Classic Christianity – The Book of John P57 (06-14-23)
No One Gets Their Sins Forgiven Today by God ~ Do You Place Faith in That?
~ The cross happened one time, and Jesus is never ever going to go back on the cross to die to forgive more sins. It was one and done. It is finished! Do you believe it? Or are you placing your faith in the teaching of men rather than God? Most people will say they believe in Jesus, but what is it that they really believe about Jesus? Do they believe in the finality of the cross? Most don’t. Most show by their prayers (of asking for more forgiveness from God) that they don’t have a clue about what Jesus really did on the cross. Start listening to the teaching of the Holy Spirit instead of the teaching of men. Throw away your false teachers of the law. If a teacher can’t get the basics correct about God and forgiveness, why would anyone want to promote false teachers when a person knows the Truth for themselves? And if teachers are teaching error in this key area concerning forgiveness by God, they are teaching many other errors everywhere else too! Quit putting false teachers on a pedestal. Lean not on your own understanding of things, especially in these last days!
~ “that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19
~ “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Hebrews 9:22
~ “But the cross is not about bringing salvation. The cross is not salvation, the cross was preparatory for salvation. It was what God had to do to clear the deck for the divine action of bringing salvation demand which is being saved from the consequence of sin which is death by the gift of God, which is what? Live. When you were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you what? Alive with Christ. He forgave all your sins. So we’ve stopped at the preparatory. That was the way in which God had to prepare man, all man for salvation, bringing life to the dead. And we stop there and we tell and we stream people down the aisles that are evangelistic campaigns, telling people come forward, get your sins forgiven. Folks, I got news for you that is not true. Your sins were forgiven when you entered into this world, do you realize that? God was in Christ, reconciling the whole world unto himself, not counting your sins against you do understand that? And he not only died for our sins, but He died for the sins of who? The whole world. Is that salvation? If it was that would be universal salvation. What would that mean? Everybody’s saved. Hitler saved, Mussolini saved, everybody’s saved, you people don’t remember those names. But there were people like that, believe it. We call them Saddam Hussein. Now. All those people were not saved, NOT saved, all of them were forgiven. But that forgiveness, even though it was provided, did not produce life. Forgiveness produces forgiveness. That’s what’s called reconciliation. That was given to all men were told, while we were yet enemies, that means last, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son. That’s everybody. But that’s not salvation. Salvation is being raised from the dead. There’s a consequence to sin called death. And the only solution to death is life. And the only life available to mankind is the resurrected life of Christ Jesus, folks, it’s not a religion. It isn’t even a religious issue. It’s a very practical issue. If you’re dead, you need life. And the issue is, where are you gonna go to find it?” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Well, guys, if you’ll turn to the 12th chapter of the Gospel of John, we’ve come to the point and the Gospel where Jesus had, had just made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, people crying out, bless it be the name of the Lord. And going through all of this. And it says then in verse 16, at first his disciples did not understand all of this. Only Jesus, it was only after Jesus was glorified, did they realize that these things had been written about him, and that they had done these things to him. We talked about a couple of weeks ago how that there is no way to understand and comprehend the true meaning of the word of God, apart from the Holy Spirit of God who lives in a believer, revealing the truth of that to them. You can certainly understand what the Bible says you can study what the Bible says, you can go to seminary to learn what the Bible says. But in order to know what it means has nothing to do with seminary and it has nothing to do with education, it has to do with whether or not the Spirit of God is alive living in you. And if he is alive, living in you, for you relying upon him to do what he said he would do. And that’s reveal the meaning