Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P09 (10-16-24)
Time to Tell it Like it Is, Be a Truth Teller
~ We have been so deceived by Satan today that most are scared to tell it like it is. They are scared to say something is a sin. And think about it folks, if we are not able to call sin, sin, then what does a person need Jesus for? After all, it’s not sin in the eyes of the world. And so there is no need for God either. And everything is perverted today. In fact, the level of perversion is much much worse than most imagine today. People today, are worshipping demonic entities in transformed flesh suits, and have no clue about it. They hold these entities up as idols all day long. We have all done it too. We were all caught in the sin of idolatry big time. Our parents taught us that it was okay to have idols by their very actions, (they fell in love with singers, actors, technology gurus, sports players and sports teams and even political figures and promoted them all day long) and we too have followed suit. We justified it because we were brainwashed to believe Satan’s lies ourselves, that these entities were “basically good.” We all got programmed a little at a time by the things of the world, and the churches were infiltrated by agents of Satan too, spreading Satan’s lies and not focusing on the word of God. We stopped trusting in God, and instead placed our faith in Man.
Jesus told it like it is. “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies” John 8:44. And today it is much much worse than even back then, for these demons have had many more years to practice their craft and learn how to deceive and get other people to do the desires of their flesh in even more diverse ways, by twisting everything that is good, and calling it bad. And remember, demons never die. And then getting even the very elect to be as milquetoast, afraid to tell it like it is to others. Most have become weak and useless and don’t even share the Gospel anymore. First and foremost, people promote ministries that teach the lies of ongoing forgiveness, or come to Jesus to “get your sins forgiven.” That’s one way you can see that people are not really interested in TRUTH, but are interested in beating around the bush. Then they promote politics left and right. They place these demons on their idol pedestals of social media and talk about them all day long as though they are God’s answer to fix the problems of the world. They are glued to their tell a vision programming channels, and become more and more invested in Man instead of God. And they do it for all to see, and they think that is good, because that is what they have been brainwashed to believe.
Most cannot see what is going on today. They have blinders over their eyes. They can’t handle the TRUTH of the WORD. It feels too uncomfortable for them to even think about that they could be and have been deceived by Satan since birth. Their pride won’t allow them to see what is plainly presented to them before their very eyes. And so, much like today’s message, God is not going to force a person to see. He will let a person have it his way. But for the person who truly is in Christ Jesus, His training is always upon us. He does not leave you in that condition. And remember, no discipline feels pleasant at the time. But God disciplines us for our own good. So my friends, “ASK, and it will be given to you; SEEK, and you will find; KNOCK, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8
Are you going to believe God or are you going to believe Man? The choice is yours. This is true for both the lost and the saved. Nothing is as what we have been taught. We live in a time of Great Deception. There are those that are waking up in the Holy Spirit today. Be one that is awake and not sleeping as though you are in darkness. For everyone who is in Christ Jesus is in the Light as He is in the Light, for there is no darkness in Him. “And this is the message that we have heard from Him and we preach to you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all” 1 John 1:5. Build your foundation on Jesus today. Stop looking to the world for answers.
“Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 1:5-7
~ Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called an apostle, and set apart for the gospel of God— the gospel He promised beforehand through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, regarding His Son, who was a descendant of David according to the flesh, and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. Through Him and on behalf of His name, we received grace and apostleship to call all those among the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. To all in Rome who are loved by God and called saints: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being proclaimed all over the world. God, whom I serve with my spirit in preaching the gospel of His Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times, asking that now at last by God’s will I may succeed in coming to you. For I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you, that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, how often I planned to come to you (but have been prevented from visiting until now), in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had among the other Gentiles. I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome. I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Judaean [Ἰουδαίῳ (Ioudaiō)], then to the Greek. For the gospel reveals the righteousness of God that comes by faith from start to finish, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, suppressing the truth by unrighteousness, because the known of God is manifest among them, for God has revealed it to them. For from the creation of the world His invisible qualities, both His eternal power and divinity, are clearly seen, being understood by the things made, for them to be without excuse. For having known God, they glorified Him not as God, or were thankful; but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and they changed the glory of the immortal God into a likeness of an image of mortal man and birds and quadrupeds and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the desires of their hearts to impurity to dishonor their bodies between themselves, who changed the truth of God into falsehood, and reverenced and served the created thing beyond the One having created it, who is blessed to the ages! Amen. Because of this, God gave up them to passions of dishonor. For even their females changed the natural use into that contrary to nature. And likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed in their desire toward one another, males with males, working out shame and receiving in themselves the recompense which was fitting of their error. And as they did not see fit to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a depraved mind, to do things not being proper; being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, malice; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness; gossips, slanderers, hateful to God, insolent, arrogant, boastful; inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents; foolish, untrustworthy, heartless, unmerciful; who having known the righteous judgment of God, that those doing such things are worthy of death, not only are practicing them, but are also approving of those practicing them.” Romans 1:1-32
Pray to God:
Do you really want to know the WHOLE Truth of what is going on today?
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7
Lord Jesus, teach me the truth of the world today and give me the wisdom to know the truth and identify the lies of the devil. Thank you God.”
~ “And people have said, well, they go to church. Well, I know a lot of singles that go to church looking for mates. That’s the only reason to go to church. I got a good singles department, got some good looking guys and girls hanging out there. Might find me a maid over there. What’s the difference? I tell you. So folk going to church doesn’t mean I flipped anything about it. I sat in church all my life. Didn’t know the Lord from a flagpole. The issue is what’s taught in that church. And if I’m going to teach that homosexuality is okay, I’m going to have to say this Bible is full of bunk, am I not? And this God, who supposedly was the author of this Bible, doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and so I don’t know what God you’re worshiping over here, but it’s not the God of the Bible. So you got your own God. I mean, you’re going to church and you’re worshiping God. You just took him out of the Bible and made up your own you got your own straw man that you worship, because the God of the Bible says, this is perversion, and you’re over here worshiping in a group that’s all hanging together and saying, Oh no, this is love. This is not an easy message to teach.
Folks, think about this for a minute. Let’s just take some of the 10 Commandments. We don’t have to take them all. Just take some. Why don’t we have an atheist Pride Day to march on Disneyland. Why don’t we have a parent haters Pride Day? Why don’t we have a murderer’s Pride Day? I just killed six people. I’m so proud of myself. Let’s have a parade. Let’s have an adulterers. Pride Day. The only problem is it wouldn’t be about to watch it on television. Let’s get all the thiefs together and have a thief Pride Day, let’s have the liar’s Pride Day. That’d be a good one. Let’s get all US liars together, and we’ll march on Disneyland and up and down the streets and be really proud of what big liars we are. Why don’t we have a coveters Pride Day? Now, folks, is adultery sin? Is there anyone in there that thinks that you were born that way, except out of Adam? I guess you could go back to him and say, don’t blame me. Blame Adam. I was born