Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P79 (03-13-24)
The First Command Was Set Aside Because it was Weak and Useless
~ The law made nothing perfect. Do you hear that? The law, made NOTHING perfect. So a better hope was introduced. Jesus is our better hope. For no one will ever be declared righteous under the law. Do we actually believe that? Do most people that profess being a Christian actually believe that? Heck no. They think God is pleased with them when they obey the law (and falsely believe that they are obeying the law). They lie to themselves and others. For if they were honest with themselves, they would see the truth of the word of God and of themselves, they would repent (NOT of their sins but of their unbelief and change their mind), and come to a saving faith in Jesus, the one who could and did obey the law of God from the beginning. Only in Christ Jesus is a person perfect in the sight of God. It is not based on dodo Christianity either. It is based solely on Him and His righteousness, none of our own righteousness. Only when a person exercises faith in Him and His finished work on the cross, then that person receives the Holy Spirit immediately and becomes a child of God. Jesus is the guarantee of a better covenant.
“So the former commandment is set aside because it was weak and useless (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God. And none of this happened without an oath. For others became priests without an oath, but Jesus became a priest with an oath by the One who said to Him: “The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind: ‘You are a priest forever.’ ” Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant. Now there have been many other priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office. But because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save completely those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest truly befits us—One who is holy, innocent, undefiled, set apart from sinners, and exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, He does not need to offer daily sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people; He sacrificed for sin once for all when He offered up Himself. For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever. Hebrews 8:18-28
~ “Back in, in seven, we’re going to back up just a minute to kind of see how this New Covenant is put into place. The former regulation, that’s the old covenant is set aside. Anything wrong with a former covenant with the former covenant? No, but it was because it was weak and useless for the law. made nothing want? Perfect. Is that true? Now doesn’t man think that the law can make something perfect? I mean, if I get the law strong enough, I get man to behave. Is that true. Now you just get law on top of law on top of law on top of law and on top of law and then you got to come around and interpret that thing. And that’s why you need all the attorneys is to interpret what’s in front of you that you can see but no one knows what it means. So I need someone to interpret it for me. And you get law on top of law on top of law because the law could make nothing perfect. No man could ever go into the presence of God through obedience to the law, because the righteous requirements of the law was such as Jesus explained that if a man violates the least of these my commandments, he’s violated, how many of them? He violated all of them. And that’s not today, folks, that’s from the time you were born to the time you died, you violate all of them. And so for a man to think that he can get right in the sight of God, by obedience to the law is a deceived human being as deceived as someone who says I never sin. And you got people walking around like that. Say, I don’t sin. Mean as a Hornet, but I don’t sin. Well, you don’t even know what sin is. And you gotta realize, if you don’t know what sin is, how in the world could God be living in you, if you don’t know what sin is. God points out sin to you by His Spirit, he’ll point out your lousy attitudes and my lousy attitudes, he points them out to correct them. He points them out to show you Bob, your mind is messed up, let me renew it. And so sin is something that is in all of us. And no man can ever be made perfect, perfect in the sight of God through obedience to the law, because we can’t do it. So what did he do? Well, a better hope is introduced, by which we do what? Draw near to God. Could you draw near to God under the law? Of course not. You go over to Israel, and you stand there at the Wailing Wall. And you see these people standing there well they’re devoted, oh, just whoa, wow, what they’re doing going back and forth, for just oh, you see, when looked at his watch, times not up gonna keep going. What are we doing that for trying to draw near to God, trying to draw near to God, if I can keep doing this, if I can plan to leave myself enough, if I can be sincere enough, if I can pray enough, and I can bow enough and all that I’m maybe I’ll draw nearer to God.