Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P28 (10-31-23)
Jesus Did NOT Atone For Sins, He Took Sins Away
~ Jesus did not cover sin. Jesus did not atone for sin. Jesus took away the sins of the whole world. These are key points to understand today. Yet most people gloss over them. They constantly use the wrong words and the meanings of these words to describe what Jesus did on the cross. The blood of bulls and goats covered sins (old covenant atonement). Jesus took them away. This is completely different and should not be dismissed. If you are listening to pastors and teachers talk about the “atoning sacrifice of Jesus,” you are listening to a person who either does not understand, or worse yet, is purposely meant to deceive you into thinking Jesus covered sin. That is a lie. For today we are told to declare Jesus is the Lamb of God who took away (past tense) the sins of the whole world. This is why Jesus sat down, because His job was finished at the cross. He completed the work, that could never be completed by the blood of bulls and goats. No other priest was allowed to sit down in the temple of God, for the priests had to do atonement repeatedly year after year. They had to cover more and more sins.
Stop using the word atonement for what Jesus did at the cross. It is not the correct word to be used. The modern translations of the bible simply plug in the word atonement to spread the lie of ongoing forgiveness and to muddy the waters between the old covenant atonement and what Jesus did on the cross (the propitiation for the sins of the whole world).
Now, anyone in Christ Jesus is called a son of God, for the Holy Spirit lives in the believer forever. Nothing can cause the Holy Spirit to be removed out of the true child of God. NOTHING.
~ And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2
~ In bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through what he suffered. Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters. He says, “I will declare your name to my brothers and sisters; in the assembly I will sing your praises.” And again, “I will put my trust in him.” And again he says, “Here am I, and the children God has given me.” Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. Hebrews 2:10-15
~ “And what we have done is tried to bring atonement over into the New Testament and atonement is not a New Testament word. Atonement was what the Israelites did with the blood of bulls and goats, in order to cover your sin. The very type of thing that we’ll talk about later on in Hebrews that is totally incomplete. And what makes it incomplete is you had to keep doing it over and over, and over and over and over again. And so although there was a release of your conscience to go to the Day of Atonement, get all of your sins forgiven and go, boy, that’s off the back. The problem is, as you were walking away from the altar, there was some good luck and Israelite girl girl can do the altar and you lost it, and I had to wait next year to get them forgiven again. And so you, so as it never ended, and there is no sacrifice, and no way as it says that you will ever be able to draw nearer in perfect worship to God when there you got when your sin issue is still active, over and over and over again, you can’t do it, you cannot draw nearer to God in perfect worship, when you’re still worried about your sins, period, there is no way to do that. In fact, it’ll cause you to run away from God not to draw near to him. It’s only when you understand that God came to do something brand new, something nothing had no one had ever done before, no one of could have done it before. There was only one person who could have ever laid down his life for you. And that’s a person who had a life to lay down for you. And the only person ever born alive spiritually we on the face of this earth was Jesus Christ, and therefore the only one who had a life to lay down for you. So the only person that could ever go to the cross, having fulfilled the law, by His perfect life, go to a cross take upon himself the sins of the world, not to cover them as Old Testament atonement, but to take them away. New Testament justification was the Lord Jesus Christ period. And that’s why he is the beginning, the end, the alpha, the omega, he is the totality of the object of the faith of us here on this earth today. He did it all.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Adam was created in the image of God. But in the fifth chapter of Genesis it says when Adam and Eve had Seth, Seth was born in the image of Adam. So God created Adam in the image of God. But we were born in the image of Adam in his fallen state. So all men are born into this world that spiritually, the only man who was ever born alive spiritually is called the last Adam, Jesus Christ. And that’s why the virgin birth was not up for grabs. Had Christ not been born of a virgin, he would have been born out of the loins of Adam, just like you and me. And he would have been dead spiritually, just like you and me. And so God looking at man from that day forth, saw a man in a fallen condition. And in that fallen condition, it was the plan of God from that day forth to provide a way whereby he could restore in us what we had lost in Adam, that being the Spirit of God living in us, in other words, to restore spiritual life to a man. And when you and I are born again, we are now born again in the image of God, God is Spirit, and you must worship him how? In spirit and in truth. So when you are born in the image of God, you are born again, spiritually. And that is how God intended man to be born or to for true man to be alive spiritually, soullessly and bodily. So the cross was what enabled at before the cross Christ life is what qualified him for the death that he died. In other