Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P100 (05-01-24)
It’s Not How Big Your Faith is, But the Faithfulness of God
~ People talk about their faith today, instead of talking about the faithfulness of God. It’s not a question of how big your faith is, it’s a question of who do you place faith in? Do you place faith in what man says, or what God says? Have you changed your mind about anything in the past four years, or are you still going on as though you haven’t learned anything today? We see it all the time, people don’t have clue of what is going on, for they keep going and listening to their lying pastors and teachers that don’t even have the proper foundation in the area of forgiveness by God, and think that they themselves are pleasing God by sitting in a dead church, listening to a dead preacher, who is preaching dead works. How much sense does that make? Where is faith in that? People say they believe all their sins were forgiven at the cross, and then they say but, but, but… and on and on it goes. They haven’t placed faith in Jesus, instead they have placed faith in their ongoing traditions. They would much rather not rock the boat, and simply overlook this major foundational issue, because after all they say to themselves, most all pastors teach ongoing forgiveness. Well folks, news alert, all those pastors are dead. They have not exercised faith. And the people that are teaching lies that God only died for the elect, or God didn’t really die for the sins of the whole world, they are agents of Satan.
Pray to God:
“Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today. Thank you God.”
~ "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead. By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith." By faith Abraham, being called to go out into a place that he was going to receive for an inheritance, obeyed and went out, not knowing where he is going. By faith he sojourned in the land of the promise, as in a foreign country, having dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the joint-heirs of the same promise. For he was awaiting the city having foundations, of which the architect and builder is God. By faith also Sarah, herself barren, received power for the conception of seed, even beyond the opportune age, since she considered the One having promised faithful. Therefore also were born from one man, and he having been as good as dead, as the stars of heaven in multitude, and countless as the sand by the shore of the sea. These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them from afar, and having embraced them, and having confessed that they are strangers and sojourners on the earth. For those saying such things make manifest that they are seeking their own country. And indeed if they had been remembering that from where they came out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they stretch forward to a better one, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed of them, to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them. By faith Abraham, being tested, has offered up Isaac. Even the one having received the promises was offering up his only begotten son, as to whom it was said, “In Isaac your offspring will be reckoned,” having reasoned that God was able even to raise him out from the dead, from where he received him also in a simile. By faith also Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning the things coming. By faith Jacob, dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph and worshiped on the top of his staff. By faith Joseph, dying, made mention concerning the exodus of the sons of Israel and gave instructions concerning his bones. By faith Moses, having been born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw the little child was beautiful, and they did not fear the edict of the king. By faith Moses, having become grown, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, having chosen to suffer affliction with the people of God, rather than to have the fleeting enjoyment of sin, having esteemed the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking toward the reward. By faith he left Egypt, not having feared the anger of the king; for he persevered, as seeing the Invisible One. By faith he has kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that the one destroying the firstborn would not touch them. By faith they passed through the Red Sea as through dry land, which the Egyptians, an attempt having made, were swallowed up. By faith the walls of Jericho fell, having been encircled for seven days. By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those having disobeyed, having received the spies with peace. And what more shall I say? For the time will fail me, telling of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, also David, and Samuel, and the prophets, who by faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, obtained promises; shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the mouths of the sword; acquired strength out of weakness, became mighty in war, put to flight foreign armies. Women received back their dead by resurrection; and others were tortured, not having accepted release, so that they might obtain a better resurrection. And others received the trial of mockings and of scourgings, and in addition, of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawed in two, they were killed by slaughter of the sword; they wandered in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, being oppressed, being mistreated; of whom the world was not worthy; wandering in deserts, and mountains, and caves, and holes of the earth. And these all, having been commended through the faith, did not receive the promise, God having planned something better for us, so that not apart from us, they should be made perfect.Hebrews 11:1-40