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Back in, in seven, we’re going to back up just a minute to kind of see how this New Covenant is put into place. The former regulation, that’s the old covenant is set aside. Anything wrong with a former covenant with the former covenant? No, but it was because it was weak and useless for the law. made nothing want? Perfect. Is that true? Now doesn’t man think that the law can make something perfect? I mean, if I get the law strong enough, I get man to behave. Is that true. Now you just get law on top of law on top of law on top of law and on top of law and then you got to come around and interpret that thing. And that’s why you need all the attorneys is to interpret what’s in front of you that you can see but no one knows what it means. So I need someone to interpret it for me. And you get law on top of law on top of law because the law could make nothing perfect. No man could ever go into the presence of God through obedience to the law, because the righteous requirements of the law was such as Jesus explained that if a man violates the least of these my commandments, he’s violated, how many of them? He violated all of them. And that’s not today, folks, that’s from the time you were born to the time you died, you violate all of them. And so for a man to think that he can get right in the sight of God, by obedience to the law is a deceived human being as deceived as someone who says I never sin. And you got people walking around like that. Say, I don’t sin. Mean as a Hornet, but I don’t sin. Well, you don’t even know what sin is. And you gotta realize, if you don’t know what sin is, how in the world could God be living in you, if you don’t know what sin is. God points out sin to you by His Spirit, he’ll point out your lousy attitudes and my lousy attitudes, he points them out to correct them. He points them out to show you Bob, your mind is messed up, let me renew it. And so sin is something that is in all of us. And no man can ever be made perfect, perfect in the sight of God through obedience to the law, because we can’t do it. So what did he do? Well, a better hope is introduced, by which we do what? Draw near to God. Could you draw near to God under the law? Of course not. You go over to Israel, and you stand there at the Wailing Wall. And you see these people standing there well they’re devoted, oh, just whoa, wow, what they’re doing going back and forth, for just oh, you see, when looked at his watch, times not up gonna keep going. What are we doing that for trying to draw near to God, trying to draw near to God, if I can keep doing this, if I can plan to leave myself enough, if I can be sincere enough, if I can pray enough, and I can bow enough and all that I’m maybe I’ll draw nearer to God.
We do that today, in our religious system, where you see all over the place, people coming up with stuff that they’ll need for you to draw near to God. And if you tithe boy you’re really drawn here to God, He loves a tither. God so loved a tither that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him and tithes will have everlasting life loves tithers. So then, oh, he loves loyal church attendance. I mean, if you just if you’ll do that you draw nearer to God. And if you can speak in the language of Angel, boy you’re draw nearer to God, and if you can do this, you draw nearer to God, if you do this, you draw nearer to God, what are all those things? They’re all a bunch of junk, thinking that you can do something to draw nearer to a holy God with sinful flesh. That’s as stupid as thinking that garbage belongs in a refrigerator. You’re gonna have to be wrapped in some heavenly saran wrap to get in there. And that’s what God came to do is to clothe you and me in his righteousness. You and I can’t draw nearer to God, by our own efforts, there’s nothing you can do to draw near to God. And folks, when people get into that mentality and, and and even, you know, and don’t think that can be worked up, we could get bands and singing and swaying and everything else, oh, my God, I got so close to God, the Holy Spirit was so thick, I could cut it with a knife. And then you walk out that door, and your husband says something to you. And that knife slice just alleviated. I don’t know what happened to it one slice, all of a sudden, it’s gone. And the reality is gone. And you’re wondering, what happened. I felt so good in the service. And so I’ll go back to the service again. So I’m feel good and miserable until we get back there. And again, that form of religion, putting a new brand on the bottle continues to entice people to say you want to get close to God, come to the house of God. And we get up and say welcome to the house of God. Is this the house of God? Warehouse, warehouse of God? Is the church building a house of God? Is it? Where’s the house of God? Well, you the house of God It says your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit of God, when Christ came to live within you, he said, You are the body of Christ. So in the house of God, you’re the house of God. But you see what that mentality does, it says, come here and get all the spiritual goosebumps. And we’ll really feed you. And then soon as you walk out here, we recognize you’re gonna be pretty miserable. But that’s okay. You know, it’s kind of like a telephone wires that you gotta gotta hide it sags down. By Wednesday, you’re at the low end, but you’re on your way up Sunday is a company, and you can, and you can get a you can get look forward to the next Sunday. And that’s the mentality is I’m going to draw near to God every Sunday morning. We’re going to be miserable, the minute it’s over, but I’m going to draw nearer to God on Sunday. And then some people have come up to say that sag is so bad by Wednesday, let’s have a Wednesday prayer meeting and jack that thing up a little. So we come up so we kind of got a little shorter little dip and, and so if we can have more places in the house of God, more things going on in the house of God, than just once a week, we can keep everybody kind of jacked up a little bit. Is that where you live your life in the house of God? No. Live your life in the real house of God, and that you, that’s where the Christian life is lived. And so we’re constantly trying to draw nearer to God with religion, and you cannot do it. And he told us we can’t, a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God and it’s not without an oath. And I went ahead to say that the Lord has sworn and won’t change his mind when he said to Jesus, you’re a priest forever. And he became a guarantee of a what? A better covenant one that is brand new.
