Classic Christianity – The Book of John P78 (08-02-23)
The Only Sin That Needs Repented of Is Unbelief in Jesus
~ There are so many people in the world that are all wrapped up in getting their sins forgiven. The Catholics go to the confession booth to get their sins forgiven. The Protestants continually pray their prayer of a false understanding of 1 John 1:9 to get their sins forgiven. All religions have some sort of doing something in order to get their sins forgiven. But God, through the Holy Spirit is telling the world their sins are forgiven already because of what Jesus did on the cross for them. The Holy Spirit is telling people, change your mind (repent), and place faith in Jesus. For Jesus did it all on the cross for them. Yet most people today are not even listening to the Holy Spirit speaking to them, for they don’t have ears to hear nor eyes to see. They have too much pride in their thinking that they themselves are forgiven based on something they do. Satan has them convinced they are saved by the blood of Jesus, when the truth of the matter, no one is saved by the blood of Jesus but they are saved by His LIFE. It’s the life of Jesus, through the Spirit of God that brought Jesus back to resurrected life, His same Spirit saves us today. When the Holy Spirit comes to live in the person, who through faith has believed in Jesus, the Spirit of God gives life to the dead person. They themselves are raised from the dead unto eternal life. Eternal life begins at that very moment in time. It’s not something you get later. When you have the SON, you Have eternal Life. And, not everyone has the Son.
~ “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be SAVED from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be SAVED through his life! Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. Romans 5:8-11
~ “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:12
~ “Jesus came to reveal to us the Father so that we can know the Godhead. That’s why we we’re told in Matthew to go out into the world and and to make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, which is the Triune God, we do not possibly comprehend I don’t think we can comprehend God, we are our little finite minds that we have. But we can apprehend what is told to us that God is one and yet he exists in the three persons of the God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. And Jesus came to reveal to us the nature of God Himself, God the Father. But he says, I’m going away now to the one who sent me. And yet none of you asked me, Where are you going, but he said, because I’ve said these things, you’re filled with grief. And as we said, last week, rightfully so. But I tell you the truth, it’s good for you that I’m going away. Unless I go away, the counselor or the Holy Spirit of God, the third person of the Trinity, will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when He comes, we talked about He will convict the world wrong about sin, about righteousness and about judgment, and then spells out what sin is from God’s vantage point, is unbelief in me in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me. And as we have discussed, so many times, the sins plural of the world have all been placed upon Jesus Christ at the cross. And there he who knew no sin became sin for you and me, so that in his resurrected life in Him, we might become the righteousness of God, you’re not going to have righteousness any other way than if it’s imputed to you and me by God Himself. Everything that we have is coming from him. And so he’s told us that the only sin that is attributable to a man is the sin of the rejection of the Son of God and the work that he did on the cross.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Well, let’s turn to the Gospel of John. Let’s start in verse five of chapter 16. This is a time when Jesus is getting ready to leave the physical Jesus to leave the earth as we know it today. Jesus came to reveal to us the Father so that we can know the Godhead. That’s why we we’re told in Matthew to go out into the world and and to make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, which is the Triune God, we do not possibly comprehend I don’t think we can comprehend God, we are our little finite minds that we have. But we can apprehend what is told to us that God is one and yet he exists in the three persons of the God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. And Jesus came to reveal to us the nature of God Himself, God the Father. But he says, I’m going away now to the one who sent me. And yet none of you asked me, Where are you going, but he said, because I’ve said these things, you’re filled with grief. And as we said, last week, rightfully so. But I tell you the truth, it’s good for you that I’m going away. Unless I go away, the counselor or the Holy Spirit of God, the third person of the Trinity, will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when He comes, we talked about He will convict the world wrong about sin, about righteousness and about judgment, and then spells out what sin is from God’s vantage point, is unbelief in me in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me. And as we have discussed, so many times, the sins plural of the world have all been placed upon Jesus Christ at the cross. And there he who knew no sin became sin for you and me, so that in his resurrected life in Him, we might become the righteousness of God, you’re not going to have righteousness any other way than if it’s imputed to you and me by God Himself. Everything that we have is coming from him. And so he’s told us that the only sin that is attributable to a man is the sin of the rejection of the Son of God and the work that he did on the cross. And guys, many times we hear people talk about and the more I watch some of these talk shows especially Larry King, it seems like he keeps bringing on these people, the guy’s just as dead as a hammer. But he’s heard and heard and heard and heard, and you wonder how in the world can some man hear that long and still be so hard hearted, as to not want to believe. But it’s amazing to me how I hear so many times have people saying, well, all you have to do is believe in Jesus. And I saw the other night when they were talking about that, are you saying that you can go out and do all kinds of good deeds and, and be kind to people and be generous with people and and and they’re all gonna go to hell? And yet all you got to do just believe in Jesus? And they say, yeah, that’s it. We’ll see. That’s nonsense. Because you’re not just believing in Jesus, like you believe in a Abe Lincoln or George Washington, you’re believing in Jesus and what he had to accomplish for us. And it never gets explained as to why Jesus is the only way to God. That does not get explained, we don’t get explained that before you’re ever going to come to Jesus for what he came to give you life, that you’re going to have to come to the conclusion that God meant what he said when he said, You are dead spiritually.