~ “And so in order to give to us a life called eternal life, sin, the thing that killed man to begin with had to be dealt with once and for all. And that is exactly what the cross is all about. So at the cross, sin dealt with once and for all enabled him therefore, to usher in this New Covenant whereby he said, their sins and their lawless acts, I will remember what, no more and where these have been forgiven, there is no longer what, any sacrifice presents. Now, once again, without the shedding of blood, there is no what, forgiveness of sin. So what would have to be done in other if for any further forgiveness to be executed on your on my behalf? Without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness. So if there was any further forgiveness to be executed on your behalf by God, what would he have to do? To shed his blood die again, is he going to do that? So therefore, you know why he says, number one, It is finished. And number two, there is no more sacrifice for sins. He is the only sacrifice. And the whole book of Hebrews is about the fact that if you’re not going to trust him for that, alone sacrifice, then there is no sacrifice left. Because the blood of bulls and goats can’t take away sin. There is no sacrifice left. And if you’re not go into trust Him and His sacrifice. You don’t have anything to look forward to it says, except the raging fire of hell that consumes the enemies of God. Because an enemy of God is One who does not believe God, an enemy of God is one who says, Oh, I believe Jesus died for my sins and then becomes a billy goat. But but but but but which in essence is saying, I don’t believe He died for all my sins. If I say I am married to Amy, but I’m not really married to her. I don’t know whether I’m married or not. And so there’s no billy goat buts to forgiveness. Either Christ did it all or it didn’t do any of it. And if he didn’t do at all, what did he do and what didn’t he do. And so when you are dealing with the forgiveness of sin, you’re not dealing with something that is here today and gone tomorrow. You’re dealing with an absolute, you’re not dealing with a variable. Now we live in this life and buy this stuff. And the reason so much of this has crept into Christianity is because we unlike the Bible says when it says Don’t be conformed to the philosophies of the world, become conformed to the philosophies of the world. And literally we buy existentialist viewpoints, whether we think so or not. And that is that everything is relative. There are no absolute there are things relative, so therefore forgiveness becomes relative, not an absolute relative. Now, the philosophy of the world is that everything is relative. There are no absolutes, and I am absolutely sure that there is no absolutes. So you see, when we’re dealing in relativity, you cannot rejoice in the finality of the cross, when you bought the doctrine of relativity, that forgiveness is relative. Forgiveness is yes, but forgiveness is yes period. And at the cross is where this New Covenant was ushered in saying their sins and lawless deeds. I remember what, no more no more period and where these have been forgiven, no longer any sacrifice, no sacrifices left. There is no priest that can forgive sins. There is no man that can forgive sins. There is no blood of bulls and goats who can forgive sins. There’s no First John one nine that can forgive sin. There is no altar call that can forgive sins. There is no more forgiveness of sins, only the blood of Christ Jesus was greater than all of the vileness of the sins of the world period. It’s all him and none of us. period, period.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:27
Well, let’s turn to the book of Hebrews together. Chapter 11. We’ve had 10 chapters in the book of Hebrews explaining this brand New Covenant that has come into effect, a new agreement between God and man, whereby through the cross, ushered in a brand New Covenant. And as the book of Hebrews talks about the fact that A will cannot go into effect until the one who made it dies. And so Christ, while he was here on Earth, through his life, qualified him for the death that he died, in other words, Christ fulfilled the law, God gave the Law to us. Man was buried under it, the only thing the law did for you and me is to kill us bury us. It is therefore called a curse, because we can’t do it and the wages of sin under the law is what? Death, not out of fellowship, not a little paddling, death. And so there was only one person who ever walked on the face of this earth, that ever lived a sinless life. He is the only person ever born alive spiritually, Adam, the first man created alive Jesus called the last Adam, the only man ever born alive spiritually, and therefore the only one that could ever lay his life down for you. He’s the only one that ever had a life to lay down. But he led a sinless life and in so doing fulfilled the law. He said, I didn’t come to abolish the law, but what? Fulfill it and he did, how did he fulfill it? Through a perfect life, the only person could ever do that. And the fulfillment, therefore, of the law, having been given and fulfilled through the giver, and the fulfiller, that just became the justifier. Christ’s life fulfilled the law in His perfect life, qualifying him, therefore, to go to a cross, and die then for the forgiveness of the sins of those of us who could not fulfill the law. So he fulfilled it, paid the price for those who couldn’t fulfill it. And therefore, through His death, burial and resurrection, was able to usher in a brand New Covenant, whereby there is a new agreement between God and man, whereby the thing that killed us, sin, would be taken away at the cross to enable us to receive a life called eternal life. He could have given us any kind of life that he wanted to he chose to give us eternal life, he could have given us temporal life, he could have left us dead with no life, or he could give us eternal life, he chose eternal. And so in order to give to us a life called eternal