Now back to 10. Let’s go down to chapter 10. The law then, is only a shadow of the good things that are coming, not the realities themselves. What then does it say the law is not? A reality. We think it’s a reality. But it’s not. He said it’s a shadow. Not the reality. What is the reality? Christ. Remember in scripture where it says that, that the things that you can’t see are what’s real, and the things you can’t see are gonna disappear. Tell that to a lost person sometime say that guy just lost his mind. Things you can see they’re not real things you can’t see those are real. Okay. Got a beach property in Wyoming. Hey, place it. Now for this reason, because the law is only a shadow, not the reality. It can never the law by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly, year after year, once again, make perfect those who draw near to worship. If it could, would they not have been stopped? In other words, to be made perfect. You see, the reasoning here to be made perfect means you don’t have to do it anymore. It just says that if it could do what? Make things perfect to draw nearer, then would they not have stopped being offered? In other words, if those sacrifices could enable you to draw it near in perfect worship in order to draw near in perfect worship, it would have to be done once and for all. And what keeps a perfect worship from taking place and what makes the sacrifice incomplete is the fact that it has to be done over and over and over again. Because if you can ever do it one time, and let it be final you could draw nearer to God and perfect worship and unless it is you can’t. The worshipers would have been for the worshipers would have been cleansed once and for all and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. Guilty. You know guilt puts most people in hospital guilt ridden. You can get your sins forgiven today, but if you gotta get them forgiven again tomorrow, how you gonna feel between today and tomorrow? Guilty. What’s that gonna do to you? Well it eats your lunch. Do you realize folks when Christ came to die on the cross once and for all that he came to alleviate guilt in your life? Do you know feeling guilty for a Christian is not an emotion that God wants you to have. Isn’t that amazing? In order to be guilty, what do you have to be? In order to feel guilty? What do you have to be? Guilty. Are you? There’s no condemnation waiting you who belong to Christ says, in order to be guilty, does someone have to pronounce you guilty? Do they? Yeah. Well, if you’re guilty before God who has to pronounce you guilty? God. Is he going to know? Not anymore. Why is that so hard to understand? Because it doesn’t make sense to us on a human level does it? But see, we try to drag God down to our level. We try to bring him down to us that doesn’t make any sense God because then the way we’d treat somebody and after all, if I wouldn’t treat them that way, for sure you wouldn’t. You see the difference between the way man looks at things and the way God looks at things? God is saying here that as long as there is a system, whether it’s the sacrificial system under Hebrewism, or the so called Christian system that we have, as long as forgiveness is not final in your life, you’re going to be guilt ridden, and you’ll never be able to walk into the presence of God in perfect worship. Those sacrifices in our day and age your first John one nines, you’re keeping short accounts with God you’re being sure that your have you’ve cleansed your jar Oh, God said it’s already cleansing something is in it. No, no, I got cleanse it gotta keep it cleansed. As long as that mentality is in your mind, you will never draw nearer to him and perfect worship. It’s that simple.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 12:53
Why do you see people constantly trying to draw nearer to God? Why do you see the Christian world constantly and as I said, and again, I don’t have, please believe in what I’m saying, I have no objection to how a person wants to praise God. I don’t care whether you have your hands up, whether you have them down, or you have me in your ears. If you didn’t have any arms, that would be kind of a dumb thing to be discussing anyway, would it. But what you do with your body, there is such thing as body language. What you do with your body is a total reflection of your understanding in here. If I understand that I’m hungry, you’re going to see my body headed toward the food. Because what I’m doing with my body is a reflection of what’s going on inside. So when I see, and again, I don’t have any objection. I’m just saying it’s an indicator. Somebody’s like this to God is an indicator that you don’t understand where God is. Because if that’s your idea that there is God, what am I trying to do with this? What am I trying to do? I’m trying to reach up to him. Right up here. I’m trying to be made perfect and reach up to God. Folks, if Satan can get you believing God is up there instead of in your heart, he’s got you for life, you will be struggling all of your life and your Christian experience. God came, he went to a lot of trouble. To go to a cross to finalize this once and for all so that raised from the dead, he could not sit up in heaven and say, lot’s of luck. But to come and live in you, as your Lord and Savior. If you got to do something with your hands clutched your heart it’s more indicative of what you truly believe to be true. Why do you see people going through all of these things, trying to get jacked up emotionally and everything else? We haven’t accepted the cross we think we have. But we haven’t accepted the cross. We have not realized that this is over. And and this sacrifices it can never, ever make perfect to those who draw near to worship.
