Classic Christianity – Law & Thanksgiving Message Part 2 (11-24-22)
Are You Playing Religion Under Law? Or Are You Living in Christ Jesus Under Grace?
~ “There’s no spiritual life over here. I mean, you can play church, don’t get me wrong. You can play church, you can dress up and go to church every Sunday. You can you can give tithes offerings. You can play religion. In fact, that’s what Satan gets you to do. Satan says, I sure the heck I’m not gonna teach you that you’re dead and there’s spiritual life available to you. So I’ll teach you how to be religious. Teach how to go to church, teach how to dress up and look good. Teach you how to lie spiritually. I can teach you how to evangelize, I can teach you anything. You can be taught anything, but you’re dead. It’s not the case of how bad you are, or how good you are. It’s how dead you are. It’s all through the script, the wages of sin is what? death. Sin shall not be your master, which means when you’re under the last sin as your master, he’s your owner. You’re just like a slave. With an owner, a mean one that takes you and manipulates us, coerces in every way, shape or form came to what? to steal and destroy and kill that’s Satan. That’s your land over there. “
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Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s word.
Bob George 0:29
Now, did I know I was under the law? I didn’t know it was I didn’t pay attention to it. But it still was true. I was under a death penalty. I was still empty inside. I didn’t know it was because I was dead spiritually. But I sure knew I was empty spiritually. Even though I went to church on Sunday and gave my dollar a week if I felt generous that week, yeah. So you can play church over here. And you can be aware of your emptiness over here. Why? Because the Scripture tells us that the purpose of the law is Is to manifest your sinfulness and to show you that you are sinful and to show you that there is a consequence for sin called death, and you are dead spiritually and in need of spiritual life. That’s the purpose of the law. Not to use it as a standard of holiness because you cannot keep it. But to show you your death, death is final. It’s bad. There’s no spiritual life over here. I mean, you can play church, don’t get me wrong. You can play church, you can dress up and go to church every Sunday. You can you can give tithes offerings. You can play religion. In fact, that’s what Satan gets you to do. Satan says, I sure the heck I’m not gonna teach you that you’re dead and there’s spiritual life available to you. So I’ll teach you how to be religious. Teach how to go to church teach how to dress up and look good. Teach you how to lie spiritually. I can teach you how to evangelize, I can teach you anything. You can be taught anything, but you’re dead. It’s not the case of how bad you are, or how good you are. It’s how dead you are. It’s all through the script, the wages of sin is what? death. Sin shall not be your master, which means when you’re under the last sin as your master, he’s your owner. You’re just like a slave. With an owner, a mean one that takes you and manipulates us, coerces in every way, shape or form came to what? to steal and destroy and kill that’s Satan. That’s your land over there.
Now, what is salvation guys? Oh you’ve sinned, you need your sins forgiven. You know, we’ve never gone beyond that. So you’ve sinned and you need your sins forgiven that salvation to this day. That is the major teaching in Christendom. That all you need is to get your sins forgiven. Why? Because basically, you’re a good person. No, you’re dead. You’re a stinking corpse dead. I don’t care how nice you look. I don’t care what kind of spiritual perfume and deodorant you put on your dead. And we said, oh, no, no, no, no, I gotta be politically correct. That’s not very nice to say about those sweet people. To not be near some nice people. That’s, yeah, was their dad. Yeah, probably some nice corpses around, but they’re dead. And we have to understand this is what God had to come to do. Not just to take away your sins. Your sins are what caused your death. So if I didn’t take away what caused it? Why would I give you live? Because if it didn’t take away what caused it and it gave you life, the next time you said you’d be dead again, I had to free you guys from that whole realm. Over here, the whole realm that you live in the whole realm of it. Under the control, prisoner locked up until what? Faith in Christ should be revealed. Now guys, who in the world is going to be capable of taking you out of that state of death into life? Is Buddha gonna do it? Is Mohammed gonna do it? Is any man that you know gonna do it? These people that get up and say, Oh, well, this religion is their bull. Religion, all of it is junk. All of it, including the Christian religion, if that’s all you have is religion. It’s all what he says, dung, compared to that of what? knowing the only one whose life was capable of being laid down, totally taking away the sins of the whole world, not covering them, taking them away and was raised from the dead, so that you and I could be raised from the dead. New citizenship.
