Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P40 (11-29-23)
Stand Firm in The Faith of Jesus From First to Last
~ Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 15:50 Do we really believe that? Most give lip service to those very words of God that tell us that. For most are all too willing to listen to agents of Satan tell lies of cleaning up your flesh. Oh, and when you start cleaning up your flesh, you will feel so good about yourself. Because Satan wants you to focus on self, after all, that is what Satan himself does. And Satan knows how man responds. He has had thousands of years to observe man, and we are all too willing to listen to him, instead of listening to the Holy Spirit teach us truth. For we are out there trying to pull up the weeds when we should be learning on how to grow grass. And folks, we can’t even grow the grass ourselves. We can’t but He can. When we learn to abide in him, then we will see the work he began in us and he will bring it to completion. So don’t let anyone put you on a guilt trip (not even yourself), and instead start focusing on him and his righteousness and watch the grass start to grow.
~ I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
~ “And that’s what he’s talking about the Sabbath rest, walk in the Spirit, learn to allow Christ to do what? Complete the work that who began in you? He began and you didn’t he promised to do that I will complete the work that I began in you. Who began the work in you? Christ. Who’s going to complete it? Christ. And we’re at trying to clean up the flesh. When the emphasis is on cleaning up the flesh, guess who we go to if we don’t want to walk in the Spirit? Flesh. Flesh does not want to be instructed by spirit folks. Have you ever noticed that flesh wants to be instructed by flesh? Flesh doesn’t want godly answers. Godly answer says, Preston may say I don’t want that. That’s simplistic. That’s simplistic stuff. I’ll give me some of this good psychology stuff. Yeah, give me some of that stuff. I mean, that’ll help me clean up the flesh. Well, it’ll sure it can help you to identify what flesh is all about. But there’s not a solution in the world to any of it. And if you did get this habit cleaned up, I got news for you got 20 more you don’t even know about gonna pop up. And if your goal of the Christian lives clean up your place, you got one stupid goal it’s as dumb as trying to leave over nine foot high jump. You’re just not going to do it. And if you got a gold leaf over nine foot high jump, where you can hardly get out of bed in the morning. You’d say that’s a pretty stupid goal. But it’s noble sound and oh boy, it’s noble. Get a lot of pats on the head is what I’m gonna do the athletic community. But I want to tell you, it’s a stupid goal. And for a Christian to set a goal to try to clean up his flesh is an idiotic goal, because you cannot clean it up. God didn’t come to clean up your place came to kill it came to give you something new. And roaming in the desert, that’s what it is. You’re saved. And now I’m going to roam the desert and clean up the flesh. Says enter into the promised land. Enter into that Sabbath rest. You can’t but I can. That’s what Christ is constantly tell us, Bob, you can’t apart from me, you could do nothing. I will complete the work that I began in you that Sabbath rest. That’s to be able to say Lord Jesus, regardless, I’ll trust you. How do you and I grow on grace? You go on Grace, very simply by keeping your eyes on him and what he’s doing in the midst of whatever you and you’re doing? Can you grow on Grace? When you’re messing up? I wonder if you’re going to grow. That’s about the only way you and I are going to. Cause there isn’t anybody in here living a perfect life, I guarantee you that unless the Messiah just walked in. But can you grow on Grace? Absolutely. How? Keeping your eyes on Christ and what he’s doing in the midst of you in whatever you’re doing. To be able to realize and to recognize that I am free to go into the presence of God calling him Daddy Father, with no condemnation. That’s what enables you and me to go in.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:30
Like I said before, for years and years and years, I never clicked in what I was doing, very subtly what I was doing, even in my prayer, Lord, take this habit away from me. Lord take this away from my flesh. Lord do this. What do I what am I praying for him to do? Well clean up the flesh. Is he going to do that? Did he come to clean up my flesh? No, he didn’t, come clean up your place. I love you too much to do to answer that prayer bomb. Hire people all the time. I asked God let me quit smoking. He had done it yet. I guess I can’t believe in God a more. Said ain’t gonna help you to quit smoking. Ain’t gonna take that desire away from you to quit smoking. It’s cleaned up your flesh. He’s going to teach how to grow grass, not pull weeds. He’s got to teach you what it is to walk in love. He’s going to teach you what it is that you’re body’s the holy the temple of the Holy Spirit of God. It’s gonna teach gonna renew your mind, let your mind take those things, get you something where this is where I want to walk. And I can’t walk here where I want to and do this at the same time. It’s not the case of taking away a habit. Like I said, if I teach you how to pull weeds, you’re gonna be pulling weeds for the rest of your life. I teach how to grow grass, the grass will choke out the weeds. And that’s what he’s talking about the Sabbath rest, walk in the Spirit, learn to allow Christ to do what? Complete the work that who began in you? He began and you didn’t he promised to do that I will complete the work that I began in you. Who began the work in you? Christ. Who’s going to complete it? Christ. And we’re at trying to clean up the flesh. When the emphasis is on cleaning up the flesh, guess who we go to if we don’t want to walk in the Spirit? Flesh. Flesh