this way. Does anyone here think that adultery is not sin? God calls it sin. What about fornication? Is it or not? Is it sin or isn’t it? Yeah, well then why wouldn’t homosexuality be sin? Seems to me, you’re just doing the same thing with someone of the same sex. Am I right or wrong? Well then why is one sin and the other an alternate lifestyle? Can anyone answer me that question? Why is one okay, but the other isn’t? If you’re fornicating and committing adultery, do you get your friends together and brag about it and talk about how we ought to get a parade going? Now, folks, I’m going to tell you something in order to justify this, something’s got to be going on in not only their heads, but in people’s heads who accept that, something’s wrong. Something is deeply wrong in a country that has fallen so deep away from God’s standard that they say, Hey, if you don’t like that, you’re a bigot. That’s a shame, but it’s true. You see, if I can rename something, then I can redefine it.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the letter to the Romans. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Romans. Romans has been described as the most dynamic, life changing document ever penned. It is a study in systematic theology, a defense of the Gospel, and a practical guide to Christian living all in one.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:27
Homosexuality, the act of homosexuality. What is that? It’s having sex with the same sex. That act is called perversion. It’s not called born that way. It’s called perversion. And as when I continue to be involved in perversion. I become a pervert. It’s called perversion. Now, folks, I want to tell you something. I don’t care, and thank God he’s not, but I wouldn’t care if my son was a homosexual. I would be teaching this message. So you don’t interpret the Bible through a bias. You don’t have all of a sudden, well, you got somebody in the family, it’s got this. So I’m going to quit teaching. I’m sorry, folks, you can’t do that. Truth is truth, regardless who engages in error. And so you cannot begin to take these things through your bias. And I got people who write letters that like to cut my head off because of what I’m teaching on this. So what they’ve done is decide to go on the side of error and abandon truth. They’ve abandoned truth in order to grab a hold of error. Because folks, I want to tell you something. I am not knocking people. I’m knocking the acts of people. God loves people, regardless of their sexual preference. He loves you. He died for you. He was raised from the dead for you. But he says what you’re doing is perversion. You. And when God says it’s perversion, it’s perversion. He also says in the Bible that anyone who teaches that godliness is a means to financial gain is perversion. So you could call either one of those perversion. It’s a perversion of what is truth. And folks, you can’t pussyfoot this stuff. And we live in a day and age where men are scared to death to get up and teach truth about the Bible, and it’s a disgrace. So I’m not knocking homosexuals. I’m knocking homosexual behavior. I’m calling it what God calls it perversion. So someone say to me, Well, you’re a bigot. I say You’re a pervert. So now that we’ve slandered each other, well let’s get on to the conversation.
It says they’re going to receive due penalty for their perversion. From God? No, there’s no condemnation awaiting those who belong to Christ, Jesus, in your own soul, we have even today, where aids would be a part of that. God doesn’t give you aids, folks, your partner, does. People live with this deep, deep awareness that I hope no one finds out I’m living a lie. I’m living a lifestyle that I know nobody likes. So guess what took place, an agenda took place, an agenda among people who practice homosexuality, who says we’re going to have an agenda to make the world accept this. I was born this way. It’s not sin. Born This Way. Isn’t that what you hear? That’s a lie out of the pit of hell. And so a movement started. It got into media. It became glorified. I don’t know about you, it turns my stomach. I turn on television see a couple guys kissing each other. It’s perversion, folks, it’s contrary to human nature. God didn’t make you that way. You’ve gotten into it by promotion. You certainly cannot propagate, so you must recruit. And so we have acceptance. It’s gotten into our political realm, and now church. So now we have gay bishops, and we’ll have gay pastors, and we even have gay churches.
And people have said, well, they go to church. Well, I know a lot of singles that go to church looking for mates. That’s the only reason to go to church. I got a good singles department, got some good looking guys and girls hanging out there. Might find me a maid over there. What’s the difference? I tell you. So folk going to church doesn’t mean I flipped anything about it. I sat in church all my life. Didn’t know the Lord from a flagpole. The issue is what’s taught in that church. And if I’m going to teach that homosexuality is okay, I’m going to have to say this Bible is full of bunk, am I not? And this God, who supposedly was the author of this Bible, doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and so I don’t know what God you’re worshiping over here, but it’s not the God of the Bible. So you got your own God. I mean, you’re going to church and you’re worshiping God. You just took him out of the Bible and made up your own you got your own straw man that you worship, because the God of the Bible says, this is perversion, and you’re over here worshiping in a group that’s all hanging together and saying, Oh no, this is love. This is not an easy message to teach.