As an example, you have let’s say we have a map and of the United States. And at the lower end of that map, do we have that map? On the computer? On the yeah, there it is. On the southern end is Mexico, northern end Canada. Now let’s say that you were born in Mexico. And then Mexico. And again, these are just examples. In Mexico, it’s tough life. You got a tyrant let your master and he reigns, does he not as long as you’re there he reigns. But one day somebody comes and comes and gets you, as we showed last week with James and his wife and picks you up and moves you over to Graceland. You’re no longer over here. And that’s why it says you used to live there. So sin. If we if we died to sin, shall we live in it anymore? You don’t live there anymore. You don’t live under the sin principle. God folks is not dealing with you as a born again, believer. And James, wish you guys you just get up move again. Will you do that for me? In fact, let’s all of you move out of there, all of you who are born again, move out of there. And what I’m saying is you’re out all under the law. So when you move, you’re moving out of the law. So get out of there, empty, that place out. You’re over here now. In Graceland, and I could see you better to. Now you got one couple back there that wants to stay dead. And if they want to stay dead, that’s their choice. But you’re dead under the law. And if you stay there, you’re going to go where you want to go. Because you don’t want to go to Graceland. You want to stay under the law. Dead. And you got a privilege. You got the right to do that. And you’ve got a choice to do that. But to those who said no, no, I want to live I don’t want to live under that law kills me. I want to live under grace. I want to be led internally by the Spirit of God. And now they’re over here. Brand new, brand new place, they’ve moved down to Mexico. And now they live in the United States. And in the United States, you can choose many, many places to live. That’s why they call it the United States is because it’s states that are united one to another. And even though different states can have different laws, they’re all under the one law called America, the United States of what? America. You are now children of the living God. You are now not a Baptist, or Presbyterian or Methodist, your identity isn’t where you park your body on Sundays or Saturdays. Your identity is who you are. You’ve been made into a new creation. You’re over here now. You’re no longer over there. Now, you say well, I can, Can I go back? No, he can’t go back. You absolutely cannot go back any more than a caterpillar can go back or butterfly can go back to being a caterpillar is a new creation. But you can visit close by. And that’s what a lot of Christians do. They say, Well, I know I can’t go back. But I’m gonna sit on this aisle right over here, where Jean is. Closest I can get to the law but realizing that No, I’m not under it. But I’m close to it. Because it was my friend says, heaven forbid, heaven forbid.
Now let’s read this. Shall we go on sinning so the grace may increase? In other words, it says where the law is. Grace increases where sin increases Grace increases all the more. So he said well, then should we go on sinning so this grace can increase? Said by no means you died to sin. You’re over here. You die you where you lived. That’s sin and death over here. Guys, do you realize that God is no longer dealing with you on the basis of sin and death? Do you realize that he’s not dealing with you on the basis of sin? Not if you’re over here.
You say God I did it again. He said did what again? Well, the sin that I committed yesterday, it’s been taken away. Well, the sin I’m gonna commit tomorrow, it’s been taken away. What do you come to me for? For the sin issue? I’ve dealt with it. I dealt with it 2000 years ago. I dealt with it at the cross. Your sins were judged. The verdict was guilty. The punishment was death. And I took it all. That’s why there’s none left for you. That’s why it says in the Bible, there is now No condemnation awaiting you who belong to Christ Jesus. Well, why is it there any condemnation awaiting you? I deserve some condemnation. He said, That’s not the issue. The issue is, I’ve dealt with it. And I dealt with it in the most harsh way that I knew, I crucified my Son. So that that blood that was shed for you could be put on you, and you could be identified with him. And it’s through that identification. Be free from sin. I’m not dealing with you on the basis of sin today. Now, that’s a far cry from that continual teaching isn’t, Joe, you keep on sin and brother, and God’s gonna get you. And you keep on sin and Jim, and God could take your business away from you. Or you keep on sinning and I’m gonna take the Cowboy tickets away from you. It’s a far cry, because that’s not true. It’s not true. Do we deserve punishment? Yeah. Do we get it? No, no condemnation. Why? Because that was God’s plan. He said, I’m not going to be dinking around with you folks. For 1000s of years, I’m going to deal with sin one time, I’m going to deal with it, I’m going to judge it. And I’m going to eliminate it. To all of those who come to Christ by faith. You’re in a different realm. You live in a different community, you live in a different country. You no longer live in Mexico, you live in United States. No longer living in Canada, you live in the United States. You’re under the rule and the reign of the United States. Different ruler. Our ruler is Jesus. Their ruler was Satan. Which world you want to live in? Satan’s world? Or God’s world? You had a choice. Over here, what does this world bring you? Misery. Misery. It sounds so good. It sounds so tempting. But the end of it is death.
