Classic Christianity – The Book of John P50 (05-30-23)
Jesus Is The Resurrection
~ Jesus is our Resurrection! When you place faith in Jesus, he raises you immediately from the dead spiritually. On this side of the cross, you become born again of the Spirit of God. His Spirit, gives life to you that is eternal. Jesus provided a physical example of a spiritual truth. Even though we die (sleep in Christ Jesus) we live eternally with him forever. Someday we receive a new body that is waiting for us. For flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
~ “Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
“Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” John 11:23-27
~ “When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home. Lord, Martha said to Jesus, if you would have been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask. And Jesus said to her, Your brother will rise again. And Mary answered again, on a very she knew scripture, and she said, I know he’ll rise again in the resurrection. And at the last day, I know that. And she Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection. We’re not talking about a day in the future. I am not I will be or I was, but I am the resurrection and the life. And whosoever believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me, will never die. Do you believe this? My friends, the Lord Jesus Christ identified himself in the most descriptive way, humanly possible to us. I know there’s going to be a resurrection in the future. He said, No, no, no, you don’t understand. I am the resurrection. Where I am, resurrection will occur, not going to occur, it will occur. Where Jesus is, is resurrection. You don’t have to wait till Easter. He is the resurrection. I am the resurrection and the life and whosoever believes that me though he were dead spiritually, yet shall he lives spiritually. And whoever lives and believes in me will never die. What a promise. On the day that you were born again. Where was Jesus? He was there. Was he not? Could you have been born again, apart from Jesus being there? And he’s the resurrection. What happened when you were born again? You were raised from the dead. Were you not? Were all of you dead? Was I dead? Before I was alive? All of us were. Well, why am I alive today? Unless I experienced resurrection. And who raised me? Jesus. Why? He was there. He is the resurrection. That didn’t happen. It’s gonna happen. It’s something that did happen. The day you were born again. You were raised from the dead. Is that right or wrong guys? You were raised from your spiritual death, to spiritual life, by the one who came to give you life. And he is the resurrection. You don’t have to wait in a day down yonder. If you’re sitting in this room today, or within the sound of my voice, and you do not know the life of Christ Jesus, He is right in front of you, right now waiting for you to open the door. And to come in. He’s the resurrection. And he’s the source of resurrection. And he will raise any person on the face of this Earth man and woman boy and girl whose heart has been opened to say, Lord Jesus, I now understand I didn’t know my condition of death, of spiritual death. And I believe you when you say that I was born dead. And if I’m dead, and you came to give me life, then I’m asking you to come into my heart and to give me Life. I thank you that when I receive you into my heart, the forgiveness that was provided 2000 years ago at the cross for me and the whole world, I now have received, it’s now become a part of me in him, you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and I am now in you and that forgiveness has now applied to me. And you’re born again, new creature in Christ. Born Again, what do you say about it? You will never die. Does that mean physically? No, these bones are going to the ground. But you will never die spiritually. If you are alive today, sitting in this room alive spiritually, you will never die. That’s why he says go to sleep. When you and I die, this body dies, but the inside never dies. Do we understand that the only thing you see when you look at a corpse is the house has been destroyed. The house is dead.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
And I know Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And I’ve come to know the forgiveness that was in Christ Jesus for me, and I want you to know that I’ve forgiven you. And this guy says, I don’t know what the heck’s happening. If I didn’t say, heck, what do you see, I didn’t know what was happening. He said, I go to work. He was an auto mechanic, and I’m under a car and here’s some god babbling to be about Jesus, under the car with me. And he said, I go into inside to check out somebody, there’s somebody standing at the counter telling me about Jesus. And now, I haven’t talked to you in five years, and you’re telling me about Jesus. So I don’t know what’s going on. We were going to do another seminar the following week. I said, Why don’t you call him back and ask him to come to the seminar? She said, Okay, she called him a week later, the seminar showed up. Here he was. Little kids just so happy. You couldn’t believe how happy they were to see their daddy. He came to Jesus. About three weeks later, I’m married him. I got teenagers today. Back together, what happened? testimonies. Those guys under the cars were talking about Jesus. He didn’t come to Jesus, but some was registering. Person standing at the counter is talking about him didn’t come to Jesus was registering. But finally, somebody said something about Jesus. And it all started registering. That’s why your testimony is never without, never such a thing as a failing testimony. There’s never such thing as sharing Jesus with somebody and having a failure. That’s why results are never in our hands. Results are always in the hands of God. All he wants us to do is to be available to just to communicate truth to people. And those kinds of stories are multiplied all over the world, when people get available to Christ Jesus. So this testimony was vital. The testimony of John the Baptist was vital. And then when they finally heard Jesus, they put all of it together. So folks, don’t ever be afraid to respond to people. With a with the words of God. The words of God are powerful than a two edged sword, they divide his under soul from Spirit they penetrate. And you never know when they’re hitting home. But there’s no such thing as I said, as a failure in a witnessing opportunity.