does not want to be instructed by spirit folks. Have you ever noticed that flesh wants to be instructed by flesh? Flesh doesn’t want godly answers. Godly answer says, Preston may say I don’t want that. That’s simplistic. That’s simplistic stuff. I’ll give me some of this good psychology stuff. Yeah, give me some of that stuff. I mean, that’ll help me clean up the flesh. Well, it’ll sure it can help you to identify what flesh is all about. But there’s not a solution in the world to any of it. And if you did get this habit cleaned up, I got news for you got 20 more you don’t even know about gonna pop up. And if your goal of the Christian lives clean up your place, you got one stupid goal it’s as dumb as trying to leave over nine foot high jump. You’re just not going to do it. And if you got a gold leaf over nine foot high jump, where you can hardly get out of bed in the morning. You’d say that’s a pretty stupid goal. But it’s noble sound and oh boy, it’s noble. Get a lot of pats on the head is what I’m gonna do the athletic community. But I want to tell you, it’s a stupid goal. And for a Christian to set a goal to try to clean up his flesh is an idiotic goal, because you cannot clean it up. God didn’t come to clean up your place came to kill it came to give you something new. And roaming in the desert, that’s what it is. You’re saved. And now I’m going to roam the desert and clean up the flesh. Says enter into the promised land. Enter into that Sabbath rest. You can’t but I can. That’s what Christ is constantly tell us, Bob, you can’t apart from me, you could do nothing. I will complete the work that I began in you that Sabbath rest. That’s to be able to say Lord Jesus, regardless, I’ll trust you. How do you and I grow on grace? You go on Grace, very simply by keeping your eyes on him and what he’s doing in the midst of whatever you and you’re doing? Can you grow on Grace? When you’re messing up? I wonder if you’re going to grow. That’s about the only way you and I are going to. Cause there isn’t anybody in here living a perfect life, I guarantee you that unless the Messiah just walked in. But can you grow on Grace? Absolutely. How? Keeping your eyes on Christ and what he’s doing in the midst of you in whatever you’re doing. To be able to realize and to recognize that I am free to go into the presence of God calling him Daddy Father, with no condemnation. That’s what enables you and me to go in.
That’s why folks, it’s so important for us to understand what Paul talked about in Corinthians that all of this all of it is from God, all of it is from God, who reconciled the world unto himself. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not counting men’s sins against them. That’s our message. We’re ambassadors. He said, that’s what we are supposed to be telling people on the face of this earth. That’s what an ambassador is. That’s what we’re left with. This is our message did you know that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not counting your sins against you? Did you know that God was in Christ reconciling you under the world not counting your sins against it? Where do you hear that? Is that proclaim from the housetop? No. What’s proclaimed from the housetop? If you do that God’s gonna get you your fellowship with God better good sins, get better get back in fellowship, God better get all this deal sin, sin sin. We got people going to the confession booths, we got them going here. You got to go there. You got to walk in aisles and everything else to do what? Call God a liar when he said I’m not holding your sins against you. You can enter into the presence of God until you finalize the cross. I don’t mean finalize it today then finalize it tomorrow. I mean, finalize it. How come? Because you’re not reconciled. God was in Christ doing what? Reconciling you unto himself not counting your sins against you What did he say your response should be be reconciled. Isn’t that what it says? Be there for reconciled. What’s it mean? It’s off and buy books take it off yours. You owe the debt that was on God’s accounts receivable ledger ledger he paid the debt. You got it on your accounts payable ledger ledger take it off. Why? Because even though he’s got it off of his accounts receivable if you still got it on your accounts payable, you’re not going to want to walk into his presence because you still think you owe him something and you can’t be reconciled to someone you think you owe something. In fact, what do you want to do with somebody you think you owe them something? You avoid them like the plague you don’t want to walk into their presence walk into their presence is gonna bring up still Oh, yeah, oh, I got it off my books, Bob, but you still got on yours. You know, deep down, we both know you still owe me something. He said I’ve reconciled you therefore be reconciled, take it off of your accounts payable, enter into the Sabbath rest. Forgiveness is finished. There is no more sacrifice. There are no more confession booths, there are no more First John one nines for forgiven forgiveness. It’s finished. And you can’t be reconciled to God when you’re still dealing with that stuff. Now you can play religion, you can play games. You sit around, talk about your church and what we’re doing. You can’t be talking and thinking and being preoccupied with the Lord Jesus Christ that you’re not reconciled to he came to reconcile you. So that what? You can enjoy his life. You can’t enjoy a relationship, a living relationship with a living God unless you’re reconciled. So how did he reconcile us? By God becoming a man walking on the face of this earth, taking upon himself the sins of the entire world going to a cross and He who knew no sin, becoming sin on our behalf so that in Christ we could become the righteousness of God. And he took the entirety of the sins upon himself and cried out from the cross, it’s finished. You have