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Bob George 13:36
You remember we’re coming close to New Year’s remember New Year’s parties when you were lost? How many of you remember New Year’s parties when you were lost? Have you ever been a dumber thing in the world? You sit around and bow these dumb things out and twirl your little deals and get half drunk. And they all bored I have fun. I got such a headache and can’t walk today. But I was at Fun, fun. The most boring thing you ever go to in your life. Boring. But we make it look good. You see all this stuff on television. You see these young ladies dressed up in these scantily clothed girls and saying oh, it’s fun to be bad. And I think Have you ever been in that realm? Given your body’s up like a piece of chattel? Like a toilet seat and turn your bodies over to any Tom, Dick and Harry that wants to come along and use you make you feel good. You feel like a tramp. Don’t tell me you feel good. We know better. The sexual stuff that is going on today with teenagers is unbelievable to me, is what’s going on. And yet we sit back and say, Oh, wow, just this is just boys will be boys and girls will be booked nonsense you had better discipline your kids and teach them that this stuff will drive you to destruction. A girl many times or a guy, especially girls have to live with that all their lives, the guilt of it. And instead of men having respect for women, and having a respect to treat a girl decently it’s not the thing to do anymore. That’s law land. That’s over there where you don’t even know right from all you know, the purpose of the law is to define what sin is. And we sit down and say, Well, no, it’s we rename it, if you rename it, you can redefine it. But it’s there to teach you what sin is and what the consequence of sin is. And so guys, you now live in a new realm. You live in a new location. This is called Graceland.
Under Graceland, there’s no condemnation awaitng you belong to Christ Jesus. Under Graceland, you are not people who get forgiven, you are forgiven people. You’re not people who ask if you’re going to walk by faith, because this is Graceland and it’s faith land. Over there is law land. Over here, you’re living in a new realm altogether. To ask for what you already have would be ludicrous, wouldn’t it? You have eternal life. You have been given an eternal inheritance in Christ Jesus. You have all of the promises, everything that belongs to Christ belongs to you. Because what he’s saying here is you have been identified now with Christ. It says you have been baptized. And what is interesting, folks, is when it talks in verse three and chapter six of Romans, don’t you know that all of you who are baptized into Christ were baptized into his death, and instead of glorying in the fact of you’re in Christ now, we start paying attention on baptism, and put the emphasis on baptism. Well, guys, there’s a physical baptism and there is a spiritual baptism. Remember, John the Baptist said, that I baptized with water. But in a few days, the one coming after me who sandals I’m not worthy of untying will baptize you with who? The Holy Spirit. So when you come to Christ, Jesus, the Spirit of God comes to live in you to indwell you. And the Bible says, If the Spirit does not live in you, you do not belong to Him. You cannot be saved, apart from the life of Christ. The Spirit of God who now comes to live in you baptizes or places you into his body, he is now the head, you are the body. You’re not the body of Christ over here, there’s only two of you there. You’re not the body of Christ. There’s the body of Christ. There’s the graveyard. Here’s the body of Christ, there’s the dead, here’s the living. And so he says to us, that you were baptized into Christ were baptized into his death. We were there for buried with Him through baptism into death. And again, we get all hung up on the baptism instead of the fact that this is an act of God. This is not an act of man. This is an act of God, where he places you into his body. So that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. In other words, I’m identified with the one who died to take away my sins. I’m identified the one who was buried in order to prove his death. And I’m identified with a one who was raised from the dead, so that I could be raised from the dead. I’m in Christ all that belongs to Christ belongs to me he seated in heavenly so am I. You said what No, you’re here was spiritually I’m there. I’m already there.