words, he lived a perfect life, thus fulfilling the law. And remember, again, and many people misinterpret this type of thing, when he talks about that I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it, and so everybody says, see you’re still are the law. No, he didn’t come to abolish it, he came to fulfill it. And he did. And he fulfilled the law, by his life, incidentally, did not fulfill the law because he did not commit adultery and did not steal and did not did not, although he did not do any of those things, he fulfilled the law because he walked in perfect love, and love is the fulfillment of the law. So Christ walked on the face of this earth in perfect love, thus fulfilling the law, thus fulfilling the Old Covenant, the old agreement, therefore qualifying him, having fulfilled the old agreement, to usher in a New Covenant, a new agreement between God and man called the New Covenant in which we stand today. And that is a New Covenant where he says, their sins and their lawless acts, I will remember, no more, no more. And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins, it’s over, it’s finished. Sin has been dealt with by God once and for all period. And without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. So if there was any further forgiveness to be executed by God, on behalf of you and me, what would he have to do? Well he’d have to come and die again. Is he going to do that? No, he is not. What’s the only thing you can conclude about what he did then at the cross? What he said from the cross, It is finished, he dealt with sin once and for all, for all people, all men sins were reconciled to God at the cross, all people, while we were yet enemies that’s lost, we were reconciled. Reconciliation is the balancing of the books. Any of you who are in accounting will know that’s what you do. When you reconcile your books, you balance them. If a person owes you a debt, and they cannot pay it, you write them off your books, that’s balancing reconciling your books. Well, when you do that, in essence, what you have done is you paid a debt that you didn’t owe for someone who owed a debt that they could not pay. And so in essence, at the cross was where God paid a debt he did not owe for you and me owed a debt that we could not pay, the books were balanced, and that was for all men, all of you. While we were yet enemies that’s lost, we were past tense, reconciled to God through the death of his Son. That’s the sin issue. How much more having been reconciled? In other words, how much more now that that deal has been done once and for all, shall we be saved by his what? His life. So we’re not saved by the death of Christ, we’re saved by the life of Christ, we could not have been saved into eternal life without the cross. We would have just gotten temporal life had he chosen to do that. And God could have chosen to have given us any kind of life that he wanted to. It’s all his doing, not ours. Salvation is like creation, He did not consult us, would it be okay if it made the grass green? Or would you like it blue, he did not consult us on any of those things he created, He is the initiator of his own activity, the dynamic of his own activity, the cause of his own effect. That’s what God is. So it didn’t consult us in it. And he could have given us any kind of life he wanted. But he chose to give us eternal life, and in order to give a man eternal life, and that’s kind of long lasting if he chose to do so he had to take care of what killed man to begin with sin. And he had to do more than what the Old Covenant did. The Old Covenant merely covered sin that’s called atonement. Christ came to take away sin, that’s called justification.
And what we have done is tried to bring atonement over into the New Testament and atonement is not a New Testament word. Atonement was what the Israelites did with a blood of bulls and goats, in order to cover your sin. The very type of thing that we’ll talk about later on in Hebrews that is totally incomplete. And what makes it incomplete is you had to keep doing it over and over, and over and over and over again. And so although there was a release of your conscience to go to the Day of Atonement, get all of your sins forgiven and go, boy, that’s off the back. The problem is, as you were walking away from the altar, there was some good luck and Israelite girl girl can do the altar and you lost it, and I had to wait next year to get them forgiven again. And so you, so as it never ended, and there is no sacrifice, and no way as it says that you will ever be able to draw nearer in perfect worship to God when there you got when your sin issue is still active, over and over and over again, you can’t do it, you cannot draw nearer to God in perfect worship, when you’re still worried about your sins, period, there is no way to do that. In fact, it’ll cause you to run away from God not to draw near to him. It’s only when you understand that God came to do something brand new, something nothing had no one had ever done before, no one of could have done it before. There was only one person who could have ever laid down his life for you. And that’s a person who had a life to lay down for you. And the only person ever born alive spiritually we on the face of this earth was Jesus Christ, and therefore the only one who had a life to lay down for you. So the only person that could ever go to the cross, having fulfilled the law, by His perfect life, go to a cross take upon himself the sins of the world, not to cover them as Old Testament atonement, but to take them away. New Testament justification was the Lord Jesus Christ period. And that’s why he is the beginning, the end, the alpha, the omega, he is the totality of the object of the faith of us here on this earth today. He did it all.
