there’s no condemnation.
So the cross then was an end, not an end in itself, but a means of accomplishing this thing called reconciliation. Then the sin issue has been dealt with once and for all. Oh, guys, take a look at this just for a minute. If someplace down around 30 to 33 ad, Christ died for the sins of the world took them away. And here’s the timeline of eternity. Sometime between Christ’s death and eternity you were born. And one of these days obviously, you’re going to die that hasn’t occured yet, obviously. So some time between your birth and the coming of your death. You have received Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Now in that timeline when you receive Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, how many of your sins were covered by the craft the cross? All of the. Now some people will say Well, Bob, I understand Christ dying for all my past sins but about my future sins? How many of your sins were in the future when he died for them 2000 years ago? All of them. Appears to me that will be true to some of your some of your old but you’re not that old. Yeah. All of them. Now the issue is, do we believe that? He made his complete and him for in Christ in Christ, all of the fullness of deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness or completeness in Christ. In other words, you’re complete in Christ.
Back in Indiana, we used to have apple trees in the backyard there’s little apples have come out, come out there remember those hard as a brick. And we’ve taken those apples when they get hard like that and have fights with them. And our day had been made when we could clock somebody in the head with one of those real good and now that that little apple was hard as a brick, let me ask you is that perfect apple coming out there as a perfect apple? It’s not a pumpkin. Is it? What is it? It’s apple is a perfect apple Is God gonna add anything to that? No. Everything that’s God is gonna get. Said when you came out of your mom’s womb everything you got you got right then. So if you didn’t know it had to grow. But but it was always there no nose was added no ears were added, no eyes right? Nothing. Nothing was that you are complete. Now. Were you mature. Neither was that little apple. That little apple through abiding in the life of the tree grew and matured. But it was complete. When you and I were born again you were what? Complete in Christ not gonna add anything to you. There’s no new spirit that’s gonna come in. There’s no new anything’s gonna be added no new ears, no new eyes, no nothing. You’ve got everything you’re gonna get. Now, what do you do? Well, you mature in that you grow in that you grow in your knowledge of the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. And it says that truth does what to us? It sets us free. So you’re not you can’t take away from completeness. You can’t add to completeness. So you’re going to have to rest in the fact that Lord you’ve done it all now live in it.
Now, here’s what we have to come to grips with guys. And that’s where this this thing of faith is thrown around. And we got big faith, we got little faith that is totally irrelevant. Jesus said if any of us had faith the size of a mustard seed, we could move mountains. I haven’t moved any of those lately. So I can tell you some what sighs my faith is somewhat smaller than that of a mustard seed. But you see the size of my faith is irrelevant. Because if I’m measuring my faith, I’m insulting God. I don’t have big faith, I have a big God. I don’t need big faith, all I have to do is to have enough to realize that that is God speaking to me. And if it’s God, then He knows a little bit more than I do. So I’m as well believe him and trust him. So when Christ comes and says, It is finished, there is no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus, there is no more judgment for your sins, there is you are complete in Christ, all of your sins have been taken away at the cross, all of your sins have been forgiven, you have been made perfect in the sight of God through your relationship with Christ Jesus, by that one offering you made perfect in the sight of God, all of those whom he has made holy, that through that offering, he did it once and for all, never to do it again. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. So if God was any further forgiveness, to be executed on your behalf by God, he would have to come and die again, he’s not going to do that. He’s going to come back the second time not to take care of sin. He’s already done that, but to bring salvation for those who are waiting on him. Now if though it is true, then the only thing Faith says is Lord, I believe it. That’s about all you can do, isn’t it? And so when we’re dealing with this, we have to take a look at this. Either Jesus did it all or he didn’t do anything at all. Either Christ finished the work or he didn’t finish it. Or if he finished part of it, which did he finish in which didn’t he? And who in the world is going to know? God’s grace is either total or don’t call it grace. People says that’s cheap grace. I don’t care. It’s cheap o4 expensive. It’s grace. And you do not because someone wants to abuse the grace of God don’t negate the fact of the grace of God. Either all of our sins are totally forgiven or none of them are forgiven. If some of them forgiven, and some of them aren’t, which ones are and which ones aren’t? And how are you going to know? Eternal life either lasts forever, don’t call it eternal life. Just call it temporal life.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”