of something to you. We know what things say, but do we really know what they mean. And so in those passages, when they were talking about the disciples did not fully understand the meaning of all these things, it was because they could not understand it. They had no ability to understand the meaning of it. Because the day of Pentecost, had not occurred yet where the Spirit of God came to indwell believers. Now today, we don’t obviously have to wait for a day of Pentecost for that indwelling. But that was the introduction of the Holy Spirit of God into human beings permanently, for the first time, in all of history. The day of Pentecost provided something that had never been provided by God before. And that was a, first of all, taking away of the sin of the world, which is the cause of spiritual death, which he did at the cross. And through the resurrection, offering resurrected life. And on the Day of Pentecost, the giving of that resurrected life. And that was really the first day that even the disciples became born again, believers. The first time they were permanently in dwelt, by the Spirit of God was on the day of Pentecost. Now, from that day forward, the Spirit of God comes to indwell us on the very day that we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
And guys, a lot of times, there’s confusion on that type of thing. I know in my particular life, I was 36 years of age before I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, was born again. Now, all through my life, my memory of my life is sitting in the pews, with my mom and dad, and my brother and sister, in church every Sunday. And being in church. I never denied that Jesus was Jesus. Never denied or ever even thought of denying that he died on a cross, I knew that he died on a cross. No way of denying that he was raised from the dead. That’s why we celebrate Easter, and along with the easter bunnies and stuff. And we celebrated those things, and I understood all those. But I had not a clue that Jesus Christ was God, and that God wanted to indwell me. I was talking to some people the other day, who were in fact that God drove me to the airport yesterday. I was in Baton Rouge Friday and Saturday at a men’s conference. And he drove me to the airport and he was from the Midwest where I came up and we were talking about sometimes the hardest people in the world to get to really know Christ is people from the Midwest and basically just because we’re all kind of kind of nice people, you know, we’re not mean or vicious and all that type of thing and a little town I grew up in Indiana, there’s never been a murder in it. Of course that was a long time ago, we never locked our houses, we never locked our cars. It just people did business on a handshake. My dad was a lawyer, and most of his work was done with a handshake. And your word was gold. And so you go to a person like that and tell him you’re a sinner, they look at you like you’re nuts. No, don’t tell me I’m a sinner, I’m a nice guy. And in reality, there are a lot of nice people in this world. But the issue isn’t how nice you are. The issue is how dead you are. It’s not the issue of how bad or how good you are, because how good would you have to be in order to earn your way to heaven? And how bad would you have to be not to be to go to heaven? And when would that line be drawn? And let’s say that you just barely missed it, then we’d say, well, that’s not fair. You know, let’s raise the standard or lower the standard. So God had to recognize that to get us to recognize that as far as salvation was concerned, that the day that Adam died in the garden by determining that he did not need God to determine right from wrong and good from evil. And on that day, the Spirit of God departed from Adam. And Adam was left dead, spiritually dead to what vacated him, and that’s the spirit of God. And from that point on, all of us are born in Adam dead. Fifth chapter of Genesis says, when Adam and Eve were created, He created them alive. But when they had Seth, Seth was born in Adam. So we’re born not in the image of God, it said, Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, but we are born in the image of Adam, Are we all together? And so we’re born into this world dead, the only Man who was ever born alive spiritually, is Jesus. That’s why his virgin birth is not up for grabs. That’s why he was born alive spiritually, therefore, the only man capable of laying his life down for you is the only man who ever had a life to lay down for you. And that’s Christ Jesus. So when we today, as a person, I believe those things intellectually, and we can do that. But I did not know my condition.