been reconciled, propitiation has taken place. It’s done. It’s finished. Now get up and walk in the newness of life that’s been given to you in Christ Jesus, and quit being preoccupied with your flesh and what it’s doing and get preoccupied with me and what I’m doing you’ll find you won’t fulfill the desires of the flesh. Religion gets you out there and absolutely negates everything that he’s done in regard to his life get you preoccupied with you, trying to clean up your flesh and that’s all religion is it stinks that’s all dead flesh does it smells and we spend our lives trying to clean up what God killed. God said that’s not the Sabbath rest. You’re still working at maintaining your relationship with God instead of realizing it’s been done now walk in it, walk in it. Now that’s what alleviates the fact that it need to pray more and need study more need witness more need your church board need visit more need do all this more. No, no, you need to enter in the Sabbath rest. And allow Christ to complete the work he began in you. That will not be that you will be sitting there singing Lala eating bonbons while you watch the television.
He is alive. And if Christ is ALIVE living in you, and you have been reconciled, he’s reconciled you be reconciled to God no fear to enter into His presence calling him Daddy Father. Then he said, I will get active in you to do my work and accomplish my will. So that you don’t have to be thinking about what to accomplish on your own. That’s rest, isn’t it. That doesn’t mean idle. You’re not idle. That’s resting. It’s peace. It’s called the peace of God that what? Passes all understanding. It’s pretty hard to understand that that Christ is doing something through us, instead of me having to go out and do something for God, isn’t it. Let’s just so contrary to to our nature. It’s so contrary to the flesh that says I want to go perform for God. And so he’s telling us to enter into the Sabbath rest. Now, here’s a for there. And this is where the word of God comes in for the Word of God is living and active. Now what’s the first thing it says it is? Well, it’s living Iisn’t that what Christ came I came at you might have one life. Now, that’s what the whole scriptures about folks. That’s what salvation is, life. Reconciliation, that’s an accounting term. That’s where he were a person who paid a debt that he didn’t owe for you and either owed a debt that we couldn’t pay. That’s an accounting term. I put it off of my books, do you gets that it’s off of God’s books, folks, do you realize that your sins are off his books? Or are we still on the sacrificial system where you got to go back and get it done again? By that one offering, what did he make you play made you forever perfect. And in who’s sight? Well, the side of God, all of you whom What else do you do? Made you holy, He is the one who did it all one offering day, so I’m not going to come back and die again, without the forgiveness of sins. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. So the only way more forgiveness could be executed on your behalf by me is if I came and died again, I’m not going to do that. That’s why I cried out from the cross it’s finished, is because it’s finished. That was how you were reconciled to God, for God made Him who knew no sin to be sin, so that in him now in his life, you could become the righteousness of God. So the reconciliation is what took care of the sin issue so that you and I, Christ raised from the dead, would be able to send the same life that raised Him from the dead into you and me and raise us from the dead. And that’s the proclamation of the gospel. It doesn’t come to Christ and get your sins forgiven. It’s Christ has already forgiven your sins and that forgiveness is in Christ. In Him you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, whereas forgiveness of sin? In him, you don’t come to Christ to get forgiven, you come to Christ to get him to get life and in that life is forgiveness. It’s the pin in the book. He took the pin forgiveness, stuck it in the book, Christ close the book and said, Here I am.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
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Bob George 14:07
That kind of get the pin out here. No, it’s a two for sale. It’s in the book. You can’t get it out here. We’re marching people down aisles to get forgiven, get your sins forgiven, get your sins forgiven. You’re not saved by the death of Christ we’re saved by the life of Christ. When we were yet enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more having been reconciled, shall you be saved by his what? His life. Reconciliation is, what is death accomplished? His resurrection is what life accomplished is what gave us life. And that’s why the whole gospel as I came at, you might have life. I’m the way the truth the life. He who has the Son has life on the resurrection and the life. The whole issue is a living message. The Word of God is living. How to get alive? Well, it was the word. In the beginning was the Word the Word was with God and the Word was God. What the word do? Became flesh and dwelt among us as the only begotten Son of the Father. Full of what? Grace and truth. The word became flesh alive living into an atmosphere of people who became the interpreters of the written word, and the custodians of the interpretation of the written word. And what happened was the custodians of the interpretation of the written word was suddenly confronted with the living word. And the Living Word didn’t agree with their interpretation of that. And so the custodians of the interpretation of the written word, crucified, the Living Word, the Word of God is living, it’s active, it’s sharper than a two edged sword, it divides asunder, it says, The soul from the spirit. The Word of God is given to us, in order to teach us truth, by the Holy Spirit of God living in us, that’ll set us free.
