Classic Christianity – The Book of John P79 (08-07-23)
Jesus Told Us We Can Now Go Directly to The Father For Truth and Prayer Requests
~ When Jesus walked on the earth with the disciples, he spoke with and answered the questions of the disciples and communicated what the Father had told him to say. Before Jesus left earth, he told the disciples (and us through the Scriptures), that we can now go directly to the Father to get our prayers and questions answered. And that includes everything about anything. We don’t have an intermediary between God and Man anymore. For God resides in His temple, through the Holy Spirit indwelling Man, which was the way God intended Man to be. A person must be born again of God’s Spirit to be indwelt by God, but He said, that in that day (today) that we can go directly to the Father through the Holy Spirit that lives in us to get all our answers met.
Jesus also warned us that in these days we would face many trials and tribulations. And who hasn’t? But be certain of this, that Jesus has already overcome the world, and while in this world we will indeed face all kinds of trials and tribulations, take heart for the world does not hold us hostage. Nothing can separate us from the love of God today. Nothing.
~ “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. John 16:23,24
~ “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
~ “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39
~ “Everything that we know today about the character of God about his unconditional love and mercy, about his kindness, about his goodness, about his forgiveness, about his dedication to you and me and his faithfulness to you and me, every single thing we know about God, and His character has been revealed to us in Christ Jesus. Now, God revealed himself in many ways and times past as were told through through dreams, visions, nature. But it said, but in these last days, he’s revealed Himself to us through Christ Jesus, and everything that we know about God, about his character, we know through the teaching of Christ Jesus. And when you don’t know the teachings of Christ Jesus, you don’t know the character of God. Because that’s what he came to do was to reveal the Father to you and me to reveal the totality of God to you and me. So he’s saying, you have depended upon me while I was here with you, you have depended upon me for revelation. You’ve asked me all kinds of questions. And when you did, I’ve answered every one of them. And my answers did not come from Me, they came from God who told me what to say, because I say nothing, unless the Father tells me to say it, and how to say it, and I do nothing, unless a Father tells me how to do it. And so everything you’ve wanted to know, I Jesus have revealed to you, Now I’m going away. And what he is saying to them is this. You no longer need someone in between you, and God the Father. You can now go direct to the Father. And that’s what he’s saying to you. And that day, you will no longer ask me for anything, I tell you the truth. My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Now, guys, that is not meaning asking for Cadillacs. And for Lincoln Continentals. It’s talking about asking for truth. Jesus just got through saying, I’m going to tell you the truth, you don’t understand what I’m saying. But ask me and I’ll tell you the meaning of what I’m saying. And he’s saying to us from now on when you have a question, you ask the Father, and He will give you the answer. Until now, you’ve not asked anything in my name. In other words, in my authority, you’ve never done that before. We’re born into that, but they were not this was new to them. You’ve never asked God for anything in the name or the authority of Christ Jesus. He said, Ask, and you’ll receive if you need wisdom, ask. He’ll give it to you abundantly. If you need mercy, you ask he gives it to you abundantly. You ask you’ll receive and your joy will be complete.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
You can be in prison you can be threatened to be put to death, but the joy of the resurrection is something that will never ever, ever leave you once you have come by faith to the reality of the resurrection of Christ Jesus. In that day, you’ll no longer asked me for anything. Now guys, we’re this is kind of we’re gonna get into this. Who have been who were the disciples depending upon for information while Jesus was with them? Who are they depending on for information? Jesus. They asked him continually, did they not? Questions, did he answer questions continually? Did he teach them continually? Guys think about this for a minute. Everything that we know today about the character of God about his unconditional love and mercy, about his kindness, about his goodness, about his forgiveness, about his dedication to you and me and his faithfulness to you and me, every single thing we know about God, and His character has been revealed to us in Christ Jesus. Now, God revealed himself in many ways and times past as were told through through dreams, visions, nature. But it said, but in these last days, he’s revealed Himself to us through Christ Jesus, and everything that we know about God, about his character, we know through the teaching of Christ Jesus. And when you don’t know the teachings of Christ Jesus, you don’t know the character of God. Because that’s what he came to do was to reveal the Father to you and me to reveal the totality of God to you and me. So he’s saying, you have depended upon me while I was here with you, you have depended upon me for revelation. You’ve asked me all kinds of questions. And when you did, I’ve answered every one of them. And my answers did not come from Me, they came from God who told me what to say, because I say nothing, unless the Father tells me to say it, and how to say it, and I do nothing, unless a Father tells me how to do it. And so everything you’ve wanted to know, I Jesus have revealed to you, Now I’m going away. And what he is saying to them is this. You no longer need someone in between you, and God the Father. You can now go direct to the Father. And that’s what he’s saying to you. And that day, you will no longer ask me for anything, I tell you the