Classic Christianity – The Book of John P76 (07-31-23)
The Holy Spirit is the Person That Points us to Jesus
~ There is only one way to worship God today, and that is in Spirit and in Truth. First off, a person has to have the Holy Spirit alive living in them to worship in both Spirit and in Truth. If they do not have the Holy Spirit living in them then they are not a child of God and cannot worship in His Spirit. For God’s Spirit does not live in them. Second off, we need to worship in Truth. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Only in Him can we begin to understand All Truth. And He said he would guide us in All Truth if we abide in him. But many want to lean on their own understanding of things, and let their flesh guide them instead of depending on the Holy Spirit to guide them. The beginning of all truth is found in Jesus. And the Holy Spirit points us to Jesus, the author of truth.
There are so many lies in the world today, that without the Holy Spirit of God we can not hope to understand all truth. We were all born into a world filled with lies. And the things that the Holy Spirit is showing us today, those in the flesh cannot accept the things of the Spirit. For they are spiritually discerned. That’s why when you try to explain what is going on in the world today with most people they look at you with a blank stair in their face and do not have a clue. And they will also look at you as if you are crazy, because they simply do not have the eyes to see or the ears to hear of what is happening in the world today. And no amount of showing proof will be enough to change their mind on the things of the world. God warned us of these last days. People only want to hear what they want to hear with their itching ears, and will not endure sound doctrine. They would much rather believe in fables.
~ “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6
~ “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24
~ “The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” Romans 8:7-11
~ “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14
~ “When he comes, and you will notice that he says when he comes the Holy Spirit is not an IT. It is not an experience. The Holy Spirit is a person. The Holy Spirit has personality, the Holy Spirit thinks he feels he has a choice a will just like our human soul. The Holy Spirit of God is a he it’s the third person or the second or third person of the Trinity. You have the Father, you have the Son, you have the Holy Spirit. Again, God is Spirit. And you must worship Him in spirit and truth. But you cannot put flesh and blood on spirit. And that’s why people have difficulty with the trinity of only being one God. And yet it says God exists in the person of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Because we try to put three bodies on that. You can’t do that. You have no idea what spirit looks like you never have you never will. But spirit exists, the spiritual God exists in the person of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. We don’t cannot maybe comprehend that, but we must apprehend it because it’s proclaimed in the Scripture. And so he says that when the Holy Spirit comes, here’s three fold things that the Holy Spirit is going to do. First of all, he’s going to convict the world of guilt in regard to sin, and of righteousness and judgment. Now he’s going to convict the world of guilt in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me. The world’s sin, is unbelief in Jesus. The world’s sins, plural, have all been put on the cross of Jesus Christ. Do we understand that? When Jesus went to a cross, which he was going thing to do. He was forewarning the people as to what was going to occur. When Jesus went to a cross there, He who knew no sin, became sin for us, so that we might be able to become the righteousness of God in Him, in His resurrection.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
I’m going to back up for just a moment into the 15th chapter of the Gospel of John. And again, guys, I hope that you will, and I think most of us do, but when you do come to bring your Bibles with you, your Bible isn’t something to read and to sit on the shelf it’s something it’s a workbook it ought to be marked up and, and everything else that we do when you’re studying a book. And I hope you’ll bring it with you so that you can mark your Bible make notations of things that kind of hit you as as, as the teaching goes on. And it’ll be a help to you in your continual growth. But in the 26th, verse of that, it says, When the counselor comes, Jesus is talking to his disciples, or to his disciples, getting too close to the end of his life. And he’s saying that I’m going away, but when I do, I’m going to send my Spirit to live inside of you. And he is going to be the one that’s going to guide you into all truth. And so he’s leaving them with the instruction is how they’re going to live their life, with Jesus away. And so when the counselor comes, I will send Him to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth. That’s, again, another name for the Counselor, the Spirit of truth, who goes out from the Father, and He will testify about Me, that’s one of the roles of the Holy Spirit, is to testify about God, Jesus Christ. And you must also testify for you had been with me from the beginning,
And the we pick up in the 16th chapter, he says, all of this, I have told you, so that you will not go astray. Now, guys, as I look at that, I have to say that what Jesus is saying that if you don’t listen to truth that comes from the Holy Spirit of God, you’re gonna go astray. And there are many times that we listen to the things of the Spirit of God, when things are going tough. And then we turn to Jesus, you know, it’s kind of like foxhole, you’re talking about foxhole religion. There’s many people who get converted in the foxholes of life, whether it be on a battlefield or whether it’s a battlefield of business, or wherever it might be. We run into trials and tribulation, and we turn to Jesus. And we find him faithful to do what he said he would do. And the minute that things change around, we begin to forget him in a New York minute and get right back into the same old rut that we got into before going back to the same old lifestyle that destroyed us, instead of walking in this newness of life being led by Truth that sets us free. And so he said, I’m telling you these things so that you will not go astray. Because if you don’t listen to him, you’re gonna go astray. It’s just that simple. If you don’t hang on to truth, you’re gonna go astray. And he sent us the counselor that he calls the Spirit of who? Of Truth, the Spirit of Truth, to lead us into all truth, so that we will not do what? Go astray.
