They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P851 (07-13-23)
False Ministers Are Preaching a Half Gospel, Which is No Gospel At All!
~ We need to understand that most pastors and teachers today are preaching a false gospel message, one that is based on the lie of ongoing forgiveness by God. We have gone far far past the point that they went out from us because they were never a part of us, for it is already clearly manifest that they were never a part of us. For if they really were a part of us, they would be teaching the message of completed forgiveness of ALL sins at the cross and the resurrected life of Jesus that comes into the life of a true believer when they by faith accept the things of God. Yet so many today say they believe in the completed forgiveness at the cross, giving lip service to these very words of God, and instead go back to their virtual day of atonement for in their minds they are thinking more forgiveness is required by God. They are calling God a liar and subjecting Him to public disgrace. Many people even justify the teaching of these false pastors and teachers by propping them up on a pedestal based on other thighs that they are teaching, because after all, in their mind, most everyone is teaching wrong on the forgiveness issue, so they think it’s no big deal to raise up others based on what their itching ears want to hear. Most people don’t have a clue of how skewed they are getting off the train tracks when they listen to these false teachers. For they have thrown out the very key issue of forgiveness from God, once for All. And quite frankly it is becoming more and more obvious in these last days that these folks have never truly repented of their unbelief. Because by their fruits of the lies being taught we can recognize them as agents for Satan. Once you, as a true born again believer in Christ realize the facts, throw away the false teachers for everything. If they cannot be trusted to share the true gospel message, how in the world does a person think they are good enough to be properly taught on other things by them?
~ “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” 1 John 2:19
~ “Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about cleansing rites, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And God permitting, we will do so.
It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.” Hebrews 6:1-8
~ “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8-9
Have You Applied Faith to The True Gospel?
~ “We had a call there from Darrell in Decatur, Georgia that was listening in on WGUN regarding Hebrews six, one through eight. And I’m going to help him to understand that it says, it’s impossible for those who have been enlightened to have tasted the heavenly gift, I want you to watch the words that the author of Hebrews, you’ve been enlightened information you’ve been exposed to it, you’ve tasted but you’ve never swallowed. You’ve shared but you’ve never been a partaker. You’ve tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the power is the coming age. That would be certainly the case of, of the people that follow Jesus. And of the one who tried to murder Jesus wouldn’t there be the case, or they tasted all this stuff, they were enlightened Judas, they lightened. But they fell away. And they said, if you fall away, you can’t be brought back to repentance, because of their loss of crew foot, crucifying the Son of God all over again, and subjecting him to public disgrace. This is also talking about the fact same thing is talked about over in the 10th chapter of Hebrews, that once you have been enlightened to the finality of the cross, once you have enlightened to the fact that Jesus meant what he said, when he cried out from the cross paid in full, once you have been enlightened to the teaching of the apostles, that God died for our sins once and for all. And by that one offering He made forever, not temporary, but forever perfect to decide of God all of those whom he made holy. Once you you have been enlightened to those truths, and you’ve tasted the Holy Spirit. It says that you can fall away because you’ve never repented. The reason that you can’t be brought back to repentance is because you’ve never repented. Have you ever figured out how hard it is to come back from where you haven’t been? And so this is the case of people who have tasted, they’ve heard, but they never changed their mind. They continue to go back to their sacrificial system to continue to get forgiveness. They continue to go back to their confession booth to get forgiveness. They continued to go back to First John one nining and thinking that that brings about forgiveness. They’ve never repented, they’ve never changed their mind that there is nothing that you can do to bring about God’s forgiveness. He has done it all. And the only sin attributable to man is the sin of the rejection of that truth. That’s a sin that cannot be forgiven, that has to be repented off. And so there are many, many people who were not they went out from among us because they were never a part of us. That’s one of the problems with people teaching achievement, lose your salvation. They take examples. Well, I knew this guy, and boy, he was one Christian dude, and he walked away. No, he wasn’t a Christian dude, or he wouldn’t walked away. And that’s what the scripture says they went out from among us, because they were never a part of us. They acted like they were. They talked like they were. Some of their deeds even looked like they were. But they weren’t. That’s why they walked out from among us. They were never a part of us. When you are a son, you can’t become an unson. The prodigal son didn’t lose his sonship when he was out, swallowing his money on prostitutes and living a life that the pigs themselves had a better life. He never lost his sonship he just came to his senses. Why did he come home? Because he was a son? Why did the pigs stay there because he’s a pig. And so we have to understand the truth of these passages that you cannot come back from where you haven’t been. There are many, many people who think they have repented of their unbelief, they haven’t. They’re still carrying on their traditions. They say I came to