life, sin, the thing that killed man to begin with had to be dealt with once and for all. And that is exactly what the cross is all about. So at the cross, sin dealt with once and for all enabled him therefore, to usher in this New Covenant whereby he said, their sins and their lawless acts, I will remember what, no more and where these have been forgiven, there is no longer what, any sacrifice presents. Now, once again, without the shedding of blood, there is no what, forgiveness of sin. So what would have to be done in other if for any further forgiveness to be executed on your on my behalf? Without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness. So if there was any further forgiveness to be executed on your behalf by God, what would he have to do? To shed his blood die again, is he going to do that? So therefore, you know why he says, number one, It is finished. And number two, there is no more sacrifice for sins. He is the only sacrifice. And the whole book of Hebrews is about the fact that if you’re not going to trust him for that, alone sacrifice, then there is no sacrifice left. Because the blood of bulls and goats can’t take away sin. There is no sacrifice left. And if you’re not go into trust Him and His sacrifice. You don’t have anything to look forward to it says, except the raging fire of hell that consumes the enemies of God. Because an enemy of God is One who does not believe God, an enemy of God is one who says, Oh, I believe Jesus died for my sins and then becomes a billy goat. But but but but but which in essence is saying, I don’t believe He died for all my sins. If I say I am married to Amy, but I’m not really married to her. I don’t know whether I’m married or not. And so there’s no billy goat buts to forgiveness. Either Christ did it all or it didn’t do any of it. And if he didn’t do at all, what did he do and what didn’t he do. And so when you are dealing with the forgiveness of sin, you’re not dealing with something that is here today and gone tomorrow. You’re dealing with an absolute, you’re not dealing with a variable. Now we live in this life and buy this stuff. And the reason so much of this has crept into Christianity is because we unlike the Bible says when it says Don’t be conformed to the philosophies of the world, become conformed to the philosophies of the world. And literally we buy existentialist viewpoints, whether we think so or not. And that is that everything is relative. There are no absolute there are things relative, so therefore forgiveness becomes relative, not an absolute relative. Now, the philosophy of the world is that everything is relative. There are no absolutes, and I am absolutely sure that there is no absolutes. So you see, when we’re dealing in relativity, you cannot rejoice in the finality of the cross, when you bought the doctrine of relativity, that forgiveness is relative. Forgiveness is yes, but forgiveness is yes period. And at the cross is where this New Covenant was ushered in saying their sins and lawless deeds. I remember what, no more no more period and where these have been forgiven, no longer any sacrifice, no sacrifices left. There is no priest that can forgive sins. There is no man that can forgive sins. There is no blood of bulls and goats who can forgive sins. There’s no First John one nine that can forgive sin. There is no altar call that can forgive sins. There is no more forgiveness of sins, only the blood of Christ Jesus was greater than all of the vileness of the sins of the world period. It’s all him and none of us. period, period.
Now how well how do you walk by faith, which is what this book is about? Believing God. What is not believing God, I don’t believe that’s true, Lord, I don’t believe that really happened. I believe it was relative. I believe you died. Plus, I need my confessions. To keep forgiven. I need this to keep forgiven. I need to keep doing better in order to be acceptable on your side instead of realizing that his sacrifice made you acceptable in a sign about that one offering Hebrews 10:14. What do he do? Made forever perfect in the sight of God you whom he made holy. Now, that’s what this whole book is about. And therefore we spent 10 chapters and in our case, almost a year of trying to get us to understand the completeness of Christ Jesus as a person, as his deed, as Him as God. And that’s what this whole book is about. And it’s saying, Don’t shrink back from this. Don’t grab on to these philosophical viewpoints of man, this existentiallistic viewpoints where everything is relative realize faith has to be based on absolutes. In and out of fellowship that is not based on absolute it’s based on variables. The variable is you and me. Because if I’m going to teach that you’re in and out of fellowship with God except how the Bible teaches it then that you’re in fellowship saved or out of fellowship lost nothing in between, we’ll find it go back to searching. Well, that’s absolute, absolutely saved, absolutely lost, nothing in between. Now, that is a doctrine that I can have faith in why, it’s based on an absolute in and out fellowship say, Well, how do you get out fellowship? How do you feel out of fellowship what you look like when you’re out of fellowship? How do you know when you’re back in fellowship, and it’s all based on what an absolute so you can’t base a doctrine or an absolute so forget it. It’s not in there. There is no in and out of fellowship in the Bible except as it relates to lost So anytime that you’re talking about faith, you’re talking about absolutes. Jesus is not sometimes God and sometimes not. He’s absolutely God. He is not sometimes faithful and sometimes not. He is absolutely faitful. He doesn’t sometimes forgive and sometimes not it is done in his finished. He is everything. He is complete and we are complete. That’s not sometimes that’s not if I asked good if I don’t act good, it is finished period, you have been made complete in Christ.