And guys, that’s why it is so vitally important for Man not to just understand the provision of God, but to understand our condition. And I had to come to a point and we have to come to a point where the only way that we’re going to know what our true condition is, is not through the psychological world, but through God who created us. And God said, You’re born dead. Now, I didn’t know that did you? I didn’t know I was born dead. I knew I bounced prayers off the ceiling. I knew that didn’t have a bunch of relationship with who I thought was God. But I did not know that I was totally dead spiritually. It didn’t take many years maybe three till I realize I was a sinner. Didn’t take too many years for me to comprehend that but but again, I kind of thought well, God Oh, great on the curve. You know, if in your life you do more good than you do bad by God probably grades on the curves, I’m gonna be okay. I’m gonna tell you folks, you ask the average person, you going to heaven? Sure. Sure. I’m going. Here’s the big term, I am basically a good person. Now I just killed my wife and beat up my cat. But I’m basically I am a good person. You know, all of us are basically good people. But you see, that’s not the issue. The issue is not how good you are, or how bad you are. You’ve got a problem called death, spiritual death that can only be corrected by spiritual life. So then we go along, and the Christian world is going along and we’ve focused on the cross. And that’s all we hear is the cross the cross and the cross thank God for the cross. But the cross is not about bringing salvation. The cross is not salvation, the cross was preparatory for salvation. It was what God had to do to clear the deck for the divine action of bringing salvation demand which is being saved from the consequence of sin which is death by the gift of God, which is what? Live. When you were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you what? Alive with Christ. He forgave all your sins. So we’ve stopped at the preparatory. That was the way in which God had to prepare man, all man for salvation, bringing life to the dead. And we stop there and we tell and we stream people down the aisles that are evangelistic campaigns, telling people come forward, get your sins forgiven. Folks, I got news for you that is not true. Your sins were forgiven when you entered into this world, do you realize that? God was in Christ, reconciling the whole world unto himself, not counting your sins against you do understand that? And he not only died for our sins, but He died for the sins of who? The whole world. Is that salvation? If it was that would be universal salvation. What would that mean? Everybody’s saved. Hitler saved, Mussolini saved, everybody’s saved, you people don’t remember those names. But there were people like that, believe it. We call them Saddam Hussein. Now. All those people were not saved, NOT saved, all of them were forgiven. But that forgiveness, even though it was provided, did not produce life. Forgiveness produces forgiveness. That’s what’s called reconciliation. That was given to all men were told, while we were yet enemies, that means last, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son. That’s everybody. But that’s not salvation. Salvation is being raised from the dead. There’s a consequence to sin called death. And the only solution to death is life. And the only life available to mankind is the resurrected life of Christ Jesus, folks, it’s not a religion. It isn’t even a religious issue. It’s a very practical issue. If you’re dead, you need life. And the issue is, where are you gonna go to find it?
Where you gonna get life? You think Buddha can give you life? No, he’s dead. You think Mohammed can give you life? No he’s dead. Can the pope give you life? No, he is looks like he’s dead. Can Billy Graham gives you life? No. Can I give you life? NO! The only person that can give you life is the one who was dead and raised from the dead. That’s Christ Jesus. It’s a very practical issue, guys that I don’t care where you’re coming from. I don’t care what your background is. When you’re dead, you’re dead. A dead German is as dead as a dead American. And a dead African is as dead as a dead Chinaman. When you’re dead, you’re dead. And when you’re dead, you need life. And the only life available to us is the resurrected life of Christ Jesus. That’s why the resurrection is the centrality of the Christian message. That’s why the Apostle Paul was able to say without the resurrection were to be pitied of all people and are still in our sins knowing full well that the cross it occurred. But isn’t it just like Satan to say guys, just deal with the preparatory issue? Forget the resurrection. Just deal with getting people forgiveness. And you have 1000s upon 1000s of people are sitting around thinking they’re alive thinking they’re born again. Because all they’ve done is accept the forgiveness of God and Christ Jesus. It’s like a life insurance policy. Of course I don’t want to go to hell. How do I keep from going to hell? Come down and get forgiven. Oh, okay, I’ll do it. And go back to the pew is dead as you went to the altar. That’s why they call him pews. Dead people in them.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:19
