Radio Broadcast Monday 03/24/2025

Classic Christianity – Raised To Rest P1 (03-24-25)

Bob George Presents: Raised To Rest P1

~ “Therefore, of the promise to enter into His rest left remaining, we should fear, lest ever any of you should seem to have fallen short. And indeed we are those having had the gospel preached just as they did; but the message of their hearing did not profit them, not having been united with the faith of those having heard. For those having believed enter into the rest, as He has said:

“So I swore in my wrath,
‘they shall not enter into My rest.’”

And yet the works have been finished from the foundation of the world. For He has spoken somewhere concerning the seventh day in this way, “And on the seventh day God rested from all His works.” And again in this passage. “They shall not enter into My rest.”

Therefore, since it remains for some to enter into it, and those having received the good news formerly did not enter in because of disobedience, again He appoints a certain day as “Today,” saying through David after so long a time, just as it has been said, “Today, if you shall hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.”

For if Joshua had given rest to them, He would not have spoken after this about another day. So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one having entered into His rest, he also rested from his works, as God did from the own. Therefore we should be diligent to enter into that rest, so that no one should fall by the same example of disobedience. Hebrews 4:1-11

Most people today fail to enter into the Sabbath Rest of God today, whereby they rest from their works just as God rested from His. And there is a stern warning for this major unbelief. God does NOT like disobedience. And disobedience is NOT believing in what God has declared to be TRUTH. For without faith it is impossible to please God. Yet there are people today, that will say, they must obey the Sabbath day, as if they think they really are obeying a day of the week for a Sabbath day. Heck, Satan has changed times and dates, how does anyone know what day Saturday or Sunday is really on today? There have been numerous days added to the calendars, so to say a particular day today is a Saturday or a Sunday is actually quite ridiculous. No one knows. And so people will say, they need to try and obey these ordinances that were set up in the Old testament, as though they are still living under an OLD LAW. And by their own actions they are showing they do NOT believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. For if they did, they would rest from their works, just as Christ Jesus rested from HIS.


And a certain ruler asked Him, saying, “Good Teacher, having done what, will I inherit eternal life?”
And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good, except God alone.

~ “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:12

~ Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; the one believing in Me, even if he should die, he will live. And everyone living and believing in Me shall never die, to the age. Do you believe this?” John 11:25,26

“On the next day the great crowd having come to the feast, having heard that Jesus is coming into Jerusalem, took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him, and were shouting:


“Blessed is the One coming in the name of the Lord!”

“And the King of Israel!”

Now Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat upon it, as it is written:

“Fear not, daughter of Zion.

Behold, your King comes,

sitting on a colt of a donkey.”

His disciples did not know these things from the first, but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written of Him, and these things they had done to Him.

Therefore the crowd being with Him when He called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him out from the dead, continued to bear witness. On account of this also the crowd met Him, because they heard of His having done this sign.

Therefore the Pharisees said among themselves, “You see that you gain nothing. Behold, the world has gone after Him.” John:12:12-19

Pray to God:

Do you really want to know the WHOLE Truth of what is going on today?

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today and give me the wisdom to know the truth and identify the lies of the devil. Thank you God.”