That’s what negates to me this idea that you could lose your salvation is to me it’s nonsense. We had somebody tried to stop our program in it when we were out in California, was going to get to pickit the church for sponsoring us there because we teach you have eternal security. Say, Dumb and Dumber. Anybody thinks that you can lose salvation does not know what salvation is. Period. You just don’t know what it is. Because if you’re gonna lose it, it’s all tied up in sin. But you can out sin, the grace of God, well, I tell you, you can’t out sin, the saving grace of God, as a matter of fact, if you’re in Christ, Your sins have been wiped away, never to see him again. So how you’re going to walk away? If you’re in the light as he’s in the light, how are you ever going to get in darkness?
So, at any rate, everything that belongs to Christ is yours. He’s your inheritance. Do you believe that guys? I mean, is that good news? Or is just ho hum? This seems to me it should be good news. We’ve been united with Him. In his death, we certainly will also be united with Him in His resurrection. For we know that our old self with crucified with Him so that the body of sin might be done away with and that we should no longer be a slave to sin. Because anyone has died has been what guys, what does it say? Well, that’s in verse what? Six, seven? What’s it say? Because anyone who has died has been lot freed from the law. Again, back to the law, you’re not under it. Do understand that if you’re saved, you’re not under the law. You may be saved and be stupid, and you’re teaching and get yourself back under the law or keep yourself under the law. But if you’re saved, you’re not under it. From God’s standpoint. You’re just you’re just fooling around. You’re just pretending you’re over there. But you’re not from God’s standpoint. That’s not where you are. You’re over here. So you see what are you hanging on to that over here for that killed you? Don’t you know that the wages of sin under the law is death that killed you? What do you want to hang on to that for and there are people tenaciously want to hang on to that why? They’re either lost, or they’ve never known their identity in Christ. never known it, sad. The dynamic by friends of evangelism is not just you get your sins forgiven. It’s the fact that you have been placed into Christ. That’s the dynamic of evangelism. God has placed you into a Son. You’re in the Son. I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live yet not I but Christ lives in me. And the life that I live in this flesh of mine, I live by faith in the Son of God, the One who loved me and gave himself for me. That’s who you are. transferred. No longer over there, look, that’s empty. No longer there don’t belong to that over there. Stay away from it. rejoice in what you have.
Now if we died to Christ, we believe it will also live with Him. Verse eight, chapter six. Well, we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he can’t die again. death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once and for all, but the life that He lives, He lives for God to God. In the same way, King James says reckon. Reckon yourself. I reckon so, we say I reckon so. Count yourself. Count on it, guys. In other words, believe it. That’s what he’s saying. Put your faith in it. Quit talking like it’s your one way over here, when in essence, you’re still over here. Is there anything that the law can do to you today? As a born again, believer? No, not really. Can you make it appear as if he’s doing something to Yeah, you can imagine it but it’s all imagination. It’s not real. We believe that we live with him. He can’t die again. He died to sin once and for all. It’s not gonna die again. Is there any more forgiveness to be executed on your behalf by God? Is there and if there was, what would he have to do? die again. Is he gonna do it? How many of you believe Jesus is coming back? What do you see is gonna happen when he came back? Gonna come back to bear sin? No. He said, I’m gonna come back to bear sin, but to bring salvation for those who are waiting for me. Why isn’t he coming back to bear sin? Seems like, there sure been a lot of it since he was here. He’s already done it.
The quality of the life of God the life is in the blood. It’s not just a liquid that you’re talking about. When you’re talking about the blood of Christ. You’re talking about the life of Christ. He laid his life down for you and me. The shedding of His forfeiture of his life As a such quality, being God, that it was capable of reaching back to Adam, and forward to this very day and on. And so he says, reckon yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore don’t let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Is their sin in our mortal bodies? he says it there, but don’t let it reign. You don’t need to let it reign. Your because how does it reign? By the law? What is the reign of sin under the law? What’s the reign? What control does that have over you? The wages of sin is what? Death. Not under that anymore. So offer your parts of your body as instruments don’t offer as instruments of wickedness. But rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life and offer parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness. Why? Look in your Bibles, folks, that’s where you’re going to find this. Verse 14, For sin shall not be your master. Because you’re not under law, but under grace, meaning that if you’re under the law, sin is your master. Well you say well, I know a lot of people that are under the law, but they share a nice act and people I don’t care how nice they act. It’s not the issue. The issue, the Bible says that if you’re under the law, sin is your Master, you’re being mastered by someone other than who came to master you. And that’s God.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity, with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord, find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs, and bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith, be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”