And so it’s like a map, if you follow the map, you’re gonna get there, if you don’t follow the map, you’re gonna end up like me trying to lead the staff in California that I thought I knew where I was, and ended up about 15 miles or so farther than what we were supposed to be. I because you have to have a map to follow. And that’s what he’s saying, if you’ll do what I’ve told you to do, you will not go astray. Keep that in mind into your mind. If you do not listen to what Christ Jesus said, The Spirit of Truth is telling you and me, we are going to go astray very simply.
Now, he says that they’re going to put us or you in and out of the synagogue. In other words, talking to the disciples who were all Judeans, you’re going to be kicked out of your synagogue. Why? Because you’re going to teach truth, and they don’t want to hear truth. Period. They don’t want to hear truth. They want to hear their tradition. They want to hear what they have interpreted as truth. And when they get confronted with the living word, those who are the authority of the interpretation of the written word are going to destroy the living word. Just like Jesus will be destroyed, so will you. In fact, the time is coming he says when anyone who kills you will think he’s offering a service to God. There are people today that believe they’re offering a service to God when they kill Israelites and Christians. They will do the people in the radical arm of the Muslim faith. That’s what they’re doing killing people thinking that they are doing something for God by eradicating these heathen from the face of the earth. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me, they claim to know the Father, but it’s their own father of their own making, not the Ffather of the Bible. I’ve told you this so that when the time comes, you will remember that I warned you. So in other words, I don’t want you to be all of a sudden, shocked by this thing happening. I don’t want you to live in an unrealistic expectation that these kinds of things are not going to occur because they are going to occur. And I want you to be forewarned. I did not tell you this at first, because I was with you. I didn’t need to. And I believe what it’s saying there is, I didn’t need to tell you that you are going to be in probably be in trouble. Because as long as I’m in there, you’re not going to be in trouble. And I’m going to be in trouble. They didn’t come and arrest all of the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, they arrested Jesus. Now I’m going to Him who sent Me. So he’s saying, Now I am going back to him who sent me I am going to where I came from. I did not come from this earth. He said, I came from heaven. And I’m going back to the Father, to the one who sent me and yet none of you ask, Where are you going? Because I’ve said these things, you’re filled with grief.
And guys, there’s no wonder of that is there if you would have been around Jesus for the three or some years that that they were on Earth with him together, walking with the most loving man who ever walked on the face of the earth. A man that not only loved them perfectly, but demonstrated His deity demonstrated His love, His mercy, His kindness, in a way that I don’t think anybody had ever experienced before. And so to say that I’m going away, it’s no wonder that they were filled with grief, I think you and I would have been filled with grief as well. But he said, I tell you the truth. He said, Now again, guys, truth is what sets you free. I’m gonna tell you the truth. It is for your good that I am going away and a person say how could that be Jesus, that it is for my good that you’re going away when it is so good that you’re here with me? And he says, because the reason because if I go away the Counselor, unless I go away, the Counselor or the Holy Spirit of God, or the Spirit of Truth, will not come to you. In other words, while I’m here, the Spirit of God cannot come and take up residence in you as long as I’m here. But when I go away, which he did, I will send the Holy Spirit to you.