~ “Now we are told to enter into that Sabbath, what? Rest. Not because you’re exhausted, but because it’s over and you cannot rest when you still think there’s something else to do. If I think I can add to what he has done, you are not resting. You are trying to create something new, instead of resting in the completed work of Christ. When Christ’s death on the cross provided salvation, it was not a partial salvation. And there’s nothing in the Gospel about salvation, about three things, death, burial and resurrection period. It’s not Jesus plus tongues, it’s not Jesus plus baptism. It’s not Jesus plus church attendance, it’s Jesus. Do we understand that? And so what we try to do is to add to this. And we’re again, we’re just like the person picking up the painting and painting a mustache on Mona Lisa, it’s finished. He said, rest. Why don’t you rest? Rest. I have people. Sometimes they’ll call in and they’ll talk about, well, you got to speak in tongues in order to what? Well to be Spirit filled. Well, quite frankly, ma’am, I don’t know what you’re doing listening to me. I. Why would you want to tune in to the radio and listen to, by your own definition, an unspirit filled man? I mean, that is stupid. A person comes in and says, You got to be saved to be baptized. I don’t know what you’re doing listening to me, because I’m lost. According to your definition, I am lost. Why would you want to come here and talk to and listen to a lost man teach the Scripture? So if you believe that that’s what’s prior to salvation, you’re listening to a lost man. And that’s pretty stupid to come and listen to a lost man trying to teach you the Word of God. So by your own definition, you’re talking to someone who’s lost. If there’s anything to add to the Scripture, except Jesus. You come down and say, Well, you’ve got to go to my church over here. Then you’re talking to a lost man. I don’t know what you’re doing listening to me on the radio. I sure don’t know what you’re doing listening to me period. Because you’re talking, by your definition, to an unspirit filled man, and you’re talking, in the other definition, to a lost man. Because I’m neither one of those Believe me, I did not believe. Never in a million years will I ever believe that salvation for my salvation was saved through baptism. That is an idiocy to me. I know better because I was there when I saved. I also know that I’ve never spoken in tongues, and I also know people who have, and I’ll guarantee you, I don’t perceive that as spirit filled. I also know that speaking in tongues has nothing to do with being spirit filled, because Paul said, If I spoke in the tongues of men and angels, but I don’t have love, all I am is a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal, which would be very difficult to call a Christian a spirit filled noisy gong. So my friends, we have to realize that the problem that people have is this stupid intellect of ours. We think we are so smart that we can outguess God. You cannot add to what God did. He did it back then. He didn’t say, now it’s your turn. He said, it’s finished. Rest. What’s rest mean? Exhausted? No, finished.” ~ Bob George

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Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Now Rest

Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.

Bob George 0:27
If you’ll turn to chapter 12 of John, you’re going to see the events leading up to the ultimate fulfillment of what we know today as LIFE. Now, guys, when you’re dealing with the issue of salvation, salvation is like creation. God did not consult us. Salvation as well as creation was done by God without consulting us at all. We have nothing to do with it. It’s what he did for us. After six days. It says that he rested on the Sabbath day. It wasn’t because he was exhausted. You know the song, he is exhausted. Forever exhausted. I will praise him. No, he was exalted, not exhausted. So when you’re talking about that he rested on the seventh day, it wasn’t that he was tired, it was that he was finished. And when you rest means there’s nothing else to do. It’s finished. It’s done. And so when he created the world, which was preparation for us, why did he create the world? For us. Now, he put us on the EARTH. Now, when He created Adam and Eve he did not make two Adams and Eves. He didn’t make two horses. He just made a couple. And from there, he made them in such a way that they could propagate. And so he does not create the propagation. He created the original two. And when he did, he says, it’s finished. I’m not going to make another horse, another gut. Going to make another dog, not going to make another snake. I’m sorry I made the first one. I’m finished. It’s over. I’m resting, not exhausted, through, nothing else to create. And so it would be like him saying it is finished. In other words, I’m resting. Why? It’s finished. An artist finishes a painting, he puts it in a frame and says, it’s finished. I’m resting. I’m not going to work on that picture anymore. Why? It’s finished. It’s over, it’s done. And that is precisely what he did in creation. It’s finished, it’s over, it’s done. Not going to make anything new, I’m done. Do we understand that? He didn’t consult us. He just did it, and he said, rest not because you’re exhausted, but because the work’s over.

Now we are told to enter into that Sabbath, what? Rest. Not because you’re exhausted, but because it’s over and you cannot rest when you still think there’s something else to do. If I think I can add to what he has done, you are not resting. You are trying to create something new, instead of resting in the completed work of Christ. When Christ’s death on the cross provided salvation, it was not a partial salvation. And there’s nothing in the Gospel about salvation, about three things, death, burial and resurrection period. It’s not Jesus plus tongues, it’s not Jesus plus baptism. It’s not Jesus plus church attendance, it’s Jesus. Do we understand that? And so what we try to do is to add to this. And we’re again, we’re just like the person picking up the painting and painting a mustache on Mona Lisa, it’s finished. He said, rest. Why don’t you rest? Rest. I have people. Sometimes they’ll call in and they’ll talk about, well, you got to speak in tongues in order to what? Well to be Spirit filled. Well, quite frankly, ma’am, I don’t know what you’re doing listening to me. I. Why would you want to tune in to the radio and listen to, by your own definition, an unspirit filled man? I mean, that is stupid. A person comes in and says, You got to be saved to be baptized. I don’t know what you’re doing listening to me, because I’m lost. According to your definition, I am lost. Why would you want to come here and talk to and listen to a lost man teach the Scripture? So if you believe that that’s what’s prior to salvation, you’re listening to a lost man. And that’s pretty stupid to come and listen to a lost man trying to teach you the Word of God. So by your own definition, you’re talking to someone who’s lost. If there’s anything to add to the Scripture, except Jesus. You come down and say, Well, you’ve got to go to my church over here. Then you’re talking to a lost man. I don’t know what you’re doing listening to me on the radio. I sure don’t know what you’re doing listening to me period. Because you’re talking, by your definition, to an unspirit filled man, and you’re talking, in the other definition, to a lost man. Because I’m neither one of those Believe me, I did not believe. Never in a million years will I ever believe that salvation for my salvation was saved through baptism. That is an idiocy to me. I know better because I was there when I saved. I also know that I’ve never spoken in tongues, and I also know people who have, and I’ll guarantee you, I don’t perceive that as spirit filled. I also know that speaking in tongues has nothing to do with being spirit filled, because Paul said, If I spoke in the tongues of men and angels, but I don’t have love, all I am is a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal, which would be very difficult to call a Christian a spirit filled noisy gong. So my friends, we have to realize that the problem that people have is this stupid intellect of ours. We think we are so smart that we can outguess God. You cannot add to what God did. He did it back then. He didn’t say, now it’s your turn. He said, it’s finished. Rest. What’s rest mean? Exhausted? No, finished.