Jesus, now I’m gonna go to my confession booth to get forgiveness, then you didn’t come to Jesus who took away your sins, you came to an imaginary Jesus, the Jesus of the Bible that you say you came to, is the one who suffered and died and went to a cross to take away the sins of the entire world, and that he didn’t leave any. That’s why there’s no more forgiveness to be executed. He took them all. And when he cried out from the cross, he said, paid in full, not part full, and you’re still not believing it, you’re still going back to your tradition, to keep yourself forgiving. These people that think I keep short accounts with God, I was told that you’re not told that in the Bible. But you’re told that by man so you keep on doing it. Well, you’ve never repented, you’ve never changed your mind that Jesus took away your sins, you still think there’s more to be forgiven? That particular case he says, in Hebrew, Hebrews 10, you don’t have anything to look forward to except the raging fire that’ll consume the enemies of God, my friends, this is not an issue to be toyed with. When God says I took it away. Faith says I believe it. God, I’m not going to deny it ever, ever, ever again.” ~ Bob George
We Are Not Saved by Having Our Sins Forgiven. Salvation is Life.
~ “And most people don’t really understand. And that’s why I’m going over this with you. Because you’re not saved by getting your sins forgiven. That’s a shock to some people. But that is not what saved here. It says in Romans a while we were yet enemies, we were reconciled to God to the death of his son. In other words, your sins were reconciled. When you are an enemy, that means lost, you were born reconciled. How much more, having been reconciled, shall you be saved by His life, you’re not saved to the death of Christ, you’re saved to the life of Christ. Now in order to give you eternal life, which is what salvation is being saved from the consequences of sin, which is death, by the gift of God, which is life, and Jesus said, I came at you might have what life I am the resurrection, and the life who has a son has life. The whole issue of salvation is being saved from the consequence of sin which is death by the gift of God, which is life eternal. And the reason that you have eternal life is because of the eternal consequence of the cross sin is what caused His death. And by taking away what caused death, he was able to give you eternal life. That’s why we have eternal life, not temporal life. Now, when you don’t understand that, truthfully, then what you’ve got is a half gospel. And you’ve you’ve very honestly admitted you’re not didn’t understand, which means that you have never really come to Christ for what he came to do. He came there, his resurrection is far more than an intellectual acknowledgment of a truth. It is hold on him and he was raised for a purpose, and I’m the purpose. I’m the reason he was raised, so that he could give me eternal life raised me from my condition of spiritual death. So when you don’t understand that Lee, and all you understand about salvation is forgiveness, why you either keep asking and thinking that’s gonna keep his holy, or you didn’t just accept what he did for you and keep that and recognize you’ve been imputed His righteousness, but there’s nothing in there about life. And so I’m out there trying to grunt and groan, Christian life out in the energy of own flesh, and I can’t do it, I can’t accomplish it. And so that’s once you have the life of God living in you, Lee, there’s an insatiable desire inside of you to learn more about this God who came to free you from the wages of sin, which is death to free you from that and to allow you to walk as a forgiven free human being being led internally by the Spirit of God. And that’s where Lee you and your your fiance have got to start because you’re never gonna make it’s being a churchgoer. You’re gonna make it as the both of you individually have come to a point in your life where you revelry realize, there is nothing in this world that I can do or accomplish, to receive eternal life or righteousness. It’s all Jesus, and none of me He died for me then. So that raised from the dead, He can live in me now. And I’m going to accept that life of Christ, and to learn how to walk by faith in him that lives in me. Because if you don’t, Lee, what you have is, this is a man thing, honey, and this is a female thing, honey. And Jesus comes and says, This is a Jesus thing on his end, you have no you have no point of reference in your marriage, because you say, this is the way we do it. And she said, This is why we do it. And God comes along when you have him and says, I know guys, but this is a way I say to do it. And it’ll keep your marriage strong. And it’ll keep your life strong. But it has to start with not a half gospel, you got to get away from that half gospel. And you’ve got to come to a point of saying, Lord Jesus, I did not realize the importance of resurrection for me. But now I do. And I want today to receive you, your life living in me as my hope of glory. And then after doing that, I’m gonna go back to my fiance to make sure she understands the meaning of the resurrection. Do you want to do that today, Lee? Or do you think you already have?” ~ Bob George
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“But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.” Hebrews 8:6
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Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George today. We are pleased to present a special Radio Show featuring callin listeners from Bob’s original People-to-People daily radio program that was on the air for over 30 years offering real answers for real life problems as he addresses common questions as well as the tough issues of today directing callers to the centrality of Christ in you, your only hope of glory. We want to remind our listeners that Bob George Ministries needs your financial support to continue to have Classic Christianity Radio on the air. Please visit to find out how you can help support us financially. Let’s now join Bob as he presents practical, biblical insights as he helps people experience a life of faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.