truth. My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Now, guys, that is not meaning asking for Cadillacs. And for Lincoln Continentals. It’s talking about asking for truth. Jesus just got through saying, I’m going to tell you the truth, you don’t understand what I’m saying. But ask me and I’ll tell you the meaning of what I’m saying. And he’s saying to us from now on when you have a question, you ask the Father, and He will give you the answer. Until now, you’ve not asked anything in my name. In other words, in my authority, you’ve never done that before. We’re born into that, but they were not this was new to them. You’ve never asked God for anything in the name or the authority of Christ Jesus. He said, Ask, and you’ll receive if you need wisdom, ask. He’ll give it to you abundantly. If you need mercy, you ask he gives it to you abundantly. You ask you’ll receive and your joy will be complete. Though I have been speaking figuratively says the time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language, but I’ll tell you plainly about my Father. So he’s telling him now about the Father. In that day, now listen to this guy’s in that day, you will ask in my name in my authority, but you will ask the Father. Now look what he says. I’m not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. He’s not saying that if you want to know something from the Father, you’ve got to ask me and then I’ll tell the Father to reveal it to you. He’s saying that I’m not going to be asking the Father on your behalf, you will be asking the Father on your behalf. But when you do you’re going to be asking it in the authority of Christ Jesus who you have brought into your life as commanded by the Father for you and me to do do we get this? We don’t need an intermediary between you and God. Now some people have set up a bunch of intermediaries we got Jesus you got Mary, you got anybody else that you’re coming down the pike when Jesus is saying that you’re not gonna need to go through me you can go direct to the Father. Now either That’s Biblical or it isn’t folks. And if it is biblical, we shouldn’t be teaching other intermediary should we? Though no No, the Father himself loves you. Why does he love you and me? Because you’ve loved you Jesus, and have believed that Jesus came from God. You came to Jesus on his grounds, you came to God the Father, excuse me on his grounds, that the way that you’re gonna get to know me, is when you get to know my Son. Everything that I want to reveal about myself, has been revealed in Jesus. No more or no less. That’s why Jesus could say, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. He’s not saying that I and the Father are just all in one, no, there’s a Father and a Son. But he said, I am a total everything that I am is the Father. So when you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father. So the Father himself loves you. And he loves me. And he loves us because we have learned to love Jesus. And the Bible says, It’s not that we loved God, but that He loved us what? First. So he initiated the love to you. And you’ve responded to him in love. I, Jesus, I came from the Father, he said, and entered the world. And now he said, I’m leaving the world. And I’m going back to the Father. I’m going back to where I came from. And then Jesus disciples said, well, now you’re speaking clearly and without figures of speech.
Now we can see Jesus, that you know all things, and that you do not even need to have anyone to ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God. You believe it at last Jesus said, or answered. But a time is coming and has come when you will be scattered each to his own home, you’ll be scattered all over the place. You will leave me all alone. I am not. Yet I am not alone, saying I never will be alone. My Father is with me. He said, I’ve told you these things, so that in me and in your relationship with Jesus, you may have peace. And guys, we’re told about the peace of God that passes all understanding. But you’re never experienced the peace of God until you experience peace with God. And you cannot experience peace with God until you recognize the truth, that you have been reconciled to God through the death of his Son. And how much more having been reconciled, shall you be saved by His resurrected life. So I’ve told you these things so that in your relationship with Me, Jesus, you may have peace. In this world, you’re going to have trouble or tribulation. If you never had any other verse of scripture, to believe that the Bible is true, just grab a hold of that one. In this world, you are going to have trouble and tribulation. But take heart, he said, I’ve overcome the world. Don’t worry about it. I’ve overcome the world.
In this world, guys, especially if you’re in Jesus, but if you’re not in Jesus, when Adam fell, and sin entered into this world, from that point on, tribulation, entered into this world, did it not trials, tribulation, death, disease, all of the things that we fight every day of our life was brought into this world, and introduced into this world at the fall of man, to to the point where it even says all of nature, even groans for its redemption, nature itself, fell. And so in this world, you’re gonna have tribulation. We look at the world as a friendly place. And if you just look at the nature, that God gave us, the beautiful hills and the valleys and the deserts and the trees, did you ever stopped to think that even the tiniest little insect that God created, God gave it something to eat that only a little insect can eat. Everything furnish for everything he created in this world. He furnished food, air, furnished everything we have everything we need for life, and for godliness. But the world is not our friend. Because mankind is not our friend. In this world, people were born. And when people were born into this world, they were born with a choice to either choose to walk, as God made us to walk in dwelt by God, or to choose to rebel against God and to walk in the energy of your own flesh leaning on your own understanding, never acknowledging him, and never having God a chance to direct your path. He said, In this world, you are going to have tribulation.