Now, did the HEBREWS understand that? That’s why they were roaming in the desert for 40 years because of their what? Unbelief. Then when Paul went to them, this is also ironic, went to them with the message, and they accepted the Lord through Paul’s message, and they listened to him. And then after a while, he evidently went blank, to the point where he had to go to them and say, I want to remind you that I first came to you. You were worshiping dumb idols. Did you think all of a sudden I got brain dead? You came to the Lord through what I was teaching. You grew in what I was teaching. Now you’re trying to say that I’m brain dead. And I want to tell you when you first heard my teaching, you were worshiping dumb idols.

Some of us have to think of the background we came out of and the error that we were in, and to look back and say, I am capable of being deceived. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been in that junk over there. And so we have to understand folks, that unless the Spirit of God reveals truth to us, we’re not going to know truth. You can study it. You can Greek it, you can Hebrew it. But if you don’t know, have the Spirit of God living in you. And I don’t think you can have the Spirit of God living in you if you believe that it is Jesus, plus anything, I do not believe that, because Jesus says I’m not going to save you with me, plus something. I’m sorry. I love you too much for that. I’m going to wait until you die to all of yourself and to realize there’s none of you in this thing. It’s all of me, then I’ll save you. But if you think I’m going to compromise what I did at the cross and in my burial, my resurrections for you. You got another thing coming. You do not add to God’s creation. Does man’s pride say that? Want to do that? Well, of course, that’s why we’re out cloning things, and man is sitting in laboratories today trying to create something. When God said, I’m through with my creation, and I want to tell you something. Man, if you create something, it’s a mess, and you’re going to be a mess as a result of your creation. So when Jesus said, it’s finished, and he said, rest. That’s what he means. Rest. Do we understand that? So when you and I enter into the Sabbath, rest, it doesn’t mean we go to church on Saturday or Sunday. It means you live your life resting in the completed work of Jesus Christ, when Saturday, Sunday, no, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, every day of your life you live in a rest. He’s done it. It’s finished. I can’t add to it, and I sure don’t want to subtract from it.

Now that message was about as popular as the Titanic sinking to the religious mind, to the prideful mind that says you just don’t know what you’re doing. Lord, you watch what I can add. You watch what I can come up with. You just haven’t seen me keep your commands. You just haven’t seen me keep your ordinances. You just haven’t seen how faithful I am to worshiping on Saturday, and the other group says on Sunday, you just don’t know, Lord, how faithful I am. You just watch my smoke, Lord, and you’re going to be impressed. And so the pride of that mind comes in, and it’s that kind of pride that enabled men, when Jesus came in on Palm Sunday, riding on the donkey, to be saying, Hosanna. Hosanna to the king, and four days later, saying, Crucify, crucify; same people. That shows how fickle we are, that shows how we can be influenced to, one day be praising a man and the next day be cursing a man. James talked about, how could that be? How can the same tongue that praises God turn around with the same got tongue and curse man? He said it should not be, but it is.

We pick up in verse 12, it said, the next day, a great crowd had come to the feast that heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. And they took palm branches and they went out to meet him, shouting, Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes the name of the Lord? Blessed is the King of Israel. And Jesus found a young donkey and set upon it, as it is written, don’t be afraid, Oh daughter of Zion, see your King is coming seated on a donkey’s colt.