Now after he provided then this purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the majesty and heaven. Now why did he sit down? Well, because his work was over. In the temple, there were the chairs were a prohibited piece of furniture. And the reason they were prohibited was because the the work of the priest was never done. And it says day after day, every priest stands and performs his religious duties over and over, over and over again, which can never what? Take away sin. But when this priests for all time, provided purification for sins once and for all, he sat down at the right hand of God and said their sins and all his deeds, I will remember no more. That’s good news isn’t it, and that’s why they call it good news, the gospel good news. And he sat down after he provided this purification for sins, He sat down because the work was over. And when he sat down because I can now rest in regard to the dealing with this issue. Now what is the wages of sin? Well death. now that has to be correcte. You see, folks, no one will ever go to hell because of his sins. Contrary to what has so many times been taught that God’s going to get you if you don’t shape those sins up God’s gonna absolutely zap you. Have you ever heard that? Gonna go right to hail. What we say here hail. And well, no, you’re not gonna go to hail because of your sins. Christ forgave all men since at the cross, all of them and took them all away at the cross. I took the Cross did But the wages of sin is what? Death. Death doesn’t need forgiven, Death needs corrected. You go down and forgive a corpse, what do you got? Well, you got to forgive and corpse on your hands, I guess that’s better that being an unforgiving corpse, but you’re still a corpse. And so he forgave the sins of the entire world. So that having provided that purification for sins, he could be raised from the dead, so that that life that raised Him from the dead, could be offered to those of us who are dead. And from that point on from his resurrection, which Paul said, If Christ not be raised from the dead, our faith is futile. And we are to be pitied of all people. Because, you see, why didn’t he say without the cross? Because you see, without the resurrection, all we are is forgiven corpses. But the resurrection is what provides forgiven saints, life to people who are dead. And so the cross was provided so that there’s not one person on the face of this earth. You see, the law condemned the best of men. Nobody can live under it. Grace saves the worst of men. And so at the cross, all men’s sins were taken away so that there is nothing left for any person on the face of this earth, Hebrew, Gentile, slave free. Nationality doesn’t make an ounce of difference, to realize his condition dead and to receive God’s provision, life.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:10
That’s why man walks around empty inside. That’s why you cannot be satisfied. That’s why as Pascal said, there is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man that can only be filled by God through his Son, Jesus Christ. That’s why St. Augustine said thou has made us for thyself, oh God, and our hearts are restless, until they find the rest in thee. It is a spiritual vacuum that is created inside of man that says I feel empty. And the reason you feel empty is because you are empty and what you’re empty of is the life of God living in you, which is your only hope of glory. And until a man comes to the point of recognizing his condition, dead, empty and receiving God’s provision of life, we walk around two thirds whole and wonder what’s wrong with us. There’s always something missing. Every notice, remember that, always something missing. You could get all the money that you had Donald Trump had that still empty still looking for something. You can get all the sex you want and still missing. So all you have to do is read Solomon’s life. He had all that had it all. I mean, you couldn’t have gotten a more than he did. I don’t know how I lived. And and so if you were talking about abundance, brother, he had abundance. And he said it’s all vanity doesn’t mean anything. Doesn’t mean anything. You can get all the prestige in the world doesn’t mean anything. Because there’s still something stirring inside of this human heart of us that says something’s missing. Something’s missing. Something’s missing. And God has said, Yeah, it’s me living in you When I created man, I created man in such a way that he would never be complete without God living in him. In other words, God, the Creator, in his creation indispensable to man’s humanity. Man is not a human being without God living in him, a true human being that is, from God’s vantage point, he’s two thirds there. And so God says, what I want to do is to restore you to normality, to be a normal human being. Normal that is from God’s vantage point, not normal from ours, but from his. And the way that he restored us to normality is through providing the only thing that we did not have and that’s life.
So in order to give you and me life called eternal life, he had to deal with what killed man to begin with, sin, once and for all. That’s what the Cross did. And it was at the cross by taking away sin that he can offer you and me a life that can never be lost. The only thing that caused the Spirit of God to depart from Adam was what? Sin. The only thing that caused the Spirit of God to depart from Jesus was what? Sin. Who’s sin? Ours. Why our what would be the only thing that could cause the Spirit of God once you’re born again of the Spirit to depart from you? Sin. Why can’t it? Because of the cross. The cross is what prohibited life to ever depart from you and me again, once we have received the life of Christ, it is the total saving life of Christ. See that you understand that? And so to man, God is talking to man about the fact that I have provided this purification for sin, I have set down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. And now I am prepared to make you what I created you to be. And that is man in its totality.
Now to pick up in chapter two, verse five, we’re going to see something here in this Master Plan of God. With God created, Adam, he did not create Adam to fall, He created him to live forever. But that did not occur. There was an intervention that took place in God’s plan. God’s plan for when He created man was to have man in a position someday in the ruling, and in the order of the universe, to be higher than that of the angels. In other words, he created angelic beings. And then He created man and said, I’m going to make man the ruler. And that hacked one of the angels called Lucifer. And Lucifer as an angelic being, started a rebellion in heaven. And decided, that I want to be like God. And he was cast out of heaven, with a determination to destroy God’s creation, who God said, was made in my image, and is going to rule the universe. And the war started. And he convinced Adam, that he could be God without God and Adam fell, he thought, I got him, I got him. Because from now on, every man born is going to be born in Adam no longer in God no longer in the image of God and we will be rulers.