They did not think it was worthwhile. Furthermore, it says, since they did not think it was worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God. So here’s the big one. I do not I know what the knowledge of God is. I know what it says, but I don’t think it’s worthwhile to retain it. I don’t need to hang on to it. It’s old fashioned. So since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, God gave them over to a depraved mind. Now, did God make their mind depraved? No, he. Just said, I’m going to quit teaching you you don’t want to learn. If somebody, you’re around somebody and they don’t want to learn, what do you do? Well, wallow in your ignorance, what else can you do? They won’t be taught, will they? So if they won’t be taught, you just turn them over to do whatever you want to do. That’s what God has done. So they did not think it was worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so he gave them over to a depraved mind. What happens? Your mind becomes depraved? Why? Because you’re not thinking truth, you’re thinking error. You’re living a lifestyle that is totally contrary to who you really are. So he gave them over to a depraved mind to do what not ought to be done.
They have become filled. Now, folks, this is not sitting down and say, wonder which one of these things I am, this saying, they have become filled. And you remember that the word filled me means in the Scripture, to be filled with the Spirit. What does it mean? To be controlled by they have become controlled by every kind of wickedness. So when you decide, God, you don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m going to determine what’s right, and I’m going to determine what’s wrong, and I’m going to determine what’s good, and I’m going to determine what is evil. I don’t need you. Your mind becomes depraved, and you become controlled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. People become full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. Go talk to any person on the police force, and they will tell you, this doesn’t come from me. It comes from my talking to them the most heinous crimes that they will ever go into are in the homosexual community. The most heinous crimes are in that community. Why? What it’s saying you become controlled by envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice. You’re mad at people. You’re deceitful. You become gossips of those who don’t agree with you, slanderers calling good evil and evil. Good God says, pity the one who calls evil good and good evil. And yet today, what are you as a Christian? If you’re going to identify yourself as a Christian, what are you called? Bigots. Am I right or wrong? You’re one of those narrow minded people who arn’t accepting. That’s the big word today. Isn’t accepting. Accepting what? Do I accept you? Yes, do I accept your lifestyle? No, will I ever accept your lifestyle? No.
Folks, think about this for a minute. Let’s just take some of the 10 Commandments. We don’t have to take them all. Just take some. Why don’t we have an atheist Pride Day to march on Disneyland. Why don’t we have a parent haters Pride Day? Why don’t we have a murderer’s Pride Day? I just killed six people. I’m so proud of myself. Let’s have a parade. Let’s have an adulterers. Pride Day. The only problem is it wouldn’t be about to watch it on television. Let’s get all the thiefs together and have a thief Pride Day, let’s have the liar’s Pride Day. That’d be a good one. Let’s get all US liars together, and we’ll march on Disneyland and up and down the streets and be really proud of what big liars we are. Why don’t we have a coveters Pride Day? Now, folks, is adultery sin? Is there anyone in there that thinks that you were born that way, except out of Adam? I guess you could go back to him and say, don’t blame me. Blame Adam. I was born this way. Does anyone here think that adultery is not sin? God calls it sin. What about fornication? Is it or not? Is it sin or isn’t it? Yeah, well then why wouldn’t homosexuality be sin? Seems to me, you’re just doing the same thing with someone of the same sex. Am I right or wrong? Well then why is one sin and the other an alternate lifestyle? Can anyone answer me that question? Why is one okay, but the other isn’t? If you’re fornicating and committing adultery, do you get your friends together and brag about it and talk about how we ought to get a parade going? Now, folks, I’m going to tell you something in order to justify this, something’s got to be going on in not only their heads, but in people’s heads who accept that, something’s wrong. Something is deeply wrong in a country that has fallen so deep away from God’s standard that they say, Hey, if you don’t like that, you’re a bigot. That’s a shame, but it’s true. You see, if I can rename something, then I can redefine it.