And we have to understand the truth of that, that you do not come to Christ to get forgiveness you come to Christ because you’ve already got forgiveness, but that forgiveness that was provided is only received in his resurrection. It would be like my saying to Richard, Richard, I put a billion dollars in your bank. And I’ve also provided a replenishing deal that every time you spend it it just keep I just keep putting it back in. Says thank you, Bob. where’s the where’s that money? Well, it’s in the First National Bank of little L. I like it bank like Bank One. Well, I’m All right, it isn’t in bank one. It’s in the bank and little L. I don’t I can’t stand that. I like other banks. Well, Richard until you go to the bank, in little L, you’re not gonna get your money. I’m not going. So what will he do? Die in poverty. Why? Because the money isn’t there? No, because he doesn’t go there doesn’t like it. Same thing. I like Jesus. I like Buddha. I like religion. Don’t get me a relationship. Don’t tell me about these banks, where money is I just liked I liked the whole idea of banking institution. And there’s millions of people in that boat. But folks I want to tell you, there’s only one way that you and I are ever going to be made alive spiritually. And you know that and so do I. And that is when you and I accept the fact that first of all, we were and are sinners. But by the grace of God, Jesus went to a cross 2000 years ago. And we’re told that there He who knew no sin became sin for you and me. So that in his resurrected life, we could become the righteousness of God. I do not have any righteousness on my own. I’m only clothed in his. But I do stand clothed in his not because I deserve it, not because I earn it, not because I even act like it. But because that’s what he made me. And that’s what he made you. He made you children are living God. He gave you a new identity. We love to put labels on our true identity. So we call ourselves Baptists and Presbyterians and Methodists and Catholics and all that type, that’s a label on a on a jar. The issue isn’t what’s not on the label, what’s in the jar, that’s what counts not what’s on the label, but what’s in the jar.
And so we come to Christ, and we’re born again, the Spirit of God comes to live inside of us, literally. And the Spirit of God, when He comes to live within us, we’re told we literally have the mind of Christ living in us. We talked about that last week. How the mind of Christ lives inside of you and me. How the Spirit of God lives inside of me. And he said, I came to guide your paths to direct you, I came to give you information I came to guide you and wall truth. I came to take the things of the Lord Jesus and make them known to you. And so you say, well, here’s a voice, in essence, a person living inside of me and he has a voice. And he’s speaking to me. We’re told he speaks to us. And we say, why don’t I here? Why don’t I hear all this? Why am I not hearing? I’m always hearing, because I don’t have any trouble at all hearing the flesh, do you? Not my flesh, but yours. Don’t have any trouble at all here and that. And I gave the illustration about how over in Indonesia and in those parts of the world, this tsunami that took place and and how every animal over there escaped, not one animal was killed in that huge event that took place. Over 200 and some thousand people, people killed. Not one animal not a rabbit, not a frog, not an elephant, or a horse or a dog. They all headed toward the Highland. Why? Instinct. Who gave them instinct? God. Jim told me, which was amazing story, Jim have used it since you told me, your son, right? Or Mary’s son, was a missionary over that part of the world. He was out on the beach that day. And he said when that thing came in, all of the water went out as it did and everyone ran out to see what was going on. And as a born again, believer, God said to him, head to the high ground. And he headed to the high ground and watched those people all drown. Why? God told him. Who else was God telling? We don’t know. We know he listened. I don’t know if there’s other born again people there who didn’t listen. Well, whether the ones who did but the ones who did are alive and the ones who didn’t or dead. Instinct to the animal kingdom. Strong is can be. Fish go back and spawn. The swallows come back to Capistrano every year at the same time. And how in the world do we think that God could give instinct to the animal kingdom with a stronger voice than what he gives us when He gives us His Holy Spirit?
And so I have to say there’s nothing wrong with God and your voice. There’s got to be something wrong with me. There’s got to be something wrong that’s keeping me many times from listening intently to this voice of God that lives within me because he’s there, and we know he’s there. I know indwelling sin has something to do with that the fact that our flesh is indwelt by indwelling sin that sometimes keeps us from listening to the truth of the Word of God. But guys, one way that we’re going to know what God is saying, and whether it’s God, or whether it’s flesh is by this word, that we have the privilege of studying. Because the Spirit of God is never going to be leading you contrary to the teaching of the Word of God, that’s not going to happen. And that’s why it is so vitally important for you and for me to study the Word of God, but not just to study the Word of God, but to do so with an attitude, that God if your spirit that lives in me does not reveal the meaning of this to me, I’m not going to know what it means. Why? Because the Bible says, No, eye have seen, no ear has heard, nor mind is conceived of those things that God has prepared for those who love Him. But it must be revealed by the Spirit. It must be revealed by the Spirit. The Spirit of God must reveal what the Bible means.