Now Jesus is talking about miracles. He’s done a number of miracles up to now but it says now a man named Lazarus was sick. And he was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister, Martha. And this Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick was the same one who had poured perfume on the Lord and wiped His feet with her hair. A person who obviously had come to adore the Lord Jesus Christ. So Mary and Martha, sisters, they sent the word to Jesus saying, Lord, you’re the only the one whom you love is sick. Jesus and Lazarus were friends. So when he heard this, Jesus said, this sickness will not end in death. No, it’s for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it. There’s a reason for this sickness. Jesus loved Martha and her sister, and Lazarus. And yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was for two more days. And then he said to his disciples, let’s go back to Judea. But Rabbi, they said, A short while ago, the Judeans tried to stone you and yet you’re going back there. And Jesus said, Are there not 12 hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees or he sees by the world’s light. And it’s written that when he walks by night that he stumbles for he has no light. And after he had said this, he went on to tell them our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep. But I’m going there to wake him up. Now his disciples replied, Lord, if he sleeps, he’ll get better. It’s kind of like saying. Oh, that’s good lord. You know, when a man sleeps, he’s gonna get better. Always thinking on a physical level. And Jesus, however, said had been spared He couldn’t have his death. But his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.
In the Scripture, when you see a person has gone to sleep, we would whereas sometimes as dense as the disciples were, and we’re thinking that just talking about going to sleep waking up, no, when it talks about going to sleep, it’s talking about death. Jesus just defined that for us. It was talking about a person going to sleep, it means he’s died. They thought he went to sleep. So then he told them playing late Lazarus, Lazarus is dead. And for your sake, I’m glad that I was not there. So that you may believe, but let’s go to him. And then Thomas called Dinamas said to the rest of his disciples, let us also go that we may die with him. In other words, this guy’s gonna go in there and get crucified. So let’s just go with him. And we’ll all just go at the same time.
On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus, had already been in the tomb for four days, he had died was in the tomb wrapped up. And Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem. And many Judeans had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home. Lord, Martha said to Jesus, if you would have been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask. And Jesus said to her, Your brother will rise again. And Mary answered again, on a very she knew scripture, and she said, I know he’ll rise again in the resurrection. And at the last day, I know that. And she Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection. We’re not talking about a day in the future. I am not I will be or I was, but I am the resurrection and the life. And whosoever believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me, will never die. Do you believe this? My friends, the Lord Jesus Christ identified himself in the most descriptive way, humanly possible to us. I know there’s going to be a resurrection in the future. He said, No, no, no, you don’t understand. I am the resurrection. Where I am, resurrection will occur, not going to occur, it will occur. Where Jesus is, is resurrection. You don’t have to wait till Easter. He is the resurrection. I am the resurrection and the life and whosoever believes that me though he were dead spiritually, yet shall he lives spiritually. And whoever lives and believes in me will never die. What a promise. On the day that you were born again. Where was Jesus? He was there. Was he not? Could you have been born again, apart from Jesus being there? And he’s the resurrection. What happened when you were born again? You were raised from the dead. Were you not? Were all of you dead? Was I dead? Before I was alive? All of us were. Well, why am I alive today? Unless I experienced resurrection. And who raised me? Jesus. Why? He was there. He is the resurrection. That didn’t happen. It’s gonna happen. It’s something that did happen. The day you were born again. You were raised from the dead. Is that right or wrong guys? You were raised from your spiritual death, to spiritual life, by the one who came to give you life. And he is the resurrection. You don’t have to wait in a day down yonder. If you’re sitting in this room today, or within the sound of my voice, and you do not know the life of Christ Jesus, He is right in front of you, right now waiting for you to open the door. And to come in. He’s the resurrection. And he’s the source of resurrection. And he will raise any person on the face of this Earth man and woman boy and girl whose heart has been opened to say, Lord Jesus, I now understand I didn’t know my condition of death, of spiritual death. And I believe you when you say that I was born dead. And if I’m dead, and you came to give me life, then I’m asking you to come into my heart and to give me Life. I thank you that when I receive you into my heart, the forgiveness that was provided 2000 years ago at the cross for me and the whole world, I now have received, it’s now become a part of me in him, you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and I am now in you and that forgiveness has now applied to me. And you’re born again, new creature in Christ. Born Again, what do you say about it? You will never die. Does that mean physically? No, these bones are going to the ground. But you will never die spiritually. If you are alive today, sitting in this room alive spiritually, you will never die. That’s why he says go to sleep. When you and I die, this body dies, but the inside never dies. Do we understand that the only thing you see when you look at a corpse is the house has been destroyed. The house is dead.