When he comes, and you will notice that he says when he comes the Holy Spirit is not an IT. It is not an experience. The Holy Spirit is a person. The Holy Spirit has personality, the Holy Spirit thinks he feels he has a choice a will just like our human soul. The Holy Spirit of God is a he it’s the third person or the second or third person of the Trinity. You have the Father, you have the Son, you have the Holy Spirit. Again, God is Spirit. And you must worship Him in spirit and truth. But you cannot put flesh and blood on spirit. And that’s why people have difficulty with the trinity of only being one God. And yet it says God exists in the person of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Because we try to put three bodies on that. You can’t do that. You have no idea what spirit looks like you never have you never will. But spirit exists, the spiritual God exists in the person of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. We don’t cannot maybe comprehend that, but we must apprehend it because it’s proclaimed in the Scripture. And so he says that when the Holy Spirit comes, here’s three fold things that the Holy Spirit is going to do. First of all, he’s going to convict the world of guilt in regard to sin, and of righteousness and judgment. Now he’s going to convict the world of guilt in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me. The world’s sin, is unbelief in Jesus. The world’s sins, plural, have all been put on the cross of Jesus Christ. Do we understand that? When Jesus went to a cross, which he was going thing to do. He was forewarning the people as to what was going to occur. When Jesus went to a cross there, He who knew no sin, became sin for us, so that we might be able to become the righteousness of God in Him, in His resurrection.
And so the world’s sins have all been placed on Jesus, he took away the sins of the entire world, do we understand the truth of this guy’s? There is not one sin that he did not take away from the eyes of God. Now, a lot of times people interpret that when he took away sin, they say, Well, how come I still sin? Well, he didn’t take away your sinning, he took away your sins from the eyes of God, that was atonement was a foreshadowing of that, where the blood of bulls and goats covered, covered the sins from who? Everyone’s sight temporarily, just like that snow storm up there, covered the entire Earth. And when you look at that, it’s almost a picture of how God covers the sins of the world, you could have a junk heap that has snow on it, and it looks beautiful, because it’s covered. And so that was a foreshadowing of where Jesus was going to come and take away from the eyes of God, the sins of the entire world. No man will ever go to hell because of his sins. Only the sin of the rejection of God who came to take away the sins of the world, and to give life to the dead. And so when the Holy Spirit comes, he’s there, basically, to teach us that the world’s sin is unbelief in Jesus, and the world’s sins have been taken away by Jesus from the face of God. Now, he said, also the Holy Spirit when he comes, is going to convict the world wrong about righteousness, and about judgment, again, in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me in regard to righteousness, because I’m going to the Father where you’ll see me no more. What does that mean? Well, very simply, true righteousness is in Jesus. true righteousness alone is in Jesus. There’s only two kinds of righteousness in the world, self righteousness, and imputed righteousness from God. Self righteousness makes God sick in the stomach. The only righteousness that you and I will ever possess is the righteousness the given to us by Christ Jesus. So righteousness appeared on this earth in human form, his name was Jesus. And when you looked into the face of Jesus, you saw true pure righteousness in no one else, except him.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:20
So he came and appeared to show us what righteousness is and was, and then went back to the Father, what for? The same reason as the Holy Spirit, you can’t have righteousness unless I send it to you. And I can’t send it to you until I go away. So just as the Holy Spirit cannot be sent to you and me until Jesus went away, so righteousness could not be imputed to you and me until he went away. And then he said, he’s going to convince the world wrong about judgment. And he said, in regard to judgment, the prince of this world already stands condemned, Satan has already condemned as far as God is concerned. And he says, I have so much more to say to you, but you can’t bear it right now. And guys, that is sometimes true in regard to our Bible reading, and then our Bible study. There are times, especially when you’re a brand new Christian, you’re not ready to take upon all of the depths of the Word of God, you’re still feeding on milk and you need to feed on milk. But guys, God never intended us to stay on milk. And so there’s a maturity process just like in your life, you matured as you aged. And as you got older and ran into my experiences, you mature and you can’t, you cannot rush that maturity. And so he’s saying to us that I’ve got more to say to you, but you can’t bear it right now. You’re not ready for it. You’re not ready for all these things yet. But when the Spirit of Truth, now remember what he was saying to his apostles, there they They had not yet been in dwelt by the Spirit had they? Pentecost had not come yet. So he’s saying, there’s more than I want to tell you, but you’re not able to understand it yet, because the Spirit of Truth has not come to live in you yet. You’re standing in front of, in essence, the God of truth, but you cannot comprehend it until the Spirit comes to live within you. And then you can comprehend it to remember what it says, that your eyes has not seen, your ear has not heard your mind is not conceived of those things that God has prepared for those who love Him. But it must be what? Revealed by who? The Spirit. So for you to understand the meaning of the word of God, the Spirit of God living in you has to reveal it to you. So obviously, until the Spirit of God came to live within the believers, and within the apostles, they were not prepared to understand the true meaning of the word of God. So he said, there’s more that I want to say to you, you’re not ready for it yet, because you’re not yet in dwelt by the source of understanding biblical truth. He’ll guide you into all truth when the Spirit comes. If you and I, and if you’re born again, the Spirit of God indwells you, you are indwelt by God.