I feel like sometimes I we, you know, I wish I was a fly or something and some of those programs so I could put in my two bits, I’m sure it’d be real important, but but, but I talked to the TV anyway. And but I felt like the other day of saying, Have you ever entered your mind to the Jewish people who make those kinds of claims not only Jews, but Gentiles, but especially Jews, who make that kind of a claim? Like are you saying that when we do good deeds and all this type of thing that that that we’re not going to go and yet all you got to do is believe in Jesus. And I feel like saying to them, Do you ever have you ever give any consideration to what the Passover is? This Passover that you as Jewish people celebrate the Passover? Now I want to ask you a question when the angel passed over which you celebrate, that he looked down into those houses to see who was good? And who was nice, and who was generous? And who was kind? Or did he looked at the blood on the lentil of the doorpost? Which did he look at the blood or the people? And so the very thing that you celebrate, you don’t believe in, you don’t believe in the very thing that you’ve been celebrating for 1000s of years, where God came and spared those who did what he said to do, put the blood on the lentil and on the doorpost, and you’ll be passed over. And so we talk out of both sides of our mouth continually we say I believe over here and then turn right around and negate it. But the fact of the matter is that unless we as Christians began explaining to people why it’s Jesus, why is Jesus only why there’s only one person that can give life to the dead, is the only person ever resurrected from the dead, and to explain the truth, that there’s something more than just sin in this world. And religion has kept us concentrating on sin, sin, sin, sin, sin, when Jesus says, I’ve taken away your sin, it’s gone from the eyes of God. And the only sin ever attributable to a man is the sin of the rejection of Jesus, who came to provide that for you. You’re refusing the provision of God, the only provision that I’ve ever given you, is My Son, Christ Jesus. And when you refuse him, use, you choose when you refuse, you choose to remain dead. And to remain in your sins and the uncircumcision of your sinful nature. That’s a choice that you make. And it’s not accidental. You’re not born that way. It’s a choice that you make, that I do not choose Jesus. And so that’s what the Holy Spirit came to do. He came, it says, I came to convince the world about sin, because they don’t believe in me, about righteousness. Because I go to the Father, we will see we know him, well, what’s he saying there? You have seen righteousness, not in you, but in me. You have seen it. And having seen it, I’m now going to go to the Father and impute that righteousness to you. And about judgment, because the prince of this world has already been judged.
I have so much more to say to you, he said, but you can’t bear it, you’re not ready for it. But when the Spirit of Truth comes, He’ll guide you into all truth. That’s the work of the Holy Spirit of God who indwells you today as a born again believer that the Spirit of God is there to lead you and to guide you into all truth. He’s not going to speak on his own. He will speak only what he hears, hears from who? The Father. And he’ll tell you what is yet to come. He’ll bring glory to me to Jesus, by taking from what is mine, Jesus, and making it known to you. All the belongings to the Father is mine. And that’s why I said, the Spirit will take from what is mine that’ll make it known to you. In a little while, you’ll see me no more. And then after a little while, you will see me.
Now we’re gonna pick up now in verse 17, some of his disciples said to one another, now guy’s catch this. What does he mean? Did they hear what he said? They heard what he said. They didn’t know what he meant. Some of his disciples said to one another, what does he mean by saying, I hear what he’s saying? What does he mean by saying, In a little while, you will see me no more. And then after a little while, you’ll see me again, they did not know what he meant by that statement. And he said, Because I’m going to the Father. What does he mean by this? That he’s going to the Father? Did they have the whole picture yet? No. He was with them from the beginning, and yet the whole picture had not been put into place yet.