Now folks, as we’ve talked about before, and it certainly happened in my life, I became a student of the word and forgot the author. Like I said before, there’s no study that you and I will ever encounter in intellectual pursuit, where the goal of studying the book is to get to know the author. None of my college courses did I study, a book to get to know the author, you studied the book to get to know the book. And we carry that same mentality over to us in a study of the Word of God and I studied the book to get to know the book and forgot the author. The only reason for picking up his bible is to study Jesus to get to know Christ. He said, You search the Scriptures in hopes of finding eternal life. They all point to me and you miss me in the Scriptures. And that’s what the Pharisees did. Because it became a book instead of something living. It’s alive. The Word of God is Christ. It’s alive. It’s his word. You can’t separate him from his word unlike us. So the word of God came. It’s given to us it said it’s sharp, it’s active. It’s double edged sword it penetrates, divides the soul from the spirit, joints and marrows it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. And folks, that’s where we live underneath the skin. That’s why self righteousness is so unbelievably deceptive. Because when you start to think what you’re capable of thinking in a day, not doing I can go out and do and look pretty good. And that’s what our emphasis is. That’s what the Christian emphasis is go out and doo doo doo. So we become do do Christians. And that’s all we that’s all we that’s all just what you’re doing out there. No one’s thinking about what you’re thinking, your attitudes, they stinking attitudes that we have the stinking thinking that goes on underneath the skin. That’s what God sees. Now, when you understand that, how in the world could you ever do anything intelligently, except to spend the rest of your life praising the Lord Jesus Christ for His mercy and His love and His grace? When I stopped to think of what can go into this head, and it seems to me, the older I get, the more original it is, that can go into this head in a day’s time, it is unthinkable and realize that’s what God sees. Not these neat actions, these exterior things that look pretty good on the outside, what goes on down underneath the skin, that’s what the Word of God does. It’s the thing that delineates outward action, adultery from inward spirit, lust. It’s the thing that like the song says, that pours contempt on your pride. And you know, and I know where pride is. And it zeroes in on it says, oh, Lord, this pride is so distasteful is so disgusting. Thank You for Your Mercy, and your love and your grace that saved me from that. That’s the word of God. That’s why it says For you and me to let our roots grow deeply into the Word of God so that we will not be tossed to and fro by every wave of doctrine. It’s the only thing that keeps us on keel. It’s the only thing that enables us to see the difference between truth and error.
