Classic Christianity – The Book of John P23 (03-28-23)
Jesus is The Truth ~ The Truth Shall Set You Free!
~ “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
“The Holy Spirit came to guide you into how much truth guys? All truth. And who is truth? Jesus. Where’s the Holy Spirit gonna be guiding you? Right into Jesus. Taking the things of Jesus and making them known unto you. He is your guide. In another place, he’s called your counselor what’s a counselor do besides issue drugs? What is a counselor for? To council you. What is he going to counsel you about? Taking the error that’s in your head that has got you in bondage and replacing it with truth that will set you free. Isn’t that what counseling is for? When, if someone comes to us for counseling, there’s one thing that you know that if you’re needing counseling, it’s because you have error in your mind. That shouldn’t be something to sit back and feel bad about who of us doesn’t? Anyone in there doesn’t have any error in your mind It’s why you call them Airheads air. We all have error that has to be continually be being dispelled by truth is that, is that right or wrong guys? And so the role of a counselor is to try to identify where error is, and replace it with truth.”
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
The Holy Spirit came to guide you into how much truth guys? All truth. And who is truth? Jesus. Where’s the Holy Spirit gonna be guiding you? Right into Jesus. Taking the things of Jesus and making them known unto you. He is your guide. In another place, he’s called your counselor what’s a counselor do besides issue drugs? What is a counselor for? To council you. What is he going to counsel you about? Taking the error that’s in your head that has got you in bondage and replacing it with truth that will set you free. Isn’t that what counseling is for? When, if someone comes to us for counseling, there’s one thing that you know that if you’re needing counseling, it’s because you have error in your mind. That shouldn’t be something to sit back and feel bad about who of us doesn’t? Anyone in there doesn’t have any error in your mind It’s why you call them Airheads air. We all have error that has to be continually be being dispelled by truth is that, is that right or wrong guys? And so the role of a counselor is to try to identify where error is, and replace it with truth. Now we come up with our own error, don’t we? We come up with our own ideas is what’s right and wrong. You see, whenever we begin to ignore what God says is right and wrong and good and evil. That’s where we’re in trouble. Am I right or wrong? I may not be able to do what is right. But I don’t ever want to deny what is right. And I don’t ever want to call good, bad and bad, good. I want to call sin what God calls sin. I don’t want to call it something else. Worry is a sin. It’s not a healthy concern. Anxiety, what if I’m anxious about tomorrow? I’m not trusting him for my today? Is that right or wrong? If I was trusting for him today, then I can trust him for tomorrow. Is that unusual for any of us to be anxious? No, all you got to do is just start thinking about all the bad things are gonna happen to you tomorrow. All the things that you got to do tomorrow that you can accomplish, you’ve already determined it. It’s all it takes for a little anxiety. What are you doing? I’m not trusting Jesus for me today. And if I can’t trust him today, then I can’t trust him tomorrow. And so the counselor has to come to us, the counselor begins working with us, and teaching us truth, and setting us free with that truth. Now, Jesus is going to try to explain this to us. And he’s saying, Here I am, who I just got accused of making myself equal with God. So I got some shots. And here I am, is God in a earth suit, and I’m telling you, how I am living my life. I set aside the prerogative of God, to be the dynamic of my own action, and the cause of my own effect. And I’ve set that aside, in order to live in total dependency upon my Father. Why did I do that? Didn’t have to, I did it in order to show you and me how to live. That’s why he did it, is to show you and me how we are to live our life here on this earth. And so Jesus said, I tell you the truth. The Son can do nothing by himself. He can only do what he sees his Father doing. Because whatever the Father does, the Son does also. If that’s the case, why did Jesus heal somebody? Why? Father told him to. Why did Jesus go and present salvation to somebody? Father told Him to. Why did he feed the 5000? Father told Him to. Why do you walk on the water? Father told Him to. Has the father told you to do any of those things? Have any of you tried to walk on water recently? What Jesus what the Father told Jesus to do, and what the Father tells you and me to do are totally different things altogether. But we are still to learn to live in dependency upon the instruction of the father. It’s not to sit around and make our plans and then ask God to bless it. But it’s to go to say, God, what do you want me to do? What do you have for me? Not what do you have for the group? What do you have for me? What do you want me to do in my daily activity of life? So he says, I don’t do anything less the Father tells me what to do it. And then he explains kind of why. For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all that he does. Yes, to your amazement, he will show you even greater things than these. Four just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it. So the Father raises the dead and gives life and so does the Son when the Father is the initiator of the activity.