Now, folks, I want to cover one other thing before we get away. People look at worship, again, like Old Testament, was there any way to ever say to an Old Testament saint, Christ in you is your hope of glory? Was there ever any way to say to an Old Testament saint that Christ is living in you, trust him, let him live his life through you? Not at all. So worship was man’s way of trying to reach up to God. That’s why they did this, trying to reach up to God. Why? Well, because God hadn’t come permanently to them. So they’re still trying to reach up to him. Now that was worship. So you went through all kinds of worship, and today we have worship services. Worship in the New Testament fans, is not what you do in an assembly. In the book of Romans, if you will read that I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies now as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in the sight of God, which is your reasonable, what? Worship, your reasonable worship. What is worship to you and me is born again, Christians, coming in an assembly and singing songs, lifting your hands up, putting them down? Speaking in English, or speaking in an angel, or not speaking at all, what if you didn’t have a tongue is that worship? Any heathen can do that, folks, there’s not a heathen alive, there’s not a person alive. We’ve got some pastors I’m wondering about that we see recently, that can’t go through that kind of gyrations, and be as lost as a goose. You don’t have to be saved to sing praise songs. You don’t have to be saved to either do or pretend that you’re babbling in some kind of a language. You don’t have to be saved for that. heathens do it, Mormons do it all kinds of people do that. You don’t have to be saved for that. You don’t have to be saved to lift your arms up or put them down. You don’t have to be saved to get glassy eyed. You don’t have to get saved to get teared up. You can do that with a classical song. But I want to tell you something, folks, before you can offer your body as a living sacrifice that has been made holy and acceptable in the sight of God, you’ve got to be saved. You can’t offer your body as a living sacrifice unless Christ lives in you. And that’s why that and that alone, is you’re in my only worship. It is only when Christ Jesus and we understand that he is alive living in me. And that is my only hope of glory. And I’m able to get up in the morning and say, Lord Jesus, I’m available to you. This is your body here on Earth, use it how you want to. And folks, that is something that I don’t need to limit to what I do on a Sunday morning that anybody can come in and play for an hour and play church for an hour. And look happy for an hour. Good to see you. And all that. Anybody can do that. Anybody can do that. But to be available to the living God living in you, he’s got to live in you, otherwise I’m available to something else. And you find out in the New Testament, you just look through it sometimes folks, those of you who say you’re in Christ, you look through it and see if you see anything in worship in the New Testament other than what I’m talking about. But where that other stuff come from? Well, where everything else comes from from the labeling game. And I’m going to put a name label on his jar, and have some distinction. I gotta do some things distinctive. I’m not gonna be over there like goes oh, dead boring, you know, people over there. People are gonna want to hear my name. We’re alive. So I’m gonna put the living label on this thing. And over here on my label on the thing. I’m not good jump up and down like all those fanatics. Man. I’m a dignified Christian. So I’m gonna put my dignified label on this jar. And there isn’t anybody wild and wooly is gonna come into these doors. In fact, anybody in there says amen the whole place, it looked like, you know, the stockbroker just spoke. And so they’re not gonna do that and this place. So you see, that’s all man made stuff that’s put all of these things together. Because it’s easy to do if worship means getting together and singing songs and all that that’s easy to do. Anybody can do it. It is impossible to worship God by presenting your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable in the sight of God, which is reasonable worship if you’re not born again.