Jacob 0:57
Yeah, you know how I told you I just keep you updated on the situation with that little church, I was checking out. Yeah, if you remember that or not? Well, I had a just kind of had a real big eye opener as to the just the way that truth, how the gospel can be twisted. And, and basically what happened to me was, I was having some conversations with this pastor, because I am real guarded and careful about not wanting to get myself into a situation where I lose my freedom and Christ. And I had some really what seemed like great conversations with this pastor, and he seemed to be agreeing with everything I was saying. And when I would talk to him about the fullness of the grace of God, and how thankful I was that, you know, that Christ did it all for me, and how I can just rest in Him. And He seemed to be agreeing with everything I was saying. And he even came over to my house once and we talked for about an hour about just different issues about the gospel and the New Covenant, and tithe and we talked about all these different things. And he seemed to be agreeing with me. And then so I had not, I had only gone to his church maybe about four times. And I started really noticing a difference. total difference and what he was saying there versus what we would talk about when I wasn’t at the church. And it was like total forked tongue. And I started to feel that and I don’t know if you guys remember, but about a week ago, a lady named Julie called in. And she was she heard me talking about this church, and everything was thinking about trying it out everything. And she went with me the last Sunday that I went, which was this last Sunday. And it was like God was just showing me how, how amazing that everyone everything there was it was just like, the flesh. It wasn’t. It wasn’t at all like I thought it was. And my heart was just all my joy was ebbing away. And I was like, This is what in the world I can’t. And I couldn’t even I could hardly even believe that, that he had been deceiving me. I couldn’t believe it. And so then I left. And so he called me a bunch of times, because he saw me walk up right out of church. And I guess he was trying to find out. Herman was trying to find out what was going on. And I, I got to talk to him about the same issues all over again. And I found out, he believes you can be cut off from fellowship from God, if you sin. He doesn’t believe in the finality, the cross, he believes and tightening because he insulted my giving. He said I wasn’t giving enough. Just everything total total lie of what he said before. And he said, There’s no way he’d let me teach this stuff in that church. And he said that me even talking about the finality of the cross and the fact that I don’t have to ask God to forgive me anymore, but that I am forgiven and God, he said, those are the smallest points of Christianity, not even to be talked about. And I told him, Well, Herman, I feel that the finality of the cross, to me, is one of the most important things that God has ever shown me in my life. And it’s very important to me, and I just wanted to express my concern for listeners. And because I had only been really listening to People to People for about two years, maybe not even that long, and I was getting grounded in the grace of God. And I just wanted to warn people of the subtlety of Satan and how he can just just lie just boldface lie to you and say, Oh, I believe in grace, sure. And then just totally twist it and change it. And I was almost brought into bondage and I’m just thankful that because you are proclaiming the truth of God and it helped me know that I am free in Christ. And I was led by the Spirit and I stopped going to that church so and I would like if you guys could just to take off any kind of notes that I put about that being a place to go that because they teach the grace of God because they Don’t they don’t teach the fullness.
Bob George 5:02
Did you name the name of that church? When you when you called in?
Jacob 5:06
No, I’ve never named the name. Okay. I just, I put the name of it in the notes on an email I sent to you. Yeah.