Now guys, if we can’t get excited about that, there’s something wrong with our excitement button to realize that we have been indwelt by God Himself. And it says that we literally have the mind of Christ. Now, sometimes I don’t know about you, when I think what I can think I wonder where that mind went. But you see, I also have my mind, I’m indwelt by the Spirit, who is a person, he lives in me. And it says that I have the ability to participate in the divine nature that lives in me, that doesn’t mean that I’m always going to does it? It means I have a choice as to whether I’m going to participate in that truth, or I’m going to go astray. Because when you don’t participate in the truth, we just learned what do you do? Go astray. So I can participate, listening to my flesh, the old yucky flesh, and he’s convincing, he can teach you air as if it’s truth, and you’re gonna go astray, or you can participate in the divine nature that lives in you, and walk in the paths of righteousness. So he said, he’s gonna guide us, he’s there to guide us, that doesn’t mean we’re gonna allow Him to guide us. It just says he’s there to guide us when we allow Him, He will not force Himself upon you. He guides you as you allow him to do so. He won’t speak on his own. He will only speak what he hears from who? The Father just like Jesus said, I don’t do anything unless the Father tells me to do it. When the Holy Spirit indwells us we don’t do anything unless the Holy Spirit tells us to do it. And where did he hear what to do? From the Father the same deal. And he’ll tell you what is yet to come, which is why we have our prophecies today. He’ll bring glory to me. He’s gonna bring glory to Jesus. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is not to bring glory to the Holy Spirit. We’re not to be sitting around glorifying the Spirit. We’re not even to be glorifying the Father, the Spirit came to bring glory to Jesus, taking from what is mine, Jesus, and making it known to you, you and me and the disciples. All that belongs to the Father, he said his mine. And that’s why I said, the Spirit will take from what is mine, and make it known unto you. Everything that belongs to the Father belongs to Jesus. And everything that belongs to Jesus is revealed to the Spirit of God for the purpose of revealing that to you and me. In a little while, you’ll see me no more. And after a little while, you will see me. Now guy’s, Jesus came to this earth, to reveal truth to the lost, to reveal truth to those who did not have the truth. And to this day, we sit in this country, and in this world, with people all over the world thinking in totally different ways than what we were taught.