And that’s why I said all of these things that are foreshadowings they’re not reality their foreshadowings can never ever, ever make perfect those who drawn near to worship. These sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins, because is it possible for the blood of bulls and goats to what? Take away sin. Well, didn’t it just get through saying up here that without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness than to just say that, and what are they talking about? Well they’re talking about animal sacrifices, aren’t they? Well, they just said that without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness. And over here, it said that the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sins. Is that the same? Did the blood of bulls and goats cover sins? What was that called? It’s called atonement, but could they ever take them away? So what was the problem with atonement covering sins? And again, we use that don’t we? They Atoning Blood of Jesus, the atone. That’s not in the New Testament. Atonement was what blood of bulls and goats did. Christ didn’t come to atone for sin, He came take away sin. We carry that word over into New Testament cross. And if you’ll read a commentary, I’ll say it’s true theological usage that we allow that. Well, in so doing, you and I both have the idea when we hear atonement, but I don’t know about you when I hear atonement I think about the blood of bulls and goats, I think about what took place back at those deals. And we do the same thing with Christ. When we bring that atoning, he came to atone for sins. That’s the same thing. Well, he came there and he got to do it again. He’s got to do it again. Got to do it again. Got to do it again. How come? Atonement doesn’t take away sins. What Christ come to do? Take them away. Now, if you understand they’re taken away, what does that clear the deck for you to do? According to this one passage alone? It enables you to do what? Draw near to God in perfect worship. There aren’t any more short accounts? No more sitting down there wonder if I got all my sins confessed. Wonder if I got a unconfessed sin in my life. What if I handle them all? Did I get them all? What if I forgot one? What if a die and forgot one? Can you ever draw near to God and perfect worship that way? Are you free to say Lord Jesus, I’m your body? I don’t know what you want with it. But here it is. I love you. You love me. There’s nothing to stand in our way. Is there anything to keep you from doing that if you understand the finality of the cross? Is there anything to keep you from being able to realize that, although Christ God is in heaven, that he came to live in me, and therefore, I talked to him as my best friend. I don’t need to scream to him up there anymore. He’s come to me. Isn’t that an amazing thought, that I don’t have to play religion anymore. That I don’t ever have to try to reach up to God anymore. Or to reach out to God that he’s already reached me to realize that I don’t have to ever beg him for what he’s already given me. And that’s his life and his forgiveness. To realize I don’t have to work or try to try to do good for God so I get more imperative inheritance. I’m afraid my brother’s gonna get the Cadillac instead of me. So I’m gonna be real nice to him. To not have to be ever thinking that I’m unworthy because I never was worthy, worthy is the lamb not the sheep. That when my behavior is totally inconsistent with who I am, that I can trust the Lord who said, Bob, I’m not through with you yet. And you don’t have to sit around feeling guilty. I never expected anything on that stupid flesh of years anyway. You know, the reason we feel good feel guilty is the guilty has to come from the fact of the belief that I can’t believe my flesh did that. Isn’t that right, I just can’t believe I will believe it folks. Believe you’re capable of more How do you expect flesh to be? flesh will always be placed spirit will always be spirit flesh is always gonna behave that way. Your issue isn’t in trying to get the flesh change, that’s definitely is gonna change. Your issue is to learn how to walk in a dependent trust relationship on the living God. What prohibits us from it? The very thing we’re talking about, see the world comes out and says your sins prohibit that? Oh, no, no, no, my refusal to believe Christ forgiveness is what alienates me from God. Men walk away from God not because of their sins, they walk away from God because of their refusal to believe Christ provision for their sins. You’re not backsliding because you sin, your flesh always will you’re backsliding when you refuse to believe Jesus who said it’s finished. I love you. There isn’t anything you can do to separate you from my love. Now, if you will rely on that, and trust that you’re going to be able, there’s a result, that’s going to happen. And the result is you’re going to be able to walk into my presence at anytime calling me Daddy, Father, and receive mercy in your time of need. You’re going to be able to present your body regardless of what you’ve done or haven’t done or thought or haven’t thought as a living sacrifice. Because I’ve already made it that way. I’ve already made it holy, I’ve already made it acceptable in the sight of God. Now the most reasonable thing for you to do is just make it available to me. That’s worship. Not exterior, down here under the skin. Where you and I live. It’s called the Spirit of God living in you. That your only hope of glory. Folks, it’s all Jesus. It’s all him and none of us. Religion forces you to get preoccupied with you and what you’re doing. Christ came to enable you to be preoccupied with him and what he’s doing.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”