Bob George 5:14
Well, we’ll certainly make note of that too Jacob. Because what you’re saying is so true. You, you see, the reason people lie, is their father is the author of lies. That’s what Jesus said, You lie, because your father is the liar. The originator of all lies is Satan. A person that says that the cross is secondary issue is blind to reality, and certainly blind to spirituality. The cross and the resurrection is the centrality of the totality of the gospel apart from those two, there is no gospel. So how could you say that’s a secondary issue, it is the primary issue. The reason that people think you can get in out of fellowship because of sin is because they don’t know that God has taken away your sin from the sight of God. So how could you be out of fellowship? John explains it this way, if you’re in the light as He God is in the light. The result of that is you have fellowship with one another in the blood of Jesus, his Son continually keeps on cleansing, you have all unrighteousness. So how could you ever get in darkness? How could you ever get out of fellowship when you’re in the light as God is in the light, and as a result of the light that you’re both in, you have fellowship with one another. So it’s just the fact that Jacob, that there are people out there that have either been to a lousy cemetery, seminary, excuse me, and are just passing on the lousy teaching that they’ve had there. Or people who really have never had any interest at all in trying to get to the bottom of the meaning of the word of God. So I appreciate your discernment, Jacob, and your interest in calling back so that and I’m glad you at least hooked up with the lady that called in. And maybe you guys might end up just starting a Bible study.
Jacob 7:07
We’re planning on that.
Bob George 7:11
There is nothing sacred about people called the church, a building with a cross on it. And, and a marquee out in front. The church is people, it is not a building. It is people and it’s God’s people, the true Church, the only church that God’s interested in, is born again believers. And we’re he is the head and we are his body here on this earth. And the way that we become his body here on this earth is when the moment that we accept Christ Jesus, that’s Christ in us Our only hope of glory. And then he baptizes or places us into his body. And we are now his body here on this earth. And that is what’s called the ecclesia, or the church. It’s not the building on the corner of walk and don’t walk. It’s people. And what we have done is substitute that relationship with Christ Jesus, where he calls us children of God. And we’ve substituted and said, Well, that’s nice children of God. But I want another kind of label. I want to be known as a Baptist. So I’m going to put Baptist label or charismatic or Methodist or whatever, I’m going to put that on my jar. And therefore it really doesn’t make a difference what’s inside doesn’t make any difference whether it’s Smuckers jelly, or, or Knott’s Berry Farm jelly or who’s jelly’s inside, it doesn’t matter because the label says Smuckers. And with a name like Smuckers, it’s got to be good. Well, we do the same thing. You know, with a name like Baptists because it’s got to be good. Or maybe like Presbyterians gotta be good. Nobody has a clue what’s inside the jar. It’s just worshipping at the foot of the label. I was a Presbyterian for years. What do Presbyterians believe? I didn’t have a clue, and neither had any pastor that was ever under have a clue. In fact, there was only one it was saved out of the whole game and I was involved with. And so the issue is that but it doesn’t matter. We’re Presbyterian or we’re Methodist, or we’re Baptist, and we’ve substituted that for this relationship with God. And we’ve said, yeah, that’s okay. But it’s this relationship down here with each other. It’s, it’s this, it’s this group, that’s important. I said, No, it isn’t. This group isn’t important at all, in comparison to what God is looking for, and that’s born again people. So if you went into a congregation today, and a rapture occured, you’d probably have about two thirds of it, just keep enjoying the singing. And because you have people there are professors, but not possessors of Christ. And the only way that you’re going to ever understand the meaning of the word of God is if Christ Jesus lives in you. And that’s quite frankly, I think, Jacob why so many people ignore, ignore new birth. Or is because they don’t have it. And they, therefore they cannot understand Scripture. And so to ignore the Bible, that’s what I was thinking, ignore the Bible. I never had the Bible open. I was in church all my life never had a Bible open. Why would because it wasn’t important. I couldn’t understand it, if I didn’t have it open and understand what it was saying. And so people therefore say, well, at least I can sit in church and hope that God will recognize this. That isn’t God’s Church, God’s Church are people who are truly born again, he’s the head and we’re the body. And if we just keep that in mind, why then we won’t be so disappointed when we go into a fellowship like this and see what we see. Because quite frankly, I would probably go into a fellowship with with the opposite idea that’s going to be a miracle if I hear what I know to be true. Therefore, I’m never disappointed because I didn’t expect anything out of them anyway.