Well, let’s turn back to First Peter 1:22 for a minute and then we’ll see what how all this started. Say this Living Word active, alive. Well, what did that living word do for us? Well it made us alive. And verse 22, is chapter one. Peter says now you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth. What’s obeying The truth? Well, folks, let’s get back to it a minute, where it was God in Christ doing what? Reconciling the world unto himself. What? Not counting your sins against you. Have you obeyed the truth? Or are we still acting as if he didn’t do that? As we’ve said before, folks, you realize that in Christianity in most of Christianity today, we have not advanced one iota from the sacrificial system. Our idea of forgiveness is I got forgiven, killed, the lamb got forgiven, but again, I’ve done something else, I gotta go back, do another get forgiven, done something else, I gotta go back and get forgiven again, God already had a system for that, folks. You could have stayed in Jerusalem, and been forgiven like that. Already had a system for that. He didn’t come to cover sin. That was atonement, he came to take it away. That’s Jesus. Behold, the Lamb of God who what? Takes away the sins of the world. He didn’t come to cover it. He already had a system for covering sin. He just couldn’t take it away with the blood of bulls and goats. He couldn’t finalize it. And that’s what Hebrews is talking about. That’s what’s wrong with you. You got to keep doing that over and over and over and over and over and over again. Find like old spiritual breathing days is over and over and over and over and over again. Sin and confess sin and confess and confess get sins confessed. What do you preoccupied with? Sin and confess. Preoccupied with life? Oh, never had chance to think about life, too busy sinning and confessing. Said you start out spiritual breathing and a little while you’re panting and then hyperventilating. Totally preoccupied with you and what you were doing or what you weren’t doing, and never preoccupied with him, and what he was doing? Why? Well, I hadn’t been reconciled to God was I saved? Yeah, hadn’t been reconciled. Now it’s on the accounting page. It just I hadn’t taken off accounts payable. I wasn’t taught I supposed to I was taught you were forgiven. But see little Billy Goat. You were reconciled. But. No, no, no, you’re either reconciled or you’re not. Now if you are, there was only one way reconciliation took place. And that was through finality of the cross. So while you were yet enemies, you were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, he’s done that now. What’s he say for you to do? Be reconciled. Believe it obey the gospel. That’s all it’s talking about obeying the truth obeyed the gospel. You’ve been you’ve purified yourself, well, how? By realizing I’ve been purified. I’ve obeyed the gospel, I’m now reconciled to God, I’ve taken it off my accounts payable, I’m not putting it on anymore. I recognize something, it’s finished. And I’m gonna walk on the face of this earth from that day forth. In truth, it’s finished. And I’m gonna walk according to that. That means there’s no more forgiveness to be executed. That means there’s no more bouncing in and out of fellowship, which is not in the Bible. taught that for years too, not in the Bible, you can’t find in and out of fellowship, you’re in the fellowship saved out of the fellowship lost two fellows in the same ship. You’re either in it or you’re out. But there’s no such thing as bouncing in and out of fellowship, you cannot find it in there. I was amazed when we went back and read the New Testament about 16 times couldn’t find it in there. How come? Not there. You’re in or you’re out, you’re saved to your lost. Now, if you’re in Christ, then you’re in the light. And if you are in the light as Christ Jesus is in the light, there’s a result of that you and Christ, have fellowship with one another as a result of being in the light saved, and the blood of Jesus, his Son keeps on continually cleansing you have every sin imaginable. That’s his job, not yours. Walk in the Light, obey the gospel, be reconciled to God, he’s reconciled, you’ll be reconciled. Now that you’ve purified yourself by obeying the truth, so that you have a sincere love for your brothers, Love one another deeply from the heart, for you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but have in perishable through the living and enduring word of God. How are you and I born again? We were born again by the word of God. We were born again by hearing the Word of God, the truth of the Word of God and believing it.
But I want to turn back to John 1:13 for a minute. Verse 12, yet to all who received him. To those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. To all who believed in his name become children of God children born now not of natural descent nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. That’s what Peter’s talking about. You have been born again, not a perishable seed, not at the will of your father and mother, but of imperishable by the Holy Spirit of God, through the word of God through the living and enduring word of God. Every man has to be born once obviously, got to be born out of your mom’s womb. And then you have to be born again of the Spirit, not born out of human passion and plan that’s physical birth, not born of the water, that’s physical birth. You obviously have to be born of the water, you have to be alive physically, or you couldn’t be born again spiritually. So there’s two births, that all of us have to have, physical birth, and for eternal life, a spiritual birth. That’s born from above, through the enduring word of God, you and I heard the word we obeyed the gospel out now, folks, that doesn’t mean it. I just had the Bible read to me. If the word is, the word of God is the word of God, it’s the truth of the Word of God. It’s not a word. In fact, the Bible tells us to quit disputing over words. It’s the word of God creates truth. In other words, the sentence is more than the word and the paragraph is more than the sentence and the chapter is more than the paragraph. And the book is more than the chapters and the library is more than the book. The words say something and it’s what they say, is what creates the truth that we obey. In other words, we believe, and the Word of God is living and it’s talking about a living Christ. It starts by enabling you and me to be born again, which is life, life to the dead. And that’s how you and I come to Christ.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”