Radio Broadcast Friday 11/25/2022

Jesus is the Answer to Life

Classic Christianity – Law & Thanksgiving Message Part 3 (11-25-22)

Become Dead to the Law and Alive to Christ

~ “Let’s pray together. Father, you’ve told us to give thanks in all sayings. For this truly is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus. To thank Him in all things to be anxious for nothing but in all things with prayer and supplication and thanksgiving, let your requests be known under God. And then the peace of God that passes all understanding will quieten your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. So many times we have that tendency to worry, in fact, we feel guilty if we’re not worrying. God says worry is not faith. Worry about your kids. That’s rightfully so we have a role to protect them. And then a final analysis, we have to turn them over to the Lord. They’re his, not mine. I’m given them a short period of time to try to teach them and discipline them. But in the final analysis, they belong to you. And it’s the same with all people. Maybe that’s why you said in your word to lead a quiet life and tend to your own … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/24/2022

Law Shows Your Sin

Classic Christianity – Law & Thanksgiving Message Part 2 (11-24-22)

Are You Playing Religion Under Law? Or Are You Living in Christ Jesus Under Grace?

~ “There’s no spiritual life over here. I mean, you can play church, don’t get me wrong. You can play church, you can dress up and go to church every Sunday. You can you can give tithes offerings. You can play religion. In fact, that’s what Satan gets you to do. Satan says, I sure the heck I’m not gonna teach you that you’re dead and there’s spiritual life available to you. So I’ll teach you how to be religious. Teach how to go to church, teach how to dress up and look good. Teach you how to lie spiritually. I can teach you how to evangelize, I can teach you anything. You can be taught anything, but you’re dead. It’s not the case of how bad you are, or how good you are. It’s how dead you are. It’s all through the script, the wages of sin is what? death. Sin shall not be your master, which means when you’re under the last sin as your master, he’s your owner. You’re just like a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More