But the real you go someplace. And the real you either goes into the presence of God because you want to go there. That’s where you wanted to go. And if you go to hell, it’s because that’s where you wanted to go. So you’d be with your friends. A person who denies hell denies heaven. That would be like denying light. If you’ve never been in darkness, how would you know? Or you’ve never seen light? How would you know what light was if you all you lived in was darkness? And so that’s our choice. It isn’t something of being narrow minded guys, as as we as Christians are claimed to be narrow minded, bigoted, judgmental people. That’s not the truth. You’re not judging anyone. You’re saying you got a choice, I had a choice. I could have chosen not to accept Jesus, I could have chosen to accept him thank God for His mercy that allowed me to say yes.
How many of you remember, the day you were born again? How many of you kind of had a struggle in that? I felt like that there was a devil on one side and an angel on the other was a battle going on a battle for my soul, and God won. And we have to understand the truth of that, folks, and we’re not talking out there on narrow minded religious stuff. We’re talking about a very, very practical issue. We’re not talking about an issue of religion, that all religions will get you to God, they’ll get you to God, maybe it does depend on whose god you’re talking about. But not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, not the God who came to this earth, the person of Jesus Christ and said, no one will come to the Father except through me. So you must have a different god that you’re going to go to. Because Mohammed cannot bring life to you. Buddha cannot bring life to you. The Baptist can’t bring life to you. The Catholics can bring life to you. People to People can’t bring life to you. There’s only one person that could give you life. And that’s the one who possesses life, and that’s Christ Jesus. We can be used as instruments. But we cannot give life. That’s a very practical issue, guys. If you want to remain dead, then keep believing garbage. But if you want to come alive, there’s only one way to do it. That’s through Christ Jesus our Lord. Not talking to somebody not asking anybody to join a church or join a religion. Not saying to somebody wants you to come and be with all with us. That’s not the issue. The issue is do you want to be with Jesus? I don’t care where you park your body on Sunday. Do you want to be with Jesus on Monday, and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and Saturday. We’re here in a fellowship of believers. We’re here because we want to be no one coerces you to be, no one forces you to be. And there’s a cowboy game on today. And I’m gonna make a promise to you right now that I will get you out in time for the second half. So you’re here because you want to fellowship with believers. You’re here because you want to hear the message of truth. So folks, Jesus is the only way to God and that’s what he’s trying to say to us. So he’s trying to say to the whole world why are we so rebellious? Maybe it’s because of what we see sometimes in Christianity. How many of you have ever felt like you know, I’m sometimes more comfortable around loss peoplethan i am around saved people? How many have ever felt that way I’ve got my hand up. I’ve got people that I know that are strong born again, believers, you would ever want to see it. They said I’d rather do business with a man except a believer. That sad, it should not be.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 15:49
We say why would you want to be around somebody? Well, because they judge you. I mean, if I came in if you came in and nice and said, Paul, I’ve been watching you this week. You You made some mistakes. I heard you cuss a couple times, I heard you be mean with somebody in there. I mean, you know, you’re really you know, you got a nice smile, but you’re really pretty much a slob as far as I’m concerned. But now y’all come back next Sunday. Come on back. So I gave you some more. Do we want to be around people like that or judge you? Do you know why people don’t like to be around Christians because they’re self righteous. When is the Christian world going to come to the point of realize you are and it could be nothing apart from Christ Jesus. We are depraved people, we come into this earth scarred. God only collects broken shells. He doesn’t collect perfect ones because there aren’t any. And we judge one another. Now, guys, let me tell you the difference. If you’re judging somebody’s motives, God says, Don’t do that. I am not judging your actions when you’re sitting there acting like a slob. I’m not judging those ballplayers in that game the other night. I’m just saying they had a behavior that is appalling. That’s not judging. That’s observing. Now, if I’m down there saying, Well, the reason they do that, because they’re uneducated, because it isn’t this this, then I’m judging. I’m just saying their actions are terrible. If you’re living in sin, I’m not judging you by telling you you’re living in sin. I’m not judging you by telling you that. I’m just observing that I’m saying I love you. And there’s a way out for you. Do you want to go God’s way? Or do you want to go man’s way? Do you want to lean on your own understanding? Or do you want to acknowledge Jesus and let him direct your paths? Because if you’re good enough to sleep with, you’re good enough to marry. Is that right or wrong guys? And we have people sitting around saying, there is no honor God says that is wrong. It’s not good for the woman. Don’t tell me a woman’s happy and live in relationship. A woman wants commitment. Am I right or wrong gals? You know, you don’t want to be sitting around or some slob who just wants to sleep with you. You want commitment? So it isn’t good for the man. It’s not good for the woman. Because a man feels guilty. Believe it or not. We feel guilty. Don’t tell me you don’t. So if you’re gonna live together, why not get married? Why not get married. And live the way God wants you to live. That’s why God said to do things. We got options. go my own way. Go God’s way. Which way we’re gonna go?