Now, he’s talking then, after all of this, he’s gonna say now I’m going to show you some examples of that. And we went back and we studied about Abel, we studied about Enoch, we studied about Noah, Abraham. We talked about Abraham and the different things that took place in Abraham. And, and the key to that whole deal was the fact that he saw his faithfulness. He saw his faithfulness. That was the whole key to the book of Hebrews. The faithfulness of God. We talked about by faith, Isaac was blessed about his son, Jacob, about Joseph, about Moses parents that, because of God’s promise, knew this was a special child, and therefore they were had no fear. In regard to the king’s edict. We talked about Moses then as he grew up, who refused to be counted in with one of the biggies. Said No, I know what my ancestry is. And therefore I would rather be a slave than I would be sitting at the foot of Pharaoh. We talk about the the Hebrews that pass through the Red Sea by faith. We talk about how the walls of Jericho fell down by faith, not because I conjured up enough faith to get the walls to fall down. And literally there are people who have been marching around their park one time went by told me about being involved one of the churches, they all marching around their, their, their park that they lived in to see if they get the walls because they weren’t doing too well do they get them to fall down. That wasn’t by faith, I got enough faith and showed my walking around, God’s gonna do something, it’s that God says, I’m going to do something so that you go do something, you’ll see more. So we put our emphasis back on me and what I’m doing on my faith instead of on the faithfulness of the one that we have faith in. You know, as we said, last week, can you imagine people talking about how much faith you need when you start to think about Noah? Can you imagine somebody God coming to him and said, Noah, I got some news for you. I’m going to create a flood. I’m going to annihilate the entire world. They’re a mess. And no one was, I’m going to save you and your family. And the way I’m going to do that is in an ark. And so go build an ark. And can you imagine Noah sitting there saying, Oh, well, I don’t want to but I’ll go get it out for God. I’ll go be obedient to God. So I’ll go build it or did you imagine a brother you couldn’t wait to get to get down to Payless. Obedience isn’t something you’ve got out. It’s something you do out of just realizing what God said is true. And if you want to be saved, you better get an ark built. You don’t need big faith for that you need some intelligence. If God is God, and he said something we ought to be able to believe it shouldn’t we. I don’t need a lot of faith to today. I’m not sitting there saying oh, I’m really faith in enough that I’m forgiven. I’m forgiven. It isn’t because I got big faith. It’s because I’ve got a huge God.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:12
So the emphasis is never on me and what I’m doing. It’s always on him and what he’s doing. So we talked about the walls of Jericho and then we talked about How’d she get in here? But that’s what we ought to write a book entitled How’d she get in here? Rahab, the prostitute in the lineup of Gods Hall of Fame. There she is right in the midst of it. How’d you get in there because she believed God. Now we’re going to pick up in verse 32. And what’s your what more shall I say that? said, My goodness, you got all of these examples? What more should I say too? He said I don’t have time to talk about Gideon Barak, Samson, Jeff F. David, Samuel and the prophets by faith, conquered kingdoms administer justice and gained what was promised. See, boy, we look at this oh man at my God look what we’re doing in many instances with all these people have such big faith. What did Jesus say about the size of our faith? Said if any of us had faith the size of a mustard seed what could we do? Move mountains. And now any of you moved into those lately? Most of us can’t even move our body off the couch watching television let alone a mountain. So what does that show us according to Jesus, the size of our faith? Somewhat smaller than that of a mustard seed, which is not something to really be writing books about. So the issue is not in the size or how big these people’s faith with these people had an encounter with God. They knew their God and when their God told them something, they moved on that and God said It’s credited his righteousness they knew their God. And so we sit down and we look about these people who knew their God and we say by their faith in God and that’s what all of this is about faith in him that’s the answer is not faith in him, It’s my faith in Him and we look at this whoo hoo boy this is claiming this is great. Why we could conquer kingdoms and let’s all come to God and get together and conquer kingdoms were a big stuff a really big stuff. Why America if we just had enough faith well we could just make America wonderful let’s all march to America wonderful big faith. We Christians are going to take over if we could just get all Christians senators and all Christian congressmen and get a Christian elected as president what this country would be said brother you hadn’t been to a deacons meeting. We’d love to hear this this stuff it’s conquered kingdoms administer justice just people gained what was promised shut the mouths of lions yes go ride out to the zoo and climb in a cage and say Shut your mouth and they obeyed quench the fury of the flames just did right in the middle of it didn’t nothing to escape the edge of the sword whose weakness was turned to strength oh man it’s strength who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies man just got faith enough we just conquer the world that’s my kind of faith. Women receive back to their dad raised the life again so we got some people that don’t even the reason they fade Oh, I just do all things with big faith.