Jacob 11:05
Right. One thing I was also wanting to say is that the subtlety of of it, because they were saying things that on the on the surface, she would say, hey, they’ve got a handle on truth. They were quoting John 10:10. And they were talking about that, but they were relating it back to just works. And I was like, it’s amazing how they can be quoting the Scripture about life, and be tying that in to work. And that’s, that’s the main thing I noticed when I was there. I was, see, when I listen to your ministry, I get focused upon Christ, and Him alone. And when I was there, I was getting focused back on me. And that’s what I noticed, even though they would talk about Jesus, it would be like, serving Jesus. Yeah, doing things for Jesus. And the other thing I wanted to say too, is that I’m thankful that I’m very thankful that I heard you guys teaching about First John one, nine, because that gave me so much peace of my heart, when I was able to settle the finality, the cross that I don’t, you know, I can agree with God and thank Him by FAITH that he took my sins away. But I don’t have to grovel, I don’t have to feel guilty. I can rejoice in my new relationship with Christ because of what he did for me at the cross. And see he, he taught, he teaches that you have eternal life, and you can’t lose it. But then he’ll go right around and say, but this life can be disturbed because you can, you can sin, and you’re out of fellowship. And he said, here’s the thing that doesn’t make sense at all. If you carry this through, he says, You can sin. And sometimes you sin and you don’t even know it. And so according to his teaching, if you sin, and you’re out of fellowship, one of these days, you sin and you don’t know it, then you can go your whole Christian life and be out of fellowship with God and not even know it. And that doesn’t make any sense. Yeah, you know.
Bob George 13:05
Well, again, tell him to look up in the Scripture and find where being in in and out of fellowships in the Bible. So I did
Jacob 13:12
Bob, I was able to challenge him with Scripture. And because of some of the things you were talking about, I was able to go away, loving Him, speaking the truth of the New Covenant to him. And usually when I squabble with people, I don’t, I don’t always feel love. I feel conflicted. But I felt because I was proclaiming truth. I felt like I had done him a favor, by proclaiming the fullness of Christ. He even asked me where the scriptures were. And I was showing him in Hebrews because I have that scriptural journey book that you gave me good. I was pointing them out to him, and there was dead silence for a while. I said, you know what’s happening? When people are sitting there, and they’re saying, God, please forgive me, please forgive me, because that’s what I told him was so disturbing, one of the things that I couldn’t handle and he said, I said, the Bible says, not even knowing it, but ignorantly what they’re doing is they’re trampling that sacrifice. They’re making a mockery out of the cross in what Jesus did for them because, and he says, Well, they do it because they like it. It makes them feel good. They want to do it. I said, if you taught them the truth, why would they want to do that? Yeah. We’re not gonna teach that here.
Bob George 14:16
Yeah. Well, you never know things that Jacob if you might have sown some seeds there that will come to fruition someday. So you keep praying for him. And he sounds like you got a lot of information into his head. And, you know, you never know what will happen there. But don’t give up because a person like that may not agree with you, and their pride wouldn’t enable them to do so. But they still know that what they believe is not working, and therefore they may go back and seek out that information and come to truth. Well, Jacob, we appreciate your call brother and you call anytime and God bless you pal. Okay, guys, have a good day. Thanks to Jacob. Bye bye now. Bye.
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1. For all (1st Timothy 2:6; Isaiah 53:6).
2. For every man (Hebrews 2:9).
3. For the world (John 3:16).
4. For the sins of the whole world (1st John 2:2).
5. For the ungodly (Romans 5:6).
6. For false teachers (2nd Peter 2:1).
7. For many (Matthew 20:28).
For Me:
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20
Thank you for listening to Classic Christianity Radio, with Bob George. We are a listener funded program in which your financial support is greatly appreciated. Your generous gifts keep us on the air and they helped so many people find hope in Jesus Christ. Go to online for more information about how to purchase helpful books and bible study materials to guide you and help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. Thank you again for listening. We look forward to our next Classic Christianity Radio broadcast with you. In the meantime, remember to always put Jesus first in your life.
Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
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