And there again, guys that ties into the complexity of the Trinity. In one place in the Bible, it says Jesus, I will raise myself from the dead in other places. is the Father raised him from the dead. Another place it says a Holy Spirit raised Him from the dead. Another place it says God raised Him from the dead. Was he raised four times? No, he was raised once. The whole Godhead was an action, the whole Godhead lives in submission to the instruction of the Father. Moreover, he said, The Father judges no one, but he’s entrusted all judgment to the Son. In other words, that father says, Son, I’m going to judge the world through you, it’s going to look like you’re doing the judgment. But you’re not going to do anything unless I tell you to. Now, that all that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father, a vine and branch you know that the branch does not produce the fruit, don’t you? Who produces the fruit? The vine, what is the branch do? It bears the fruit now, because the branch doesn’t produce it, do you dishonor him? While you’re praise God for the branch, this was something God put together, you praise God for the branch. That’s where I go to get the fruit. I don’t go to the vine to get it can’t get any there I go to the branch. So even though the branch cannot be the producer of fruit, it is the bearer of fruit and therefore, the honor comes to the branch the same way it comes to the vine. Do we understand that? I tell you the truth that whoever hears my word, and believes Him who sent Me, has a eternal life and will not be condemned. You’ve crossed over from death to life. Now guys want to ask you a question. What produced death? Sin. What produced death? Sin. How did we come to understand our spiritual death? Through our sin. You see, guys, if the only thing that the law does is produced the fact that you’re a sinner, that if you go commit adultery, and you know, the law says, don’t commit adultery, and all you look at is I committed adultery. Or the law says don’t steal, but I went out and steal and all you see is I stole but I can go to the confession booth and get forgiven or First John, one nine get forgiven or I can go this. Yeah, I see him but I but but but the law hadn’t done anything for you. Until the law shows you why you sinned. It hadn’t done its work. That’s why you don’t come to Christ. Just because I’m a sinner, you come to Christ because you’re dead. The law has to show you something about your condition, not just what you’re doing. What you’re doing is evidence of your condition. You’re dead. And the purpose of the law is to get beneath the skin to show you, your dead. Why would Jesus say the law says don’t commit adultery, but I send you anyone who looks at a woman less than your heart has already committed adultery, why? He wants you to see something about yourself. He wants you to see there what’s wrong with me.
When I came to Christ and I came home from the bar. I didn’t look in the mirror and say, Oh, you’re drunk. I looked in the mirror and said What in the world is wrong with you? What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you be what you ought to be? That was the heart attitude. What’s wrong with me with Bob George? Something’s wrong with me. Now God’s getting your attention. He’s asking the right question. Now. There’s something wrong with you. What’s wrong with you? You don’t have a heart. You don’t have God’s heart living in you. Your empty inside, you’re bouncing prayers off the ceiling. The things you want to do you don’t do and the things you don’t want to do. You do anyway. Why? Because you’re dead. Now the law is doing its work. There’s something wrong with me, I need life. And when that message of life is presented, you’re aware of the fact that this is true. There’s something missing in my life and what’s missing is the life of God living in me. It’s not just what’s missing this I’m sinning, I’m sinning because there’s something wrong with me. And what’s wrong with me is I don’t have life. There’s an area of my life that is not working properly. The Spirit of God does not live in me. And the very moment on that day when I accepted the life of Christ Jesus coming to live in me to get myself off of the throne of my life and replace it with Christ Jesus, everything changed. How does that change? I mean, come on guys, at that. You’re talking about something that has happened all of us in one fashion or another? How are you going to explain that? Then all of a sudden things changed. For any man be in Christ is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold, all things become new, what’s new? The Spirit of God lives in you. Who’s the old man? Bob George without the Spirit of God living in him. Who’s the new man? Bob, George with the Spirit of God living in me. What’s the difference? The Spirit of God, living in me. That’s what’s new. I’ve been indwelt now, by Christ Jesus, as it says, I’ve been given a new heart, he took away that old heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh, and gave me a new heart. Whoever hears my word and believes in Him, who has sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned. You have crossed over from death. The law killed you. Paul said it’s through the law that I died to the law. Now, if you’re dead to the law, be dead to it. I died to it. I was over there under that legalistic form of life. Under the death penalty, I crossed over through Jesus Christ. And I entered into a new life in Christ Jesus, no more condemnation. There’s now no condemnation awaiting me who belongs to Christ Jesus. Those of you in Christ there’s no condemnation awaiting you who belong to Christ Jesus. How come? Because the law the spirit of life, has set you free from the law of sin and death.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:04