Instead of being a drunk. Well, you’re an alcoholic. A drunk is sinful. An alcoholic sick. Instead of being homosexual, which is a sin, I become gay. Born that way. Isn’t it amazing? All you got to do is just rename something. You can redefine it. And that’s what’s happened. And so it says that they became arrogant. Well, what do you do when you’re arrogant? Hey, look at me. I’m a homosexual, boastful. Is that true? Oh, yeah. Hey, I got something to be proud of here. You know what I’d like to know, folks, what is there to be proud of, of the way you like to have sex? I mean, are you a topper or a bottomer or what are you? I mean, just, I mean just, what are what is there about you that makes you prideful of the way you like to have sex.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Galatians, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Galatians, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:44
I don’t understand this. I can’t get my arms around any of the thinking behind any of this. But yet, somebody thinks there’s something to be prideful of. See, they want to gain acceptance. And I’m not talking about individual talking about and. Do not doubt me what I’m saying. There is an agenda, and it’s a big one, well financed. There is an agenda, and the agenda is to get everybody accepting. Accepting what? Sin. Well, then why don’t we accept adultery? Now you can’t get put in jail for adultery, but you can sure go through the divorce courts real easy. Theft. Why don’t we just, hey, accept that? You know, I like to steal. I was born that way. I used to take my little brother’s cookies away from him. Don’t blame me for this stuff. Lying. You learn to lie before you learn to talk. You tell a kid that he can’t even talk yet. Did you do that? Turns out shakes his head. Why don’t we just accept all that? Don’t teach a kid that, hey, that’s wrong to lie just Hey, be accepting. Be accepting. You know, what happens to a country when you get into the shape that we’re in? It’s on a downward spiral to total destruction. Maybe that’s the reason the United States isn’t mentioned in the Bible and end times. Maybe it isn’t here, because good people refuse to do nothing.
We sit back and we allow television shows who come on, who promote homosexuality. The Christian world ought to be banning the sale of whoever sponsoring those things all over the United States. That’s the only power you have, folks is the banning on money. Show me the money, and that’s what sells. They’re boastful. They invent ways of doing evil. That goes on. I have heard from people that have been involved in this lifestyle, and we have an awful lot of people that we have told about Christ, who are out of that lifestyle, who have revealed all of these things, that the things that take place in these bath houses and that type of thing would absolutely turn your stomach, inventing new ways of doing things, disobeying of their parents are senseless, faithless, heartless and ruthless, and although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such thing deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but they also approve of those who practice them. So in other words, there’s a promotion. Not only am I going to do it, but the way I’m going to feel better about myself, as I get more people doing it, then I won’t feel so bad. I won’t feel like I’m out of place. Do we understand that?
Now, guys has said, in this day and age where you have the political the political persuasion and everything else that man this is not politically correct to talk about these things. The child of God and the teacher of the scripture cannot help from talking about it. Now, in so doing, I want to emphasize once again, if I had a loved one or a friend that was involved in the practice of abnormal behavior, namely that of homosexual behavior, that means having sex with someone of your own sex, I would reach out to that person with truth. If that person says, Don’t give me that junk, Bob, I was born that way, I’d say the conversation is over. Go drive your car yourself. A person that says to me, Bob, I know that this is wrong. It’s eating my lunch. There’s something inside of me that my guts are hanging out because of this. I will work with them, talk with them, counsel with them, until hell froze over. Because there’s a person who’s saying, I know what I’m doing is wrong. But how many of us have ever been involved in doing something that we knew was wrong? Anybody in here? Anybody relate with the Apostle Paul the things I want to do I don’t do in the things I don’t want to do. I do anyway, we all do. Can a Christian be involved in homosexual activity? Absolutely. Can a Christian be involved in adultery? Can a Christian be involved in fornication? Can a Christian worry? Can a Christian be depressed? Can a Christian Hey, we can do all. All those things, can’t we? So can a Christian be involved in it? Yeah, absolutely. All you gotta do is just get trapped. All you have to do is just listen enough to that little voice of Satan and says, Hey, this may be fun. That’s somethingnew you haven’t done before. Looks like fun on television. Isn’t it amazing how they never see the results. You just see the so called fun stuff, but you don’t see the guts hanging out. You don’t see the destruction of marriages, of people looking at porno all the time. You just kind of see it as fun, but you don’t see the family destroyed. You don’t show those things. You just show the fun stuff. So you listen to that voice and says, Hey, this may be fun. This may be something new, or you don’t know what Satan is saying to you. He is the most convincing person in the world. Have anyone noticed that? Except me? He’s convincing. He can convince you to do anything if you just listen to him, there’s your key, quit listening. But sometimes we do, and when we do, we make fatal mistakes in our lives, fatal ones, things that hurt people sometimes you never get over and you sit back and say, What was I thinking? You were thinking? What Satan was telling you to think.