I don’t know how many of you saw the Larry King program the other night. But on Larry King Live, there was a very interesting program. It was supposed to be a religion of a program about religion. On that program, they had an Evangelical pastor. They had a Catholic priest. Next to him was a Jewish rabbi. Next to him was a Muslim. And then they had a female atheist and a female mystic. All of them believed that they were right. What was also interesting about that was at the end of the program, somebody asked that, do you just believe what the way you were brought up? And they asked MacArthur and he said, Yeah, my dad was a pastor. So I believe, yeah, we believe the same thing. To the priest, why his family grew up Catholic. To the Jew, obviously grew up in Judaism, To the person practicing the following Mohammed, a he grew up in that religion. The atheist lady grew up in an unbelieving family. And the mystic blue grew up in a mystic family. All followed, what they were taught in their families. Now you can say, well, then that’s how you had come to a belief system. But the issue is, is that true that you just are going to follow what you were brought up with? Or Is there truth to follow? Now what is interesting about all of that, as I say all of them, Jesus said, The Holy Spirit came to reveal truth to us to set us free. All of them thought they had some kind of a truth. What was interesting is the lady atheist. She claimed that there was no physical evidence at all that Jesus Christ ever existed. She, she just denied everything. Now what the Bible calls her is a fool, because in order to claim yourself to be an atheist, and to claim that there is no God, is to claim that you must have total knowledge. Because you can only claim that there is no God, if you possess total knowledge, are we together on that? And if you were really smart, and let’s say you possess 20% of the total knowledge of the world, would it not be possible that God could exist in the 80% that you don’t possess? And so for a man to claim to be an atheist is intellectual suicide because you’re a fool if you think you possess total knowledge, that would be called a fool, an utter fool. And so she was a fool. And if I’d been on a panel I would have called her a fool, the other was a mistic, she didn’t deny the existence of Jesus, she just kind of felt everybody was Jesus. And, and, and it really doesn’t make any difference. Always remember a pastor that I had in La Habra, California, that his big thing was, it doesn’t matter whether Jesus was raised from the dead or not, or it doesn’t matter whether he was was born of a virgin or not it just a matter that it that he is, and I used to think, What in the world is he talking about? But that kind of nonsense of mystical thinking people just mystical and say what we need to do just love each other. And I felt like if you’re married, I’d like to interview your husband. How you got pull that off guys, this love each other, just everybody go around love and each other, it’s a good thought, just try to pull it off. Unless you’re indwelt by the source of love, you don’t have a Chinaman chance and you know where to love people with the love of God. Bob says were? Obviously doesn’t know Chinese. You have to understand the truth of that. That all of this mystical stuff, just an experience. God is not real. He’s just an experience comes from mystics. Then you had your, the person the follower of Mohammed, the Muslim faith, surprisingly enough. He believed in the virgin birth. I was shocked at that they Oh, yeah, we believe the virgin birth for sure. And they believe that Jesus was, was certainly sent by God, and that he was a good profit and a good man. But they certainly didn’t understand who he was as God. And again, I wonder what Jesus they had. Because if you say I believe in Jesus, how can you say I believe in Jesus, but I deny what Jesus taught when he said, He’s the only way to God. And so there’s a lot of contradiction there of people saying one thing out of one side of your mouth, but denying the existence of who you say you believe in by denying what he said about himself. He claimed himself to be God. And the only way to God they deny that. Then you had your Jewish man, the Jewish rabbi.
It was interesting while we were in Colorado, there were two girls there one from New Jersey, New Jersey, and the other from California. And the old the one from California, was the the younger sister and Jewish, and she had come to the Lord like 15 years ago. And what was quite interesting, and she would if she asked me a question, to see what I thought, and I said, Well, I think you’ll probably hear that in the lecture cover that in the lecture and understand that and her comment was, well, I already understand it. I just wondered what you thought and I thought, Well, okay, this will be interesting. That girl came to understand the truth of the finality of the cross and the reality of the resurrection, came to understand what what it is predestination, election, that’s what she was involved in. All of that cleared up like a bell. Her other sister is brand new Christian, as we talked one day, both of them Jewish, but one just excited as it could be about the things of Christ. But I thought it is an interesting comments that the one girl made, she said, you know, in our Jewish home, we did not believe in anything. He said, We didn’t know what to believe in. We didn’t know anything about Moses. We didn’t know anything about anything, which is quite frankly, the normal state for Jewish people in the country in the world today is they don’t know anything about their religion. They know about the Day of Atonement, they know about Passover, and they know what things they should celebrate. And that’s it. They don’t know much of anything else. They said, but the one thing we didn’t know, with a one thing we didn’t know is we don’t believe in Jesus. And I thought, boy, that’s I had never really I knew that. But I never really thought through that as carefully before. The one thing that we’re together on is we don’t believe in Jesus.
So the rabbi, now, if you go over to Israel today, Jesus is taught in the schools in Israel, more than we can’t do that here. But you can do it in Israel. But he’s taught no denial at all, unlike that of the atheist, no denial at all that he existed, that Jesus was a prophet. And he was a good man, and he was a prophet, and he’s done a lot of good things for the world. But as he said, but we deny that he’s the Messiah. And, and I certainly don’t believe that He is God. And incidentally, I wouldn’t believe Moses if he said he was God either.
Announcer 27:16
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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