Sin demanded death. We talked about it in our staff meeting the other day, the Garden of Eden. Can you imagine Adam and Eve living in the Garden of Eden, alive and always they were all both of them were alive spiritually, just like you and I are who are born again today. Alive soulishly, alive bodily. had never seen a thing called death, had no idea what it was. And God says the day you sin, you will surely die. I don’t know what that means. Never seen it. The little animals around you the little cute little tigers and snakes and things like that. They were all alive. And they were your pets. And all of a sudden because you sinned, and God had said sin must have a penalty. And all of a sudden you were there clothing yourself with fig leaves. And God said Is that in no work? Sin demands a sacrifice, and he’s killed an animal. And you imagine if you had never seen death, and God had to kill your number one pet, in order to clothe you, what it would do to your heart? Can you imagine that you would sit back and say, Oh, well big deal? Or would you say what in a world did I do? That would be responsible for this animal to be killed in front of me? What did I do to cause that? And then 1000 years later, the Lamb of God came to this earth. And the Lamb of God became your sin, a sin offering. And they killed the Lamb of God, so that you and I could cross over from death to life. And to have eternal life in Christ Jesus, a sacrifice had to be made according to the law.
I thought Richard brought up a great point at the meeting the other day that people come in, you know, in the people, animal lovers and God’s cruel because it kills animals, but you cannot separate sacrifice from the law. They go together. And the law says that the wages of sin is death, something’s gotta be sacrificed. And we don’t understand that. But you and I, in Christ, Jesus have crossed over from death to life. And I tell you the truth, the time is coming. And it says, is now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear it will live.
Turned back with me for just a moment to Matthew 27:52. Because I believe that’s what he’s talking about here. We’ve started up in 45, this six hour until the nine hour darkness came all over the land. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, which was saying, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? In so doing friends of going back to the 22nd Psalm that starts out My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me and describes in detail, death by crucifixion, years before crucifixion was ever in existence. When some of those standing there heard this, he says, calling Elijah immediately one of them ran and grabbed a sponge, and he filled it with wine vinegar, and put it on a stick and offered it to Jesus to drink. And the rest said, now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him. And when Jesus had cried out in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. Remember what he said, Father, into Thy hands, I come in my spirit. At that moment, that curtain, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom, the earth shook, shook and the rock split, the tombs broke open. And the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised alive. And they came out of their tombs. And after Jesus’s resurrection, they went into the holy city, and appeared to many people. I believe when Jesus was saying that the time is coming, and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and then those who will hear will live. I think that prophecy that he prophesied there was fulfilled back in, in that Matthew passage.
For as the Father has life in the Son, he says, so he has granted the Son to have life and himself. So the source of our life is in Christ Jesus, this, the source of our spiritual life is in Christ Jesus. And He has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man. Don’t be amazed at this. He said, For a time it was coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice, and come out. And those who have done good will rise to live and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned. And then he says, I can do nothing by myself. I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just for I seek not to please myself, but for him who sent me.
Now guy’s when we think about judgment and things you can think about trials. And of course, we’ve seen a bunch of those going on recently on television. We’ve had them in the past trials where sometimes justice was done. And sometimes it is obviously that it didn’t even come close to being done. But you have sinful human beings judging sinful human beings, don’t you? But when God judges, it isn’t going to be a sinful God judging sinful man. It’s going to be a righteous God who judges sinful man. And his judgments are going to be absolutely correct. That’s why when people say, Well, what about the baby that never gets an opportunity to hear? What about a person in a land far away that maybe never gets an opportunity to hear? What about them, you people throw those smokescreens up to you don’t they? The answer to that is this. All I know is that that decision will be into the hands of a holy God. One who is perfectly loving, and one who is perfectly just. And if I have a God who is perfectly loving and perfectly just, I do not have to worry about that decision, where a man goes when he dies, is God’s business, not yours or mine. What I do know is that right now I’m standing in front of you, and telling you how to be saved. And you will have no excuse. And so instead of worrying about someone who has not heard, let’s worry about you who have heard and bring you to a point of decision.