After Jesus said that He looked toward heaven. And he prayed. Now, here’s a phenomenal prayer that Jesus again, he didn’t. He didn’t pray a prayer for us to memorize. He’s praying a prayer that he wants us to grab a hold of the heart of God himself, to see what Jesus was talking to his Father about. Father, he said, The time has come. glorify Your Son, make your son known, that Your Son may glorify You. For You granted him authority over all people, that he might give eternal life to all those that you have given him. That Jesus came with the authority of God, to grant eternal life to all who come to Him by faith, to be able to grant to the to you and to me life eternal, who has the Son has life he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. And these things I’ve written unto You who believe in the name of the Son of God, in order that you may what? Know, that you have what eternal life. Jesus came to give eternal life to those who had come by faith to him, believing him for what he came to do. Take away the sins at the cross, and be raised from the dead, to give life to you and me, who are born dead. And guys, I cannot emphasize this enough. You must see what the Bible says is true. You’re born into this world dead spiritually.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:51
You bounce prayers off of the ceiling. You talk about a God that you do not know. You look for spiritual experiences so that you can get spiritual goosebumps, and maybe that’ll get me close to God. You do all kinds of things to try to reach God. When God has reached you. You go through all kinds of manipulations. But the reason is, you’re dead spiritually, when you come alive, is when you understand that God reached down to you with love and acceptance, and with mercy and kindness and goodness, and gave you eternal life. You don’t reach up to him, he has reached down to you. And so you granted that authority said to Jesus said to his Father, you are granted that to me, so that I could give eternal life to all those that you’ve given me.
Now, this is eternal life, that you may that they may know you. This is what eternal life is getting to know. The eternal one. The only true God there’s only one God guys. It’s not a Hebrew God and a Gentile God and a Muslim God. And there’s one God, and they’re not all the same, and there’s not many ways to God, these people that are talking about many ways to God have a different god. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is one that God is one. And this is eternal life is that we get to know that God and there’s only one way to get to know that God and that’s through His Son, Jesus Christ. It’s not narrow minded, it is absolute necessity. If you’re dead, you need life. And if you’re dead, and you need life, there’s only one source of life available to us. And that’s Jesus, the resurrected life of Christ Jesus. The Pope cannot save you, give you a life. Martin Luther can’t give you a life. Buddha can’t give you a life, Mohammed can’t give you a life. Those are men, they’re in their grave, they’re dead. Death prohibbited them from staying in office.
There’s only one who never died. Only one was raised from the dead. And that’s Jesus. It’s a historical event, that tomb was empty. The tomb was empty, no one was in it. All kinds of speculation as to what happened by people. But the issue is, it was empty. It was also true that after it was empty, that Jesus made appearances to over 500. And he made appearances to his disciples. And from that point on, for some over 2000 years, men and women like you and me, have been testifying to a personal relationship with Christ. And guys, what I want to say to that is the same thing I say about Jesus. If Jesus wasn’t God, he was either a maniac, a looney tune, are he was a total imposter, liar, imposter. Or he was God, there’s no other options. He either thought he was God, which would make him a looney tune if he wasn’t, or he knew full well he wasn’t and claimed that he was, which would make him a total madman and a meanest, cruelest person that ever walked on the earth or he was God. And the same thing is true about your in my testimony, either. What I claim that I’ve had a relationship with Christ Jesus, I’m either a looney tune, or I’m an imposter, or I’ve had a encounter with God. And the same is true with you. And that’s the same for people who’ve been testifying to this truth for 2000 years, by the millions of people testifying to the fact that they have come to know God through our relationship with Christ Jesus, we’re either nuts or imposters. Well, we’ve had an encounter with God. Which is it?
And so he’s saying to us that the reason this is what eternal life is, is that you may get to know God, the only one true God, and Jesus Christ whom You sent. I brought you glory on earth, he said, By completing the work that you gave me to do. What did he cry out on the cross? It’s finished. What’s that mean? He completed the work that God gave him to do, he took away the sins of the whole world, guys again. There will never be one person ever go to hell because of his sins. Your sins and lost people’s sins you were born into this world, forgiven by God. While you were yet enemies, that’s lost folks. You were, that’s past tense, reconciled to God through the death of his Son. How much more now having been reconciled, shall you be saved by his what? His life. No man will ever go to hell because of his sins. When we point our bony judgemental fingers at people. If you keep on with that sin, God, you’re gonna go to hail. So he said in Texas, that’s a lie out of the pit of hail. The only sin attributable to man is the sin of the rejection of the work of Christ Jesus, who came to take away the sins of the world, and then to give life to the dead, getting your sins forgiven does not save you. He did that for the entire world. But that forgiveness that was provided then as only received in the resurrected life of Christ Jesus, that’s why you don’t come to Christ to get your sins forgiven. You come to Christ to get life. And in that life, you have redemption the forgiveness of sins.