And guys, the same thing many times is true in our lives. We have bits and pieces of information. But we’ve never put them together to make the puzzle complete. That’s quite frankly, what I think that our seminars that we do accomplishes for people is it puts the pieces of the puzzle together. On our radio program, you’ll hear bits and pieces of truth. And you know what a piece of the puzzle looks like real well, maybe 2,3,4, or 5 or 10 of them. But until they’re all put together into one picture until you see the whole picture, you’re missing something. And so he’s saying, why is they are saying, What does this mean? What he’s saying? And they kept asking, what is this mean? I heard what he said, but what is this mean? And in a little while, in a little while, you’re not gonna see me anymore. But then a little while, I’ll be back. We don’t understand what he’s saying, well, at least they admitted that. Now Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about this. And so he said to them, are you asking one another, what I meant, when I said and a little while you will see me no more. And then after a little while, you will see me it seems like that little while was what was getting, once he talking about here. I tell you the truth, he said, You will weep. And you will mourn. While the world is rejoicing. He’s talking about his cross, you will weep and mourn. But the world in which you live will be rejoicing over my death. You will grieve. But there’s gonna come a time in a little while when that grief is going to turn to joy. Why? Because of the resurrection. So you will have a period of grief, and then it’s going to turn to joy. He said, it’s like a woman giving birth to a child. She has pain. Because her time has come when her baby is born. But when the time has come when her baby is born, she forgets the anguish, because of her joy, that a child is born into those world. A woman having a child goes through many times unbelievable pain, to bear that child. That’s why I say that’s why God never gave men childbearing. We’ve only had one. Women seem to handle pain a little better than we do. But that’s truth, we see that the anguish, but because of the joy that is brought forth, because of this child that’s going to be brought into the world that she can love and the child can love her. That is all worth it. And the anguish becomes joyful. So with you, he said, Now is your time of grief. But I will see you again. And you will rejoice. And no one can take away your joy. Guys, when you and I have come to grips with the resurrection of Christ Jesus, which is the centrality of the Christian faith is the resurrection. And you come to the reality that Jesus is alive. He’s alive today. He’s living in you and me. He’s alive. He’s not dead hanging on a cross. He’s alive, that joy cannot be taken away from you in the world.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:57
You can be in prison you can be threatened to be put to death, but the joy of the resurrection is something that will never ever, ever leave you once you have come by faith to the reality of the resurrection of Christ Jesus. In that day, you’ll no longer asked me for anything. Now guys, we’re this is kind of we’re gonna get into this. Who have been who were the disciples depending upon for information while Jesus was with them? Who are they depending on for information? Jesus. They asked him continually, did they not? Questions, did he answer questions continually? Did he teach them continually? Guys think about this for a minute. Everything that we know today about the character of God about his unconditional love and mercy, about his kindness, about his goodness, about his forgiveness, about his dedication to you and me and his faithfulness to you and me, every single thing we know about God, and His character has been revealed to us in Christ Jesus. Now, God revealed himself in many ways and times past as were told through through dreams, visions, nature. But it said, but in these last days, he’s revealed Himself to us through Christ Jesus, and everything that we know about God, about his character, we know through the teaching of Christ Jesus. And when you don’t know the teachings of Christ Jesus, you don’t know the character of God. Because that’s what he came to do was to reveal the Father to you and me to reveal the totality of God to you and me. So he’s saying, you have depended upon me while I was here with you, you have depended upon me for revelation. You’ve asked me all kinds of questions. And when you did, I’ve answered every one of them. And my answers did not come from Me, they came from God who told me what to say, because I say nothing, unless the Father tells me to say it, and how to say it, and I do nothing, unless a Father tells me how to do it. And so everything you’ve wanted to know, I Jesus have revealed to you, Now I’m going away. And what he is saying to them is this. You no longer need someone in between you, and God the Father. You can now go direct to the Father. And that’s what he’s saying to you. And that day, you will no longer ask me for anything, I tell you the truth. My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Now, guys, that is not meaning asking for Cadillacs. And for Lincoln Continentals. It’s talking about asking for truth. Jesus just got through saying, I’m going to tell you the truth, you don’t understand what I’m saying. But ask me and I’ll tell you the meaning of what I’m saying. And he’s saying to us from now on when you have a question, you ask the Father, and He will give you the answer. Until now, you’ve not asked anything in my name. In other words, in my authority, you’ve never done that before. We’re born into that, but they were not this was new to them. You’ve never asked God for anything in the name or the authority of Christ Jesus. He said, Ask, and you’ll receive if you need wisdom, ask. He’ll give it to you abundantly. If you need mercy, you ask he gives it to you abundantly. You ask you’ll receive and your joy will be complete. Though I have been speaking figuratively says the time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language, but I’ll tell you plainly about my Father. So he’s telling him now about the Father. In that day, now listen to this guy’s in that day, you will ask in my name in my