Seems to me like God would pick something better than a donkey. Seems like a stallion would be better, doesn’t it? But he took the humblest of animals and rode in on a donkey. It seems like he should have been born in the Hilton, Jerusalem, Hilton, instead of a stable, that’s God we had, we would elevate that humanly into the Hilton or on a stallion. He was born in a manger and rode in on a donkey.

Now, at first, the disciples did not understand all this. It was only after Jesus was glorified, did they realize that these things had been written about him, and that they had done these things to him? And now the crowd that was with him, when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised Him from the dead, continued to spread the word. Many people, because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign, went out to meet him. You see this, big accolades took place as a result of a pretty good miracle. He raised Lazarus from the dead. Now, did Lazarus stay alive? No, he died too, but He raised Him from the dead. Why? Jesus says I got a visual here that I want you to see. I got a visual aid for you. And when He raised Him from the dead, what did he declare? I Jesus, am the resurrection and the life. And whosoever believes in me though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me will never die. He said, Do you believe this?

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If you’re enjoying the Book of Galatians, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Galatians, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.

Bob George 14:44
And so the crowds amazed, rightfully so, at this miraculous sign that this man raised this Lazarus from the dead. So everybody wants to go about to see him. Is that unusual? No, it isn’t unusual. Got a hero on our hands, and this guy is some kind of, some kind of a some kind of a miracle worker. He might even have something say to us, he might even be who He claimed to be. But anyway, whether I believe that or not, I’m going to go out and shout Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes what? In the name of the Lord. And so they all went out to see him. Now, there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the feast. And they came up to Philip, who was from beside in Galilee, with a request. They said, Sir, we would like to see Jesus. Now these were some Greeks, and they say we’d like to see Jesus. We don’t know who he is. Can you point him out to us? We’ve heard about this man. I’d like to see him. And Philip went to tell Andrew, and Andrew and Philip, in turn, told Jesus, Jesus, there’s some people out here, some Greeks, and they want to see you. Well, Jesus said that the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. And I tell you, Unless a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds, and the man who loves his life will lose it, and the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Now you say, What’s that got to do with these men wanting to see you? Seems like you’d answer the question that, no, no, they’ll they’ll see me. Okay? They’ll see me. And probably the first time they’ll ever see me, I’ll be hanging on a cross with crowns of thorns on my head. Now, why is he saying we know that? Don’t we physically that, unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone, don’t we? Now, isn’t that something that life comes from death, that that seed has to die? They say, I don’t do it. I don’t know. Some of you may understand that. I don’t understand that seems like the seed dies. It ought die, but no it gives life, and had Jesus not died, he could not have given you and me life. And as we’ve said, That’s what salvation is. Is the death of Jesus, is what caused the life of Jesus, and that’s what brings you and me life.

Now I do not need to die spiritually because I was already born dead spiritually, and a dead man cannot die. Have you noticed that? But I have to recognize my death, because if I don’t recognize my spiritual death, I will never turn to Him for what? Life. And so man has to see his condition is sin that Jesus had to pay for is what brought about my death, and His resurrection is what brings about my life. And so I was, in essence, born a dead seed, spiritually, with the capability of being raised from the dead. Now, folks again, that’s a part of God’s creation. God created man that way. When he made a caterpillar, he created that caterpillar with a capability of someday becoming a butterfly, did he not? He didn’t make a horse that way. A horse doesn’t have a capability of becoming a mule. A horse doesn’t have a capability of becoming a butterfly. A horse is a horse, and he can propagate all day long, and he isn’t going to produce anything except another horse. You and I were created like the caterpillar with a capability of becoming something different than what we are. Do we realize that? We were created with the capability of becoming born again and to be kept and to be recreated into the newness of life. That’s why, until we come to Christ, we have this emptiness inside. That’s why we always are aware something is missing because I was created by God to become something different than what I became. I was created or born from mom and dad with an ability to be recreated by God. If any man be in Christ, he is, what? A new creation. I’m born a mom and dad. I’m created a new by God. He didn’t make two of me. That’s why God doesn’t have grandchildren, only children.