I brought you glory on Earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now Father, glorify me in Your presence with the glory that I had with you. before the world began, I revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they’ve obeyed your word. Now, they know that everything that you have given me, Jesus comes from you, the Father, for I gave them the words that you gave me. Remember what Jesus said, I don’t say anything unless the Father tells me to say it, you gave me the words. And they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you. And they believed that you sent me. I pray for them. And I am not praying for the world, but for those that you’ve given me, for they are yours, stalking right now about his disciples. But he’s gonna say later, that means for all of us. All I have, Jesus said, is yours. And all that you have his mine. And Glory has come to me through them. I will remain in the world no longer. But they are still in the world. And I’m coming to you, Holy Father. And folks, he’s not talking to a man. He’s talking to God. He’s not talking to a man, Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. While I was with them, I protected them. And I kept them safe by that name that you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction. So if the scripture would be fulfilled, and there he is talking about Judas, Jesus says, I’m coming to you now. But I say these things while I’m still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. I’ve given them your word. And the world is hated them. For not, they’re not of the world anymore than I am of the world. Remember, he said to us be in the world, but what? Not of the world. My friends, do you realize that? In this world in which we live right now that you can criticize anybody. Or you can talk about anybody, excuse me, except Christians. You can promote Buddhism, you can promote Muslim, but you can’t promote Jesus. The world hates Jesus. You know, for years and years, and there’s something true to that the law was used to point people to Christ to show you your sinfulness and point people to Christ. But there’s a sense in which when Jesus came, He said, I nailed the law to the cross. And I believe there’s a sense in which he was saying, from this day forth, I’m the one that’s going to convince men of their sinfulness and death. I don’t think it’s the law that does it. I think it’s Jesus.
You know, it’s interesting in my lost days, you could go and sit in the bars and talk to the guys about God all day long. I’d talk about God all the time. Didn’t know what I was talking about. But I was talking about God. But you talk about you mentioned the name Jesus and you gag on it. Have you ever noticed that you just gag on it, and the lost would just gags on it? You can talk about the boy upstairs and the good father and all this kind of stuff. But you talk about Jesus. And I want to tell you, you see people fleeing. I went to a cocktail party with the manufacturer that I was with and this woman came up and was talking about different things. And I mentioned where Jesus and you’d thought the Titanic was sinking. I mean ouchy when and you’re standing there alone, when you’re talking about Jesus he divides. On that Larry King show the other night they talked about Jesus everything divided. One person ever believed in it, the others, one pretended and the rest of them had nothing to do with him. He’s a divider. Why? Because he’s truth and man doesn’t like truth we like lies. We live in a fairy land don’t we guys? We got these pretenses. We got all this fairy land is imaginary thing that we We live in and Jesus comes and gets underneath the skin down to where we live and says here’s what truth is. We talk about all basically I’m a good person Jesus says they’re in a by good because of Jesus of God. So I can forget thinking about I’m good that’s a relief it should be to you should be to me. We can forget about that it doesn’t matter whether I’m good or not Jesus said when a by good except God, I’m gonna accept that. But he’s given me something better than good. He gave me himself and the only thing is his good in you and me today is him. It’s not the bush that was spectacular, it was who was in the bush that made the bush worthwhile any ole bush will do as long as God’s in it. So he’s saying to them the world hate is gonna hate hated me, they’re gonna hate them. My prayer is not that you will take them out of the world. But that you may protect them from the evil one. They’re not of this world even as I’m not. Sanctify them, set them apart. By what guys? By the way you act or the way you dress. You’re set apart by truth. When you know truth that has been revealed to you by God, you are set apart from the world. Where are you gonna go to find truth guys? If I had asked you today, I want you to come in with a bundle of truths to me, where would you go to find it Reader’s Digest? Books? There’s only one source of truth that I know. And that’s truth is it comes from God. He’s the one who created us. And he gave us a book. He gave us a book called the Bible. And he says, If you want to find the truth that I revealed, first of all, to my Son, and the people that I revealed it to put it in his book, and you want to know what truth is, here’s where you’re going to find it. My Word is truth.
Announcer 27:16
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”