Why do we have so many denominations in his world today? Why do we have one group over here believes this another group of believes this another group of believers says another group of believes this all over the place? Don’t we? I’ll tell you why. It’s because of leaning on your own understanding. Instead of acknowledging him and allowing him to direct your path and to reveal the meaning of the word of God, we lean on our own understanding. That’s why you have people adding to the things of the Bible. Is there anything in the Bible about baby baptism? Anything in there know where to come from? Somebody says, what happens to a baby, if they die before they heard. No, no, we better do something to prepare them. What are we gonna do? Let’s dunk them with some water. Baptize them, maybe that’ll preserve them. And so what do you have? Baby baptism. is it biblical? What is biblical? I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t know what happens to a baby who hasn’t heard. But one thing I do know is that decision goes into the hands of a God who is perfectly love. And perfectly just, and I cannot believe he will not make the right decision concerning that baby. That’s what I do know. I don’t need to dunk them or sprinkle them. I’ll trust God with them. You understand that? Anything the Scripture about slaying people in the Spirit? The Spirit came to give you a life not to knock you over. I mean, did Jesus walk around blowing people, knocking people over who maybe had bad breath but it doesn’t happen. It’s not there. So why do people do it? You got me. Come up and lean on your own understanding, come up with some harebrained idea about knocking people over and go knock people over and say God Pentecost all over again. That’s why you got different denominations. Leaning on your own understanding, leaning on your own understanding in regard to what does the Bible mean instead of trusting the Spirit of God who lives in you to reveal what it means. And so guys, we are so privileged as people, because we can know that one thing that I can know when I do hear the voice of God is I’ve got a plumb line in my life as to whether this could be of God or whether it isn’t because of its of God, it’s going to be not contrary to the scripture. That I do know.
And so we can start trusting that because I quite frankly believe that one of the reasons that we don’t trust the Spirit of God, that voice you know, you almost wish you were an animal so you could go with instinct because they for some reason listen to that voice. And I want to hear that voice and I want to I want to act upon it. There’s many many times in our lives that God tells us something. You’ll have situations where animals were someone’s getting ready to die and animals will be out there howling they know something’s gonna happen. I don’t understand all that. But I can observe it. So as with you’re dealing with a Spirit of God living in us, we we do have a plumb line. But there are many times God speaks to us as an example to go to the high land said, I’m not gonna find it in the Bible. That’s how he guides us as we’re walking through this life. How many times have we ever thought I’m gonna pick up the phone and call somebody? And you do, and they say, how do you know I need to talk to you? And how many times have we not called? And so what I’m, what is on my heart right now is the fact that if I’m indwelt, which indeed I am, and you are too, if you’re a born again, believer, if you’re in dwelled for the Spirit of God, then you’ve got someone living inside of you, who promises to guide you into how much truth? All of it, all of it. And again, why don’t we trust this? Well, many times, we just don’t trust it. It’s kind of supernatural. And you know, I’m more familiar with a natural, but it’s a supernatural way of living, to be guided by a spirit by the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, that’s supernatural way of living. But isn’t that what God came to do is to give us a supernatural. And so he says, Guys, do not lean on your own understanding. acknowledge me in all your ways, and I will guide and I will direct your paths. Your son is alive because of that anymore. Is that true or not? He’s alive because of that. There’s no other no other explanation for that. How in the world did he know to get up in the hills? Except God told him to go, and he was smart enough intelligent or dependent enough to go. And so folks, we have to realize that God is interested in your day to day activities. We live in this world we’re told we’re going to have tribulation. That way. If you didn’t believe the Bible for any other verse, believe it for that one. In this world, you are going to have tribulation, but he said Fear not have overcome the world. So it’s not if we’re going to have tribulation, it’s just when.
Announcer 27:16
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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