So he tells beginning to put into their minds about his death. Whoever serves me must follow me. And where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. Verse 27 but now my heart is troubled. What shall I say? Father save me from this hour? No, it was for this very reason that I came to this hour. So, Father, glorify Your name. So Jesus is saying, no, no, look what he’s saying. Before he said, what we think. He said, My heart’s troubled. But what should I say? Should I say, Oh, Father, save me from this hour? Well, didn’t later on, he say, Father, if it’s your will take this cup from me. Didn’t he say that supposedly a little later? Well here he said, maybe change his mind, Father, save me from this hour. Said, no, no, no, no. It was for this reason that I came to this hour. I came to die.

Now, Jesus was born of a virgin. He’s called the last Adam. He’s called the First Born from among the what? The dead. Who were the dead? Us. Who is the first born from among the dead? Jesus, the only man ever born alive Spiritually. Do you realize that? There’s never been another man on this earth ever born alive spiritually. You are not born alive spiritually until you reach the age of accountability, and then you sin, and now you need salvation. Now some people have a theology like that, because they don’t know what to do with what happens if a baby dies. And so they must say, well, we can’t attribute that little baby is born dead so and because they certainly can’t understand about Jesus. So we’re going to have to come up with something. So what do we do? We christen, don’t we? And we dedicate we bring our babies forward and dedicate them with the thought in mind that if I christen that child early or well, they’re going to be okay. And I realize they haven’t heard yet. But because what I did see, what I did see what I did for my kid, I got them sprinkled. I mean, they’re even too young to dunk, so I just sprinkle them. See, look what I did. Lord, then that’ll save the child. That’s nice thinking sounds good, but it isn’t in the Scripture. It’s not there. Why? Because what God did is finished. He said, I did not finish my work for you to add christening to it. It’s finished. It’s over. So you say, Well, what happens to someone or a baby that has not heard? The same thing that has happens to a man that hasn’t heard that you those people and those babies are put into the hands of a God that is number one, perfectly, not imperfectly, but perfectly just and perfect love. Now if I cannot entrust that decision as to what God would do with that child who is a God of perfect Love and perfect justice, then I’ve got one strange god. And so what happens to a child? They’ve been committed into the hands of a God who will make that decision. And that’s precisely why nothing is written in the Scripture about what happens to a child. What he’s saying is, I have rested from my work. You rest from yours, and trust me with those decisions. If those kind of decisions are left in your hands, you’ll come up with the dumbest things you ever heard of, and that’s what we’ve done for years. Subtle as it might be, what it is is saying, I don’t think he finished his work. I will come up with something I’m going to add to what God said he did.

So he said, There glorify my name. Then a voice came from heaven and said, I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again. The crowd was there and they heard it. Said it had thundered. Others said an angel had spoken to him. Jesus. Said this voice was for your benefit, not mine. Jesus is saying, I don’t need a sign from heaven. I already know who I am. You’re the one having a problem. Now is the time for judgment on this world. Now the prince of this world will be driven out, but I, when I am lifted up from the EARTH, I will draw all men unto myself. And he showed this to show the kind of death that he was going to die. When I be lifted up on the Mount of Calvary, that I will draw all men unto myself. Now is this the kind of a Messiah that the Judeans were looking for? Man, we’re looking for a reigning Messiah. We’re looking for someone that’s going to come and save Israel and free us from this bondage of slavery that we’re under. What are you talking about, being lifted up? I don’t want that kind of a messiah that’s going to humiliate themselves. I mean, it’s bad enough riding on a donkey, but I sure don’t want you hanging on a cross. So that’s not the kind of Messiah I’m looking for.

Though, the crowd spoke up and said, Well, we’ve heard from the law that the Christ will remain forever. I mean, that’s who we’ve been following. I mean, the guy that we were shouting at Hosanna, Blessed he that comes the name of the Lord. We’re not talking about someone getting hanging on a cross. We’re talking about someone who’s going to live forever. Maybe I should have withheld my praise. So he said to him, the Son of Man must be lifted up. Who is this Son of Man, he said. So Jesus told them, If you’re going to have you’re going to have the light just a little while longer. So walk while you have the light, before this darkness overtakes you, the man who walks in the dark does not know where he’s going. Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you might become sons of light, and when he had finished speaking, Jesus left them and hid himself from them.

Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.

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Jesus Came to Save Sinners

Listen to the Salvation message today!

Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.

Let’s pray together:

  • Lord Jesus,
  • I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
  • never ever to see them again.
  • Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
  • through your resurrection.
  • I now receive that life.
  • And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
  • In Jesus Holy name I pray.
  • Amen

All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.

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John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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