Now look at verse five, is not to angels, that he has subjected the world to come about which it’s not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, in other words put subject to that which we’re speaking. But there’s a place where someone has testified what is man that you’re mindful of him? And the Son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet. In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Yet at present, we do not see everything subject to him. He made man that everything would be subject to it. And yet at present, we don’t see everything subject to it. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death. So that by the grace of God, he might taste death for everyone.
You see, Satan was convinced that once death entered in the world, that was it, man was doomed for life. That was it. And so God took upon himself our own flesh and blood came to this earth walked on this earth fulfilled the law through his life went to a cross, suffered death, which is the wages of sin for all men. For all men, raised from the dead, so that he could offer life once again to all men, that was eternal, that Satan could never destroy again. He blew his plan. But the warfare folks that we are in is a warfare between the riff between the angelic beings that fell under Satan’s leadership, with one purpose only, and that is to mess up and destroy God’s creation of mankind, of mankind. Because there’s some day with Christ’s going to rule, the entirety of the Earth and the universe. It’s like a jealous brother who doesn’t like it, that maybe the brother is going to take over the business. So it’s like an older brother there who says, I’m the rightful I’m the rightful heir of this deal. But his younger brother there is 10 times as sharp. And the father says, no he’s going to run a business. And the older brother, say, that really makes me mad. And I’m gonna disown the family, and I’m gonna spend the rest of my life making life miserable for that young, stupid brother of mine. And that’s a picture of what’s going on in the universe today. Now, it says in bringing many sons to glory, in other words, God had a provision for that fallen man, and that was to create sons of God, which is what you are, when you’re in Christ, you’re in Christ, now called a son of a living God, a new creation. And what made us so new is the fact that the life that was imparted to you and me can never be destroyed by sin again, only because of what? The cross.
So making the sons of glory, this brand new creation, If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, you’re not just a new creation, because of what’s happened to you. You’re a new creation over anything that’s ever been created before. God never created anyone like us since the day of Pentecost. No man has ever been created. No, Moses was created like this. No, Abraham was created like this. There was no one prior to the day of Pentecost that was born again of the Spirit that could never leave you. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came upon people for spatialized duty and then left. In are case, when the cross has been finalized. He comes to live in us forever, never ever to leave us nor forsake us. No people have ever been created like that, folks. Isn’t it amazing when you look at your own life, to say you could have been born, you could have been born on either side of this cross, you could have been born any of this thing. You could have been born in a country where you weren’t free to sit like we’re doing today and study the Word of God. And you say, Why? Why me, Lord? And then you say, well, whatever the reason, thank you. But I am unbelievably grateful that I was privileged to have been born again, under the New Covenant whereby sin would never cause the Spirit of God to depart from me again. I’m thankful to God that I would never have to pray that prayer of David’s Lord, please don’t withdraw your Holy Spirit from me. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to pray that one? He did, because the Holy Spirit came upon him, but not in him. Today, we are indwelt by the living Christ. Unbelievable beings. You see, you’re going to spend eternity one of these days, just see like he said, you don’t see that yet. At present, we don’t see everything subject to mankind, our humanity. But one of these days when Christ comes to reign, we will come to reign with Him and reign over the entire universe. That’s hard to imagine. But that’s what our destiny is as children of God.
In bringing many sons to this glory, in other words, bringing some of the glory is making known what God has done. It was fitting for God for for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. So it was through Christ’s suffering that he was made perfect from our standpoint, in other words to made complete, and he was made complete by His death and His burial and His resurrection. And he made your salvation complete. Both the one who makes men holy, and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. He says, I will declare your name to my brothers, in the presence of the congregation, I will sing your praises to who? My brothers. And again, he says, I will put my trust in Him. And again, he says, Here I am, and the children God has given me. Since children have flesh and blood, he to shared in their humanity so that by his death, he might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is the devil and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. And so Christ freed us from the fear of death, also freed us from the capability of spiritual death. And that’s why we are a new creation. That’s why we are made higher literally, elevated now to a position that is higher than all other creation in the universe. And will some day as I said, reign with Him. For surely it is not the angels he helps but Abraham’s descendants. For this reason, he had to be made like his brothers in every way in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make the NIV makes a terrible translation here, atonement, looked down the footnote, and that he might turn aside God’s wrath taking away the sins of the people.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”