authority, but you will ask the Father. Now look what he says. I’m not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. He’s not saying that if you want to know something from the Father, you’ve got to ask me and then I’ll tell the Father to reveal it to you. He’s saying that I’m not going to be asking the Father on your behalf, you will be asking the Father on your behalf. But when you do you’re going to be asking it in the authority of Christ Jesus who you have brought into your life as commanded by the Father for you and me to do do we get this? We don’t need an intermediary between you and God. Now some people have set up a bunch of intermediaries we got Jesus you got Mary, you got anybody else that you’re coming down the pike when Jesus is saying that you’re not gonna need to go through me you can go direct to the Father. Now either That’s Biblical or it isn’t folks. And if it is biblical, we shouldn’t be teaching other intermediary should we? Though no No, the Father himself loves you. Why does he love you and me? Because you’ve loved you Jesus, and have believed that Jesus came from God. You came to Jesus on his grounds, you came to God the Father, excuse me on his grounds, that the way that you’re gonna get to know me, is when you get to know my Son. Everything that I want to reveal about myself, has been revealed in Jesus. No more or no less. That’s why Jesus could say, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. He’s not saying that I and the Father are just all in one, no, there’s a Father and a Son. But he said, I am a total everything that I am is the Father. So when you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. So the Father himself loves you. And he loves me. And he loves us because we have learned to love Jesus. And the Bible says, It’s not that we loved God, but that He loved us what? First. So he initiated the love to you. And you’ve responded to him in love. I, Jesus, I came from the Father, he said, and entered the world. And now he said, I’m leaving the world. And I’m going back to the Father. I’m going back to where I came from. And then Jesus disciples said, well, now you’re speaking clearly and without figures of speech.
Now we can see Jesus, that you know all things, and that you do not even need to have anyone to ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God. You believe it at last Jesus said, or answered. But a time is coming and has come when you will be scattered each to his own home, you’ll be scattered all over the place. You will leave me all alone. I am not. Yet I am not alone, saying I never will be alone. My Father is with me. He said, I’ve told you these things, so that in me and in your relationship with Jesus, you may have peace. And guys, we’re told about the peace of God that passes all understanding. But you’re never experienced the peace of God until you experience peace with God. And you cannot experience peace with God until you recognize the truth, that you have been reconciled to God through the death of his Son. And how much more having been reconciled, shall you be saved by His resurrected life. So I’ve told you these things so that in your relationship with Me, Jesus, you may have peace. In this world, you’re going to have trouble or tribulation. If you never had any other verse of scripture, to believe that the Bible is true, just grab a hold of that one. In this world, you are going to have trouble and tribulation. But take heart, he said, I’ve overcome the world. Don’t worry about it. I’ve overcome the world.
In this world, guys, especially if you’re in Jesus, but if you’re not in Jesus, when Adam fell, and sin entered into this world, from that point on, tribulation, entered into this world, did it not trials, tribulation, death, disease, all of the things that we fight every day of our life was brought into this world, and introduced into this world at the fall of man, to to the point where it even says all of nature, even groans for its redemption, nature itself, fell. And so in this world, you’re gonna have tribulation. We look at the world as a friendly place. And if you just look at the nature, that God gave us, the beautiful hills and the valleys and the deserts and the trees, and he ever stopped to think that even the tiniest little insect that God created, God gave it something to eat that only a little insect can eat. Everything furnish for everything he created in this world. He furnished food, air, furnished everything we have everything we need for life, and for godliness. But the world is not our friend. Because mankind is not our friend. In this world, people were born. And when people were born into this world, they were born with a choice to either choose to walk, as God made us to walk in dwelt by God, or to choose to rebel against God and to walk in the energy of your own flesh leaning on your own understanding, never acknowledging him, and never having God a chance to direct your path. He said, In this world, you are going to have tribulation.
After Jesus said that He looked toward heaven. And he prayed. Now, here’s a phenomenal prayer that Jesus again, he didn’t. He didn’t pray a prayer for us to memorize. He’s praying a prayer that he wants us to grab a hold of the heart of God himself, to see what Jesus was talking to his Father about Father, he said, The time has come. glorify Your Son, make your son known, that Your Son may glorify You. For You granted him authority over all people, that he might give eternal life to all those that you have given him. That Jesus came with the authority of God, to grant eternal life to all who come to Him by faith, to be able to grant to the to you and to me life eternal, who has the Son has life here does not have the Son of God does not have life. And these things I’ve written unto You who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may what? Know, that you have what eternal life. Jesus came to give eternal life to those who had come by faith to him, believing him for what he came to do. Take away the sins of the cross, and be raised from the dead, to give life to you and me, who are born dead. And guys, I cannot emphasize this enough. You must see what the Bible says is true. You’re born into this world dead spiritually.
Announcer 27:16
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