Then we go on. Others were tortured, briefly refuse to be released well, they must have had unconfessed sin in their life. Some face jeers flogging, while still others were chained and put into prison. They were stoned. They were sawed in two there’s a pleasant prospect for the day. They were put to death by the sword. They went about and sheepskin and goatskin look like some of you today. They were destitute, destitute, not just poor, destitute, persecuted, mistreated. The world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and in mountains. Can you folks have ever been in a desert? First of all, it’s hard to walk and it’s hot and there’s no shade. It is not a desirable environment wandered in deserts and mountains and in caves that had holes in the ground. Now where are these people also walking by faith in their God? Absolutely. The same God, that the people were walking by faith in whereby they were made, routed room, armies, made into all kinds of powerful warriors are the same group of people walking by faith in the same God who walked in desert destitute. Now, is that not or is it? Or is it not a far cry from if you have faith, you will be wealthy, you will be healthy, you will have no problems. You just send me some money and God will bless the socks right off of you, and give them to me if you just have faith in it. In other words, the reason that you and I live on this level that’s a little less than desirable is because your faith just is not negative.
I had a young man that the first conference that we held here at Sunridge guy named George Attwell sat in the back of the room and at the end of the conference up there with tears streaming down his face. As George, as we obviously knew, was blind, said that in the church that he had sat in, and every Sunday of his life, somebody put a hymn book in front of his face and said today, maybe you will have enough faith. I have been feeling guilty for 30 some years. Because my faith is not big enough to enable the healing. Probably the guy who called him that was wearing glasses that he thought obviously wasn’t big enough give him 20/20. Isn’t it amazing someone standing there with glasses on salespeople, they’re faith isn’t big enough than they could see. Realize how easy it would be to give you perfect eyesight. It’s just just a little tiny manipulation. Why don’t we all say that what’s wrong with it? Or is there a natural deterioration to the human body? That is inevitable.
Now folks we live in a day and age where it is popular and profitable to teach lies. That is life. I’ve said so many times that knowing what I know today. And I known what I know today. 25 years ago before I was a Christian, I wouldn’t have been out trying to make my millions in the floorcovering industry I would have gone into religion. It’s faster and much more profitable. I’ve said before indwelling sin is that thing that was stuck in man. And he decided not to believe God and to believe Satan that sin that stuck in man that gives you a propensity to believe a lot. And we will believe anything except the truth. We are living today and in this day and age where through the popularization of television and radio and all of the other mass media’s and not only there but it just gets perpetuated. People are being taught that if your faith is big enough, you will just have the neatest life have it all coming your way. Do you know what folks the only people that can be conned? Is someone looking for a quick buck. You know you couldn’t con someone unless you’re looking for a quick buck. I’m not going to spend all my money on the lottery. Unless I’m looking for a quick buck. I’m not gonna get sucked into the scams of the world unless I’m looking for a quick buck. I’m looking for something for nothing. I don’t want to work on it to earn my living. I want to get something for nothing quick. You can only con someone who’s conable you know why we’re flying? Looking to this religious stuff, the way we are looking for a quick buck, looking for a way to be wealthy without having to work, looking for a way to never be sick in that ridiculous looking for a way maybe to never die. In other words, I deserve the good life. I’m a Christian, and I deserve good. Is that true? Is it true? No. What about these people? That a good life? What are you going to do day get sawn into, praise God.
Worldwide worthy of them. They wandered in deserts, mountains, caves and holes to the ground. And it says these were all all of them were commended for their faith. Why they were believing God when they were in the desert. They were believing God when they were in the mountains. They were believing God when they were being sawn and sawed in two destitute sheepskin goatskin they were trusting the Lord trusting Lord. There is a faith that when things aren’t going to well down here aren’t we told don’t love the world or anything in the world? Because it’s temporal. It’s fleeting. It’s going away. It’s going away. What the world’s about sometimes it’s rough down here. But we’re not gonna be here forever. How do you walk by faith in the blessed hope that one of these days I’m gonna, I will be out of here. So yes, I’m having some tough time. But it’s temporal. One thing about it, it’s temporal. It’s not gonna last forever. It’s Faith folks.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”