We have people talk about abortion. I’ve never had a girl that I talked to yet. And I don’t know of anyone our whole ministry that they’ve ever gone and gotten abortion. We’ve never told anyone not to. People say to me, are you pro life or pro choice? Both. As Dion said both. How can I not be pro choice when God gave me a choice? God gave me a will did he not? Well, then how can I be against God given me a will? But I’m also pro life. Which means that I’m going to try to convince somebody to make a choice to keep the baby and bring life into this world. Why? I don’t want to kill one. But I’ve never had a woman yet that went and had an abortion, who counseled with our ministry, I don’t know of one yet. And we’ve never told a woman not to do it. We’ve just told her the repercussions because there’s repercussions to those things. And you minister to them out of God’s word, and with God’s love, not judging them. But with God’s love. And, folks, as long as we as Christians are standing with our self righteous attitudes, and judging people, as I said, a couple of weeks ago, there’s two attitudes that are going to show you precisely where you are. One attitude when you see someone sinning is thank God, I’m not a sinner like you are. And the other is there for the grace of God go I. Whichever attitude you have determines whether you’re self righteous, or whether you’ve come to understand that in and of us, we don’t have an ounce of righteousness of our own. And that any righteousness that I possess came from Jesus. And I am glad that when I go before Jesus, then I’m going to be closed in his righteousness in the end and he isn’t going to ask me to take my clothes off. Because if I did, I wouldn’t be there. Not in mine.
So that’s precisely why he says to us, this is the instruction of God Himself. If you see a man sin, you who are spiritual, go to don’t go to him saying, I can never do this, because he may show you you can. Like go to them with a spirit of restoration, never condemnation. Go to them with the purpose of how can I help restore this brothers sister? How can I bring them back? How can I bring them back to the heart of God? Never judging them. It’s not my job to judge, my job is how can I get that person to help to get that person back to God? Sometimes God says you can’t, I got to do that. Say, Well, okay, if you must. We do want to help God a lot, you know. But the issue is, God may use you. But what I’m saying is don’t ever go with a spirit or an attitude of condemnation. Only restoration.
Well, they hurt my feelings. Big deal. Get over it. Well, my parents didn’t big deal, get over it. Grow up. And get over it. And put those things behind you. And press on to the high calling of Christ Jesus. Nothing has ever happened to you is going to affect you adversely, unless you persist on remembering it. And as long as you persist on remembering all the bad things that’s happened to you, you’re never going to experience joy today. It’s only when you’re able to put them behind you. And say, Lord, Jesus, whatever happened to me is over. And I learned from it. Said a guy the other day, was talking about having a number of jobs and that he didn’t think he was successful in. And it came to me, do you know why you weren’t successful in those jobs that you were trying to get in? No, because he wants you to be successful in the one you’re in. And you can’t be successful in the one you’re in. When you’re still in the one you can’t be successful. So look at those things as experience, those are all experienced builders. But I’m directing it, I’m leading you, I’m guiding you to where I want you to be. So praise God, for all those experience. I learned something in it. And praise God for where he’s going to take you. So guys, when Jesus says, I’m the resurrection, it’s the most powerful thing that he’ll ever say to you and me, I raised you from the dead. I have given you life. I have given you a promise of eternity. I prepared a place for you to go when you die. I’ve done everything for you. Now, will you accept me? And that’s exactly the question that he has. Do you believe this? Because if you do believe it. Then add faith to what you say you believe. And invite the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and to be your Lord, and your Savior and your best friend to guide you every step of the way in your life. Leaning not on your own understanding, but in all things, acknowledging him and allowing him to direct your path.
Let’s pray together. Father, we thank You for Your provision to us, your love for us. Thank you that in watching you as a demonstration, that we can see the attitude of your heart. And that we can adapt that attitude. An attitude of love, an attitude of acceptance, an attitude of being accepting and encouraging to people instead of critical. Those are all attitudes that’s available to us. It’s called the fruit of the Spirit. To love people, to have joy in your heart to have peace in your heart, patience, kindness, goodness, not keeping records of people’s wrongs. And then all things acknowledging you and allowing you to direct your paths. So Father, as we meet this Thursday for Thanksgiving, let us be thankful for what we have. None of us had perfect parents, and the parents didn’t have any perfect kids, or grandparents or grandchildren. We’re all scarred by sin. But in the midst of those scars, we have the ability to walk in a newness of life that has been given to us in Christ Jesus, our Lord. And we praise you for that. And thank you, Father, for sending your Son to this earth, to provide for us what we could never have provided for ourselves. So what a Thanksgiving we can have thanking you for the life that you’ve given us in Christ Jesus. And it’s in His wonderful name and for his sake that we pray. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