I think of Larry King. We all know who he is. The guy suspenders. Jewish man, married to a Mormon lady, of course, the choosers, that’s the seventh wife. But that’s, that’s his wife. She’s Mormon. On an interview the other day, he’s talking about what do you fear the most death? Send them my wife, she knows where she’s going. I thought, Oh, really. I didn’t think you’d get there unless your husband called you out of the grave. We had a lady that came to our ministry that was Mormon, who left the Mormon church left her husband got involved in the ministry came to understand who she was in Christ. And one day, her husband found her and called her on the phone. And he said, If you do not come back to me, I’m not going to call you out of the grave. And she said, if you were calling me out of the grave, I wouldn’t come anyway.
I thought Larry King’s thing was, I don’t know. See, he’s not an atheist. He’s an agnostic. That’s and see, that’s the honest thing we’ve talked about. There aren’t any atheist. And atheists would say there is no God, unless you possess total knowledge. You couldn’t make that statement anyway. So to claim to be an atheist is an intellectual suicide anyway. Because you certainly don’t possess total knowledge. So how could you say there is no God, unless you possess total knowledge? So an agnostic is okay, that’s somebody saying, I don’t know if there’s a God. I just wonder why someone doesn’t ask Larry King, Larry that’s an honest answer that you don’t know there’s a God the issue is, if you could know that there’s a God, would you be interested in knowing him? And that’s what the question is, you know, none of us knew for sure there was a God until we came to know him. So if you could know, would you be interested in knowing him? I think I you know what, I think he’d say, yeah. Well, what do you have to lose? I said, a guy on the radio the other day, if if Jesus is not alive, and you’re praying, saying, God, I don’t know for sure whether this is true, but you’re telling me I’m dead? And that may be true. And you’re telling me that you’re the only source of life. And that could be true. I don’t know for sure. But I want to know. And so if that’s true, I want you to come into my heart and give me life. Is that a prayer of faith? Yeah, that’s a prayer of faith. Now, I said, If Jesus is not true, all you’re going to do is pray to air. That’s all just praying to air. But if Jesus is alive, you’re going to be born again. What is the risk? There isn’t any. And so for a person to continue to say, I don’t know if there’s a God. And I really don’t care whether there’s one there gone. But to the person who says, I don’t know if there’s a God. But if I could know I want to know there’s a way of getting the Lord to him with no risk. Pray to air or pray to a living God who said you’re dead, and I’ve come to give you life. And you see what happens.
Jesus said, I by myself I can do nothing. Now folks, if Jesus can’t do anything by himself, how much can we do? Apart from him we can do how much? Nothing. But I can do how much? All things through Christ that strengthens me. Is that true or not? Can you love somebody just by saying love them? Can you? No, sure can’t. You can’t get my flesh to love somebody I don’t want to love. Is that true or not? I just can’t do it. What’s the spiritual side of that? Does Christ love them? Did Christ die for him? Seemed like he loved them quite a bit. Did he die for you? Did he forgive you? Of how many of your sins? All of them. Can you forgive an energy of your flesh? No, I have people sometimes I just can’t forgive I can’t forgive, and neither can I. Can’t either. But Jesus did. You have to come down to a point sometimes folks where people have offended us so much that you just can’t forgive and quit fighting that you can’t. Because you’re trying to energy, your own flesh. And what you have to do is to say, Look, Lord, I am in you, and you are in me. So the Christ that lives in me has already forgiven that person. And if I’m in you, then they’re forgiven. So let’s move on. Because in my flesh, I don’t never do want to forgive you. Like to hit you in the head. Like to punish you, like do something to you. But again, if you’re in Christ, guys, here’s the deal if you’re in Christ, even though you may not like somebody, can you be patient with them? Can you be? Yeah. Can you be kind to him? In other words, don’t wish him any harm? Can you not keep records of their wrongs? Not in the flesh. But this Christ keep records of your wrongs? Seriously, does he keep records of your wrongs? Have you crossed over from condemnation to life? Then are you a person that was without condemnation? And why can’t we look at each other that way? Never enters our mind that we’re the most unloving people on the face of the earth, but I’m still wonderful and good. The issue is Do you still keep records of people’s wrongs? If you are you’re not loving them.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity, with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord, find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs, and bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith, be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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