So, folks, we have to understand that the Bible is merely saying to us here, this is not natural behavior. You were not born that way. You had to abandon that relationship in order to get involved in this. And then we get the people who are the promoters. We have seen this. Have we not among the Catholic Church, with so many of the priests that have been involved in homosexual relations with guys. I wish I could tell you the number of young men that I used to sit at the First Baptist Church in Dallas with our kids in the choir and seeing these young, fresh, rosy cheeked kids who today are dead from AIDS, who sang their hearts out about Jesus, but got recruited by some pervert into homosexual activity who was either a teacher or a coach or someone who liked kids in a way that you’re not to like kids, I say to parents, watch your boys more closely than you ever watched your girls in this day and age.
Our daughter was talking about in school. Boy went to a class type deal not too long ago. They’re going to have a deal at Sky Ranch for the students of Plano and where they are, and they’re going to all have together. And one of the rules are, you can’t call your parents for three days, you just, you just go learn this type of thing. And the guy who is one of the counselors was saying, I can’t wait to get out there and show you guys porno on my computer and to teach you how to drink like a man, not good. Debbie’s kids aren’t going but there are people’s kids that are. That’s how you get into this stuff, folks. You’re recruited by somebody a pervert who wants to get into the mind of a small, innocent kid and teaching perversion.
So folks I said, not an easy lesson to teach. I don’t know why it should be, but it’s a truthful lesson, and I’ve tried to teach you out of the Word of God, not with what man says, But what God has to say about this lifestyle. I hope that you will take it to your hearts. I hope that you will not ever think for one minute that I am gay bashing because I am not. I have led numerous homosexuals to Christ. I’ve worked with them. I would work with you if you’re in it, but I will not work with you if you’re convinced that you’re born that way and that it’s a natural thing to be doing. I have to say, I’m sorry, the gig is up. Can’t work with you. So I would imagine that in a group of this size, that you have literally hundreds of people out here who know somebody, if they’re in your own family, who may be involved in this kind of a lifestyle, I hope that you will approach them with love, but I hope to approach them with conviction out of your heart that my friend, this is not normal. It is behavior that God says is perverted, but there is a way out, and it’s Jesus. Jesus will change your heart, because it said Your heart has become warped. And if your heart’s become warped, it needs to get changed. And the only person that can change your heart is Christ Jesus, I will put a new heart in you, says the Lord, I’ll take out that heart of stone and put in a heart of flesh and give you a new way of looking at life. That’s our hope, isn’t it? Let’s pray together.
Father, I pray that as we allow these truths to sink into our hearts, that never again will we be conned into the thinking of the world that these things are anything different than what you said. We must hang on to these because the very moment we don’t and the arguments are so convincing, and we’re told we’re unloving, where the fact is we’re the most loving people in the world. To tell someone truth, you’re not loving to lie to somebody. You’re loving when you’re telling people truth and letting that truth set them free. So Father, I pray that we will soften our hearts to the person, but become strong as horseradish in regard to hanging on to what truth is and never letting go of it, never being torn away from it, but to hang tenaciously into what is truth in a loving and in a kind way, I thank you for all these things in Jesus name and for his sake. Amen.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”